Split etherlab.py into multiple files
authorLaurent Bessard
Fri, 29 Mar 2013 01:15:01 +0100 (2013-03-29)
changeset 2111 f2cffda17d00
parent 2110 e8c43f542eb1
child 2112 e88cd6ff885e
Split etherlab.py into multiple files
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/etherlab/EthercatCFileGenerator.py	Fri Mar 29 01:15:01 2013 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,547 @@
+import os
+from EthercatSlave import ExtractHexDecValue, DATATYPECONVERSION, ExtractName
+/* Slave %(slave)d, "%(device_type)s"
+ * Vendor ID:       0x%(vendor).8x
+ * Product code:    0x%(product_code).8x
+ * Revision number: 0x%(revision_number).8x
+ */
+ec_pdo_entry_info_t slave_%(slave)d_pdo_entries[] = {
+ec_pdo_info_t slave_%(slave)d_pdos[] = {
+ec_sync_info_t slave_%(slave)d_syncs[] = {
+    {0xff}
+    if (!(slave%(slave)d = ecrt_master_slave_config(master, %(alias)d, %(position)d, 0x%(vendor).8x, 0x%(product_code).8x))) {
+        SLOGF(LOG_CRITICAL, "Failed to get slave %(device_type)s configuration at alias %(alias)d and position %(position)d.\\n");
+        return -1;
+    }
+    if (ecrt_slave_config_pdos(slave%(slave)d, EC_END, slave_%(slave)d_syncs)) {
+        SLOGF(LOG_CRITICAL, "Failed to configure PDOs for slave %(device_type)s at alias %(alias)d and position %(position)d.\\n");
+        return -1;
+    }
+    {
+        uint8_t value[%(data_size)d];
+        EC_WRITE_%(data_type)s((uint8_t *)value, %(data)s);
+        if (ecrt_master_sdo_download(master, %(slave)d, 0x%(index).4x, 0x%(subindex).2x, (uint8_t *)value, %(data_size)d, &abort_code)) {
+            SLOGF(LOG_CRITICAL, "Failed to initialize slave %(device_type)s at alias %(alias)d and position %(position)d.\\nError: %%d\\n", abort_code);
+            return -1;
+        }
+    }
+    {
+        uint8_t value[%(data_size)d];
+        if (ecrt_master_sdo_upload(master, %(slave)d, 0x%(index).4x, 0x%(subindex).2x, (uint8_t *)value, %(data_size)d, &result_size, &abort_code)) {
+            SLOGF(LOG_CRITICAL, "Failed to get default value for output PDO in slave %(device_type)s at alias %(alias)d and position %(position)d.\\nError: %%ud\\n", abort_code);
+            return -1;
+        }
+        %(real_var)s = EC_READ_%(data_type)s((uint8_t *)value);
+    }
+def ConfigureVariable(entry_infos, str_completion):
+    entry_infos["data_type"] = DATATYPECONVERSION.get(entry_infos["var_type"], None)
+    if entry_infos["data_type"] is None:
+        raise ValueError, _("Type of location \"%s\" not yet supported!") % entry_infos["var_name"]
+    if not entry_infos.get("no_decl", False):
+        if entry_infos.has_key("real_var"):
+            str_completion["located_variables_declaration"].append(
+                "IEC_%(var_type)s %(real_var)s;" % entry_infos)
+        else:
+            entry_infos["real_var"] = "beremiz" + entry_infos["var_name"]
+            str_completion["located_variables_declaration"].extend(
+                ["IEC_%(var_type)s %(real_var)s;" % entry_infos,
+                 "IEC_%(var_type)s *%(var_name)s = &%(real_var)s;" % entry_infos])
+        for declaration in entry_infos.get("extra_declarations", []):
+            entry_infos["extra_decl"] = declaration
+            str_completion["located_variables_declaration"].append(
+                 "IEC_%(var_type)s *%(extra_decl)s = &%(real_var)s;" % entry_infos)
+    elif not entry_infos.has_key("real_var"):
+        entry_infos["real_var"] = "beremiz" + entry_infos["var_name"]
+    str_completion["used_pdo_entry_offset_variables_declaration"].append(
+        "unsigned int slave%(slave)d_%(index).4x_%(subindex).2x;" % entry_infos)
+    if entry_infos["data_type"] == "BIT":
+        str_completion["used_pdo_entry_offset_variables_declaration"].append(
+            "unsigned int slave%(slave)d_%(index).4x_%(subindex).2x_bit;" % entry_infos)
+        str_completion["used_pdo_entry_configuration"].append(
+             ("    {%(alias)d, %(position)d, 0x%(vendor).8x, 0x%(product_code).8x, " + 
+              "0x%(index).4x, %(subindex)d, &slave%(slave)d_%(index).4x_%(subindex).2x, " + 
+              "&slave%(slave)d_%(index).4x_%(subindex).2x_bit},") % entry_infos)
+        if entry_infos["dir"] == "I":
+            str_completion["retrieve_variables"].append(
+              ("    %(real_var)s = EC_READ_BIT(domain1_pd + slave%(slave)d_%(index).4x_%(subindex).2x, " + 
+               "slave%(slave)d_%(index).4x_%(subindex).2x_bit);") % entry_infos)
+        elif entry_infos["dir"] == "Q":
+            str_completion["publish_variables"].append(
+              ("    EC_WRITE_BIT(domain1_pd + slave%(slave)d_%(index).4x_%(subindex).2x, " + 
+               "slave%(slave)d_%(index).4x_%(subindex).2x_bit, %(real_var)s);") % entry_infos)
+    else:
+        str_completion["used_pdo_entry_configuration"].append(
+            ("    {%(alias)d, %(position)d, 0x%(vendor).8x, 0x%(product_code).8x, 0x%(index).4x, " + 
+             "%(subindex)d, &slave%(slave)d_%(index).4x_%(subindex).2x},") % entry_infos)
+        if entry_infos["dir"] == "I":
+            str_completion["retrieve_variables"].append(
+                ("    %(real_var)s = EC_READ_%(data_type)s(domain1_pd + " + 
+                 "slave%(slave)d_%(index).4x_%(subindex).2x);") % entry_infos)
+        elif entry_infos["dir"] == "Q":
+            str_completion["publish_variables"].append(
+                ("    EC_WRITE_%(data_type)s(domain1_pd + slave%(slave)d_%(index).4x_%(subindex).2x, " + 
+                 "%(real_var)s);") % entry_infos)
+def ExclusionSortFunction(x, y):
+    if x["matching"] == y["matching"]:
+        if x["assigned"] and not y["assigned"]:
+            return -1
+        elif not x["assigned"] and y["assigned"]:
+            return 1
+        return cmp(x["count"], y["count"])
+    return -cmp(x["matching"], y["matching"])
+class _EthercatCFileGenerator:
+    def __init__(self, controler):
+        self.Controler = controler
+        self.Slaves = []
+        self.UsedVariables = {}
+    def __del__(self):
+        self.Controler = None            
+    def DeclareSlave(self, slave_index, slave):
+        self.Slaves.append((slave_index, slave.getInfo().getAutoIncAddr(), slave))
+    def DeclareVariable(self, slave_index, index, subindex, iec_type, dir, name, no_decl=False):
+        slave_variables = self.UsedVariables.setdefault(slave_index, {})
+        entry_infos = slave_variables.get((index, subindex), None)
+        if entry_infos is None:
+            slave_variables[(index, subindex)] = {
+                "infos": (iec_type, dir, name, no_decl, []),
+                "mapped": False}
+            return name
+        elif entry_infos["infos"][:2] == (iec_type, dir):
+            if name != entry_infos["infos"][2]:
+                if dir == "I":
+                    entry_infos["infos"][4].append(name)
+                    return entry_infos["infos"][2]
+                else:
+                    raise ValueError, _("Output variables can't be defined with different locations (%s and %s)") % (entry_infos["infos"][2], name)
+        else:
+            raise ValueError, _("Definition conflict for location \"%s\"") % name 
+    def GenerateCFile(self, filepath, location_str, master_number):
+        # Extract etherlab master code template
+        plc_etherlab_filepath = os.path.join(os.path.split(__file__)[0], "plc_etherlab.c")
+        plc_etherlab_file = open(plc_etherlab_filepath, 'r')
+        plc_etherlab_code = plc_etherlab_file.read()
+        plc_etherlab_file.close()
+        # Initialize strings for formatting master code template
+        str_completion = {
+            "location": location_str,
+            "master_number": master_number,
+            "located_variables_declaration": [],
+            "used_pdo_entry_offset_variables_declaration": [],
+            "used_pdo_entry_configuration": [],
+            "pdos_configuration_declaration": "",
+            "slaves_declaration": "",
+            "slaves_configuration": "",
+            "slaves_output_pdos_default_values_extraction": "",
+            "slaves_initialization": "",
+            "retrieve_variables": [],
+            "publish_variables": [],
+        }
+        # Initialize variable storing variable mapping state
+        for slave_entries in self.UsedVariables.itervalues():
+            for entry_infos in slave_entries.itervalues():
+                entry_infos["mapped"] = False
+        # Sort slaves by position (IEC_Channel)
+        self.Slaves.sort()
+        # Initialize dictionary storing alias auto-increment position values
+        alias = {}
+        # Generating code for each slave
+        for (slave_idx, slave_alias, slave) in self.Slaves:
+            type_infos = slave.getType()
+            # Defining slave alias and auto-increment position
+            if alias.get(slave_alias) is not None:
+                alias[slave_alias] += 1
+            else:
+                alias[slave_alias] = 0
+            slave_pos = (slave_alias, alias[slave_alias])
+            # Extract slave device informations
+            device, alignment = self.Controler.GetModuleInfos(type_infos)
+            if device is not None:
+                # Extract slaves variables to be mapped
+                slave_variables = self.UsedVariables.get(slave_idx, {})
+                # Extract slave device object dictionary entries
+                device_entries = device.GetEntriesList()
+                # Adding code for declaring slave in master code template strings
+                for element in ["vendor", "product_code", "revision_number"]:
+                    type_infos[element] = ExtractHexDecValue(type_infos[element])
+                type_infos.update(dict(zip(["slave", "alias", "position"], (slave_idx,) + slave_pos)))
+                # Extract slave device CoE informations
+                device_coe = device.getCoE()
+                if device_coe is not None:
+                    # If device support CanOpen over Ethernet, adding code for calling 
+                    # init commands when initializing slave in master code template strings
+                    initCmds = []
+                    for initCmd in device_coe.getInitCmd():
+                        initCmds.append({
+                            "Index": ExtractHexDecValue(initCmd.getIndex()),
+                            "Subindex": ExtractHexDecValue(initCmd.getSubIndex()),
+                            "Value": initCmd.getData().getcontent()})
+                    initCmds.extend(slave.getStartupCommands())
+                    for initCmd in initCmds:
+                        index = initCmd["Index"]
+                        subindex = initCmd["Subindex"]
+                        entry = device_entries.get((index, subindex), None)
+                        if entry is not None:
+                            data_size = entry["BitSize"] / 8
+                            data_str = ("0x%%.%dx" % (data_size * 2)) % initCmd["Value"]
+                            init_cmd_infos = {
+                                "index": index,
+                                "subindex": subindex,
+                                "data": data_str,
+                                "data_type": DATATYPECONVERSION.get(entry["Type"]),
+                                "data_size": data_size
+                            }
+                            init_cmd_infos.update(type_infos)
+                            str_completion["slaves_initialization"] += SLAVE_INITIALIZATION_TEMPLATE % init_cmd_infos
+                    # Extract slave device PDO configuration capabilities
+                    PdoAssign = device_coe.getPdoAssign()
+                    PdoConfig = device_coe.getPdoConfig()
+                else:
+                    PdoAssign = PdoConfig = False
+                # Test if slave has a configuration or need one
+                if len(device.getTxPdo() + device.getRxPdo()) > 0 or len(slave_variables) > 0 and PdoConfig and PdoAssign:
+                    str_completion["slaves_declaration"] += "static ec_slave_config_t *slave%(slave)d = NULL;\n" % type_infos
+                    str_completion["slaves_configuration"] += SLAVE_CONFIGURATION_TEMPLATE % type_infos
+                    # Initializing 
+                    pdos_infos = {
+                        "pdos_entries_infos": [],
+                        "pdos_infos": [],
+                        "pdos_sync_infos": [], 
+                    }
+                    pdos_infos.update(type_infos)
+                    sync_managers = []
+                    for sync_manager_idx, sync_manager in enumerate(device.getSm()):
+                        sync_manager_infos = {
+                            "index": sync_manager_idx, 
+                            "name": sync_manager.getcontent(),
+                            "slave": slave_idx,
+                            "pdos": [], 
+                            "pdos_number": 0,
+                        }
+                        sync_manager_control_byte = ExtractHexDecValue(sync_manager.getControlByte())
+                        sync_manager_direction = sync_manager_control_byte & 0x0c
+                        sync_manager_watchdog = sync_manager_control_byte & 0x40
+                        if sync_manager_direction:
+                            sync_manager_infos["sync_manager_type"] = "EC_DIR_OUTPUT"
+                        else:
+                            sync_manager_infos["sync_manager_type"] = "EC_DIR_INPUT"
+                        if sync_manager_watchdog:
+                            sync_manager_infos["watchdog"] = "EC_WD_ENABLE"
+                        else:
+                            sync_manager_infos["watchdog"] = "EC_WD_DISABLE"
+                        sync_managers.append(sync_manager_infos)
+                    pdos_index = []
+                    exclusive_pdos = {}
+                    selected_pdos = []
+                    for pdo, pdo_type in ([(pdo, "Inputs") for pdo in device.getTxPdo()] +
+                                          [(pdo, "Outputs") for pdo in device.getRxPdo()]):
+                        pdo_index = ExtractHexDecValue(pdo.getIndex().getcontent())
+                        pdos_index.append(pdo_index)
+                        excluded_list = pdo.getExclude()
+                        if len(excluded_list) > 0:
+                            exclusion_list = [pdo_index]
+                            for excluded in excluded_list:
+                                exclusion_list.append(ExtractHexDecValue(excluded.getcontent()))
+                            exclusion_list.sort()
+                            exclusion_scope = exclusive_pdos.setdefault(tuple(exclusion_list), [])
+                            entries = pdo.getEntry()
+                            pdo_mapping_match = {
+                                "index": pdo_index, 
+                                "matching": 0, 
+                                "count": len(entries), 
+                                "assigned": pdo.getSm() is not None
+                            }
+                            exclusion_scope.append(pdo_mapping_match)
+                            for entry in entries:
+                                index = ExtractHexDecValue(entry.getIndex().getcontent())
+                                subindex = ExtractHexDecValue(entry.getSubIndex())
+                                if slave_variables.get((index, subindex), None) is not None:
+                                    pdo_mapping_match["matching"] += 1
+                        elif pdo.getMandatory():
+                            selected_pdos.append(pdo_index)
+                    excluded_pdos = []
+                    for exclusion_scope in exclusive_pdos.itervalues():
+                        exclusion_scope.sort(ExclusionSortFunction)
+                        start_excluding_index = 0
+                        if exclusion_scope[0]["matching"] > 0:
+                            selected_pdos.append(exclusion_scope[0]["index"])
+                            start_excluding_index = 1
+                        excluded_pdos.extend([pdo["index"] for pdo in exclusion_scope[start_excluding_index:] if PdoAssign or not pdo["assigned"]])
+                    for pdo, pdo_type in ([(pdo, "Inputs") for pdo in device.getTxPdo()] +
+                                          [(pdo, "Outputs") for pdo in device.getRxPdo()]):
+                        entries = pdo.getEntry()
+                        pdo_index = ExtractHexDecValue(pdo.getIndex().getcontent())
+                        if pdo_index in excluded_pdos:
+                            continue
+                        pdo_needed = pdo_index in selected_pdos
+                        entries_infos = []
+                        for entry in entries:
+                            index = ExtractHexDecValue(entry.getIndex().getcontent())
+                            subindex = ExtractHexDecValue(entry.getSubIndex())
+                            entry_infos = {
+                                "index": index,
+                                "subindex": subindex,
+                                "name": ExtractName(entry.getName()),
+                                "bitlen": entry.getBitLen(),
+                            }
+                            entry_infos.update(type_infos)
+                            entries_infos.append("    {0x%(index).4x, 0x%(subindex).2x, %(bitlen)d}, /* %(name)s */" % entry_infos)
+                            entry_declaration = slave_variables.get((index, subindex), None)
+                            if entry_declaration is not None and not entry_declaration["mapped"]:
+                                pdo_needed = True
+                                entry_infos.update(dict(zip(["var_type", "dir", "var_name", "no_decl", "extra_declarations"], 
+                                                            entry_declaration["infos"])))
+                                entry_declaration["mapped"] = True
+                                entry_type = entry.getDataType().getcontent()
+                                if entry_infos["var_type"] != entry_type:
+                                    message = _("Wrong type for location \"%s\"!") % entry_infos["var_name"]
+                                    if (self.Controler.GetSizeOfType(entry_infos["var_type"]) != 
+                                        self.Controler.GetSizeOfType(entry_type)):
+                                        raise ValueError, message
+                                    else:
+                                        self.Controler.GetCTRoot().logger.write_warning(_("Warning: ") + message + "\n")
+                                if (entry_infos["dir"] == "I" and pdo_type != "Inputs" or 
+                                    entry_infos["dir"] == "Q" and pdo_type != "Outputs"):
+                                    raise ValueError, _("Wrong direction for location \"%s\"!") % entry_infos["var_name"]
+                                ConfigureVariable(entry_infos, str_completion)
+                            elif pdo_type == "Outputs" and entry.getDataType() is not None and device_coe is not None:
+                                data_type = entry.getDataType().getcontent()
+                                entry_infos["dir"] = "Q"
+                                entry_infos["data_size"] = max(1, entry_infos["bitlen"] / 8)
+                                entry_infos["data_type"] = DATATYPECONVERSION.get(data_type)
+                                entry_infos["var_type"] = data_type
+                                entry_infos["real_var"] = "slave%(slave)d_%(index).4x_%(subindex).2x_default" % entry_infos
+                                ConfigureVariable(entry_infos, str_completion)
+                                str_completion["slaves_output_pdos_default_values_extraction"] += \
+                                    SLAVE_OUTPUT_PDO_DEFAULT_VALUE % entry_infos
+                        if pdo_needed:
+                            for excluded in pdo.getExclude():
+                                excluded_index = ExtractHexDecValue(excluded.getcontent())
+                                if excluded_index not in excluded_pdos:
+                                    excluded_pdos.append(excluded_index)
+                            sm = pdo.getSm()
+                            if sm is None:
+                                for sm_idx, sync_manager in enumerate(sync_managers):
+                                    if sync_manager["name"] == pdo_type:
+                                        sm = sm_idx
+                            if sm is None:
+                                raise ValueError, _("No sync manager available for %s pdo!") % pdo_type
+                            sync_managers[sm]["pdos_number"] += 1
+                            sync_managers[sm]["pdos"].append(
+                                {"slave": slave_idx,
+                                 "index": pdo_index,
+                                 "name": ExtractName(pdo.getName()),
+                                 "type": pdo_type, 
+                                 "entries": entries_infos,
+                                 "entries_number": len(entries_infos),
+                                 "fixed": pdo.getFixed() == True})
+                    if PdoConfig and PdoAssign:
+                        dynamic_pdos = {}
+                        dynamic_pdos_number = 0
+                        for category, min_index, max_index in [("Inputs", 0x1600, 0x1800), 
+                                                               ("Outputs", 0x1a00, 0x1C00)]:
+                            for sync_manager in sync_managers:
+                                if sync_manager["name"] == category:
+                                    category_infos = dynamic_pdos.setdefault(category, {})
+                                    category_infos["sync_manager"] = sync_manager
+                                    category_infos["pdos"] = [pdo for pdo in category_infos["sync_manager"]["pdos"] 
+                                                              if not pdo["fixed"] and pdo["type"] == category]
+                                    category_infos["current_index"] = min_index
+                                    category_infos["max_index"] = max_index
+                                    break
+                        for (index, subindex), entry_declaration in slave_variables.iteritems():
+                            if not entry_declaration["mapped"]:
+                                entry = device_entries.get((index, subindex), None)
+                                if entry is None:
+                                    raise ValueError, _("Unknown entry index 0x%4.4x, subindex 0x%2.2x for device %s") % \
+                                                     (index, subindex, type_infos["device_type"])
+                                entry_infos = {
+                                    "index": index,
+                                    "subindex": subindex,
+                                    "name": entry["Name"],
+                                    "bitlen": entry["BitSize"],
+                                }
+                                entry_infos.update(type_infos)
+                                entry_infos.update(dict(zip(["var_type", "dir", "var_name", "no_decl", "extra_declarations"], 
+                                                            entry_declaration["infos"])))
+                                entry_declaration["mapped"] = True
+                                if entry_infos["var_type"] != entry["Type"]:
+                                    message = _("Wrong type for location \"%s\"!") % entry_infos["var_name"]
+                                    if (self.Controler.GetSizeOfType(entry_infos["var_type"]) != 
+                                        self.Controler.GetSizeOfType(entry["Type"])):
+                                        raise ValueError, message
+                                    else:
+                                        self.Controler.GetCTRoot().logger.write_warning(message + "\n")
+                                if entry_infos["dir"] == "I" and entry["PDOMapping"] in ["T", "RT"]:
+                                    pdo_type = "Inputs"
+                                elif entry_infos["dir"] == "Q" and entry["PDOMapping"] in ["R", "RT"]:
+                                    pdo_type = "Outputs"
+                                else:
+                                    raise ValueError, _("Wrong direction for location \"%s\"!") % entry_infos["var_name"]
+                                if not dynamic_pdos.has_key(pdo_type):
+                                    raise ValueError, _("No Sync manager defined for %s!") % pdo_type
+                                ConfigureVariable(entry_infos, str_completion)
+                                if len(dynamic_pdos[pdo_type]["pdos"]) > 0:
+                                    pdo = dynamic_pdos[pdo_type]["pdos"][0]
+                                else:
+                                    while dynamic_pdos[pdo_type]["current_index"] in pdos_index:
+                                        dynamic_pdos[pdo_type]["current_index"] += 1
+                                    if dynamic_pdos[pdo_type]["current_index"] >= dynamic_pdos[pdo_type]["max_index"]:
+                                        raise ValueError, _("No more free PDO index available for %s!") % pdo_type
+                                    pdos_index.append(dynamic_pdos[pdo_type]["current_index"])
+                                    dynamic_pdos_number += 1
+                                    pdo = {"slave": slave_idx,
+                                           "index": dynamic_pdos[pdo_type]["current_index"],
+                                           "name": "Dynamic PDO %d" % dynamic_pdos_number,
+                                           "type": pdo_type, 
+                                           "entries": [],
+                                           "entries_number": 0,
+                                           "fixed": False}
+                                    dynamic_pdos[pdo_type]["sync_manager"]["pdos_number"] += 1
+                                    dynamic_pdos[pdo_type]["sync_manager"]["pdos"].append(pdo)
+                                    dynamic_pdos[pdo_type]["pdos"].append(pdo)
+                                pdo["entries"].append("    {0x%(index).4x, 0x%(subindex).2x, %(bitlen)d}, /* %(name)s */" % entry_infos)
+                                if entry_infos["bitlen"] < alignment:
+                                    print (alignment, entry_infos["bitlen"])
+                                    pdo["entries"].append("    {0x0000, 0x00, %d}, /* None */" % (alignment - entry_infos["bitlen"]))
+                                pdo["entries_number"] += 1
+                                if pdo["entries_number"] == 255:
+                                    dynamic_pdos[pdo_type]["pdos"].pop(0)
+                    pdo_offset = 0
+                    entry_offset = 0
+                    for sync_manager_infos in sync_managers:
+                        for pdo_infos in sync_manager_infos["pdos"]:
+                            pdo_infos["offset"] = entry_offset
+                            pdo_entries = pdo_infos["entries"]
+                            pdos_infos["pdos_infos"].append(
+                                ("    {0x%(index).4x, %(entries_number)d, " + 
+                                 "slave_%(slave)d_pdo_entries + %(offset)d}, /* %(name)s */") % pdo_infos)
+                            entry_offset += len(pdo_entries)
+                            pdos_infos["pdos_entries_infos"].extend(pdo_entries)
+                        sync_manager_infos["offset"] = pdo_offset
+                        pdo_offset_shift = sync_manager_infos["pdos_number"]
+                        pdos_infos["pdos_sync_infos"].append(
+                            ("    {%(index)d, %(sync_manager_type)s, %(pdos_number)d, " + 
+                             ("slave_%(slave)d_pdos + %(offset)d" if pdo_offset_shift else "NULL") +
+                             ", %(watchdog)s},") % sync_manager_infos)
+                        pdo_offset += pdo_offset_shift  
+                    for element in ["pdos_entries_infos", "pdos_infos", "pdos_sync_infos"]:
+                        pdos_infos[element] = "\n".join(pdos_infos[element])
+                    str_completion["pdos_configuration_declaration"] += SLAVE_PDOS_CONFIGURATION_DECLARATION % pdos_infos
+                for (index, subindex), entry_declaration in slave_variables.iteritems():
+                    if not entry_declaration["mapped"]:
+                        message = _("Entry index 0x%4.4x, subindex 0x%2.2x not mapped for device %s") % \
+                                        (index, subindex, type_infos["device_type"])
+                        self.Controler.GetCTRoot().logger.write_warning(_("Warning: ") + message + "\n")
+        for element in ["used_pdo_entry_offset_variables_declaration", 
+                        "used_pdo_entry_configuration", 
+                        "located_variables_declaration", 
+                        "retrieve_variables", 
+                        "publish_variables"]:
+            str_completion[element] = "\n".join(str_completion[element])
+        etherlabfile = open(filepath, 'w')
+        etherlabfile.write(plc_etherlab_code % str_completion)
+        etherlabfile.close()
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/etherlab/EthercatCIA402Slave.py	Fri Mar 29 01:15:01 2013 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,258 @@
+import os
+import wx
+from MotionLibrary import Headers, AxisXSD
+from EthercatSlave import _EthercatSlaveCTN
+from ConfigEditor import CIA402NodeEditor
+    ("ControlWord", 0x6040, 0x00, "UINT", "Q"),
+    ("TargetPosition", 0x607a, 0x00, "DINT", "Q"),
+    ("ModesOfOperation", 0x06060, 0x00, "SINT", "Q"),
+    ("StatusWord", 0x6041, 0x00, "UINT", "I"),
+    ("ModesOfOperationDisplay", 0x06061, 0x00, "SINT", "I"),
+    ("ActualPosition", 0x6064, 0x00, "DINT", "I"),
+    ("ActualVelocity", 0x606C, 0x00, "DINT", "I"),
+DEFAULT_RETRIEVE = "    __CIA402Node_%(location)s.axis->%(name)s = *(__CIA402Node_%(location)s.%(name)s);"
+DEFAULT_PUBLISH = "    *(__CIA402Node_%(location)s.%(name)s) = __CIA402Node_%(location)s.axis->%(name)s;"
+    ("ErrorCode", [
+        {"description": ("ErrorCode", 0x603F, 0x00, "UINT", "I"),
+         "publish": None}
+        ]),
+    ("DigitalInputs", [
+        {"description": ("DigitalInputs", 0x60FD, 0x00, "UDINT", "I"),
+         "publish": None}
+        ]),
+    ("DigitalOutputs", [
+        {"description": ("DigitalOutputs", 0x60FE, 0x00, "UDINT", "Q"),
+         "retrieve": None}
+        ])
+EXTRA_NODE_VARIABLES_DICT = dict([("Enable" + name, value) for name, value in EXTRA_NODE_VARIABLES])
+BLOCK_INPUT_TEMPLATE = "    __SET_VAR(%(blockname)s->,%(input_name)s, %(input_value)s);"
+BLOCK_OUTPUT_TEMPLATE = "    __SET_VAR(data__->,%(output_name)s, __GET_VAR(%(blockname)s->%(output_name)s));"
+extern void ETHERLAB%(ucase_blocktype)s_body__(ETHERLAB%(ucase_blocktype)s* data__);
+void __%(blocktype)s_%(location)s(MC_%(ucase_blocktype)s *data__) {
+__DECLARE_GLOBAL_PROTOTYPE(ETHERLAB%(ucase_blocktype)s, %(blockname)s);
+ETHERLAB%(ucase_blocktype)s* %(blockname)s = __GET_GLOBAL_%(blockname)s();
+BLOCK_FUNTION_DEFINITION_TEMPLATE = """    if (!__CIA402Node_%(location)s.axis->__mcl_func_MC_%(blocktype)s)
+__CIA402Node_%(location)s.axis->__mcl_func_MC_%(blocktype)s = __%(blocktype)s_%(location)s;"""
+    {"blocktype": "GetTorqueLimit", 
+     "inputs": [],
+     "outputs": [{"name": "TorqueLimitPos", "type": "UINT"},
+                 {"name": "TorqueLimitNeg", "type": "UINT"}]},
+    {"blocktype": "SetTorqueLimit", 
+     "inputs": [{"name": "TorqueLimitPos", "type": "UINT"},
+                {"name": "TorqueLimitNeg", "type": "UINT"}],
+     "outputs": []},
+#                 Ethercat CIA402 Node
+class _EthercatCIA402SlaveCTN(_EthercatSlaveCTN):
+    XSD = """<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" ?>
+    <xsd:schema xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema">
+      <xsd:element name="CIA402SlaveParams">
+        <xsd:complexType>
+          %s
+        </xsd:complexType>
+      </xsd:element>
+    </xsd:schema>
+    """ % ("\n".join(['<xsd:attribute name="Enable%s" type="xsd:boolean" use="optional" default="false"/>' % category 
+                      for category, variables in EXTRA_NODE_VARIABLES]) + AxisXSD)
+    NODE_PROFILE = 402
+    EditorType = CIA402NodeEditor
+    ConfNodeMethods = [
+        {"bitmap" : "CIA402AxisRef",
+         "name" : _("Axis Ref"),
+         "tooltip" : _("Initiate Drag'n drop of Axis ref located variable"),
+         "method" : "_getCIA402AxisRef",
+         "push": True},
+    ]
+    def GetIconName(self):
+        return "CIA402Slave"
+    def SetParamsAttribute(self, path, value):
+        if path == "CIA402SlaveParams.Type":
+            path = "SlaveParams.Type"
+        elif path == "CIA402SlaveParams.Alias":
+            path = "SlaveParams.Alias"
+        return _EthercatSlaveCTN.SetParamsAttribute(self, path, value)
+    def GetVariableLocationTree(self):
+        axis_name = self.CTNName()
+        current_location = self.GetCurrentLocation()
+        children = [{"name": "%s Axis Ref" % (axis_name),
+                     "type": LOCATION_VAR_INPUT,
+                     "size": "W",
+                     "IEC_type": "AXIS_REF",
+                     "var_name": axis_name,
+                     "location": "%%IW%s.0" % (".".join(map(str, current_location))),
+                     "description": "",
+                     "children": []}]
+        children.extend(self.CTNParent.GetDeviceLocationTree(self.GetSlavePos(), current_location, axis_name))
+        return  {"name": axis_name,
+                 "type": LOCATION_CONFNODE,
+                 "location": self.GetFullIEC_Channel(),
+                 "children": children,
+        }
+    def CTNGlobalInstances(self):
+        current_location = self.GetCurrentLocation()
+        return [("%s_%s" % (block_infos["blocktype"], "_".join(map(str, current_location))),
+                 "EtherLab%s" % block_infos["blocktype"]) for block_infos in GLOBAL_INSTANCES]
+    def _getCIA402AxisRef(self):
+        data = wx.TextDataObject(str(("%%IW%s.0" % ".".join(map(str, self.GetCurrentLocation())), 
+                                      "location", "AXIS_REF", self.CTNName(), "")))
+        dragSource = wx.DropSource(self.GetCTRoot().AppFrame)
+        dragSource.SetData(data)
+        dragSource.DoDragDrop()
+    def CTNGenerate_C(self, buildpath, locations):
+        current_location = self.GetCurrentLocation()
+        location_str = "_".join(map(lambda x:str(x), current_location))
+        plc_cia402node_filepath = os.path.join(os.path.split(__file__)[0], "plc_cia402node.c")
+        plc_cia402node_file = open(plc_cia402node_filepath, 'r')
+        plc_cia402node_code = plc_cia402node_file.read()
+        plc_cia402node_file.close()
+        str_completion = {
+            "slave_pos": self.GetSlavePos(),
+            "location": location_str,
+            "MCL_headers": Headers,
+            "extern_located_variables_declaration": [],
+            "fieldbus_interface_declaration": [],
+            "fieldbus_interface_definition": [],
+            "entry_variables": [],
+            "init_axis_params": [],
+            "init_entry_variables": [],
+            "extra_variables_retrieve": [],
+            "extra_variables_publish": []
+        }
+        for blocktype_infos in GLOBAL_INSTANCES:
+            texts = {
+                "blocktype": blocktype_infos["blocktype"],
+                "ucase_blocktype": blocktype_infos["blocktype"].upper(),
+                "location": "_".join(map(str, current_location))
+            }
+            texts["blockname"] = "%(ucase_blocktype)s_%(location)s" % texts
+            inputs = [{"input_name": "POS", "input_value": str(self.GetSlavePos())},
+                      {"input_name": "EXECUTE", "input_value": "__GET_VAR(data__->EXECUTE)"}] +\
+                     [{"input_name": input["name"].upper(), 
+                       "input_value": "__GET_VAR(data__->%s)" % input["name"].upper()}
+                      for input in blocktype_infos["inputs"]]
+            input_texts = []
+            for input_infos in inputs:
+                input_infos.update(texts)
+                input_texts.append(BLOCK_INPUT_TEMPLATE % input_infos)
+            texts["extract_inputs"] = "\n".join(input_texts)
+            outputs = [{"output_name": output} for output in ["DONE", "BUSY", "ERROR"]] + \
+                      [{"output_name": output["name"].upper()} for output in blocktype_infos["outputs"]]
+            output_texts = []
+            for output_infos in outputs:
+                output_infos.update(texts)
+                output_texts.append(BLOCK_OUTPUT_TEMPLATE % output_infos)
+            texts["return_outputs"] = "\n".join(output_texts)
+            str_completion["fieldbus_interface_declaration"].append(
+                    BLOCK_FUNCTION_TEMPLATE % texts)
+            str_completion["fieldbus_interface_definition"].append(
+                    BLOCK_FUNTION_DEFINITION_TEMPLATE % texts)
+        variables = NODE_VARIABLES[:]
+        params = self.CTNParams[1].getElementInfos(self.CTNParams[0])
+        for param in params["children"]:
+            if param["name"] in EXTRA_NODE_VARIABLES_DICT:
+                if param["value"]:
+                    extra_variables = EXTRA_NODE_VARIABLES_DICT.get(param["name"])
+                    for variable_infos in extra_variables:
+                        var_infos = {
+                            "location": location_str,
+                            "name": variable_infos["description"][0]
+                        }
+                        variables.append(variable_infos["description"])
+                        retrieve_template = variable_infos.get("retrieve", DEFAULT_RETRIEVE)
+                        publish_template = variable_infos.get("publish", DEFAULT_PUBLISH)
+                        if retrieve_template is not None:
+                            str_completion["extra_variables_retrieve"].append(
+                                retrieve_template % var_infos)
+                        if publish_template is not None:
+                            str_completion["extra_variables_publish"].append(
+                                publish_template % var_infos)
+            elif param["value"] is not None:
+                param_infos = {
+                    "location": location_str,
+                    "param_name": param["name"],
+                }
+                if param["type"] == "boolean":
+                    param_infos["param_value"] = {True: "true", False: "false"}[param["value"]]
+                else:
+                    param_infos["param_value"] = str(param["value"])
+                str_completion["init_axis_params"].append(
+                    "        __CIA402Node_%(location)s.axis->%(param_name)s = %(param_value)s;" % param_infos)
+        for variable in variables:
+            var_infos = dict(zip(["name", "index", "subindex", "var_type", "dir"], variable))
+            var_infos["location"] = location_str
+            var_infos["var_size"] = self.GetSizeOfType(var_infos["var_type"])
+            var_infos["var_name"] = "__%(dir)s%(var_size)s%(location)s_%(index)d_%(subindex)d" % var_infos
+            str_completion["extern_located_variables_declaration"].append(
+                    "IEC_%(var_type)s *%(var_name)s;" % var_infos)
+            str_completion["entry_variables"].append(
+                    "    IEC_%(var_type)s *%(name)s;" % var_infos)
+            str_completion["init_entry_variables"].append(
+                    "    __CIA402Node_%(location)s.%(name)s = %(var_name)s;" % var_infos)
+            self.CTNParent.FileGenerator.DeclareVariable(
+                    self.GetSlavePos(), var_infos["index"], var_infos["subindex"], 
+                    var_infos["var_type"], var_infos["dir"], var_infos["var_name"])
+        for element in ["extern_located_variables_declaration", 
+                        "fieldbus_interface_declaration",
+                        "fieldbus_interface_definition",
+                        "entry_variables", 
+                        "init_axis_params", 
+                        "init_entry_variables",
+                        "extra_variables_retrieve",
+                        "extra_variables_publish"]:
+            str_completion[element] = "\n".join(str_completion[element])
+        Gen_CIA402Nodefile_path = os.path.join(buildpath, "cia402node_%s.c"%location_str)
+        cia402nodefile = open(Gen_CIA402Nodefile_path, 'w')
+        cia402nodefile.write(plc_cia402node_code % str_completion)
+        cia402nodefile.close()
+        return [(Gen_CIA402Nodefile_path, '"-I%s"'%os.path.abspath(self.GetCTRoot().GetIECLibPath()))],"",True
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/etherlab/EthercatMaster.py	Fri Mar 29 01:15:01 2013 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,762 @@
+import os
+import cPickle
+from xml.dom import minidom
+import wx
+from xmlclass import *
+from ConfigTreeNode import ConfigTreeNode
+from dialogs import BrowseValuesLibraryDialog
+from EthercatSlave import _EthercatSlaveCTN, ExtractHexDecValue, GenerateHexDecValue, TYPECONVERSION, VARCLASSCONVERSION
+from EthercatCFileGenerator import _EthercatCFileGenerator
+from ConfigEditor import MasterEditor
+from POULibrary import POULibrary
+    from EthercatCIA402Slave import _EthercatCIA402SlaveCTN
+    HAS_MCL = True
+    HAS_MCL = False
+#         Remote Exec Etherlab Commands
+import commands
+result = commands.getoutput("ethercat slaves")
+slaves = []
+for slave_line in result.splitlines():
+    chunks = slave_line.split()
+    idx, pos, state, flag = chunks[:4]
+    name = " ".join(chunks[4:])
+    alias, position = pos.split(":")
+    slave = {"idx": int(idx),
+             "alias": int(alias),
+             "position": int(position),
+             "name": name}
+    details = commands.getoutput("ethercat slaves -p %d -v" % slave["idx"])
+    for details_line in details.splitlines():
+        details_line = details_line.strip()
+        for header, param in [("Vendor Id:", "vendor_id"),
+                              ("Product code:", "product_code"),
+                              ("Revision number:", "revision_number")]:
+            if details_line.startswith(header):
+                slave[param] = details_line.split()[-1]
+                break
+    slaves.append(slave)
+returnVal = slaves
+#      Etherlab Specific Blocks Library
+def GetLocalPath(filename):
+    return os.path.join(os.path.split(__file__)[0], filename)
+class EtherlabLibrary(POULibrary):
+    def GetLibraryPath(self):
+        return GetLocalPath("pous.xml")
+    def Generate_C(self, buildpath, varlist, IECCFLAGS):
+        etherlab_ext_file = open(GetLocalPath("etherlab_ext.c"), 'r')
+        etherlab_ext_code = etherlab_ext_file.read()
+        etherlab_ext_file.close()
+        Gen_etherlabfile_path = os.path.join(buildpath, "etherlab_ext.c")
+        ethelabfile = open(Gen_etherlabfile_path,'w')
+        ethelabfile.write(etherlab_ext_code)
+        ethelabfile.close()
+        runtimefile_path = os.path.join(os.path.split(__file__)[0], "runtime_etherlab.py")
+        return ((["etherlab_ext"], [(Gen_etherlabfile_path, IECCFLAGS)], True), "", 
+                ("runtime_etherlab.py", file(GetLocalPath("runtime_etherlab.py"))))
+#                 Ethercat MASTER
+EtherCATConfigClasses = GenerateClassesFromXSD(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "EtherCATConfig.xsd")) 
+def sort_commands(x, y):
+    if x["Index"] == y["Index"]:
+        return cmp(x["Subindex"], y["Subindex"])
+    return cmp(x["Index"], y["Index"])
+cls = EtherCATConfigClasses.get("Config_Slave", None)
+if cls:
+    def getType(self):
+        slave_info = self.getInfo()
+        return {"device_type": slave_info.getName(),
+                "vendor": GenerateHexDecValue(slave_info.getVendorId()),
+                "product_code": GenerateHexDecValue(slave_info.getProductCode(), 16),
+                "revision_number": GenerateHexDecValue(slave_info.getRevisionNo(), 16)}
+    setattr(cls, "getType", getType)
+    def setType(self, type_infos):
+        slave_info = self.getInfo()
+        slave_info.setName(type_infos["device_type"])
+        slave_info.setVendorId(ExtractHexDecValue(type_infos["vendor"]))
+        slave_info.setProductCode(ExtractHexDecValue(type_infos["product_code"]))
+        slave_info.setRevisionNo(ExtractHexDecValue(type_infos["revision_number"]))
+    setattr(cls, "setType", setType)
+    def getInitCmds(self, create_default=False):
+        Mailbox = self.getMailbox()
+        if Mailbox is None:
+            if create_default:
+                self.addMailbox()
+                Mailbox = self.getMailbox()
+            else:
+                return None
+        CoE = Mailbox.getCoE()
+        if CoE is None:
+            if create_default:
+                Mailbox.addCoE()
+                CoE = Mailbox.getCoE()
+            else:
+                return None
+        InitCmds = CoE.getInitCmds()
+        if InitCmds is None and create_default:
+            CoE.addInitCmds()
+            InitCmds = CoE.getInitCmds()
+        return InitCmds
+    setattr(cls, "getInitCmds", getInitCmds)
+    def getStartupCommands(self):
+        pos = self.getInfo().getPhysAddr()
+        InitCmds = self.getInitCmds()
+        if InitCmds is None:
+            return []
+        commands = []
+        for idx, InitCmd in enumerate(InitCmds.getInitCmd()):
+            comment = InitCmd.getComment()
+            if comment is None:
+                comment = ""
+            commands.append({
+                "command_idx": idx,
+                "Position": pos,
+                "Index": InitCmd.getIndex(),
+                "Subindex": InitCmd.getSubIndex(),
+                "Value": InitCmd.getData(),
+                "Description": comment})
+        commands.sort(sort_commands)
+        return commands
+    setattr(cls, "getStartupCommands", getStartupCommands)
+    def appendStartupCommand(self, command_infos):
+        InitCmds = self.getInitCmds(True)
+        command = EtherCATConfigClasses["InitCmds_InitCmd"]()
+        command.setIndex(command_infos["Index"])
+        command.setSubIndex(command_infos["Subindex"])
+        command.setData(command_infos["Value"])
+        command.setComment(command_infos["Description"])
+        InitCmds.appendInitCmd(command)
+        return len(InitCmds.getInitCmd()) - 1
+    setattr(cls, "appendStartupCommand", appendStartupCommand)
+    def setStartupCommand(self, command_infos):
+        InitCmds = self.getInitCmds()
+        if InitCmds is not None:
+            commands = InitCmds.getInitCmd()
+            if command_infos["command_idx"] < len(commands):
+                command = commands[command_infos["command_idx"]]
+                command.setIndex(command_infos["Index"])
+                command.setSubIndex(command_infos["Subindex"])
+                command.setData(command_infos["Value"])
+                command.setComment(command_infos["Description"])
+    setattr(cls, "setStartupCommand", setStartupCommand)
+    def removeStartupCommand(self, command_idx):
+        InitCmds = self.getInitCmds()
+        if InitCmds is not None:
+            if command_idx < len(InitCmds.getInitCmd()):
+                InitCmds.removeInitCmd(command_idx)
+    setattr(cls, "removeStartupCommand", removeStartupCommand)
+ProcessVariablesXSD = """<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" ?>
+    <xsd:schema xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema">
+      <xsd:element name="ProcessVariables">
+        <xsd:complexType>
+          <xsd:sequence>
+            <xsd:element name="variable" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
+              <xsd:complexType>
+                <xsd:sequence>
+                  <xsd:element name="ReadFrom" type="LocationDesc" minOccurs="0"/>
+                  <xsd:element name="WriteTo" type="LocationDesc" minOccurs="0"/>
+                </xsd:sequence>
+                <xsd:attribute name="Name" type="xsd:string" use="required"/>
+                <xsd:attribute name="Comment" type="xsd:string" use="required"/>
+              </xsd:complexType>
+            </xsd:element>
+          </xsd:sequence>
+        </xsd:complexType>
+      </xsd:element>
+      <xsd:complexType name="LocationDesc">
+        <xsd:attribute name="Position" type="xsd:integer" use="required"/>
+        <xsd:attribute name="Index" type="xsd:integer" use="required"/>
+        <xsd:attribute name="SubIndex" type="xsd:integer" use="required"/>
+      </xsd:complexType>
+    </xsd:schema>
+ProcessVariablesClasses = GenerateClassesFromXSDstring(ProcessVariablesXSD) 
+class _EthercatCTN:
+    CTNChildrenTypes = [("EthercatSlave", _EthercatSlaveCTN, "Ethercat Slave")]
+    if HAS_MCL:
+        CTNChildrenTypes.append(("EthercatCIA402Slave", _EthercatCIA402SlaveCTN, "Ethercat CIA402 Slave"))
+    EditorType = MasterEditor
+    def __init__(self):
+        config_filepath = self.ConfigFileName()
+        config_is_saved = False
+        self.Config = EtherCATConfigClasses["EtherCATConfig"]()
+        if os.path.isfile(config_filepath):
+            config_xmlfile = open(config_filepath, 'r')
+            config_tree = minidom.parse(config_xmlfile)
+            config_xmlfile.close()
+            for child in config_tree.childNodes:
+                if child.nodeType == config_tree.ELEMENT_NODE and child.nodeName == "EtherCATConfig":
+                    self.Config.loadXMLTree(child)
+                    config_is_saved = True
+        process_filepath = self.ProcessVariablesFileName()
+        process_is_saved = False
+        self.ProcessVariables = ProcessVariablesClasses["ProcessVariables"]()
+        if os.path.isfile(process_filepath):
+            process_xmlfile = open(process_filepath, 'r')
+            process_tree = minidom.parse(process_xmlfile)
+            process_xmlfile.close()
+            for child in process_tree.childNodes:
+                if child.nodeType == process_tree.ELEMENT_NODE and child.nodeName == "ProcessVariables":
+                    self.ProcessVariables.loadXMLTree(child)
+                    process_is_saved = True
+        if config_is_saved and process_is_saved:
+            self.CreateBuffer(True)
+        else:
+            self.CreateBuffer(False)
+            self.OnCTNSave()
+    def GetContextualMenuItems(self):
+        return [("Add Ethercat Slave", "Add Ethercat Slave to Master", self.OnAddEthercatSlave)]
+    def OnAddEthercatSlave(self, event):
+        app_frame = self.GetCTRoot().AppFrame
+        dialog = BrowseValuesLibraryDialog(app_frame, 
+            "Ethercat Slave Type", self.GetSlaveTypesLibrary())
+        if dialog.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK:
+            type_infos = dialog.GetValueInfos()
+            device, alignment = self.GetModuleInfos(type_infos)
+            if device is not None:
+                if HAS_MCL and _EthercatCIA402SlaveCTN.NODE_PROFILE in device.GetProfileNumbers():
+                    ConfNodeType = "EthercatCIA402Slave"
+                else:
+                    ConfNodeType = "EthercatSlave"
+                new_child = self.CTNAddChild("%s_0" % ConfNodeType, ConfNodeType)
+                new_child.SetParamsAttribute("SlaveParams.Type", type_infos)
+                self.CTNRequestSave()
+                new_child._OpenView()
+                app_frame._Refresh(TITLE, FILEMENU, PROJECTTREE)
+        dialog.Destroy()
+    def ExtractHexDecValue(self, value):
+        return ExtractHexDecValue(value)
+    def GetSizeOfType(self, type):
+        return TYPECONVERSION.get(self.GetCTRoot().GetBaseType(type), None)
+    def ConfigFileName(self):
+        return os.path.join(self.CTNPath(), "config.xml")
+    def ProcessVariablesFileName(self):
+        return os.path.join(self.CTNPath(), "process_variables.xml")
+    def FilterSlave(self, slave, vendor=None, slave_pos=None, slave_profile=None):
+        if slave_pos is not None and slave.getInfo().getPhysAddr() != slave_pos:
+            return False
+        type_infos = slave.getType()
+        if vendor is not None and ExtractHexDecValue(type_infos["vendor"]) != vendor:
+            return False
+        device, alignment = self.GetModuleInfos(type_infos)
+        if slave_profile is not None and slave_profile not in device.GetProfileNumbers():
+            return False
+        return True
+    def GetSlaves(self, vendor=None, slave_pos=None, slave_profile=None):
+        slaves = []
+        for slave in self.Config.getConfig().getSlave():
+            if self.FilterSlave(slave, vendor, slave_pos, slave_profile):
+                slaves.append(slave.getInfo().getPhysAddr())
+        slaves.sort()
+        return slaves
+    def GetSlave(self, slave_pos):
+        for slave in self.Config.getConfig().getSlave():
+            slave_info = slave.getInfo()
+            if slave_info.getPhysAddr() == slave_pos:
+                return slave
+        return None
+    def GetStartupCommands(self, vendor=None, slave_pos=None, slave_profile=None):
+        commands = []
+        for slave in self.Config.getConfig().getSlave():
+            if self.FilterSlave(slave, vendor, slave_pos, slave_profile):
+                commands.append((slave.getInfo().getPhysAddr(), slave.getStartupCommands()))
+        commands.sort()
+        return reduce(lambda x, y: x + y[1], commands, [])
+    def AppendStartupCommand(self, command_infos):
+        slave = self.GetSlave(command_infos["Position"])
+        if slave is not None:
+            command_idx = slave.appendStartupCommand(command_infos)
+            self.BufferModel()
+            return command_idx
+        return None
+    def SetStartupCommandInfos(self, command_infos):
+        slave = self.GetSlave(command_infos["Position"])
+        if slave is not None:
+            slave.setStartupCommand(command_infos)
+            self.BufferModel()
+    def RemoveStartupCommand(self, slave_pos, command_idx, buffer=True):
+        slave = self.GetSlave(slave_pos)
+        if slave is not None:
+            slave.removeStartupCommand(command_idx)
+            if buffer:
+                self.BufferModel()
+    def SetProcessVariables(self, variables):
+        vars = []
+        for var in variables:
+            variable = ProcessVariablesClasses["ProcessVariables_variable"]()
+            variable.setName(var["Name"])
+            variable.setComment(var["Description"])
+            if var["ReadFrom"] != "":
+                position, index, subindex = var["ReadFrom"]
+                if variable.getReadFrom() is None:
+                    variable.addReadFrom()
+                read_from = variable.getReadFrom()
+                read_from.setPosition(position)
+                read_from.setIndex(index)
+                read_from.setSubIndex(subindex)
+            elif variable.getReadFrom() is not None:
+                variable.deleteReadFrom()
+            if var["WriteTo"] != "":
+                position, index, subindex = var["WriteTo"]
+                if variable.getWriteTo() is None:
+                    variable.addWriteTo()
+                write_to = variable.getWriteTo()
+                write_to.setPosition(position)
+                write_to.setIndex(index)
+                write_to.setSubIndex(subindex)
+            elif variable.getWriteTo() is not None:
+                variable.deleteWriteTo()
+            vars.append(variable)
+        self.ProcessVariables.setvariable(vars)
+        self.BufferModel()
+    def GetProcessVariables(self):
+        variables = []
+        idx = 0
+        for variable in self.ProcessVariables.getvariable():
+            var = {"Name": variable.getName(),
+                   "Number": idx,
+                   "Description": variable.getComment()}
+            read_from = variable.getReadFrom()
+            if read_from is not None:
+                var["ReadFrom"] = (read_from.getPosition(),
+                                   read_from.getIndex(),
+                                   read_from.getSubIndex())
+            else:
+                var["ReadFrom"] = ""
+            write_to = variable.getWriteTo()
+            if write_to is not None:
+                var["WriteTo"] = (write_to.getPosition(),
+                                   write_to.getIndex(),
+                                   write_to.getSubIndex())
+            else:
+                var["WriteTo"] = ""
+            variables.append(var)
+            idx += 1
+        return variables
+    def _ScanNetwork(self):
+        app_frame = self.GetCTRoot().AppFrame
+        execute = True
+        if len(self.Children) > 0:
+            dialog = wx.MessageDialog(app_frame, 
+                _("The current network configuration will be deleted.\nDo you want to continue?"), 
+                _("Scan Network"), 
+                wx.YES_NO|wx.ICON_QUESTION)
+            execute = dialog.ShowModal() == wx.ID_YES
+            dialog.Destroy()
+        if execute:
+            error, returnVal = self.RemoteExec(SCAN_COMMAND, returnVal = None)
+            if error != 0:
+                dialog = wx.MessageDialog(app_frame, returnVal, "Error", wx.OK|wx.ICON_ERROR)
+                dialog.ShowModal()
+                dialog.Destroy()
+            elif returnVal is not None:
+                for child in self.IECSortedChildren():
+                    self._doRemoveChild(child)
+                for slave in returnVal:
+                    type_infos = {
+                        "vendor": slave["vendor_id"],
+                        "product_code": slave["product_code"],
+                        "revision_number":slave["revision_number"],
+                    }
+                    device, alignment = self.GetModuleInfos(type_infos)
+                    if device is not None:
+                        if HAS_MCL and _EthercatCIA402SlaveCTN.NODE_PROFILE in device.GetProfileNumbers():
+                            CTNType = "EthercatCIA402Slave"
+                        else:
+                            CTNType = "EthercatSlave"
+                        self.CTNAddChild("slave%s" % slave["idx"], CTNType, slave["idx"])
+                        self.SetSlaveAlias(slave["idx"], slave["alias"])
+                        type_infos["device_type"] = device.getType().getcontent()
+                        self.SetSlaveType(slave["idx"], type_infos)
+    def CTNAddChild(self, CTNName, CTNType, IEC_Channel=0):
+        """
+        Create the confnodes that may be added as child to this node self
+        @param CTNType: string desining the confnode class name (get name from CTNChildrenTypes)
+        @param CTNName: string for the name of the confnode instance
+        """
+        newConfNodeOpj = ConfigTreeNode.CTNAddChild(self, CTNName, CTNType, IEC_Channel)
+        slave = self.GetSlave(newConfNodeOpj.BaseParams.getIEC_Channel())
+        if slave is None:
+            slave = EtherCATConfigClasses["Config_Slave"]()
+            slave_infos = slave.getInfo()
+            slave_infos.setName("undefined")
+            slave_infos.setPhysAddr(newConfNodeOpj.BaseParams.getIEC_Channel())
+            slave_infos.setAutoIncAddr(0)
+            self.Config.getConfig().appendSlave(slave)
+            self.BufferModel()
+            self.OnCTNSave()
+        return newConfNodeOpj
+    def _doRemoveChild(self, CTNInstance):
+        slave_pos = CTNInstance.GetSlavePos()
+        config = self.Config.getConfig()
+        for idx, slave in enumerate(config.getSlave()):
+            slave_infos = slave.getInfo()
+            if slave_infos.getPhysAddr() == slave_pos:
+                config.removeSlave(idx)
+                self.BufferModel()
+                self.OnCTNSave()
+        ConfigTreeNode._doRemoveChild(self, CTNInstance)
+    def SetSlavePosition(self, slave_pos, new_pos):
+        slave = self.GetSlave(slave_pos)
+        if slave is not None:
+            slave_info = slave.getInfo()
+            slave_info.setPhysAddr(new_pos)
+            for variable in self.ProcessVariables.getvariable():
+                read_from = variable.getReadFrom()
+                if read_from is not None and read_from.getPosition() == slave_pos:
+                    read_from.setPosition(new_pos)
+                write_to = variable.getWriteTo()
+                if write_to is not None and write_to.getPosition() == slave_pos:
+                    write_to.setPosition(new_pos)
+            self.CreateBuffer(True)
+            self.OnCTNSave()
+            if self._View is not None:
+                self._View.RefreshView()
+                self._View.RefreshBuffer()
+    def GetSlaveAlias(self, slave_pos):
+        slave = self.GetSlave(slave_pos)
+        if slave is not None:
+            slave_info = slave.getInfo()
+            return slave_info.getAutoIncAddr()
+        return None
+    def SetSlaveAlias(self, slave_pos, alias):
+        slave = self.GetSlave(slave_pos)
+        if slave is not None:
+            slave_info = slave.getInfo()
+            slave_info.setAutoIncAddr(alias)
+            self.BufferModel()
+    def GetSlaveType(self, slave_pos):
+        slave = self.GetSlave(slave_pos)
+        if slave is not None:
+            return slave.getType()
+        return None
+    def SetSlaveType(self, slave_pos, type_infos):
+        slave = self.GetSlave(slave_pos)
+        if slave is not None:
+            slave.setType(type_infos)
+            self.BufferModel()
+    def GetSlaveInfos(self, slave_pos):
+        slave = self.GetSlave(slave_pos)
+        if slave is not None:
+            type_infos = slave.getType()
+            device, alignment = self.GetModuleInfos(type_infos)
+            if device is not None:
+                infos = type_infos.copy()
+                infos.update({"physics": device.getPhysics(),
+                              "sync_managers": device.GetSyncManagers(),
+                              "entries": self.GetSlaveVariables(device)})
+                return infos
+        return None
+    def GetSlaveVariables(self, slave_pos=None, limits=None, device=None):
+        if device is None and slave_pos is not None:
+            slave = self.GetSlave(slave_pos)
+            if slave is not None:
+                type_infos = slave.getType()
+                device, alignment = self.GetModuleInfos(type_infos)
+        if device is not None:
+            entries = device.GetEntriesList(limits)
+            entries_list = entries.items()
+            entries_list.sort()
+            entries = []
+            current_index = None
+            current_entry = None
+            for (index, subindex), entry in entries_list:
+                entry["children"] = []
+                if slave_pos is not None:
+                    entry["Position"] = str(slave_pos)
+                entry
+                if index != current_index:
+                    current_index = index
+                    current_entry = entry
+                    entries.append(entry)
+                elif current_entry is not None:
+                    current_entry["children"].append(entry)
+                else:
+                    entries.append(entry)
+            return entries
+        return []
+    def GetSlaveVariableDataType(self, slave_pos, index, subindex):
+        slave = self.GetSlave(slave_pos)
+        if slave is not None:
+            device, alignment = self.GetModuleInfos(slave.getType())
+            if device is not None:
+                entries = device.GetEntriesList()
+                entry_infos = entries.get((index, subindex))
+                if entry_infos is not None:
+                    return entry_infos["Type"]
+        return None
+    def GetNodesVariables(self, vendor=None, slave_pos=None, slave_profile=None, limits=None):
+        entries = []
+        for slave_position in self.GetSlaves():
+            if slave_pos is not None and slave_position != slave_pos:
+                continue
+            slave = self.GetSlave(slave_position)
+            type_infos = slave.getType()
+            if vendor is not None and ExtractHexDecValue(type_infos["vendor"]) != vendor:
+                continue
+            device, alignment = self.GetModuleInfos(type_infos)
+            if slave_profile is not None and slave_profile not in device.GetProfileNumbers():
+                continue
+            entries.extend(self.GetSlaveVariables(slave_position, limits, device))
+        return entries
+    def GetModuleInfos(self, type_infos):
+        return self.CTNParent.GetModuleInfos(type_infos)
+    def GetSlaveTypesLibrary(self, profile_filter=None):
+        return self.CTNParent.GetModulesLibrary(profile_filter)
+    def GetLibraryVendors(self):
+        return self.CTNParent.GetVendors()
+    def GetDeviceLocationTree(self, slave_pos, current_location, device_name):
+        slave = self.GetSlave(slave_pos)
+        vars = []    
+        if slave is not None:
+            type_infos = slave.getType()
+            device, alignment = self.GetModuleInfos(type_infos)
+            if device is not None:
+                sync_managers = []
+                for sync_manager in device.getSm():
+                    sync_manager_control_byte = ExtractHexDecValue(sync_manager.getControlByte())
+                    sync_manager_direction = sync_manager_control_byte & 0x0c
+                    if sync_manager_direction:
+                        sync_managers.append(LOCATION_VAR_OUTPUT)
+                    else:
+                        sync_managers.append(LOCATION_VAR_INPUT)
+                entries = device.GetEntriesList().items()
+                entries.sort()
+                for (index, subindex), entry in entries:
+                    var_size = self.GetSizeOfType(entry["Type"])
+                    if var_size is not None:
+                        var_class = VARCLASSCONVERSION.get(entry["PDOMapping"], None)
+                        if var_class is not None:
+                            if var_class == LOCATION_VAR_INPUT:
+                                var_dir = "%I"
+                            else:
+                                var_dir = "%Q"    
+                            vars.append({"name": "0x%4.4x-0x%2.2x: %s" % (index, subindex, entry["Name"]),
+                                         "type": var_class,
+                                         "size": var_size,
+                                         "IEC_type": entry["Type"],
+                                         "var_name": "%s_%4.4x_%2.2x" % ("_".join(device_name.split()), index, subindex),
+                                         "location": "%s%s%s"%(var_dir, var_size, ".".join(map(str, current_location + 
+                                                                                                    (index, subindex)))),
+                                         "description": "",
+                                         "children": []})
+        return vars
+    def CTNTestModified(self):
+        return self.ChangesToSave or not self.ModelIsSaved()    
+    def OnCTNSave(self):
+        config_filepath = self.ConfigFileName()
+        config_text = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\" standalone=\"no\"?>\n"
+        config_extras = {"xmlns:xsi":"http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance",
+                  "xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation" : "EtherCATInfo.xsd"}
+        config_text += self.Config.generateXMLText("EtherCATConfig", 0, config_extras)
+        config_xmlfile = open(config_filepath,"w")
+        config_xmlfile.write(config_text.encode("utf-8"))
+        config_xmlfile.close()
+        process_filepath = self.ProcessVariablesFileName()
+        process_text = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\" standalone=\"no\"?>\n"
+        process_extras = {"xmlns:xsi":"http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"}
+        process_text += self.ProcessVariables.generateXMLText("ProcessVariables", 0, process_extras)
+        process_xmlfile = open(process_filepath,"w")
+        process_xmlfile.write(process_text.encode("utf-8"))
+        process_xmlfile.close()
+        self.Buffer.CurrentSaved()
+        return True
+    def GetProcessVariableName(self, location, var_type):
+        return "__M%s_%s" % (self.GetSizeOfType(var_type), "_".join(map(str, location)))
+    def _Generate_C(self, buildpath, locations):
+        current_location = self.GetCurrentLocation()
+        # define a unique name for the generated C file
+        location_str = "_".join(map(lambda x:str(x), current_location))
+        Gen_Ethercatfile_path = os.path.join(buildpath, "ethercat_%s.c"%location_str)
+        self.FileGenerator = _EthercatCFileGenerator(self)
+        LocationCFilesAndCFLAGS, LDFLAGS, extra_files = ConfigTreeNode._Generate_C(self, buildpath, locations)
+        for idx, variable in enumerate(self.ProcessVariables.getvariable()):
+            name = None
+            var_type = None
+            read_from = variable.getReadFrom()
+            write_to = variable.getWriteTo()
+            if read_from is not None:
+                pos = read_from.getPosition()
+                index = read_from.getIndex()
+                subindex = read_from.getSubIndex()
+                location = current_location + (idx, )
+                var_type = self.GetSlaveVariableDataType(pos, index, subindex)
+                name = self.FileGenerator.DeclareVariable(
+                            pos, index, subindex, var_type, "I",
+                            self.GetProcessVariableName(location, var_type))
+            if write_to is not None:
+                pos = write_to.getPosition()
+                index = write_to.getIndex()
+                subindex = write_to.getSubIndex()
+                if name is None:
+                    location = current_location + (idx, )
+                    var_type = self.GetSlaveVariableDataType(pos, index, subindex)
+                    name = self.GetProcessVariableName(location, var_type)
+                self.FileGenerator.DeclareVariable(
+                            pos, index, subindex, var_type, "Q", name, True)
+        self.FileGenerator.GenerateCFile(Gen_Ethercatfile_path, location_str, self.BaseParams.getIEC_Channel())
+        LocationCFilesAndCFLAGS.append(
+            (current_location, 
+             [(Gen_Ethercatfile_path, '"-I%s"'%os.path.abspath(self.GetCTRoot().GetIECLibPath()))], 
+             True))
+        LDFLAGS.append("-lethercat -lrtdm")
+        return LocationCFilesAndCFLAGS, LDFLAGS, extra_files
+    ConfNodeMethods = [
+        {"bitmap" : "ScanNetwork",
+         "name" : _("Scan Network"), 
+         "tooltip" : _("Scan Network"),
+         "method" : "_ScanNetwork"},
+    ]
+    def CTNGenerate_C(self, buildpath, locations):
+        current_location = self.GetCurrentLocation()
+        slaves = self.GetSlaves()
+        for slave_pos in slaves:
+            slave = self.GetSlave(slave_pos)
+            if slave is not None:
+                self.FileGenerator.DeclareSlave(slave_pos, slave)
+        for location in locations:
+            loc = location["LOC"][len(current_location):]
+            slave_pos = loc[0]
+            if slave_pos in slaves and len(loc) == 3 and location["DIR"] != "M":
+                self.FileGenerator.DeclareVariable(
+                    slave_pos, loc[1], loc[2], location["IEC_TYPE"], location["DIR"], location["NAME"])
+        return [],"",False
+#                      Current Buffering Management Functions
+    """
+    Return a copy of the config
+    """
+    def Copy(self, model):
+        return cPickle.loads(cPickle.dumps(model))
+    def CreateBuffer(self, saved):
+        self.Buffer = UndoBuffer(cPickle.dumps((self.Config, self.ProcessVariables)), saved)
+    def BufferModel(self):
+        self.Buffer.Buffering(cPickle.dumps((self.Config, self.ProcessVariables)))
+    def ModelIsSaved(self):
+        if self.Buffer is not None:
+            return self.Buffer.IsCurrentSaved()
+        else:
+            return True
+    def LoadPrevious(self):
+        self.Config, self.ProcessVariables = cPickle.loads(self.Buffer.Previous())
+    def LoadNext(self):
+        self.Config, self.ProcessVariables = cPickle.loads(self.Buffer.Next())
+    def GetBufferState(self):
+        first = self.Buffer.IsFirst()
+        last = self.Buffer.IsLast()
+        return not first, not last
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/etherlab/EthercatSlave.py	Fri Mar 29 01:15:01 2013 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,135 @@
+import wx
+from ConfigTreeNode import ConfigTreeNode
+from ConfigEditor import NodeEditor
+TYPECONVERSION = {"BOOL" : "X", "SINT" : "B", "INT" : "W", "DINT" : "D", "LINT" : "L",
+    "USINT" : "B", "UINT" : "W", "UDINT" : "D", "ULINT" : "L", 
+    "BYTE" : "B", "WORD" : "W", "DWORD" : "D", "LWORD" : "L"}
+DATATYPECONVERSION = {"BOOL" : "BIT", "SINT" : "S8", "INT" : "S16", "DINT" : "S32", "LINT" : "S64",
+    "USINT" : "U8", "UINT" : "U16", "UDINT" : "U32", "ULINT" : "U64", 
+    "BYTE" : "U8", "WORD" : "U16", "DWORD" : "U32", "LWORD" : "U64"}
+def ExtractHexDecValue(value):
+    try:
+        return int(value)
+    except:
+        pass
+    try:
+        return int(value.replace("#", "0"), 16)
+    except:
+        raise ValueError, "Invalid value for HexDecValue \"%s\"" % value
+def GenerateHexDecValue(value, base=10):
+    if base == 10:
+        return str(value)
+    elif base == 16:
+        return "#x%.8x" % value
+    else:
+        raise ValueError, "Not supported base"
+def ExtractName(names, default=None):
+    if len(names) == 1:
+        return names[0].getcontent()
+    else:
+        for name in names:
+            if name.getLcId() == 1033:
+                return name.getcontent()
+    return default
+#                    Ethercat Node
+class _EthercatSlaveCTN:
+    NODE_PROFILE = None
+    EditorType = NodeEditor
+    def GetIconName(self):
+        return "Slave"
+    def ExtractHexDecValue(self, value):
+        return ExtractHexDecValue(value)
+    def GetSizeOfType(self, type):
+        return TYPECONVERSION.get(self.GetCTRoot().GetBaseType(type), None)
+    def GetSlavePos(self):
+        return self.BaseParams.getIEC_Channel()
+    def GetParamsAttributes(self, path = None):
+        if path:
+            parts = path.split(".", 1)
+            if self.MandatoryParams and parts[0] == self.MandatoryParams[0]:
+                return self.MandatoryParams[1].getElementInfos(parts[0], parts[1])
+            elif self.CTNParams and parts[0] == self.CTNParams[0]:
+                return self.CTNParams[1].getElementInfos(parts[0], parts[1])
+        else:
+            params = []
+            if self.CTNParams:
+                params.append(self.CTNParams[1].getElementInfos(self.CTNParams[0]))
+            else:
+                params.append({
+                    'use': 'required', 
+                    'type': 'element', 
+                    'name': 'SlaveParams', 
+                    'value': None, 
+                    'children': []
+                })
+            slave_type = self.CTNParent.GetSlaveType(self.GetSlavePos())
+            params[0]['children'].insert(0,
+                   {'use': 'optional', 
+                    'type': self.CTNParent.GetSlaveTypesLibrary(self.NODE_PROFILE), 
+                    'name': 'Type', 
+                    'value': (slave_type["device_type"], slave_type)}) 
+            params[0]['children'].insert(1,
+                   {'use': 'optional', 
+                    'type': 'unsignedLong', 
+                    'name': 'Alias', 
+                    'value': self.CTNParent.GetSlaveAlias(self.GetSlavePos())})
+            return params
+    def SetParamsAttribute(self, path, value):
+        position = self.BaseParams.getIEC_Channel()
+        if path == "SlaveParams.Type":
+            self.CTNParent.SetSlaveType(position, value)
+            slave_type = self.CTNParent.GetSlaveType(self.GetSlavePos())
+            value = (slave_type["device_type"], slave_type)
+            if self._View is not None:
+                wx.CallAfter(self._View.RefreshSlaveInfos)
+            return value, True
+        elif path == "SlaveParams.Alias":
+            self.CTNParent.SetSlaveAlias(position, value)
+            return value, True
+        value, refresh = ConfigTreeNode.SetParamsAttribute(self, path, value)
+        # Filter IEC_Channel, Slave_Type and Alias that have specific behavior
+        if path == "BaseParams.IEC_Channel" and value != position:
+            self.CTNParent.SetSlavePosition(position, value)
+        return value, refresh
+    def GetSlaveInfos(self):
+        return self.CTNParent.GetSlaveInfos(self.GetSlavePos())
+    def GetSlaveVariables(self, limits):
+        return self.CTNParent.GetSlaveVariables(self.GetSlavePos(), limits)
+    def GetVariableLocationTree(self):
+        return  {"name": self.BaseParams.getName(),
+                 "type": LOCATION_CONFNODE,
+                 "location": self.GetFullIEC_Channel(),
+                 "children": self.CTNParent.GetDeviceLocationTree(self.GetSlavePos(), self.GetCurrentLocation(), self.BaseParams.getName())
+        }
+    def CTNGenerate_C(self, buildpath, locations):
+        return [],"",False
--- a/etherlab/etherlab.py	Fri Mar 29 01:13:17 2013 +0100
+++ b/etherlab/etherlab.py	Fri Mar 29 01:15:01 2013 +0100
@@ -1,1677 +1,17 @@
 import os, shutil
-import cPickle
 from xml.dom import minidom
 import wx
 import csv
 from xmlclass import *
-from POULibrary import POULibrary
 from ConfigTreeNode import ConfigTreeNode
-from ConfigEditor import NodeEditor, CIA402NodeEditor, MasterEditor, LibraryEditor, ETHERCAT_VENDOR, ETHERCAT_GROUP, ETHERCAT_DEVICE
-from dialogs import BrowseValuesLibraryDialog
-    from MotionLibrary import Headers, AxisXSD
-    HAS_MCL = True
-    HAS_MCL = False
-TYPECONVERSION = {"BOOL" : "X", "SINT" : "B", "INT" : "W", "DINT" : "D", "LINT" : "L",
-    "USINT" : "B", "UINT" : "W", "UDINT" : "D", "ULINT" : "L", 
-    "BYTE" : "B", "WORD" : "W", "DWORD" : "D", "LWORD" : "L"}
-DATATYPECONVERSION = {"BOOL" : "BIT", "SINT" : "S8", "INT" : "S16", "DINT" : "S32", "LINT" : "S64",
-    "USINT" : "U8", "UINT" : "U16", "UDINT" : "U32", "ULINT" : "U64", 
-    "BYTE" : "U8", "WORD" : "U16", "DWORD" : "U32", "LWORD" : "U64"}
-#         Remote Exec Etherlab Commands
-import commands
-result = commands.getoutput("ethercat slaves")
-slaves = []
-for slave_line in result.splitlines():
-    chunks = slave_line.split()
-    idx, pos, state, flag = chunks[:4]
-    name = " ".join(chunks[4:])
-    alias, position = pos.split(":")
-    slave = {"idx": int(idx),
-             "alias": int(alias),
-             "position": int(position),
-             "name": name}
-    details = commands.getoutput("ethercat slaves -p %d -v" % slave["idx"])
-    for details_line in details.splitlines():
-        details_line = details_line.strip()
-        for header, param in [("Vendor Id:", "vendor_id"),
-                              ("Product code:", "product_code"),
-                              ("Revision number:", "revision_number")]:
-            if details_line.startswith(header):
-                slave[param] = details_line.split()[-1]
-                break
-    slaves.append(slave)
-returnVal = slaves
-#      Etherlab Specific Blocks Library
-def GetLocalPath(filename):
-    return os.path.join(os.path.split(__file__)[0], filename)
-class EtherlabLibrary(POULibrary):
-    def GetLibraryPath(self):
-        return GetLocalPath("pous.xml")
-    def Generate_C(self, buildpath, varlist, IECCFLAGS):
-        etherlab_ext_file = open(GetLocalPath("etherlab_ext.c"), 'r')
-        etherlab_ext_code = etherlab_ext_file.read()
-        etherlab_ext_file.close()
-        Gen_etherlabfile_path = os.path.join(buildpath, "etherlab_ext.c")
-        ethelabfile = open(Gen_etherlabfile_path,'w')
-        ethelabfile.write(etherlab_ext_code)
-        ethelabfile.close()
-        runtimefile_path = os.path.join(os.path.split(__file__)[0], "runtime_etherlab.py")
-        return ((["etherlab_ext"], [(Gen_etherlabfile_path, IECCFLAGS)], True), "", 
-                ("runtime_etherlab.py", file(GetLocalPath("runtime_etherlab.py"))))
-#                    Ethercat Node
-class _EthercatSlaveCTN:
-    NODE_PROFILE = None
-    EditorType = NodeEditor
-    def GetIconName(self):
-        return "Slave"
-    def ExtractHexDecValue(self, value):
-        return ExtractHexDecValue(value)
-    def GetSizeOfType(self, type):
-        return TYPECONVERSION.get(self.GetCTRoot().GetBaseType(type), None)
-    def GetSlavePos(self):
-        return self.BaseParams.getIEC_Channel()
-    def GetParamsAttributes(self, path = None):
-        if path:
-            parts = path.split(".", 1)
-            if self.MandatoryParams and parts[0] == self.MandatoryParams[0]:
-                return self.MandatoryParams[1].getElementInfos(parts[0], parts[1])
-            elif self.CTNParams and parts[0] == self.CTNParams[0]:
-                return self.CTNParams[1].getElementInfos(parts[0], parts[1])
-        else:
-            params = []
-            if self.CTNParams:
-                params.append(self.CTNParams[1].getElementInfos(self.CTNParams[0]))
-            else:
-                params.append({
-                    'use': 'required', 
-                    'type': 'element', 
-                    'name': 'SlaveParams', 
-                    'value': None, 
-                    'children': []
-                })
-            slave_type = self.CTNParent.GetSlaveType(self.GetSlavePos())
-            params[0]['children'].insert(0,
-                   {'use': 'optional', 
-                    'type': self.CTNParent.GetSlaveTypesLibrary(self.NODE_PROFILE), 
-                    'name': 'Type', 
-                    'value': (slave_type["device_type"], slave_type)}) 
-            params[0]['children'].insert(1,
-                   {'use': 'optional', 
-                    'type': 'unsignedLong', 
-                    'name': 'Alias', 
-                    'value': self.CTNParent.GetSlaveAlias(self.GetSlavePos())})
-            return params
-    def SetParamsAttribute(self, path, value):
-        position = self.BaseParams.getIEC_Channel()
-        if path == "SlaveParams.Type":
-            self.CTNParent.SetSlaveType(position, value)
-            slave_type = self.CTNParent.GetSlaveType(self.GetSlavePos())
-            value = (slave_type["device_type"], slave_type)
-            if self._View is not None:
-                wx.CallAfter(self._View.RefreshSlaveInfos)
-            return value, True
-        elif path == "SlaveParams.Alias":
-            self.CTNParent.SetSlaveAlias(position, value)
-            return value, True
-        value, refresh = ConfigTreeNode.SetParamsAttribute(self, path, value)
-        # Filter IEC_Channel, Slave_Type and Alias that have specific behavior
-        if path == "BaseParams.IEC_Channel" and value != position:
-            self.CTNParent.SetSlavePosition(position, value)
-        return value, refresh
-    def GetSlaveInfos(self):
-        return self.CTNParent.GetSlaveInfos(self.GetSlavePos())
-    def GetSlaveVariables(self, limits):
-        return self.CTNParent.GetSlaveVariables(self.GetSlavePos(), limits)
-    def GetVariableLocationTree(self):
-        return  {"name": self.BaseParams.getName(),
-                 "type": LOCATION_CONFNODE,
-                 "location": self.GetFullIEC_Channel(),
-                 "children": self.CTNParent.GetDeviceLocationTree(self.GetSlavePos(), self.GetCurrentLocation(), self.BaseParams.getName())
-        }
-    def CTNGenerate_C(self, buildpath, locations):
-        return [],"",False
-#                 Ethercat CIA402 Node
-if HAS_MCL:
-        ("ControlWord", 0x6040, 0x00, "UINT", "Q"),
-        ("TargetPosition", 0x607a, 0x00, "DINT", "Q"),
-        ("ModesOfOperation", 0x06060, 0x00, "SINT", "Q"),
-        ("StatusWord", 0x6041, 0x00, "UINT", "I"),
-        ("ModesOfOperationDisplay", 0x06061, 0x00, "SINT", "I"),
-        ("ActualPosition", 0x6064, 0x00, "DINT", "I"),
-        ("ActualVelocity", 0x606C, 0x00, "DINT", "I"),
-    ]
-    DEFAULT_RETRIEVE = "    __CIA402Node_%(location)s.axis->%(name)s = *(__CIA402Node_%(location)s.%(name)s);"
-    DEFAULT_PUBLISH = "    *(__CIA402Node_%(location)s.%(name)s) = __CIA402Node_%(location)s.axis->%(name)s;"
-        ("ErrorCode", [
-            {"description": ("ErrorCode", 0x603F, 0x00, "UINT", "I"),
-             "publish": None}
-            ]),
-        ("DigitalInputs", [
-            {"description": ("DigitalInputs", 0x60FD, 0x00, "UDINT", "I"),
-             "publish": None}
-            ]),
-        ("DigitalOutputs", [
-            {"description": ("DigitalOutputs", 0x60FE, 0x00, "UDINT", "Q"),
-             "retrieve": None}
-            ])
-    ]
-    EXTRA_NODE_VARIABLES_DICT = dict([("Enable" + name, value) for name, value in EXTRA_NODE_VARIABLES])
-    BLOCK_INPUT_TEMPLATE = "    __SET_VAR(%(blockname)s->,%(input_name)s, %(input_value)s);"
-    BLOCK_OUTPUT_TEMPLATE = "    __SET_VAR(data__->,%(output_name)s, __GET_VAR(%(blockname)s->%(output_name)s));"
-extern void ETHERLAB%(ucase_blocktype)s_body__(ETHERLAB%(ucase_blocktype)s* data__);
-void __%(blocktype)s_%(location)s(MC_%(ucase_blocktype)s *data__) {
-    __DECLARE_GLOBAL_PROTOTYPE(ETHERLAB%(ucase_blocktype)s, %(blockname)s);
-    ETHERLAB%(ucase_blocktype)s* %(blockname)s = __GET_GLOBAL_%(blockname)s();
-    ETHERLAB%(ucase_blocktype)s_body__(%(blockname)s);
-    BLOCK_FUNTION_DEFINITION_TEMPLATE = """    if (!__CIA402Node_%(location)s.axis->__mcl_func_MC_%(blocktype)s)
-    __CIA402Node_%(location)s.axis->__mcl_func_MC_%(blocktype)s = __%(blocktype)s_%(location)s;"""
-        {"blocktype": "GetTorqueLimit", 
-         "inputs": [],
-         "outputs": [{"name": "TorqueLimitPos", "type": "UINT"},
-                     {"name": "TorqueLimitNeg", "type": "UINT"}]},
-        {"blocktype": "SetTorqueLimit", 
-         "inputs": [{"name": "TorqueLimitPos", "type": "UINT"},
-                    {"name": "TorqueLimitNeg", "type": "UINT"}],
-         "outputs": []},
-    ]
-    class _EthercatCIA402SlaveCTN(_EthercatSlaveCTN):
-        XSD = """<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" ?>
-        <xsd:schema xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema">
-          <xsd:element name="CIA402SlaveParams">
-            <xsd:complexType>
-              %s
-            </xsd:complexType>
-          </xsd:element>
-        </xsd:schema>
-        """ % ("\n".join(['<xsd:attribute name="Enable%s" type="xsd:boolean" use="optional" default="false"/>' % category 
-                          for category, variables in EXTRA_NODE_VARIABLES]) + AxisXSD)
-        NODE_PROFILE = 402
-        EditorType = CIA402NodeEditor
-        ConfNodeMethods = [
-            {"bitmap" : "CIA402AxisRef",
-             "name" : _("Axis Ref"),
-             "tooltip" : _("Initiate Drag'n drop of Axis ref located variable"),
-             "method" : "_getCIA402AxisRef",
-             "push": True},
-        ]
-        def GetIconName(self):
-            return "CIA402Slave"
-        def SetParamsAttribute(self, path, value):
-            if path == "CIA402SlaveParams.Type":
-                path = "SlaveParams.Type"
-            elif path == "CIA402SlaveParams.Alias":
-                path = "SlaveParams.Alias"
-            return _EthercatSlaveCTN.SetParamsAttribute(self, path, value)
-        def GetVariableLocationTree(self):
-            axis_name = self.CTNName()
-            current_location = self.GetCurrentLocation()
-            children = [{"name": "%s Axis Ref" % (axis_name),
-                         "type": LOCATION_VAR_INPUT,
-                         "size": "W",
-                         "IEC_type": "AXIS_REF",
-                         "var_name": axis_name,
-                         "location": "%%IW%s.0" % (".".join(map(str, current_location))),
-                         "description": "",
-                         "children": []}]
-            children.extend(self.CTNParent.GetDeviceLocationTree(self.GetSlavePos(), current_location, axis_name))
-            return  {"name": axis_name,
-                     "type": LOCATION_CONFNODE,
-                     "location": self.GetFullIEC_Channel(),
-                     "children": children,
-            }
-        def CTNGlobalInstances(self):
-            current_location = self.GetCurrentLocation()
-            return [("%s_%s" % (block_infos["blocktype"], "_".join(map(str, current_location))),
-                     "EtherLab%s" % block_infos["blocktype"]) for block_infos in GLOBAL_INSTANCES]
-        def _getCIA402AxisRef(self):
-            data = wx.TextDataObject(str(("%%IW%s.0" % ".".join(map(str, self.GetCurrentLocation())), 
-                                          "location", "AXIS_REF", self.CTNName(), "")))
-            dragSource = wx.DropSource(self.GetCTRoot().AppFrame)
-            dragSource.SetData(data)
-            dragSource.DoDragDrop()
-        def CTNGenerate_C(self, buildpath, locations):
-            current_location = self.GetCurrentLocation()
-            location_str = "_".join(map(lambda x:str(x), current_location))
-            plc_cia402node_filepath = os.path.join(os.path.split(__file__)[0], "plc_cia402node.c")
-            plc_cia402node_file = open(plc_cia402node_filepath, 'r')
-            plc_cia402node_code = plc_cia402node_file.read()
-            plc_cia402node_file.close()
-            str_completion = {
-                "slave_pos": self.GetSlavePos(),
-                "location": location_str,
-                "MCL_headers": Headers,
-                "extern_located_variables_declaration": [],
-                "fieldbus_interface_declaration": [],
-                "fieldbus_interface_definition": [],
-                "entry_variables": [],
-                "init_axis_params": [],
-                "init_entry_variables": [],
-                "extra_variables_retrieve": [],
-                "extra_variables_publish": []
-            }
-            for blocktype_infos in GLOBAL_INSTANCES:
-                texts = {
-                    "blocktype": blocktype_infos["blocktype"],
-                    "ucase_blocktype": blocktype_infos["blocktype"].upper(),
-                    "location": "_".join(map(str, current_location))
-                }
-                texts["blockname"] = "%(ucase_blocktype)s_%(location)s" % texts
-                inputs = [{"input_name": "POS", "input_value": str(self.GetSlavePos())},
-                          {"input_name": "EXECUTE", "input_value": "__GET_VAR(data__->EXECUTE)"}] +\
-                         [{"input_name": input["name"].upper(), 
-                           "input_value": "__GET_VAR(data__->%s)" % input["name"].upper()}
-                          for input in blocktype_infos["inputs"]]
-                input_texts = []
-                for input_infos in inputs:
-                    input_infos.update(texts)
-                    input_texts.append(BLOCK_INPUT_TEMPLATE % input_infos)
-                texts["extract_inputs"] = "\n".join(input_texts)
-                outputs = [{"output_name": output} for output in ["DONE", "BUSY", "ERROR"]] + \
-                          [{"output_name": output["name"].upper()} for output in blocktype_infos["outputs"]]
-                output_texts = []
-                for output_infos in outputs:
-                    output_infos.update(texts)
-                    output_texts.append(BLOCK_OUTPUT_TEMPLATE % output_infos)
-                texts["return_outputs"] = "\n".join(output_texts)
-                str_completion["fieldbus_interface_declaration"].append(
-                        BLOCK_FUNCTION_TEMPLATE % texts)
-                str_completion["fieldbus_interface_definition"].append(
-                        BLOCK_FUNTION_DEFINITION_TEMPLATE % texts)
-            variables = NODE_VARIABLES[:]
-            params = self.CTNParams[1].getElementInfos(self.CTNParams[0])
-            for param in params["children"]:
-                if param["name"] in EXTRA_NODE_VARIABLES_DICT:
-                    if param["value"]:
-                        extra_variables = EXTRA_NODE_VARIABLES_DICT.get(param["name"])
-                        for variable_infos in extra_variables:
-                            var_infos = {
-                                "location": location_str,
-                                "name": variable_infos["description"][0]
-                            }
-                            variables.append(variable_infos["description"])
-                            retrieve_template = variable_infos.get("retrieve", DEFAULT_RETRIEVE)
-                            publish_template = variable_infos.get("publish", DEFAULT_PUBLISH)
-                            if retrieve_template is not None:
-                                str_completion["extra_variables_retrieve"].append(
-                                    retrieve_template % var_infos)
-                            if publish_template is not None:
-                                str_completion["extra_variables_publish"].append(
-                                    publish_template % var_infos)
-                elif param["value"] is not None:
-                    param_infos = {
-                        "location": location_str,
-                        "param_name": param["name"],
-                    }
-                    if param["type"] == "boolean":
-                        param_infos["param_value"] = {True: "true", False: "false"}[param["value"]]
-                    else:
-                        param_infos["param_value"] = str(param["value"])
-                    str_completion["init_axis_params"].append(
-                        "        __CIA402Node_%(location)s.axis->%(param_name)s = %(param_value)s;" % param_infos)
-            for variable in variables:
-                var_infos = dict(zip(["name", "index", "subindex", "var_type", "dir"], variable))
-                var_infos["location"] = location_str
-                var_infos["var_size"] = self.GetSizeOfType(var_infos["var_type"])
-                var_infos["var_name"] = "__%(dir)s%(var_size)s%(location)s_%(index)d_%(subindex)d" % var_infos
-                str_completion["extern_located_variables_declaration"].append(
-                        "IEC_%(var_type)s *%(var_name)s;" % var_infos)
-                str_completion["entry_variables"].append(
-                        "    IEC_%(var_type)s *%(name)s;" % var_infos)
-                str_completion["init_entry_variables"].append(
-                        "    __CIA402Node_%(location)s.%(name)s = %(var_name)s;" % var_infos)
-                self.CTNParent.FileGenerator.DeclareVariable(
-                        self.GetSlavePos(), var_infos["index"], var_infos["subindex"], 
-                        var_infos["var_type"], var_infos["dir"], var_infos["var_name"])
-            for element in ["extern_located_variables_declaration", 
-                            "fieldbus_interface_declaration",
-                            "fieldbus_interface_definition",
-                            "entry_variables", 
-                            "init_axis_params", 
-                            "init_entry_variables",
-                            "extra_variables_retrieve",
-                            "extra_variables_publish"]:
-                str_completion[element] = "\n".join(str_completion[element])
-            Gen_CIA402Nodefile_path = os.path.join(buildpath, "cia402node_%s.c"%location_str)
-            cia402nodefile = open(Gen_CIA402Nodefile_path, 'w')
-            cia402nodefile.write(plc_cia402node_code % str_completion)
-            cia402nodefile.close()
-            return [(Gen_CIA402Nodefile_path, '"-I%s"'%os.path.abspath(self.GetCTRoot().GetIECLibPath()))],"",True
-#                 Ethercat MASTER
-EtherCATConfigClasses = GenerateClassesFromXSD(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "EtherCATConfig.xsd")) 
-def ExtractHexDecValue(value):
-    try:
-        return int(value)
-    except:
-        pass
-    try:
-        return int(value.replace("#", "0"), 16)
-    except:
-        raise ValueError, "Invalid value for HexDecValue \"%s\"" % value
-def GenerateHexDecValue(value, base=10):
-    if base == 10:
-        return str(value)
-    elif base == 16:
-        return "#x%.8x" % value
-    else:
-        raise ValueError, "Not supported base"
-def sort_commands(x, y):
-    if x["Index"] == y["Index"]:
-        return cmp(x["Subindex"], y["Subindex"])
-    return cmp(x["Index"], y["Index"])
-cls = EtherCATConfigClasses.get("Config_Slave", None)
-if cls:
-    def getType(self):
-        slave_info = self.getInfo()
-        return {"device_type": slave_info.getName(),
-                "vendor": GenerateHexDecValue(slave_info.getVendorId()),
-                "product_code": GenerateHexDecValue(slave_info.getProductCode(), 16),
-                "revision_number": GenerateHexDecValue(slave_info.getRevisionNo(), 16)}
-    setattr(cls, "getType", getType)
-    def setType(self, type_infos):
-        slave_info = self.getInfo()
-        slave_info.setName(type_infos["device_type"])
-        slave_info.setVendorId(ExtractHexDecValue(type_infos["vendor"]))
-        slave_info.setProductCode(ExtractHexDecValue(type_infos["product_code"]))
-        slave_info.setRevisionNo(ExtractHexDecValue(type_infos["revision_number"]))
-    setattr(cls, "setType", setType)
-    def getInitCmds(self, create_default=False):
-        Mailbox = self.getMailbox()
-        if Mailbox is None:
-            if create_default:
-                self.addMailbox()
-                Mailbox = self.getMailbox()
-            else:
-                return None
-        CoE = Mailbox.getCoE()
-        if CoE is None:
-            if create_default:
-                Mailbox.addCoE()
-                CoE = Mailbox.getCoE()
-            else:
-                return None
-        InitCmds = CoE.getInitCmds()
-        if InitCmds is None and create_default:
-            CoE.addInitCmds()
-            InitCmds = CoE.getInitCmds()
-        return InitCmds
-    setattr(cls, "getInitCmds", getInitCmds)
-    def getStartupCommands(self):
-        pos = self.getInfo().getPhysAddr()
-        InitCmds = self.getInitCmds()
-        if InitCmds is None:
-            return []
-        commands = []
-        for idx, InitCmd in enumerate(InitCmds.getInitCmd()):
-            comment = InitCmd.getComment()
-            if comment is None:
-                comment = ""
-            commands.append({
-                "command_idx": idx,
-                "Position": pos,
-                "Index": InitCmd.getIndex(),
-                "Subindex": InitCmd.getSubIndex(),
-                "Value": InitCmd.getData(),
-                "Description": comment})
-        commands.sort(sort_commands)
-        return commands
-    setattr(cls, "getStartupCommands", getStartupCommands)
-    def appendStartupCommand(self, command_infos):
-        InitCmds = self.getInitCmds(True)
-        command = EtherCATConfigClasses["InitCmds_InitCmd"]()
-        command.setIndex(command_infos["Index"])
-        command.setSubIndex(command_infos["Subindex"])
-        command.setData(command_infos["Value"])
-        command.setComment(command_infos["Description"])
-        InitCmds.appendInitCmd(command)
-        return len(InitCmds.getInitCmd()) - 1
-    setattr(cls, "appendStartupCommand", appendStartupCommand)
-    def setStartupCommand(self, command_infos):
-        InitCmds = self.getInitCmds()
-        if InitCmds is not None:
-            commands = InitCmds.getInitCmd()
-            if command_infos["command_idx"] < len(commands):
-                command = commands[command_infos["command_idx"]]
-                command.setIndex(command_infos["Index"])
-                command.setSubIndex(command_infos["Subindex"])
-                command.setData(command_infos["Value"])
-                command.setComment(command_infos["Description"])
-    setattr(cls, "setStartupCommand", setStartupCommand)
-    def removeStartupCommand(self, command_idx):
-        InitCmds = self.getInitCmds()
-        if InitCmds is not None:
-            if command_idx < len(InitCmds.getInitCmd()):
-                InitCmds.removeInitCmd(command_idx)
-    setattr(cls, "removeStartupCommand", removeStartupCommand)
-ProcessVariablesXSD = """<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" ?>
-    <xsd:schema xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema">
-      <xsd:element name="ProcessVariables">
-        <xsd:complexType>
-          <xsd:sequence>
-            <xsd:element name="variable" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
-              <xsd:complexType>
-                <xsd:sequence>
-                  <xsd:element name="ReadFrom" type="LocationDesc" minOccurs="0"/>
-                  <xsd:element name="WriteTo" type="LocationDesc" minOccurs="0"/>
-                </xsd:sequence>
-                <xsd:attribute name="Name" type="xsd:string" use="required"/>
-                <xsd:attribute name="Comment" type="xsd:string" use="required"/>
-              </xsd:complexType>
-            </xsd:element>
-          </xsd:sequence>
-        </xsd:complexType>
-      </xsd:element>
-      <xsd:complexType name="LocationDesc">
-        <xsd:attribute name="Position" type="xsd:integer" use="required"/>
-        <xsd:attribute name="Index" type="xsd:integer" use="required"/>
-        <xsd:attribute name="SubIndex" type="xsd:integer" use="required"/>
-      </xsd:complexType>
-    </xsd:schema>
-ProcessVariablesClasses = GenerateClassesFromXSDstring(ProcessVariablesXSD) 
-class _EthercatCTN:
-    CTNChildrenTypes = [("EthercatSlave", _EthercatSlaveCTN, "Ethercat Slave")]
-    if HAS_MCL:
-        CTNChildrenTypes.append(("EthercatCIA402Slave", _EthercatCIA402SlaveCTN, "Ethercat CIA402 Slave"))
-    EditorType = MasterEditor
-    def __init__(self):
-        config_filepath = self.ConfigFileName()
-        config_is_saved = False
-        self.Config = EtherCATConfigClasses["EtherCATConfig"]()
-        if os.path.isfile(config_filepath):
-            config_xmlfile = open(config_filepath, 'r')
-            config_tree = minidom.parse(config_xmlfile)
-            config_xmlfile.close()
-            for child in config_tree.childNodes:
-                if child.nodeType == config_tree.ELEMENT_NODE and child.nodeName == "EtherCATConfig":
-                    self.Config.loadXMLTree(child)
-                    config_is_saved = True
-        process_filepath = self.ProcessVariablesFileName()
-        process_is_saved = False
-        self.ProcessVariables = ProcessVariablesClasses["ProcessVariables"]()
-        if os.path.isfile(process_filepath):
-            process_xmlfile = open(process_filepath, 'r')
-            process_tree = minidom.parse(process_xmlfile)
-            process_xmlfile.close()
-            for child in process_tree.childNodes:
-                if child.nodeType == process_tree.ELEMENT_NODE and child.nodeName == "ProcessVariables":
-                    self.ProcessVariables.loadXMLTree(child)
-                    process_is_saved = True
-        if config_is_saved and process_is_saved:
-            self.CreateBuffer(True)
-        else:
-            self.CreateBuffer(False)
-            self.OnCTNSave()
-    def GetContextualMenuItems(self):
-        return [("Add Ethercat Slave", "Add Ethercat Slave to Master", self.OnAddEthercatSlave)]
-    def OnAddEthercatSlave(self, event):
-        app_frame = self.GetCTRoot().AppFrame
-        dialog = BrowseValuesLibraryDialog(app_frame, 
-            "Ethercat Slave Type", self.GetSlaveTypesLibrary())
-        if dialog.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK:
-            type_infos = dialog.GetValueInfos()
-            device, alignment = self.GetModuleInfos(type_infos)
-            if device is not None:
-                if HAS_MCL and _EthercatCIA402SlaveCTN.NODE_PROFILE in device.GetProfileNumbers():
-                    ConfNodeType = "EthercatCIA402Slave"
-                else:
-                    ConfNodeType = "EthercatSlave"
-                new_child = self.CTNAddChild("%s_0" % ConfNodeType, ConfNodeType)
-                new_child.SetParamsAttribute("SlaveParams.Type", type_infos)
-                self.CTNRequestSave()
-                new_child._OpenView()
-                app_frame._Refresh(TITLE, FILEMENU, PROJECTTREE)
-        dialog.Destroy()
-    def ExtractHexDecValue(self, value):
-        return ExtractHexDecValue(value)
-    def GetSizeOfType(self, type):
-        return TYPECONVERSION.get(self.GetCTRoot().GetBaseType(type), None)
-    def ConfigFileName(self):
-        return os.path.join(self.CTNPath(), "config.xml")
-    def ProcessVariablesFileName(self):
-        return os.path.join(self.CTNPath(), "process_variables.xml")
-    def FilterSlave(self, slave, vendor=None, slave_pos=None, slave_profile=None):
-        if slave_pos is not None and slave.getInfo().getPhysAddr() != slave_pos:
-            return False
-        type_infos = slave.getType()
-        if vendor is not None and ExtractHexDecValue(type_infos["vendor"]) != vendor:
-            return False
-        device, alignment = self.GetModuleInfos(type_infos)
-        if slave_profile is not None and slave_profile not in device.GetProfileNumbers():
-            return False
-        return True
-    def GetSlaves(self, vendor=None, slave_pos=None, slave_profile=None):
-        slaves = []
-        for slave in self.Config.getConfig().getSlave():
-            if self.FilterSlave(slave, vendor, slave_pos, slave_profile):
-                slaves.append(slave.getInfo().getPhysAddr())
-        slaves.sort()
-        return slaves
-    def GetSlave(self, slave_pos):
-        for slave in self.Config.getConfig().getSlave():
-            slave_info = slave.getInfo()
-            if slave_info.getPhysAddr() == slave_pos:
-                return slave
-        return None
-    def GetStartupCommands(self, vendor=None, slave_pos=None, slave_profile=None):
-        commands = []
-        for slave in self.Config.getConfig().getSlave():
-            if self.FilterSlave(slave, vendor, slave_pos, slave_profile):
-                commands.append((slave.getInfo().getPhysAddr(), slave.getStartupCommands()))
-        commands.sort()
-        return reduce(lambda x, y: x + y[1], commands, [])
-    def AppendStartupCommand(self, command_infos):
-        slave = self.GetSlave(command_infos["Position"])
-        if slave is not None:
-            command_idx = slave.appendStartupCommand(command_infos)
-            self.BufferModel()
-            return command_idx
-        return None
-    def SetStartupCommandInfos(self, command_infos):
-        slave = self.GetSlave(command_infos["Position"])
-        if slave is not None:
-            slave.setStartupCommand(command_infos)
-            self.BufferModel()
-    def RemoveStartupCommand(self, slave_pos, command_idx, buffer=True):
-        slave = self.GetSlave(slave_pos)
-        if slave is not None:
-            slave.removeStartupCommand(command_idx)
-            if buffer:
-                self.BufferModel()
-    def SetProcessVariables(self, variables):
-        vars = []
-        for var in variables:
-            variable = ProcessVariablesClasses["ProcessVariables_variable"]()
-            variable.setName(var["Name"])
-            variable.setComment(var["Description"])
-            if var["ReadFrom"] != "":
-                position, index, subindex = var["ReadFrom"]
-                if variable.getReadFrom() is None:
-                    variable.addReadFrom()
-                read_from = variable.getReadFrom()
-                read_from.setPosition(position)
-                read_from.setIndex(index)
-                read_from.setSubIndex(subindex)
-            elif variable.getReadFrom() is not None:
-                variable.deleteReadFrom()
-            if var["WriteTo"] != "":
-                position, index, subindex = var["WriteTo"]
-                if variable.getWriteTo() is None:
-                    variable.addWriteTo()
-                write_to = variable.getWriteTo()
-                write_to.setPosition(position)
-                write_to.setIndex(index)
-                write_to.setSubIndex(subindex)
-            elif variable.getWriteTo() is not None:
-                variable.deleteWriteTo()
-            vars.append(variable)
-        self.ProcessVariables.setvariable(vars)
-        self.BufferModel()
-    def GetProcessVariables(self):
-        variables = []
-        idx = 0
-        for variable in self.ProcessVariables.getvariable():
-            var = {"Name": variable.getName(),
-                   "Number": idx,
-                   "Description": variable.getComment()}
-            read_from = variable.getReadFrom()
-            if read_from is not None:
-                var["ReadFrom"] = (read_from.getPosition(),
-                                   read_from.getIndex(),
-                                   read_from.getSubIndex())
-            else:
-                var["ReadFrom"] = ""
-            write_to = variable.getWriteTo()
-            if write_to is not None:
-                var["WriteTo"] = (write_to.getPosition(),
-                                   write_to.getIndex(),
-                                   write_to.getSubIndex())
-            else:
-                var["WriteTo"] = ""
-            variables.append(var)
-            idx += 1
-        return variables
-    def _ScanNetwork(self):
-        app_frame = self.GetCTRoot().AppFrame
-        execute = True
-        if len(self.Children) > 0:
-            dialog = wx.MessageDialog(app_frame, 
-                _("The current network configuration will be deleted.\nDo you want to continue?"), 
-                _("Scan Network"), 
-                wx.YES_NO|wx.ICON_QUESTION)
-            execute = dialog.ShowModal() == wx.ID_YES
-            dialog.Destroy()
-        if execute:
-            error, returnVal = self.RemoteExec(SCAN_COMMAND, returnVal = None)
-            if error != 0:
-                dialog = wx.MessageDialog(app_frame, returnVal, "Error", wx.OK|wx.ICON_ERROR)
-                dialog.ShowModal()
-                dialog.Destroy()
-            elif returnVal is not None:
-                for child in self.IECSortedChildren():
-                    self._doRemoveChild(child)
-                for slave in returnVal:
-                    type_infos = {
-                        "vendor": slave["vendor_id"],
-                        "product_code": slave["product_code"],
-                        "revision_number":slave["revision_number"],
-                    }
-                    device, alignment = self.GetModuleInfos(type_infos)
-                    if device is not None:
-                        if HAS_MCL and _EthercatCIA402SlaveCTN.NODE_PROFILE in device.GetProfileNumbers():
-                            CTNType = "EthercatCIA402Slave"
-                        else:
-                            CTNType = "EthercatSlave"
-                        self.CTNAddChild("slave%s" % slave["idx"], CTNType, slave["idx"])
-                        self.SetSlaveAlias(slave["idx"], slave["alias"])
-                        type_infos["device_type"] = device.getType().getcontent()
-                        self.SetSlaveType(slave["idx"], type_infos)
-    def CTNAddChild(self, CTNName, CTNType, IEC_Channel=0):
-        """
-        Create the confnodes that may be added as child to this node self
-        @param CTNType: string desining the confnode class name (get name from CTNChildrenTypes)
-        @param CTNName: string for the name of the confnode instance
-        """
-        newConfNodeOpj = ConfigTreeNode.CTNAddChild(self, CTNName, CTNType, IEC_Channel)
-        slave = self.GetSlave(newConfNodeOpj.BaseParams.getIEC_Channel())
-        if slave is None:
-            slave = EtherCATConfigClasses["Config_Slave"]()
-            slave_infos = slave.getInfo()
-            slave_infos.setName("undefined")
-            slave_infos.setPhysAddr(newConfNodeOpj.BaseParams.getIEC_Channel())
-            slave_infos.setAutoIncAddr(0)
-            self.Config.getConfig().appendSlave(slave)
-            self.BufferModel()
-            self.OnCTNSave()
-        return newConfNodeOpj
-    def _doRemoveChild(self, CTNInstance):
-        slave_pos = CTNInstance.GetSlavePos()
-        config = self.Config.getConfig()
-        for idx, slave in enumerate(config.getSlave()):
-            slave_infos = slave.getInfo()
-            if slave_infos.getPhysAddr() == slave_pos:
-                config.removeSlave(idx)
-                self.BufferModel()
-                self.OnCTNSave()
-        ConfigTreeNode._doRemoveChild(self, CTNInstance)
-    def SetSlavePosition(self, slave_pos, new_pos):
-        slave = self.GetSlave(slave_pos)
-        if slave is not None:
-            slave_info = slave.getInfo()
-            slave_info.setPhysAddr(new_pos)
-            for variable in self.ProcessVariables.getvariable():
-                read_from = variable.getReadFrom()
-                if read_from is not None and read_from.getPosition() == slave_pos:
-                    read_from.setPosition(new_pos)
-                write_to = variable.getWriteTo()
-                if write_to is not None and write_to.getPosition() == slave_pos:
-                    write_to.setPosition(new_pos)
-            self.CreateBuffer(True)
-            self.OnCTNSave()
-            if self._View is not None:
-                self._View.RefreshView()
-                self._View.RefreshBuffer()
-    def GetSlaveAlias(self, slave_pos):
-        slave = self.GetSlave(slave_pos)
-        if slave is not None:
-            slave_info = slave.getInfo()
-            return slave_info.getAutoIncAddr()
-        return None
-    def SetSlaveAlias(self, slave_pos, alias):
-        slave = self.GetSlave(slave_pos)
-        if slave is not None:
-            slave_info = slave.getInfo()
-            slave_info.setAutoIncAddr(alias)
-            self.BufferModel()
-    def GetSlaveType(self, slave_pos):
-        slave = self.GetSlave(slave_pos)
-        if slave is not None:
-            return slave.getType()
-        return None
-    def SetSlaveType(self, slave_pos, type_infos):
-        slave = self.GetSlave(slave_pos)
-        if slave is not None:
-            slave.setType(type_infos)
-            self.BufferModel()
-    def GetSlaveInfos(self, slave_pos):
-        slave = self.GetSlave(slave_pos)
-        if slave is not None:
-            type_infos = slave.getType()
-            device, alignment = self.GetModuleInfos(type_infos)
-            if device is not None:
-                infos = type_infos.copy()
-                infos.update({"physics": device.getPhysics(),
-                              "sync_managers": device.GetSyncManagers(),
-                              "entries": self.GetSlaveVariables(device)})
-                return infos
-        return None
-    def GetSlaveVariables(self, slave_pos=None, limits=None, device=None):
-        if device is None and slave_pos is not None:
-            slave = self.GetSlave(slave_pos)
-            if slave is not None:
-                type_infos = slave.getType()
-                device, alignment = self.GetModuleInfos(type_infos)
-        if device is not None:
-            entries = device.GetEntriesList(limits)
-            entries_list = entries.items()
-            entries_list.sort()
-            entries = []
-            current_index = None
-            current_entry = None
-            for (index, subindex), entry in entries_list:
-                entry["children"] = []
-                if slave_pos is not None:
-                    entry["Position"] = str(slave_pos)
-                entry
-                if index != current_index:
-                    current_index = index
-                    current_entry = entry
-                    entries.append(entry)
-                elif current_entry is not None:
-                    current_entry["children"].append(entry)
-                else:
-                    entries.append(entry)
-            return entries
-        return []
-    def GetSlaveVariableDataType(self, slave_pos, index, subindex):
-        slave = self.GetSlave(slave_pos)
-        if slave is not None:
-            device, alignment = self.GetModuleInfos(slave.getType())
-            if device is not None:
-                entries = device.GetEntriesList()
-                entry_infos = entries.get((index, subindex))
-                if entry_infos is not None:
-                    return entry_infos["Type"]
-        return None
-    def GetNodesVariables(self, vendor=None, slave_pos=None, slave_profile=None, limits=None):
-        entries = []
-        for slave_position in self.GetSlaves():
-            if slave_pos is not None and slave_position != slave_pos:
-                continue
-            slave = self.GetSlave(slave_position)
-            type_infos = slave.getType()
-            if vendor is not None and ExtractHexDecValue(type_infos["vendor"]) != vendor:
-                continue
-            device, alignment = self.GetModuleInfos(type_infos)
-            if slave_profile is not None and slave_profile not in device.GetProfileNumbers():
-                continue
-            entries.extend(self.GetSlaveVariables(slave_position, limits, device))
-        return entries
-    def GetModuleInfos(self, type_infos):
-        return self.CTNParent.GetModuleInfos(type_infos)
-    def GetSlaveTypesLibrary(self, profile_filter=None):
-        return self.CTNParent.GetModulesLibrary(profile_filter)
-    def GetLibraryVendors(self):
-        return self.CTNParent.GetVendors()
-    def GetDeviceLocationTree(self, slave_pos, current_location, device_name):
-        slave = self.GetSlave(slave_pos)
-        vars = []    
-        if slave is not None:
-            type_infos = slave.getType()
-            device, alignment = self.GetModuleInfos(type_infos)
-            if device is not None:
-                sync_managers = []
-                for sync_manager in device.getSm():
-                    sync_manager_control_byte = ExtractHexDecValue(sync_manager.getControlByte())
-                    sync_manager_direction = sync_manager_control_byte & 0x0c
-                    if sync_manager_direction:
-                        sync_managers.append(LOCATION_VAR_OUTPUT)
-                    else:
-                        sync_managers.append(LOCATION_VAR_INPUT)
-                entries = device.GetEntriesList().items()
-                entries.sort()
-                for (index, subindex), entry in entries:
-                    var_size = self.GetSizeOfType(entry["Type"])
-                    if var_size is not None:
-                        var_class = VARCLASSCONVERSION.get(entry["PDOMapping"], None)
-                        if var_class is not None:
-                            if var_class == LOCATION_VAR_INPUT:
-                                var_dir = "%I"
-                            else:
-                                var_dir = "%Q"    
-                            vars.append({"name": "0x%4.4x-0x%2.2x: %s" % (index, subindex, entry["Name"]),
-                                         "type": var_class,
-                                         "size": var_size,
-                                         "IEC_type": entry["Type"],
-                                         "var_name": "%s_%4.4x_%2.2x" % ("_".join(device_name.split()), index, subindex),
-                                         "location": "%s%s%s"%(var_dir, var_size, ".".join(map(str, current_location + 
-                                                                                                    (index, subindex)))),
-                                         "description": "",
-                                         "children": []})
-        return vars
-    def CTNTestModified(self):
-        return self.ChangesToSave or not self.ModelIsSaved()    
-    def OnCTNSave(self):
-        config_filepath = self.ConfigFileName()
-        config_text = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\" standalone=\"no\"?>\n"
-        config_extras = {"xmlns:xsi":"http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance",
-                  "xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation" : "EtherCATInfo.xsd"}
-        config_text += self.Config.generateXMLText("EtherCATConfig", 0, config_extras)
-        config_xmlfile = open(config_filepath,"w")
-        config_xmlfile.write(config_text.encode("utf-8"))
-        config_xmlfile.close()
-        process_filepath = self.ProcessVariablesFileName()
-        process_text = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\" standalone=\"no\"?>\n"
-        process_extras = {"xmlns:xsi":"http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"}
-        process_text += self.ProcessVariables.generateXMLText("ProcessVariables", 0, process_extras)
-        process_xmlfile = open(process_filepath,"w")
-        process_xmlfile.write(process_text.encode("utf-8"))
-        process_xmlfile.close()
-        self.Buffer.CurrentSaved()
-        return True
-    def GetProcessVariableName(self, location, var_type):
-        return "__M%s_%s" % (self.GetSizeOfType(var_type), "_".join(map(str, location)))
-    def _Generate_C(self, buildpath, locations):
-        current_location = self.GetCurrentLocation()
-        # define a unique name for the generated C file
-        location_str = "_".join(map(lambda x:str(x), current_location))
-        Gen_Ethercatfile_path = os.path.join(buildpath, "ethercat_%s.c"%location_str)
-        self.FileGenerator = _EthercatCFileGenerator(self)
-        LocationCFilesAndCFLAGS, LDFLAGS, extra_files = ConfigTreeNode._Generate_C(self, buildpath, locations)
-        for idx, variable in enumerate(self.ProcessVariables.getvariable()):
-            name = None
-            var_type = None
-            read_from = variable.getReadFrom()
-            write_to = variable.getWriteTo()
-            if read_from is not None:
-                pos = read_from.getPosition()
-                index = read_from.getIndex()
-                subindex = read_from.getSubIndex()
-                location = current_location + (idx, )
-                var_type = self.GetSlaveVariableDataType(pos, index, subindex)
-                name = self.FileGenerator.DeclareVariable(
-                            pos, index, subindex, var_type, "I",
-                            self.GetProcessVariableName(location, var_type))
-            if write_to is not None:
-                pos = write_to.getPosition()
-                index = write_to.getIndex()
-                subindex = write_to.getSubIndex()
-                if name is None:
-                    location = current_location + (idx, )
-                    var_type = self.GetSlaveVariableDataType(pos, index, subindex)
-                    name = self.GetProcessVariableName(location, var_type)
-                self.FileGenerator.DeclareVariable(
-                            pos, index, subindex, var_type, "Q", name, True)
-        self.FileGenerator.GenerateCFile(Gen_Ethercatfile_path, location_str, self.BaseParams.getIEC_Channel())
-        LocationCFilesAndCFLAGS.append(
-            (current_location, 
-             [(Gen_Ethercatfile_path, '"-I%s"'%os.path.abspath(self.GetCTRoot().GetIECLibPath()))], 
-             True))
-        LDFLAGS.append("-lethercat -lrtdm")
-        return LocationCFilesAndCFLAGS, LDFLAGS, extra_files
-    ConfNodeMethods = [
-        {"bitmap" : "ScanNetwork",
-         "name" : _("Scan Network"), 
-         "tooltip" : _("Scan Network"),
-         "method" : "_ScanNetwork"},
-    ]
-    def CTNGenerate_C(self, buildpath, locations):
-        current_location = self.GetCurrentLocation()
-        slaves = self.GetSlaves()
-        for slave_pos in slaves:
-            slave = self.GetSlave(slave_pos)
-            if slave is not None:
-                self.FileGenerator.DeclareSlave(slave_pos, slave)
-        for location in locations:
-            loc = location["LOC"][len(current_location):]
-            slave_pos = loc[0]
-            if slave_pos in slaves and len(loc) == 3 and location["DIR"] != "M":
-                self.FileGenerator.DeclareVariable(
-                    slave_pos, loc[1], loc[2], location["IEC_TYPE"], location["DIR"], location["NAME"])
-        return [],"",False
-#                      Current Buffering Management Functions
-    """
-    Return a copy of the config
-    """
-    def Copy(self, model):
-        return cPickle.loads(cPickle.dumps(model))
-    def CreateBuffer(self, saved):
-        self.Buffer = UndoBuffer(cPickle.dumps((self.Config, self.ProcessVariables)), saved)
-    def BufferModel(self):
-        self.Buffer.Buffering(cPickle.dumps((self.Config, self.ProcessVariables)))
-    def ModelIsSaved(self):
-        if self.Buffer is not None:
-            return self.Buffer.IsCurrentSaved()
-        else:
-            return True
-    def LoadPrevious(self):
-        self.Config, self.ProcessVariables = cPickle.loads(self.Buffer.Previous())
-    def LoadNext(self):
-        self.Config, self.ProcessVariables = cPickle.loads(self.Buffer.Next())
-    def GetBufferState(self):
-        first = self.Buffer.IsFirst()
-        last = self.Buffer.IsLast()
-        return not first, not last
-/* Slave %(slave)d, "%(device_type)s"
- * Vendor ID:       0x%(vendor).8x
- * Product code:    0x%(product_code).8x
- * Revision number: 0x%(revision_number).8x
- */
-ec_pdo_entry_info_t slave_%(slave)d_pdo_entries[] = {
-ec_pdo_info_t slave_%(slave)d_pdos[] = {
-ec_sync_info_t slave_%(slave)d_syncs[] = {
-    {0xff}
-    if (!(slave%(slave)d = ecrt_master_slave_config(master, %(alias)d, %(position)d, 0x%(vendor).8x, 0x%(product_code).8x))) {
-        SLOGF(LOG_CRITICAL, "Failed to get slave %(device_type)s configuration at alias %(alias)d and position %(position)d.\\n");
-        return -1;
-    }
-    if (ecrt_slave_config_pdos(slave%(slave)d, EC_END, slave_%(slave)d_syncs)) {
-        SLOGF(LOG_CRITICAL, "Failed to configure PDOs for slave %(device_type)s at alias %(alias)d and position %(position)d.\\n");
-        return -1;
-    }
-    {
-        uint8_t value[%(data_size)d];
-        EC_WRITE_%(data_type)s((uint8_t *)value, %(data)s);
-        if (ecrt_master_sdo_download(master, %(slave)d, 0x%(index).4x, 0x%(subindex).2x, (uint8_t *)value, %(data_size)d, &abort_code)) {
-            SLOGF(LOG_CRITICAL, "Failed to initialize slave %(device_type)s at alias %(alias)d and position %(position)d.\\nError: %%d\\n", abort_code);
-            return -1;
-        }
-    }
-    {
-        uint8_t value[%(data_size)d];
-        if (ecrt_master_sdo_upload(master, %(slave)d, 0x%(index).4x, 0x%(subindex).2x, (uint8_t *)value, %(data_size)d, &result_size, &abort_code)) {
-            SLOGF(LOG_CRITICAL, "Failed to get default value for output PDO in slave %(device_type)s at alias %(alias)d and position %(position)d.\\nError: %%ud\\n", abort_code);
-            return -1;
-        }
-        %(real_var)s = EC_READ_%(data_type)s((uint8_t *)value);
-    }
-def ConfigureVariable(entry_infos, str_completion):
-    entry_infos["data_type"] = DATATYPECONVERSION.get(entry_infos["var_type"], None)
-    if entry_infos["data_type"] is None:
-        raise ValueError, _("Type of location \"%s\" not yet supported!") % entry_infos["var_name"]
-    if not entry_infos.get("no_decl", False):
-        if entry_infos.has_key("real_var"):
-            str_completion["located_variables_declaration"].append(
-                "IEC_%(var_type)s %(real_var)s;" % entry_infos)
-        else:
-            entry_infos["real_var"] = "beremiz" + entry_infos["var_name"]
-            str_completion["located_variables_declaration"].extend(
-                ["IEC_%(var_type)s %(real_var)s;" % entry_infos,
-                 "IEC_%(var_type)s *%(var_name)s = &%(real_var)s;" % entry_infos])
-        for declaration in entry_infos.get("extra_declarations", []):
-            entry_infos["extra_decl"] = declaration
-            str_completion["located_variables_declaration"].append(
-                 "IEC_%(var_type)s *%(extra_decl)s = &%(real_var)s;" % entry_infos)
-    elif not entry_infos.has_key("real_var"):
-        entry_infos["real_var"] = "beremiz" + entry_infos["var_name"]
-    str_completion["used_pdo_entry_offset_variables_declaration"].append(
-        "unsigned int slave%(slave)d_%(index).4x_%(subindex).2x;" % entry_infos)
-    if entry_infos["data_type"] == "BIT":
-        str_completion["used_pdo_entry_offset_variables_declaration"].append(
-            "unsigned int slave%(slave)d_%(index).4x_%(subindex).2x_bit;" % entry_infos)
-        str_completion["used_pdo_entry_configuration"].append(
-             ("    {%(alias)d, %(position)d, 0x%(vendor).8x, 0x%(product_code).8x, " + 
-              "0x%(index).4x, %(subindex)d, &slave%(slave)d_%(index).4x_%(subindex).2x, " + 
-              "&slave%(slave)d_%(index).4x_%(subindex).2x_bit},") % entry_infos)
-        if entry_infos["dir"] == "I":
-            str_completion["retrieve_variables"].append(
-              ("    %(real_var)s = EC_READ_BIT(domain1_pd + slave%(slave)d_%(index).4x_%(subindex).2x, " + 
-               "slave%(slave)d_%(index).4x_%(subindex).2x_bit);") % entry_infos)
-        elif entry_infos["dir"] == "Q":
-            str_completion["publish_variables"].append(
-              ("    EC_WRITE_BIT(domain1_pd + slave%(slave)d_%(index).4x_%(subindex).2x, " + 
-               "slave%(slave)d_%(index).4x_%(subindex).2x_bit, %(real_var)s);") % entry_infos)
-    else:
-        str_completion["used_pdo_entry_configuration"].append(
-            ("    {%(alias)d, %(position)d, 0x%(vendor).8x, 0x%(product_code).8x, 0x%(index).4x, " + 
-             "%(subindex)d, &slave%(slave)d_%(index).4x_%(subindex).2x},") % entry_infos)
-        if entry_infos["dir"] == "I":
-            str_completion["retrieve_variables"].append(
-                ("    %(real_var)s = EC_READ_%(data_type)s(domain1_pd + " + 
-                 "slave%(slave)d_%(index).4x_%(subindex).2x);") % entry_infos)
-        elif entry_infos["dir"] == "Q":
-            str_completion["publish_variables"].append(
-                ("    EC_WRITE_%(data_type)s(domain1_pd + slave%(slave)d_%(index).4x_%(subindex).2x, " + 
-                 "%(real_var)s);") % entry_infos)
-def ExclusionSortFunction(x, y):
-    if x["matching"] == y["matching"]:
-        if x["assigned"] and not y["assigned"]:
-            return -1
-        elif not x["assigned"] and y["assigned"]:
-            return 1
-        return cmp(x["count"], y["count"])
-    return -cmp(x["matching"], y["matching"])
-class _EthercatCFileGenerator:
-    def __init__(self, controler):
-        self.Controler = controler
-        self.Slaves = []
-        self.UsedVariables = {}
-    def __del__(self):
-        self.Controler = None            
-    def DeclareSlave(self, slave_index, slave):
-        self.Slaves.append((slave_index, slave.getInfo().getAutoIncAddr(), slave))
-    def DeclareVariable(self, slave_index, index, subindex, iec_type, dir, name, no_decl=False):
-        slave_variables = self.UsedVariables.setdefault(slave_index, {})
-        entry_infos = slave_variables.get((index, subindex), None)
-        if entry_infos is None:
-            slave_variables[(index, subindex)] = {
-                "infos": (iec_type, dir, name, no_decl, []),
-                "mapped": False}
-            return name
-        elif entry_infos["infos"][:2] == (iec_type, dir):
-            if name != entry_infos["infos"][2]:
-                if dir == "I":
-                    entry_infos["infos"][3].append(name)
-                    return entry_infos["infos"][2]
-                else:
-                    raise ValueError, _("Output variables can't be defined with different locations (%s and %s)") % (entry_infos["infos"][2], name)
-        else:
-            raise ValueError, _("Definition conflict for location \"%s\"") % name 
-    def GenerateCFile(self, filepath, location_str, master_number):
-        # Extract etherlab master code template
-        plc_etherlab_filepath = os.path.join(os.path.split(__file__)[0], "plc_etherlab.c")
-        plc_etherlab_file = open(plc_etherlab_filepath, 'r')
-        plc_etherlab_code = plc_etherlab_file.read()
-        plc_etherlab_file.close()
-        # Initialize strings for formatting master code template
-        str_completion = {
-            "location": location_str,
-            "master_number": master_number,
-            "located_variables_declaration": [],
-            "used_pdo_entry_offset_variables_declaration": [],
-            "used_pdo_entry_configuration": [],
-            "pdos_configuration_declaration": "",
-            "slaves_declaration": "",
-            "slaves_configuration": "",
-            "slaves_output_pdos_default_values_extraction": "",
-            "slaves_initialization": "",
-            "retrieve_variables": [],
-            "publish_variables": [],
-        }
-        # Initialize variable storing variable mapping state
-        for slave_entries in self.UsedVariables.itervalues():
-            for entry_infos in slave_entries.itervalues():
-                entry_infos["mapped"] = False
-        # Sort slaves by position (IEC_Channel)
-        self.Slaves.sort()
-        # Initialize dictionary storing alias auto-increment position values
-        alias = {}
-        # Generating code for each slave
-        for (slave_idx, slave_alias, slave) in self.Slaves:
-            type_infos = slave.getType()
-            # Defining slave alias and auto-increment position
-            if alias.get(slave_alias) is not None:
-                alias[slave_alias] += 1
-            else:
-                alias[slave_alias] = 0
-            slave_pos = (slave_alias, alias[slave_alias])
-            # Extract slave device informations
-            device, alignment = self.Controler.GetModuleInfos(type_infos)
-            if device is not None:
-                # Extract slaves variables to be mapped
-                slave_variables = self.UsedVariables.get(slave_idx, {})
-                # Extract slave device object dictionary entries
-                device_entries = device.GetEntriesList()
-                # Adding code for declaring slave in master code template strings
-                for element in ["vendor", "product_code", "revision_number"]:
-                    type_infos[element] = ExtractHexDecValue(type_infos[element])
-                type_infos.update(dict(zip(["slave", "alias", "position"], (slave_idx,) + slave_pos)))
-                # Extract slave device CoE informations
-                device_coe = device.getCoE()
-                if device_coe is not None:
-                    # If device support CanOpen over Ethernet, adding code for calling 
-                    # init commands when initializing slave in master code template strings
-                    initCmds = []
-                    for initCmd in device_coe.getInitCmd():
-                        initCmds.append({
-                            "Index": ExtractHexDecValue(initCmd.getIndex()),
-                            "Subindex": ExtractHexDecValue(initCmd.getSubIndex()),
-                            "Value": initCmd.getData().getcontent()})
-                    initCmds.extend(slave.getStartupCommands())
-                    for initCmd in initCmds:
-                        index = initCmd["Index"]
-                        subindex = initCmd["Subindex"]
-                        entry = device_entries.get((index, subindex), None)
-                        if entry is not None:
-                            data_size = entry["BitSize"] / 8
-                            data_str = ("0x%%.%dx" % (data_size * 2)) % initCmd["Value"]
-                            init_cmd_infos = {
-                                "index": index,
-                                "subindex": subindex,
-                                "data": data_str,
-                                "data_type": DATATYPECONVERSION.get(entry["Type"]),
-                                "data_size": data_size
-                            }
-                            init_cmd_infos.update(type_infos)
-                            str_completion["slaves_initialization"] += SLAVE_INITIALIZATION_TEMPLATE % init_cmd_infos
-                    # Extract slave device PDO configuration capabilities
-                    PdoAssign = device_coe.getPdoAssign()
-                    PdoConfig = device_coe.getPdoConfig()
-                else:
-                    PdoAssign = PdoConfig = False
-                # Test if slave has a configuration or need one
-                if len(device.getTxPdo() + device.getRxPdo()) > 0 or len(slave_variables) > 0 and PdoConfig and PdoAssign:
-                    str_completion["slaves_declaration"] += "static ec_slave_config_t *slave%(slave)d = NULL;\n" % type_infos
-                    str_completion["slaves_configuration"] += SLAVE_CONFIGURATION_TEMPLATE % type_infos
-                    # Initializing 
-                    pdos_infos = {
-                        "pdos_entries_infos": [],
-                        "pdos_infos": [],
-                        "pdos_sync_infos": [], 
-                    }
-                    pdos_infos.update(type_infos)
-                    sync_managers = []
-                    for sync_manager_idx, sync_manager in enumerate(device.getSm()):
-                        sync_manager_infos = {
-                            "index": sync_manager_idx, 
-                            "name": sync_manager.getcontent(),
-                            "slave": slave_idx,
-                            "pdos": [], 
-                            "pdos_number": 0,
-                        }
-                        sync_manager_control_byte = ExtractHexDecValue(sync_manager.getControlByte())
-                        sync_manager_direction = sync_manager_control_byte & 0x0c
-                        sync_manager_watchdog = sync_manager_control_byte & 0x40
-                        if sync_manager_direction:
-                            sync_manager_infos["sync_manager_type"] = "EC_DIR_OUTPUT"
-                        else:
-                            sync_manager_infos["sync_manager_type"] = "EC_DIR_INPUT"
-                        if sync_manager_watchdog:
-                            sync_manager_infos["watchdog"] = "EC_WD_ENABLE"
-                        else:
-                            sync_manager_infos["watchdog"] = "EC_WD_DISABLE"
-                        sync_managers.append(sync_manager_infos)
-                    pdos_index = []
-                    exclusive_pdos = {}
-                    selected_pdos = []
-                    for pdo, pdo_type in ([(pdo, "Inputs") for pdo in device.getTxPdo()] +
-                                          [(pdo, "Outputs") for pdo in device.getRxPdo()]):
-                        pdo_index = ExtractHexDecValue(pdo.getIndex().getcontent())
-                        pdos_index.append(pdo_index)
-                        excluded_list = pdo.getExclude()
-                        if len(excluded_list) > 0:
-                            exclusion_list = [pdo_index]
-                            for excluded in excluded_list:
-                                exclusion_list.append(ExtractHexDecValue(excluded.getcontent()))
-                            exclusion_list.sort()
-                            exclusion_scope = exclusive_pdos.setdefault(tuple(exclusion_list), [])
-                            entries = pdo.getEntry()
-                            pdo_mapping_match = {
-                                "index": pdo_index, 
-                                "matching": 0, 
-                                "count": len(entries), 
-                                "assigned": pdo.getSm() is not None
-                            }
-                            exclusion_scope.append(pdo_mapping_match)
-                            for entry in entries:
-                                index = ExtractHexDecValue(entry.getIndex().getcontent())
-                                subindex = ExtractHexDecValue(entry.getSubIndex())
-                                if slave_variables.get((index, subindex), None) is not None:
-                                    pdo_mapping_match["matching"] += 1
-                        elif pdo.getMandatory():
-                            selected_pdos.append(pdo_index)
-                    excluded_pdos = []
-                    for exclusion_scope in exclusive_pdos.itervalues():
-                        exclusion_scope.sort(ExclusionSortFunction)
-                        start_excluding_index = 0
-                        if exclusion_scope[0]["matching"] > 0:
-                            selected_pdos.append(exclusion_scope[0]["index"])
-                            start_excluding_index = 1
-                        excluded_pdos.extend([pdo["index"] for pdo in exclusion_scope[start_excluding_index:] if PdoAssign or not pdo["assigned"]])
-                    for pdo, pdo_type in ([(pdo, "Inputs") for pdo in device.getTxPdo()] +
-                                          [(pdo, "Outputs") for pdo in device.getRxPdo()]):
-                        entries = pdo.getEntry()
-                        pdo_index = ExtractHexDecValue(pdo.getIndex().getcontent())
-                        if pdo_index in excluded_pdos:
-                            continue
-                        pdo_needed = pdo_index in selected_pdos
-                        entries_infos = []
-                        for entry in entries:
-                            index = ExtractHexDecValue(entry.getIndex().getcontent())
-                            subindex = ExtractHexDecValue(entry.getSubIndex())
-                            entry_infos = {
-                                "index": index,
-                                "subindex": subindex,
-                                "name": ExtractName(entry.getName()),
-                                "bitlen": entry.getBitLen(),
-                            }
-                            entry_infos.update(type_infos)
-                            entries_infos.append("    {0x%(index).4x, 0x%(subindex).2x, %(bitlen)d}, /* %(name)s */" % entry_infos)
-                            entry_declaration = slave_variables.get((index, subindex), None)
-                            if entry_declaration is not None and not entry_declaration["mapped"]:
-                                pdo_needed = True
-                                entry_infos.update(dict(zip(["var_type", "dir", "var_name", "no_decl", "extra_declarations"], 
-                                                            entry_declaration["infos"])))
-                                entry_declaration["mapped"] = True
-                                entry_type = entry.getDataType().getcontent()
-                                if entry_infos["var_type"] != entry_type:
-                                    message = _("Wrong type for location \"%s\"!") % entry_infos["var_name"]
-                                    if (self.Controler.GetSizeOfType(entry_infos["var_type"]) != 
-                                        self.Controler.GetSizeOfType(entry_type)):
-                                        raise ValueError, message
-                                    else:
-                                        self.Controler.GetCTRoot().logger.write_warning(_("Warning: ") + message + "\n")
-                                if (entry_infos["dir"] == "I" and pdo_type != "Inputs" or 
-                                    entry_infos["dir"] == "Q" and pdo_type != "Outputs"):
-                                    raise ValueError, _("Wrong direction for location \"%s\"!") % entry_infos["var_name"]
-                                ConfigureVariable(entry_infos, str_completion)
-                            elif pdo_type == "Outputs" and entry.getDataType() is not None and device_coe is not None:
-                                data_type = entry.getDataType().getcontent()
-                                entry_infos["dir"] = "Q"
-                                entry_infos["data_size"] = max(1, entry_infos["bitlen"] / 8)
-                                entry_infos["data_type"] = DATATYPECONVERSION.get(data_type)
-                                entry_infos["var_type"] = data_type
-                                entry_infos["real_var"] = "slave%(slave)d_%(index).4x_%(subindex).2x_default" % entry_infos
-                                ConfigureVariable(entry_infos, str_completion)
-                                str_completion["slaves_output_pdos_default_values_extraction"] += \
-                                    SLAVE_OUTPUT_PDO_DEFAULT_VALUE % entry_infos
-                        if pdo_needed:
-                            for excluded in pdo.getExclude():
-                                excluded_index = ExtractHexDecValue(excluded.getcontent())
-                                if excluded_index not in excluded_pdos:
-                                    excluded_pdos.append(excluded_index)
-                            sm = pdo.getSm()
-                            if sm is None:
-                                for sm_idx, sync_manager in enumerate(sync_managers):
-                                    if sync_manager["name"] == pdo_type:
-                                        sm = sm_idx
-                            if sm is None:
-                                raise ValueError, _("No sync manager available for %s pdo!") % pdo_type
-                            sync_managers[sm]["pdos_number"] += 1
-                            sync_managers[sm]["pdos"].append(
-                                {"slave": slave_idx,
-                                 "index": pdo_index,
-                                 "name": ExtractName(pdo.getName()),
-                                 "type": pdo_type, 
-                                 "entries": entries_infos,
-                                 "entries_number": len(entries_infos),
-                                 "fixed": pdo.getFixed() == True})
-                    if PdoConfig and PdoAssign:
-                        dynamic_pdos = {}
-                        dynamic_pdos_number = 0
-                        for category, min_index, max_index in [("Inputs", 0x1600, 0x1800), 
-                                                               ("Outputs", 0x1a00, 0x1C00)]:
-                            for sync_manager in sync_managers:
-                                if sync_manager["name"] == category:
-                                    category_infos = dynamic_pdos.setdefault(category, {})
-                                    category_infos["sync_manager"] = sync_manager
-                                    category_infos["pdos"] = [pdo for pdo in category_infos["sync_manager"]["pdos"] 
-                                                              if not pdo["fixed"] and pdo["type"] == category]
-                                    category_infos["current_index"] = min_index
-                                    category_infos["max_index"] = max_index
-                                    break
-                        for (index, subindex), entry_declaration in slave_variables.iteritems():
-                            if not entry_declaration["mapped"]:
-                                entry = device_entries.get((index, subindex), None)
-                                if entry is None:
-                                    raise ValueError, _("Unknown entry index 0x%4.4x, subindex 0x%2.2x for device %s") % \
-                                                     (index, subindex, type_infos["device_type"])
-                                entry_infos = {
-                                    "index": index,
-                                    "subindex": subindex,
-                                    "name": entry["Name"],
-                                    "bitlen": entry["BitSize"],
-                                }
-                                entry_infos.update(type_infos)
-                                entry_infos.update(dict(zip(["var_type", "dir", "var_name", "no_decl", "extra_declarations"], 
-                                                            entry_declaration["infos"])))
-                                entry_declaration["mapped"] = True
-                                if entry_infos["var_type"] != entry["Type"]:
-                                    message = _("Wrong type for location \"%s\"!") % entry_infos["var_name"]
-                                    if (self.Controler.GetSizeOfType(entry_infos["var_type"]) != 
-                                        self.Controler.GetSizeOfType(entry["Type"])):
-                                        raise ValueError, message
-                                    else:
-                                        self.Controler.GetCTRoot().logger.write_warning(message + "\n")
-                                if entry_infos["dir"] == "I" and entry["PDOMapping"] in ["T", "RT"]:
-                                    pdo_type = "Inputs"
-                                elif entry_infos["dir"] == "Q" and entry["PDOMapping"] in ["R", "RT"]:
-                                    pdo_type = "Outputs"
-                                else:
-                                    raise ValueError, _("Wrong direction for location \"%s\"!") % entry_infos["var_name"]
-                                if not dynamic_pdos.has_key(pdo_type):
-                                    raise ValueError, _("No Sync manager defined for %s!") % pdo_type
-                                ConfigureVariable(entry_infos, str_completion)
-                                if len(dynamic_pdos[pdo_type]["pdos"]) > 0:
-                                    pdo = dynamic_pdos[pdo_type]["pdos"][0]
-                                else:
-                                    while dynamic_pdos[pdo_type]["current_index"] in pdos_index:
-                                        dynamic_pdos[pdo_type]["current_index"] += 1
-                                    if dynamic_pdos[pdo_type]["current_index"] >= dynamic_pdos[pdo_type]["max_index"]:
-                                        raise ValueError, _("No more free PDO index available for %s!") % pdo_type
-                                    pdos_index.append(dynamic_pdos[pdo_type]["current_index"])
-                                    dynamic_pdos_number += 1
-                                    pdo = {"slave": slave_idx,
-                                           "index": dynamic_pdos[pdo_type]["current_index"],
-                                           "name": "Dynamic PDO %d" % dynamic_pdos_number,
-                                           "type": pdo_type, 
-                                           "entries": [],
-                                           "entries_number": 0,
-                                           "fixed": False}
-                                    dynamic_pdos[pdo_type]["sync_manager"]["pdos_number"] += 1
-                                    dynamic_pdos[pdo_type]["sync_manager"]["pdos"].append(pdo)
-                                    dynamic_pdos[pdo_type]["pdos"].append(pdo)
-                                pdo["entries"].append("    {0x%(index).4x, 0x%(subindex).2x, %(bitlen)d}, /* %(name)s */" % entry_infos)
-                                if entry_infos["bitlen"] < alignment:
-                                    print (alignment, entry_infos["bitlen"])
-                                    pdo["entries"].append("    {0x0000, 0x00, %d}, /* None */" % (alignment - entry_infos["bitlen"]))
-                                pdo["entries_number"] += 1
-                                if pdo["entries_number"] == 255:
-                                    dynamic_pdos[pdo_type]["pdos"].pop(0)
-                    pdo_offset = 0
-                    entry_offset = 0
-                    for sync_manager_infos in sync_managers:
-                        for pdo_infos in sync_manager_infos["pdos"]:
-                            pdo_infos["offset"] = entry_offset
-                            pdo_entries = pdo_infos["entries"]
-                            pdos_infos["pdos_infos"].append(
-                                ("    {0x%(index).4x, %(entries_number)d, " + 
-                                 "slave_%(slave)d_pdo_entries + %(offset)d}, /* %(name)s */") % pdo_infos)
-                            entry_offset += len(pdo_entries)
-                            pdos_infos["pdos_entries_infos"].extend(pdo_entries)
-                        sync_manager_infos["offset"] = pdo_offset
-                        pdo_offset_shift = sync_manager_infos["pdos_number"]
-                        pdos_infos["pdos_sync_infos"].append(
-                            ("    {%(index)d, %(sync_manager_type)s, %(pdos_number)d, " + 
-                             ("slave_%(slave)d_pdos + %(offset)d" if pdo_offset_shift else "NULL") +
-                             ", %(watchdog)s},") % sync_manager_infos)
-                        pdo_offset += pdo_offset_shift  
-                    for element in ["pdos_entries_infos", "pdos_infos", "pdos_sync_infos"]:
-                        pdos_infos[element] = "\n".join(pdos_infos[element])
-                    str_completion["pdos_configuration_declaration"] += SLAVE_PDOS_CONFIGURATION_DECLARATION % pdos_infos
-                for (index, subindex), entry_declaration in slave_variables.iteritems():
-                    if not entry_declaration["mapped"]:
-                        message = _("Entry index 0x%4.4x, subindex 0x%2.2x not mapped for device %s") % \
-                                        (index, subindex, type_infos["device_type"])
-                        self.Controler.GetCTRoot().logger.write_warning(_("Warning: ") + message + "\n")
-        for element in ["used_pdo_entry_offset_variables_declaration", 
-                        "used_pdo_entry_configuration", 
-                        "located_variables_declaration", 
-                        "retrieve_variables", 
-                        "publish_variables"]:
-            str_completion[element] = "\n".join(str_completion[element])
-        etherlabfile = open(filepath, 'w')
-        etherlabfile.write(plc_etherlab_code % str_completion)
-        etherlabfile.close()
+from EthercatSlave import ExtractHexDecValue, ExtractName
+from EthercatMaster import _EthercatCTN
 #                 Ethercat ConfNode
@@ -1860,15 +200,6 @@
-def ExtractName(names, default=None):
-    if len(names) == 1:
-        return names[0].getcontent()
-    else:
-        for name in names:
-            if name.getLcId() == 1033:
-                return name.getcontent()
-    return default
 def ExtractPdoInfos(pdo, pdo_type, entries, limits=None):
     pdo_index = pdo.getIndex().getcontent()
     pdo_name = ExtractName(pdo.getName())
--- a/etherlab/extension.py	Fri Mar 29 01:13:17 2013 +0100
+++ b/etherlab/extension.py	Fri Mar 29 01:15:01 2013 +0100
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 import features
 def GetEtherLabLibClass():
-    from etherlab import EtherlabLibrary
+    from EthercatMaster import EtherlabLibrary
     return EtherlabLibrary