Made ec_sync_config() and ec_fmmu_config() to methods of ec_slave_t.
authorFlorian Pose <>
Tue, 13 Feb 2007 11:48:46 +0000 (2007-02-13)
changeset 556 dc5829af044d
parent 555 f4bdb21a6a06
child 557 7e8a2e3dd3fb
Made ec_sync_config() and ec_fmmu_config() to methods of ec_slave_t.
--- a/TODO	Tue Feb 13 11:32:17 2007 +0000
+++ b/TODO	Tue Feb 13 11:48:46 2007 +0000
@@ -23,7 +23,6 @@
 * Implement interface for alternative PDO mapping.
 * Simplify FSMs with <state>_enter() functions.
-* Make ec_sync_config() and ec_fmmu_config() to methods of ec_slave_t.
 * Rename "sysconfig" file to "sysconfig/ethercat".
 * Dynamic creation of EoE handlers.
 * Output intermediate results during lsec.
--- a/master/fsm_slave.c	Tue Feb 13 11:32:17 2007 +0000
+++ b/master/fsm_slave.c	Tue Feb 13 11:48:46 2007 +0000
@@ -696,24 +696,24 @@
             mbox_sync.control_register = 0x26;
             mbox_sync.enable = 0x01;
             mbox_sync.est_length = 0;
-            ec_sync_config(&mbox_sync, slave,
-                           datagram->data + EC_SYNC_SIZE * mbox_sync.index);
+            ec_slave_sync_config(slave, &mbox_sync,
+                    datagram->data + EC_SYNC_SIZE * mbox_sync.index);
             mbox_sync.index = 1;
             mbox_sync.physical_start_address = slave->sii_rx_mailbox_offset;
             mbox_sync.length = slave->sii_rx_mailbox_size;
             mbox_sync.control_register = 0x22;
             mbox_sync.enable = 0x01;
             mbox_sync.est_length = 0;
-            ec_sync_config(&mbox_sync, slave,
-                           datagram->data + EC_SYNC_SIZE * mbox_sync.index);
+            ec_slave_sync_config(slave, &mbox_sync,
+                    datagram->data + EC_SYNC_SIZE * mbox_sync.index);
     else if (slave->sii_mailbox_protocols) { // mailboxes present
         list_for_each_entry(sync, &slave->sii_syncs, list) {
             // only configure mailbox sync-managers
             if (sync->index != 0 && sync->index != 1) continue;
-            ec_sync_config(sync, slave,
-                           datagram->data + EC_SYNC_SIZE * sync->index);
+            ec_slave_sync_config(slave, sync,
+                    datagram->data + EC_SYNC_SIZE * sync->index);
@@ -828,8 +828,8 @@
     memset(datagram->data, 0x00, EC_SYNC_SIZE * slave->base_sync_count);
     list_for_each_entry(sync, &slave->sii_syncs, list) {
-        ec_sync_config(sync, slave,
-                       datagram->data + EC_SYNC_SIZE * sync->index);
+        ec_slave_sync_config(slave, sync,
+                datagram->data + EC_SYNC_SIZE * sync->index);
     ec_master_queue_datagram(fsm->slave->master, datagram);
@@ -894,8 +894,8 @@
                      0x0600, EC_FMMU_SIZE * slave->base_fmmu_count);
     memset(datagram->data, 0x00, EC_FMMU_SIZE * slave->base_fmmu_count);
     for (j = 0; j < slave->fmmu_count; j++) {
-        ec_fmmu_config(&slave->fmmus[j], slave,
-                       datagram->data + EC_FMMU_SIZE * j);
+        ec_slave_fmmu_config(slave, &slave->fmmus[j],
+                datagram->data + EC_FMMU_SIZE * j);
     ec_master_queue_datagram(master, datagram);
--- a/master/master.c	Tue Feb 13 11:32:17 2007 +0000
+++ b/master/master.c	Tue Feb 13 11:48:46 2007 +0000
@@ -856,71 +856,6 @@
-   Initializes a sync manager configuration page with EEPROM data.
-   The referenced memory (\a data) must be at least EC_SYNC_SIZE bytes.
-void ec_sync_config(const ec_sii_sync_t *sync, /**< sync manager */
-                    const ec_slave_t *slave, /**< EtherCAT slave */
-                    uint8_t *data /**> configuration memory */
-                    )
-    size_t sync_size;
-    sync_size = ec_slave_calc_sync_size(slave, sync);
-    if (slave->master->debug_level) {
-        EC_DBG("Slave %3i, SM %i: Addr 0x%04X, Size %3i, Ctrl 0x%02X, En %i\n",
-               slave->ring_position, sync->index, sync->physical_start_address,
-               sync_size, sync->control_register, sync->enable);
-    }
-    EC_WRITE_U16(data,     sync->physical_start_address);
-    EC_WRITE_U16(data + 2, sync_size);
-    EC_WRITE_U8 (data + 4, sync->control_register);
-    EC_WRITE_U8 (data + 5, 0x00); // status byte (read only)
-    EC_WRITE_U16(data + 6, sync->enable ? 0x0001 : 0x0000); // enable
-   Initializes an FMMU configuration page.
-   The referenced memory (\a data) must be at least EC_FMMU_SIZE bytes.
-void ec_fmmu_config(const ec_fmmu_t *fmmu, /**< FMMU */
-                    const ec_slave_t *slave, /**< EtherCAT slave */
-                    uint8_t *data /**> configuration memory */
-                    )
-    size_t sync_size;
-    sync_size = ec_slave_calc_sync_size(slave, fmmu->sync);
-    if (slave->master->debug_level) {
-        EC_DBG("Slave %3i, FMMU %2i:"
-               " LogAddr 0x%08X, Size %3i, PhysAddr 0x%04X, Dir %s\n",
-               slave->ring_position, fmmu->index, fmmu->logical_start_address,
-               sync_size, fmmu->sync->physical_start_address,
-               ((fmmu->sync->control_register & 0x04) ? "out" : "in"));
-    }
-    EC_WRITE_U32(data,      fmmu->logical_start_address);
-    EC_WRITE_U16(data + 4,  sync_size); // size of fmmu
-    EC_WRITE_U8 (data + 6,  0x00); // logical start bit
-    EC_WRITE_U8 (data + 7,  0x07); // logical end bit
-    EC_WRITE_U16(data + 8,  fmmu->sync->physical_start_address);
-    EC_WRITE_U8 (data + 10, 0x00); // physical start bit
-    EC_WRITE_U8 (data + 11, ((fmmu->sync->control_register & 0x04)
-                             ? 0x02 : 0x01));
-    EC_WRITE_U16(data + 12, 0x0001); // enable
-    EC_WRITE_U16(data + 14, 0x0000); // reserved
    Formats master information for SysFS read access.
    \return number of bytes written
--- a/master/master.h	Tue Feb 13 11:32:17 2007 +0000
+++ b/master/master.h	Tue Feb 13 11:48:46 2007 +0000
@@ -172,10 +172,6 @@
 void ec_master_destroy_slaves(ec_master_t *);
 void ec_master_calc_addressing(ec_master_t *);
-// helper functions
-void ec_sync_config(const ec_sii_sync_t *, const ec_slave_t *, uint8_t *);
-void ec_fmmu_config(const ec_fmmu_t *, const ec_slave_t *, uint8_t *);
--- a/master/slave.c	Tue Feb 13 11:32:17 2007 +0000
+++ b/master/slave.c	Tue Feb 13 11:48:46 2007 +0000
@@ -981,6 +981,71 @@
+   Initializes a sync manager configuration page with EEPROM data.
+   The referenced memory (\a data) must be at least EC_SYNC_SIZE bytes.
+void ec_slave_sync_config(const ec_slave_t *slave, /**< EtherCAT slave */
+        const ec_sii_sync_t *sync, /**< sync manager */
+        uint8_t *data /**> configuration memory */
+        )
+    size_t sync_size;
+    sync_size = ec_slave_calc_sync_size(slave, sync);
+    if (slave->master->debug_level) {
+        EC_DBG("Slave %3i, SM %i: Addr 0x%04X, Size %3i, Ctrl 0x%02X, En %i\n",
+               slave->ring_position, sync->index, sync->physical_start_address,
+               sync_size, sync->control_register, sync->enable);
+    }
+    EC_WRITE_U16(data,     sync->physical_start_address);
+    EC_WRITE_U16(data + 2, sync_size);
+    EC_WRITE_U8 (data + 4, sync->control_register);
+    EC_WRITE_U8 (data + 5, 0x00); // status byte (read only)
+    EC_WRITE_U16(data + 6, sync->enable ? 0x0001 : 0x0000); // enable
+   Initializes an FMMU configuration page.
+   The referenced memory (\a data) must be at least EC_FMMU_SIZE bytes.
+void ec_slave_fmmu_config(const ec_slave_t *slave, /**< EtherCAT slave */
+        const ec_fmmu_t *fmmu, /**< FMMU */
+        uint8_t *data /**> configuration memory */
+        )
+    size_t sync_size;
+    sync_size = ec_slave_calc_sync_size(slave, fmmu->sync);
+    if (slave->master->debug_level) {
+        EC_DBG("Slave %3i, FMMU %2i:"
+               " LogAddr 0x%08X, Size %3i, PhysAddr 0x%04X, Dir %s\n",
+               slave->ring_position, fmmu->index, fmmu->logical_start_address,
+               sync_size, fmmu->sync->physical_start_address,
+               ((fmmu->sync->control_register & 0x04) ? "out" : "in"));
+    }
+    EC_WRITE_U32(data,      fmmu->logical_start_address);
+    EC_WRITE_U16(data + 4,  sync_size); // size of fmmu
+    EC_WRITE_U8 (data + 6,  0x00); // logical start bit
+    EC_WRITE_U8 (data + 7,  0x07); // logical end bit
+    EC_WRITE_U16(data + 8,  fmmu->sync->physical_start_address);
+    EC_WRITE_U8 (data + 10, 0x00); // physical start bit
+    EC_WRITE_U8 (data + 11, ((fmmu->sync->control_register & 0x04)
+                             ? 0x02 : 0x01));
+    EC_WRITE_U16(data + 12, 0x0001); // enable
+    EC_WRITE_U16(data + 14, 0x0000); // reserved
    \return non-zero if slave is a bus coupler
--- a/master/slave.h	Tue Feb 13 11:32:17 2007 +0000
+++ b/master/slave.h	Tue Feb 13 11:48:46 2007 +0000
@@ -278,8 +278,10 @@
 int ec_slave_locate_string(ec_slave_t *, unsigned int, char **);
 // misc.
-uint16_t ec_slave_calc_sync_size(const ec_slave_t *,
-                                 const ec_sii_sync_t *);
+void ec_slave_sync_config(const ec_slave_t *, const ec_sii_sync_t *,
+        uint8_t *);
+void ec_slave_fmmu_config(const ec_slave_t *, const ec_fmmu_t *, uint8_t *);
+uint16_t ec_slave_calc_sync_size(const ec_slave_t *, const ec_sii_sync_t *);
 int ec_slave_is_coupler(const ec_slave_t *);
 int ec_slave_has_subbus(const ec_slave_t *);