2018-01-19 Edouard Tisserant Main runtime template C code : Added HAVE_RETAIN preprocessor definition for customized build to signal it provides IEC-61131 Retain memory handling function. Removed targets/Xenomai/plc_Xenomai_noretain.c, now useless.
2015-03-13 Edouard Tisserant Added PLCID variable accessible from C side, set with binarie's MD5. Added retain init and cleanup calls. Extended tests/python to test PLCID
2014-12-12 Edouard Tisserant Simplified use of runtime's global variable __common_ticktime accross extensions.
2013-03-15 Edouard Tisserant Re-organized C code templates for plc_main. Moved logging out of plc_debug. Factorized redundant _common_ticktime external declaration
2013-03-04 Edouard Tisserant Made logging compatible with windows API
2012-11-05 Laurent Bessard Fix bug python thread blocked sometimes on Linux
2011-09-25 Edouard Tisserant fixed debug with xenomai, fixed unprotected access to ___debug_tick
2011-09-22 Edouard Tisserant added return type to suspendDebug
2011-03-31 Edouard Tisserant Initial TIME support in debugger
2011-03-16 edouard More robust retain buffer validity management
2011-02-01 edouard Moved locales out of platform agnostic C template
2009-12-15 laurent Adding CheckRetainBuffer into plc_Linux_main.c
2009-12-15 edouard Fixed confusion about __common_ticktime type, redesigned LPC PLC timer support
2009-12-09 laurent Bug that block SetVariableList on Linux fixed
2009-12-09 edouard fixed greg's crap in win32, enhanced debug stability, implemented preliminary retain
2009-12-06 Edouard TISSERANT Now debug is not a button anymore
2009-12-01 ed Some cleanup in PLC status - removed that \"Starting\" state ...
2009-09-21 laurent Adding support for forcing tick count to return to zero as the same time than all tasks firing are synchronized
2009-09-02 laurent Applying patch from Iztok for old gcc versions
2009-04-08 lbessard fixed wrong pthread initialisation
2009-03-30 greg add autostart plc feature for beremiz_service
2009-01-14 etisserant Local Runtime (LOCAL://) now launched "on demand"
2008-12-23 etisserant Added native (not a plugin) asynchronous python eval function block - Beta. Code cleanup in C code templates.
2008-09-07 etisserant Added __DEBUG global var to eventually change PLC code execution gehavior
2008-09-05 etisserant Fixed bad IPC choice for debugger/PLC/control thread collaboration
2008-09-04 etisserant Now debug all ticks, not only odd ones :-)
2008-09-03 etisserant Improved debug data feedback.
2008-08-28 etisserant - Some improovements in debug data feedback data
2008-08-20 greg move specific target runtimes to their targets directory