Tests: Various enhancements in Makefile and sikuli common python code. wxPython4
authorEdouard Tisserant <edouard.tisserant@gmail.com>
Fri, 18 Feb 2022 15:12:06 +0100
changeset 3432 40b8b2ffb3fd
parent 3431 5bcef31e276d
child 3433 e60bb9b3d498
Tests: Various enhancements in Makefile and sikuli common python code.
--- a/tests/Makefile	Fri Feb 18 15:00:04 2022 +0100
+++ b/tests/Makefile	Fri Feb 18 15:12:06 2022 +0100
@@ -68,10 +68,12 @@
 OWN_PROJECTS=beremiz matiec
+tar_opts=--absolute-names --exclude=.hg --exclude=.git --exclude=.*.pyc --exclude=.*.swp
 # sha1 checksum of source is used to force copy/compile on each change
 define make_checksum_assign
-$(1)_checksum = $(shell tar --exclude=.hg --exclude=.git --exclude=.*.swp -c $(workspace)/$(1) | sha1sum | cut -d ' ' -f 1)
+$(1)_checksum = $(shell tar $(tar_opts) -c $(workspace)/$(1) | sha1sum | cut -d ' ' -f 1)
 $(foreach project,$(OWN_PROJECTS),$(eval $(call make_checksum_assign,$(project))))
@@ -81,7 +83,8 @@
 define make_src_rule
 $(build_dir)/$(1)/$($(1)_checksum).sha1: $(build_dir) $(workspace)/$(1)
 	rm -rf $(build_dir)/$(1)
-	cp -a $(workspace)/$(1) $(build_dir)/$(1)
+	tar -C $(workspace) $(tar_opts) -c $(1) | tar -C $(build_dir) -x
+	#cp -a $(workspace)/$(1) $(build_dir)/$(1)
 	touch $$@
 $(foreach project,$(OWN_PROJECTS),$(eval $(call make_src_rule,$(project))))
@@ -99,7 +102,7 @@
 ide_tests = $(subst $(src)/ide_tests/,,$(wildcard $(src)/ide_tests/*.sikuli))
 define idetest_command
-	(fluxbox &); BEREMIZPATH=$(build_dir)/beremiz sikulix -r $(src)/ide_tests/$(1) | tee test_stdout.txt; exit $$$${pipestatus[0]}
+	(fluxbox >/dev/null 2>&1 &); BEREMIZPATH=$(build_dir)/beremiz sikulix -r $(src)/ide_tests/$(1) | tee test_stdout.txt; exit $$$${pipestatus[0]}
 # Xnest based interactive sessions for tests edit and debug. 
@@ -109,13 +112,17 @@
 	Xnest :42 -geometry 1920x1080+0+0 & export xnestpid=$$!; sleep 1; DISPLAY=:42 $(1); export res=$$?; kill $${xnestpid} 2>/dev/null; exit $${res}
+define prep_test
+	rm -rf $(test_dir)/$(1)_idetest
+	mkdir $(test_dir)/$(1)_idetest
+	cd $(test_dir)/$(1)_idetest
 xserver_command ?= xvfb-run -s '-screen 0 1920x1080x24'
 define make_idetest_rule
 $(test_dir)/$(1)_idetest/.passed: own_apps
-	rm -rf $(test_dir)/$(1)_idetest
-	mkdir $(test_dir)/$(1)_idetest
-	cd $(test_dir)/$(1)_idetest; $(xserver_command) bash -c '$(call idetest_command, $(1))'
+	$(call prep_test,$(1)); $(xserver_command) bash -c '$(call idetest_command,$(1))'
 	touch $$@
 # Manually invoked rule {testname}.sikuli
@@ -124,9 +131,7 @@
 # Manually invoked rule xnest_{testname}.sikuli
 # runs test in xnest so that one can see what happens
 xnest_$(1): own_apps
-	rm -rf $(test_dir)/$(1)_idetest
-	mkdir $(test_dir)/$(1)_idetest
-	cd $(test_dir)/$(1)_idetest; $$(call xnest_run, bash -c '$(call idetest_command, $(1))')
+	$(call prep_test,$(1)); $$(call xnest_run, bash -c '$(call idetest_command,$(1))')
 ide_tests_targets += $(test_dir)/$(1)_idetest/.passed
@@ -139,7 +144,7 @@
 	$(call xnest_run, bash -c '(fluxbox &);xterm')
 xnest_sikuli: own_apps
-	$(call xnest_run, bash -c '(fluxbox &);(xterm -e sikulix &);xterm')
+	$(call xnest_run, bash -c '(fluxbox &);(BEREMIZPATH=$(build_dir)/beremiz xterm -e sikulix &);xterm')
 # in case VNC would be used 
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/tests/ide_tests/new_project.sikuli/new_project.py	Fri Feb 18 15:12:06 2022 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,149 @@
+""" This test opens, builds and runs exemple project named "python".
+Test succeeds if runtime's stdout behaves as expected
+import os
+import time
+# allow module import from current test directory's parent
+# common test definitions module
+from sikuliberemiz import *
+# Start the app without any project given
+proc,app = StartBeremizApp()
+new_project_path = os.path.join(os.path.abspath(os.path.curdir), "new_test_project")
+# New project path must exist (usually created in directory selection dialog)
+# To detect when actions did finish because IDE content isn't changing
+idle = IDEIdleObserver(app)
+# To send keyboard shortuts
+k = KBDShortcut(app)
+# Create new project (opens new project directory selection dialog)
+# Move to "Home" section of file selecor, otherwise address is 
+# "file ignored" at first run
+type("f", Key.CTRL)
+# Enter directory by name
+# Fill address bar
+type(new_project_path + Key.ENTER)
+# When prompted for creating first program select type ST
+type(Key.TAB*4)  # go to lang dropdown
+type(Key.DOWN*2) # change selected language
+type(Key.ENTER)  # validate
+# Name created program
+type("Test program")
+# Focus on Variable grid
+# Add 2 variables
+# Focus on ST text
+LocalVar0 := LocalVar1;
+{printf("Test OK\\n");fflush(stdout);}
+# Close ST POU
+type("w", Key.CTRL)
+# Focus project tree and select root item
+# Edit root item
+# Switch to config tab
+# Focus on URI
+# Set URI
+# FIXME: Select other field to ensure URI is validated
+# Close project config editor
+type("w", Key.CTRL)
+# Focus seems undefined at that time (FIXME)
+# Force focussing on "something" so that next shortcut is taken
+del idle
+stdoutIdle = stdoutIdleObserver(proc)
+del stdoutIdle
+# wait 10 seconds
+found = waitPatternInStdout(proc, "Test OK", 10)
+if found:
+    exit(0)
+    exit(1)
--- a/tests/ide_tests/sikuliberemiz.py	Fri Feb 18 15:00:04 2022 +0100
+++ b/tests/ide_tests/sikuliberemiz.py	Fri Feb 18 15:12:06 2022 +0100
@@ -4,15 +4,16 @@
 import sys
 import subprocess
 from threading import Thread, Event
 from sikuli import *
-home = os.environ["HOME"]
 beremiz_path = os.environ["BEREMIZPATH"]
 python_bin = os.environ.get("BEREMIZPYTHONPATH", "/usr/bin/python")
 opj = os.path.join
 def StartBeremizApp(projectpath=None, exemple=None):
     Starts Beremiz IDE, waits for main window to appear, maximize it.
@@ -90,18 +91,23 @@
              "Transfer": Key.F6,
              "Connect":  Key.F7,
              "Clean":    Key.F9,
-             "Build":    Key.F11}
+             "Build":    Key.F11,
+             "Save":     ("s",Key.CTRL),
+             "New":      ("n",Key.CTRL),
+             "Address":  ("l",Key.CTRL)}  # to reach address bar in GTK's file selector
     def __init__(self, app):
         self.app = app
     def __getattr__(self, name):
         fkey = self.fkeys[name]
+        if typeof(fkey) != tuple:
+            fkey = (fkey,)
         app = self.app
         def PressShortCut():
-            type(fkey)
+            type(*fkey)
         return PressShortCut
@@ -127,7 +133,6 @@
     def _OnIDEWindowChange(self, event):
-        print event
         self.idechanged = True
     def Wait(self, period, timeout):
@@ -162,7 +167,7 @@
         self.thread = Thread(target = self._waitStdoutProc).start()
-    def _waitStdoutProc():
+    def _waitStdoutProc(self):
         while True:
             a = self.proc.stdout.read(1)
             if len(a) == 0 or a is None: 
--- a/tests/tools/Docker/beremiz-sikuli/build_in_docker.sh	Fri Feb 18 15:00:04 2022 +0100
+++ b/tests/tools/Docker/beremiz-sikuli/build_in_docker.sh	Fri Feb 18 15:12:06 2022 +0100
@@ -3,6 +3,6 @@
 docker start $CONTAINER 
-docker exec -i -t $CONTAINER bash -i -c do_test $1
+docker exec -i -t $CONTAINER bash -i -c "do_tests $1"
 docker stop $CONTAINER