2012-10-01 mwildbolz Changed configure to compile on Debian with the latest RTAI patch installed (removed rtdm library in compiler flags)
2012-06-11 Christian Taedcke Adapted path to xeno-config.
2012-02-03 Edouard Tisserant merges with
2012-02-03 JaFojtik There is no English word "transfert". Fix all the typos.
2012-02-03 Edouard Tisserant Applyed changes from discussion '[Canfestival-devel] some minor CanFestival build suggestions',
2011-12-22 Christian Taedcke FIXED: - adapted paths for current vscom driver
2011-12-22 Christian Taedcke FIXED: - the macro SUB_PROG_CFLAGS was overwritten for 64bit machines using gcc. Because of this the xenomai compilation failed.
2011-08-29 fbeaulier CHANGE: SDO block mode added, without CRC support
2010-11-12 edouard CosateQ contribution.
2009-12-14 edouard Enhancements for 'None' target : produce pre-linked object, remove some windows CRLF problems, fixed pedantic compiler warnings
2009-12-09 edouard added 'none' taget for building standalone library
2009-07-16 greg Add new function defines to compile peak driver on win32
2009-07-15 greg Add new example : CANOpen shell
2008-08-22 lbessard Bug with x86_64 and gcc without -fPIC cflags fixed
2008-07-08 greg add anagate device support in CanFestival
2008-06-04 etisserant Added --binutils configure parameter : "--binutils=path Override binutils path detection (as regards $CC content) "
2008-06-02 greg kerneltest updated for the new api
2008-05-05 greg Add support for USB-CAN devices from VScom
2008-05-02 greg - add RTAI support
2008-03-07 etisserant fixed flags for xeno build
2008-02-19 greg add changes in configure to force xeno --library-dir
2008-02-18 etisserant Added Kvaser hardware support, thanks to Giuseppe Massimo Bertani .
2008-02-18 etisserant added configure option to force Wx detection.
2008-02-12 etisserant Accepted Vladimir Chren linux kernelspace port patch.
2008-02-04 groke6 added TestMasterSlaveLSS. LSS protocol revised.
2008-02-01 etisserant little fix on arch detection when using mingw32-only compiler from within cygwin's bash
2008-01-22 groke6 Added can4linux driver support.
2008-01-18 etisserant fixed configure command line constant specification bug. Thanks to Jorge.
2008-01-17 groke6 Added FastScan support to the LSS services.
2008-01-15 etisserant Various configure and build enhancements:
2008-01-10 greg fix SUB_EXE_CFLAGS in configure to link without "-ldl" when use MINGW
2007-12-17 etisserant Primary LSS support, thanks to Jorge Berzosa.
2007-12-14 greg Fix LD variable for unix target in configure
2007-12-10 etisserant Windows related enhancements
2007-12-09 etisserant Minor changes, mostly PCAN/windows related.
2007-12-08 greg Changes to compile for win32
2007-09-26 luis Implemented EMCY objects.
2007-09-21 etisserant added, filled by configure, so that python program using objdictedit can gat compilation params. Reomved old dead files.
2007-09-21 etisserant Typo in configure
2007-09-18 greg fix problem sh. Replace with bash in configure script. For msys, there is a bash version to download.
2007-09-10 greg Add win32 target (--can=win32) to compile with msys and mingw32
2007-08-01 etisserant Added contribution from Nicolas GRANDEMANGE. DS-401 slave GUI based on wxwidget.
2007-06-29 etisserant cleanup
2007-05-14 etisserant Big Endian fixes.
2007-05-13 etisserant Added debug level opt in configure and re-enabled debug macros.
2007-05-11 etisserant Let user choose his own XENO_CONFIG.
2007-04-17 etisserant Added a MicroMod Master sample in examples/TestMasterMicroMod. Fixed some SDO abort code and callback problem in sdo.c.
2007-04-04 etisserant Win32 Native support and dynamicaly loaded CAN drivers for Linux, Cygwin and Win32.
2007-02-13 etisserant Removed all non-supported and uncontrolled source code. Please refer to CVS version "Before_..." to see old code.
2007-02-13 etisserant - Better array initialization in data.h CANOPEN_NODE_DATA_INITIALIZER macro. Use a little hack with configure and config.h to create the "pure Ansi C" initializer.
2007-01-29 frdupin hcs12 is big_endian
2007-01-29 frdupin Add comment in config.h
2006-08-31 etisserant SOCKET-CAN support added. Many thanks to Jan Kiszka !
2006-08-10 etisserant cygwin/pcan_light commit. Changes in configure for dual port handling.
2006-08-08 etisserant First working cygwin/pcan_light commit. can_peak_win32.c is obfuscated.
2006-06-23 etisserant Updated configure and fixes in for cygwin compiling. Root_BRANCH_3_0_RC2
2006-06-21 lbessard Add incremented index in Add Map Variable
2006-06-20 etisserant Cygwin port. Still untested. Compiles and link.
2006-06-16 etisserant SDO callbacks.
2006-06-16 lbessard Code clean-up and fixed xenomai compile problem