2018-09-28 Andrey Skvortsov cleanup etherlab: pep8, E228 missing whitespace around modulo operator
2018-09-28 Andrey Skvortsov cleanup etherlab: pep8, E265 block comment should start with '# '
2018-09-28 Andrey Skvortsov cleanup etherlab: pep8, W291 trailing whitespace
2018-09-28 Andrey Skvortsov convert some etherlab source files to unix format
2018-09-28 Andrey Skvortsov cleanup etherlab: pep8, E722 do not use bare except
2018-06-23 Edouard Tisserant Merged GPL + LGPL v2 or later EtherCAT extension. Fixed headers and copyright notice.
2014-04-02 Edouard Tisserant Cherry-pick and re-commit to legitimate ancestor of commit 'Ethercat Management Function Refactoring Source by RTES Lab.' from youcu <>