clean-up: fix PEP8 E131 continuation line unaligned for hanging indent
authorAndrey Skvortsov <>
Sat, 19 Aug 2017 17:04:31 +0300
changeset 1777 c46ec818bdd7
parent 1776 81aa8aaccdd4
child 1778 1c6a704bd39c
clean-up: fix PEP8 E131 continuation line unaligned for hanging indent
--- a/	Sat Aug 19 16:45:37 2017 +0300
+++ b/	Sat Aug 19 17:04:31 2017 +0300
@@ -1753,9 +1753,9 @@
                 for datatype in project.getdataTypes(name)
-                if (not only_locatables or self.IsLocatableDataType(datatype, debug))
+                if ((not only_locatables or self.IsLocatableDataType(datatype, debug))
                     and (name is None or
-                         len(self.GetInstanceList(datatype, name, debug)) == 0)])
+                         len(self.GetInstanceList(datatype, name, debug)) == 0))])
         if confnodetypes:
             for category in self.GetConfNodeDataTypes(name, only_locatables):
--- a/	Sat Aug 19 16:45:37 2017 +0300
+++ b/	Sat Aug 19 17:04:31 2017 +0300
@@ -983,21 +983,21 @@
             bofs += sz
         debug_code = targets.GetCode("plc_debug.c") % {
-           "buffer_size": bofs,
-           "programs_declarations":
-               "\n".join(["extern %(type)s %(C_path)s;" % p for p in self._ProgramList]),
-           "extern_variables_declarations": "\n".join([
-              {
-                  "EXT": "extern __IEC_%(type)s_p %(C_path)s;",
-                  "IN":  "extern __IEC_%(type)s_p %(C_path)s;",
-                  "MEM": "extern __IEC_%(type)s_p %(C_path)s;",
-                  "OUT": "extern __IEC_%(type)s_p %(C_path)s;",
-                  "VAR": "extern __IEC_%(type)s_t %(C_path)s;",
-                  "FB":  "extern       %(type)s   %(C_path)s;"
-              }[v["vartype"]] % v
-               for v in self._VariablesList if v["C_path"].find('.') < 0]),
-           "variable_decl_array": ",\n".join(variable_decl_array)
-           }
+            "buffer_size": bofs,
+            "programs_declarations": "\n".join(["extern %(type)s %(C_path)s;" %
+                                                p for p in self._ProgramList]),
+            "extern_variables_declarations": "\n".join([
+                {
+                    "EXT": "extern __IEC_%(type)s_p %(C_path)s;",
+                    "IN":  "extern __IEC_%(type)s_p %(C_path)s;",
+                    "MEM": "extern __IEC_%(type)s_p %(C_path)s;",
+                    "OUT": "extern __IEC_%(type)s_p %(C_path)s;",
+                    "VAR": "extern __IEC_%(type)s_t %(C_path)s;",
+                    "FB":  "extern       %(type)s   %(C_path)s;"
+                }[v["vartype"]] % v
+                for v in self._VariablesList if v["C_path"].find('.') < 0]),
+            "variable_decl_array": ",\n".join(variable_decl_array)
+        }
         return debug_code
--- a/controls/DebugVariablePanel/	Sat Aug 19 16:45:37 2017 +0300
+++ b/controls/DebugVariablePanel/	Sat Aug 19 17:04:31 2017 +0300
@@ -1089,7 +1089,7 @@
         canvas_ratio = 1. / height  # Divide by canvas height in pixel
         graph_ratio = 1. / (
             (1.0 - (CANVAS_BORDER[0] + CANVAS_BORDER[1]) * canvas_ratio)
-             * height)             # Divide by figure height in pixel
+            * height)             # Divide by figure height in pixel
         # Update position of figure (keeping up and bottom border the same
         # size)
--- a/graphics/	Sat Aug 19 16:45:37 2017 +0300
+++ b/graphics/	Sat Aug 19 17:04:31 2017 +0300
@@ -1088,11 +1088,12 @@
             self.ValueSize = self.ParentBlock.Parent.GetMiniTextExtent(self.ComputedValue)
         if self.ValueSize is not None:
             width, height = self.ValueSize
-            rect = rect.Union(wx.Rect(
+            rect = rect.Union(
+                wx.Rect(
                     parent_pos[0] + self.Pos.x + CONNECTOR_SIZE * self.Direction[0] +
-                                    width * (self.Direction[0] - 1) / 2,
+                    width * (self.Direction[0] - 1) / 2,
                     parent_pos[1] + self.Pos.y + CONNECTOR_SIZE * self.Direction[1] +
-                                    height * (self.Direction[1] - 1),
+                    height * (self.Direction[1] - 1),
                     width, height))
         return rect
--- a/plcopen/	Sat Aug 19 16:45:37 2017 +0300
+++ b/plcopen/	Sat Aug 19 17:04:31 2017 +0300
@@ -466,10 +466,10 @@
     def getpous(self, exclude=None, filter=[]):
         return self.xpath(
             "ppx:types/ppx:pous/ppx:pou%s%s" %
-                (("[@name!='%s']" % exclude) if exclude is not None else '',
-                 ("[%s]" % " or ".join(
-                    map(lambda x: "@pouType='%s'" % x, filter)))
-                 if len(filter) > 0 else ""),
+            (("[@name!='%s']" % exclude) if exclude is not None else '',
+             ("[%s]" % " or ".join(
+                 map(lambda x: "@pouType='%s'" % x, filter)))
+             if len(filter) > 0 else ""),
     setattr(cls, "getpous", getpous)
--- a/py_ext/	Sat Aug 19 16:45:37 2017 +0300
+++ b/py_ext/	Sat Aug 19 17:04:31 2017 +0300
@@ -101,19 +101,19 @@
         pyextname = self.CTNName()
         varinfos = map(lambda variable: {
-                    "name": variable.getname(),
-                    "desc": repr(variable.getdesc()),
-                    "onchangecode": '"' + variable.getonchange() +
-                                         "('" + variable.getname() + "')\""
-                                     if variable.getonchange() else '""',
-                    "onchange": repr(variable.getonchange())
-                                 if variable.getonchange() else None,
-                    "opts": repr(variable.getopts()),
-                    "configname": configname.upper(),
-                    "uppername": variable.getname().upper(),
-                    "IECtype": variable.gettype(),
-                    "pyextname": pyextname},
-                    self.CodeFile.variables.variable)
+            "name": variable.getname(),
+            "desc": repr(variable.getdesc()),
+            "onchangecode": '"' + variable.getonchange() +
+            "('" + variable.getname() + "')\""
+            if variable.getonchange() else '""',
+            "onchange": repr(variable.getonchange())
+            if variable.getonchange() else None,
+            "opts": repr(variable.getopts()),
+            "configname": configname.upper(),
+            "uppername": variable.getname().upper(),
+            "IECtype": variable.gettype(),
+            "pyextname": pyextname},
+                       self.CodeFile.variables.variable)
         # python side PLC global variables access stub
         globalstubs = "\n".join([
--- a/targets/	Sat Aug 19 16:45:37 2017 +0300
+++ b/targets/	Sat Aug 19 17:04:31 2017 +0300
@@ -185,10 +185,10 @@
                         self.CTRInstance.logger.write("   [CC]  "+bn+" -> "+obn+"\n")
                         status, result, err_result = ProcessLogger(
-                               self.CTRInstance.logger,
-                               "\"%s\" -c \"%s\" -o \"%s\" %s %s" %
-                                   (self.compiler, CFile, objectfilename, Builder_CFLAGS, CFLAGS)
-                               ).spin()
+                            self.CTRInstance.logger,
+                            "\"%s\" -c \"%s\" -o \"%s\" %s %s" %
+                            (self.compiler, CFile, objectfilename, Builder_CFLAGS, CFLAGS)
+                        ).spin()
                         if status:
@@ -214,13 +214,13 @@
             self.CTRInstance.logger.write("   [CC]  " + ' '.join(obns)+" -> " + self.exe + "\n")
             status, result, err_result = ProcessLogger(
-                   self.CTRInstance.logger,
-                   "\"%s\" %s -o \"%s\" %s" %
-                       (self.linker,
-                        listobjstring,
-                        self.exe_path,
-                        ALLldflags)
-                   ).spin()
+                self.CTRInstance.logger,
+                "\"%s\" %s -o \"%s\" %s" %
+                (self.linker,
+                 listobjstring,
+                 self.exe_path,
+                 ALLldflags)
+            ).spin()
             if status:
                 return False
--- a/xmlclass/	Sat Aug 19 16:45:37 2017 +0300
+++ b/xmlclass/	Sat Aug 19 17:04:31 2017 +0300
@@ -1371,8 +1371,8 @@
                     if element_idx > 0:
                         previous_elements_xpath = "|".join(map(
                             lambda x: prefix + x
-                                      if x != "content"
-                                      else elements["content"]["elmt_type"]["choices_xpath"].path,
+                            if x != "content"
+                            else elements["content"]["elmt_type"]["choices_xpath"].path,
                         insertion_point = len(self.xpath(previous_elements_xpath, namespaces=factory.NSMAP))