- Updated splash 2008-12-23, by etisserant
- Local PYRO connection is designated by LOCAL://, not PYRO://localhost:3000 anymore 2008-12-23, by etisserant
- fixed : MAX_SEM_COUNT to 1 instead of 10 2008-12-15, by greg
- Adding Function Blocks in VARIABLES.csv 2008-12-12, by lbessard
- Adding support for defining plugin library as a plcopen xml file in plugin folder 2008-12-10, by greg
- Bug with debug mode when displaying code fixed 2008-11-26, by greg
- Bug on Exception handling fixed 2008-11-26, by greg
- add the possibility to enable or disable wxTaskbarIcon for Beremiz_service 2008-11-24, by greg
- Bug on bit mapping in CanFestival plugin fixed 2008-11-20, by lbessard
- add a TaskBarIcon to configure beremiz_service and display plc states (started, stopped) 2008-11-04, by greg
- add autocomplete support for beremiz's textctrl 2008-11-04, by greg
- fix bad parameters in plugin.xml for test_master on linux 2008-10-31, by greg
- update test_master and test_slave examples for win32 2008-10-27, by greg
- update test_master and test_slave examples for win32 2008-10-27, by greg
- Update test_master and test_slave examples for linux 2008-10-27, by greg
- fix bug in beremiz_service with the MainLoop 2008-10-24, by greg
- add taskbaricon to beremiz_service. 2008-10-24, by greg
- fix bug in methods.py 2008-10-22, by greg
- add docutils in svgui plugins to launch inkscape 2008-10-20, by greg
- changes CXXFLAGS LDFLAGS for svgui plugin on win32 platform 2008-10-17, by greg
- fixed bug with config 2008-10-17, by greg
- remove workspace test 2008-10-17, by greg
- add buildpath parameter for beremiz 2008-10-16, by greg
- Fixed rmll examples 2008-10-14, by etisserant
- Updated splash for beta 2008-09-10, by etisserant
- fixed : findiecchannel call 2008-09-10, by greg
- Bug with FBDPanel fixed 2008-09-10, by lbessard
- change default linker (ld ) to g++ in XSD for gcc toolchain 2008-09-08, by greg
- Bug with return value of nodelist saving fixed 2008-09-08, by lbessard
- Bug with Open, Reopen and Close Project fixed 2008-09-07, by lbessard
- Bug with Open, Reopen and Close Project fixed 2008-09-07, by lbessard
- add __DEBUG variable 2008-09-07, by greg
- Adding support for Debugging in PLCOpenEditor 2008-09-07, by lbessard
- Added __DEBUG global var to eventually change PLC code execution gehavior 2008-09-07, by etisserant
- fixed : bug in debugthreadproc (plugger.py) 2008-09-07, by greg
- Adding support for Debugging with PLCOpenEditor 2008-09-05, by lbessard
- Bug closing project in Beremiz when closing tab in PLCOpenEditor fixed 2008-09-05, by lbessard
- Problem with multi-connection on block in LD fixed 2008-09-05, by lbessard
- fixed : bug when stop plc and previously svguiapp closed 2008-09-05, by greg
- Fixed bad IPC choice for debugger/PLC/control thread collaboration 2008-09-05, by etisserant
- Debugger now reports BOOL as booleans 2008-09-04, by etisserant
- Some scenario may block debugger. 2008-09-04, by etisserant
- Now debug all ticks, not only odd ones :-) 2008-09-04, by etisserant
- Improved debug data feedback. 2008-09-03, by etisserant
- fixed : bug when launch beremiz_service on windows 2008-09-02, by greg
- add start inkscape methods for svgui plugin 2008-09-02, by greg
- add call to join method for stdout/stderr threads 2008-09-01, by greg
- Re-organized pyro connector proxy members mascarading 2008-08-30, by etisserant
- Some GUI enhancement. Beremiz now comes with its own GenBitmapTextButton 2008-08-30, by etisserant
- add tests for win32 2008-08-28, by greg
- fixed : init_level bug 2008-08-28, by greg
- - Some improovements in debug data feedback data 2008-08-28, by etisserant
- Fixed typo in discovery.py 2008-08-28, by etisserant
- Some instance type test improved 2008-08-28, by lbessard
- remove import signal in beremiz.py 2008-08-26, by greg
- Fixed bad bahavior when zeroconf bindaddress unspecified. 2008-08-26, by etisserant
- Added lock to avoid variable subsciption concurrent to transmission to PLC 2008-08-25, by etisserant
- Rewritten horrible discovery.py. 2008-08-25, by etisserant
- Fixed local PLC runtime kill on aborted quit attempt. 2008-08-25, by etisserant
- Fixed problem with first PLC argument (argv) 2008-08-25, by etisserant