Bugfixes and improvements.
authorFlorian Pose <fp@igh-essen.com>
Thu, 24 Jul 2008 14:56:57 +0000 (2008-07-24)
changeset 1144 7dbfdd61812c
parent 1143 09ee878d7214
child 1145 133cf4631fcc
Bugfixes and improvements.
--- a/TODO	Thu Jul 24 13:29:13 2008 +0000
+++ b/TODO	Thu Jul 24 14:56:57 2008 +0000
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@
     - Display attached device's MAC address instead of ff's.
     - Data type abbreviations.
     - Add a -n (numeric) switch.
+    - Check for options, remove global variables.
 Future issues:
--- a/tool/Command.cpp	Thu Jul 24 13:29:13 2008 +0000
+++ b/tool/Command.cpp	Thu Jul 24 14:56:57 2008 +0000
@@ -53,6 +53,19 @@
+string Command::numericInfo()
+    stringstream str;
+    str << "Numerical values can be specified either with decimal (no" << endl
+        << "prefix), octal (prefix '0') or hexadecimal (prefix '0x') base."
+        << endl;
+    return str.str();
 void Command::throwInvalidUsageException(const stringstream &s)
     throw InvalidUsageException(s);
@@ -65,17 +78,4 @@
     throw CommandException(s);
-string Command::numericInfo()
-    stringstream str;
-    str << "Numerical values can be specified either with decimal (no" << endl
-        << "prefix), octal (prefix '0') or hexadecimal (prefix '0x') base."
-        << endl;
-    return str.str();
--- a/tool/Command.h	Thu Jul 24 13:29:13 2008 +0000
+++ b/tool/Command.h	Thu Jul 24 14:56:57 2008 +0000
@@ -76,12 +76,13 @@
         typedef vector<string> StringVector;
         virtual void execute(MasterDevice &, const StringVector &) = 0;
+        static string numericInfo();
         void throwInvalidUsageException(const stringstream &);
         void throwCommandException(const stringstream &);
 		enum {BreakAfterBytes = 16};
-        static string numericInfo();
 		string name;
--- a/tool/CommandAlias.cpp	Thu Jul 24 13:29:13 2008 +0000
+++ b/tool/CommandAlias.cpp	Thu Jul 24 14:56:57 2008 +0000
@@ -31,7 +31,8 @@
         << getBriefDescription() << endl
         << endl
         << "Arguments:" << endl
-        << "  ALIAS must be an unsigned 16 bit number. Zero means no alias."
+        << "  ALIAS must be an unsigned 16 bit number. Zero means" << endl
+        << "        removing an alias address." << endl
         << endl << endl
         << "Command-specific options:" << endl
         << "  --slave -s <index>  Positive numerical ring position, or 'all'"
--- a/tool/CommandConfig.cpp	Thu Jul 24 13:29:13 2008 +0000
+++ b/tool/CommandConfig.cpp	Thu Jul 24 14:56:57 2008 +0000
@@ -26,10 +26,9 @@
     stringstream str;
-    str << "[OPTIONS]" << endl
-    	<< endl
-    	<< "Output information about the slave configurations" << endl
-    	<< "supplied by the application." << endl
+    str << getName() << " [OPTIONS]" << endl
+    	<< endl
+    	<< getBriefDescription() << endl
     	<< endl
     	<< "Without the --verbose option, slave configurations are" << endl
     	<< "output one-per-line. Example:" << endl
@@ -39,25 +38,25 @@
     	<< "|       |                      |  \\- Slave is operational."
 		<< endl
     	<< "|       |                      \\- Slave has been found." << endl
-    	<< "|       \\- Hexadecimal vendor ID and product code, separated"
-		<< endl
-    	<< "|          by a slash." << endl
-    	<< "\\- Decimal alias and position, separated by a colon." << endl
+    	<< "|       \\- Vendor ID and product code (both" << endl
+    	<< "|          hexadecimal)." << endl
+    	<< "\\- Alias and relative position (both decimal)." << endl
     	<< endl
     	<< "With the --verbose option given, the configured Pdos and" << endl
-    	<< "Sdos are additionally printed." << endl
+    	<< "Sdos are output in addition." << endl
     	<< endl
     	<< "Command-specific options:" << endl
-    	<< "  --verbose  -v  Show detailed configurations." << endl;
+    	<< "  --verbose -v  Show detailed configurations." << endl;
 	return str.str();
-bool operator<(const ec_ioctl_config_t &a, const ec_ioctl_config_t &b)
+bool operator<(
+        const ec_ioctl_config_t &a,
+        const ec_ioctl_config_t &b
+        )
     return a.alias < b.alias
         || (a.alias == b.alias && a.position < b.position);
--- a/tool/CommandData.cpp	Thu Jul 24 13:29:13 2008 +0000
+++ b/tool/CommandData.cpp	Thu Jul 24 14:56:57 2008 +0000
@@ -25,12 +25,12 @@
     str << getName() << " [OPTIONS]" << endl
     	<< endl
     	<< getBriefDescription() << endl
+        << endl
+        << "Data of multiple domains are concatenated." << endl
     	<< endl
     	<< "Command-specific options:" << endl
     	<< "  --domain -d <index>  Positive numerical domain index, or" << endl
-    	<< "                       'all' for all domains (default). In" << endl
-    	<< "                       this case, data of all domains are" << endl
-		<< "                       concatenated." << endl
+    	<< "                       'all' for all domains (default)." << endl
     	<< endl
 		<< numericInfo();
--- a/tool/CommandDomains.cpp	Thu Jul 24 13:29:13 2008 +0000
+++ b/tool/CommandDomains.cpp	Thu Jul 24 14:56:57 2008 +0000
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
     stringstream str;
-	str << getName() << " [OPTIONS]"
+	str << getName() << " [OPTIONS]" << endl
     	<< endl
     	<< getBriefDescription() << endl
         << endl
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@
     	<< "(LRD/LWR/LRW) is displayed followed by the domain's" << endl
     	<< "process data size in byte. The last values are the current" << endl
     	<< "datagram working counter sum and the expected working" << endl
-    	<< "counter sum. If the values are equal, all Pdos are exchanged."
+    	<< "counter sum. If the values are equal, all Pdos were exchanged."
 		<< endl << endl
     	<< "If the --verbose option is given, the participating slave" << endl
     	<< "configurations/FMMUs and the current process data are" << endl
@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@
 		<< endl
     	<< "  SlaveConfig 1001:0, SM3 ( Input), LogAddr 0x00000006, Size 6"
 		<< endl
-    	<< "    00 00 00 00 00 00" << endl
+    	<< "    0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00" << endl
     	<< endl
     	<< "The process data are displayed as hexadecimal bytes." << endl
     	<< endl
@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@
     	<< "                        or 'all' for all domains (default)."
 		<< endl
     	<< "  --verbose -v          Show FMMUs and process data" << endl
-		<< "                        additionally." << endl
+		<< "                        in addition." << endl
     	<< endl
 		<< numericInfo();
@@ -143,7 +143,7 @@
         for (j = 0; j < fmmu.data_size; j++) {
             if (j && !(j % BreakAfterBytes))
                 cout << endl << "    ";
-            cout << setw(2)
+            cout << "0x" << setw(2)
                 << (unsigned int) *(processData + dataOffset + j) << " ";
         cout << endl;
--- a/tool/CommandDownload.cpp	Thu Jul 24 13:29:13 2008 +0000
+++ b/tool/CommandDownload.cpp	Thu Jul 24 14:56:57 2008 +0000
@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@
     	<< "These are the valid Sdo entry data types:" << endl
     	<< "  int8, int16, int32, uint8, uint16, uint32, string." << endl
     	<< endl
-    	<< "Arguments:"
+    	<< "Arguments:" << endl
     	<< "  INDEX    is the Sdo index and must be an unsigned" << endl
 		<< "           16 bit number." << endl
     	<< "  SUBINDEX is the Sdo entry subindex and must be an" << endl
@@ -49,8 +49,7 @@
     	<< "Command-specific options:" << endl
     	<< "  --slave -s <index>  Positive numerical ring position" << endl
 		<< "                      (mandatory)." << endl
-    	<< "  --type  -t <type>   Forced Sdo entry data type (see" << endl
-		<< "                      above)." << endl
+    	<< "  --type  -t <type>   Sdo entry data type (see above)." << endl
     	<< endl
 		<< numericInfo();
--- a/tool/CommandPdos.cpp	Thu Jul 24 13:29:13 2008 +0000
+++ b/tool/CommandPdos.cpp	Thu Jul 24 14:56:57 2008 +0000
@@ -35,17 +35,18 @@
     	<< "   size (value from the SII), control register and enable" << endl
     	<< "   word. Example:" << endl
 		<< endl
-    	<< "   SM3: PhysAddr 0x1100, DefaultSize 0, ControlRegister 0x20,"
+    	<< "   SM3: PhysAddr 0x1100, DefaultSize 0, ControlRegister 0x20, "
 		<< "Enable 1" << endl
     	<< endl
     	<< "2) Assigned Pdos - Pdo direction, hexadecimal index and" << endl
-		<< "   -if available- the Pdo name. Example:" << endl
+		<< "   the Pdo name, if avaliable. Note that a 'Tx' and 'Rx'" << endl
+        << "   are seen from the slave's point of view. Example:" << endl
     	<< endl
     	<< "   TxPdo 0x1a00 \"Channel1\"" << endl
     	<< endl
     	<< "3) Mapped Pdo entries - Pdo entry index and subindex (both" << endl
-    	<< "   hexadecimal), the length in bit and -if available- the" << endl
-    	<< "   description. Example:" << endl
+    	<< "   hexadecimal), the length in bit and the description, if" << endl
+    	<< "   available. Example:" << endl
     	<< endl
     	<< "   Pdo entry 0x3101:01, 8 bit, \"Status\"" << endl
     	<< endl
@@ -55,7 +56,7 @@
     	<< endl
     	<< "Command-specific options:" << endl
     	<< "  --slave -s <index>  Positive numerical ring position," << endl
-    	<< "                      or 'all' forall slaves (default)." << endl
+    	<< "                      or 'all' for all slaves (default)." << endl
     	<< endl
 		<< numericInfo();
--- a/tool/CommandSdos.cpp	Thu Jul 24 13:29:13 2008 +0000
+++ b/tool/CommandSdos.cpp	Thu Jul 24 14:56:57 2008 +0000
@@ -41,12 +41,12 @@
     	<< endl
     	<< "   0x1018:01, uint32, 32 bit, \"Vendor id\"" << endl
     	<< endl
-    	<< "If the --quiet option is given, only the Sdos are printed."
+    	<< "If the --quiet option is given, only the Sdos are output."
 		<< endl << endl
     	<< "Command-specific options:" << endl
     	<< "  --slave -s <index>  Positive numerical ring position," << endl
-		<< "                      'all' for all slaves (default)." << endl
-    	<< "  --quiet -q          Print only Sdos (without Sdo" << endl
+		<< "                      or 'all' for all slaves (default)." << endl
+    	<< "  --quiet -q          Only output Sdos (without the Sdo" << endl
 		<< "                      entries)." << endl
     	<< endl
 		<< numericInfo();
--- a/tool/CommandSlaves.cpp	Thu Jul 24 13:29:13 2008 +0000
+++ b/tool/CommandSlaves.cpp	Thu Jul 24 14:56:57 2008 +0000
@@ -33,20 +33,20 @@
         << endl
         << "1  5555:0  PREOP  +  EL3162 2C. Ana. Input 0-10V" << endl
         << "|  |    |  |      |  |" << endl
-        << "|  |    |  |      |  \\- Name from SII if avaliable," << endl
-        << "|  |    |  |      |     otherwise hexadecimal vendor ID" << endl
-        << "|  |    |  |      |     and product code separated by a" << endl
-        << "|  |    |  |      |     colon." << endl
+        << "|  |    |  |      |  \\- Name from the SII if avaliable," << endl
+        << "|  |    |  |      |     otherwise vendor ID and product" << endl
+        << "|  |    |  |      |     code (both hexadecimal)." << endl
         << "|  |    |  |      \\- Error flag. '+' means no error," << endl
-        << "|  |    |  |         'E' means that scanning or" << endl
+        << "|  |    |  |         'E' means that scan or" << endl
         << "|  |    |  |         configuration failed." << endl
-        << "|  |    |  \\- Current slave state." << endl
+        << "|  |    |  \\- Current application-layer state." << endl
         << "|  |    \\- Relative position (decimal) after the last" << endl
         << "|  |       slave with an alias address set." << endl
-        << "|  \\- Alias address of the slave (if set to non-zero)," << endl
-        << "|     or the alias of the last slave with an alias set," << endl
-        << "|     or zero if there is none." << endl
-        << "\\- Ring position (use this with any --slave option)." << endl
+        << "|  \\- Alias address of the slave (if set), or the alias" << endl
+        << "|     of the last slave with an alias, or zero if not" << endl
+        << "|     applicable" << endl
+        << "\\- Absolute ring position in the bus (use this with any" << endl
+        << "   --slave option)." << endl
         << endl
         << "If the --verbose option is given, a detailed (multi-line)" << endl
         << "description is output for each slave." << endl
--- a/tool/CommandStates.cpp	Thu Jul 24 13:29:13 2008 +0000
+++ b/tool/CommandStates.cpp	Thu Jul 24 14:56:57 2008 +0000
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@
         << getBriefDescription() << endl
         << endl
         << "Arguments:" << endl
-        << "  STATE can be 'INIT', 'PREOP', 'SAFEOP', or 'OP'" << endl
+        << "  STATE can be 'INIT', 'PREOP', 'SAFEOP', or 'OP'." << endl
         << endl
         << "Command-specific options:" << endl
         << "  --slave -s <index>  Positive numerical ring position," << endl
--- a/tool/CommandUpload.cpp	Thu Jul 24 13:29:13 2008 +0000
+++ b/tool/CommandUpload.cpp	Thu Jul 24 14:56:57 2008 +0000
@@ -47,8 +47,7 @@
         << "Command-specific options:" << endl
         << "  --slave -s <index>  Positive numerical ring position" << endl
         << "                      (mandatory)." << endl
-        << "  --type  -t <type>   Forced Sdo entry data type (see" << endl
-        << "                      above)." << endl
+        << "  --type  -t <type>   Sdo entry data type (see above)." << endl
         << endl
         << numericInfo();
--- a/tool/CommandXml.cpp	Thu Jul 24 13:29:13 2008 +0000
+++ b/tool/CommandXml.cpp	Thu Jul 24 14:56:57 2008 +0000
@@ -23,14 +23,14 @@
     stringstream str;
-    str << getName() << " [OPTIONS]"
+    str << getName() << " [OPTIONS]" << endl
         << endl
         << getBriefDescription() << endl
         << endl
         << "Note that the Pdo information can either originate" << endl
         << "from the SII or from the CoE communication area. For" << endl
-        << "some slaves, this is dependant on the last slave" << endl
-        << "configuration." << endl
+        << "slaves, that support configuring Pdo assignment and" << endl
+        << "mapping, the output depends on the last configuration." << endl
         << endl
         << "Command-specific options:" << endl
         << "  --slave -s <index>  Positive numerical ring position," << endl
--- a/tool/main.cpp	Thu Jul 24 13:29:13 2008 +0000
+++ b/tool/main.cpp	Thu Jul 24 14:56:57 2008 +0000
@@ -49,8 +49,9 @@
-void printUsage()
+string usage()
+    stringstream str;
     CommandList::const_iterator ci;
     size_t maxWidth = 0;
@@ -60,19 +61,17 @@
-    cerr
-        << "Usage: " << binaryBaseName << " <COMMAND> [OPTIONS] [ARGUMENTS]"
+    str << "Usage: " << binaryBaseName << " <COMMAND> [OPTIONS] [ARGUMENTS]"
         << endl << endl
 		<< "Commands (can be abbreviated):" << endl;
-    cerr << left;
+    str << left;
     for (ci = commandList.begin(); ci != commandList.end(); ci++) {
-        cerr << "  " << setw(maxWidth) << (*ci)->getName()
+        str << "  " << setw(maxWidth) << (*ci)->getName()
             << "  " << (*ci)->getBriefDescription() << endl;
-    cerr
-        << endl
+    str << endl
 		<< "Global options:" << endl
         << "  --master  -m <master>  Index of the master to use. Default: 0."
 		<< endl
@@ -81,14 +80,14 @@
         << "  --verbose -v           Output more information." << endl
         << "  --help    -h           Show this help." << endl
         << endl
-        << "Numerical values can be specified either with decimal "
-        << "(no prefix)," << endl
-        << "octal (prefix '0') or hexadecimal (prefix '0x') base." << endl
+        << Command::numericInfo()
         << endl
         << "Call '" << binaryBaseName
         << " <COMMAND> --help' for command-specific help." << endl
         << endl
         << "Send bug reports to " << PACKAGE_BUGREPORT << "." << endl;
+    return str.str();
@@ -118,8 +117,8 @@
             case 'm':
                 number = strtoul(optarg, &remainder, 0);
                 if (remainder == optarg || *remainder || number < 0) {
-                    cerr << "Invalid master number " << optarg << "!" << endl;
-                    printUsage();
+                    cerr << "Invalid master number " << optarg << "!" << endl
+                        << endl << usage();
 				masterIndex = number;
@@ -132,9 +131,8 @@
                     number = strtoul(optarg, &remainder, 0);
                     if (remainder == optarg || *remainder
                             || number < 0 || number > 0xFFFF) {
-                        cerr << "Invalid slave position "
-                            << optarg << "!" << endl;
-                        printUsage();
+                        cerr << "Invalid slave position " << optarg << "!"
+                            << endl << endl << usage();
                     slavePosition = number;
@@ -148,8 +146,7 @@
                     number = strtoul(optarg, &remainder, 0);
                     if (remainder == optarg || *remainder || number < 0) {
                         cerr << "Invalid domain index "
-							<< optarg << "!" << endl;
-                        printUsage();
+							<< optarg << "!" << endl << endl << usage();
                     domainIndex = number;
@@ -177,7 +174,7 @@
             case '?':
-                printUsage();
+                cerr << endl << usage();
@@ -189,11 +186,14 @@
 	argCount = argc - optind;
     if (!argCount) {
-        if (!helpRequested) {
-            cerr << "Please specify a command!" << endl;
-        }
-        printUsage();
-        exit(!helpRequested);
+        if (helpRequested) {
+            cout << usage();
+            exit(0);
+        } else {
+            cerr << "Please specify a command!" << endl
+                << endl << usage();
+            exit(1);
+        }
     commandName = argv[optind];
@@ -264,10 +264,11 @@
             cmd = matchingCommands.front();
             if (!helpRequested) {
                 try {
+                    cmd->setVerbosity(verbosity);
                     cmd->execute(masterDev, commandArgs);
                 } catch (InvalidUsageException &e) {
                     cerr << e.what() << endl << endl;
-                    cerr << cmd->helpString();
+                    cerr << binaryBaseName << " " << cmd->helpString();
                     retval = 1;
                 } catch (CommandException &e) {
                     cerr << e.what() << endl;
@@ -277,7 +278,7 @@
                     retval = 1;
             } else {
-                cout << cmd->helpString();
+                cout << binaryBaseName << " " << cmd->helpString();
         } else {
             cerr << "Ambiguous command abbreviation! Matching:" << endl;
@@ -286,13 +287,12 @@
                     ci++) {
                 cerr << (*ci)->getName() << endl;
-            cerr << endl;
-            printUsage();
+            cerr << endl << usage();
             retval = 1;
     } else {
-        cerr << "Unknown command " << commandName << "!" << endl << endl;
-        printUsage();
+        cerr << "Unknown command " << commandName << "!" << endl
+            << endl << usage();
         retval = 1;