SVGHMI: update generated XSLT svghmi
authorEdouard Tisserant <>
Fri, 19 Feb 2021 10:04:36 +0100 (2021-02-19)
changeset 3154 a8c81a080588
parent 3153 671283404554
child 3155 99ce78ddd353
child 3157 279e08f238ca
SVGHMI: update generated XSLT
--- a/svghmi/gen_index_xhtml.xslt	Fri Feb 19 10:04:17 2021 +0100
+++ b/svghmi/gen_index_xhtml.xslt	Fri Feb 19 10:04:36 2021 +0100
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 <?xml version="1.0"?>
-<xsl:stylesheet xmlns:ns="beremiz" xmlns:definitions="definitions" xmlns:xhtml="" xmlns:dc="" xmlns:func="" xmlns:epilogue="epilogue" xmlns:preamble="preamble" xmlns:xlink="" xmlns:sodipodi="" xmlns:inkscape="" xmlns:svg="" xmlns:cc="" xmlns:xsl="" xmlns:rdf="" xmlns:str="" xmlns:regexp="" xmlns:exsl="" xmlns:declarations="declarations" xmlns:debug="debug" exclude-result-prefixes="ns func exsl regexp str dyn debug preamble epilogue declarations definitions" extension-element-prefixes="ns func exsl regexp str dyn" version="1.0">
-  <xsl:output method="xml" cdata-section-elements="xhtml:script"/>
+<xsl:stylesheet xmlns:xsl="" xmlns:exsl="" xmlns:regexp="" xmlns:str="" xmlns:func="" xmlns:dc="" xmlns:cc="" xmlns:rdf="" xmlns:svg="" xmlns:xlink="" xmlns:sodipodi="" xmlns:inkscape="" xmlns:xhtml="" xmlns:debug="debug" xmlns:preamble="preamble" xmlns:declarations="declarations" xmlns:definitions="definitions" xmlns:epilogue="epilogue" xmlns:ns="beremiz" version="1.0" extension-element-prefixes="ns func exsl regexp str dyn" exclude-result-prefixes="ns func exsl regexp str dyn debug preamble epilogue declarations definitions">
+  <xsl:output cdata-section-elements="xhtml:script" method="xml"/>
   <xsl:variable name="svg" select="/svg:svg"/>
   <xsl:variable name="hmi_elements" select="//svg:*[starts-with(@inkscape:label, 'HMI:')]"/>
   <xsl:variable name="hmitree" select="ns:GetHMITree()"/>
@@ -1210,7 +1210,7 @@
     <xsl:text>var cache = =&gt; undefined);
-    <xsl:text>var updates = {};
+    <xsl:text>var updates = new Map();
@@ -1250,7 +1250,7 @@
     <xsl:text>        cache[new_index] = defaultval; 
-    <xsl:text>        updates[new_index] = defaultval;
+    <xsl:text>        updates.set(new_index, defaultval);
     <xsl:text>        if(persistent_locals.has(varname))
@@ -1671,7 +1671,7 @@
   <xsl:variable name="excluded_types" select="str:split('Page VarInit VarInitPersistent')"/>
-  <xsl:key use="@type" name="TypesKey" match="widget"/>
+  <xsl:key name="TypesKey" match="widget" use="@type"/>
   <xsl:template match="declarations:hmi-classes">
@@ -4457,8 +4457,18 @@
     <xsl:if test="$have_value">
-      <xsl:text>        this.last_display = value;
+      <xsl:choose>
+        <xsl:when test="count(arg) = 1">
+          <xsl:text>        this.last_display = vsprintf("</xsl:text>
+          <xsl:value-of select="arg[1]/@value"/>
+          <xsl:text>", value);
+        </xsl:when>
+        <xsl:otherwise>
+          <xsl:text>        this.last_display = value;
+        </xsl:otherwise>
+      </xsl:choose>
       <xsl:text>        this.request_animate();
@@ -4481,6 +4491,10 @@
       <xsl:value-of select="path/@type"/>
       <xsl:text>", this, this.last_val);
+      <xsl:if test="$have_value">
+        <xsl:text> = "none";
+      </xsl:if>
     <xsl:for-each select="$hmi_element/*[regexp:test(@inkscape:label,'^[=+\-].+')]">
       <xsl:text>        id("</xsl:text>
@@ -6752,7 +6766,7 @@
       <xsl:apply-templates select="document('')/*/debug:*"/>
-    <html xmlns:svg="" xmlns:xlink="" xmlns="">
+    <html xmlns="" xmlns:svg="" xmlns:xlink="">
       <body style="margin:0;overflow:hidden;user-select:none;touch-action:none;">
         <xsl:copy-of select="$result_svg"/>
@@ -6895,71 +6909,275 @@
           <xsl:text>function apply_updates() {
-          <xsl:text>    for(let index in updates){
-          <xsl:text>        // serving as a key, index becomes a string
-          <xsl:text>        // -&gt; pass Number(index) instead
-          <xsl:text>        dispatch_value(Number(index), updates[index]);
-          <xsl:text>        delete updates[index];
+          <xsl:text>    updates.forEach((value, index) =&gt; {
+          <xsl:text>        dispatch_value(index, value);
+          <xsl:text>    });
+          <xsl:text>    updates.clear();
+          <xsl:text>}
+          <xsl:text>
+          <xsl:text>// Called on requestAnimationFrame, modifies DOM
+          <xsl:text>var requestAnimationFrameID = null;
+          <xsl:text>function animate() {
+          <xsl:text>    // Do the page swith if any one pending
+          <xsl:text>    if(current_subscribed_page != current_visible_page){
+          <xsl:text>        switch_visible_page(current_subscribed_page);
           <xsl:text>    }
+          <xsl:text>
+          <xsl:text>    while(widget = need_cache_apply.pop()){
+          <xsl:text>        widget.apply_cache();
+          <xsl:text>    }
+          <xsl:text>
+          <xsl:text>    if(jumps_need_update) update_jumps();
+          <xsl:text>
+          <xsl:text>    apply_updates();
+          <xsl:text>
+          <xsl:text>    pending_widget_animates.forEach(widget =&gt; widget._animate());
+          <xsl:text>    pending_widget_animates = [];
+          <xsl:text>
+          <xsl:text>    requestAnimationFrameID = null;
-          <xsl:text>// Called on requestAnimationFrame, modifies DOM
-          <xsl:text>var requestAnimationFrameID = null;
-          <xsl:text>function animate() {
-          <xsl:text>    // Do the page swith if any one pending
-          <xsl:text>    if(current_subscribed_page != current_visible_page){
-          <xsl:text>        switch_visible_page(current_subscribed_page);
+          <xsl:text>function requestHMIAnimation() {
+          <xsl:text>    if(requestAnimationFrameID == null){
+          <xsl:text>        requestAnimationFrameID = window.requestAnimationFrame(animate);
           <xsl:text>    }
-          <xsl:text>
-          <xsl:text>    while(widget = need_cache_apply.pop()){
-          <xsl:text>        widget.apply_cache();
+          <xsl:text>}
+          <xsl:text>
+          <xsl:text>// Message reception handler
+          <xsl:text>// Hash is verified and HMI values updates resulting from binary parsing
+          <xsl:text>// are stored until browser can compute next frame, DOM is left untouched
+          <xsl:text>ws.onmessage = function (evt) {
+          <xsl:text>
+          <xsl:text>    let data =;
+          <xsl:text>    let dv = new DataView(data);
+          <xsl:text>    let i = 0;
+          <xsl:text>    try {
+          <xsl:text>        for(let hash_int of hmi_hash) {
+          <xsl:text>            if(hash_int != dv.getUint8(i)){
+          <xsl:text>                throw new Error("Hash doesn't match");
+          <xsl:text>            };
+          <xsl:text>            i++;
+          <xsl:text>        };
+          <xsl:text>
+          <xsl:text>        while(i &lt; data.byteLength){
+          <xsl:text>            let index = dv.getUint32(i, true);
+          <xsl:text>            i += 4;
+          <xsl:text>            let iectype = hmitree_types[index];
+          <xsl:text>            if(iectype != undefined){
+          <xsl:text>                let dvgetter = dvgetters[iectype];
+          <xsl:text>                let [value, bytesize] = dvgetter(dv,i);
+          <xsl:text>                updates.set(index, value);
+          <xsl:text>                i += bytesize;
+          <xsl:text>            } else {
+          <xsl:text>                throw new Error("Unknown index "+index);
+          <xsl:text>            }
+          <xsl:text>        };
+          <xsl:text>        // register for rendering on next frame, since there are updates
+          <xsl:text>        requestHMIAnimation();
+          <xsl:text>    } catch(err) {
+          <xsl:text>        // 1003 is for "Unsupported Data"
+          <xsl:text>        // ws.close(1003, err.message);
+          <xsl:text>
+          <xsl:text>        // TODO : remove debug alert ?
+          <xsl:text>        alert("Error : "+err.message+"\nHMI will be reloaded.");
+          <xsl:text>
+          <xsl:text>        // force reload ignoring cache
+          <xsl:text>        location.reload(true);
           <xsl:text>    }
-          <xsl:text>
-          <xsl:text>    if(jumps_need_update) update_jumps();
-          <xsl:text>
-          <xsl:text>    apply_updates();
-          <xsl:text>
-          <xsl:text>    pending_widget_animates.forEach(widget =&gt; widget._animate());
-          <xsl:text>    pending_widget_animates = [];
-          <xsl:text>
-          <xsl:text>    requestAnimationFrameID = null;
+          <xsl:text>};
+          <xsl:text>
+          <xsl:text>hmi_hash_u8 = new Uint8Array(hmi_hash);
+          <xsl:text>
+          <xsl:text>function send_blob(data) {
+          <xsl:text>    if(data.length &gt; 0) {
+          <xsl:text>        ws.send(new Blob([hmi_hash_u8].concat(data)));
+          <xsl:text>    };
+          <xsl:text>};
+          <xsl:text>
+          <xsl:text>const typedarray_types = {
+          <xsl:text>    INT: (number) =&gt; new Int16Array([number]),
+          <xsl:text>    BOOL: (truth) =&gt; new Int16Array([truth]),
+          <xsl:text>    NODE: (truth) =&gt; new Int16Array([truth]),
+          <xsl:text>    REAL: (number) =&gt; new Float32Array([number]),
+          <xsl:text>    STRING: (str) =&gt; {
+          <xsl:text>        // beremiz default string max size is 128
+          <xsl:text>        str = str.slice(0,128);
+          <xsl:text>        binary = new Uint8Array(str.length + 1);
+          <xsl:text>        binary[0] = str.length;
+          <xsl:text>        for(let i = 0; i &lt; str.length; i++){
+          <xsl:text>            binary[i+1] = str.charCodeAt(i);
+          <xsl:text>        }
+          <xsl:text>        return binary;
+          <xsl:text>    }
+          <xsl:text>    /* TODO */
+          <xsl:text>};
+          <xsl:text>
+          <xsl:text>function send_reset() {
+          <xsl:text>    send_blob(new Uint8Array([1])); /* reset = 1 */
+          <xsl:text>};
+          <xsl:text>
+          <xsl:text>var subscriptions = [];
+          <xsl:text>
+          <xsl:text>function subscribers(index) {
+          <xsl:text>    let entry = subscriptions[index];
+          <xsl:text>    let res;
+          <xsl:text>    if(entry == undefined){
+          <xsl:text>        res = new Set();
+          <xsl:text>        subscriptions[index] = [res,0];
+          <xsl:text>    }else{
+          <xsl:text>        [res, _ign] = entry;
+          <xsl:text>    }
+          <xsl:text>    return res
-          <xsl:text>function requestHMIAnimation() {
-          <xsl:text>    if(requestAnimationFrameID == null){
-          <xsl:text>        requestAnimationFrameID = window.requestAnimationFrame(animate);
+          <xsl:text>function get_subscription_period(index) {
+          <xsl:text>    let entry = subscriptions[index];
+          <xsl:text>    if(entry == undefined)
+          <xsl:text>        return 0;
+          <xsl:text>    let [_ign, period] = entry;
+          <xsl:text>    return period;
+          <xsl:text>}
+          <xsl:text>
+          <xsl:text>function set_subscription_period(index, period) {
+          <xsl:text>    let entry = subscriptions[index];
+          <xsl:text>    if(entry == undefined){
+          <xsl:text>        subscriptions[index] = [new Set(), period];
+          <xsl:text>    } else {
+          <xsl:text>        entry[1] = period;
           <xsl:text>    }
@@ -6967,417 +7185,209 @@
-          <xsl:text>// Message reception handler
-          <xsl:text>// Hash is verified and HMI values updates resulting from binary parsing
-          <xsl:text>// are stored until browser can compute next frame, DOM is left untouched
-          <xsl:text>ws.onmessage = function (evt) {
-          <xsl:text>
-          <xsl:text>    let data =;
-          <xsl:text>    let dv = new DataView(data);
-          <xsl:text>    let i = 0;
-          <xsl:text>    try {
-          <xsl:text>        for(let hash_int of hmi_hash) {
-          <xsl:text>            if(hash_int != dv.getUint8(i)){
-          <xsl:text>                throw new Error("Hash doesn't match");
-          <xsl:text>            };
-          <xsl:text>            i++;
-          <xsl:text>        };
-          <xsl:text>
-          <xsl:text>        while(i &lt; data.byteLength){
-          <xsl:text>            let index = dv.getUint32(i, true);
-          <xsl:text>            i += 4;
-          <xsl:text>            let iectype = hmitree_types[index];
-          <xsl:text>            if(iectype != undefined){
-          <xsl:text>                let dvgetter = dvgetters[iectype];
-          <xsl:text>                let [value, bytesize] = dvgetter(dv,i);
-          <xsl:text>                updates[index] = value;
-          <xsl:text>                i += bytesize;
-          <xsl:text>            } else {
-          <xsl:text>                throw new Error("Unknown index "+index);
+          <xsl:text>// artificially subscribe the watchdog widget to "/heartbeat" hmi variable
+          <xsl:text>// Since dispatch directly calls change_hmi_value,
+          <xsl:text>// PLC will periodically send variable at given frequency
+          <xsl:text>subscribers(heartbeat_index).add({
+          <xsl:text>    /* type: "Watchdog", */
+          <xsl:text>    frequency: 1,
+          <xsl:text>    indexes: [heartbeat_index],
+          <xsl:text>    new_hmi_value: function(index, value, oldval) {
+          <xsl:text>        apply_hmi_value(heartbeat_index, value+1);
+          <xsl:text>    }
+          <xsl:text>});
+          <xsl:text>
+          <xsl:text>function svg_text_to_multiline(elt) {
+          <xsl:text>    return(, x=&gt;x.textContent).join("\n")); 
+          <xsl:text>}
+          <xsl:text>
+          <xsl:text>function multiline_to_svg_text(elt, str) {
+          <xsl:text>    str.split('\n').map((line,i) =&gt; {elt.children[i].textContent = line;});
+          <xsl:text>}
+          <xsl:text>
+          <xsl:text>function switch_langnum(langnum) {
+          <xsl:text>    langnum = Math.max(0, Math.min(langs.length - 1, langnum));
+          <xsl:text>
+          <xsl:text>    for (let translation of translations) {
+          <xsl:text>        let [objs, msgs] = translation;
+          <xsl:text>        let msg = msgs[langnum];
+          <xsl:text>        for (let obj of objs) {
+          <xsl:text>            multiline_to_svg_text(obj, msg);
+          <xsl:text>            obj.setAttribute("lang",langnum);
+          <xsl:text>        }
+          <xsl:text>    }
+          <xsl:text>    return langnum;
+          <xsl:text>}
+          <xsl:text>
+          <xsl:text>// backup original texts
+          <xsl:text>for (let translation of translations) {
+          <xsl:text>    let [objs, msgs] = translation;
+          <xsl:text>    msgs.unshift(svg_text_to_multiline(objs[0])); 
+          <xsl:text>}
+          <xsl:text>
+          <xsl:text>var lang_local_index = hmi_local_index("lang");
+          <xsl:text>var langcode_local_index = hmi_local_index("lang_code");
+          <xsl:text>var langname_local_index = hmi_local_index("lang_name");
+          <xsl:text>subscribers(lang_local_index).add({
+          <xsl:text>    indexes: [lang_local_index],
+          <xsl:text>    new_hmi_value: function(index, value, oldval) {
+          <xsl:text>        let current_lang =  switch_langnum(value);
+          <xsl:text>        let [langname,langcode] = langs[current_lang];
+          <xsl:text>        apply_hmi_value(langcode_local_index, langcode);
+          <xsl:text>        apply_hmi_value(langname_local_index, langname);
+          <xsl:text>        switch_page();
+          <xsl:text>    }
+          <xsl:text>});
+          <xsl:text>
+          <xsl:text>function setup_lang(){
+          <xsl:text>    let current_lang = cache[lang_local_index];
+          <xsl:text>    let new_lang = switch_langnum(current_lang);
+          <xsl:text>    if(current_lang != new_lang){
+          <xsl:text>        apply_hmi_value(lang_local_index, new_lang);
+          <xsl:text>    }
+          <xsl:text>}
+          <xsl:text>
+          <xsl:text>setup_lang();
+          <xsl:text>
+          <xsl:text>function update_subscriptions() {
+          <xsl:text>    let delta = [];
+          <xsl:text>    for(let index in subscriptions){
+          <xsl:text>        let widgets = subscribers(index);
+          <xsl:text>
+          <xsl:text>        // periods are in ms
+          <xsl:text>        let previous_period = get_subscription_period(index);
+          <xsl:text>
+          <xsl:text>        // subscribing with a zero period is unsubscribing
+          <xsl:text>        let new_period = 0;
+          <xsl:text>        if(widgets.size &gt; 0) {
+          <xsl:text>            let maxfreq = 0;
+          <xsl:text>            for(let widget of widgets){
+          <xsl:text>                let wf = widget.frequency;
+          <xsl:text>                if(wf != undefined &amp;&amp; maxfreq &lt; wf)
+          <xsl:text>                    maxfreq = wf;
           <xsl:text>            }
-          <xsl:text>        };
-          <xsl:text>        // register for rendering on next frame, since there are updates
-          <xsl:text>        requestHMIAnimation();
-          <xsl:text>    } catch(err) {
-          <xsl:text>        // 1003 is for "Unsupported Data"
-          <xsl:text>        // ws.close(1003, err.message);
-          <xsl:text>
-          <xsl:text>        // TODO : remove debug alert ?
-          <xsl:text>        alert("Error : "+err.message+"\nHMI will be reloaded.");
-          <xsl:text>
-          <xsl:text>        // force reload ignoring cache
-          <xsl:text>        location.reload(true);
+          <xsl:text>
+          <xsl:text>            if(maxfreq != 0)
+          <xsl:text>                new_period = 1000/maxfreq;
+          <xsl:text>        }
+          <xsl:text>
+          <xsl:text>        if(previous_period != new_period) {
+          <xsl:text>            set_subscription_period(index, new_period);
+          <xsl:text>            if(index &lt;= last_remote_index){
+          <xsl:text>                delta.push(
+          <xsl:text>                    new Uint8Array([2]), /* subscribe = 2 */
+          <xsl:text>                    new Uint32Array([index]),
+          <xsl:text>                    new Uint16Array([new_period]));
+          <xsl:text>            }
+          <xsl:text>        }
           <xsl:text>    }
+          <xsl:text>    send_blob(delta);
-          <xsl:text>hmi_hash_u8 = new Uint8Array(hmi_hash);
-          <xsl:text>
-          <xsl:text>function send_blob(data) {
-          <xsl:text>    if(data.length &gt; 0) {
-          <xsl:text>        ws.send(new Blob([hmi_hash_u8].concat(data)));
-          <xsl:text>    };
-          <xsl:text>};
-          <xsl:text>
-          <xsl:text>const typedarray_types = {
-          <xsl:text>    INT: (number) =&gt; new Int16Array([number]),
-          <xsl:text>    BOOL: (truth) =&gt; new Int16Array([truth]),
-          <xsl:text>    NODE: (truth) =&gt; new Int16Array([truth]),
-          <xsl:text>    REAL: (number) =&gt; new Float32Array([number]),
-          <xsl:text>    STRING: (str) =&gt; {
-          <xsl:text>        // beremiz default string max size is 128
-          <xsl:text>        str = str.slice(0,128);
-          <xsl:text>        binary = new Uint8Array(str.length + 1);
-          <xsl:text>        binary[0] = str.length;
-          <xsl:text>        for(let i = 0; i &lt; str.length; i++){
-          <xsl:text>            binary[i+1] = str.charCodeAt(i);
-          <xsl:text>        }
-          <xsl:text>        return binary;
-          <xsl:text>    }
-          <xsl:text>    /* TODO */
-          <xsl:text>};
-          <xsl:text>
-          <xsl:text>function send_reset() {
-          <xsl:text>    send_blob(new Uint8Array([1])); /* reset = 1 */
-          <xsl:text>};
-          <xsl:text>
-          <xsl:text>var subscriptions = [];
-          <xsl:text>
-          <xsl:text>function subscribers(index) {
-          <xsl:text>    let entry = subscriptions[index];
-          <xsl:text>    let res;
-          <xsl:text>    if(entry == undefined){
-          <xsl:text>        res = new Set();
-          <xsl:text>        subscriptions[index] = [res,0];
-          <xsl:text>    }else{
-          <xsl:text>        [res, _ign] = entry;
-          <xsl:text>    }
-          <xsl:text>    return res
-          <xsl:text>}
-          <xsl:text>
-          <xsl:text>function get_subscription_period(index) {
-          <xsl:text>    let entry = subscriptions[index];
-          <xsl:text>    if(entry == undefined)
-          <xsl:text>        return 0;
-          <xsl:text>    let [_ign, period] = entry;
-          <xsl:text>    return period;
-          <xsl:text>}
-          <xsl:text>
-          <xsl:text>function set_subscription_period(index, period) {
-          <xsl:text>    let entry = subscriptions[index];
-          <xsl:text>    if(entry == undefined){
-          <xsl:text>        subscriptions[index] = [new Set(), period];
-          <xsl:text>    } else {
-          <xsl:text>        entry[1] = period;
-          <xsl:text>    }
-          <xsl:text>}
-          <xsl:text>
-          <xsl:text>// artificially subscribe the watchdog widget to "/heartbeat" hmi variable
-          <xsl:text>// Since dispatch directly calls change_hmi_value,
-          <xsl:text>// PLC will periodically send variable at given frequency
-          <xsl:text>subscribers(heartbeat_index).add({
-          <xsl:text>    /* type: "Watchdog", */
-          <xsl:text>    frequency: 1,
-          <xsl:text>    indexes: [heartbeat_index],
-          <xsl:text>    new_hmi_value: function(index, value, oldval) {
-          <xsl:text>        apply_hmi_value(heartbeat_index, value+1);
-          <xsl:text>    }
-          <xsl:text>});
-          <xsl:text>
-          <xsl:text>function svg_text_to_multiline(elt) {
-          <xsl:text>    return(, x=&gt;x.textContent).join("\n")); 
-          <xsl:text>}
-          <xsl:text>
-          <xsl:text>function multiline_to_svg_text(elt, str) {
-          <xsl:text>    str.split('\n').map((line,i) =&gt; {elt.children[i].textContent = line;});
-          <xsl:text>}
-          <xsl:text>
-          <xsl:text>function switch_langnum(langnum) {
-          <xsl:text>    langnum = Math.max(0, Math.min(langs.length - 1, langnum));
-          <xsl:text>
-          <xsl:text>    for (let translation of translations) {
-          <xsl:text>        let [objs, msgs] = translation;
-          <xsl:text>        let msg = msgs[langnum];
-          <xsl:text>        for (let obj of objs) {
-          <xsl:text>            multiline_to_svg_text(obj, msg);
-          <xsl:text>            obj.setAttribute("lang",langnum);
-          <xsl:text>        }
-          <xsl:text>    }
-          <xsl:text>    return langnum;
-          <xsl:text>}
-          <xsl:text>
-          <xsl:text>// backup original texts
-          <xsl:text>for (let translation of translations) {
-          <xsl:text>    let [objs, msgs] = translation;
-          <xsl:text>    msgs.unshift(svg_text_to_multiline(objs[0])); 
-          <xsl:text>}
-          <xsl:text>
-          <xsl:text>var lang_local_index = hmi_local_index("lang");
-          <xsl:text>var langcode_local_index = hmi_local_index("lang_code");
-          <xsl:text>var langname_local_index = hmi_local_index("lang_name");
-          <xsl:text>subscribers(lang_local_index).add({
-          <xsl:text>    indexes: [lang_local_index],
-          <xsl:text>    new_hmi_value: function(index, value, oldval) {
-          <xsl:text>        let current_lang =  switch_langnum(value);
-          <xsl:text>        let [langname,langcode] = langs[current_lang];
-          <xsl:text>        apply_hmi_value(langcode_local_index, langcode);
-          <xsl:text>        apply_hmi_value(langname_local_index, langname);
-          <xsl:text>        switch_page();
-          <xsl:text>    }
-          <xsl:text>});
-          <xsl:text>
-          <xsl:text>function setup_lang(){
-          <xsl:text>    let current_lang = cache[lang_local_index];
-          <xsl:text>    let new_lang = switch_langnum(current_lang);
-          <xsl:text>    if(current_lang != new_lang){
-          <xsl:text>        apply_hmi_value(lang_local_index, new_lang);
-          <xsl:text>    }
-          <xsl:text>}
-          <xsl:text>
-          <xsl:text>setup_lang();
-          <xsl:text>
-          <xsl:text>function update_subscriptions() {
-          <xsl:text>    let delta = [];
-          <xsl:text>    for(let index in subscriptions){
-          <xsl:text>        let widgets = subscribers(index);
-          <xsl:text>
-          <xsl:text>        // periods are in ms
-          <xsl:text>        let previous_period = get_subscription_period(index);
-          <xsl:text>
-          <xsl:text>        // subscribing with a zero period is unsubscribing
-          <xsl:text>        let new_period = 0;
-          <xsl:text>        if(widgets.size &gt; 0) {
-          <xsl:text>            let maxfreq = 0;
-          <xsl:text>            for(let widget of widgets){
-          <xsl:text>                let wf = widget.frequency;
-          <xsl:text>                if(wf != undefined &amp;&amp; maxfreq &lt; wf)
-          <xsl:text>                    maxfreq = wf;
-          <xsl:text>            }
-          <xsl:text>
-          <xsl:text>            if(maxfreq != 0)
-          <xsl:text>                new_period = 1000/maxfreq;
-          <xsl:text>        }
-          <xsl:text>
-          <xsl:text>        if(previous_period != new_period) {
-          <xsl:text>            set_subscription_period(index, new_period);
-          <xsl:text>            if(index &lt;= last_remote_index){
-          <xsl:text>                delta.push(
-          <xsl:text>                    new Uint8Array([2]), /* subscribe = 2 */
-          <xsl:text>                    new Uint32Array([index]),
-          <xsl:text>                    new Uint16Array([new_period]));
-          <xsl:text>            }
-          <xsl:text>        }
-          <xsl:text>    }
-          <xsl:text>    send_blob(delta);
-          <xsl:text>};
-          <xsl:text>
           <xsl:text>function send_hmi_value(index, value) {
           <xsl:text>    if(index &gt; last_remote_index){
-          <xsl:text>        updates[index] = value;
+          <xsl:text>        updates.set(index, value);