Wed, 12 Sep 2007 17:16:27 +0200 (2007-09-12)
changeset 34 2721e6910f5a
parent 33 59b84ab7bf8b
child 35 4d7861fc34d4 rewritten
Test to check config_utils added
plugins/canfestival/test_config/eds/PEAK MicroMod.eds
--- a/plugins/canfestival/	Tue Sep 11 17:29:27 2007 +0200
+++ b/plugins/canfestival/	Wed Sep 12 17:16:27 2007 +0200
@@ -25,22 +25,24 @@
 from types import *
 # Translation between IEC types and Can Open types
-DicoTypes = {"BOOL":0x01, "SINT":0x02, "INT":0x03,"DINT":0x04,"LINT":0x10,
-             "USINT":0x05,"UINT":0x06,"UDINT":0x07,"ULINT":0x1B,"REAL":0x08,
-             "LREAL":0x11,"STRING":0x09,"BYTE":0x05,"WORD":0x06,"DWORD":0x07,
-             "LWORD":0x1B,"WSTRING":0x0B}
-DictNameVariable = { "" : 1, "X": 2, "B": 3, "W": 4, "D": 5, "L": 6, "increment": 0x100, 1:("__I", 0x2000), 2:("__Q", 0x4000)}
+IECToCOType = {"BOOL":0x01, "SINT":0x02, "INT":0x03,"DINT":0x04,"LINT":0x10,
+               "USINT":0x05,"UINT":0x06,"UDINT":0x07,"ULINT":0x1B,"REAL":0x08,
+               "LREAL":0x11,"STRING":0x09,"BYTE":0x05,"WORD":0x06,"DWORD":0x07,
+               "LWORD":0x1B,"WSTRING":0x0B}
 # Constants for PDO types 
 RPDO = 1
 TPDO = 2
 SlavePDOType = {"I" : TPDO, "Q" : RPDO}
 InvertPDOType = {RPDO : TPDO, TPDO : RPDO}
-GenerateMasterMapping = lambda x:[None] + [(loc_infos["type"], name) for name, loc_infos in x]
-TrashVariableSizes = {1 : 0x01, 8 : 0x05, 16 : 0x06, 32 : 0x07, 64 : 0x1B}
+VariableIncrement = 0x100
+VariableStartIndex = {TPDO : 0x2000, RPDO : 0x4000}
+VariableDirText = {TPDO : "__I", RPDO : "__Q"}
+VariableTypeOffset = dict(zip(["","X","B","W","D","L"], range(6)))
+TrashVariables = [(1, 0x01), (8, 0x05), (16, 0x06), (32, 0x07), (64, 0x1B)]
 def LE_to_BE(value, size):
@@ -55,6 +57,7 @@
     return "".join([chr(int(car, 16)) for car in list_car])
 def GetNodePDOIndexes(node, type, parameters = False):
     Find the PDO indexes of a node
@@ -74,6 +77,7 @@
         return indexes
 def SearchNodePDOMapping(loc_infos, node):
     Find the PDO indexes of a node
@@ -94,26 +98,53 @@
                     return PDOidx, subindex
     return None
+def GeneratePDOMappingDCF(idx, cobid, transmittype, pdomapping):
+    """
+    Build concise DCF value for configuring a PDO
+    @param idx: index of PDO parameters
+    @param cobid: PDO generated COB ID
+    @param transmittype : PDO transmit type
+    @param pdomapping: list of PDO mappings
+    @return: a tuple of value and number of parameters to add to DCF 
+    """
+    # Create entry for RPDO or TPDO parameters and Disable PDO
+    dcfdata = LE_to_BE(idx, 2) + LE_to_BE(0x01, 1) + LE_to_BE(0x04, 4) + LE_to_BE((0x80000000 + cobid), 4)
+    # Set Transmit type synchrone
+    dcfdata += LE_to_BE(idx, 2) + LE_to_BE(0x02, 1) + LE_to_BE(0x01, 4) + LE_to_BE(transmittype, 1)
+    # Re-Enable PDO
+    #         ---- INDEX -----   --- SUBINDEX ----   ----- SIZE ------   ------ DATA ------
+    dcfdata += LE_to_BE(idx, 2) + LE_to_BE(0x01, 1) + LE_to_BE(0x04, 4) + LE_to_BE(0x00000000 + cobid, 4)
+    nbparams = 3
+    # Map Variables
+    for subindex, (name, loc_infos) in enumerate(pdomapping):
+        value = (loc_infos["index"] << 16) + (loc_infos["subindex"] << 8) + loc_infos["size"]
+        dcfdata += LE_to_BE(idx + 0x200, 2) + LE_to_BE(subindex + 1, 1) + LE_to_BE(0x04, 4) + LE_to_BE(value, 4)
+        nbparams += 1
+    return dcfdata, nbparams
 class ConciseDCFGenerator:
     def __init__(self, nodelist):
         # Dictionary of location informations classed by name
-        self.DictLocations = {}
+        self.IECLocations = {}
+        # Dictionary of location that have not been mapped yet
+        self.LocationsNotMapped = {}
         # Dictionary of location informations classed by name
-        self.DictCobID = {}
-        # Dictionary of location that have not been mapped yet
-        self.DictLocationsNotMapped = {}
+        self.MasterMapping = {}
         # List of COB IDs available
         self.ListCobIDAvailable = range(0x180, 0x580)
         self.SlavesPdoNumber = {}
         # Dictionary of mapping value where unexpected variables are stored
-        TrashVariableValue = {}
+        self.TrashVariables = {}
         self.NodeList = nodelist
         self.Manager = self.NodeList.Manager
         self.MasterNode = self.Manager.GetCurrentNodeCopy()
     def RemoveUsedNodeCobId(self, node):
         Remove all PDO COB ID used by the given node from the list of available COB ID
@@ -137,6 +168,7 @@
         return len(nodeRpdoIndexes), len(nodeTpdoIndexes)
     def PrepareMasterNode(self):
         Add mandatory entries for DCF generation into MasterNode.
@@ -145,18 +177,18 @@
         # Adding DCF entry into Master node
         if not self.MasterNode.IsEntry(0x1F22):
             self.MasterNode.AddEntry(0x1F22, 1, "")
-        self.Manager.AddSubentriesToCurrent(0x1F22, 127, masternode)
+        self.Manager.AddSubentriesToCurrent(0x1F22, 127, self.MasterNode)
         # Adding trash mappable variables for unused mapped datas
-        idxTrashVariables = 0x2000 + masternode.GetNodeID()
+        idxTrashVariables = 0x2000 + self.MasterNode.GetNodeID()
         # Add an entry for storing unexpected all variable
-        self.Manager.AddMapVariableToCurrent(idxTrashVariables, "trashvariables", 3, len(TrashVariableSizes), self.MasterNode)
-        for subidx, (size, typeidx) in enumerate(TrashVariableSizes.items()):
+        self.Manager.AddMapVariableToCurrent(idxTrashVariables, "trashvariables", 3, len(TrashVariables), self.MasterNode)
+        for subidx, (size, typeidx) in enumerate(TrashVariables):
             # Add a subentry for storing unexpected variable of this size
             self.Manager.SetCurrentEntry(idxTrashVariables, subidx + 1, "TRASH%d" % size, "name", None, self.MasterNode)
             self.Manager.SetCurrentEntry(idxTrashVariables, subidx + 1, typeidx, "type", None, self.MasterNode)
             # Store the mapping value for this entry
-            self.TrashVariableValue[size] = (idxTrashVariables << 16) + ((subidx + 1) << 8) + size
+            self.TrashVariables[size] = (idxTrashVariables << 16) + ((subidx + 1) << 8) + size
         RPDOnumber, TPDOnumber = self.RemoveUsedNodeCobId(self.MasterNode)
@@ -164,7 +196,7 @@
         self.CurrentPDOParamsIdx = {RPDO : 0x1400 + RPDOnumber, TPDO : 0x1800 + TPDOnumber}
         # Prepare MasterNode with all nodelist slaves
-        for nodeid, nodeinfos in self.NodeList.SlaveNodes.items():
+        for idx, (nodeid, nodeinfos) in enumerate(self.NodeList.SlaveNodes.items()):
             node = nodeinfos["Node"]
@@ -182,41 +214,23 @@
                 TSDO_cobid = 0x580 + nodeid
             # Configure Master's SDO parameters entries
-            self.Manager.ManageEntriesOfCurrent([0x1280 + nodeid], [], self.MasterNode)
-            self.MasterNode.SetEntry(0x1280 + nodeid, 0x01, RSDO_cobid)
-            self.MasterNode.SetEntry(0x1280 + nodeid, 0x02, TSDO_cobid)
-            self.MasterNode.SetEntry(0x1280 + nodeid, 0x03, nodeid)        
+            self.Manager.ManageEntriesOfCurrent([0x1280 + idx], [], self.MasterNode)
+            self.MasterNode.SetEntry(0x1280 + idx, 0x01, RSDO_cobid)
+            self.MasterNode.SetEntry(0x1280 + idx, 0x02, TSDO_cobid)
+            self.MasterNode.SetEntry(0x1280 + idx, 0x03, nodeid)        
     def GetMasterNode(self):
         Return MasterNode.
         return self.MasterNode
-    # Build concise DCF
-    def GenerateMappingDCF(cobid, idx, pdomapping, mapped):
-        # Create entry for RPDO or TPDO parameters and Disable PDO
-        dcfdata = LE_to_BE(idx, 2) + LE_to_BE(0x01, 1) + LE_to_BE(0x04, 4) + LE_to_BE((0x80000000 + cobid), 4)
-        # Set Transmit type synchrone
-        dcfdata += LE_to_BE(idx, 2) + LE_to_BE(0x02, 1) + LE_to_BE(0x01, 4) + LE_to_BE(DefaultTransmitTypeSlave, 1)
-        # Re-Enable PDO
-        #         ---- INDEX -----   --- SUBINDEX ----   ----- SIZE ------   ------ DATA ------
-        dcfdata += LE_to_BE(idx, 2) + LE_to_BE(0x01, 1) + LE_to_BE(0x04, 4) + LE_to_BE(0x00000000 + cobid, 4)
-        nbparams = 3
-        if mapped == False and pdomapping != None:
-        # Map Variables
-            for subindex, (name, loc_infos) in enumerate(pdomapping):
-                value = (loc_infos["index"] << 16) + (loc_infos["subindex"] << 8) + loc_infos["size"]
-                dcfdata += LE_to_BE(idx + 0x200, 2) + LE_to_BE(subindex + 1, 1) + LE_to_BE(0x04, 4) + LE_to_BE(value, 4)
-                nbparams += 1
-        return dcfdata, nbparams
-    # Return a cobid not used
     def GetNewCobID(self, nodeid, type):
         Select a COB ID from the list of those available
-        @param nodeid: id of the slave node
+        @param nodeid: id of the slave (int)
         @param type: type of PDO (RPDO or TPDO)
         @return: a tuple of the COD ID and PDO index or None
@@ -249,7 +263,56 @@
             return self.ListCobIDAvailable.pop(0), 0x1800 + nbSlavePDO
         return None
+    def AddParamsToDCF(self, nodeid, data, nbparams):
+        """
+        Select a COB ID from the list of those available
+        @param nodeid: id of the slave (int)
+        @param data: data to add to slave DCF (string)
+        @param nbparams: number of params added to slave DCF (int)
+        """
+        # Get current DCF for slave
+        nodeDCF = self.MasterNode.GetEntry(0x1F22, nodeid)
+        # Extract data and number of params in current DCF
+        if nodeDCF != None and nodeDCF != '':
+            tmpnbparams = [i for i in nodeDCF[:4]]
+            tmpnbparams.reverse()
+            nbparams += int(''.join(["%2.2x"%ord(i) for i in tmpnbparams]), 16)
+            data = nodeDCF[4:] + data
+        # Build new DCF
+        dcf = LE_to_BE(nbparams, 0x04) + data
+        # Set new DCF for slave
+        self.MasterNode.SetEntry(0x1F22, nodeid, dcf)
+    def AddPDOMapping(self, nodeid, pdotype, pdomapping, sync_TPDOs):
+        """
+        Select a COB ID from the list of those available
+        @param nodeid: id of the slave (int)
+        @param pdotype: type of PDO to generated (RPDO or TPDO)
+        @param pdomapping: list od variables to map with PDO
+        """
+        # Get a new cob id
+        result = self.GetNewCobID(nodeid, pdotype)
+        if result:
+            new_cobid, new_idx = result
+            # Increment the number of PDO of this type for node
+            self.SlavesPdoNumber[nodeid][pdotype] += 1
+            # Add an entry to MasterMapping
+            self.MasterMapping[new_cobid] = {"type" : InvertPDOType[pdotype], 
+                "mapping" : [None] + [(loc_infos["type"], name) for name, loc_infos in pdomapping]}
+            # Return the data to add to DCF
+            if sync_TPDOs:
+                return GeneratePDOMappingDCF(new_idx, new_cobid, 0x01, pdomapping)
+            else:
+                return GeneratePDOMappingDCF(new_idx, new_cobid, 0xFF, pdomapping)
+        return 0, ""
     def GenerateDCF(self, locations, current_location, sync_TPDOs):
         Generate Concise DCF of MasterNode for the locations list given
@@ -258,12 +321,12 @@
         @param sync_TPDOs: indicate if TPDO must be synchronous
-        # Get list of locations check if exists and mappables -> put them in DictLocations
+        # Get list of locations check if exists and mappables -> put them in IECLocations
         for location in locations:
-            COlocationtype = DicoTypes[location["IEC_TYPE"]]
+            COlocationtype = IECToCOType[location["IEC_TYPE"]]
             name = location["NAME"]
-            if name in DictLocations:
-                if DictLocations[name]["type"] != COlocationtype:
+            if name in self.IECLocations:
+                if self.IECLocations[name]["type"] != COlocationtype:
                     raise ValueError, "Conflict type for location \"%s\"" % name 
                 # Get only the part of the location that concern this node
@@ -280,11 +343,11 @@
                 nodeid, index, subindex = loc[:3]
                 # Check Id is in slave node list
-                if nodeid not in nodelist.SlaveNodes.keys():
+                if nodeid not in self.NodeList.SlaveNodes.keys():
                     raise ValueError, "Non existing node ID : %d (variable %s)" % (nodeid,name)
                 # Get the model for this node (made from EDS)
-                node = nodelist.SlaveNodes[nodeid]["Node"]
+                node = self.NodeList.SlaveNodes[nodeid]["Node"]
                 # Extract and check index and subindex
                 if not node.IsEntry(index, subindex):
@@ -307,72 +370,69 @@
                         raise ValueError, "Invalid type \"%s\"-> %d != %d  for location\"%s\"" % (location["IEC_TYPE"], COlocationtype, entryinfos["type"] , name)
                     typeinfos = node.GetEntryInfos(COlocationtype)
-                    DictLocations[name] = {"type":COlocationtype, "pdotype":SlavePDOType[direction],
-                                           "nodeid": nodeid, "index": index,"subindex": subindex,
-                                           "bit": numbit, "size": typeinfos["size"], "sizelocation": sizelocation}
+                    self.IECLocations[name] = {"type":COlocationtype, "pdotype":SlavePDOType[direction],
+                                                "nodeid": nodeid, "index": index,"subindex": subindex,
+                                                "bit": numbit, "size": typeinfos["size"], "sizelocation": sizelocation}
                     raise ValueError, "Not PDO mappable variable : '%s' (ID:%d,Idx:%x,sIdx:%x))" % (name,nodeid,index,subindex)
-        # Create DictCobID with variables already mapped and add them in DictValidLocations
-        for name, locationinfos in DictLocations.items():
+        #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+        #                         Search for locations already mapped
+        #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+        for name, locationinfos in self.IECLocations.items():
             node = self.NodeList.SlaveNodes[locationinfos["nodeid"]]["Node"]
+            # Search if slave has a PDO mapping this locations
             result = SearchNodePDOMapping(locationinfos, node)
             if result != None:
                 index, subindex = result
-                cobid = nodelist.GetSlaveNodeEntry(locationinfos["nodeid"], index - 0x200, 1)
-                transmittype = nodelist.GetSlaveNodeEntry(locationinfos["nodeid"], index - 0x200, 2)
-                if transmittype != sync_TPDOs:
-                    if sync_TPDOs : # Change TransmitType to ASYCHRONE
-                        node = nodelist.SlaveNodes[nodeid]["Node"]
-                        nodeDCF = masternode.GetEntry(0x1F22, nodeid)
-                        if nodeDCF != None and nodeDCF != '':
-                            tmpnbparams = [i for i in nodeDCF[:4]]
-                            tmpnbparams.reverse()
-                            nbparams = int(''.join(["%2.2x"%ord(i) for i in tmpnbparams]), 16)
-                            dataparams = nodeDCF[4:]
-                        else:
-                            nbparams = 0
-                            dataparams = ""
+                # Get COB ID of the PDO
+                cobid = self.NodeList.GetSlaveNodeEntry(locationinfos["nodeid"], index - 0x200, 1)
+                # Verify that PDO transmit type is conform to sync_TPDOs
+                transmittype = self.NodeList.GetSlaveNodeEntry(locationinfos["nodeid"], index - 0x200, 2)
+                if sync_TPDOs and transmittype != 0x01 or transmittype != 0xFF:
+                    if sync_TPDOs:
+                        # Change TransmitType to SYNCHRONE
+                        data, nbparams = GeneratePDOMappingDCF(index - 0x200, cobid, 0x01, [])
+                    else:
+                        # Change TransmitType to ASYCHRONE
+                        data, nbparams = GeneratePDOMappingDCF(index - 0x200, cobid, 0xFF, [])
-                    else: # Change TransmitType to SYNCHRONE  
-                        pass
-                if cobid not in DictCobID.keys():
+                    # Add entry to slave dcf to change transmit type of 
+                    self.AddParamsToDCF(locationinfos["nodeid"], data, nbparams)
+                # Add PDO to MasterMapping
+                if cobid not in self.MasterMapping.keys():
                     mapping = [None]
                     values = node.GetEntry(index)
+                    # Store the size of each entry mapped in PDO
                     for value in values[1:]:
                         mapping.append(value % 0x100)
-                    DictCobID[cobid] = {"type" : InvertPDOType[locationinfos["pdotype"]], "mapping" : mapping}
-                DictCobID[cobid]["mapping"][subindex] = (locationinfos["type"], name)
+                    self.MasterMapping[cobid] = {"type" : InvertPDOType[locationinfos["pdotype"]], "mapping" : mapping}
+                # Indicate that this PDO entry must be saved
+                self.MasterMapping[cobid]["mapping"][subindex] = (locationinfos["type"], name)
-                if locationinfos["nodeid"] not in DictLocationsNotMapped.keys():
-                    DictLocationsNotMapped[locationinfos["nodeid"]] = {TPDO : [], RPDO : []}
-                DictLocationsNotMapped[locationinfos["nodeid"]][locationinfos["pdotype"]].append((name, locationinfos))
+                # Add location to those that haven't been mapped yet
+                if locationinfos["nodeid"] not in self.LocationsNotMapped.keys():
+                    self.LocationsNotMapped[locationinfos["nodeid"]] = {TPDO : [], RPDO : []}
+                self.LocationsNotMapped[locationinfos["nodeid"]][locationinfos["pdotype"]].append((name, locationinfos))
         #                         Build concise DCF for the others locations
-        for nodeid, locations in DictLocationsNotMapped.items():
-            # Get current concise DCF
+        for nodeid, locations in self.LocationsNotMapped.items():
             node = nodelist.SlaveNodes[nodeid]["Node"]
-            nodeDCF = masternode.GetEntry(0x1F22, nodeid)
-            if nodeDCF != None and nodeDCF != '':
-                tmpnbparams = [i for i in nodeDCF[:4]]
-                tmpnbparams.reverse()
-                nbparams = int(''.join(["%2.2x"%ord(i) for i in tmpnbparams]), 16)
-                dataparams = nodeDCF[4:]
-            else:
-                nbparams = 0
-                dataparams = ""
+            # Initialize number of params and data to add to node DCF
+            nbparams = 0
+            dataparams = ""
+            # Generate the best PDO mapping for each type of PDO
             for pdotype in (TPDO, RPDO):
                 pdosize = 0
                 pdomapping = []
@@ -380,103 +440,117 @@
                     pdosize += loc_infos["size"]
                     # If pdo's size > 64 bits
                     if pdosize > 64:
-                        result = GetNewCobID(nodeid, pdotype)
-                        if result:
-                            SlavesPdoNumber[nodeid][pdotype] += 1
-                            new_cobid, new_idx = result
-                            data, nbaddedparams = GenerateMappingDCF(new_cobid, new_idx, pdomapping, False)
-                            dataparams += data
-                            nbparams += nbaddedparams
-                            DictCobID[new_cobid] = {"type" : InvertPDOType[pdotype], "mapping" : GenerateMasterMapping(pdomapping)}
+                        # Generate a new PDO Mapping
+                        data, nbaddedparams = self.AddPDOMapping(nodeid, pdotype, pdomapping, sync_TPDOs)
+                        dataparams += data
+                        nbparams += nbaddedparams
                         pdosize = loc_infos["size"]
                         pdomapping = [(name, loc_infos)]
                         pdomapping.append((name, loc_infos))
+                # If there isn't locations yet but there is still a PDO to generate
                 if len(pdomapping) > 0:
-                    result = GetNewCobID(nodeid, pdotype)
-                    if result:
-                        SlavesPdoNumber[nodeid][pdotype] += 1
-                        new_cobid, new_idx = result
-                        data, nbaddedparams = GenerateMappingDCF(new_cobid, new_idx, pdomapping, False)
-                        dataparams += data
-                        nbparams += nbaddedparams
-                        DictCobID[new_cobid] = {"type" : InvertPDOType[pdotype], "mapping" : GenerateMasterMapping(pdomapping)}
-            dcf = LE_to_BE(nbparams, 0x04) + dataparams
-            masternode.SetEntry(0x1F22, nodeid, dcf)
+                    # Generate a new PDO Mapping
+                    data, nbaddedparams = self.AddPDOMapping(nodeid, pdotype, pdomapping, sync_TPDOs)
+                    dataparams += data
+                    nbparams += nbaddedparams
+            # Add number of params and data to node DCF
+            self.AddParamsToDCF(nodeid, dataparams, nbparams)
         #                         Master Node Configuration
-        # Configure Master's PDO parameters entries and set cobid, transmit type
-        for cobid, pdo_infos in DictCobID.items():
-            current_idx = CurrentPDOParamsIdx[pdo_infos["type"]]
-            addinglist = [current_idx, current_idx + 0x200]
-            manager.ManageEntriesOfCurrent(addinglist, [], masternode)
-            masternode.SetEntry(current_idx, 0x01, cobid)
-            masternode.SetEntry(current_idx, 0x02, DefaultTransmitTypeMaster)
+        # Generate Master's Configuration from informations stored in MasterMapping
+        for cobid, pdo_infos in self.MasterMapping.items():
+            # Get next PDO index in MasterNode for this PDO type
+            current_idx = self.CurrentPDOParamsIdx[pdo_infos["type"]]
+            # Search if there is already a PDO in MasterNode with this cob id
+            for idx in GetNodePDOIndexes(self.MasterNode, pdo_infos["type"], True):
+                if self.MasterNode.GetEntry(idx, 1) == cobid:
+                    current_idx = idx
+            # Add a PDO to MasterNode if not PDO have been found
+            if current_idx == self.CurrentPDOParamsIdx[pdo_infos["type"]]:
+                addinglist = [current_idx, current_idx + 0x200]
+                self.Manager.ManageEntriesOfCurrent(addinglist, [], self.MasterNode)
+                self.MasterNode.SetEntry(current_idx, 0x01, cobid)
+                # Increment the number of PDO for this PDO type
+                self.CurrentPDOParamsIdx[pdo_infos["type"]] += 1
+            # Change the transmit type of the PDO
+            if sync_TPDOs:
+                self.MasterNode.SetEntry(current_idx, 0x02, 0x01)
+            else:
+                self.MasterNode.SetEntry(current_idx, 0x02, 0xFF)
+            # Add some subentries to PDO mapping if there is not enough
             if len(pdo_infos["mapping"]) > 2:
-                manager.AddSubentriesToCurrent(current_idx + 0x200, len(pdo_infos["mapping"]) - 2, masternode)
-            # Create Master's PDO mapping
+                self.Manager.AddSubentriesToCurrent(current_idx + 0x200, len(pdo_infos["mapping"]) - 2, self.MasterNode)
+            # Generate MasterNode's PDO mapping
             for subindex, variable in enumerate(pdo_infos["mapping"]):
                 if subindex == 0:
                 new_index = False
-                if type(variable) != IntType:
+                if type(variable) == IntType:
+                    # If variable is an integer then variable is unexpected
+                    self.MasterNode.SetEntry(current_idx + 0x200, subindex, self.TrashVariables[variable])
+                else:
+                    typeidx, varname = variable
+                    variable_infos = self.IECLocations[varname]
-                    typeidx, varname = variable
-                    indexname = \
-                        DictNameVariable[DictLocations[variable[1]]["pdotype"]][0] + \
-                        DictLocations[variable[1]]["sizelocation"] + \
-                        '_'.join(map(str,current_location)) + \
-                        "_" + \
-                        str(DictLocations[variable[1]]["nodeid"])
-                    mapvariableidx = DictNameVariable[DictLocations[variable[1]]["pdotype"]][1] +  DictNameVariable[DictLocations[variable[1]]["sizelocation"]] * DictNameVariable["increment"]
-                    #indexname = DictNameVariable[DictLocations[variable[1]]["pdotype"]][0] + DictLocations[variable[1]]["sizelocation"] + str(DictLocations[variable[1]]["prefix"]) + "_" + str(DictLocations[variable[1]]["nodeid"])
-                    #mapvariableidx = DictNameVariable[DictLocations[variable[1]]["pdotype"]][1] +  DictNameVariable[DictLocations[variable[1]]["sizelocation"]] * DictNameVariable["increment"]
+                    # Calculate base index for storing variable
+                    mapvariableidx = VariableStartIndex[variable_infos["pdotype"]] + \
+                                     VariableTypeOffset[variable_infos["sizelocation"]] * VariableIncrement + \
+                                     variable_infos["nodeid"]
-                    if not masternode.IsEntry(mapvariableidx):
-                        manager.AddMapVariableToCurrent(mapvariableidx, indexname, 3, 1, masternode)
-                        new_index = True
-                        nbsubentries = masternode.GetEntry(mapvariableidx, 0x00)
-                    else:
-                        nbsubentries = masternode.GetEntry(mapvariableidx, 0x00)
-                        mapvariableidxbase = mapvariableidx 
-                        while mapvariableidx < (mapvariableidxbase + 0x1FF) and nbsubentries == 0xFF:
-                            mapvariableidx += 0x800
-                            if not manager.IsCurrentEntry(mapvariableidx):
-                                manager.AddMapVariableToCurrent(mapvariableidx, indexname, 3, 1, masternode)
-                                new_index = True
-                            nbsubentries = masternode.GetEntry(mapvariableidx, 0x00)
-                    if mapvariableidx < 0x6000:
-                        if DictLocations[variable[1]]["bit"] != None:
-                            subindexname = str(DictLocations[variable[1]]["index"]) + "_" + str(DictLocations[variable[1]]["subindex"]) + "_" + str(DictLocations[variable[1]]["bit"])
+                    # Search for an entry that has an empty subindex 
+                    while mapvariableidx < VariableStartIndex[variable_infos["pdotype"]] + 0x2000:
+                        # Entry doesn't exist
+                        if not self.MasterNode.IsEntry(mapvariableidx):    
+                            # Generate entry name
+                            indexname = "%s%s%s_%d"%(VariableDirText[variable_infos["pdotype"]],
+                                                     variable_infos["sizelocation"],
+                                                     '_'.join(map(str,current_location)),
+                                                     variable_infos["nodeid"])
+                            # Add entry to MasterNode
+                            self.Manager.AddMapVariableToCurrent(mapvariableidx, indexname, 3, 1, self.MasterNode)
+                            new_index = True
+                            nbsubentries = self.MasterNode.GetEntry(mapvariableidx, 0x00)
-                            subindexname = str(DictLocations[variable[1]]["index"]) + "_" + str(DictLocations[variable[1]]["subindex"])
+                            # Get Number of subentries already defined
+                            nbsubentries = self.MasterNode.GetEntry(mapvariableidx, 0x00)
+                            # if entry is full, go to next entry possible or stop now
+                            if nbsubentries == 0xFF:
+                                mapvariableidx += 8 * VariableIncrement
+                            else:
+                                break
+                    # Verify that a not full entry has been found
+                    if mapvariableidx < VariableStartIndex[variable_infos["pdotype"]] + 0x2000:
+                        # Generate subentry name
+                        if variable_infos["bit"] != None:
+                            subindexname = "%(index)d_%(subindex)d_%(bit)d"%variable_infos
+                        else:
+                            subindexname = "%(index)d_%(subindex)d"%variable_infos
+                        # If entry have just been created, no subentry have to be added
                         if not new_index:
-                            manager.AddSubentriesToCurrent(mapvariableidx, 1, masternode)
+                            self.Manager.AddSubentriesToCurrent(mapvariableidx, 1, self.MasterNode)
                             nbsubentries += 1
-                        masternode.SetMappingEntry(mapvariableidx, nbsubentries, values = {"name" : subindexname})
-                        masternode.SetMappingEntry(mapvariableidx, nbsubentries, values = {"type" : typeidx})
+                        # Add informations to the new subentry created
+                        self.MasterNode.SetMappingEntry(mapvariableidx, nbsubentries, values = {"name" : subindexname})
+                        self.MasterNode.SetMappingEntry(mapvariableidx, nbsubentries, values = {"type" : typeidx})
-                        # Map Variable
-                        typeinfos = manager.GetEntryInfos(typeidx)
+                        # Set value of the PDO mapping
+                        typeinfos = self.Manager.GetEntryInfos(typeidx)
                         if typeinfos != None:
                             value = (mapvariableidx << 16) + ((nbsubentries) << 8) + typeinfos["size"]
-                            masternode.SetEntry(current_idx + 0x200, subindex, value)
-                else:
-                    masternode.SetEntry(current_idx + 0x200, subindex, TrashVariableValue[variable])
-            CurrentPDOParamsIdx[pdo_infos["type"]] += 1
+                            self.MasterNode.SetEntry(current_idx + 0x200, subindex, value)
 def GenerateConciseDCF(locations, current_location, nodelist, sync_TPDOs):
@@ -496,31 +570,56 @@
     dcfgenerator.GenerateDCF(locations, current_location, sync_TPDOs)
     return dcfgenerator.GetMasterNode()
-if __name__ == "__main__": 
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    import os, sys
+    base_folder = sys.path[0]
+    for i in xrange(3):
+        base_folder = os.path.split(base_folder)[0]
+    sys.path.append(os.path.join(base_folder, "CanFestival-3", "objdictgen"))
     from nodemanager import *
     from nodelist import *
-    import sys
-    manager = NodeManager(sys.path[0])
+    manager = NodeManager()
     nodelist = NodeList(manager)
-    result = nodelist.LoadProject("/home/deobox/Desktop/TestMapping")
-##    if result != None:
-##        print result
-##    else:
-##        print "MasterNode :"
-##        manager.CurrentNode.Print()
-##        for nodeid, node in nodelist.SlaveNodes.items():
-##            print "SlaveNode name=%s id=0x%2.2X :"%(node["Name"], nodeid)
-##            node["Node"].Print()
-    #filepath = "/home/deobox/beremiz/test_nodelist/listlocations.txt"
-    filepath = "/home/deobox/Desktop/TestMapping/listlocations.txt"
-    file = open(filepath,'r')
-    locations = [location.split(' ') for location in [line.strip() for line in file.readlines() if len(line) > 0]] 
+    result = nodelist.LoadProject("test_config")
+    locations = [{"IEC_TYPE":"BYTE","NAME":"__IB0_1_64_24576_1","DIR":"I","SIZE":"B","LOC":(0,1,64,24576,1)},
+                 {"IEC_TYPE":"INT","NAME":"__IW0_1_64_25601_2","DIR":"I","SIZE":"W","LOC":(0,1,64,25601,2)},
+                 {"IEC_TYPE":"INT","NAME":"__IW0_1_64_25601_3","DIR":"I","SIZE":"W","LOC":(0,1,64,25601,3)},
+                 {"IEC_TYPE":"INT","NAME":"__QW0_1_64_25617_2","DIR":"Q","SIZE":"W","LOC":(0,1,64,25617,1)},
+                 {"IEC_TYPE":"BYTE","NAME":"__IB0_1_64_24578_1","DIR":"I","SIZE":"B","LOC":(0,1,64,24578,1)},
+                 {"IEC_TYPE":"UDINT","NAME":"__ID0_1_64_25638_1","DIR":"I","SIZE":"D","LOC":(0,1,64,25638,1)},
+                 {"IEC_TYPE":"UDINT","NAME":"__ID0_1_64_25638_2","DIR":"I","SIZE":"D","LOC":(0,1,64,25638,2)},
+                 {"IEC_TYPE":"UDINT","NAME":"__ID0_1_64_25638_3","DIR":"I","SIZE":"D","LOC":(0,1,64,25638,3)},
+                 {"IEC_TYPE":"UDINT","NAME":"__ID0_1_64_25638_4","DIR":"I","SIZE":"D","LOC":(0,1,64,25638,4)}]
+    masternode = GenerateConciseDCF(locations, (0, 1), nodelist, True)
+    #masternode.Print()
+    result = [line.rstrip() for line in masternode.PrintString().splitlines()]
+    file = open("test_config/result.txt", "r")
+    model = [line.rstrip() for line in file.readlines()]
-    GenerateConciseDCF(locations, 32, nodelist)
-    print "MasterNode :"
-    manager.CurrentNode.Print()
-    #masternode.Print()
\ No newline at end of file
+    errors = 0
+    for i, line in enumerate(model):
+        if i >= len(result):
+            errors += 1
+            print "Line %d disappear :"%(i + 1)
+            print line
+        elif line != result[i]:
+            errors += 1
+            print "Error on line %d :"%(i + 1)
+            print "\t%s"%result[i]
+            print "Instead of :\n\t%s"%line
+    for i in xrange(len(model), len(result)):
+        errors += 1
+        print "Line %d appear :"%(i + 1)
+        print result[i]
+    if errors > 0:
+        print "Test Failed!"
+    else:
+        print "Test Successful!"
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/plugins/canfestival/test_config/eds/PEAK MicroMod.eds	Wed Sep 12 17:16:27 2007 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,1289 @@
+Description=PEAK MicroMod CANopenIA Generic
+FileName=C:\CANopenCT\Tests\PEAK MicroMod.eds
+VendorName=PEAK System Technik
+ProductName=PEAK MicroMod CANopenIA Generic
+ParameterName=Device Type
+ParameterName=Error Register
+ParameterName=Identity Object
+ParameterName=number of entries
+ParameterName=Vendor ID
+ParameterName=Product Code
+ParameterName=Revision number
+ParameterName=PEAK Status Register
+ParameterName=COB-ID SYNC
+ParameterName=Manufacturer Device Name
+ParameterName=Manufacturer Hardware Version
+ParameterName=Manufacturer Software Version
+ParameterName=Guard Time
+ParameterName=Life Time Factor
+ParameterName=Store Parameter Field
+ParameterName=Number of Entries
+ParameterName=Save all Parameters
+ParameterName=Restore Default Parameters
+ParameterName=Number of Entries
+ParameterName=Restore all Default Parameters
+ParameterName=Consumer Heartbeat Time
+ParameterName=Number of Entries
+ParameterName=Consumer Heartbeat Time
+ParameterName=Consumer Heartbeat Time
+ParameterName=Consumer Heartbeat Time
+ParameterName=Producer Heartbeat Time
+ParameterName=Verify Configuration
+ParameterName=Number of entries
+ParameterName=Configuration date
+ParameterName=Configuration time
+ParameterName=Receive PDO Communication Parameter
+ParameterName=Number of Entries
+ParameterName=Transmission Type
+ParameterName=Receive PDO Communication Parameter
+ParameterName=Number of Entries
+ParameterName=Transmission Type
+ParameterName=Receive PDO Communication Parameter
+ParameterName=Number of Entries
+ParameterName=Transmission Type
+ParameterName=Receive PDO Communication Parameter
+ParameterName=Number of Entries
+ParameterName=Transmission Type
+ParameterName=Receive PDO Mapping Parameter
+ParameterName=Number of Entries
+ParameterName=PDO Mapping Entry
+ParameterName=Receive PDO Mapping Parameter
+ParameterName=Number of Entries
+ParameterName=PDO Mapping Entry
+ParameterName=PDO Mapping Entry
+ParameterName=PDO Mapping Entry
+ParameterName=PDO Mapping Entry
+ParameterName=Receive PDO Mapping Parameter
+ParameterName=Number of Entries
+ParameterName=Receive PDO Mapping Parameter
+ParameterName=Number of Entries
+ParameterName=Transmit PDO Communication Parameter
+ParameterName=Number of Entries
+ParameterName=Transmission Type
+ParameterName=Inhibit Time
+ParameterName=Event Timer
+ParameterName=Transmit PDO Communication Parameter
+ParameterName=Number of Entries
+ParameterName=Transmission Type
+ParameterName=Inhibit Time
+ParameterName=Event Timer
+ParameterName=Transmit PDO Communication Parameter
+ParameterName=Number of Entries
+ParameterName=Transmission Type
+ParameterName=Inhibit Time
+ParameterName=Event Timer
+ParameterName=Transmit PDO Communication Parameter
+ParameterName=Number of Entries
+ParameterName=Transmission Type
+ParameterName=Inhibit Time
+ParameterName=Event Timer
+ParameterName=Transmit PDO Mapping Parameter
+ParameterName=Number of Entries
+ParameterName=PDO Mapping Entry
+ParameterName=Transmit PDO Mapping Parameter
+ParameterName=Number of Entries
+ParameterName=PDO Mapping Entry
+ParameterName=PDO Mapping Entry
+ParameterName=PDO Mapping Entry
+ParameterName=PDO Mapping Entry
+ParameterName=Transmit PDO Mapping Parameter
+ParameterName=Number of Entries
+ParameterName=PDO Mapping Entry
+ParameterName=PDO Mapping Entry
+ParameterName=PDO Mapping Entry
+ParameterName=PDO Mapping Entry
+ParameterName=Transmit PDO Mapping Parameter
+ParameterName=Number of Entries
+ParameterName=Download Program Data
+ParameterName=Number of elements
+ParameterName=Download Program Data - HW Settings
+ParameterName=Read Digital Input 8-bit
+ParameterName=Number of Elements
+ParameterName=Polarity Digital Input
+ParameterName=Number of Elements
+ParameterName=Write Digital Output 8-bit
+ParameterName=Number of elements
+ParameterName=Polarity Digital Output
+ParameterName=Number of Elements
+ParameterName=Error Mode Digital Output
+ParameterName=Number of elements
+ParameterName=Error Mode 1
+ParameterName=Error Value Digital Output
+ParameterName=Number of elements
+ParameterName=Error Value 1
+ParameterName=Read Analog Input 16-bit
+ParameterName=Number of elements
+ParameterName=Write Analog Output 16-bit
+ParameterName=Number of elements
+ParameterName=Analog Input Global Interrupt
+ParameterName=Analog Input Interrupt Delta
+ParameterName=Analog Input Delta 1
+ParameterName=Analog Input Delta 2
+ParameterName=Analog Input Delta 3
+ParameterName=Analog Input Delta 4
+ParameterName=Analog Input Delta 5
+ParameterName=Analog Input Delta 6
+ParameterName=Analog Input Delta 7
+ParameterName=Analog Input Delta 8
+ParameterName=Error Mode Analog Output
+ParameterName=Number of elements
+ParameterName=Error Mode 1
+ParameterName=Error Mode 2
+ParameterName=Error Mode 3
+ParameterName=Error Mode 4
+ParameterName=Error Value Analog Output
+ParameterName=Number of elements
+ParameterName=Error Value 1
+ParameterName=Error Value 2
+ParameterName=Error Value 3
+ParameterName=Error Value 4
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/plugins/canfestival/test_config/master.od	Wed Sep 12 17:16:27 2007 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,314 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<!DOCTYPE PyObject SYSTEM "PyObjects.dtd">
+<PyObject module="node" class="Node" id="33192272">
+<attr name="Profile" type="dict" id="31097664" >
+<attr name="Description" type="string" value="" />
+<attr name="Dictionary" type="dict" id="30566656" >
+  <entry>
+    <key type="numeric" value="4096" />
+    <val type="numeric" value="302" />
+  </entry>
+  <entry>
+    <key type="numeric" value="4097" />
+    <val type="numeric" value="0" />
+  </entry>
+  <entry>
+    <key type="numeric" value="6144" />
+    <val type="list" id="33494080" >
+      <item type="string" value="{True:self.ID+(base+1)*0x100+0x80,False:0}[base&lt;4]" />
+      <item type="numeric" value="0" />
+      <item type="numeric" value="0" />
+      <item type="numeric" value="0" />
+      <item type="numeric" value="0" />
+    </val>
+  </entry>
+  <entry>
+    <key type="numeric" value="5120" />
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+      <item type="numeric" value="448" />
+      <item type="numeric" value="1" />
+      <item type="numeric" value="0" />
+      <item type="numeric" value="0" />
+      <item type="numeric" value="0" />
+    </val>
+  </entry>
+  <entry>
+    <key type="numeric" value="4101" />
+    <val type="numeric" value="1073741952" />
+  </entry>
+  <entry>
+    <key type="numeric" value="4102" />
+    <val type="numeric" value="50000" />
+  </entry>
+  <entry>
+    <key type="numeric" value="8192" />
+    <val type="numeric" value="0" />
+  </entry>
+  <entry>
+    <key type="numeric" value="6656" />
+    <val type="list" id="33494296" >
+      <item type="numeric" value="268501000" />
+    </val>
+  </entry>
+  <entry>
+    <key type="numeric" value="5632" />
+    <val type="list" id="33156560" >
+      <item type="numeric" value="536870920" />
+    </val>
+  </entry>
+  <entry>
+    <key type="numeric" value="4120" />
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+      <item type="numeric" value="0" />
+      <item type="numeric" value="0" />
+      <item type="numeric" value="0" />
+      <item type="numeric" value="0" />
+    </val>
+  </entry>
+  <entry>
+    <key type="numeric" value="4118" />
+    <val type="list" id="33153104" >
+      <item type="numeric" value="4195804" />
+    </val>
+  </entry>
+<attr name="SpecificMenu" type="list" id="33103168" >
+<attr name="ParamsDictionary" type="dict" id="20375584" >
+<attr name="UserMapping" type="dict" id="31086928" >
+  <entry>
+    <key type="numeric" value="8192" />
+    <val type="dict" id="31097952" >
+      <entry>
+        <key type="string" value="need" />
+        <val type="False" value="" />
+      </entry>
+      <entry>
+        <key type="string" value="values" />
+        <val type="list" id="33156128" >
+          <item type="dict" id="24847184" >
+            <entry>
+              <key type="string" value="access" />
+              <val type="string" value="rw" />
+            </entry>
+            <entry>
+              <key type="string" value="pdo" />
+              <val type="True" value="" />
+            </entry>
+            <entry>
+              <key type="string" value="type" />
+              <val type="numeric" value="5" />
+            </entry>
+            <entry>
+              <key type="string" value="name" />
+              <val type="string">Read Inputs</val>
+            </entry>
+          </item>
+        </val>
+      </entry>
+      <entry>
+        <key type="string" value="name" />
+        <val type="string">Read Inputs</val>
+      </entry>
+      <entry>
+        <key type="string" value="struct" />
+        <val type="numeric" value="1" />
+      </entry>
+    </val>
+  </entry>
+<attr name="DS302" type="dict" id="30561584" >
+  <entry>
+    <key type="numeric" value="7968" />
+    <val type="dict" id="32624112" >
+      <entry>
+        <key type="string" value="need" />
+        <val type="False" value="" />
+      </entry>
+      <entry>
+        <key type="string" value="values" />
+        <val type="list" id="33473888" >
+          <item type="dict" id="31092992" >
+            <entry>
+              <key type="string" value="access" />
+              <val type="string" value="ro" />
+            </entry>
+            <entry>
+              <key type="string" value="pdo" />
+              <val type="False" value="" />
+            </entry>
+            <entry>
+              <key type="string" value="type" />
+              <val type="numeric" value="5" />
+            </entry>
+            <entry>
+              <key type="string" value="name" />
+              <val type="string" value="Number of Entries" />
+            </entry>
+          </item>
+          <item type="dict" id="24983440" >
+            <entry>
+              <key type="string" value="access" />
+              <val type="string" value="rw" />
+            </entry>
+            <entry>
+              <key type="string" value="pdo" />
+              <val type="False" value="" />
+            </entry>
+            <entry>
+              <key type="string" value="type" />
+              <val type="numeric" value="15" />
+            </entry>
+            <entry>
+              <key type="string" value="name" />
+              <val type="string" value="Store DCF for node %d[(sub)]" />
+            </entry>
+            <entry>
+              <key type="string" value="nbmax" />
+              <val type="numeric" value="127" />
+            </entry>
+          </item>
+        </val>
+      </entry>
+      <entry>
+        <key type="string" value="name" />
+        <val type="string" value="Store DCF" />
+      </entry>
+      <entry>
+        <key type="string" value="struct" />
+        <val type="numeric" value="7" />
+      </entry>
+    </val>
+  </entry>
+  <entry>
+    <key type="numeric" value="7969" />
+    <val type="dict" id="31087504" >
+      <entry>
+        <key type="string" value="need" />
+        <val type="False" value="" />
+      </entry>
+      <entry>
+        <key type="string" value="values" />
+        <val type="list" id="33475040" >
+          <item type="dict" id="21632432" >
+            <entry>
+              <key type="string" value="access" />
+              <val type="string" value="ro" />
+            </entry>
+            <entry>
+              <key type="string" value="pdo" />
+              <val type="False" value="" />
+            </entry>
+            <entry>
+              <key type="string" value="type" />
+              <val type="numeric" value="5" />
+            </entry>
+            <entry>
+              <key type="string" value="name" />
+              <val type="string" value="Number of Entries" />
+            </entry>
+          </item>
+          <item type="dict" id="32618160" >
+            <entry>
+              <key type="string" value="access" />
+              <val type="string" value="rw" />
+            </entry>
+            <entry>
+              <key type="string" value="pdo" />
+              <val type="False" value="" />
+            </entry>
+            <entry>
+              <key type="string" value="type" />
+              <val type="numeric" value="2" />
+            </entry>
+            <entry>
+              <key type="string" value="name" />
+              <val type="string" value="Storage Format for Node %d[(sub)]" />
+            </entry>
+            <entry>
+              <key type="string" value="nbmax" />
+              <val type="numeric" value="127" />
+            </entry>
+          </item>
+        </val>
+      </entry>
+      <entry>
+        <key type="string" value="name" />
+        <val type="string" value="Storage Format" />
+      </entry>
+      <entry>
+        <key type="string" value="struct" />
+        <val type="numeric" value="7" />
+      </entry>
+    </val>
+  </entry>
+  <entry>
+    <key type="numeric" value="7970" />
+    <val type="dict" id="26876272" >
+      <entry>
+        <key type="string" value="need" />
+        <val type="False" value="" />
+      </entry>
+      <entry>
+        <key type="string" value="values" />
+        <val type="list" id="33474968" >
+          <item type="dict" id="24997376" >
+            <entry>
+              <key type="string" value="access" />
+              <val type="string" value="ro" />
+            </entry>
+            <entry>
+              <key type="string" value="pdo" />
+              <val type="False" value="" />
+            </entry>
+            <entry>
+              <key type="string" value="type" />
+              <val type="numeric" value="5" />
+            </entry>
+            <entry>
+              <key type="string" value="name" />
+              <val type="string" value="Number of Entries" />
+            </entry>
+          </item>
+          <item type="dict" id="24995872" >
+            <entry>
+              <key type="string" value="access" />
+              <val type="string" value="rw" />
+            </entry>
+            <entry>
+              <key type="string" value="pdo" />
+              <val type="False" value="" />
+            </entry>
+            <entry>
+              <key type="string" value="type" />
+              <val type="numeric" value="15" />
+            </entry>
+            <entry>
+              <key type="string" value="name" />
+              <val type="string" value="Concise DCF for Node %d[(sub)]" />
+            </entry>
+            <entry>
+              <key type="string" value="nbmax" />
+              <val type="numeric" value="127" />
+            </entry>
+          </item>
+        </val>
+      </entry>
+      <entry>
+        <key type="string" value="name" />
+        <val type="string" value="Concise DCF" />
+      </entry>
+      <entry>
+        <key type="string" value="struct" />
+        <val type="numeric" value="7" />
+      </entry>
+    </val>
+  </entry>
+<attr name="ProfileName" type="string" value="None" />
+<attr name="Type" type="string">master</attr>
+<attr name="ID" type="numeric" value="1" />
+<attr name="Name" type="string">TestMaster</attr>
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/plugins/canfestival/test_config/nodelist.cpj	Wed Sep 12 17:16:27 2007 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Node64DCFName=PEAK MicroMod.eds
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/plugins/canfestival/test_config/result.txt	Wed Sep 12 17:16:27 2007 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,253 @@
+1000 (Device Type): 302
+1001 (Error Register): 0
+1005 (SYNC COB ID): 1073741952
+1006 (Communication / Cycle Period): 50000
+1016 (Consumer Heartbeat Time):
+  001 (Consumer Heartbeat Time): 4005DC
+1018 (Identity):
+  001 (Vendor ID): 0
+  002 (Product Code): 0
+  003 (Revision Number): 0
+  004 (Serial Number): 0
+1280 (Client SDO 1 Parameter):
+  001 (COB ID Client to Server (Transmit SDO)): 640
+  002 (COB ID Server to Client (Receive SDO)): 5C0
+  003 (Node ID of the SDO Server): 40
+1400 (Receive PDO 1 Parameter):
+  001 (COB ID used by PDO): 1C0
+  002 (Transmission Type): 1
+  003 (Inhibit Time): 0
+  004 (Compatibility Entry): 0
+  005 (Event Timer): 0
+1401 (Receive PDO 2 Parameter):
+  001 (COB ID used by PDO): 2C0
+  002 (Transmission Type): 1
+  003 (Inhibit Time): 0
+  004 (Compatibility Entry): 0
+  005 (Event Timer): 0
+1402 (Receive PDO 3 Parameter):
+  001 (COB ID used by PDO): 182
+  002 (Transmission Type): 1
+  003 (Inhibit Time): 0
+  004 (Compatibility Entry): 0
+  005 (Event Timer): 0
+1403 (Receive PDO 4 Parameter):
+  001 (COB ID used by PDO): 183
+  002 (Transmission Type): 1
+  003 (Inhibit Time): 0
+  004 (Compatibility Entry): 0
+  005 (Event Timer): 0
+1404 (Receive PDO 5 Parameter):
+  001 (COB ID used by PDO): 180
+  002 (Transmission Type): 1
+  003 (Inhibit Time): 0
+  004 (Compatibility Entry): 0
+  005 (Event Timer): 0
+1600 (Receive PDO 1 Mapping):
+  001 (PDO 1 Mapping for an application object 1): 22400108
+1601 (Receive PDO 2 Mapping):
+  001 (PDO 2 Mapping for an application object 1): 20010310
+  002 (PDO 2 Mapping for an application object 2): 23400110
+  003 (PDO 2 Mapping for an application object 3): 23400210
+  004 (PDO 2 Mapping for an application object 4): 20010310
+1602 (Receive PDO 3 Mapping):
+  001 (PDO 3 Mapping for an application object 1): 24400120
+  002 (PDO 3 Mapping for an application object 2): 24400220
+1603 (Receive PDO 4 Mapping):
+  001 (PDO 4 Mapping for an application object 1): 24400320
+1604 (Receive PDO 5 Mapping):
+  001 (PDO 5 Mapping for an application object 1): 22400208
+  002 (PDO 5 Mapping for an application object 2): 24400420
+1800 (Transmit PDO 1 Parameter):
+  001 (COB ID used by PDO): {True:self.ID+(base+1)*0x100+0x80,False:0}[base<4]
+  002 (Transmission Type): 0
+  003 (Inhibit Time): 0
+  004 (Compatibility Entry): 0
+  005 (Event Timer): 0
+1801 (Transmit PDO 2 Parameter):
+  001 (COB ID used by PDO): 340
+  002 (Transmission Type): 1
+  003 (Inhibit Time): 0
+  004 (Compatibility Entry): 0
+  005 (Event Timer): 0
+1A00 (Transmit PDO 1 Mapping):
+  001 (PDO 1 Mapping for a process data variable 1): 10010008
+1A01 (Transmit PDO 2 Mapping):
+  001 (PDO 2 Mapping for a process data variable 1): 43400110
+  002 (PDO 2 Mapping for a process data variable 2): 20010310
+  003 (PDO 2 Mapping for a process data variable 3): 20010310
+  004 (PDO 2 Mapping for a process data variable 4): 20010310
+1F22 (Concise DCF):
+  001 (Concise DCF for Node 1): 
+  002 (Concise DCF for Node 2): 
+  003 (Concise DCF for Node 3): 
+  004 (Concise DCF for Node 4): 
+  005 (Concise DCF for Node 5): 
+  006 (Concise DCF for Node 6): 
+  007 (Concise DCF for Node 7): 
+  008 (Concise DCF for Node 8): 
+  009 (Concise DCF for Node 9): 
+  010 (Concise DCF for Node 10): 
+  011 (Concise DCF for Node 11): 
+  012 (Concise DCF for Node 12): 
+  013 (Concise DCF for Node 13): 
+  014 (Concise DCF for Node 14): 
+  015 (Concise DCF for Node 15): 
+  016 (Concise DCF for Node 16): 
+  017 (Concise DCF for Node 17): 
+  018 (Concise DCF for Node 18): 
+  019 (Concise DCF for Node 19): 
+  020 (Concise DCF for Node 20): 
+  021 (Concise DCF for Node 21): 
+  022 (Concise DCF for Node 22): 
+  023 (Concise DCF for Node 23): 
+  024 (Concise DCF for Node 24): 
+  025 (Concise DCF for Node 25): 
+  026 (Concise DCF for Node 26): 
+  027 (Concise DCF for Node 27): 
+  028 (Concise DCF for Node 28): 
+  029 (Concise DCF for Node 29): 
+  030 (Concise DCF for Node 30): 
+  031 (Concise DCF for Node 31): 
+  032 (Concise DCF for Node 32): 
+  033 (Concise DCF for Node 33): 
+  034 (Concise DCF for Node 34): 
+  035 (Concise DCF for Node 35): 
+  036 (Concise DCF for Node 36): 
+  037 (Concise DCF for Node 37): 
+  038 (Concise DCF for Node 38): 
+  039 (Concise DCF for Node 39): 
+  040 (Concise DCF for Node 40): 
+  041 (Concise DCF for Node 41): 
+  042 (Concise DCF for Node 42): 
+  043 (Concise DCF for Node 43): 
+  044 (Concise DCF for Node 44): 
+  045 (Concise DCF for Node 45): 
+  046 (Concise DCF for Node 46): 
+  047 (Concise DCF for Node 47): 
+  048 (Concise DCF for Node 48): 
+  049 (Concise DCF for Node 49): 
+  050 (Concise DCF for Node 50): 
+  051 (Concise DCF for Node 51): 
+  052 (Concise DCF for Node 52): 
+  053 (Concise DCF for Node 53): 
+  054 (Concise DCF for Node 54): 
+  055 (Concise DCF for Node 55): 
+  056 (Concise DCF for Node 56): 
+  057 (Concise DCF for Node 57): 
+  058 (Concise DCF for Node 58): 
+  059 (Concise DCF for Node 59): 
+  060 (Concise DCF for Node 60): 
+  061 (Concise DCF for Node 61): 
+  062 (Concise DCF for Node 62): 
+  063 (Concise DCF for Node 63): 
+  064 (Concise DCF for Node 64): 26
+	1800 01 00000004 800001C0
+	1800 02 00000001 01
+	1800 01 00000004 000001C0
+	1801 01 00000004 800002C0
+	1801 02 00000001 01
+	1801 01 00000004 000002C0
+	1801 01 00000004 800002C0
+	1801 02 00000001 01
+	1801 01 00000004 000002C0
+	1401 01 00000004 80000340
+	1401 02 00000001 01
+	1401 01 00000004 00000340
+	1804 01 00000004 80000180
+	1804 02 00000001 01
+	1804 01 00000004 00000180
+	1A04 01 00000004 60020108
+	1A04 02 00000004 64260120
+	1805 01 00000004 80000182
+	1805 02 00000001 01
+	1805 01 00000004 00000182
+	1A05 01 00000004 64260220
+	1A05 02 00000004 64260320
+	1806 01 00000004 80000183
+	1806 02 00000001 01
+	1806 01 00000004 00000183
+	1A06 01 00000004 64260420
+  065 (Concise DCF for Node 65): 
+  066 (Concise DCF for Node 66): 
+  067 (Concise DCF for Node 67): 
+  068 (Concise DCF for Node 68): 
+  069 (Concise DCF for Node 69): 
+  070 (Concise DCF for Node 70): 
+  071 (Concise DCF for Node 71): 
+  072 (Concise DCF for Node 72): 
+  073 (Concise DCF for Node 73): 
+  074 (Concise DCF for Node 74): 
+  075 (Concise DCF for Node 75): 
+  076 (Concise DCF for Node 76): 
+  077 (Concise DCF for Node 77): 
+  078 (Concise DCF for Node 78): 
+  079 (Concise DCF for Node 79): 
+  080 (Concise DCF for Node 80): 
+  081 (Concise DCF for Node 81): 
+  082 (Concise DCF for Node 82): 
+  083 (Concise DCF for Node 83): 
+  084 (Concise DCF for Node 84): 
+  085 (Concise DCF for Node 85): 
+  086 (Concise DCF for Node 86): 
+  087 (Concise DCF for Node 87): 
+  088 (Concise DCF for Node 88): 
+  089 (Concise DCF for Node 89): 
+  090 (Concise DCF for Node 90): 
+  091 (Concise DCF for Node 91): 
+  092 (Concise DCF for Node 92): 
+  093 (Concise DCF for Node 93): 
+  094 (Concise DCF for Node 94): 
+  095 (Concise DCF for Node 95): 
+  096 (Concise DCF for Node 96): 
+  097 (Concise DCF for Node 97): 
+  098 (Concise DCF for Node 98): 
+  099 (Concise DCF for Node 99): 
+  100 (Concise DCF for Node 100): 
+  101 (Concise DCF for Node 101): 
+  102 (Concise DCF for Node 102): 
+  103 (Concise DCF for Node 103): 
+  104 (Concise DCF for Node 104): 
+  105 (Concise DCF for Node 105): 
+  106 (Concise DCF for Node 106): 
+  107 (Concise DCF for Node 107): 
+  108 (Concise DCF for Node 108): 
+  109 (Concise DCF for Node 109): 
+  110 (Concise DCF for Node 110): 
+  111 (Concise DCF for Node 111): 
+  112 (Concise DCF for Node 112): 
+  113 (Concise DCF for Node 113): 
+  114 (Concise DCF for Node 114): 
+  115 (Concise DCF for Node 115): 
+  116 (Concise DCF for Node 116): 
+  117 (Concise DCF for Node 117): 
+  118 (Concise DCF for Node 118): 
+  119 (Concise DCF for Node 119): 
+  120 (Concise DCF for Node 120): 
+  121 (Concise DCF for Node 121): 
+  122 (Concise DCF for Node 122): 
+  123 (Concise DCF for Node 123): 
+  124 (Concise DCF for Node 124): 
+  125 (Concise DCF for Node 125): 
+  126 (Concise DCF for Node 126): 
+  127 (Concise DCF for Node 127): 
+2000 (Read Inputs): 0
+2001 (trashvariables):
+  001 (TRASH1): 0
+  002 (TRASH8): 0
+  003 (TRASH16): 0
+  004 (TRASH32): 0
+  005 (TRASH64): 0
+2240 (__IB0_1_64):
+  001 (24576_1): 0
+  002 (24578_1): 0
+2340 (__IW0_1_64):
+  001 (25601_2): 0
+  002 (25601_3): 0
+2440 (__ID0_1_64):
+  001 (25638_2): 0
+  002 (25638_3): 0
+  003 (25638_4): 0
+  004 (25638_1): 0
+4340 (__QW0_1_64):
+  001 (25617_1): 0