Unterst?tzte Prot. auslesen, Mailbox in Slave ausgelagert, Bugfix in Anzeige des Watch-Frames und erste SDO-List-Abfrage.
authorFlorian Pose <fp@igh-essen.com>
Mon, 27 Mar 2006 15:52:08 +0000 (2006-03-27)
changeset 133 b36d187ecc0b
parent 132 63a5b40eb7da
child 134 aecc8cb72097
Unterst?tzte Prot. auslesen, Mailbox in Slave ausgelagert, Bugfix in Anzeige des Watch-Frames und erste SDO-List-Abfrage.
--- a/master/canopen.c	Mon Mar 27 12:04:55 2006 +0000
+++ b/master/canopen.c	Mon Mar 27 15:52:08 2006 +0000
@@ -29,6 +29,8 @@
 const ec_sdo_abort_message_t sdo_abort_messages[];
+void ec_canopen_abort_msg(uint32_t);
@@ -42,107 +44,44 @@
                          size_t size /**< Größe des Datenfeldes */
-    uint8_t data[0xF6];
-    ec_command_t command;
+    uint8_t data[0x0A];
     unsigned int i;
-    ec_master_t *master;
-    cycles_t start, end, timeout;
-    uint32_t abort_code;
-    const ec_sdo_abort_message_t *abort_msg;
-    memset(data, 0x00, 0xF6);
-    master = slave->master;
+    size_t rec_size;
     if (size == 0 || size > 4) {
         EC_ERR("Invalid SDO data size: %i!\n", size);
         return -1;
-    EC_WRITE_U16(data,      0x000A); // Length of the Mailbox service data
-    EC_WRITE_U16(data + 2,  slave->station_address); // Station address
-    EC_WRITE_U8 (data + 4,  0x00); // Channel & priority
-    EC_WRITE_U8 (data + 5,  0x03); // CANopen over EtherCAT
-    EC_WRITE_U16(data + 6,  0x02 << 12); // Number (0), Service (SDO request)
-    EC_WRITE_U8 (data + 8,  0x23 | ((4 - size) << 2)); // Spec., exp., init.
-    EC_WRITE_U16(data + 9,  sdo_index);
-    EC_WRITE_U8 (data + 11, sdo_subindex);
+    EC_WRITE_U16(data,     0x02 << 12); // Number (0), Service (SDO request)
+    EC_WRITE_U8 (data + 2, 0x23 | ((4 - size) << 2)); // Spec., exp., init.
+    EC_WRITE_U16(data + 3, sdo_index);
+    EC_WRITE_U8 (data + 5, sdo_subindex);
     for (i = 0; i < size; i++) {
-        EC_WRITE_U8(data + 12 + i, value & 0xFF);
+        EC_WRITE_U8(data + 6 + i, value & 0xFF);
         value >>= 8;
-    ec_command_init_npwr(&command, slave->station_address, 0x1800, 0xF6, data);
-    if (unlikely(ec_master_simple_io(master, &command))) {
-        EC_ERR("Mailbox sending failed on slave %i!\n", slave->ring_position);
-        return -1;
-    }
-    // Read "written bit" of Sync-Manager
-    start = get_cycles();
-    timeout = (cycles_t) 10 * cpu_khz; // 10ms
-    while (1)
-    {
-        udelay(100);
-        ec_command_init_nprd(&command, slave->station_address, 0x808, 8);
-        if (unlikely(ec_master_simple_io(master, &command))) {
-            EC_ERR("Mailbox checking failed on slave %i!\n",
-                   slave->ring_position);
-            return -1;
-        }
-        end = get_cycles();
-        if (EC_READ_U8(command.data + 5) & 8) break; // Written bit is high
-        if ((end - start) >= timeout) {
-            EC_ERR("Mailbox check - Slave %i timed out.\n",
-                   slave->ring_position);
-            return -1;
-        }
-    }
-    if (unlikely(slave->master->debug_level) > 1)
-        EC_DBG("SDO download took %ius.\n", ((u32) (end - start) * 1000
-                                             / cpu_khz));
-    ec_command_init_nprd(&command, slave->station_address, 0x18F6, 0xF6);
-    if (unlikely(ec_master_simple_io(master, &command))) {
-        EC_ERR("Mailbox receiving failed on slave %i!\n",
-               slave->ring_position);
-        return -1;
-    }
-    if (EC_READ_U8 (command.data + 5) != 0x03) { // nicht CoE
-        EC_ERR("Invalid mailbox response (non-CoE) at slave %i!\n",
-               slave->ring_position);
-        return -1;
-    }
-    if (EC_READ_U16(command.data + 6) >> 12 == 0x02 && // SDO request
-        EC_READ_U8 (command.data + 8) >> 5 == 0x04) { // Abort SDO transf. req.
+    // Mailox senden und empfangen
+    if (ec_slave_mailbox_send(slave, 0x03, data, 0x0A)) return -1;
+    rec_size = 0x0A;
+    if (ec_slave_mailbox_receive(slave, 0x03, data, &rec_size)) return -1;
+    if (EC_READ_U16(data) >> 12 == 0x02 && // SDO request
+        EC_READ_U8 (data + 2) >> 5 == 0x04) { // Abort SDO transf. req.
         EC_ERR("SDO download of 0x%04X:%X (value %X, size %X) aborted on slave"
                " %i.\n", sdo_index, sdo_subindex, value, size,
-        abort_code = EC_READ_U32(command.data + 12);
-        for (abort_msg = sdo_abort_messages; abort_msg->code; abort_msg++) {
-            if (abort_msg->code == abort_code) {
-                EC_ERR("SDO abort message 0x%08X: \"%s\".\n",
-                       abort_msg->code, abort_msg->message);
-                return -1;
-            }
-        }
-        EC_ERR("Unknown SDO abort code 0x%08X.\n", abort_code);
-        return -1;
-    }
-    if (EC_READ_U16(command.data + 6) >> 12 != 0x03 || // SDO response
-        EC_READ_U8 (command.data + 8) >> 5 != 0x03 || // Download response
-        EC_READ_U16(command.data + 9) != sdo_index || // Index
-        EC_READ_U8 (command.data + 11) != sdo_subindex) // Subindex
+        ec_canopen_abort_msg(EC_READ_U32(data + 6));
+        return -1;
+    }
+    if (EC_READ_U16(data) >> 12 != 0x03 || // SDO response
+        EC_READ_U8 (data + 2) >> 5 != 0x03 || // Download response
+        EC_READ_U16(data + 3) != sdo_index || // Index
+        EC_READ_U8 (data + 5) != sdo_subindex) // Subindex
         EC_ERR("Invalid SDO download response at slave %i!\n",
@@ -164,101 +103,37 @@
                         uint32_t *value /**< Speicher für gel. Wert */
-    uint8_t data[0xF6];
-    ec_command_t command;
-    ec_master_t *master;
-    cycles_t start, end, timeout;
-    uint32_t abort_code;
-    const ec_sdo_abort_message_t *abort_msg;
-    memset(data, 0x00, 0xF6);
-    master = slave->master;
-    EC_WRITE_U16(data,      0x0006); // Length of the Mailbox service data
-    EC_WRITE_U16(data + 2,  slave->station_address); // Station address
-    EC_WRITE_U8 (data + 4,  0x00); // Channel & priority
-    EC_WRITE_U8 (data + 5,  0x03); // CANopen over EtherCAT
-    EC_WRITE_U16(data + 6,  0x2000); // Number (0), Service (SDO request)
-    EC_WRITE_U8 (data + 8,  0x1 << 1 | 0x2 << 5); // Exp., Upload request
-    EC_WRITE_U16(data + 9,  sdo_index);
-    EC_WRITE_U8 (data + 11, sdo_subindex);
-    ec_command_init_npwr(&command, slave->station_address, 0x1800, 0xF6, data);
-    if (unlikely(ec_master_simple_io(master, &command))) {
-        EC_ERR("Mailbox sending failed on slave %i!\n", slave->ring_position);
-        return -1;
-    }
-    // Read "written bit" of Sync-Manager
-    start = get_cycles();
-    timeout = cpu_khz; // 1ms
-    while (1)
-    {
-        udelay(10);
-        ec_command_init_nprd(&command, slave->station_address, 0x808, 8);
-        if (unlikely(ec_master_simple_io(master, &command))) {
-            EC_ERR("Mailbox checking failed on slave %i!\n",
-                   slave->ring_position);
-            return -1;
-        }
-        end = get_cycles();
-        if (EC_READ_U8(command.data + 5) & 8) { // Written bit is high
-            break;
-        }
-        if (unlikely((end - start) >= timeout)) {
-            EC_ERR("Mailbox check on slave %i timed out.\n",
-                   slave->ring_position);
-            return -1;
-        }
-    }
-    ec_command_init_nprd(&command, slave->station_address, 0x18F6, 0xF6);
-    if (unlikely(ec_master_simple_io(master, &command))) {
-        EC_ERR("Mailbox receiving failed on slave %i!\n",
-               slave->ring_position);
-        return -1;
-    }
-    if (EC_READ_U8 (command.data + 5) != 0x03) { // nicht CoE
-        EC_ERR("Invalid mailbox response (non-CoE) at slave %i!\n",
-               slave->ring_position);
-        return -1;
-    }
-    if (EC_READ_U16(command.data + 6) >> 12 == 0x02 && // SDO request
-        EC_READ_U8 (command.data + 8) >> 5 == 0x04) { // Abort SDO transf. req.
+    uint8_t data[0x0A];
+    size_t rec_size;
+    EC_WRITE_U16(data,     0x2000); // Number (0), Service (SDO request)
+    EC_WRITE_U8 (data + 2, 0x1 << 1 | 0x2 << 5); // Exp., Upload request
+    EC_WRITE_U16(data + 3, sdo_index);
+    EC_WRITE_U8 (data + 5, sdo_subindex);
+    if (ec_slave_mailbox_send(slave, 0x03, data, 6)) return -1;
+    rec_size = 6;
+    if (ec_slave_mailbox_receive(slave, 0x03, data, &rec_size)) return -1;
+    if (EC_READ_U16(data    ) >> 12 == 0x02 && // SDO request
+        EC_READ_U8 (data + 2) >> 5 == 0x04) { // Abort SDO transf. req.
         EC_ERR("SDO upload of 0x%04X:%X aborted on slave %i.\n",
                sdo_index, sdo_subindex, slave->ring_position);
-        abort_code = EC_READ_U32(command.data + 12);
-        for (abort_msg = sdo_abort_messages; abort_msg->code; abort_msg++) {
-            if (abort_msg->code == abort_code) {
-                EC_ERR("SDO abort message 0x%08X: \"%s\".\n",
-                       abort_msg->code, abort_msg->message);
-                return -1;
-            }
-        }
-        EC_ERR("Unknown SDO abort code 0x%08X.\n", abort_code);
-        return -1;
-    }
-    if (EC_READ_U16(command.data + 6) >> 12 != 0x03 || // SDO response
-        EC_READ_U8 (command.data + 8) >> 5 != 0x02 || // Upload response
-        EC_READ_U16(command.data + 9) != sdo_index || // Index
-        EC_READ_U8 (command.data + 11) != sdo_subindex) // Subindex
-    {
+        ec_canopen_abort_msg(EC_READ_U32(data + 6));
+        return -1;
+    }
+    if (EC_READ_U16(data) >> 12 != 0x03 || // SDO response
+        EC_READ_U8 (data + 2) >> 5 != 0x02 || // Upload response
+        EC_READ_U16(data + 3) != sdo_index || // Index
+        EC_READ_U8 (data + 5) != sdo_subindex) { // Subindex
         EC_ERR("Invalid SDO upload response at slave %i!\n",
         return -1;
-    *value = EC_READ_U32(command.data + 12);
+    *value = EC_READ_U32(data + 6);
     return 0;
@@ -320,6 +195,92 @@
+   Holt das Object-Dictionary aus dem Slave.
+   \return 0, wenn alles ok, sonst < 0
+int ec_slave_fetch_sdo_list(ec_slave_t *slave /**< EtherCAT-Slave */)
+    uint8_t data[0xF0];
+    size_t rec_size;
+    //EC_DBG("Fetching SDO list for slave %i...\n", slave->ring_position);
+    EC_WRITE_U16(data,     0x8000); // Number (0), Service (get OD request)
+    EC_WRITE_U8 (data + 2,   0x01); // Get OD List Request
+    EC_WRITE_U8 (data + 3,   0x00); // res.
+    EC_WRITE_U16(data + 4, 0x0000); // fragments left
+    EC_WRITE_U16(data + 6, 0x0001); // Deliver all SDOs!
+    if (ec_slave_mailbox_send(slave, 0x03, data, 8)) return -1;
+    do
+    {
+        rec_size = 0xF0;
+        if (ec_slave_mailbox_receive(slave, 0x03, data, &rec_size)) return -1;
+        if (EC_READ_U16(data) >> 12 == 0x02 && // SDO request
+            EC_READ_U8 (data + 2) >> 5 == 0x04) { // Abort SDO transf. req.
+            EC_ERR("SDO list download aborted on slave %i.\n",
+                   slave->ring_position);
+            ec_canopen_abort_msg(EC_READ_U32(data + 12));
+            return -1;
+        }
+        if (EC_READ_U16(data) >> 12 == 0x08 && // SDO information
+            (EC_READ_U8 (data + 2) & 0x7F) == 0x07) { // Get OD List response
+            EC_ERR("SDO information error response at slave %i!\n",
+                   slave->ring_position);
+            ec_canopen_abort_msg(EC_READ_U32(data + 6));
+            return -1;
+        }
+        if (EC_READ_U16(data) >> 12 != 0x08 || // SDO information
+            (EC_READ_U8 (data + 2) & 0x7F) != 0x02) { // Get OD List response
+            EC_ERR("Invalid SDO list response at slave %i!\n",
+                   slave->ring_position);
+            return -1;
+        }
+        if (rec_size < 8) {
+            EC_ERR("Invalid data size!\n");
+            return -1;
+        }
+#if 0
+        for (i = 0; i < (rec_size - 8) / 2; i++)
+            EC_INFO("Object 0x%04X\n", EC_READ_U16(data + 8 + i * 2));
+    }
+    while (EC_READ_U8(data + 2) & 0x80);
+    return 0;
+   Gibt eine SDO-Abort-Meldung aus.
+void ec_canopen_abort_msg(uint32_t abort_code)
+    const ec_sdo_abort_message_t *abort_msg;
+    for (abort_msg = sdo_abort_messages; abort_msg->code; abort_msg++) {
+        if (abort_msg->code == abort_code) {
+            EC_ERR("SDO abort message 0x%08X: \"%s\".\n",
+                   abort_msg->code, abort_msg->message);
+            return;
+        }
+    }
+    EC_ERR("Unknown SDO abort code 0x%08X.\n", abort_code);
 const ec_sdo_abort_message_t sdo_abort_messages[] = {
     {0x05030000, "Toggle bit not changed"},
     {0x05040000, "SDO protocol timeout"},
--- a/master/master.c	Mon Mar 27 12:04:55 2006 +0000
+++ b/master/master.c	Mon Mar 27 15:52:08 2006 +0000
@@ -711,24 +711,17 @@
             first = 0;
         if (master->slave_states & EC_SLAVE_STATE_PREOP) {
-            if (!first) {
-                printk(", ");
-                first = 0;
-            }
+            if (!first) printk(", ");
+            first = 0;
         if (master->slave_states & EC_SLAVE_STATE_SAVEOP) {
-            if (!first) {
-                printk(", ");
-                first = 0;
-            }
+            if (!first) printk(", ");
+            first = 0;
         if (master->slave_states & EC_SLAVE_STATE_OP) {
-            if (!first) {
-                printk(", ");
-                first = 0;
-            }
+            if (!first) printk(", ");
@@ -860,6 +853,14 @@
         if (unlikely(ec_slave_state_change(slave, EC_SLAVE_STATE_PREOP)))
             return -1;
+        // Fetch SDO list
+        if (slave->sii_mailbox_protocols & EC_MBOX_COE) {
+            if (unlikely(ec_slave_fetch_sdo_list(slave))) {
+                EC_ERR("Could not fetch SDO list!\n");
+                return -1;
+            }
+        }
         // Slaves that are not registered are only brought into PREOP
         // state -> nice blinking and mailbox comm. possible
         if (!slave->registered && !slave->type->bus_coupler) {
--- a/master/slave.c	Mon Mar 27 12:04:55 2006 +0000
+++ b/master/slave.c	Mon Mar 27 15:52:08 2006 +0000
@@ -48,6 +48,7 @@
     slave->sii_product_code = 0;
     slave->sii_revision_number = 0;
     slave->sii_serial_number = 0;
+    slave->sii_mailbox_protocols = 0;
     slave->type = NULL;
     slave->registered = 0;
     slave->fmmu_count = 0;
@@ -163,6 +164,12 @@
         return -1;
+    if (unlikely(ec_slave_sii_read(slave, 0x001C,
+                                   &slave->sii_mailbox_protocols))) {
+        EC_ERR("Could not read SII supported mailbox protocols!\n");
+        return -1;
+    }
     if (unlikely(ec_slave_fetch_categories(slave))) {
         EC_ERR("Could not fetch category data!\n");
         return -1;
@@ -785,6 +792,7 @@
     ec_eeprom_sync_t *sync;
     ec_eeprom_pdo_t *pdo;
     ec_eeprom_pdo_entry_t *entry;
+    int first;
     EC_INFO("x-- EtherCAT slave information ---------------\n");
@@ -806,6 +814,43 @@
     EC_INFO("|   Supported FMMUs: %i, Sync managers: %i\n",
             slave->base_fmmu_count, slave->base_sync_count);
+    EC_INFO("| Supported mailbox protocols: ");
+    if (!slave->sii_mailbox_protocols) {
+        printk("(none)");
+    }
+    else {
+        first = 1;
+        if (slave->sii_mailbox_protocols & EC_MBOX_AOE) {
+            printk("AoE");
+            first = 0;
+        }
+        if (slave->sii_mailbox_protocols & EC_MBOX_EOE) {
+            if (!first) printk(", ");
+            printk("EoE");
+            first = 0;
+        }
+        if (slave->sii_mailbox_protocols & EC_MBOX_COE) {
+            if (!first) printk(", ");
+            printk("CoE");
+            first = 0;
+        }
+        if (slave->sii_mailbox_protocols & EC_MBOX_FOE) {
+            if (!first) printk(", ");
+            printk("FoE");
+            first = 0;
+        }
+        if (slave->sii_mailbox_protocols & EC_MBOX_SOE) {
+            if (!first) printk(", ");
+            printk("SoE");
+            first = 0;
+        }
+        if (slave->sii_mailbox_protocols & EC_MBOX_VOE) {
+            if (!first) printk(", ");
+            printk("VoE");
+        }
+    }
+    printk("\n");
     EC_INFO("| EEPROM data:\n");
     if (slave->sii_alias)
@@ -908,6 +953,115 @@
+   Sendet ein Mailbox-Kommando.
+ */
+int ec_slave_mailbox_send(ec_slave_t *slave, /**< EtherCAT-Slave */
+                          uint8_t type, /**< Unterliegendes Protokoll */
+                          const uint8_t *prot_data, /**< Protokoll-Daten */
+                          size_t size /**< Datengröße */
+                          )
+    uint8_t data[0xF6];
+    ec_command_t command;
+    if (unlikely(size + 6 > 0xF6)) {
+        EC_ERR("Data size does not fit in mailbox!\n");
+        return -1;
+    }
+    memset(data, 0x00, 0xF6);
+    EC_WRITE_U16(data,      size); // Length of the Mailbox service data
+    EC_WRITE_U16(data + 2,  slave->station_address); // Station address
+    EC_WRITE_U8 (data + 4,  0x00); // Channel & priority
+    EC_WRITE_U8 (data + 5,  type); // Underlying protocol type
+    memcpy(data + 6, prot_data, size);
+    ec_command_init_npwr(&command, slave->station_address, 0x1800, 0xF6, data);
+    if (unlikely(ec_master_simple_io(slave->master, &command))) {
+        EC_ERR("Mailbox sending failed on slave %i!\n", slave->ring_position);
+        return -1;
+    }
+    return 0;
+   Sendet ein Mailbox-Kommando.
+ */
+int ec_slave_mailbox_receive(ec_slave_t *slave, /**< EtherCAT-Slave */
+                             uint8_t type, /**< Unterliegendes Protokoll */
+                             uint8_t *prot_data, /**< Protokoll-Daten */
+                             size_t *size /**< Datengröße des Puffers, später
+                                             Größe der gelesenen Daten */
+                             )
+    ec_command_t command;
+    size_t data_size;
+    cycles_t start, end, timeout;
+    // Read "written bit" of Sync-Manager
+    start = get_cycles();
+    timeout = (cycles_t) 100 * cpu_khz; // 100ms
+    while (1)
+    {
+        ec_command_init_nprd(&command, slave->station_address, 0x808, 8);
+        if (unlikely(ec_master_simple_io(slave->master, &command))) {
+            EC_ERR("Mailbox checking failed on slave %i!\n",
+                   slave->ring_position);
+            return -1;
+        }
+        end = get_cycles();
+        if (EC_READ_U8(command.data + 5) & 8) break; // Written bit is high
+        if ((end - start) >= timeout) {
+            EC_ERR("Mailbox check - Slave %i timed out.\n",
+                   slave->ring_position);
+            return -1;
+        }
+        udelay(100);
+    }
+    if (unlikely(slave->master->debug_level) > 1)
+        EC_DBG("SDO download took %ius.\n", ((u32) (end - start) * 1000
+                                             / cpu_khz));
+    ec_command_init_nprd(&command, slave->station_address, 0x18F6, 0xF6);
+    if (unlikely(ec_master_simple_io(slave->master, &command))) {
+        EC_ERR("Mailbox receiving failed on slave %i!\n",
+               slave->ring_position);
+        return -1;
+    }
+    if (EC_READ_U8(command.data + 5) != type) { // nicht CoE
+        EC_ERR("Invalid mailbox response (non-CoE) at slave %i!\n",
+               slave->ring_position);
+        return -1;
+    }
+    if ((data_size = EC_READ_U16(command.data)) > *size) {
+        EC_ERR("CoE data does not fit in buffer (%i > %i).\n",
+               data_size, *size);
+        return -1;
+    }
+    memcpy(prot_data, command.data + 6, data_size);
+    *size = data_size;
+    return 0;
 /* Emacs-Konfiguration
 ;;; Local Variables: ***
 ;;; c-basic-offset:4 ***
--- a/master/slave.h	Mon Mar 27 12:04:55 2006 +0000
+++ b/master/slave.h	Mon Mar 27 15:52:08 2006 +0000
@@ -39,6 +39,22 @@
+   Unterstützte Mailbox-Protokolle.
+    EC_MBOX_AOE = 0x01, /**< ADS over EtherCAT */
+    EC_MBOX_EOE = 0x02, /**< Ethernet over EtherCAT */
+    EC_MBOX_COE = 0x04, /**< CANopen over EtherCAT */
+    EC_MBOX_FOE = 0x08, /**< File Service over EtherCAT */
+    EC_MBOX_SOE = 0x10, /**< Servo Profile over EtherCAT */
+    EC_MBOX_VOE = 0x20  /**< Vendor specific */
@@ -154,6 +170,7 @@
     uint32_t sii_product_code; /**< Herstellerspezifischer Produktcode */
     uint32_t sii_revision_number; /**< Revisionsnummer */
     uint32_t sii_serial_number; /**< Seriennummer der Klemme */
+    uint32_t sii_mailbox_protocols; /**< Unterstützte Mailbox-Protokolle */
     const ec_slave_type_t *type; /**< Zeiger auf die Beschreibung
                                     des Slave-Typs */
@@ -185,6 +202,13 @@
 int ec_slave_state_change(ec_slave_t *, uint8_t);
 int ec_slave_set_fmmu(ec_slave_t *, const ec_domain_t *, const ec_sync_t *);
+// Mailbox
+int ec_slave_mailbox_send(ec_slave_t *, uint8_t, const uint8_t *, size_t);
+int ec_slave_mailbox_receive(ec_slave_t *, uint8_t, uint8_t *, size_t *);
+// CANopen over EtherCAT
+int ec_slave_fetch_sdo_list(ec_slave_t *);
 // Misc
 void ec_slave_print(const ec_slave_t *);
 int ec_slave_check_crc(ec_slave_t *);
--- a/rt/msr_module.c	Mon Mar 27 12:04:55 2006 +0000
+++ b/rt/msr_module.c	Mon Mar 27 15:52:08 2006 +0000
@@ -55,18 +55,20 @@
 ec_domain_t *domain2 = NULL;
 // Prozessdaten
-void *r_ssi;
+void *r_ssi, *r_ssi_st;
 void *r_ssi2;
 void *r_inc;
 uint32_t k_angle;
-uint32_t k_pos;
+uint32_t k_ssi_pos;
+uint32_t k_ssi_status;
 uint32_t k_preio;
 uint32_t k_postio;
 uint32_t k_finished;
 ec_field_init_t domain1_fields[] = {
-    {&r_ssi,  "1", "Beckhoff", "EL5001", "InputValue", 0},
+    {&r_ssi,    "1", "Beckhoff", "EL5001", "InputValue", 0},
+    {&r_ssi_st, "1", "Beckhoff", "EL5001", "Status",     0},
@@ -99,7 +101,8 @@
     // Prozessdaten verarbeiten
-    k_pos = EC_READ_U32(r_ssi);
+    k_ssi_pos = EC_READ_U32(r_ssi);
+    k_ssi_status = EC_READ_U32(r_ssi_st);
     // Senden
@@ -114,7 +117,8 @@
     // Prozessdaten verarbeiten
-    k_pos = EC_READ_U32(r_ssi);
+    k_ssi_pos = EC_READ_U32(r_ssi);
+    k_ssi_status = EC_READ_U32(r_ssi_st);
     k_postio = (uint32_t) (get_cycles() - offset) * 1e6 / cpu_khz;
@@ -127,8 +131,9 @@
 int msr_globals_register(void)
-    msr_reg_kanal("/angle0", "", &k_angle, TUINT);
-    msr_reg_kanal("/pos0",   "", &k_pos,   TUINT);
+    msr_reg_kanal("/angle0",        "", &k_angle,      TUINT);
+    msr_reg_kanal("/pos0",          "", &k_ssi_pos,    TUINT);
+    msr_reg_kanal("/ssi-status0",   "", &k_ssi_status, TUINT);
     msr_reg_kanal("/Timing/Pre-IO",   "ns", &k_preio,    TUINT);
     msr_reg_kanal("/Timing/Post-IO",  "ns", &k_postio,   TUINT);
@@ -183,17 +188,17 @@
         goto out_msr_cleanup;
-    //ecrt_master_print(master);
+    ecrt_master_print(master);
     printk(KERN_INFO "Registering domains...\n");
     if (!(domain1 = ecrt_master_create_domain(master))) {
-        printk(KERN_ERR "EtherCAT: Could not register domain!\n");
+        printk(KERN_ERR "Could not register domain!\n");
         goto out_release_master;
     if (!(domain2 = ecrt_master_create_domain(master))) {
-        printk(KERN_ERR "EtherCAT: Could not register domain!\n");
+        printk(KERN_ERR "Could not register domain!\n");
         goto out_release_master;
@@ -220,14 +225,29 @@
     //ecrt_master_debug(master, 0);
-#if 1
-    if (ecrt_master_sdo_read(master, "6", 0x100A, 1, &version)) {
+#if 0
+    if (ecrt_master_sdo_read(master, "1", 0x100A, 1, &version)) {
         printk(KERN_ERR "Could not read SSI version!\n");
-        goto out_release_master;
+        goto out_deactivate;
     printk(KERN_INFO "Software-version: %u\n", version);
+#if 0
+    if (ecrt_master_sdo_write(master, "1", 0x4061, 1,  0, 1) ||
+        ecrt_master_sdo_write(master, "1", 0x4061, 2,  1, 1) ||
+        ecrt_master_sdo_write(master, "1", 0x4061, 3,  1, 1) ||
+        ecrt_master_sdo_write(master, "1", 0x4066, 0,  0, 1) ||
+        ecrt_master_sdo_write(master, "1", 0x4067, 0,  4, 1) ||
+        ecrt_master_sdo_write(master, "1", 0x4068, 0,  0, 1) ||
+        ecrt_master_sdo_write(master, "1", 0x4069, 0, 25, 1) ||
+        ecrt_master_sdo_write(master, "1", 0x406A, 0, 25, 1) ||
+        ecrt_master_sdo_write(master, "1", 0x406B, 0, 50, 1)) {
+        printk(KERN_ERR "Failed to configure SSI slave!\n");
+        goto out_deactivate;
+    }
 #ifdef ASYNC
     // Einmal senden und warten...
@@ -241,12 +261,12 @@
     return 0;
+ out_deactivate:
+    ecrt_master_deactivate(master);
     return -1;