author Edouard Tisserant
Tue, 19 Jan 2021 11:57:13 +0100
changeset 3112 bd20f9112014
parent 3108 079419e7228d
child 3116 6da94ec04325
permissions -rw-r--r--
SVGHMI: still WIP, now POT file is properly generated with utf-8 encoding and POEdit is launched when pressing button.
// i18n.ysl2

template "svg:tspan", mode="extract_i18n" {
    if "string-length(.) > 0" line {
        value ".";

template "svg:text", mode="extract_i18n" {
    msg {
        attrib "id" value "@id";
        attrib "label" value "substring(@inkscape:label,2)";
        apply "svg:*", mode="extract_i18n";

const "translatable_texts", "//svg:text[starts-with(@inkscape:label, '_')]";
const "translatable_strings" apply "$translatable_texts", mode="extract_i18n";

emit "preamble:i18n" {
    const "translations", "ns:GetTranslations($translatable_strings)";
    | var translations = {
    foreach "$translations/*" {
    |     "«local-name()»":{
        /* TODO */
    |     }`if "position()!=last()" > ,`
    | };
