2007-03-09 Florian Pose Added parameters for vendor ID and product code to ecrt_get_slave(); PDO
2007-03-08 Florian Pose Removed ecrt_master_run(), removed datagram queueing from state
2007-03-07 Florian Pose Implemented alternative PDO mapping configuration interface.
2007-03-05 Florian Pose Introduced master status, ecrt_master_get_status(), tainted flag,
2007-02-09 Florian Pose Introduced ECRT version magic.
2006-11-24 Florian Pose Interface changes for version 1.2, see NEWS file.
2006-11-23 Florian Pose Version 1.2.0-rc1, re-introduced ecrt_domain_queue().
2006-11-07 Florian Pose Updated source code documentation.
2006-10-27 Florian Pose Print certain warnings only at debug_level.
2006-10-27 Florian Pose Moved functionality of ecrt_master_deactivate() (now deprecated) to ecrt_master_release().
2006-10-18 Florian Pose ecrt_domain_register_pdo_range() implemented.
2006-08-03 Florian Pose VERSION 1.1: New realtime interface, only state machines.
2006-06-27 Florian Pose Minor changes to ecrt.h.
2006-06-26 Florian Pose Added missing documentation.
2006-06-21 Florian Pose Minor changes.
2006-06-20 Florian Pose Variable-sized data fields, BK1120.
2006-05-18 Florian Pose Changed license headers and added EtherCAT license notice.
2006-04-25 Florian Pose Prepared EoE processing with workqueue.
2006-04-25 Florian Pose Locking callback interface.
2006-04-24 Florian Pose Documentation update + Doxygen generate LaTeX reference manual.
2006-04-24 Florian Pose Doxygen added interface modules and file documentation.
2006-04-21 Florian Pose GPLv2 License and enhanced Doxygen output.
2006-04-20 Florian Pose Translated all comments and documentation to english language.
2006-04-06 Florian Pose Fixed syntax error in EC_READ_BIT macro.
2006-04-05 Florian Pose Plugfest: domain_process mit const-Zeiger.
2006-04-03 Florian Pose Dynamischer Kommandospeicher, Domain-Kommandos als Liste.
2006-03-29 Florian Pose TO-DO und Fragen aktualisiert, kleine Sch?nheitskorrekturen.
2006-03-29 Florian Pose Verbosity level in ecrt_master_print().
2006-03-29 Florian Pose SDO-Schnittstelle verbessert.
2006-03-28 Florian Pose SDO-Zugriff aufgeteilt in Expedited und Normal. Noch nicht fertig...
2006-03-28 Florian Pose Laden der SDO Dictionaries funktioniert.
2006-03-21 Florian Pose Sch?nheitskorrekturen.
2006-03-20 Florian Pose Slave alias implementiert.
2006-03-20 Florian Pose Integer-Typen in ecrt.h.
2006-03-17 Florian Pose ecrt_master_prepare_async_io() hinzugef?gt.
2006-03-17 Florian Pose Dom?nen-Status (ecrt_domain_state) hinzugef?gt.
2006-03-17 Florian Pose MERGE branches/async -> trunk (alle Unterschiede ?bernommen)