2006-08-01 Florian Pose Fixed bug with bit-sized PDOs leading to wrong Sync-Manager sizes.
2006-07-25 Florian Pose Renamed Sysfs attributes.
2006-07-19 Florian Pose Renamed FREERUN mode to IDLE mode.
2006-07-18 Florian Pose Ack timeout 100ns in simple IO.
2006-07-17 Florian Pose Prefer EEPROM sync manager information for config.
2006-07-06 Florian Pose Avoided crashes on kernel 2.4 acc. to patch by M. Schwerin.
2006-07-06 Florian Pose Renamed command structure to datagram.
2006-06-27 Florian Pose Minor changes in fsm.c and slave.c
2006-06-27 Florian Pose Slave: state_error -> error_flag, error_flag only in slave state machine.
2006-06-27 Florian Pose Introducing infrastructural slaves that do not contain process data.
2006-06-21 Florian Pose Removed mbox_command out of slave.
2006-06-20 Florian Pose Variable-sized data fields, BK1120.
2006-06-02 Florian Pose EEPROM writing via SysFS.
2006-06-02 Florian Pose Read complete eeprom data from slave and map it into SysFS.
2006-05-29 Florian Pose Changed EEPROM string/property names and changed sii_desc property to sii_name.
2006-05-26 Florian Pose Correct behaviour of master state machine in RT mode.
2006-05-22 Florian Pose SysFS write access for slave state.
2006-05-19 Florian Pose EoE in Free-Run mode; Finished slave configuration state machine.
2006-05-18 Florian Pose Changed license headers and added EtherCAT license notice.
2006-05-16 Florian Pose Added finite state machine (FSM) processing.
2006-04-24 Florian Pose Doxygen added interface modules and file documentation.
2006-04-21 Florian Pose GPLv2 License and enhanced Doxygen output.
2006-04-20 Florian Pose Translated all comments and documentation to english language.
2006-04-11 Florian Pose Now fetching port physical layer from EEPROM
2006-04-11 Florian Pose Better calc. of coupler address; coupler address in SysFS; better output of ec_list
2006-04-11 Florian Pose Slave (special) type in SysFS
2006-04-11 Florian Pose Macro for SysFS attribute definition
2006-04-11 Florian Pose More slave fields in SysFS; DL link status for 4 ports
2006-04-11 Florian Pose Slaves stored in list, slaves in SysFS
2006-04-10 Florian Pose Altered CoE "Get object description response" fields
2006-04-05 Florian Pose AL status code reading after failed state transition.
2006-04-05 Florian Pose Fixed state acknowledgement.
2006-04-05 Florian Pose Bugfix: Discovered memory leak.
2006-04-05 Florian Pose Renamed slave_set_fmmu() to slave_prepare_fmmu().
2006-04-05 Florian Pose Bugfix: Crash after failing to fetch SDO dictionary.
2006-04-05 Florian Pose Plugfest: Configure mailbox for unknown slaves.
2006-04-03 Florian Pose Ausgaben verbessert, Mini-Modul angepasst.
2006-04-03 Florian Pose Mailbox-Interface ausgelagert, erster EOE-Ansatz.
2006-04-03 Florian Pose Dynamischer Kommandospeicher, Domain-Kommandos als Liste.
2006-03-31 Florian Pose Link Status ausgelesen.
2006-03-29 Florian Pose Verbosity level in ecrt_master_print().
2006-03-29 Florian Pose Laden der SDO-Subindizes.
2006-03-29 Florian Pose SDO-Schnittstelle verbessert.
2006-03-28 Florian Pose Dynamische Mailbox-Kommunikation, auch mit unbekannten Slaves.
2006-03-28 Florian Pose Laden der SDO Dictionaries funktioniert.
2006-03-27 Florian Pose Unterst?tzte Prot. auslesen, Mailbox in Slave ausgelagert, Bugfix in Anzeige des Watch-Frames und erste SDO-List-Abfrage.
2006-03-27 Florian Pose CRC-Counter nach ESC-Datasheet implementiert.
2006-03-24 Florian Pose Code aufger?umt und kleines Speicherleck entdeckt.
2006-03-22 Florian Pose Restliche EEPROM-Daten ausgelesen.
2006-03-21 Florian Pose Nachmals verf?lschte Umlaute korrigiert.
2006-03-21 Florian Pose Weitere EEPROM-Daten.
2006-03-21 Florian Pose "kaputte" Umlaute korrigiert.
2006-03-21 Florian Pose Bugfix: Absturz behoben, EEPROM-Infos.
2006-03-21 Florian Pose Verschiedene Timeouts verl?ngert.
2006-03-21 Florian Pose Kategorie-Daten aus EEPROM lesen.
2006-03-20 Florian Pose Slave alias implementiert.
2006-03-20 Florian Pose Do-Schleifen ersetzt.
2006-03-17 Florian Pose MERGE branches/async -> trunk (alle Unterschiede ?bernommen)
2006-03-08 Florian Pose MERGE branches/async -r243:244 -> trunk (intypes).
2006-03-06 Florian Pose MERGE branches/async 222:233 -> trunk (Kommando-Warteschlangen).