2019-03-13 Andrey Skvortsov Fix various pylint and pep8 errors
2019-03-13 Andrey Skvortsov Fix invalid python3 syntax
2019-03-11 Edouard Tisserant makes me become even less productive
2019-02-01 Edouard Tisserant Fixed deadlock in runtime's Worker. Was discovered while using WAMP and PYRO simultaneously.
2018-12-05 Edouard Tisserant Enure that autostart blocks other @RunInMain PLCObject methods, and _unblocks_ them once autostart is done...
2018-12-04 Edouard Tisserant Chunk based transfer for PLC binary and extra files, and some collateral code refactoring.
2018-11-22 Edouard Tisserant Merge, with surprizingly little conflicts
2018-10-02 Edouard Tisserant Please pylint and pep8
2018-10-02 Edouard Tisserant Show more exceptions on stdout, particularly those that are raised by AutoLoad (first item in Main Thread worker)
2018-09-05 Edouard Tisserant Removed useless condition in that was allowing misfit non-serialized call when worker still not running its loop.
2018-08-21 Edouard Tisserant Refactoring. Separated PLC Object, PYRO Server and MainWorker :