author Edouard Tisserant <>
Thu, 24 Nov 2022 17:41:24 +0100
changeset 3694 129b8e32f5bb
parent 3596 9c725829d8f0
child 3920 0d491fada1ad
permissions -rw-r--r--
Tests: fix path logic in Docker creation script, consequence of previous commit.
// widget_button.ysl2

widget_desc("Button") {
    Button widget takes one boolean variable path, and reflect current true
    or false value by showing "active" or "inactive" labeled element
    respectively. Pressing and releasing button changes variable to true and
    false respectively. Potential inconsistency caused by quick consecutive
    presses on the button is mitigated by using a state machine that wait for
    previous state change to be reflected on variable before applying next one.

    shortdesc > Push button reflecting consistently given boolean variable

    path name="value" accepts="HMI_BOOL" > Boolean variable

// Finite state machine
decl fsm(name);
decl state(name);
decl on_mouse(position);
decl on_dispatch(value);
decl jump(state);
decl show(eltname);
decl hmi_value(value);

gen_index_xhtml {

const "_push_button_fsm" fsm {
    state "init" {
        on_dispatch "false" jump "reflect_off";
        on_dispatch "true" jump "reflect_on";

    state "reflect_on" {
        show "active";
        on_mouse "down" jump "on";
        on_mouse "up" jump "off";
        on_dispatch "false" jump "reflect_off";

    state "on" {
        hmi_value "true";
        show "active";
        on_mouse "up" jump "off";
        on_dispatch "false" jump "reflect_off";

    state "reflect_off" {
        show "inactive";
        on_mouse "down" jump "on";
        on_mouse "up" jump "off";
        on_dispatch "true" jump "reflect_on";

    state "off" {
        hmi_value "false";
        show "inactive";
        on_mouse "down" jump "on";
        on_dispatch "true" jump "reflect_on";

// State machine to drive HMI_BOOL on a potentially laggy connection
const "_button_fsm" fsm {
    state "init" {
        on_dispatch "false" jump "released";
        on_dispatch "true" jump "pressed";

    state "pressing" {
        // show "waitactive";
        hmi_value "true";
        on_dispatch "true" jump "pressed";
        on_mouse "up" jump "shortpress";
    state "pressed" {
        show "active";
        on_mouse "up" jump "releasing";
        on_dispatch "false" jump "released";
    state "shortpress" {
        on_dispatch "true" jump "releasing";
        on_mouse "down" jump "pressing";

    state "releasing" {
        // show "waitinactive";
        hmi_value "false";
        on_dispatch "false" jump "released";
        on_mouse "down" jump "shortrelease";
    state "released" {
        show "inactive";
        on_mouse "down" jump "pressing";
        on_dispatch "true" jump "pressed";
    state "shortrelease" {
        on_dispatch "false" jump "pressing";
        on_mouse "up" jump "releasing";

template "fsm", mode="dispatch_transition" {
    |         switch (this.state) {
    apply "state", mode="dispatch_transition";
    |         }
template "state", mode="dispatch_transition" {
    |           case "«@name»":
       apply "on-dispatch";
    |             break;
template "on-dispatch" {
    |             if(value ==  «@value») {
    apply "jump", mode="transition";
    |             }

template "fsm", mode="mouse_transition" {
    param "position";
    |         switch (this.state) {
    apply "state", mode="mouse_transition" with "position", "$position";
    |         }
template "state", mode="mouse_transition" {
    param "position";
    |           case "«@name»":
    apply "on-mouse[@position = $position]";
    |             break;
template "on-mouse" {
    // up or down state is already assumed because apply statement filters it
    apply "jump", mode="transition";

template "jump", mode="transition" {
    |             this.state = "«@state»";
    |             this.«@state»_action();

template "fsm", mode="actions" {
    apply "state", mode="actions";
template "state", mode="actions" {
    |     «@name»_action(){
    // | console.log("Entering state «@name»", this.frequency);
    apply "*", mode="actions";
    |     }
template "show", mode="actions" {
    |         this.activity_state = «@eltname = 'active'»;
    |         this.request_animate();
template "hmi-value", mode="actions" {
    |         this.apply_hmi_value(0, «@value»);


function "generated_button_class" {
    param "fsm";

    |     state = "init";

    |     dispatch(value) {
    apply "$fsm", mode="dispatch_transition";
    |     }

    |     onmouseup(evt) {
    |         svg_root.removeEventListener("pointerup", this.bound_onmouseup, true);
    apply "$fsm", mode="mouse_transition" with "position", "'up'";
    |     }
    |     onmousedown(evt) {
    |         svg_root.addEventListener("pointerup", this.bound_onmouseup, true);
    apply "$fsm", mode="mouse_transition" with "position", "'down'";
    |     }

    apply "$fsm", mode="actions";

    |     init() {
    |         this.bound_onmouseup = this.onmouseup.bind(this);
    |         this.element.addEventListener("pointerdown", this.onmousedown.bind(this));
    |         this.activity_state = undefined;
    |     }

    |     frequency = 5;
    const "fsm","exsl:node-set($_button_fsm)";
    call "generated_button_class" with "fsm", "$fsm";

widget_defs("Button") {

    |     frequency = 20;
    const "fsm","exsl:node-set($_push_button_fsm)";
    call "generated_button_class" with "fsm", "$fsm";

widget_defs("PushButton") {