changeset 2111 f2cffda17d00
child 2112 e88cd6ff885e
equal deleted inserted replaced
2110:e8c43f542eb1 2111:f2cffda17d00
     1 import os
     2 import cPickle
     3 from xml.dom import minidom
     5 import wx
     7 from xmlclass import *
    10 from ConfigTreeNode import ConfigTreeNode
    11 from dialogs import BrowseValuesLibraryDialog
    12 from IDEFrame import TITLE, FILEMENU, PROJECTTREE
    14 from EthercatSlave import _EthercatSlaveCTN, ExtractHexDecValue, GenerateHexDecValue, TYPECONVERSION, VARCLASSCONVERSION
    15 from EthercatCFileGenerator import _EthercatCFileGenerator
    16 from ConfigEditor import MasterEditor
    17 from POULibrary import POULibrary
    19 try:
    20     from EthercatCIA402Slave import _EthercatCIA402SlaveCTN
    21     HAS_MCL = True
    22 except:
    23     HAS_MCL = False
    25 #--------------------------------------------------
    26 #         Remote Exec Etherlab Commands
    27 #--------------------------------------------------
    29 SCAN_COMMAND = """
    30 import commands
    31 result = commands.getoutput("ethercat slaves")
    32 slaves = []
    33 for slave_line in result.splitlines():
    34     chunks = slave_line.split()
    35     idx, pos, state, flag = chunks[:4]
    36     name = " ".join(chunks[4:])
    37     alias, position = pos.split(":")
    38     slave = {"idx": int(idx),
    39              "alias": int(alias),
    40              "position": int(position),
    41              "name": name}
    42     details = commands.getoutput("ethercat slaves -p %d -v" % slave["idx"])
    43     for details_line in details.splitlines():
    44         details_line = details_line.strip()
    45         for header, param in [("Vendor Id:", "vendor_id"),
    46                               ("Product code:", "product_code"),
    47                               ("Revision number:", "revision_number")]:
    48             if details_line.startswith(header):
    49                 slave[param] = details_line.split()[-1]
    50                 break
    51     slaves.append(slave)
    52 returnVal = slaves
    53 """
    55 #--------------------------------------------------
    56 #      Etherlab Specific Blocks Library
    57 #--------------------------------------------------
    59 def GetLocalPath(filename):
    60     return os.path.join(os.path.split(__file__)[0], filename)
    62 class EtherlabLibrary(POULibrary):
    63     def GetLibraryPath(self):
    64         return GetLocalPath("pous.xml")
    66     def Generate_C(self, buildpath, varlist, IECCFLAGS):
    67         etherlab_ext_file = open(GetLocalPath("etherlab_ext.c"), 'r')
    68         etherlab_ext_code =
    69         etherlab_ext_file.close()
    71         Gen_etherlabfile_path = os.path.join(buildpath, "etherlab_ext.c")
    72         ethelabfile = open(Gen_etherlabfile_path,'w')
    73         ethelabfile.write(etherlab_ext_code)
    74         ethelabfile.close()
    76         runtimefile_path = os.path.join(os.path.split(__file__)[0], "")
    77         return ((["etherlab_ext"], [(Gen_etherlabfile_path, IECCFLAGS)], True), "", 
    78                 ("", file(GetLocalPath(""))))
    80 #--------------------------------------------------
    81 #                 Ethercat MASTER
    82 #--------------------------------------------------
    84 EtherCATConfigClasses = GenerateClassesFromXSD(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "EtherCATConfig.xsd")) 
    86 def sort_commands(x, y):
    87     if x["Index"] == y["Index"]:
    88         return cmp(x["Subindex"], y["Subindex"])
    89     return cmp(x["Index"], y["Index"])
    91 cls = EtherCATConfigClasses.get("Config_Slave", None)
    92 if cls:
    94     def getType(self):
    95         slave_info = self.getInfo()
    96         return {"device_type": slave_info.getName(),
    97                 "vendor": GenerateHexDecValue(slave_info.getVendorId()),
    98                 "product_code": GenerateHexDecValue(slave_info.getProductCode(), 16),
    99                 "revision_number": GenerateHexDecValue(slave_info.getRevisionNo(), 16)}
   100     setattr(cls, "getType", getType)
   102     def setType(self, type_infos):
   103         slave_info = self.getInfo()
   104         slave_info.setName(type_infos["device_type"])
   105         slave_info.setVendorId(ExtractHexDecValue(type_infos["vendor"]))
   106         slave_info.setProductCode(ExtractHexDecValue(type_infos["product_code"]))
   107         slave_info.setRevisionNo(ExtractHexDecValue(type_infos["revision_number"]))
   108     setattr(cls, "setType", setType)
   110     def getInitCmds(self, create_default=False):
   111         Mailbox = self.getMailbox()
   112         if Mailbox is None:
   113             if create_default:
   114                 self.addMailbox()
   115                 Mailbox = self.getMailbox()
   116             else:
   117                 return None
   118         CoE = Mailbox.getCoE()
   119         if CoE is None:
   120             if create_default:
   121                 Mailbox.addCoE()
   122                 CoE = Mailbox.getCoE()
   123             else:
   124                 return None
   125         InitCmds = CoE.getInitCmds()
   126         if InitCmds is None and create_default:
   127             CoE.addInitCmds()
   128             InitCmds = CoE.getInitCmds()
   129         return InitCmds
   130     setattr(cls, "getInitCmds", getInitCmds)
   132     def getStartupCommands(self):
   133         pos = self.getInfo().getPhysAddr()
   134         InitCmds = self.getInitCmds()
   135         if InitCmds is None:
   136             return []
   137         commands = []
   138         for idx, InitCmd in enumerate(InitCmds.getInitCmd()):
   139             comment = InitCmd.getComment()
   140             if comment is None:
   141                 comment = ""
   142             commands.append({
   143                 "command_idx": idx,
   144                 "Position": pos,
   145                 "Index": InitCmd.getIndex(),
   146                 "Subindex": InitCmd.getSubIndex(),
   147                 "Value": InitCmd.getData(),
   148                 "Description": comment})
   149         commands.sort(sort_commands)
   150         return commands
   151     setattr(cls, "getStartupCommands", getStartupCommands)
   153     def appendStartupCommand(self, command_infos):
   154         InitCmds = self.getInitCmds(True)
   155         command = EtherCATConfigClasses["InitCmds_InitCmd"]()
   156         command.setIndex(command_infos["Index"])
   157         command.setSubIndex(command_infos["Subindex"])
   158         command.setData(command_infos["Value"])
   159         command.setComment(command_infos["Description"])
   160         InitCmds.appendInitCmd(command)
   161         return len(InitCmds.getInitCmd()) - 1
   162     setattr(cls, "appendStartupCommand", appendStartupCommand)
   164     def setStartupCommand(self, command_infos):
   165         InitCmds = self.getInitCmds()
   166         if InitCmds is not None:
   167             commands = InitCmds.getInitCmd()
   168             if command_infos["command_idx"] < len(commands):
   169                 command = commands[command_infos["command_idx"]]
   170                 command.setIndex(command_infos["Index"])
   171                 command.setSubIndex(command_infos["Subindex"])
   172                 command.setData(command_infos["Value"])
   173                 command.setComment(command_infos["Description"])
   174     setattr(cls, "setStartupCommand", setStartupCommand)
   176     def removeStartupCommand(self, command_idx):
   177         InitCmds = self.getInitCmds()
   178         if InitCmds is not None:
   179             if command_idx < len(InitCmds.getInitCmd()):
   180                 InitCmds.removeInitCmd(command_idx)
   181     setattr(cls, "removeStartupCommand", removeStartupCommand)
   183 ProcessVariablesXSD = """<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" ?>
   184     <xsd:schema xmlns:xsd="">
   185       <xsd:element name="ProcessVariables">
   186         <xsd:complexType>
   187           <xsd:sequence>
   188             <xsd:element name="variable" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
   189               <xsd:complexType>
   190                 <xsd:sequence>
   191                   <xsd:element name="ReadFrom" type="LocationDesc" minOccurs="0"/>
   192                   <xsd:element name="WriteTo" type="LocationDesc" minOccurs="0"/>
   193                 </xsd:sequence>
   194                 <xsd:attribute name="Name" type="xsd:string" use="required"/>
   195                 <xsd:attribute name="Comment" type="xsd:string" use="required"/>
   196               </xsd:complexType>
   197             </xsd:element>
   198           </xsd:sequence>
   199         </xsd:complexType>
   200       </xsd:element>
   201       <xsd:complexType name="LocationDesc">
   202         <xsd:attribute name="Position" type="xsd:integer" use="required"/>
   203         <xsd:attribute name="Index" type="xsd:integer" use="required"/>
   204         <xsd:attribute name="SubIndex" type="xsd:integer" use="required"/>
   205       </xsd:complexType>
   206     </xsd:schema>
   207 """
   209 ProcessVariablesClasses = GenerateClassesFromXSDstring(ProcessVariablesXSD) 
   211 class _EthercatCTN:
   213     CTNChildrenTypes = [("EthercatSlave", _EthercatSlaveCTN, "Ethercat Slave")]
   214     if HAS_MCL:
   215         CTNChildrenTypes.append(("EthercatCIA402Slave", _EthercatCIA402SlaveCTN, "Ethercat CIA402 Slave"))
   216     EditorType = MasterEditor
   218     def __init__(self):
   219         config_filepath = self.ConfigFileName()
   220         config_is_saved = False
   221         self.Config = EtherCATConfigClasses["EtherCATConfig"]()
   222         if os.path.isfile(config_filepath):
   223             config_xmlfile = open(config_filepath, 'r')
   224             config_tree = minidom.parse(config_xmlfile)
   225             config_xmlfile.close()
   227             for child in config_tree.childNodes:
   228                 if child.nodeType == config_tree.ELEMENT_NODE and child.nodeName == "EtherCATConfig":
   229                     self.Config.loadXMLTree(child)
   230                     config_is_saved = True
   232         process_filepath = self.ProcessVariablesFileName()
   233         process_is_saved = False
   234         self.ProcessVariables = ProcessVariablesClasses["ProcessVariables"]()
   235         if os.path.isfile(process_filepath):
   236             process_xmlfile = open(process_filepath, 'r')
   237             process_tree = minidom.parse(process_xmlfile)
   238             process_xmlfile.close()
   240             for child in process_tree.childNodes:
   241                 if child.nodeType == process_tree.ELEMENT_NODE and child.nodeName == "ProcessVariables":
   242                     self.ProcessVariables.loadXMLTree(child)
   243                     process_is_saved = True
   245         if config_is_saved and process_is_saved:
   246             self.CreateBuffer(True)
   247         else:
   248             self.CreateBuffer(False)
   249             self.OnCTNSave()
   251     def GetContextualMenuItems(self):
   252         return [("Add Ethercat Slave", "Add Ethercat Slave to Master", self.OnAddEthercatSlave)]
   254     def OnAddEthercatSlave(self, event):
   255         app_frame = self.GetCTRoot().AppFrame
   256         dialog = BrowseValuesLibraryDialog(app_frame, 
   257             "Ethercat Slave Type", self.GetSlaveTypesLibrary())
   258         if dialog.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK:
   259             type_infos = dialog.GetValueInfos()
   260             device, alignment = self.GetModuleInfos(type_infos)
   261             if device is not None:
   262                 if HAS_MCL and _EthercatCIA402SlaveCTN.NODE_PROFILE in device.GetProfileNumbers():
   263                     ConfNodeType = "EthercatCIA402Slave"
   264                 else:
   265                     ConfNodeType = "EthercatSlave"
   266                 new_child = self.CTNAddChild("%s_0" % ConfNodeType, ConfNodeType)
   267                 new_child.SetParamsAttribute("SlaveParams.Type", type_infos)
   268                 self.CTNRequestSave()
   269                 new_child._OpenView()
   270                 app_frame._Refresh(TITLE, FILEMENU, PROJECTTREE)
   271         dialog.Destroy()
   273     def ExtractHexDecValue(self, value):
   274         return ExtractHexDecValue(value)
   276     def GetSizeOfType(self, type):
   277         return TYPECONVERSION.get(self.GetCTRoot().GetBaseType(type), None)
   279     def ConfigFileName(self):
   280         return os.path.join(self.CTNPath(), "config.xml")
   282     def ProcessVariablesFileName(self):
   283         return os.path.join(self.CTNPath(), "process_variables.xml")
   285     def FilterSlave(self, slave, vendor=None, slave_pos=None, slave_profile=None):
   286         if slave_pos is not None and slave.getInfo().getPhysAddr() != slave_pos:
   287             return False
   288         type_infos = slave.getType()
   289         if vendor is not None and ExtractHexDecValue(type_infos["vendor"]) != vendor:
   290             return False
   291         device, alignment = self.GetModuleInfos(type_infos)
   292         if slave_profile is not None and slave_profile not in device.GetProfileNumbers():
   293             return False
   294         return True
   296     def GetSlaves(self, vendor=None, slave_pos=None, slave_profile=None):
   297         slaves = []
   298         for slave in self.Config.getConfig().getSlave():
   299             if self.FilterSlave(slave, vendor, slave_pos, slave_profile):
   300                 slaves.append(slave.getInfo().getPhysAddr())
   301         slaves.sort()
   302         return slaves
   304     def GetSlave(self, slave_pos):
   305         for slave in self.Config.getConfig().getSlave():
   306             slave_info = slave.getInfo()
   307             if slave_info.getPhysAddr() == slave_pos:
   308                 return slave
   309         return None
   311     def GetStartupCommands(self, vendor=None, slave_pos=None, slave_profile=None):
   312         commands = []
   313         for slave in self.Config.getConfig().getSlave():
   314             if self.FilterSlave(slave, vendor, slave_pos, slave_profile):
   315                 commands.append((slave.getInfo().getPhysAddr(), slave.getStartupCommands()))
   316         commands.sort()
   317         return reduce(lambda x, y: x + y[1], commands, [])
   319     def AppendStartupCommand(self, command_infos):
   320         slave = self.GetSlave(command_infos["Position"])
   321         if slave is not None:
   322             command_idx = slave.appendStartupCommand(command_infos)
   323             self.BufferModel()
   324             return command_idx
   325         return None
   327     def SetStartupCommandInfos(self, command_infos):
   328         slave = self.GetSlave(command_infos["Position"])
   329         if slave is not None:
   330             slave.setStartupCommand(command_infos)
   331             self.BufferModel()
   333     def RemoveStartupCommand(self, slave_pos, command_idx, buffer=True):
   334         slave = self.GetSlave(slave_pos)
   335         if slave is not None:
   336             slave.removeStartupCommand(command_idx)
   337             if buffer:
   338                 self.BufferModel()
   340     def SetProcessVariables(self, variables):
   341         vars = []
   342         for var in variables:
   343             variable = ProcessVariablesClasses["ProcessVariables_variable"]()
   344             variable.setName(var["Name"])
   345             variable.setComment(var["Description"])
   346             if var["ReadFrom"] != "":
   347                 position, index, subindex = var["ReadFrom"]
   348                 if variable.getReadFrom() is None:
   349                     variable.addReadFrom()
   350                 read_from = variable.getReadFrom()
   351                 read_from.setPosition(position)
   352                 read_from.setIndex(index)
   353                 read_from.setSubIndex(subindex)
   354             elif variable.getReadFrom() is not None:
   355                 variable.deleteReadFrom()
   356             if var["WriteTo"] != "":
   357                 position, index, subindex = var["WriteTo"]
   358                 if variable.getWriteTo() is None:
   359                     variable.addWriteTo()
   360                 write_to = variable.getWriteTo()
   361                 write_to.setPosition(position)
   362                 write_to.setIndex(index)
   363                 write_to.setSubIndex(subindex)
   364             elif variable.getWriteTo() is not None:
   365                 variable.deleteWriteTo()
   366             vars.append(variable)
   367         self.ProcessVariables.setvariable(vars)
   368         self.BufferModel()
   370     def GetProcessVariables(self):
   371         variables = []
   372         idx = 0
   373         for variable in self.ProcessVariables.getvariable():
   374             var = {"Name": variable.getName(),
   375                    "Number": idx,
   376                    "Description": variable.getComment()}
   377             read_from = variable.getReadFrom()
   378             if read_from is not None:
   379                 var["ReadFrom"] = (read_from.getPosition(),
   380                                    read_from.getIndex(),
   381                                    read_from.getSubIndex())
   382             else:
   383                 var["ReadFrom"] = ""
   384             write_to = variable.getWriteTo()
   385             if write_to is not None:
   386                 var["WriteTo"] = (write_to.getPosition(),
   387                                    write_to.getIndex(),
   388                                    write_to.getSubIndex())
   389             else:
   390                 var["WriteTo"] = ""
   391             variables.append(var)
   392             idx += 1
   393         return variables
   395     def _ScanNetwork(self):
   396         app_frame = self.GetCTRoot().AppFrame
   398         execute = True
   399         if len(self.Children) > 0:
   400             dialog = wx.MessageDialog(app_frame, 
   401                 _("The current network configuration will be deleted.\nDo you want to continue?"), 
   402                 _("Scan Network"), 
   403                 wx.YES_NO|wx.ICON_QUESTION)
   404             execute = dialog.ShowModal() == wx.ID_YES
   405             dialog.Destroy()
   407         if execute:
   408             error, returnVal = self.RemoteExec(SCAN_COMMAND, returnVal = None)
   409             if error != 0:
   410                 dialog = wx.MessageDialog(app_frame, returnVal, "Error", wx.OK|wx.ICON_ERROR)
   411                 dialog.ShowModal()
   412                 dialog.Destroy()
   413             elif returnVal is not None:
   414                 for child in self.IECSortedChildren():
   415                     self._doRemoveChild(child)
   417                 for slave in returnVal:
   418                     type_infos = {
   419                         "vendor": slave["vendor_id"],
   420                         "product_code": slave["product_code"],
   421                         "revision_number":slave["revision_number"],
   422                     }
   423                     device, alignment = self.GetModuleInfos(type_infos)
   424                     if device is not None:
   425                         if HAS_MCL and _EthercatCIA402SlaveCTN.NODE_PROFILE in device.GetProfileNumbers():
   426                             CTNType = "EthercatCIA402Slave"
   427                         else:
   428                             CTNType = "EthercatSlave"
   429                         self.CTNAddChild("slave%s" % slave["idx"], CTNType, slave["idx"])
   430                         self.SetSlaveAlias(slave["idx"], slave["alias"])
   431                         type_infos["device_type"] = device.getType().getcontent()
   432                         self.SetSlaveType(slave["idx"], type_infos)
   434     def CTNAddChild(self, CTNName, CTNType, IEC_Channel=0):
   435         """
   436         Create the confnodes that may be added as child to this node self
   437         @param CTNType: string desining the confnode class name (get name from CTNChildrenTypes)
   438         @param CTNName: string for the name of the confnode instance
   439         """
   440         newConfNodeOpj = ConfigTreeNode.CTNAddChild(self, CTNName, CTNType, IEC_Channel)
   442         slave = self.GetSlave(newConfNodeOpj.BaseParams.getIEC_Channel())
   443         if slave is None:
   444             slave = EtherCATConfigClasses["Config_Slave"]()
   445             slave_infos = slave.getInfo()
   446             slave_infos.setName("undefined")
   447             slave_infos.setPhysAddr(newConfNodeOpj.BaseParams.getIEC_Channel())
   448             slave_infos.setAutoIncAddr(0)
   449             self.Config.getConfig().appendSlave(slave)
   450             self.BufferModel()
   451             self.OnCTNSave()
   453         return newConfNodeOpj
   455     def _doRemoveChild(self, CTNInstance):
   456         slave_pos = CTNInstance.GetSlavePos()
   457         config = self.Config.getConfig()
   458         for idx, slave in enumerate(config.getSlave()):
   459             slave_infos = slave.getInfo()
   460             if slave_infos.getPhysAddr() == slave_pos:
   461                 config.removeSlave(idx)
   462                 self.BufferModel()
   463                 self.OnCTNSave()
   464         ConfigTreeNode._doRemoveChild(self, CTNInstance)
   466     def SetSlavePosition(self, slave_pos, new_pos):
   467         slave = self.GetSlave(slave_pos)
   468         if slave is not None:
   469             slave_info = slave.getInfo()
   470             slave_info.setPhysAddr(new_pos)
   471             for variable in self.ProcessVariables.getvariable():
   472                 read_from = variable.getReadFrom()
   473                 if read_from is not None and read_from.getPosition() == slave_pos:
   474                     read_from.setPosition(new_pos)
   475                 write_to = variable.getWriteTo()
   476                 if write_to is not None and write_to.getPosition() == slave_pos:
   477                     write_to.setPosition(new_pos)
   478             self.CreateBuffer(True)
   479             self.OnCTNSave()
   480             if self._View is not None:
   481                 self._View.RefreshView()
   482                 self._View.RefreshBuffer()
   484     def GetSlaveAlias(self, slave_pos):
   485         slave = self.GetSlave(slave_pos)
   486         if slave is not None:
   487             slave_info = slave.getInfo()
   488             return slave_info.getAutoIncAddr()
   489         return None
   491     def SetSlaveAlias(self, slave_pos, alias):
   492         slave = self.GetSlave(slave_pos)
   493         if slave is not None:
   494             slave_info = slave.getInfo()
   495             slave_info.setAutoIncAddr(alias)
   496             self.BufferModel()
   498     def GetSlaveType(self, slave_pos):
   499         slave = self.GetSlave(slave_pos)
   500         if slave is not None:
   501             return slave.getType()
   502         return None
   504     def SetSlaveType(self, slave_pos, type_infos):
   505         slave = self.GetSlave(slave_pos)
   506         if slave is not None:
   507             slave.setType(type_infos)
   508             self.BufferModel()
   510     def GetSlaveInfos(self, slave_pos):
   511         slave = self.GetSlave(slave_pos)
   512         if slave is not None:
   513             type_infos = slave.getType()
   514             device, alignment = self.GetModuleInfos(type_infos)
   515             if device is not None:
   516                 infos = type_infos.copy()
   517                 infos.update({"physics": device.getPhysics(),
   518                               "sync_managers": device.GetSyncManagers(),
   519                               "entries": self.GetSlaveVariables(device)})
   520                 return infos
   521         return None
   523     def GetSlaveVariables(self, slave_pos=None, limits=None, device=None):
   524         if device is None and slave_pos is not None:
   525             slave = self.GetSlave(slave_pos)
   526             if slave is not None:
   527                 type_infos = slave.getType()
   528                 device, alignment = self.GetModuleInfos(type_infos)
   529         if device is not None:
   530             entries = device.GetEntriesList(limits)
   531             entries_list = entries.items()
   532             entries_list.sort()
   533             entries = []
   534             current_index = None
   535             current_entry = None
   536             for (index, subindex), entry in entries_list:
   537                 entry["children"] = []
   538                 if slave_pos is not None:
   539                     entry["Position"] = str(slave_pos)
   540                 entry
   541                 if index != current_index:
   542                     current_index = index
   543                     current_entry = entry
   544                     entries.append(entry)
   545                 elif current_entry is not None:
   546                     current_entry["children"].append(entry)
   547                 else:
   548                     entries.append(entry)
   549             return entries
   550         return []
   552     def GetSlaveVariableDataType(self, slave_pos, index, subindex):
   553         slave = self.GetSlave(slave_pos)
   554         if slave is not None:
   555             device, alignment = self.GetModuleInfos(slave.getType())
   556             if device is not None:
   557                 entries = device.GetEntriesList()
   558                 entry_infos = entries.get((index, subindex))
   559                 if entry_infos is not None:
   560                     return entry_infos["Type"]
   561         return None
   563     def GetNodesVariables(self, vendor=None, slave_pos=None, slave_profile=None, limits=None):
   564         entries = []
   565         for slave_position in self.GetSlaves():
   566             if slave_pos is not None and slave_position != slave_pos:
   567                 continue
   568             slave = self.GetSlave(slave_position)
   569             type_infos = slave.getType()
   570             if vendor is not None and ExtractHexDecValue(type_infos["vendor"]) != vendor:
   571                 continue
   572             device, alignment = self.GetModuleInfos(type_infos)
   573             if slave_profile is not None and slave_profile not in device.GetProfileNumbers():
   574                 continue
   575             entries.extend(self.GetSlaveVariables(slave_position, limits, device))
   576         return entries
   578     def GetModuleInfos(self, type_infos):
   579         return self.CTNParent.GetModuleInfos(type_infos)
   581     def GetSlaveTypesLibrary(self, profile_filter=None):
   582         return self.CTNParent.GetModulesLibrary(profile_filter)
   584     def GetLibraryVendors(self):
   585         return self.CTNParent.GetVendors()
   587     def GetDeviceLocationTree(self, slave_pos, current_location, device_name):
   588         slave = self.GetSlave(slave_pos)
   589         vars = []    
   590         if slave is not None:
   591             type_infos = slave.getType()
   593             device, alignment = self.GetModuleInfos(type_infos)
   594             if device is not None:
   595                 sync_managers = []
   596                 for sync_manager in device.getSm():
   597                     sync_manager_control_byte = ExtractHexDecValue(sync_manager.getControlByte())
   598                     sync_manager_direction = sync_manager_control_byte & 0x0c
   599                     if sync_manager_direction:
   600                         sync_managers.append(LOCATION_VAR_OUTPUT)
   601                     else:
   602                         sync_managers.append(LOCATION_VAR_INPUT)
   604                 entries = device.GetEntriesList().items()
   605                 entries.sort()
   606                 for (index, subindex), entry in entries:
   607                     var_size = self.GetSizeOfType(entry["Type"])
   608                     if var_size is not None:
   609                         var_class = VARCLASSCONVERSION.get(entry["PDOMapping"], None)
   610                         if var_class is not None:
   611                             if var_class == LOCATION_VAR_INPUT:
   612                                 var_dir = "%I"
   613                             else:
   614                                 var_dir = "%Q"    
   616                             vars.append({"name": "0x%4.4x-0x%2.2x: %s" % (index, subindex, entry["Name"]),
   617                                          "type": var_class,
   618                                          "size": var_size,
   619                                          "IEC_type": entry["Type"],
   620                                          "var_name": "%s_%4.4x_%2.2x" % ("_".join(device_name.split()), index, subindex),
   621                                          "location": "%s%s%s"%(var_dir, var_size, ".".join(map(str, current_location + 
   622                                                                                                     (index, subindex)))),
   623                                          "description": "",
   624                                          "children": []})
   626         return vars
   628     def CTNTestModified(self):
   629         return self.ChangesToSave or not self.ModelIsSaved()    
   631     def OnCTNSave(self):
   632         config_filepath = self.ConfigFileName()
   634         config_text = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\" standalone=\"no\"?>\n"
   635         config_extras = {"xmlns:xsi":"",
   636                   "xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation" : "EtherCATInfo.xsd"}
   637         config_text += self.Config.generateXMLText("EtherCATConfig", 0, config_extras)
   639         config_xmlfile = open(config_filepath,"w")
   640         config_xmlfile.write(config_text.encode("utf-8"))
   641         config_xmlfile.close()
   643         process_filepath = self.ProcessVariablesFileName()
   645         process_text = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\" standalone=\"no\"?>\n"
   646         process_extras = {"xmlns:xsi":""}
   647         process_text += self.ProcessVariables.generateXMLText("ProcessVariables", 0, process_extras)
   649         process_xmlfile = open(process_filepath,"w")
   650         process_xmlfile.write(process_text.encode("utf-8"))
   651         process_xmlfile.close()
   653         self.Buffer.CurrentSaved()
   654         return True
   656     def GetProcessVariableName(self, location, var_type):
   657         return "__M%s_%s" % (self.GetSizeOfType(var_type), "_".join(map(str, location)))
   659     def _Generate_C(self, buildpath, locations):
   660         current_location = self.GetCurrentLocation()
   661         # define a unique name for the generated C file
   662         location_str = "_".join(map(lambda x:str(x), current_location))
   664         Gen_Ethercatfile_path = os.path.join(buildpath, "ethercat_%s.c"%location_str)
   666         self.FileGenerator = _EthercatCFileGenerator(self)
   668         LocationCFilesAndCFLAGS, LDFLAGS, extra_files = ConfigTreeNode._Generate_C(self, buildpath, locations)
   670         for idx, variable in enumerate(self.ProcessVariables.getvariable()):
   671             name = None
   672             var_type = None
   673             read_from = variable.getReadFrom()
   674             write_to = variable.getWriteTo()
   675             if read_from is not None:
   676                 pos = read_from.getPosition()
   677                 index = read_from.getIndex()
   678                 subindex = read_from.getSubIndex()
   679                 location = current_location + (idx, )
   680                 var_type = self.GetSlaveVariableDataType(pos, index, subindex)
   681                 name = self.FileGenerator.DeclareVariable(
   682                             pos, index, subindex, var_type, "I",
   683                             self.GetProcessVariableName(location, var_type))
   684             if write_to is not None:
   685                 pos = write_to.getPosition()
   686                 index = write_to.getIndex()
   687                 subindex = write_to.getSubIndex()
   688                 if name is None:
   689                     location = current_location + (idx, )
   690                     var_type = self.GetSlaveVariableDataType(pos, index, subindex)
   691                     name = self.GetProcessVariableName(location, var_type)
   692                 self.FileGenerator.DeclareVariable(
   693                             pos, index, subindex, var_type, "Q", name, True)
   695         self.FileGenerator.GenerateCFile(Gen_Ethercatfile_path, location_str, self.BaseParams.getIEC_Channel())
   697         LocationCFilesAndCFLAGS.append(
   698             (current_location, 
   699              [(Gen_Ethercatfile_path, '"-I%s"'%os.path.abspath(self.GetCTRoot().GetIECLibPath()))], 
   700              True))
   701         LDFLAGS.append("-lethercat -lrtdm")
   703         return LocationCFilesAndCFLAGS, LDFLAGS, extra_files
   705     ConfNodeMethods = [
   706         {"bitmap" : "ScanNetwork",
   707          "name" : _("Scan Network"), 
   708          "tooltip" : _("Scan Network"),
   709          "method" : "_ScanNetwork"},
   710     ]
   712     def CTNGenerate_C(self, buildpath, locations):
   713         current_location = self.GetCurrentLocation()
   715         slaves = self.GetSlaves()
   716         for slave_pos in slaves:
   717             slave = self.GetSlave(slave_pos)
   718             if slave is not None:
   719                 self.FileGenerator.DeclareSlave(slave_pos, slave)
   721         for location in locations:
   722             loc = location["LOC"][len(current_location):]
   723             slave_pos = loc[0]
   724             if slave_pos in slaves and len(loc) == 3 and location["DIR"] != "M":
   725                 self.FileGenerator.DeclareVariable(
   726                     slave_pos, loc[1], loc[2], location["IEC_TYPE"], location["DIR"], location["NAME"])
   728         return [],"",False
   730 #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   731 #                      Current Buffering Management Functions
   732 #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   734     """
   735     Return a copy of the config
   736     """
   737     def Copy(self, model):
   738         return cPickle.loads(cPickle.dumps(model))
   740     def CreateBuffer(self, saved):
   741         self.Buffer = UndoBuffer(cPickle.dumps((self.Config, self.ProcessVariables)), saved)
   743     def BufferModel(self):
   744         self.Buffer.Buffering(cPickle.dumps((self.Config, self.ProcessVariables)))
   746     def ModelIsSaved(self):
   747         if self.Buffer is not None:
   748             return self.Buffer.IsCurrentSaved()
   749         else:
   750             return True
   752     def LoadPrevious(self):
   753         self.Config, self.ProcessVariables = cPickle.loads(self.Buffer.Previous())
   755     def LoadNext(self):
   756         self.Config, self.ProcessVariables = cPickle.loads(self.Buffer.Next())
   758     def GetBufferState(self):
   759         first = self.Buffer.IsFirst()
   760         last = self.Buffer.IsLast()
   761         return not first, not last