2008-07-17 Florian Pose Updated doc.
2008-07-08 Florian Pose Added attention to ecrt_slave_config_sdo().
2008-07-04 Florian Pose Minor change.
2008-07-04 Florian Pose Improved source code doc.
2008-07-02 Florian Pose Updated header docs, features and news file.
2008-07-02 Florian Pose Renamed ecrt_slave_config_sync_managers() to ecrt_slave_config_pdos();
2008-06-26 Florian Pose Store sync manager configurations in ec_slave_config_t instead of Pdo
2008-06-18 Florian Pose Implemented ecrt_slave_config_state(); minor changes in
2008-06-18 Florian Pose Completed ec_master_state_t and documented ec_master_state_t and
2008-06-17 Florian Pose Reverted revision number checking from r1228.
2008-06-16 Florian Pose Added revision number to slave type checking.
2008-06-12 Florian Pose Minor change.
2008-05-30 Florian Pose Some improvements concerning bit_position.
2008-05-30 Richard Hacker Changed Pdo entry registration function - return byte and bit positions
2008-05-28 Florian Pose Added bitwise Pdo registration.
2008-04-25 Florian Pose Removed bus validation; slave configuration during realtime operation;
2008-04-16 Florian Pose Improved EC_WRITE macros by replacing in-situ conversions
2008-04-16 Florian Pose Exported ecrt_slave_config_sdo(); added documentation.
2008-04-07 Florian Pose Added a few docs.
2008-04-03 Florian Pose Implemented Sdo timeout.
2008-04-03 Florian Pose Changed terms "Pdo mapping" -> "Pdo assignment" and "Pdo configuration"
2008-03-31 Florian Pose Introduced EC_MAP_END.
2008-03-13 Florian Pose Added ecrt_sdo_request_data_size().
2008-03-13 Florian Pose Added documentation.
2008-03-04 Florian Pose Updated docs.
2008-03-04 Florian Pose Introduced ec_sdo_request_state_t, making ec_request_t private again;
2008-03-04 Florian Pose Basic reading realtime Sdo access working.
2008-03-03 Florian Pose Removed 'const' from Pdo configuration entries.
2008-02-28 Florian Pose Fixed 2 bugs in new Pdo mapping function.
2008-02-28 Florian Pose Added ecrt_slave_config_pdo() and ecrt_slave_config_pdo_entry().
2008-02-27 Florian Pose Updated news.
2008-02-21 Florian Pose Avoided warning concerning EC_READ/WRITE() macros on some compilers.
2008-02-21 Florian Pose External domain memory.
2008-02-21 Florian Pose Moved ecrt_domain_reg_pdo_entry() to
2008-02-19 Florian Pose Fixed Pdo configuration information providing.
2008-02-19 Florian Pose Implemented most realtime interface changes for version 1.4, improved
2008-02-01 Florian Pose Updated doxygen docs.
2008-02-01 Florian Pose Minor fixes.
2008-02-01 Florian Pose Minor fixes.
2008-02-01 Florian Pose Prepared RT interface 1.4.
2007-09-24 Florian Pose Updated Doxygen documentation.
2007-09-06 Florian Pose Fixed bug on big-endian systems (cpu_to_le32 -> cpu_to_le64).
2007-08-10 Florian Pose Added ecrt_master_get_slave_by_pos().
2007-03-09 Florian Pose Added parameters for vendor ID and product code to ecrt_get_slave(); PDO
2007-03-08 Florian Pose Removed ecrt_master_run(), removed datagram queueing from state
2007-03-07 Florian Pose Implemented alternative PDO mapping configuration interface.
2007-03-05 Florian Pose Introduced master status, ecrt_master_get_status(), tainted flag,
2007-02-09 Florian Pose Introduced ECRT version magic.
2006-11-24 Florian Pose Interface changes for version 1.2, see NEWS file.
2006-11-23 Florian Pose Version 1.2.0-rc1, re-introduced ecrt_domain_queue().
2006-11-07 Florian Pose Updated source code documentation.
2006-10-27 Florian Pose Print certain warnings only at debug_level.
2006-10-27 Florian Pose Moved functionality of ecrt_master_deactivate() (now deprecated) to ecrt_master_release().
2006-10-18 Florian Pose ecrt_domain_register_pdo_range() implemented.
2006-08-03 Florian Pose VERSION 1.1: New realtime interface, only state machines.
2006-06-27 Florian Pose Minor changes to ecrt.h.
2006-06-26 Florian Pose Added missing documentation.
2006-06-21 Florian Pose Minor changes.
2006-06-20 Florian Pose Variable-sized data fields, BK1120.
2006-05-18 Florian Pose Changed license headers and added EtherCAT license notice.