author Edouard Tisserant
Thu, 23 Jan 2020 13:46:05 +0100
changeset 2832 e9ba4dee6ffb
parent 2829 4c2c50f60730
child 2833 e74123b966ac
permissions -rw-r--r--
SVGHMI : wait for initial timeout after watchdog is triggered, since it generaly induces HMI restart
9a7e12e96399 SVGHMI: Added XSLT transformation, Makefile to get XSLT from ysl2 (copy of plcopen/Makefile) and a minimal stylesheet to start with.
Edouard Tisserant
diff changeset
<?xml version="1.0"?>
ddb2c4668a6b SVGHMI : many details about communication implemented in JS, with side effects.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2797
diff changeset
<xsl:stylesheet xmlns:func="" xmlns:inkscape="" xmlns:svg="" xmlns:str="" xmlns:rdf="" xmlns:exsl="" xmlns:xhtml="" xmlns:sodipodi="" xmlns:ns="beremiz" xmlns:cc="" xmlns:regexp="" xmlns:xsl="" xmlns:dc="" extension-element-prefixes="ns func" version="1.0" exclude-result-prefixes="ns str regexp exsl func">
ddb2c4668a6b SVGHMI : many details about communication implemented in JS, with side effects.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2797
diff changeset
  <xsl:output method="xml" cdata-section-elements="xhtml:script"/>
9a7e12e96399 SVGHMI: Added XSLT transformation, Makefile to get XSLT from ysl2 (copy of plcopen/Makefile) and a minimal stylesheet to start with.
Edouard Tisserant
diff changeset
  <xsl:variable name="geometry" select="ns:GetSVGGeometry()"/>
ce04d79b8e57 Pass HMITree to SVG transform. It seems it could really help to reduce JS tree binding logic in the end.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2756
diff changeset
  <xsl:variable name="hmitree" select="ns:GetHMITree()"/>
dc78ffa5253d SVGHMI: SVG viewport now defined so that HMI take scales and fit to the view. Implemented page switch through viewport change, no hiding of widget for now.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2807
diff changeset
  <xsl:variable name="svg_root_id" select="/svg:svg/@id"/>
c5ba1e77f054 SVGHMI: added a widgets description object, accessed by id. Added frequency to widgets, as separate template to allow future customization. Excluded non svg elements (i.e inkscape Sets) with HMI: labels from widgets.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2796
diff changeset
  <xsl:variable name="hmi_elements" select="//svg:*[starts-with(@inkscape:label, 'HMI:')]"/>
c10069a02ed0 SVGHMI: deduce pages content out of geometry (elements contained in page bounding box are in)
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2793
diff changeset
  <xsl:variable name="hmi_geometry" select="$geometry[@Id = $hmi_elements/@id]"/>
c10069a02ed0 SVGHMI: deduce pages content out of geometry (elements contained in page bounding box are in)
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2793
diff changeset
  <xsl:variable name="hmi_pages" select="$hmi_elements[func:parselabel(@inkscape:label)/widget/@type = 'Page']"/>
c0cf62bb9aa7 SVGHMI compute default page
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2794
diff changeset
  <xsl:variable name="default_page">
c0cf62bb9aa7 SVGHMI compute default page
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2794
diff changeset
c0cf62bb9aa7 SVGHMI compute default page
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2794
diff changeset
      <xsl:when test="count($hmi_pages) &gt; 1">
c0cf62bb9aa7 SVGHMI compute default page
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2794
diff changeset
        <xsl:variable name="Home_page" select="$hmi_pages[func:parselabel(@inkscape:label)/widget/arg[1]/@value = 'Home']"/>
c0cf62bb9aa7 SVGHMI compute default page
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2794
diff changeset
c0cf62bb9aa7 SVGHMI compute default page
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2794
diff changeset
          <xsl:when test="$Home_page">
c0cf62bb9aa7 SVGHMI compute default page
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2794
diff changeset
c0cf62bb9aa7 SVGHMI compute default page
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2794
diff changeset
c0cf62bb9aa7 SVGHMI compute default page
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2794
diff changeset
c0cf62bb9aa7 SVGHMI compute default page
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2794
diff changeset
            <xsl:message terminate="yes">No Home page defined!</xsl:message>
c0cf62bb9aa7 SVGHMI compute default page
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2794
diff changeset
c0cf62bb9aa7 SVGHMI compute default page
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2794
diff changeset
c0cf62bb9aa7 SVGHMI compute default page
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2794
diff changeset
c0cf62bb9aa7 SVGHMI compute default page
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2794
diff changeset
      <xsl:when test="count($hmi_pages) = 0">
c0cf62bb9aa7 SVGHMI compute default page
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2794
diff changeset
        <xsl:message terminate="yes">No page defined!</xsl:message>
c0cf62bb9aa7 SVGHMI compute default page
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2794
diff changeset
c0cf62bb9aa7 SVGHMI compute default page
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2794
diff changeset
c0cf62bb9aa7 SVGHMI compute default page
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2794
diff changeset
        <xsl:value-of select="func:parselabel($hmi_pages/@inkscape:label)/widget/arg[1]/@value"/>
c0cf62bb9aa7 SVGHMI compute default page
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2794
diff changeset
c0cf62bb9aa7 SVGHMI compute default page
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2794
diff changeset
c0cf62bb9aa7 SVGHMI compute default page
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2794
diff changeset
8fab1886ebec SVGHI: compute hmitree variables ordered index in xslt
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2789
diff changeset
  <xsl:variable name="_categories">
8fab1886ebec SVGHI: compute hmitree variables ordered index in xslt
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2789
diff changeset
8fab1886ebec SVGHI: compute hmitree variables ordered index in xslt
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2789
diff changeset
8fab1886ebec SVGHI: compute hmitree variables ordered index in xslt
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2789
diff changeset
8fab1886ebec SVGHI: compute hmitree variables ordered index in xslt
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2789
diff changeset
2cabc4773885 SVGHMI: HMI_LABEL and HMI_CLASS become HMI_NODE.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2811
diff changeset
8fab1886ebec SVGHI: compute hmitree variables ordered index in xslt
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2789
diff changeset
8fab1886ebec SVGHI: compute hmitree variables ordered index in xslt
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2789
diff changeset
8fab1886ebec SVGHI: compute hmitree variables ordered index in xslt
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2789
diff changeset
8fab1886ebec SVGHI: compute hmitree variables ordered index in xslt
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2789
diff changeset
8fab1886ebec SVGHI: compute hmitree variables ordered index in xslt
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2789
diff changeset
8fab1886ebec SVGHI: compute hmitree variables ordered index in xslt
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2789
diff changeset
8fab1886ebec SVGHI: compute hmitree variables ordered index in xslt
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2789
diff changeset
8fab1886ebec SVGHI: compute hmitree variables ordered index in xslt
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2789
diff changeset
8fab1886ebec SVGHI: compute hmitree variables ordered index in xslt
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2789
diff changeset
  <xsl:variable name="categories" select="exsl:node-set($_categories)"/>
d022523cb621 SVGHMI: now generating JS object describing widgets and pointing to SVG elements
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2790
diff changeset
  <xsl:variable name="_indexed_hmitree">
8fab1886ebec SVGHI: compute hmitree variables ordered index in xslt
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2789
diff changeset
    <xsl:apply-templates mode="index" select="$hmitree"/>
8fab1886ebec SVGHI: compute hmitree variables ordered index in xslt
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2789
diff changeset
d022523cb621 SVGHMI: now generating JS object describing widgets and pointing to SVG elements
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2790
diff changeset
  <xsl:variable name="indexed_hmitree" select="exsl:node-set($_indexed_hmitree)"/>
d022523cb621 SVGHMI: now generating JS object describing widgets and pointing to SVG elements
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2790
diff changeset
  <xsl:template mode="index" match="*">
8fab1886ebec SVGHI: compute hmitree variables ordered index in xslt
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2789
diff changeset
    <xsl:param name="index" select="0"/>
d022523cb621 SVGHMI: now generating JS object describing widgets and pointing to SVG elements
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2790
diff changeset
    <xsl:param name="parentpath" select="''"/>
8fab1886ebec SVGHI: compute hmitree variables ordered index in xslt
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2789
diff changeset
    <xsl:variable name="content">
d022523cb621 SVGHMI: now generating JS object describing widgets and pointing to SVG elements
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2790
diff changeset
      <xsl:variable name="path">
d022523cb621 SVGHMI: now generating JS object describing widgets and pointing to SVG elements
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2790
diff changeset
d022523cb621 SVGHMI: now generating JS object describing widgets and pointing to SVG elements
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2790
diff changeset
          <xsl:when test="local-name() = 'HMI_ROOT'">
d022523cb621 SVGHMI: now generating JS object describing widgets and pointing to SVG elements
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2790
diff changeset
            <xsl:value-of select="$parentpath"/>
d022523cb621 SVGHMI: now generating JS object describing widgets and pointing to SVG elements
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2790
diff changeset
d022523cb621 SVGHMI: now generating JS object describing widgets and pointing to SVG elements
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2790
diff changeset
d022523cb621 SVGHMI: now generating JS object describing widgets and pointing to SVG elements
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2790
diff changeset
            <xsl:value-of select="$parentpath"/>
d022523cb621 SVGHMI: now generating JS object describing widgets and pointing to SVG elements
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2790
diff changeset
d022523cb621 SVGHMI: now generating JS object describing widgets and pointing to SVG elements
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2790
diff changeset
            <xsl:value-of select="@name"/>
d022523cb621 SVGHMI: now generating JS object describing widgets and pointing to SVG elements
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2790
diff changeset
d022523cb621 SVGHMI: now generating JS object describing widgets and pointing to SVG elements
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2790
diff changeset
d022523cb621 SVGHMI: now generating JS object describing widgets and pointing to SVG elements
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2790
diff changeset
8fab1886ebec SVGHI: compute hmitree variables ordered index in xslt
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2789
diff changeset
8fab1886ebec SVGHI: compute hmitree variables ordered index in xslt
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2789
diff changeset
        <xsl:when test="not(local-name() = $categories/noindex)">
8fab1886ebec SVGHI: compute hmitree variables ordered index in xslt
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2789
diff changeset
8fab1886ebec SVGHI: compute hmitree variables ordered index in xslt
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2789
diff changeset
            <xsl:attribute name="index">
8fab1886ebec SVGHI: compute hmitree variables ordered index in xslt
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2789
diff changeset
              <xsl:value-of select="$index"/>
8fab1886ebec SVGHI: compute hmitree variables ordered index in xslt
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2789
diff changeset
d022523cb621 SVGHMI: now generating JS object describing widgets and pointing to SVG elements
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2790
diff changeset
            <xsl:attribute name="hmipath">
d022523cb621 SVGHMI: now generating JS object describing widgets and pointing to SVG elements
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2790
diff changeset
              <xsl:value-of select="$path"/>
d022523cb621 SVGHMI: now generating JS object describing widgets and pointing to SVG elements
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2790
diff changeset
8fab1886ebec SVGHI: compute hmitree variables ordered index in xslt
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2789
diff changeset
            <xsl:for-each select="@*">
8fab1886ebec SVGHI: compute hmitree variables ordered index in xslt
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2789
diff changeset
8fab1886ebec SVGHI: compute hmitree variables ordered index in xslt
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2789
diff changeset
8fab1886ebec SVGHI: compute hmitree variables ordered index in xslt
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2789
diff changeset
8fab1886ebec SVGHI: compute hmitree variables ordered index in xslt
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2789
diff changeset
8fab1886ebec SVGHI: compute hmitree variables ordered index in xslt
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2789
diff changeset
8fab1886ebec SVGHI: compute hmitree variables ordered index in xslt
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2789
diff changeset
          <xsl:apply-templates mode="index" select="*[1]">
8fab1886ebec SVGHI: compute hmitree variables ordered index in xslt
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2789
diff changeset
            <xsl:with-param name="index" select="$index"/>
d022523cb621 SVGHMI: now generating JS object describing widgets and pointing to SVG elements
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2790
diff changeset
            <xsl:with-param name="parentpath">
d022523cb621 SVGHMI: now generating JS object describing widgets and pointing to SVG elements
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2790
diff changeset
              <xsl:value-of select="$path"/>
d022523cb621 SVGHMI: now generating JS object describing widgets and pointing to SVG elements
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2790
diff changeset
8fab1886ebec SVGHI: compute hmitree variables ordered index in xslt
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2789
diff changeset
8fab1886ebec SVGHI: compute hmitree variables ordered index in xslt
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2789
diff changeset
8fab1886ebec SVGHI: compute hmitree variables ordered index in xslt
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2789
diff changeset
8fab1886ebec SVGHI: compute hmitree variables ordered index in xslt
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2789
diff changeset
8fab1886ebec SVGHI: compute hmitree variables ordered index in xslt
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2789
diff changeset
    <xsl:copy-of select="$content"/>
8fab1886ebec SVGHI: compute hmitree variables ordered index in xslt
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2789
diff changeset
    <xsl:apply-templates mode="index" select="following-sibling::*[1]">
8fab1886ebec SVGHI: compute hmitree variables ordered index in xslt
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2789
diff changeset
      <xsl:with-param name="index" select="$index + count(exsl:node-set($content)/*)"/>
d022523cb621 SVGHMI: now generating JS object describing widgets and pointing to SVG elements
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2790
diff changeset
      <xsl:with-param name="parentpath">
d022523cb621 SVGHMI: now generating JS object describing widgets and pointing to SVG elements
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2790
diff changeset
        <xsl:value-of select="$parentpath"/>
d022523cb621 SVGHMI: now generating JS object describing widgets and pointing to SVG elements
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2790
diff changeset
8fab1886ebec SVGHI: compute hmitree variables ordered index in xslt
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2789
diff changeset
8fab1886ebec SVGHI: compute hmitree variables ordered index in xslt
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2789
diff changeset
dc78ffa5253d SVGHMI: SVG viewport now defined so that HMI take scales and fit to the view. Implemented page switch through viewport change, no hiding of widget for now.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2807
diff changeset
  <xsl:template mode="inline_svg" match="@* | node()">
9a7e12e96399 SVGHMI: Added XSLT transformation, Makefile to get XSLT from ysl2 (copy of plcopen/Makefile) and a minimal stylesheet to start with.
Edouard Tisserant
diff changeset
dc78ffa5253d SVGHMI: SVG viewport now defined so that HMI take scales and fit to the view. Implemented page switch through viewport change, no hiding of widget for now.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2807
diff changeset
      <xsl:apply-templates mode="inline_svg" select="@* | node()"/>
dc78ffa5253d SVGHMI: SVG viewport now defined so that HMI take scales and fit to the view. Implemented page switch through viewport change, no hiding of widget for now.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2807
diff changeset
dc78ffa5253d SVGHMI: SVG viewport now defined so that HMI take scales and fit to the view. Implemented page switch through viewport change, no hiding of widget for now.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2807
diff changeset
dc78ffa5253d SVGHMI: SVG viewport now defined so that HMI take scales and fit to the view. Implemented page switch through viewport change, no hiding of widget for now.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2807
diff changeset
  <xsl:template mode="inline_svg" match="svg:svg/@width"/>
dc78ffa5253d SVGHMI: SVG viewport now defined so that HMI take scales and fit to the view. Implemented page switch through viewport change, no hiding of widget for now.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2807
diff changeset
  <xsl:template mode="inline_svg" match="svg:svg/@height"/>
dc78ffa5253d SVGHMI: SVG viewport now defined so that HMI take scales and fit to the view. Implemented page switch through viewport change, no hiding of widget for now.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2807
diff changeset
  <xsl:template mode="inline_svg" match="svg:svg">
dc78ffa5253d SVGHMI: SVG viewport now defined so that HMI take scales and fit to the view. Implemented page switch through viewport change, no hiding of widget for now.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2807
diff changeset
dc78ffa5253d SVGHMI: SVG viewport now defined so that HMI take scales and fit to the view. Implemented page switch through viewport change, no hiding of widget for now.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2807
diff changeset
      <xsl:attribute name="preserveAspectRatio">
dc78ffa5253d SVGHMI: SVG viewport now defined so that HMI take scales and fit to the view. Implemented page switch through viewport change, no hiding of widget for now.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2807
diff changeset
dc78ffa5253d SVGHMI: SVG viewport now defined so that HMI take scales and fit to the view. Implemented page switch through viewport change, no hiding of widget for now.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2807
diff changeset
dc78ffa5253d SVGHMI: SVG viewport now defined so that HMI take scales and fit to the view. Implemented page switch through viewport change, no hiding of widget for now.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2807
diff changeset
      <xsl:attribute name="height">
dc78ffa5253d SVGHMI: SVG viewport now defined so that HMI take scales and fit to the view. Implemented page switch through viewport change, no hiding of widget for now.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2807
diff changeset
dc78ffa5253d SVGHMI: SVG viewport now defined so that HMI take scales and fit to the view. Implemented page switch through viewport change, no hiding of widget for now.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2807
diff changeset
dc78ffa5253d SVGHMI: SVG viewport now defined so that HMI take scales and fit to the view. Implemented page switch through viewport change, no hiding of widget for now.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2807
diff changeset
      <xsl:attribute name="width">
dc78ffa5253d SVGHMI: SVG viewport now defined so that HMI take scales and fit to the view. Implemented page switch through viewport change, no hiding of widget for now.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2807
diff changeset
dc78ffa5253d SVGHMI: SVG viewport now defined so that HMI take scales and fit to the view. Implemented page switch through viewport change, no hiding of widget for now.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2807
diff changeset
dc78ffa5253d SVGHMI: SVG viewport now defined so that HMI take scales and fit to the view. Implemented page switch through viewport change, no hiding of widget for now.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2807
diff changeset
      <xsl:apply-templates mode="inline_svg" select="@* | node()"/>
9a7e12e96399 SVGHMI: Added XSLT transformation, Makefile to get XSLT from ysl2 (copy of plcopen/Makefile) and a minimal stylesheet to start with.
Edouard Tisserant
diff changeset
9a7e12e96399 SVGHMI: Added XSLT transformation, Makefile to get XSLT from ysl2 (copy of plcopen/Makefile) and a minimal stylesheet to start with.
Edouard Tisserant
diff changeset
9a7e12e96399 SVGHMI: Added XSLT transformation, Makefile to get XSLT from ysl2 (copy of plcopen/Makefile) and a minimal stylesheet to start with.
Edouard Tisserant
diff changeset
  <xsl:template match="/">
2a97688c94c5 SVGHMI: use func:function for parsing labels so that it can be used in predicates
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2792
diff changeset
2a97688c94c5 SVGHMI: use func:function for parsing labels so that it can be used in predicates
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2792
diff changeset
      <xsl:text>Made with SVGHMI.</xsl:text>
2a97688c94c5 SVGHMI: use func:function for parsing labels so that it can be used in predicates
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2792
diff changeset
2cabc4773885 SVGHMI: HMI_LABEL and HMI_CLASS become HMI_NODE.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2811
diff changeset
2cabc4773885 SVGHMI: HMI_LABEL and HMI_CLASS become HMI_NODE.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2811
diff changeset
      <xsl:apply-templates mode="testgeo" select="$hmi_geometry"/>
2cabc4773885 SVGHMI: HMI_LABEL and HMI_CLASS become HMI_NODE.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2811
diff changeset
2cabc4773885 SVGHMI: HMI_LABEL and HMI_CLASS become HMI_NODE.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2811
diff changeset
2cabc4773885 SVGHMI: HMI_LABEL and HMI_CLASS become HMI_NODE.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2811
diff changeset
      <xsl:apply-templates mode="testtree" select="$hmitree"/>
2cabc4773885 SVGHMI: HMI_LABEL and HMI_CLASS become HMI_NODE.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2811
diff changeset
2cabc4773885 SVGHMI: HMI_LABEL and HMI_CLASS become HMI_NODE.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2811
diff changeset
2cabc4773885 SVGHMI: HMI_LABEL and HMI_CLASS become HMI_NODE.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2811
diff changeset
      <xsl:apply-templates mode="testtree" select="$indexed_hmitree"/>
2cabc4773885 SVGHMI: HMI_LABEL and HMI_CLASS become HMI_NODE.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2811
diff changeset
75c6a31caca6 SVGHMI: Work In Progress : fixed pointer types in ctypes interface, cleaned up server startup and cleanup code, changed document type to XHTML, cleaner JS script : encapsulated in a function and in CDATA.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2763
diff changeset
    <html xmlns="">
75c6a31caca6 SVGHMI: Work In Progress : fixed pointer types in ctypes interface, cleaned up server startup and cleanup code, changed document type to XHTML, cleaner JS script : encapsulated in a function and in CDATA.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2763
diff changeset
dc78ffa5253d SVGHMI: SVG viewport now defined so that HMI take scales and fit to the view. Implemented page switch through viewport change, no hiding of widget for now.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2807
diff changeset
      <body style="margin:0;overflow:hidden;">
dc78ffa5253d SVGHMI: SVG viewport now defined so that HMI take scales and fit to the view. Implemented page switch through viewport change, no hiding of widget for now.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2807
diff changeset
        <xsl:apply-templates mode="inline_svg" select="svg:svg"/>
75c6a31caca6 SVGHMI: Work In Progress : fixed pointer types in ctypes interface, cleaned up server startup and cleanup code, changed document type to XHTML, cleaner JS script : encapsulated in a function and in CDATA.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2763
diff changeset
0c0d3895b036 SVGHMI: moved/fixed some templates, avoided namespace problems, added parsing of HMI:* inkscape labels
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2791
diff changeset
          <xsl:call-template name="scripts"/>
75c6a31caca6 SVGHMI: Work In Progress : fixed pointer types in ctypes interface, cleaned up server startup and cleanup code, changed document type to XHTML, cleaner JS script : encapsulated in a function and in CDATA.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2763
diff changeset
75c6a31caca6 SVGHMI: Work In Progress : fixed pointer types in ctypes interface, cleaned up server startup and cleanup code, changed document type to XHTML, cleaner JS script : encapsulated in a function and in CDATA.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2763
diff changeset
75c6a31caca6 SVGHMI: Work In Progress : fixed pointer types in ctypes interface, cleaned up server startup and cleanup code, changed document type to XHTML, cleaner JS script : encapsulated in a function and in CDATA.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2763
diff changeset
9a7e12e96399 SVGHMI: Added XSLT transformation, Makefile to get XSLT from ysl2 (copy of plcopen/Makefile) and a minimal stylesheet to start with.
Edouard Tisserant
diff changeset
2a97688c94c5 SVGHMI: use func:function for parsing labels so that it can be used in predicates
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2792
diff changeset
  <func:function name="func:parselabel">
0c0d3895b036 SVGHMI: moved/fixed some templates, avoided namespace problems, added parsing of HMI:* inkscape labels
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2791
diff changeset
    <xsl:param name="label"/>
0c0d3895b036 SVGHMI: moved/fixed some templates, avoided namespace problems, added parsing of HMI:* inkscape labels
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2791
diff changeset
    <xsl:variable name="description" select="substring-after($label,'HMI:')"/>
0c0d3895b036 SVGHMI: moved/fixed some templates, avoided namespace problems, added parsing of HMI:* inkscape labels
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2791
diff changeset
    <xsl:variable name="_args" select="substring-before($description,'@')"/>
0c0d3895b036 SVGHMI: moved/fixed some templates, avoided namespace problems, added parsing of HMI:* inkscape labels
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2791
diff changeset
    <xsl:variable name="args">
0c0d3895b036 SVGHMI: moved/fixed some templates, avoided namespace problems, added parsing of HMI:* inkscape labels
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2791
diff changeset
0c0d3895b036 SVGHMI: moved/fixed some templates, avoided namespace problems, added parsing of HMI:* inkscape labels
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2791
diff changeset
        <xsl:when test="$_args">
0c0d3895b036 SVGHMI: moved/fixed some templates, avoided namespace problems, added parsing of HMI:* inkscape labels
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2791
diff changeset
          <xsl:value-of select="$_args"/>
0c0d3895b036 SVGHMI: moved/fixed some templates, avoided namespace problems, added parsing of HMI:* inkscape labels
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2791
diff changeset
0c0d3895b036 SVGHMI: moved/fixed some templates, avoided namespace problems, added parsing of HMI:* inkscape labels
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2791
diff changeset
0c0d3895b036 SVGHMI: moved/fixed some templates, avoided namespace problems, added parsing of HMI:* inkscape labels
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2791
diff changeset
          <xsl:value-of select="$description"/>
0c0d3895b036 SVGHMI: moved/fixed some templates, avoided namespace problems, added parsing of HMI:* inkscape labels
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2791
diff changeset
0c0d3895b036 SVGHMI: moved/fixed some templates, avoided namespace problems, added parsing of HMI:* inkscape labels
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2791
diff changeset
0c0d3895b036 SVGHMI: moved/fixed some templates, avoided namespace problems, added parsing of HMI:* inkscape labels
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2791
diff changeset
0c0d3895b036 SVGHMI: moved/fixed some templates, avoided namespace problems, added parsing of HMI:* inkscape labels
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2791
diff changeset
    <xsl:variable name="_type" select="substring-before($args,':')"/>
0c0d3895b036 SVGHMI: moved/fixed some templates, avoided namespace problems, added parsing of HMI:* inkscape labels
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2791
diff changeset
    <xsl:variable name="type">
0c0d3895b036 SVGHMI: moved/fixed some templates, avoided namespace problems, added parsing of HMI:* inkscape labels
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2791
diff changeset
0c0d3895b036 SVGHMI: moved/fixed some templates, avoided namespace problems, added parsing of HMI:* inkscape labels
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2791
diff changeset
        <xsl:when test="$_type">
0c0d3895b036 SVGHMI: moved/fixed some templates, avoided namespace problems, added parsing of HMI:* inkscape labels
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2791
diff changeset
          <xsl:value-of select="$_type"/>
0c0d3895b036 SVGHMI: moved/fixed some templates, avoided namespace problems, added parsing of HMI:* inkscape labels
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2791
diff changeset
0c0d3895b036 SVGHMI: moved/fixed some templates, avoided namespace problems, added parsing of HMI:* inkscape labels
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2791
diff changeset
0c0d3895b036 SVGHMI: moved/fixed some templates, avoided namespace problems, added parsing of HMI:* inkscape labels
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2791
diff changeset
          <xsl:value-of select="$args"/>
0c0d3895b036 SVGHMI: moved/fixed some templates, avoided namespace problems, added parsing of HMI:* inkscape labels
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2791
diff changeset
0c0d3895b036 SVGHMI: moved/fixed some templates, avoided namespace problems, added parsing of HMI:* inkscape labels
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2791
diff changeset
0c0d3895b036 SVGHMI: moved/fixed some templates, avoided namespace problems, added parsing of HMI:* inkscape labels
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2791
diff changeset
2a97688c94c5 SVGHMI: use func:function for parsing labels so that it can be used in predicates
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2792
diff changeset
    <xsl:variable name="ast">
2a97688c94c5 SVGHMI: use func:function for parsing labels so that it can be used in predicates
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2792
diff changeset
      <xsl:if test="$type">
2a97688c94c5 SVGHMI: use func:function for parsing labels so that it can be used in predicates
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2792
diff changeset
2a97688c94c5 SVGHMI: use func:function for parsing labels so that it can be used in predicates
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2792
diff changeset
          <xsl:attribute name="type">
2a97688c94c5 SVGHMI: use func:function for parsing labels so that it can be used in predicates
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2792
diff changeset
            <xsl:value-of select="$type"/>
2a97688c94c5 SVGHMI: use func:function for parsing labels so that it can be used in predicates
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2792
diff changeset
c10069a02ed0 SVGHMI: deduce pages content out of geometry (elements contained in page bounding box are in)
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2793
diff changeset
          <xsl:for-each select="str:split(substring-after($args, ':'), ':')">
2a97688c94c5 SVGHMI: use func:function for parsing labels so that it can be used in predicates
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2792
diff changeset
2a97688c94c5 SVGHMI: use func:function for parsing labels so that it can be used in predicates
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2792
diff changeset
              <xsl:attribute name="value">
2a97688c94c5 SVGHMI: use func:function for parsing labels so that it can be used in predicates
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2792
diff changeset
                <xsl:value-of select="."/>
2a97688c94c5 SVGHMI: use func:function for parsing labels so that it can be used in predicates
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2792
diff changeset
2a97688c94c5 SVGHMI: use func:function for parsing labels so that it can be used in predicates
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2792
diff changeset
2a97688c94c5 SVGHMI: use func:function for parsing labels so that it can be used in predicates
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2792
diff changeset
2a97688c94c5 SVGHMI: use func:function for parsing labels so that it can be used in predicates
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2792
diff changeset
          <xsl:variable name="paths" select="substring-after($description,'@')"/>
2a97688c94c5 SVGHMI: use func:function for parsing labels so that it can be used in predicates
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2792
diff changeset
          <xsl:for-each select="str:split($paths, '@')">
2a97688c94c5 SVGHMI: use func:function for parsing labels so that it can be used in predicates
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2792
diff changeset
2a97688c94c5 SVGHMI: use func:function for parsing labels so that it can be used in predicates
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2792
diff changeset
              <xsl:attribute name="value">
2a97688c94c5 SVGHMI: use func:function for parsing labels so that it can be used in predicates
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2792
diff changeset
                <xsl:value-of select="."/>
2a97688c94c5 SVGHMI: use func:function for parsing labels so that it can be used in predicates
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2792
diff changeset
2a97688c94c5 SVGHMI: use func:function for parsing labels so that it can be used in predicates
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2792
diff changeset
2a97688c94c5 SVGHMI: use func:function for parsing labels so that it can be used in predicates
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2792
diff changeset
2a97688c94c5 SVGHMI: use func:function for parsing labels so that it can be used in predicates
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2792
diff changeset
2a97688c94c5 SVGHMI: use func:function for parsing labels so that it can be used in predicates
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2792
diff changeset
2a97688c94c5 SVGHMI: use func:function for parsing labels so that it can be used in predicates
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2792
diff changeset
2a97688c94c5 SVGHMI: use func:function for parsing labels so that it can be used in predicates
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2792
diff changeset
    <func:result select="exsl:node-set($ast)"/>
2a97688c94c5 SVGHMI: use func:function for parsing labels so that it can be used in predicates
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2792
diff changeset
2a97688c94c5 SVGHMI: use func:function for parsing labels so that it can be used in predicates
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2792
diff changeset
  <xsl:template name="scripts">
f5da343b9b63 SVGHMI: Many fixes. Subscriptions to HMItree seems to be working, and dispatch function is called in JS with good data. Bidirectional communication now really working.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2798
diff changeset
ddb2c4668a6b SVGHMI : many details about communication implemented in JS, with side effects.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2797
diff changeset
ddb2c4668a6b SVGHMI : many details about communication implemented in JS, with side effects.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2797
diff changeset
ddb2c4668a6b SVGHMI : many details about communication implemented in JS, with side effects.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2797
diff changeset
c5ba1e77f054 SVGHMI: added a widgets description object, accessed by id. Added frequency to widgets, as separate template to allow future customization. Excluded non svg elements (i.e inkscape Sets) with HMI: labels from widgets.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2796
diff changeset
    <xsl:text>var hmi_hash = [</xsl:text>
c5ba1e77f054 SVGHMI: added a widgets description object, accessed by id. Added frequency to widgets, as separate template to allow future customization. Excluded non svg elements (i.e inkscape Sets) with HMI: labels from widgets.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2796
diff changeset
    <xsl:value-of select="$hmitree/@hash"/>
c5ba1e77f054 SVGHMI: added a widgets description object, accessed by id. Added frequency to widgets, as separate template to allow future customization. Excluded non svg elements (i.e inkscape Sets) with HMI: labels from widgets.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2796
diff changeset
c5ba1e77f054 SVGHMI: added a widgets description object, accessed by id. Added frequency to widgets, as separate template to allow future customization. Excluded non svg elements (i.e inkscape Sets) with HMI: labels from widgets.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2796
diff changeset
c5ba1e77f054 SVGHMI: added a widgets description object, accessed by id. Added frequency to widgets, as separate template to allow future customization. Excluded non svg elements (i.e inkscape Sets) with HMI: labels from widgets.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2796
diff changeset
    <xsl:text>var hmi_widgets = {
c5ba1e77f054 SVGHMI: added a widgets description object, accessed by id. Added frequency to widgets, as separate template to allow future customization. Excluded non svg elements (i.e inkscape Sets) with HMI: labels from widgets.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2796
diff changeset
c5ba1e77f054 SVGHMI: added a widgets description object, accessed by id. Added frequency to widgets, as separate template to allow future customization. Excluded non svg elements (i.e inkscape Sets) with HMI: labels from widgets.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2796
diff changeset
    <xsl:for-each select="$hmi_elements">
c5ba1e77f054 SVGHMI: added a widgets description object, accessed by id. Added frequency to widgets, as separate template to allow future customization. Excluded non svg elements (i.e inkscape Sets) with HMI: labels from widgets.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2796
diff changeset
      <xsl:variable name="widget" select="func:parselabel(@inkscape:label)/widget"/>
c5ba1e77f054 SVGHMI: added a widgets description object, accessed by id. Added frequency to widgets, as separate template to allow future customization. Excluded non svg elements (i.e inkscape Sets) with HMI: labels from widgets.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2796
diff changeset
      <xsl:value-of select="@id"/>
2a97688c94c5 SVGHMI: use func:function for parsing labels so that it can be used in predicates
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2792
diff changeset
      <xsl:text>: {
2a97688c94c5 SVGHMI: use func:function for parsing labels so that it can be used in predicates
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2792
diff changeset
c5ba1e77f054 SVGHMI: added a widgets description object, accessed by id. Added frequency to widgets, as separate template to allow future customization. Excluded non svg elements (i.e inkscape Sets) with HMI: labels from widgets.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2796
diff changeset
      <xsl:text>    type: "</xsl:text>
c5ba1e77f054 SVGHMI: added a widgets description object, accessed by id. Added frequency to widgets, as separate template to allow future customization. Excluded non svg elements (i.e inkscape Sets) with HMI: labels from widgets.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2796
diff changeset
      <xsl:value-of select="$widget/@type"/>
2a97688c94c5 SVGHMI: use func:function for parsing labels so that it can be used in predicates
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2792
diff changeset
2a97688c94c5 SVGHMI: use func:function for parsing labels so that it can be used in predicates
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2792
diff changeset
c5ba1e77f054 SVGHMI: added a widgets description object, accessed by id. Added frequency to widgets, as separate template to allow future customization. Excluded non svg elements (i.e inkscape Sets) with HMI: labels from widgets.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2796
diff changeset
      <xsl:text>    args: [
c5ba1e77f054 SVGHMI: added a widgets description object, accessed by id. Added frequency to widgets, as separate template to allow future customization. Excluded non svg elements (i.e inkscape Sets) with HMI: labels from widgets.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2796
diff changeset
c5ba1e77f054 SVGHMI: added a widgets description object, accessed by id. Added frequency to widgets, as separate template to allow future customization. Excluded non svg elements (i.e inkscape Sets) with HMI: labels from widgets.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2796
diff changeset
      <xsl:for-each select="$widget/arg">
2a97688c94c5 SVGHMI: use func:function for parsing labels so that it can be used in predicates
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2792
diff changeset
        <xsl:text>        "</xsl:text>
c5ba1e77f054 SVGHMI: added a widgets description object, accessed by id. Added frequency to widgets, as separate template to allow future customization. Excluded non svg elements (i.e inkscape Sets) with HMI: labels from widgets.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2796
diff changeset
        <xsl:value-of select="@value"/>
2a97688c94c5 SVGHMI: use func:function for parsing labels so that it can be used in predicates
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2792
diff changeset
2a97688c94c5 SVGHMI: use func:function for parsing labels so that it can be used in predicates
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2792
diff changeset
        <xsl:if test="position()!=last()">
2a97688c94c5 SVGHMI: use func:function for parsing labels so that it can be used in predicates
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2792
diff changeset
2a97688c94c5 SVGHMI: use func:function for parsing labels so that it can be used in predicates
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2792
diff changeset
2a97688c94c5 SVGHMI: use func:function for parsing labels so that it can be used in predicates
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2792
diff changeset
2a97688c94c5 SVGHMI: use func:function for parsing labels so that it can be used in predicates
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2792
diff changeset
2a97688c94c5 SVGHMI: use func:function for parsing labels so that it can be used in predicates
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2792
diff changeset
c5ba1e77f054 SVGHMI: added a widgets description object, accessed by id. Added frequency to widgets, as separate template to allow future customization. Excluded non svg elements (i.e inkscape Sets) with HMI: labels from widgets.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2796
diff changeset
      <xsl:text>    ],
c5ba1e77f054 SVGHMI: added a widgets description object, accessed by id. Added frequency to widgets, as separate template to allow future customization. Excluded non svg elements (i.e inkscape Sets) with HMI: labels from widgets.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2796
diff changeset
ddb2c4668a6b SVGHMI : many details about communication implemented in JS, with side effects.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2797
diff changeset
      <xsl:text>    indexes: [
c5ba1e77f054 SVGHMI: added a widgets description object, accessed by id. Added frequency to widgets, as separate template to allow future customization. Excluded non svg elements (i.e inkscape Sets) with HMI: labels from widgets.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2796
diff changeset
c5ba1e77f054 SVGHMI: added a widgets description object, accessed by id. Added frequency to widgets, as separate template to allow future customization. Excluded non svg elements (i.e inkscape Sets) with HMI: labels from widgets.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2796
diff changeset
      <xsl:for-each select="$widget/path">
c5ba1e77f054 SVGHMI: added a widgets description object, accessed by id. Added frequency to widgets, as separate template to allow future customization. Excluded non svg elements (i.e inkscape Sets) with HMI: labels from widgets.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2796
diff changeset
        <xsl:variable name="hmipath" select="@value"/>
c5ba1e77f054 SVGHMI: added a widgets description object, accessed by id. Added frequency to widgets, as separate template to allow future customization. Excluded non svg elements (i.e inkscape Sets) with HMI: labels from widgets.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2796
diff changeset
        <xsl:variable name="hmitree_match" select="$indexed_hmitree/*[@hmipath = $hmipath]"/>
c5ba1e77f054 SVGHMI: added a widgets description object, accessed by id. Added frequency to widgets, as separate template to allow future customization. Excluded non svg elements (i.e inkscape Sets) with HMI: labels from widgets.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2796
diff changeset
        <xsl:if test="count($hmitree_match) = 0">
c5ba1e77f054 SVGHMI: added a widgets description object, accessed by id. Added frequency to widgets, as separate template to allow future customization. Excluded non svg elements (i.e inkscape Sets) with HMI: labels from widgets.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2796
diff changeset
          <xsl:message terminate="yes">
2cabc4773885 SVGHMI: HMI_LABEL and HMI_CLASS become HMI_NODE.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2811
diff changeset
            <xsl:text>No match for path "</xsl:text>
c5ba1e77f054 SVGHMI: added a widgets description object, accessed by id. Added frequency to widgets, as separate template to allow future customization. Excluded non svg elements (i.e inkscape Sets) with HMI: labels from widgets.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2796
diff changeset
            <xsl:value-of select="$hmipath"/>
2cabc4773885 SVGHMI: HMI_LABEL and HMI_CLASS become HMI_NODE.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2811
diff changeset
            <xsl:text>" in HMI tree</xsl:text>
c5ba1e77f054 SVGHMI: added a widgets description object, accessed by id. Added frequency to widgets, as separate template to allow future customization. Excluded non svg elements (i.e inkscape Sets) with HMI: labels from widgets.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2796
diff changeset
c5ba1e77f054 SVGHMI: added a widgets description object, accessed by id. Added frequency to widgets, as separate template to allow future customization. Excluded non svg elements (i.e inkscape Sets) with HMI: labels from widgets.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2796
diff changeset
c5ba1e77f054 SVGHMI: added a widgets description object, accessed by id. Added frequency to widgets, as separate template to allow future customization. Excluded non svg elements (i.e inkscape Sets) with HMI: labels from widgets.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2796
diff changeset
        <xsl:text>        </xsl:text>
c5ba1e77f054 SVGHMI: added a widgets description object, accessed by id. Added frequency to widgets, as separate template to allow future customization. Excluded non svg elements (i.e inkscape Sets) with HMI: labels from widgets.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2796
diff changeset
        <xsl:value-of select="$hmitree_match/@index"/>
c5ba1e77f054 SVGHMI: added a widgets description object, accessed by id. Added frequency to widgets, as separate template to allow future customization. Excluded non svg elements (i.e inkscape Sets) with HMI: labels from widgets.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2796
diff changeset
        <xsl:if test="position()!=last()">
c5ba1e77f054 SVGHMI: added a widgets description object, accessed by id. Added frequency to widgets, as separate template to allow future customization. Excluded non svg elements (i.e inkscape Sets) with HMI: labels from widgets.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2796
diff changeset
c5ba1e77f054 SVGHMI: added a widgets description object, accessed by id. Added frequency to widgets, as separate template to allow future customization. Excluded non svg elements (i.e inkscape Sets) with HMI: labels from widgets.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2796
diff changeset
c5ba1e77f054 SVGHMI: added a widgets description object, accessed by id. Added frequency to widgets, as separate template to allow future customization. Excluded non svg elements (i.e inkscape Sets) with HMI: labels from widgets.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2796
diff changeset
c5ba1e77f054 SVGHMI: added a widgets description object, accessed by id. Added frequency to widgets, as separate template to allow future customization. Excluded non svg elements (i.e inkscape Sets) with HMI: labels from widgets.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2796
diff changeset
c5ba1e77f054 SVGHMI: added a widgets description object, accessed by id. Added frequency to widgets, as separate template to allow future customization. Excluded non svg elements (i.e inkscape Sets) with HMI: labels from widgets.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2796
diff changeset
68cee1366b9c SVGHMI: dispatching data to minimalist "Display" text widget.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2799
diff changeset
      <xsl:text>    ],
68cee1366b9c SVGHMI: dispatching data to minimalist "Display" text widget.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2799
diff changeset
68cee1366b9c SVGHMI: dispatching data to minimalist "Display" text widget.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2799
diff changeset
      <xsl:text>    element: document.getElementById("</xsl:text>
68cee1366b9c SVGHMI: dispatching data to minimalist "Display" text widget.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2799
diff changeset
      <xsl:value-of select="@id"/>
68cee1366b9c SVGHMI: dispatching data to minimalist "Display" text widget.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2799
diff changeset
68cee1366b9c SVGHMI: dispatching data to minimalist "Display" text widget.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2799
diff changeset
68cee1366b9c SVGHMI: dispatching data to minimalist "Display" text widget.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2799
diff changeset
      <xsl:apply-templates mode="widget_defs" select="$widget">
68cee1366b9c SVGHMI: dispatching data to minimalist "Display" text widget.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2799
diff changeset
        <xsl:with-param name="hmi_element" select="."/>
68cee1366b9c SVGHMI: dispatching data to minimalist "Display" text widget.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2799
diff changeset
2a97688c94c5 SVGHMI: use func:function for parsing labels so that it can be used in predicates
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2792
diff changeset
2a97688c94c5 SVGHMI: use func:function for parsing labels so that it can be used in predicates
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2792
diff changeset
      <xsl:if test="position()!=last()">
2a97688c94c5 SVGHMI: use func:function for parsing labels so that it can be used in predicates
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2792
diff changeset
2a97688c94c5 SVGHMI: use func:function for parsing labels so that it can be used in predicates
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2792
diff changeset
2a97688c94c5 SVGHMI: use func:function for parsing labels so that it can be used in predicates
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2792
diff changeset
2a97688c94c5 SVGHMI: use func:function for parsing labels so that it can be used in predicates
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2792
diff changeset
2a97688c94c5 SVGHMI: use func:function for parsing labels so that it can be used in predicates
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2792
diff changeset
2a97688c94c5 SVGHMI: use func:function for parsing labels so that it can be used in predicates
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2792
diff changeset
2a97688c94c5 SVGHMI: use func:function for parsing labels so that it can be used in predicates
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2792
diff changeset
2a97688c94c5 SVGHMI: use func:function for parsing labels so that it can be used in predicates
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2792
diff changeset
2a97688c94c5 SVGHMI: use func:function for parsing labels so that it can be used in predicates
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2792
diff changeset
9101a72a1da0 SVGHMI: added a watchdog. To ensure that the whole chain is checked, watchdog use a periodic echo of a hearteat variable. JS client code systematically register /HEARTBEAT at 1s update freq, and reacts on updates of /HEARTBEAT by systematically incrementing it. C code catch /HEARTBEAT update and feeds python-implemented watchdog. For now, watchdog does nothing when tiggered
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2814
diff changeset
    <xsl:text>var heartbeat_index = </xsl:text>
9101a72a1da0 SVGHMI: added a watchdog. To ensure that the whole chain is checked, watchdog use a periodic echo of a hearteat variable. JS client code systematically register /HEARTBEAT at 1s update freq, and reacts on updates of /HEARTBEAT by systematically incrementing it. C code catch /HEARTBEAT update and feeds python-implemented watchdog. For now, watchdog does nothing when tiggered
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2814
diff changeset
    <xsl:value-of select="$indexed_hmitree/*[@hmipath = '/HEARTBEAT']/@index"/>
9101a72a1da0 SVGHMI: added a watchdog. To ensure that the whole chain is checked, watchdog use a periodic echo of a hearteat variable. JS client code systematically register /HEARTBEAT at 1s update freq, and reacts on updates of /HEARTBEAT by systematically incrementing it. C code catch /HEARTBEAT update and feeds python-implemented watchdog. For now, watchdog does nothing when tiggered
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2814
diff changeset
9101a72a1da0 SVGHMI: added a watchdog. To ensure that the whole chain is checked, watchdog use a periodic echo of a hearteat variable. JS client code systematically register /HEARTBEAT at 1s update freq, and reacts on updates of /HEARTBEAT by systematically incrementing it. C code catch /HEARTBEAT update and feeds python-implemented watchdog. For now, watchdog does nothing when tiggered
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2814
diff changeset
9101a72a1da0 SVGHMI: added a watchdog. To ensure that the whole chain is checked, watchdog use a periodic echo of a hearteat variable. JS client code systematically register /HEARTBEAT at 1s update freq, and reacts on updates of /HEARTBEAT by systematically incrementing it. C code catch /HEARTBEAT update and feeds python-implemented watchdog. For now, watchdog does nothing when tiggered
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2814
diff changeset
9101a72a1da0 SVGHMI: added a watchdog. To ensure that the whole chain is checked, watchdog use a periodic echo of a hearteat variable. JS client code systematically register /HEARTBEAT at 1s update freq, and reacts on updates of /HEARTBEAT by systematically incrementing it. C code catch /HEARTBEAT update and feeds python-implemented watchdog. For now, watchdog does nothing when tiggered
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2814
diff changeset
ddb2c4668a6b SVGHMI : many details about communication implemented in JS, with side effects.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2797
diff changeset
    <xsl:text>var hmitree_types = [
ddb2c4668a6b SVGHMI : many details about communication implemented in JS, with side effects.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2797
diff changeset
c5ba1e77f054 SVGHMI: added a widgets description object, accessed by id. Added frequency to widgets, as separate template to allow future customization. Excluded non svg elements (i.e inkscape Sets) with HMI: labels from widgets.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2796
diff changeset
    <xsl:for-each select="$indexed_hmitree/*">
ddb2c4668a6b SVGHMI : many details about communication implemented in JS, with side effects.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2797
diff changeset
      <xsl:text>/* </xsl:text>
c5ba1e77f054 SVGHMI: added a widgets description object, accessed by id. Added frequency to widgets, as separate template to allow future customization. Excluded non svg elements (i.e inkscape Sets) with HMI: labels from widgets.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2796
diff changeset
      <xsl:value-of select="@index"/>
c5ba1e77f054 SVGHMI: added a widgets description object, accessed by id. Added frequency to widgets, as separate template to allow future customization. Excluded non svg elements (i.e inkscape Sets) with HMI: labels from widgets.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2796
diff changeset
      <xsl:text>  </xsl:text>
c5ba1e77f054 SVGHMI: added a widgets description object, accessed by id. Added frequency to widgets, as separate template to allow future customization. Excluded non svg elements (i.e inkscape Sets) with HMI: labels from widgets.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2796
diff changeset
      <xsl:value-of select="@hmipath"/>
ddb2c4668a6b SVGHMI : many details about communication implemented in JS, with side effects.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2797
diff changeset
      <xsl:text> */ "</xsl:text>
ddb2c4668a6b SVGHMI : many details about communication implemented in JS, with side effects.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2797
diff changeset
      <xsl:value-of select="substring(local-name(), 5)"/>
ddb2c4668a6b SVGHMI : many details about communication implemented in JS, with side effects.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2797
diff changeset
c5ba1e77f054 SVGHMI: added a widgets description object, accessed by id. Added frequency to widgets, as separate template to allow future customization. Excluded non svg elements (i.e inkscape Sets) with HMI: labels from widgets.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2796
diff changeset
      <xsl:if test="position()!=last()">
c5ba1e77f054 SVGHMI: added a widgets description object, accessed by id. Added frequency to widgets, as separate template to allow future customization. Excluded non svg elements (i.e inkscape Sets) with HMI: labels from widgets.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2796
diff changeset
c5ba1e77f054 SVGHMI: added a widgets description object, accessed by id. Added frequency to widgets, as separate template to allow future customization. Excluded non svg elements (i.e inkscape Sets) with HMI: labels from widgets.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2796
diff changeset
c5ba1e77f054 SVGHMI: added a widgets description object, accessed by id. Added frequency to widgets, as separate template to allow future customization. Excluded non svg elements (i.e inkscape Sets) with HMI: labels from widgets.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2796
diff changeset
c5ba1e77f054 SVGHMI: added a widgets description object, accessed by id. Added frequency to widgets, as separate template to allow future customization. Excluded non svg elements (i.e inkscape Sets) with HMI: labels from widgets.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2796
diff changeset
c5ba1e77f054 SVGHMI: added a widgets description object, accessed by id. Added frequency to widgets, as separate template to allow future customization. Excluded non svg elements (i.e inkscape Sets) with HMI: labels from widgets.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2796
diff changeset
c5ba1e77f054 SVGHMI: added a widgets description object, accessed by id. Added frequency to widgets, as separate template to allow future customization. Excluded non svg elements (i.e inkscape Sets) with HMI: labels from widgets.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2796
diff changeset
c5ba1e77f054 SVGHMI: added a widgets description object, accessed by id. Added frequency to widgets, as separate template to allow future customization. Excluded non svg elements (i.e inkscape Sets) with HMI: labels from widgets.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2796
diff changeset
c5ba1e77f054 SVGHMI: added a widgets description object, accessed by id. Added frequency to widgets, as separate template to allow future customization. Excluded non svg elements (i.e inkscape Sets) with HMI: labels from widgets.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2796
diff changeset
c5ba1e77f054 SVGHMI: added a widgets description object, accessed by id. Added frequency to widgets, as separate template to allow future customization. Excluded non svg elements (i.e inkscape Sets) with HMI: labels from widgets.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2796
diff changeset
2a97688c94c5 SVGHMI: use func:function for parsing labels so that it can be used in predicates
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2792
diff changeset
    <xsl:text>var page_desc = {
2a97688c94c5 SVGHMI: use func:function for parsing labels so that it can be used in predicates
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2792
diff changeset
c10069a02ed0 SVGHMI: deduce pages content out of geometry (elements contained in page bounding box are in)
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2793
diff changeset
    <xsl:for-each select="$hmi_pages">
c10069a02ed0 SVGHMI: deduce pages content out of geometry (elements contained in page bounding box are in)
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2793
diff changeset
      <xsl:variable name="desc" select="func:parselabel(@inkscape:label)/widget"/>
c5ba1e77f054 SVGHMI: added a widgets description object, accessed by id. Added frequency to widgets, as separate template to allow future customization. Excluded non svg elements (i.e inkscape Sets) with HMI: labels from widgets.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2796
diff changeset
      <xsl:variable name="page" select="."/>
c5ba1e77f054 SVGHMI: added a widgets description object, accessed by id. Added frequency to widgets, as separate template to allow future customization. Excluded non svg elements (i.e inkscape Sets) with HMI: labels from widgets.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2796
diff changeset
      <xsl:variable name="p" select="$hmi_geometry[@Id = $page/@id]"/>
c5ba1e77f054 SVGHMI: added a widgets description object, accessed by id. Added frequency to widgets, as separate template to allow future customization. Excluded non svg elements (i.e inkscape Sets) with HMI: labels from widgets.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2796
diff changeset
      <xsl:variable name="page_ids" select="$hmi_geometry[@Id != $page/@id and &#10;                                @x &gt;= $p/@x and @y &gt;= $p/@y and &#10;                                @x+@w &lt;= $p/@x+$p/@w and @y+@h &lt;= $p/@y+$p/@h]/@Id"/>
c5ba1e77f054 SVGHMI: added a widgets description object, accessed by id. Added frequency to widgets, as separate template to allow future customization. Excluded non svg elements (i.e inkscape Sets) with HMI: labels from widgets.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2796
diff changeset
      <xsl:variable name="page_elements" select="$hmi_elements[@id = $page_ids]"/>
c10069a02ed0 SVGHMI: deduce pages content out of geometry (elements contained in page bounding box are in)
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2793
diff changeset
      <xsl:text>    "</xsl:text>
c10069a02ed0 SVGHMI: deduce pages content out of geometry (elements contained in page bounding box are in)
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2793
diff changeset
      <xsl:value-of select="$desc/arg[1]/@value"/>
c10069a02ed0 SVGHMI: deduce pages content out of geometry (elements contained in page bounding box are in)
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2793
diff changeset
      <xsl:text>": {
c10069a02ed0 SVGHMI: deduce pages content out of geometry (elements contained in page bounding box are in)
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2793
diff changeset
c10069a02ed0 SVGHMI: deduce pages content out of geometry (elements contained in page bounding box are in)
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2793
diff changeset
      <xsl:text>        id: "</xsl:text>
c10069a02ed0 SVGHMI: deduce pages content out of geometry (elements contained in page bounding box are in)
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2793
diff changeset
      <xsl:value-of select="@id"/>
c0cf62bb9aa7 SVGHMI compute default page
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2794
diff changeset
c10069a02ed0 SVGHMI: deduce pages content out of geometry (elements contained in page bounding box are in)
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2793
diff changeset
dc78ffa5253d SVGHMI: SVG viewport now defined so that HMI take scales and fit to the view. Implemented page switch through viewport change, no hiding of widget for now.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2807
diff changeset
      <xsl:text>        bbox: [</xsl:text>
dc78ffa5253d SVGHMI: SVG viewport now defined so that HMI take scales and fit to the view. Implemented page switch through viewport change, no hiding of widget for now.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2807
diff changeset
      <xsl:value-of select="$p/@x"/>
dc78ffa5253d SVGHMI: SVG viewport now defined so that HMI take scales and fit to the view. Implemented page switch through viewport change, no hiding of widget for now.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2807
diff changeset
      <xsl:text>, </xsl:text>
dc78ffa5253d SVGHMI: SVG viewport now defined so that HMI take scales and fit to the view. Implemented page switch through viewport change, no hiding of widget for now.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2807
diff changeset
      <xsl:value-of select="$p/@y"/>
dc78ffa5253d SVGHMI: SVG viewport now defined so that HMI take scales and fit to the view. Implemented page switch through viewport change, no hiding of widget for now.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2807
diff changeset
      <xsl:text>, </xsl:text>
dc78ffa5253d SVGHMI: SVG viewport now defined so that HMI take scales and fit to the view. Implemented page switch through viewport change, no hiding of widget for now.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2807
diff changeset
      <xsl:value-of select="$p/@w"/>
dc78ffa5253d SVGHMI: SVG viewport now defined so that HMI take scales and fit to the view. Implemented page switch through viewport change, no hiding of widget for now.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2807
diff changeset
      <xsl:text>, </xsl:text>
dc78ffa5253d SVGHMI: SVG viewport now defined so that HMI take scales and fit to the view. Implemented page switch through viewport change, no hiding of widget for now.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2807
diff changeset
      <xsl:value-of select="$p/@h"/>
dc78ffa5253d SVGHMI: SVG viewport now defined so that HMI take scales and fit to the view. Implemented page switch through viewport change, no hiding of widget for now.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2807
diff changeset
dc78ffa5253d SVGHMI: SVG viewport now defined so that HMI take scales and fit to the view. Implemented page switch through viewport change, no hiding of widget for now.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2807
diff changeset
c10069a02ed0 SVGHMI: deduce pages content out of geometry (elements contained in page bounding box are in)
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2793
diff changeset
      <xsl:text>        widgets: [
c10069a02ed0 SVGHMI: deduce pages content out of geometry (elements contained in page bounding box are in)
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2793
diff changeset
c5ba1e77f054 SVGHMI: added a widgets description object, accessed by id. Added frequency to widgets, as separate template to allow future customization. Excluded non svg elements (i.e inkscape Sets) with HMI: labels from widgets.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2796
diff changeset
      <xsl:for-each select="$page_ids">
ddb2c4668a6b SVGHMI : many details about communication implemented in JS, with side effects.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2797
diff changeset
        <xsl:text>            hmi_widgets.</xsl:text>
c5ba1e77f054 SVGHMI: added a widgets description object, accessed by id. Added frequency to widgets, as separate template to allow future customization. Excluded non svg elements (i.e inkscape Sets) with HMI: labels from widgets.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2796
diff changeset
        <xsl:value-of select="."/>
c10069a02ed0 SVGHMI: deduce pages content out of geometry (elements contained in page bounding box are in)
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2793
diff changeset
        <xsl:if test="position()!=last()">
c10069a02ed0 SVGHMI: deduce pages content out of geometry (elements contained in page bounding box are in)
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2793
diff changeset
c10069a02ed0 SVGHMI: deduce pages content out of geometry (elements contained in page bounding box are in)
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2793
diff changeset
c10069a02ed0 SVGHMI: deduce pages content out of geometry (elements contained in page bounding box are in)
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2793
diff changeset
c10069a02ed0 SVGHMI: deduce pages content out of geometry (elements contained in page bounding box are in)
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2793
diff changeset
c10069a02ed0 SVGHMI: deduce pages content out of geometry (elements contained in page bounding box are in)
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2793
diff changeset
c10069a02ed0 SVGHMI: deduce pages content out of geometry (elements contained in page bounding box are in)
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2793
diff changeset
      <xsl:text>        ]
c10069a02ed0 SVGHMI: deduce pages content out of geometry (elements contained in page bounding box are in)
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2793
diff changeset
c5ba1e77f054 SVGHMI: added a widgets description object, accessed by id. Added frequency to widgets, as separate template to allow future customization. Excluded non svg elements (i.e inkscape Sets) with HMI: labels from widgets.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2796
diff changeset
      <xsl:text>    }</xsl:text>
c5ba1e77f054 SVGHMI: added a widgets description object, accessed by id. Added frequency to widgets, as separate template to allow future customization. Excluded non svg elements (i.e inkscape Sets) with HMI: labels from widgets.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2796
diff changeset
      <xsl:if test="position()!=last()">
c5ba1e77f054 SVGHMI: added a widgets description object, accessed by id. Added frequency to widgets, as separate template to allow future customization. Excluded non svg elements (i.e inkscape Sets) with HMI: labels from widgets.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2796
diff changeset
c5ba1e77f054 SVGHMI: added a widgets description object, accessed by id. Added frequency to widgets, as separate template to allow future customization. Excluded non svg elements (i.e inkscape Sets) with HMI: labels from widgets.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2796
diff changeset
c5ba1e77f054 SVGHMI: added a widgets description object, accessed by id. Added frequency to widgets, as separate template to allow future customization. Excluded non svg elements (i.e inkscape Sets) with HMI: labels from widgets.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2796
diff changeset
c5ba1e77f054 SVGHMI: added a widgets description object, accessed by id. Added frequency to widgets, as separate template to allow future customization. Excluded non svg elements (i.e inkscape Sets) with HMI: labels from widgets.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2796
diff changeset
2a97688c94c5 SVGHMI: use func:function for parsing labels so that it can be used in predicates
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2792
diff changeset
2a97688c94c5 SVGHMI: use func:function for parsing labels so that it can be used in predicates
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2792
diff changeset
2a97688c94c5 SVGHMI: use func:function for parsing labels so that it can be used in predicates
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2792
diff changeset
c0cf62bb9aa7 SVGHMI compute default page
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2794
diff changeset
c0cf62bb9aa7 SVGHMI compute default page
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2794
diff changeset
c0cf62bb9aa7 SVGHMI compute default page
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2794
diff changeset
    <xsl:text>var default_page = "</xsl:text>
c0cf62bb9aa7 SVGHMI compute default page
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2794
diff changeset
    <xsl:value-of select="$default_page"/>
c0cf62bb9aa7 SVGHMI compute default page
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2794
diff changeset
c0cf62bb9aa7 SVGHMI compute default page
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2794
diff changeset
dc78ffa5253d SVGHMI: SVG viewport now defined so that HMI take scales and fit to the view. Implemented page switch through viewport change, no hiding of widget for now.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2807
diff changeset
    <xsl:text>var svg_root = document.getElementById("</xsl:text>
dc78ffa5253d SVGHMI: SVG viewport now defined so that HMI take scales and fit to the view. Implemented page switch through viewport change, no hiding of widget for now.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2807
diff changeset
    <xsl:value-of select="$svg_root_id"/>
dc78ffa5253d SVGHMI: SVG viewport now defined so that HMI take scales and fit to the view. Implemented page switch through viewport change, no hiding of widget for now.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2807
diff changeset
dc78ffa5253d SVGHMI: SVG viewport now defined so that HMI take scales and fit to the view. Implemented page switch through viewport change, no hiding of widget for now.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2807
diff changeset
2a97688c94c5 SVGHMI: use func:function for parsing labels so that it can be used in predicates
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2792
diff changeset
    <xsl:text>// svghmi.js
2a97688c94c5 SVGHMI: use func:function for parsing labels so that it can be used in predicates
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2792
diff changeset
2a97688c94c5 SVGHMI: use func:function for parsing labels so that it can be used in predicates
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2792
diff changeset
2a97688c94c5 SVGHMI: use func:function for parsing labels so that it can be used in predicates
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2792
diff changeset
f48121cf31b6 SVGHMI: Added relative changes of HMI value from widgets.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2802
diff changeset
    <xsl:text>var cache = =&gt; undefined);
f48121cf31b6 SVGHMI: Added relative changes of HMI value from widgets.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2802
diff changeset
f48121cf31b6 SVGHMI: Added relative changes of HMI value from widgets.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2802
diff changeset
f48121cf31b6 SVGHMI: Added relative changes of HMI value from widgets.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2802
diff changeset
4a81cec5f786 SVGHMI - prepare page with cached data when switching. This prevents values that do not change and that was already subscribed in previous page from keeping undefined.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2810
diff changeset
    <xsl:text>function dispatch_value_to_widget(widget, index, value, oldval) {
4a81cec5f786 SVGHMI - prepare page with cached data when switching. This prevents values that do not change and that was already subscribed in previous page from keeping undefined.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2810
diff changeset
4a81cec5f786 SVGHMI - prepare page with cached data when switching. This prevents values that do not change and that was already subscribed in previous page from keeping undefined.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2810
diff changeset
    <xsl:text>    let idxidx = widget.indexes.indexOf(index);
4a81cec5f786 SVGHMI - prepare page with cached data when switching. This prevents values that do not change and that was already subscribed in previous page from keeping undefined.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2810
diff changeset
4a81cec5f786 SVGHMI - prepare page with cached data when switching. This prevents values that do not change and that was already subscribed in previous page from keeping undefined.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2810
diff changeset
    <xsl:text>    if(idxidx == -1){
4a81cec5f786 SVGHMI - prepare page with cached data when switching. This prevents values that do not change and that was already subscribed in previous page from keeping undefined.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2810
diff changeset
4a81cec5f786 SVGHMI - prepare page with cached data when switching. This prevents values that do not change and that was already subscribed in previous page from keeping undefined.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2810
diff changeset
    <xsl:text>        throw new Error("Dispatching to widget not interested, should not happen.");
4a81cec5f786 SVGHMI - prepare page with cached data when switching. This prevents values that do not change and that was already subscribed in previous page from keeping undefined.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2810
diff changeset
4a81cec5f786 SVGHMI - prepare page with cached data when switching. This prevents values that do not change and that was already subscribed in previous page from keeping undefined.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2810
diff changeset
    <xsl:text>    }
4a81cec5f786 SVGHMI - prepare page with cached data when switching. This prevents values that do not change and that was already subscribed in previous page from keeping undefined.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2810
diff changeset
4a81cec5f786 SVGHMI - prepare page with cached data when switching. This prevents values that do not change and that was already subscribed in previous page from keeping undefined.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2810
diff changeset
    <xsl:text>    let d = widget.dispatch;
4a81cec5f786 SVGHMI - prepare page with cached data when switching. This prevents values that do not change and that was already subscribed in previous page from keeping undefined.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2810
diff changeset
4a81cec5f786 SVGHMI - prepare page with cached data when switching. This prevents values that do not change and that was already subscribed in previous page from keeping undefined.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2810
diff changeset
    <xsl:text>    if(typeof(d) == "function" &amp;&amp; idxidx == 0){
4a81cec5f786 SVGHMI - prepare page with cached data when switching. This prevents values that do not change and that was already subscribed in previous page from keeping undefined.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2810
diff changeset
4a81cec5f786 SVGHMI - prepare page with cached data when switching. This prevents values that do not change and that was already subscribed in previous page from keeping undefined.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2810
diff changeset
    <xsl:text>        return, value, oldval);
4a81cec5f786 SVGHMI - prepare page with cached data when switching. This prevents values that do not change and that was already subscribed in previous page from keeping undefined.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2810
diff changeset
4a81cec5f786 SVGHMI - prepare page with cached data when switching. This prevents values that do not change and that was already subscribed in previous page from keeping undefined.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2810
diff changeset
    <xsl:text>    }else if(typeof(d) == "object" &amp;&amp; d.length &gt;= idxidx){
4a81cec5f786 SVGHMI - prepare page with cached data when switching. This prevents values that do not change and that was already subscribed in previous page from keeping undefined.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2810
diff changeset
4a81cec5f786 SVGHMI - prepare page with cached data when switching. This prevents values that do not change and that was already subscribed in previous page from keeping undefined.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2810
diff changeset
    <xsl:text>        return d[idxidx].call(widget, value, oldval);
4a81cec5f786 SVGHMI - prepare page with cached data when switching. This prevents values that do not change and that was already subscribed in previous page from keeping undefined.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2810
diff changeset
4a81cec5f786 SVGHMI - prepare page with cached data when switching. This prevents values that do not change and that was already subscribed in previous page from keeping undefined.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2810
diff changeset
    <xsl:text>    }/* else dispatch_0, ..., dispatch_n ? */
4a81cec5f786 SVGHMI - prepare page with cached data when switching. This prevents values that do not change and that was already subscribed in previous page from keeping undefined.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2810
diff changeset
4a81cec5f786 SVGHMI - prepare page with cached data when switching. This prevents values that do not change and that was already subscribed in previous page from keeping undefined.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2810
diff changeset
    <xsl:text>    /*else {
4a81cec5f786 SVGHMI - prepare page with cached data when switching. This prevents values that do not change and that was already subscribed in previous page from keeping undefined.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2810
diff changeset
4a81cec5f786 SVGHMI - prepare page with cached data when switching. This prevents values that do not change and that was already subscribed in previous page from keeping undefined.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2810
diff changeset
    <xsl:text>        throw new Error("Dunno how to dispatch to widget at index = " + index);
4a81cec5f786 SVGHMI - prepare page with cached data when switching. This prevents values that do not change and that was already subscribed in previous page from keeping undefined.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2810
diff changeset
4a81cec5f786 SVGHMI - prepare page with cached data when switching. This prevents values that do not change and that was already subscribed in previous page from keeping undefined.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2810
diff changeset
    <xsl:text>    }*/
4a81cec5f786 SVGHMI - prepare page with cached data when switching. This prevents values that do not change and that was already subscribed in previous page from keeping undefined.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2810
diff changeset
4a81cec5f786 SVGHMI - prepare page with cached data when switching. This prevents values that do not change and that was already subscribed in previous page from keeping undefined.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2810
diff changeset
4a81cec5f786 SVGHMI - prepare page with cached data when switching. This prevents values that do not change and that was already subscribed in previous page from keeping undefined.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2810
diff changeset
4a81cec5f786 SVGHMI - prepare page with cached data when switching. This prevents values that do not change and that was already subscribed in previous page from keeping undefined.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2810
diff changeset
4a81cec5f786 SVGHMI - prepare page with cached data when switching. This prevents values that do not change and that was already subscribed in previous page from keeping undefined.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2810
diff changeset
ddb2c4668a6b SVGHMI : many details about communication implemented in JS, with side effects.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2797
diff changeset
    <xsl:text>function dispatch_value(index, value) {
ddb2c4668a6b SVGHMI : many details about communication implemented in JS, with side effects.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2797
diff changeset
68cee1366b9c SVGHMI: dispatching data to minimalist "Display" text widget.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2799
diff changeset
    <xsl:text>    let widgets = subscribers[index];
68cee1366b9c SVGHMI: dispatching data to minimalist "Display" text widget.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2799
diff changeset
68cee1366b9c SVGHMI: dispatching data to minimalist "Display" text widget.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2799
diff changeset
68cee1366b9c SVGHMI: dispatching data to minimalist "Display" text widget.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2799
diff changeset
e521e0d133d5 SVGHMI: fixed HMI->PLC dataflow : not updates as expected, and not initialized properly after subscribe.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2803
diff changeset
    <xsl:text>    let oldval = cache[index];
e521e0d133d5 SVGHMI: fixed HMI->PLC dataflow : not updates as expected, and not initialized properly after subscribe.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2803
diff changeset
e521e0d133d5 SVGHMI: fixed HMI->PLC dataflow : not updates as expected, and not initialized properly after subscribe.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2803
diff changeset
    <xsl:text>    cache[index] = value;
e521e0d133d5 SVGHMI: fixed HMI->PLC dataflow : not updates as expected, and not initialized properly after subscribe.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2803
diff changeset
e521e0d133d5 SVGHMI: fixed HMI->PLC dataflow : not updates as expected, and not initialized properly after subscribe.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2803
diff changeset
e521e0d133d5 SVGHMI: fixed HMI->PLC dataflow : not updates as expected, and not initialized properly after subscribe.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2803
diff changeset
f48121cf31b6 SVGHMI: Added relative changes of HMI value from widgets.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2802
diff changeset
    <xsl:text>    if(widgets.size &gt; 0) {
f48121cf31b6 SVGHMI: Added relative changes of HMI value from widgets.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2802
diff changeset
f48121cf31b6 SVGHMI: Added relative changes of HMI value from widgets.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2802
diff changeset
    <xsl:text>        for(let widget of widgets){
f48121cf31b6 SVGHMI: Added relative changes of HMI value from widgets.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2802
diff changeset
4a81cec5f786 SVGHMI - prepare page with cached data when switching. This prevents values that do not change and that was already subscribed in previous page from keeping undefined.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2810
diff changeset
    <xsl:text>            dispatch_value_to_widget(widget, index, value, oldval);
4a81cec5f786 SVGHMI - prepare page with cached data when switching. This prevents values that do not change and that was already subscribed in previous page from keeping undefined.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2810
diff changeset
4a81cec5f786 SVGHMI - prepare page with cached data when switching. This prevents values that do not change and that was already subscribed in previous page from keeping undefined.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2810
diff changeset
    <xsl:text>        }
4a81cec5f786 SVGHMI - prepare page with cached data when switching. This prevents values that do not change and that was already subscribed in previous page from keeping undefined.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2810
diff changeset
4a81cec5f786 SVGHMI - prepare page with cached data when switching. This prevents values that do not change and that was already subscribed in previous page from keeping undefined.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2810
diff changeset
    <xsl:text>    }
4a81cec5f786 SVGHMI - prepare page with cached data when switching. This prevents values that do not change and that was already subscribed in previous page from keeping undefined.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2810
diff changeset
4a81cec5f786 SVGHMI - prepare page with cached data when switching. This prevents values that do not change and that was already subscribed in previous page from keeping undefined.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2810
diff changeset
4a81cec5f786 SVGHMI - prepare page with cached data when switching. This prevents values that do not change and that was already subscribed in previous page from keeping undefined.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2810
diff changeset
4a81cec5f786 SVGHMI - prepare page with cached data when switching. This prevents values that do not change and that was already subscribed in previous page from keeping undefined.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2810
diff changeset
4a81cec5f786 SVGHMI - prepare page with cached data when switching. This prevents values that do not change and that was already subscribed in previous page from keeping undefined.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2810
diff changeset
4a81cec5f786 SVGHMI - prepare page with cached data when switching. This prevents values that do not change and that was already subscribed in previous page from keeping undefined.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2810
diff changeset
    <xsl:text>function init_widgets() {
4a81cec5f786 SVGHMI - prepare page with cached data when switching. This prevents values that do not change and that was already subscribed in previous page from keeping undefined.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2810
diff changeset
4a81cec5f786 SVGHMI - prepare page with cached data when switching. This prevents values that do not change and that was already subscribed in previous page from keeping undefined.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2810
diff changeset
    <xsl:text>    Object.keys(hmi_widgets).forEach(function(id) {
4a81cec5f786 SVGHMI - prepare page with cached data when switching. This prevents values that do not change and that was already subscribed in previous page from keeping undefined.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2810
diff changeset
4a81cec5f786 SVGHMI - prepare page with cached data when switching. This prevents values that do not change and that was already subscribed in previous page from keeping undefined.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2810
diff changeset
    <xsl:text>        let widget = hmi_widgets[id];
4a81cec5f786 SVGHMI - prepare page with cached data when switching. This prevents values that do not change and that was already subscribed in previous page from keeping undefined.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2810
diff changeset
4a81cec5f786 SVGHMI - prepare page with cached data when switching. This prevents values that do not change and that was already subscribed in previous page from keeping undefined.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2810
diff changeset
    <xsl:text>        let init = widget.init;
4a81cec5f786 SVGHMI - prepare page with cached data when switching. This prevents values that do not change and that was already subscribed in previous page from keeping undefined.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2810
diff changeset
4a81cec5f786 SVGHMI - prepare page with cached data when switching. This prevents values that do not change and that was already subscribed in previous page from keeping undefined.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2810
diff changeset
    <xsl:text>        if(typeof(init) == "function"){
4a81cec5f786 SVGHMI - prepare page with cached data when switching. This prevents values that do not change and that was already subscribed in previous page from keeping undefined.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2810
diff changeset
4a81cec5f786 SVGHMI - prepare page with cached data when switching. This prevents values that do not change and that was already subscribed in previous page from keeping undefined.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2810
diff changeset
    <xsl:text>            return;
4a81cec5f786 SVGHMI - prepare page with cached data when switching. This prevents values that do not change and that was already subscribed in previous page from keeping undefined.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2810
diff changeset
4a81cec5f786 SVGHMI - prepare page with cached data when switching. This prevents values that do not change and that was already subscribed in previous page from keeping undefined.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2810
diff changeset
    <xsl:text>        }
4a81cec5f786 SVGHMI - prepare page with cached data when switching. This prevents values that do not change and that was already subscribed in previous page from keeping undefined.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2810
diff changeset
4a81cec5f786 SVGHMI - prepare page with cached data when switching. This prevents values that do not change and that was already subscribed in previous page from keeping undefined.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2810
diff changeset
    <xsl:text>    });
4a81cec5f786 SVGHMI - prepare page with cached data when switching. This prevents values that do not change and that was already subscribed in previous page from keeping undefined.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2810
diff changeset
4a81cec5f786 SVGHMI - prepare page with cached data when switching. This prevents values that do not change and that was already subscribed in previous page from keeping undefined.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2810
diff changeset
4a81cec5f786 SVGHMI - prepare page with cached data when switching. This prevents values that do not change and that was already subscribed in previous page from keeping undefined.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2810
diff changeset
4a81cec5f786 SVGHMI - prepare page with cached data when switching. This prevents values that do not change and that was already subscribed in previous page from keeping undefined.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2810
diff changeset
4a81cec5f786 SVGHMI - prepare page with cached data when switching. This prevents values that do not change and that was already subscribed in previous page from keeping undefined.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2810
diff changeset
4a81cec5f786 SVGHMI - prepare page with cached data when switching. This prevents values that do not change and that was already subscribed in previous page from keeping undefined.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2810
diff changeset
    <xsl:text>// Open WebSocket to relative "/ws" address
4a81cec5f786 SVGHMI - prepare page with cached data when switching. This prevents values that do not change and that was already subscribed in previous page from keeping undefined.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2810
diff changeset
4a81cec5f786 SVGHMI - prepare page with cached data when switching. This prevents values that do not change and that was already subscribed in previous page from keeping undefined.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2810
diff changeset
    <xsl:text>var ws = new WebSocket(window.location.href.replace(/^http(s?:\/\/[^\/]*)\/.*$/, 'ws$1/ws'));
4a81cec5f786 SVGHMI - prepare page with cached data when switching. This prevents values that do not change and that was already subscribed in previous page from keeping undefined.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2810
diff changeset
4a81cec5f786 SVGHMI - prepare page with cached data when switching. This prevents values that do not change and that was already subscribed in previous page from keeping undefined.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2810
diff changeset
    <xsl:text>ws.binaryType = 'arraybuffer';
4a81cec5f786 SVGHMI - prepare page with cached data when switching. This prevents values that do not change and that was already subscribed in previous page from keeping undefined.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2810
diff changeset
4a81cec5f786 SVGHMI - prepare page with cached data when switching. This prevents values that do not change and that was already subscribed in previous page from keeping undefined.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2810
diff changeset
4a81cec5f786 SVGHMI - prepare page with cached data when switching. This prevents values that do not change and that was already subscribed in previous page from keeping undefined.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2810
diff changeset
4a81cec5f786 SVGHMI - prepare page with cached data when switching. This prevents values that do not change and that was already subscribed in previous page from keeping undefined.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2810
diff changeset
    <xsl:text>const dvgetters = {
4a81cec5f786 SVGHMI - prepare page with cached data when switching. This prevents values that do not change and that was already subscribed in previous page from keeping undefined.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2810
diff changeset
1e5abecc3cde SVGHMI : support for HMI_STRING and HMI_BOOL
Edouard Tisserant <>
parents: 2822
diff changeset
    <xsl:text>    INT: (dv,offset) =&gt; [dv.getInt16(offset, true), 2],
1e5abecc3cde SVGHMI : support for HMI_STRING and HMI_BOOL
Edouard Tisserant <>
parents: 2822
diff changeset
1e5abecc3cde SVGHMI : support for HMI_STRING and HMI_BOOL
Edouard Tisserant <>
parents: 2822
diff changeset
    <xsl:text>    BOOL: (dv,offset) =&gt; [dv.getInt8(offset, true), 1],
1e5abecc3cde SVGHMI : support for HMI_STRING and HMI_BOOL
Edouard Tisserant <>
parents: 2822
diff changeset
1e5abecc3cde SVGHMI : support for HMI_STRING and HMI_BOOL
Edouard Tisserant <>
parents: 2822
diff changeset
    <xsl:text>    STRING: (dv, offset) =&gt; {
1e5abecc3cde SVGHMI : support for HMI_STRING and HMI_BOOL
Edouard Tisserant <>
parents: 2822
diff changeset
1e5abecc3cde SVGHMI : support for HMI_STRING and HMI_BOOL
Edouard Tisserant <>
parents: 2822
diff changeset
    <xsl:text>        size = dv.getInt8(offset);
1e5abecc3cde SVGHMI : support for HMI_STRING and HMI_BOOL
Edouard Tisserant <>
parents: 2822
diff changeset
1e5abecc3cde SVGHMI : support for HMI_STRING and HMI_BOOL
Edouard Tisserant <>
parents: 2822
diff changeset
    <xsl:text>        return [
1e5abecc3cde SVGHMI : support for HMI_STRING and HMI_BOOL
Edouard Tisserant <>
parents: 2822
diff changeset
1e5abecc3cde SVGHMI : support for HMI_STRING and HMI_BOOL
Edouard Tisserant <>
parents: 2822
diff changeset
    <xsl:text>            String.fromCharCode.apply(null, new Uint8Array(
1e5abecc3cde SVGHMI : support for HMI_STRING and HMI_BOOL
Edouard Tisserant <>
parents: 2822
diff changeset
1e5abecc3cde SVGHMI : support for HMI_STRING and HMI_BOOL
Edouard Tisserant <>
parents: 2822
diff changeset
    <xsl:text>                dv.buffer, /* original buffer */
1e5abecc3cde SVGHMI : support for HMI_STRING and HMI_BOOL
Edouard Tisserant <>
parents: 2822
diff changeset
1e5abecc3cde SVGHMI : support for HMI_STRING and HMI_BOOL
Edouard Tisserant <>
parents: 2822
diff changeset
    <xsl:text>                offset + 1, /* string starts after size*/
1e5abecc3cde SVGHMI : support for HMI_STRING and HMI_BOOL
Edouard Tisserant <>
parents: 2822
diff changeset
1e5abecc3cde SVGHMI : support for HMI_STRING and HMI_BOOL
Edouard Tisserant <>
parents: 2822
diff changeset
    <xsl:text>                size /* size of string */
1e5abecc3cde SVGHMI : support for HMI_STRING and HMI_BOOL
Edouard Tisserant <>
parents: 2822
diff changeset
1e5abecc3cde SVGHMI : support for HMI_STRING and HMI_BOOL
Edouard Tisserant <>
parents: 2822
diff changeset
    <xsl:text>            )), size + 1]; /* total increment */
1e5abecc3cde SVGHMI : support for HMI_STRING and HMI_BOOL
Edouard Tisserant <>
parents: 2822
diff changeset
1e5abecc3cde SVGHMI : support for HMI_STRING and HMI_BOOL
Edouard Tisserant <>
parents: 2822
diff changeset
    <xsl:text>    }
4a81cec5f786 SVGHMI - prepare page with cached data when switching. This prevents values that do not change and that was already subscribed in previous page from keeping undefined.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2810
diff changeset
4a81cec5f786 SVGHMI - prepare page with cached data when switching. This prevents values that do not change and that was already subscribed in previous page from keeping undefined.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2810
diff changeset
4a81cec5f786 SVGHMI - prepare page with cached data when switching. This prevents values that do not change and that was already subscribed in previous page from keeping undefined.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2810
diff changeset
4a81cec5f786 SVGHMI - prepare page with cached data when switching. This prevents values that do not change and that was already subscribed in previous page from keeping undefined.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2810
diff changeset
4a81cec5f786 SVGHMI - prepare page with cached data when switching. This prevents values that do not change and that was already subscribed in previous page from keeping undefined.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2810
diff changeset
4c2c50f60730 SVGHMI : HMI_STRING now also supported from HMI to PLC
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2828
diff changeset
    <xsl:text>// Register message reception handler
4a81cec5f786 SVGHMI - prepare page with cached data when switching. This prevents values that do not change and that was already subscribed in previous page from keeping undefined.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2810
diff changeset
4a81cec5f786 SVGHMI - prepare page with cached data when switching. This prevents values that do not change and that was already subscribed in previous page from keeping undefined.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2810
diff changeset
    <xsl:text>ws.onmessage = function (evt) {
4a81cec5f786 SVGHMI - prepare page with cached data when switching. This prevents values that do not change and that was already subscribed in previous page from keeping undefined.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2810
diff changeset
4a81cec5f786 SVGHMI - prepare page with cached data when switching. This prevents values that do not change and that was already subscribed in previous page from keeping undefined.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2810
diff changeset
4a81cec5f786 SVGHMI - prepare page with cached data when switching. This prevents values that do not change and that was already subscribed in previous page from keeping undefined.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2810
diff changeset
4a81cec5f786 SVGHMI - prepare page with cached data when switching. This prevents values that do not change and that was already subscribed in previous page from keeping undefined.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2810
diff changeset
    <xsl:text>    let data =;
4a81cec5f786 SVGHMI - prepare page with cached data when switching. This prevents values that do not change and that was already subscribed in previous page from keeping undefined.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2810
diff changeset
4a81cec5f786 SVGHMI - prepare page with cached data when switching. This prevents values that do not change and that was already subscribed in previous page from keeping undefined.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2810
diff changeset
    <xsl:text>    let dv = new DataView(data);
4a81cec5f786 SVGHMI - prepare page with cached data when switching. This prevents values that do not change and that was already subscribed in previous page from keeping undefined.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2810
diff changeset
4a81cec5f786 SVGHMI - prepare page with cached data when switching. This prevents values that do not change and that was already subscribed in previous page from keeping undefined.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2810
diff changeset
    <xsl:text>    let i = 0;
4a81cec5f786 SVGHMI - prepare page with cached data when switching. This prevents values that do not change and that was already subscribed in previous page from keeping undefined.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2810
diff changeset
4a81cec5f786 SVGHMI - prepare page with cached data when switching. This prevents values that do not change and that was already subscribed in previous page from keeping undefined.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2810
diff changeset
    <xsl:text>    try {
4a81cec5f786 SVGHMI - prepare page with cached data when switching. This prevents values that do not change and that was already subscribed in previous page from keeping undefined.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2810
diff changeset
4a81cec5f786 SVGHMI - prepare page with cached data when switching. This prevents values that do not change and that was already subscribed in previous page from keeping undefined.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2810
diff changeset
    <xsl:text>        for(let hash_int of hmi_hash) {
4a81cec5f786 SVGHMI - prepare page with cached data when switching. This prevents values that do not change and that was already subscribed in previous page from keeping undefined.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2810
diff changeset
4a81cec5f786 SVGHMI - prepare page with cached data when switching. This prevents values that do not change and that was already subscribed in previous page from keeping undefined.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2810
diff changeset
    <xsl:text>            if(hash_int != dv.getUint8(i)){
4a81cec5f786 SVGHMI - prepare page with cached data when switching. This prevents values that do not change and that was already subscribed in previous page from keeping undefined.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2810
diff changeset
4a81cec5f786 SVGHMI - prepare page with cached data when switching. This prevents values that do not change and that was already subscribed in previous page from keeping undefined.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2810
diff changeset
    <xsl:text>                throw new Error("Hash doesn't match");
4a81cec5f786 SVGHMI - prepare page with cached data when switching. This prevents values that do not change and that was already subscribed in previous page from keeping undefined.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2810
diff changeset
4a81cec5f786 SVGHMI - prepare page with cached data when switching. This prevents values that do not change and that was already subscribed in previous page from keeping undefined.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2810
diff changeset
    <xsl:text>            };
4a81cec5f786 SVGHMI - prepare page with cached data when switching. This prevents values that do not change and that was already subscribed in previous page from keeping undefined.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2810
diff changeset
4a81cec5f786 SVGHMI - prepare page with cached data when switching. This prevents values that do not change and that was already subscribed in previous page from keeping undefined.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2810
diff changeset
    <xsl:text>            i++;
4a81cec5f786 SVGHMI - prepare page with cached data when switching. This prevents values that do not change and that was already subscribed in previous page from keeping undefined.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2810
diff changeset
4a81cec5f786 SVGHMI - prepare page with cached data when switching. This prevents values that do not change and that was already subscribed in previous page from keeping undefined.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2810
diff changeset
    <xsl:text>        };
4a81cec5f786 SVGHMI - prepare page with cached data when switching. This prevents values that do not change and that was already subscribed in previous page from keeping undefined.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2810
diff changeset
4a81cec5f786 SVGHMI - prepare page with cached data when switching. This prevents values that do not change and that was already subscribed in previous page from keeping undefined.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2810
diff changeset
4a81cec5f786 SVGHMI - prepare page with cached data when switching. This prevents values that do not change and that was already subscribed in previous page from keeping undefined.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2810
diff changeset
4a81cec5f786 SVGHMI - prepare page with cached data when switching. This prevents values that do not change and that was already subscribed in previous page from keeping undefined.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2810
diff changeset
    <xsl:text>        while(i &lt; data.byteLength){
4a81cec5f786 SVGHMI - prepare page with cached data when switching. This prevents values that do not change and that was already subscribed in previous page from keeping undefined.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2810
diff changeset
4a81cec5f786 SVGHMI - prepare page with cached data when switching. This prevents values that do not change and that was already subscribed in previous page from keeping undefined.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2810
diff changeset
    <xsl:text>            let index = dv.getUint32(i, true);
4a81cec5f786 SVGHMI - prepare page with cached data when switching. This prevents values that do not change and that was already subscribed in previous page from keeping undefined.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2810
diff changeset
4a81cec5f786 SVGHMI - prepare page with cached data when switching. This prevents values that do not change and that was already subscribed in previous page from keeping undefined.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2810
diff changeset
    <xsl:text>            i += 4;
4a81cec5f786 SVGHMI - prepare page with cached data when switching. This prevents values that do not change and that was already subscribed in previous page from keeping undefined.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2810
diff changeset
4a81cec5f786 SVGHMI - prepare page with cached data when switching. This prevents values that do not change and that was already subscribed in previous page from keeping undefined.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2810
diff changeset
    <xsl:text>            let iectype = hmitree_types[index];
4a81cec5f786 SVGHMI - prepare page with cached data when switching. This prevents values that do not change and that was already subscribed in previous page from keeping undefined.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2810
diff changeset
4a81cec5f786 SVGHMI - prepare page with cached data when switching. This prevents values that do not change and that was already subscribed in previous page from keeping undefined.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2810
diff changeset
    <xsl:text>            if(iectype != undefined){
4a81cec5f786 SVGHMI - prepare page with cached data when switching. This prevents values that do not change and that was already subscribed in previous page from keeping undefined.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2810
diff changeset
1e5abecc3cde SVGHMI : support for HMI_STRING and HMI_BOOL
Edouard Tisserant <>
parents: 2822
diff changeset
    <xsl:text>                let dvgetter = dvgetters[iectype];
1e5abecc3cde SVGHMI : support for HMI_STRING and HMI_BOOL
Edouard Tisserant <>
parents: 2822
diff changeset
1e5abecc3cde SVGHMI : support for HMI_STRING and HMI_BOOL
Edouard Tisserant <>
parents: 2822
diff changeset
    <xsl:text>                let [value, bytesize] = dvgetter(dv,i);
4a81cec5f786 SVGHMI - prepare page with cached data when switching. This prevents values that do not change and that was already subscribed in previous page from keeping undefined.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2810
diff changeset
4a81cec5f786 SVGHMI - prepare page with cached data when switching. This prevents values that do not change and that was already subscribed in previous page from keeping undefined.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2810
diff changeset
    <xsl:text>                dispatch_value(index, value);
4a81cec5f786 SVGHMI - prepare page with cached data when switching. This prevents values that do not change and that was already subscribed in previous page from keeping undefined.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2810
diff changeset
4a81cec5f786 SVGHMI - prepare page with cached data when switching. This prevents values that do not change and that was already subscribed in previous page from keeping undefined.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2810
diff changeset
    <xsl:text>                i += bytesize;
4a81cec5f786 SVGHMI - prepare page with cached data when switching. This prevents values that do not change and that was already subscribed in previous page from keeping undefined.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2810
diff changeset
4a81cec5f786 SVGHMI - prepare page with cached data when switching. This prevents values that do not change and that was already subscribed in previous page from keeping undefined.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2810
diff changeset
    <xsl:text>            } else {
4a81cec5f786 SVGHMI - prepare page with cached data when switching. This prevents values that do not change and that was already subscribed in previous page from keeping undefined.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2810
diff changeset
4a81cec5f786 SVGHMI - prepare page with cached data when switching. This prevents values that do not change and that was already subscribed in previous page from keeping undefined.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2810
diff changeset
    <xsl:text>                throw new Error("Unknown index "+index)
f48121cf31b6 SVGHMI: Added relative changes of HMI value from widgets.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2802
diff changeset
f48121cf31b6 SVGHMI: Added relative changes of HMI value from widgets.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2802
diff changeset
    <xsl:text>            }
f48121cf31b6 SVGHMI: Added relative changes of HMI value from widgets.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2802
diff changeset
4a81cec5f786 SVGHMI - prepare page with cached data when switching. This prevents values that do not change and that was already subscribed in previous page from keeping undefined.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2810
diff changeset
    <xsl:text>        };
4a81cec5f786 SVGHMI - prepare page with cached data when switching. This prevents values that do not change and that was already subscribed in previous page from keeping undefined.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2810
diff changeset
4a81cec5f786 SVGHMI - prepare page with cached data when switching. This prevents values that do not change and that was already subscribed in previous page from keeping undefined.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2810
diff changeset
    <xsl:text>    } catch(err) {
4a81cec5f786 SVGHMI - prepare page with cached data when switching. This prevents values that do not change and that was already subscribed in previous page from keeping undefined.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2810
diff changeset
4a81cec5f786 SVGHMI - prepare page with cached data when switching. This prevents values that do not change and that was already subscribed in previous page from keeping undefined.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2810
diff changeset
    <xsl:text>        // 1003 is for "Unsupported Data"
4a81cec5f786 SVGHMI - prepare page with cached data when switching. This prevents values that do not change and that was already subscribed in previous page from keeping undefined.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2810
diff changeset
4a81cec5f786 SVGHMI - prepare page with cached data when switching. This prevents values that do not change and that was already subscribed in previous page from keeping undefined.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2810
diff changeset
    <xsl:text>        // ws.close(1003, err.message);
4a81cec5f786 SVGHMI - prepare page with cached data when switching. This prevents values that do not change and that was already subscribed in previous page from keeping undefined.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2810
diff changeset
4a81cec5f786 SVGHMI - prepare page with cached data when switching. This prevents values that do not change and that was already subscribed in previous page from keeping undefined.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2810
diff changeset
4a81cec5f786 SVGHMI - prepare page with cached data when switching. This prevents values that do not change and that was already subscribed in previous page from keeping undefined.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2810
diff changeset
4a81cec5f786 SVGHMI - prepare page with cached data when switching. This prevents values that do not change and that was already subscribed in previous page from keeping undefined.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2810
diff changeset
    <xsl:text>        // TODO : remove debug alert ?
4a81cec5f786 SVGHMI - prepare page with cached data when switching. This prevents values that do not change and that was already subscribed in previous page from keeping undefined.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2810
diff changeset
4a81cec5f786 SVGHMI - prepare page with cached data when switching. This prevents values that do not change and that was already subscribed in previous page from keeping undefined.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2810
diff changeset
    <xsl:text>        alert("Error : "+err.message+"\nHMI will be reloaded.");
4a81cec5f786 SVGHMI - prepare page with cached data when switching. This prevents values that do not change and that was already subscribed in previous page from keeping undefined.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2810
diff changeset
4a81cec5f786 SVGHMI - prepare page with cached data when switching. This prevents values that do not change and that was already subscribed in previous page from keeping undefined.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2810
diff changeset
4a81cec5f786 SVGHMI - prepare page with cached data when switching. This prevents values that do not change and that was already subscribed in previous page from keeping undefined.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2810
diff changeset
4a81cec5f786 SVGHMI - prepare page with cached data when switching. This prevents values that do not change and that was already subscribed in previous page from keeping undefined.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2810
diff changeset
    <xsl:text>        // force reload ignoring cache
4a81cec5f786 SVGHMI - prepare page with cached data when switching. This prevents values that do not change and that was already subscribed in previous page from keeping undefined.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2810
diff changeset
4a81cec5f786 SVGHMI - prepare page with cached data when switching. This prevents values that do not change and that was already subscribed in previous page from keeping undefined.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2810
diff changeset
    <xsl:text>        location.reload(true);
4a81cec5f786 SVGHMI - prepare page with cached data when switching. This prevents values that do not change and that was already subscribed in previous page from keeping undefined.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2810
diff changeset
4a81cec5f786 SVGHMI - prepare page with cached data when switching. This prevents values that do not change and that was already subscribed in previous page from keeping undefined.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2810
diff changeset
    <xsl:text>    }
4a81cec5f786 SVGHMI - prepare page with cached data when switching. This prevents values that do not change and that was already subscribed in previous page from keeping undefined.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2810
diff changeset
4a81cec5f786 SVGHMI - prepare page with cached data when switching. This prevents values that do not change and that was already subscribed in previous page from keeping undefined.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2810
diff changeset
4a81cec5f786 SVGHMI - prepare page with cached data when switching. This prevents values that do not change and that was already subscribed in previous page from keeping undefined.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2810
diff changeset
4a81cec5f786 SVGHMI - prepare page with cached data when switching. This prevents values that do not change and that was already subscribed in previous page from keeping undefined.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2810
diff changeset
4a81cec5f786 SVGHMI - prepare page with cached data when switching. This prevents values that do not change and that was already subscribed in previous page from keeping undefined.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2810
diff changeset
4a81cec5f786 SVGHMI - prepare page with cached data when switching. This prevents values that do not change and that was already subscribed in previous page from keeping undefined.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2810
diff changeset
4a81cec5f786 SVGHMI - prepare page with cached data when switching. This prevents values that do not change and that was already subscribed in previous page from keeping undefined.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2810
diff changeset
4a81cec5f786 SVGHMI - prepare page with cached data when switching. This prevents values that do not change and that was already subscribed in previous page from keeping undefined.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2810
diff changeset
    <xsl:text>function send_blob(data) {
4a81cec5f786 SVGHMI - prepare page with cached data when switching. This prevents values that do not change and that was already subscribed in previous page from keeping undefined.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2810
diff changeset
4a81cec5f786 SVGHMI - prepare page with cached data when switching. This prevents values that do not change and that was already subscribed in previous page from keeping undefined.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2810
diff changeset
    <xsl:text>    if(data.length &gt; 0) {
4a81cec5f786 SVGHMI - prepare page with cached data when switching. This prevents values that do not change and that was already subscribed in previous page from keeping undefined.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2810
diff changeset
4a81cec5f786 SVGHMI - prepare page with cached data when switching. This prevents values that do not change and that was already subscribed in previous page from keeping undefined.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2810
diff changeset
    <xsl:text>        ws.send(new Blob([new Uint8Array(hmi_hash)].concat(data)));
4a81cec5f786 SVGHMI - prepare page with cached data when switching. This prevents values that do not change and that was already subscribed in previous page from keeping undefined.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2810
diff changeset
4a81cec5f786 SVGHMI - prepare page with cached data when switching. This prevents values that do not change and that was already subscribed in previous page from keeping undefined.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2810
diff changeset
    <xsl:text>    };
4a81cec5f786 SVGHMI - prepare page with cached data when switching. This prevents values that do not change and that was already subscribed in previous page from keeping undefined.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2810
diff changeset
4a81cec5f786 SVGHMI - prepare page with cached data when switching. This prevents values that do not change and that was already subscribed in previous page from keeping undefined.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2810
diff changeset
4a81cec5f786 SVGHMI - prepare page with cached data when switching. This prevents values that do not change and that was already subscribed in previous page from keeping undefined.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2810
diff changeset
4a81cec5f786 SVGHMI - prepare page with cached data when switching. This prevents values that do not change and that was already subscribed in previous page from keeping undefined.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2810
diff changeset
4a81cec5f786 SVGHMI - prepare page with cached data when switching. This prevents values that do not change and that was already subscribed in previous page from keeping undefined.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2810
diff changeset
4a81cec5f786 SVGHMI - prepare page with cached data when switching. This prevents values that do not change and that was already subscribed in previous page from keeping undefined.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2810
diff changeset
    <xsl:text>const typedarray_types = {
4a81cec5f786 SVGHMI - prepare page with cached data when switching. This prevents values that do not change and that was already subscribed in previous page from keeping undefined.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2810
diff changeset
4c2c50f60730 SVGHMI : HMI_STRING now also supported from HMI to PLC
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2828
diff changeset
    <xsl:text>    INT: (number) =&gt; new Int16Array([number]),
4c2c50f60730 SVGHMI : HMI_STRING now also supported from HMI to PLC
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2828
diff changeset
4c2c50f60730 SVGHMI : HMI_STRING now also supported from HMI to PLC
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2828
diff changeset
    <xsl:text>    BOOL: (truth) =&gt; new Int16Array([truth]),
4c2c50f60730 SVGHMI : HMI_STRING now also supported from HMI to PLC
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2828
diff changeset
4c2c50f60730 SVGHMI : HMI_STRING now also supported from HMI to PLC
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2828
diff changeset
    <xsl:text>    STRING: (str) =&gt; {
4c2c50f60730 SVGHMI : HMI_STRING now also supported from HMI to PLC
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2828
diff changeset
4c2c50f60730 SVGHMI : HMI_STRING now also supported from HMI to PLC
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2828
diff changeset
    <xsl:text>        // beremiz default string max size is 128
4c2c50f60730 SVGHMI : HMI_STRING now also supported from HMI to PLC
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2828
diff changeset
4c2c50f60730 SVGHMI : HMI_STRING now also supported from HMI to PLC
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2828
diff changeset
    <xsl:text>        str = str.slice(0,128);
4c2c50f60730 SVGHMI : HMI_STRING now also supported from HMI to PLC
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2828
diff changeset
4c2c50f60730 SVGHMI : HMI_STRING now also supported from HMI to PLC
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2828
diff changeset
    <xsl:text>        binary = new Uint8Array(str.length + 1);
4c2c50f60730 SVGHMI : HMI_STRING now also supported from HMI to PLC
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2828
diff changeset
4c2c50f60730 SVGHMI : HMI_STRING now also supported from HMI to PLC
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2828
diff changeset
    <xsl:text>        binary[0] = str.length;
4c2c50f60730 SVGHMI : HMI_STRING now also supported from HMI to PLC
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2828
diff changeset
4c2c50f60730 SVGHMI : HMI_STRING now also supported from HMI to PLC
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2828
diff changeset
    <xsl:text>        for(var i = 0; i &lt; str.length; i++){
4c2c50f60730 SVGHMI : HMI_STRING now also supported from HMI to PLC
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2828
diff changeset
4c2c50f60730 SVGHMI : HMI_STRING now also supported from HMI to PLC
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2828
diff changeset
    <xsl:text>            binary[i+1] = str.charCodeAt(i);
4c2c50f60730 SVGHMI : HMI_STRING now also supported from HMI to PLC
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2828
diff changeset
4c2c50f60730 SVGHMI : HMI_STRING now also supported from HMI to PLC
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2828
diff changeset
    <xsl:text>        }
4c2c50f60730 SVGHMI : HMI_STRING now also supported from HMI to PLC
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2828
diff changeset
4c2c50f60730 SVGHMI : HMI_STRING now also supported from HMI to PLC
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2828
diff changeset
    <xsl:text>        return binary;
4c2c50f60730 SVGHMI : HMI_STRING now also supported from HMI to PLC
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2828
diff changeset
4c2c50f60730 SVGHMI : HMI_STRING now also supported from HMI to PLC
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2828
diff changeset
    <xsl:text>    }
4a81cec5f786 SVGHMI - prepare page with cached data when switching. This prevents values that do not change and that was already subscribed in previous page from keeping undefined.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2810
diff changeset
4a81cec5f786 SVGHMI - prepare page with cached data when switching. This prevents values that do not change and that was already subscribed in previous page from keeping undefined.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2810
diff changeset
    <xsl:text>    /* TODO */
4a81cec5f786 SVGHMI - prepare page with cached data when switching. This prevents values that do not change and that was already subscribed in previous page from keeping undefined.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2810
diff changeset
4a81cec5f786 SVGHMI - prepare page with cached data when switching. This prevents values that do not change and that was already subscribed in previous page from keeping undefined.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2810
diff changeset
4a81cec5f786 SVGHMI - prepare page with cached data when switching. This prevents values that do not change and that was already subscribed in previous page from keeping undefined.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2810
diff changeset
4a81cec5f786 SVGHMI - prepare page with cached data when switching. This prevents values that do not change and that was already subscribed in previous page from keeping undefined.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2810
diff changeset
4a81cec5f786 SVGHMI - prepare page with cached data when switching. This prevents values that do not change and that was already subscribed in previous page from keeping undefined.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2810
diff changeset
4a81cec5f786 SVGHMI - prepare page with cached data when switching. This prevents values that do not change and that was already subscribed in previous page from keeping undefined.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2810
diff changeset
    <xsl:text>function send_reset() {
4a81cec5f786 SVGHMI - prepare page with cached data when switching. This prevents values that do not change and that was already subscribed in previous page from keeping undefined.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2810
diff changeset
4a81cec5f786 SVGHMI - prepare page with cached data when switching. This prevents values that do not change and that was already subscribed in previous page from keeping undefined.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2810
diff changeset
    <xsl:text>    send_blob(new Uint8Array([1])); /* reset = 1 */
4a81cec5f786 SVGHMI - prepare page with cached data when switching. This prevents values that do not change and that was already subscribed in previous page from keeping undefined.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2810
diff changeset
4a81cec5f786 SVGHMI - prepare page with cached data when switching. This prevents values that do not change and that was already subscribed in previous page from keeping undefined.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2810
diff changeset
4a81cec5f786 SVGHMI - prepare page with cached data when switching. This prevents values that do not change and that was already subscribed in previous page from keeping undefined.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2810
diff changeset
4a81cec5f786 SVGHMI - prepare page with cached data when switching. This prevents values that do not change and that was already subscribed in previous page from keeping undefined.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2810
diff changeset
4a81cec5f786 SVGHMI - prepare page with cached data when switching. This prevents values that do not change and that was already subscribed in previous page from keeping undefined.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2810
diff changeset
4a81cec5f786 SVGHMI - prepare page with cached data when switching. This prevents values that do not change and that was already subscribed in previous page from keeping undefined.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2810
diff changeset
    <xsl:text>// subscription state, as it should be in hmi server
4a81cec5f786 SVGHMI - prepare page with cached data when switching. This prevents values that do not change and that was already subscribed in previous page from keeping undefined.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2810
diff changeset
4a81cec5f786 SVGHMI - prepare page with cached data when switching. This prevents values that do not change and that was already subscribed in previous page from keeping undefined.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2810
diff changeset
    <xsl:text>// hmitree indexed array of integers
4a81cec5f786 SVGHMI - prepare page with cached data when switching. This prevents values that do not change and that was already subscribed in previous page from keeping undefined.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2810
diff changeset
4a81cec5f786 SVGHMI - prepare page with cached data when switching. This prevents values that do not change and that was already subscribed in previous page from keeping undefined.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2810
diff changeset
    <xsl:text>var subscriptions = =&gt; 0);
4a81cec5f786 SVGHMI - prepare page with cached data when switching. This prevents values that do not change and that was already subscribed in previous page from keeping undefined.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2810
diff changeset
4a81cec5f786 SVGHMI - prepare page with cached data when switching. This prevents values that do not change and that was already subscribed in previous page from keeping undefined.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2810
diff changeset
4a81cec5f786 SVGHMI - prepare page with cached data when switching. This prevents values that do not change and that was already subscribed in previous page from keeping undefined.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2810
diff changeset
4a81cec5f786 SVGHMI - prepare page with cached data when switching. This prevents values that do not change and that was already subscribed in previous page from keeping undefined.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2810
diff changeset
    <xsl:text>// subscription state as needed by widget now
4a81cec5f786 SVGHMI - prepare page with cached data when switching. This prevents values that do not change and that was already subscribed in previous page from keeping undefined.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2810
diff changeset
4a81cec5f786 SVGHMI - prepare page with cached data when switching. This prevents values that do not change and that was already subscribed in previous page from keeping undefined.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2810
diff changeset
    <xsl:text>// hmitree indexed array of Sets of widgets objects
4a81cec5f786 SVGHMI - prepare page with cached data when switching. This prevents values that do not change and that was already subscribed in previous page from keeping undefined.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2810
diff changeset
4a81cec5f786 SVGHMI - prepare page with cached data when switching. This prevents values that do not change and that was already subscribed in previous page from keeping undefined.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2810
diff changeset
    <xsl:text>var subscribers = =&gt; new Set());
4a81cec5f786 SVGHMI - prepare page with cached data when switching. This prevents values that do not change and that was already subscribed in previous page from keeping undefined.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2810
diff changeset
4a81cec5f786 SVGHMI - prepare page with cached data when switching. This prevents values that do not change and that was already subscribed in previous page from keeping undefined.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2810
diff changeset
4a81cec5f786 SVGHMI - prepare page with cached data when switching. This prevents values that do not change and that was already subscribed in previous page from keeping undefined.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2810
diff changeset
9101a72a1da0 SVGHMI: added a watchdog. To ensure that the whole chain is checked, watchdog use a periodic echo of a hearteat variable. JS client code systematically register /HEARTBEAT at 1s update freq, and reacts on updates of /HEARTBEAT by systematically incrementing it. C code catch /HEARTBEAT update and feeds python-implemented watchdog. For now, watchdog does nothing when tiggered
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2814
diff changeset
    <xsl:text>// artificially subscribe the watchdog widget to "/heartbeat" hmi variable
9101a72a1da0 SVGHMI: added a watchdog. To ensure that the whole chain is checked, watchdog use a periodic echo of a hearteat variable. JS client code systematically register /HEARTBEAT at 1s update freq, and reacts on updates of /HEARTBEAT by systematically incrementing it. C code catch /HEARTBEAT update and feeds python-implemented watchdog. For now, watchdog does nothing when tiggered
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2814
diff changeset
4c2c50f60730 SVGHMI : HMI_STRING now also supported from HMI to PLC
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2828
diff changeset
    <xsl:text>// Since dispatch directly calls change_hmi_value,
9101a72a1da0 SVGHMI: added a watchdog. To ensure that the whole chain is checked, watchdog use a periodic echo of a hearteat variable. JS client code systematically register /HEARTBEAT at 1s update freq, and reacts on updates of /HEARTBEAT by systematically incrementing it. C code catch /HEARTBEAT update and feeds python-implemented watchdog. For now, watchdog does nothing when tiggered
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2814
diff changeset
9101a72a1da0 SVGHMI: added a watchdog. To ensure that the whole chain is checked, watchdog use a periodic echo of a hearteat variable. JS client code systematically register /HEARTBEAT at 1s update freq, and reacts on updates of /HEARTBEAT by systematically incrementing it. C code catch /HEARTBEAT update and feeds python-implemented watchdog. For now, watchdog does nothing when tiggered
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2814
diff changeset
    <xsl:text>// PLC will periodically send variable at given frequency
9101a72a1da0 SVGHMI: added a watchdog. To ensure that the whole chain is checked, watchdog use a periodic echo of a hearteat variable. JS client code systematically register /HEARTBEAT at 1s update freq, and reacts on updates of /HEARTBEAT by systematically incrementing it. C code catch /HEARTBEAT update and feeds python-implemented watchdog. For now, watchdog does nothing when tiggered
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2814
diff changeset
9101a72a1da0 SVGHMI: added a watchdog. To ensure that the whole chain is checked, watchdog use a periodic echo of a hearteat variable. JS client code systematically register /HEARTBEAT at 1s update freq, and reacts on updates of /HEARTBEAT by systematically incrementing it. C code catch /HEARTBEAT update and feeds python-implemented watchdog. For now, watchdog does nothing when tiggered
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2814
diff changeset
9101a72a1da0 SVGHMI: added a watchdog. To ensure that the whole chain is checked, watchdog use a periodic echo of a hearteat variable. JS client code systematically register /HEARTBEAT at 1s update freq, and reacts on updates of /HEARTBEAT by systematically incrementing it. C code catch /HEARTBEAT update and feeds python-implemented watchdog. For now, watchdog does nothing when tiggered
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2814
diff changeset
9101a72a1da0 SVGHMI: added a watchdog. To ensure that the whole chain is checked, watchdog use a periodic echo of a hearteat variable. JS client code systematically register /HEARTBEAT at 1s update freq, and reacts on updates of /HEARTBEAT by systematically incrementing it. C code catch /HEARTBEAT update and feeds python-implemented watchdog. For now, watchdog does nothing when tiggered
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2814
diff changeset
    <xsl:text>    /* type: "Watchdog", */
9101a72a1da0 SVGHMI: added a watchdog. To ensure that the whole chain is checked, watchdog use a periodic echo of a hearteat variable. JS client code systematically register /HEARTBEAT at 1s update freq, and reacts on updates of /HEARTBEAT by systematically incrementing it. C code catch /HEARTBEAT update and feeds python-implemented watchdog. For now, watchdog does nothing when tiggered
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2814
diff changeset
9101a72a1da0 SVGHMI: added a watchdog. To ensure that the whole chain is checked, watchdog use a periodic echo of a hearteat variable. JS client code systematically register /HEARTBEAT at 1s update freq, and reacts on updates of /HEARTBEAT by systematically incrementing it. C code catch /HEARTBEAT update and feeds python-implemented watchdog. For now, watchdog does nothing when tiggered
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2814
diff changeset
    <xsl:text>    frequency: 1,
9101a72a1da0 SVGHMI: added a watchdog. To ensure that the whole chain is checked, watchdog use a periodic echo of a hearteat variable. JS client code systematically register /HEARTBEAT at 1s update freq, and reacts on updates of /HEARTBEAT by systematically incrementing it. C code catch /HEARTBEAT update and feeds python-implemented watchdog. For now, watchdog does nothing when tiggered
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2814
diff changeset
9101a72a1da0 SVGHMI: added a watchdog. To ensure that the whole chain is checked, watchdog use a periodic echo of a hearteat variable. JS client code systematically register /HEARTBEAT at 1s update freq, and reacts on updates of /HEARTBEAT by systematically incrementing it. C code catch /HEARTBEAT update and feeds python-implemented watchdog. For now, watchdog does nothing when tiggered
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2814
diff changeset
    <xsl:text>    indexes: [heartbeat_index],
9101a72a1da0 SVGHMI: added a watchdog. To ensure that the whole chain is checked, watchdog use a periodic echo of a hearteat variable. JS client code systematically register /HEARTBEAT at 1s update freq, and reacts on updates of /HEARTBEAT by systematically incrementing it. C code catch /HEARTBEAT update and feeds python-implemented watchdog. For now, watchdog does nothing when tiggered
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2814
diff changeset
9101a72a1da0 SVGHMI: added a watchdog. To ensure that the whole chain is checked, watchdog use a periodic echo of a hearteat variable. JS client code systematically register /HEARTBEAT at 1s update freq, and reacts on updates of /HEARTBEAT by systematically incrementing it. C code catch /HEARTBEAT update and feeds python-implemented watchdog. For now, watchdog does nothing when tiggered
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2814
diff changeset
    <xsl:text>    dispatch: function(value) {
9101a72a1da0 SVGHMI: added a watchdog. To ensure that the whole chain is checked, watchdog use a periodic echo of a hearteat variable. JS client code systematically register /HEARTBEAT at 1s update freq, and reacts on updates of /HEARTBEAT by systematically incrementing it. C code catch /HEARTBEAT update and feeds python-implemented watchdog. For now, watchdog does nothing when tiggered
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2814
diff changeset
be947a338760 SVGHMI : cosmetic
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2826
diff changeset
    <xsl:text>        // console.log("Heartbeat" + value);
9101a72a1da0 SVGHMI: added a watchdog. To ensure that the whole chain is checked, watchdog use a periodic echo of a hearteat variable. JS client code systematically register /HEARTBEAT at 1s update freq, and reacts on updates of /HEARTBEAT by systematically incrementing it. C code catch /HEARTBEAT update and feeds python-implemented watchdog. For now, watchdog does nothing when tiggered
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2814
diff changeset
4c2c50f60730 SVGHMI : HMI_STRING now also supported from HMI to PLC
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2828
diff changeset
    <xsl:text>        change_hmi_value(heartbeat_index, "+1");
9101a72a1da0 SVGHMI: added a watchdog. To ensure that the whole chain is checked, watchdog use a periodic echo of a hearteat variable. JS client code systematically register /HEARTBEAT at 1s update freq, and reacts on updates of /HEARTBEAT by systematically incrementing it. C code catch /HEARTBEAT update and feeds python-implemented watchdog. For now, watchdog does nothing when tiggered
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2814
diff changeset
9101a72a1da0 SVGHMI: added a watchdog. To ensure that the whole chain is checked, watchdog use a periodic echo of a hearteat variable. JS client code systematically register /HEARTBEAT at 1s update freq, and reacts on updates of /HEARTBEAT by systematically incrementing it. C code catch /HEARTBEAT update and feeds python-implemented watchdog. For now, watchdog does nothing when tiggered
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2814
diff changeset
    <xsl:text>    }
9101a72a1da0 SVGHMI: added a watchdog. To ensure that the whole chain is checked, watchdog use a periodic echo of a hearteat variable. JS client code systematically register /HEARTBEAT at 1s update freq, and reacts on updates of /HEARTBEAT by systematically incrementing it. C code catch /HEARTBEAT update and feeds python-implemented watchdog. For now, watchdog does nothing when tiggered
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2814
diff changeset
9101a72a1da0 SVGHMI: added a watchdog. To ensure that the whole chain is checked, watchdog use a periodic echo of a hearteat variable. JS client code systematically register /HEARTBEAT at 1s update freq, and reacts on updates of /HEARTBEAT by systematically incrementing it. C code catch /HEARTBEAT update and feeds python-implemented watchdog. For now, watchdog does nothing when tiggered
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2814
diff changeset
9101a72a1da0 SVGHMI: added a watchdog. To ensure that the whole chain is checked, watchdog use a periodic echo of a hearteat variable. JS client code systematically register /HEARTBEAT at 1s update freq, and reacts on updates of /HEARTBEAT by systematically incrementing it. C code catch /HEARTBEAT update and feeds python-implemented watchdog. For now, watchdog does nothing when tiggered
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2814
diff changeset
9101a72a1da0 SVGHMI: added a watchdog. To ensure that the whole chain is checked, watchdog use a periodic echo of a hearteat variable. JS client code systematically register /HEARTBEAT at 1s update freq, and reacts on updates of /HEARTBEAT by systematically incrementing it. C code catch /HEARTBEAT update and feeds python-implemented watchdog. For now, watchdog does nothing when tiggered
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2814
diff changeset
9101a72a1da0 SVGHMI: added a watchdog. To ensure that the whole chain is checked, watchdog use a periodic echo of a hearteat variable. JS client code systematically register /HEARTBEAT at 1s update freq, and reacts on updates of /HEARTBEAT by systematically incrementing it. C code catch /HEARTBEAT update and feeds python-implemented watchdog. For now, watchdog does nothing when tiggered
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2814
diff changeset
4a81cec5f786 SVGHMI - prepare page with cached data when switching. This prevents values that do not change and that was already subscribed in previous page from keeping undefined.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2810
diff changeset
    <xsl:text>function update_subscriptions() {
4a81cec5f786 SVGHMI - prepare page with cached data when switching. This prevents values that do not change and that was already subscribed in previous page from keeping undefined.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2810
diff changeset
4a81cec5f786 SVGHMI - prepare page with cached data when switching. This prevents values that do not change and that was already subscribed in previous page from keeping undefined.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2810
diff changeset
    <xsl:text>    let delta = [];
4a81cec5f786 SVGHMI - prepare page with cached data when switching. This prevents values that do not change and that was already subscribed in previous page from keeping undefined.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2810
diff changeset
4a81cec5f786 SVGHMI - prepare page with cached data when switching. This prevents values that do not change and that was already subscribed in previous page from keeping undefined.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2810
diff changeset
    <xsl:text>    for(let index = 0; index &lt; subscribers.length; index++){
4a81cec5f786 SVGHMI - prepare page with cached data when switching. This prevents values that do not change and that was already subscribed in previous page from keeping undefined.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2810
diff changeset
4a81cec5f786 SVGHMI - prepare page with cached data when switching. This prevents values that do not change and that was already subscribed in previous page from keeping undefined.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2810
diff changeset
    <xsl:text>        let widgets = subscribers[index];
4a81cec5f786 SVGHMI - prepare page with cached data when switching. This prevents values that do not change and that was already subscribed in previous page from keeping undefined.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2810
diff changeset
4a81cec5f786 SVGHMI - prepare page with cached data when switching. This prevents values that do not change and that was already subscribed in previous page from keeping undefined.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2810
diff changeset
4a81cec5f786 SVGHMI - prepare page with cached data when switching. This prevents values that do not change and that was already subscribed in previous page from keeping undefined.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2810
diff changeset
4a81cec5f786 SVGHMI - prepare page with cached data when switching. This prevents values that do not change and that was already subscribed in previous page from keeping undefined.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2810
diff changeset
    <xsl:text>        // periods are in ms
4a81cec5f786 SVGHMI - prepare page with cached data when switching. This prevents values that do not change and that was already subscribed in previous page from keeping undefined.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2810
diff changeset
4a81cec5f786 SVGHMI - prepare page with cached data when switching. This prevents values that do not change and that was already subscribed in previous page from keeping undefined.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2810
diff changeset
    <xsl:text>        let previous_period = subscriptions[index];
4a81cec5f786 SVGHMI - prepare page with cached data when switching. This prevents values that do not change and that was already subscribed in previous page from keeping undefined.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2810
diff changeset
4a81cec5f786 SVGHMI - prepare page with cached data when switching. This prevents values that do not change and that was already subscribed in previous page from keeping undefined.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2810
diff changeset
4a81cec5f786 SVGHMI - prepare page with cached data when switching. This prevents values that do not change and that was already subscribed in previous page from keeping undefined.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2810
diff changeset
9101a72a1da0 SVGHMI: added a watchdog. To ensure that the whole chain is checked, watchdog use a periodic echo of a hearteat variable. JS client code systematically register /HEARTBEAT at 1s update freq, and reacts on updates of /HEARTBEAT by systematically incrementing it. C code catch /HEARTBEAT update and feeds python-implemented watchdog. For now, watchdog does nothing when tiggered
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2814
diff changeset
    <xsl:text>        // subscribing with a zero period is unsubscribing
9101a72a1da0 SVGHMI: added a watchdog. To ensure that the whole chain is checked, watchdog use a periodic echo of a hearteat variable. JS client code systematically register /HEARTBEAT at 1s update freq, and reacts on updates of /HEARTBEAT by systematically incrementing it. C code catch /HEARTBEAT update and feeds python-implemented watchdog. For now, watchdog does nothing when tiggered
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2814
diff changeset
4a81cec5f786 SVGHMI - prepare page with cached data when switching. This prevents values that do not change and that was already subscribed in previous page from keeping undefined.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2810
diff changeset
    <xsl:text>        let new_period = 0;
4a81cec5f786 SVGHMI - prepare page with cached data when switching. This prevents values that do not change and that was already subscribed in previous page from keeping undefined.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2810
diff changeset
4a81cec5f786 SVGHMI - prepare page with cached data when switching. This prevents values that do not change and that was already subscribed in previous page from keeping undefined.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2810
diff changeset
    <xsl:text>        if(widgets.size &gt; 0) {
4a81cec5f786 SVGHMI - prepare page with cached data when switching. This prevents values that do not change and that was already subscribed in previous page from keeping undefined.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2810
diff changeset
4a81cec5f786 SVGHMI - prepare page with cached data when switching. This prevents values that do not change and that was already subscribed in previous page from keeping undefined.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2810
diff changeset
    <xsl:text>            let maxfreq = 0;
4a81cec5f786 SVGHMI - prepare page with cached data when switching. This prevents values that do not change and that was already subscribed in previous page from keeping undefined.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2810
diff changeset
4a81cec5f786 SVGHMI - prepare page with cached data when switching. This prevents values that do not change and that was already subscribed in previous page from keeping undefined.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2810
diff changeset
    <xsl:text>            for(let widget of widgets)
4a81cec5f786 SVGHMI - prepare page with cached data when switching. This prevents values that do not change and that was already subscribed in previous page from keeping undefined.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2810
diff changeset
4a81cec5f786 SVGHMI - prepare page with cached data when switching. This prevents values that do not change and that was already subscribed in previous page from keeping undefined.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2810
diff changeset
    <xsl:text>                if(maxfreq &lt; widget.frequency)
4a81cec5f786 SVGHMI - prepare page with cached data when switching. This prevents values that do not change and that was already subscribed in previous page from keeping undefined.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2810
diff changeset
4a81cec5f786 SVGHMI - prepare page with cached data when switching. This prevents values that do not change and that was already subscribed in previous page from keeping undefined.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2810
diff changeset
    <xsl:text>                    maxfreq = widget.frequency;
4a81cec5f786 SVGHMI - prepare page with cached data when switching. This prevents values that do not change and that was already subscribed in previous page from keeping undefined.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2810
diff changeset
4a81cec5f786 SVGHMI - prepare page with cached data when switching. This prevents values that do not change and that was already subscribed in previous page from keeping undefined.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2810
diff changeset
4a81cec5f786 SVGHMI - prepare page with cached data when switching. This prevents values that do not change and that was already subscribed in previous page from keeping undefined.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2810
diff changeset
4a81cec5f786 SVGHMI - prepare page with cached data when switching. This prevents values that do not change and that was already subscribed in previous page from keeping undefined.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2810
diff changeset
    <xsl:text>            if(maxfreq != 0)
4a81cec5f786 SVGHMI - prepare page with cached data when switching. This prevents values that do not change and that was already subscribed in previous page from keeping undefined.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2810
diff changeset
4a81cec5f786 SVGHMI - prepare page with cached data when switching. This prevents values that do not change and that was already subscribed in previous page from keeping undefined.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2810
diff changeset
    <xsl:text>                new_period = 1000/maxfreq;
f48121cf31b6 SVGHMI: Added relative changes of HMI value from widgets.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2802
diff changeset
f48121cf31b6 SVGHMI: Added relative changes of HMI value from widgets.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2802
diff changeset
    <xsl:text>        }
f48121cf31b6 SVGHMI: Added relative changes of HMI value from widgets.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2802
diff changeset
4a81cec5f786 SVGHMI - prepare page with cached data when switching. This prevents values that do not change and that was already subscribed in previous page from keeping undefined.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2810
diff changeset
4a81cec5f786 SVGHMI - prepare page with cached data when switching. This prevents values that do not change and that was already subscribed in previous page from keeping undefined.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2810
diff changeset
4a81cec5f786 SVGHMI - prepare page with cached data when switching. This prevents values that do not change and that was already subscribed in previous page from keeping undefined.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2810
diff changeset
    <xsl:text>        if(previous_period != new_period) {
4a81cec5f786 SVGHMI - prepare page with cached data when switching. This prevents values that do not change and that was already subscribed in previous page from keeping undefined.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2810
diff changeset
4a81cec5f786 SVGHMI - prepare page with cached data when switching. This prevents values that do not change and that was already subscribed in previous page from keeping undefined.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2810
diff changeset
    <xsl:text>            subscriptions[index] = new_period;
4a81cec5f786 SVGHMI - prepare page with cached data when switching. This prevents values that do not change and that was already subscribed in previous page from keeping undefined.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2810
diff changeset
4a81cec5f786 SVGHMI - prepare page with cached data when switching. This prevents values that do not change and that was already subscribed in previous page from keeping undefined.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2810
diff changeset
    <xsl:text>            delta.push(
4a81cec5f786 SVGHMI - prepare page with cached data when switching. This prevents values that do not change and that was already subscribed in previous page from keeping undefined.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2810
diff changeset
4a81cec5f786 SVGHMI - prepare page with cached data when switching. This prevents values that do not change and that was already subscribed in previous page from keeping undefined.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2810
diff changeset
    <xsl:text>                new Uint8Array([2]), /* subscribe = 2 */
4a81cec5f786 SVGHMI - prepare page with cached data when switching. This prevents values that do not change and that was already subscribed in previous page from keeping undefined.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2810
diff changeset
4a81cec5f786 SVGHMI - prepare page with cached data when switching. This prevents values that do not change and that was already subscribed in previous page from keeping undefined.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2810
diff changeset
    <xsl:text>                new Uint32Array([index]),
4a81cec5f786 SVGHMI - prepare page with cached data when switching. This prevents values that do not change and that was already subscribed in previous page from keeping undefined.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2810
diff changeset
4a81cec5f786 SVGHMI - prepare page with cached data when switching. This prevents values that do not change and that was already subscribed in previous page from keeping undefined.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2810
diff changeset
    <xsl:text>                new Uint16Array([new_period]));
4a81cec5f786 SVGHMI - prepare page with cached data when switching. This prevents values that do not change and that was already subscribed in previous page from keeping undefined.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2810
diff changeset
4a81cec5f786 SVGHMI - prepare page with cached data when switching. This prevents values that do not change and that was already subscribed in previous page from keeping undefined.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2810
diff changeset
    <xsl:text>        }
4a81cec5f786 SVGHMI - prepare page with cached data when switching. This prevents values that do not change and that was already subscribed in previous page from keeping undefined.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2810
diff changeset
f48121cf31b6 SVGHMI: Added relative changes of HMI value from widgets.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2802
diff changeset
    <xsl:text>    }
f48121cf31b6 SVGHMI: Added relative changes of HMI value from widgets.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2802
diff changeset
4a81cec5f786 SVGHMI - prepare page with cached data when switching. This prevents values that do not change and that was already subscribed in previous page from keeping undefined.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2810
diff changeset
    <xsl:text>    send_blob(delta);
4a81cec5f786 SVGHMI - prepare page with cached data when switching. This prevents values that do not change and that was already subscribed in previous page from keeping undefined.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2810
diff changeset
4a81cec5f786 SVGHMI - prepare page with cached data when switching. This prevents values that do not change and that was already subscribed in previous page from keeping undefined.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2810
diff changeset
4a81cec5f786 SVGHMI - prepare page with cached data when switching. This prevents values that do not change and that was already subscribed in previous page from keeping undefined.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2810
diff changeset
4a81cec5f786 SVGHMI - prepare page with cached data when switching. This prevents values that do not change and that was already subscribed in previous page from keeping undefined.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2810
diff changeset
4a81cec5f786 SVGHMI - prepare page with cached data when switching. This prevents values that do not change and that was already subscribed in previous page from keeping undefined.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2810
diff changeset
4a81cec5f786 SVGHMI - prepare page with cached data when switching. This prevents values that do not change and that was already subscribed in previous page from keeping undefined.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2810
diff changeset
    <xsl:text>function send_hmi_value(index, value) {
4a81cec5f786 SVGHMI - prepare page with cached data when switching. This prevents values that do not change and that was already subscribed in previous page from keeping undefined.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2810
diff changeset
4a81cec5f786 SVGHMI - prepare page with cached data when switching. This prevents values that do not change and that was already subscribed in previous page from keeping undefined.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2810
diff changeset
    <xsl:text>    let iectype = hmitree_types[index];
4a81cec5f786 SVGHMI - prepare page with cached data when switching. This prevents values that do not change and that was already subscribed in previous page from keeping undefined.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2810
diff changeset
4c2c50f60730 SVGHMI : HMI_STRING now also supported from HMI to PLC
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2828
diff changeset
    <xsl:text>    let tobinary = typedarray_types[iectype];
4a81cec5f786 SVGHMI - prepare page with cached data when switching. This prevents values that do not change and that was already subscribed in previous page from keeping undefined.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2810
diff changeset
4a81cec5f786 SVGHMI - prepare page with cached data when switching. This prevents values that do not change and that was already subscribed in previous page from keeping undefined.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2810
diff changeset
    <xsl:text>    send_blob([
4a81cec5f786 SVGHMI - prepare page with cached data when switching. This prevents values that do not change and that was already subscribed in previous page from keeping undefined.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2810
diff changeset
4a81cec5f786 SVGHMI - prepare page with cached data when switching. This prevents values that do not change and that was already subscribed in previous page from keeping undefined.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2810
diff changeset
    <xsl:text>        new Uint8Array([0]),  /* setval = 0 */
4a81cec5f786 SVGHMI - prepare page with cached data when switching. This prevents values that do not change and that was already subscribed in previous page from keeping undefined.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2810
diff changeset
4c2c50f60730 SVGHMI : HMI_STRING now also supported from HMI to PLC
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2828
diff changeset
    <xsl:text>        new Uint32Array([index]),
4c2c50f60730 SVGHMI : HMI_STRING now also supported from HMI to PLC
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2828
diff changeset
4c2c50f60730 SVGHMI : HMI_STRING now also supported from HMI to PLC
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2828
diff changeset
    <xsl:text>        tobinary(value)]);
4a81cec5f786 SVGHMI - prepare page with cached data when switching. This prevents values that do not change and that was already subscribed in previous page from keeping undefined.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2810
diff changeset
4a81cec5f786 SVGHMI - prepare page with cached data when switching. This prevents values that do not change and that was already subscribed in previous page from keeping undefined.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2810
diff changeset
4a81cec5f786 SVGHMI - prepare page with cached data when switching. This prevents values that do not change and that was already subscribed in previous page from keeping undefined.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2810
diff changeset
4a81cec5f786 SVGHMI - prepare page with cached data when switching. This prevents values that do not change and that was already subscribed in previous page from keeping undefined.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2810
diff changeset
    <xsl:text>    cache[index] = value;
4a81cec5f786 SVGHMI - prepare page with cached data when switching. This prevents values that do not change and that was already subscribed in previous page from keeping undefined.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2810
diff changeset
4a81cec5f786 SVGHMI - prepare page with cached data when switching. This prevents values that do not change and that was already subscribed in previous page from keeping undefined.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2810
diff changeset
4a81cec5f786 SVGHMI - prepare page with cached data when switching. This prevents values that do not change and that was already subscribed in previous page from keeping undefined.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2810
diff changeset
4a81cec5f786 SVGHMI - prepare page with cached data when switching. This prevents values that do not change and that was already subscribed in previous page from keeping undefined.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2810
diff changeset
4a81cec5f786 SVGHMI - prepare page with cached data when switching. This prevents values that do not change and that was already subscribed in previous page from keeping undefined.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2810
diff changeset
4a81cec5f786 SVGHMI - prepare page with cached data when switching. This prevents values that do not change and that was already subscribed in previous page from keeping undefined.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2810
diff changeset
    <xsl:text>function change_hmi_value(index, opstr) {
4a81cec5f786 SVGHMI - prepare page with cached data when switching. This prevents values that do not change and that was already subscribed in previous page from keeping undefined.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2810
diff changeset
4a81cec5f786 SVGHMI - prepare page with cached data when switching. This prevents values that do not change and that was already subscribed in previous page from keeping undefined.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2810
diff changeset
    <xsl:text>    let op = opstr[0];
4a81cec5f786 SVGHMI - prepare page with cached data when switching. This prevents values that do not change and that was already subscribed in previous page from keeping undefined.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2810
diff changeset
4a81cec5f786 SVGHMI - prepare page with cached data when switching. This prevents values that do not change and that was already subscribed in previous page from keeping undefined.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2810
diff changeset
    <xsl:text>    let given_val = opstr.slice(1);
4a81cec5f786 SVGHMI - prepare page with cached data when switching. This prevents values that do not change and that was already subscribed in previous page from keeping undefined.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2810
diff changeset
4a81cec5f786 SVGHMI - prepare page with cached data when switching. This prevents values that do not change and that was already subscribed in previous page from keeping undefined.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2810
diff changeset
    <xsl:text>    let old_val = cache[index]
4a81cec5f786 SVGHMI - prepare page with cached data when switching. This prevents values that do not change and that was already subscribed in previous page from keeping undefined.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2810
diff changeset
4a81cec5f786 SVGHMI - prepare page with cached data when switching. This prevents values that do not change and that was already subscribed in previous page from keeping undefined.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2810
diff changeset
    <xsl:text>    let new_val;
4a81cec5f786 SVGHMI - prepare page with cached data when switching. This prevents values that do not change and that was already subscribed in previous page from keeping undefined.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2810
diff changeset
4a81cec5f786 SVGHMI - prepare page with cached data when switching. This prevents values that do not change and that was already subscribed in previous page from keeping undefined.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2810
diff changeset
    <xsl:text>    switch(op){
4a81cec5f786 SVGHMI - prepare page with cached data when switching. This prevents values that do not change and that was already subscribed in previous page from keeping undefined.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2810
diff changeset
4a81cec5f786 SVGHMI - prepare page with cached data when switching. This prevents values that do not change and that was already subscribed in previous page from keeping undefined.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2810
diff changeset
    <xsl:text>      case "=":
4a81cec5f786 SVGHMI - prepare page with cached data when switching. This prevents values that do not change and that was already subscribed in previous page from keeping undefined.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2810
diff changeset
4a81cec5f786 SVGHMI - prepare page with cached data when switching. This prevents values that do not change and that was already subscribed in previous page from keeping undefined.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2810
diff changeset
    <xsl:text>        eval("new_val"+opstr);
4a81cec5f786 SVGHMI - prepare page with cached data when switching. This prevents values that do not change and that was already subscribed in previous page from keeping undefined.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2810
diff changeset
4a81cec5f786 SVGHMI - prepare page with cached data when switching. This prevents values that do not change and that was already subscribed in previous page from keeping undefined.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2810
diff changeset
    <xsl:text>        break;
4a81cec5f786 SVGHMI - prepare page with cached data when switching. This prevents values that do not change and that was already subscribed in previous page from keeping undefined.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2810
diff changeset
4a81cec5f786 SVGHMI - prepare page with cached data when switching. This prevents values that do not change and that was already subscribed in previous page from keeping undefined.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2810
diff changeset
    <xsl:text>      case "+":
4a81cec5f786 SVGHMI - prepare page with cached data when switching. This prevents values that do not change and that was already subscribed in previous page from keeping undefined.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2810
diff changeset
4a81cec5f786 SVGHMI - prepare page with cached data when switching. This prevents values that do not change and that was already subscribed in previous page from keeping undefined.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2810
diff changeset
    <xsl:text>      case "-":
4a81cec5f786 SVGHMI - prepare page with cached data when switching. This prevents values that do not change and that was already subscribed in previous page from keeping undefined.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2810
diff changeset
4a81cec5f786 SVGHMI - prepare page with cached data when switching. This prevents values that do not change and that was already subscribed in previous page from keeping undefined.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2810
diff changeset
    <xsl:text>      case "*":
4a81cec5f786 SVGHMI - prepare page with cached data when switching. This prevents values that do not change and that was already subscribed in previous page from keeping undefined.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2810
diff changeset
4a81cec5f786 SVGHMI - prepare page with cached data when switching. This prevents values that do not change and that was already subscribed in previous page from keeping undefined.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2810
diff changeset
    <xsl:text>      case "/":
4a81cec5f786 SVGHMI - prepare page with cached data when switching. This prevents values that do not change and that was already subscribed in previous page from keeping undefined.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2810
diff changeset
4a81cec5f786 SVGHMI - prepare page with cached data when switching. This prevents values that do not change and that was already subscribed in previous page from keeping undefined.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2810
diff changeset
    <xsl:text>        if(old_val != undefined)
4a81cec5f786 SVGHMI - prepare page with cached data when switching. This prevents values that do not change and that was already subscribed in previous page from keeping undefined.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2810
diff changeset
4a81cec5f786 SVGHMI - prepare page with cached data when switching. This prevents values that do not change and that was already subscribed in previous page from keeping undefined.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2810
diff changeset
    <xsl:text>            new_val = eval("old_val"+opstr);
4a81cec5f786 SVGHMI - prepare page with cached data when switching. This prevents values that do not change and that was already subscribed in previous page from keeping undefined.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2810
diff changeset
4a81cec5f786 SVGHMI - prepare page with cached data when switching. This prevents values that do not change and that was already subscribed in previous page from keeping undefined.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2810
diff changeset
    <xsl:text>        break;
4a81cec5f786 SVGHMI - prepare page with cached data when switching. This prevents values that do not change and that was already subscribed in previous page from keeping undefined.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2810
diff changeset
4a81cec5f786 SVGHMI - prepare page with cached data when switching. This prevents values that do not change and that was already subscribed in previous page from keeping undefined.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2810
diff changeset
    <xsl:text>    }
4a81cec5f786 SVGHMI - prepare page with cached data when switching. This prevents values that do not change and that was already subscribed in previous page from keeping undefined.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2810
diff changeset
4a81cec5f786 SVGHMI - prepare page with cached data when switching. This prevents values that do not change and that was already subscribed in previous page from keeping undefined.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2810
diff changeset
    <xsl:text>    if(new_val != undefined &amp;&amp; old_val != new_val)
4a81cec5f786 SVGHMI - prepare page with cached data when switching. This prevents values that do not change and that was already subscribed in previous page from keeping undefined.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2810
diff changeset
4a81cec5f786 SVGHMI - prepare page with cached data when switching. This prevents values that do not change and that was already subscribed in previous page from keeping undefined.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2810
diff changeset
    <xsl:text>        send_hmi_value(index, new_val);
4a81cec5f786 SVGHMI - prepare page with cached data when switching. This prevents values that do not change and that was already subscribed in previous page from keeping undefined.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2810
diff changeset
4a81cec5f786 SVGHMI - prepare page with cached data when switching. This prevents values that do not change and that was already subscribed in previous page from keeping undefined.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2810
diff changeset
    <xsl:text>    return new_val;
4a81cec5f786 SVGHMI - prepare page with cached data when switching. This prevents values that do not change and that was already subscribed in previous page from keeping undefined.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2810
diff changeset
4a81cec5f786 SVGHMI - prepare page with cached data when switching. This prevents values that do not change and that was already subscribed in previous page from keeping undefined.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2810
diff changeset
4a81cec5f786 SVGHMI - prepare page with cached data when switching. This prevents values that do not change and that was already subscribed in previous page from keeping undefined.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2810
diff changeset
4a81cec5f786 SVGHMI - prepare page with cached data when switching. This prevents values that do not change and that was already subscribed in previous page from keeping undefined.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2810
diff changeset
4a81cec5f786 SVGHMI - prepare page with cached data when switching. This prevents values that do not change and that was already subscribed in previous page from keeping undefined.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2810
diff changeset
4a81cec5f786 SVGHMI - prepare page with cached data when switching. This prevents values that do not change and that was already subscribed in previous page from keeping undefined.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2810
diff changeset
    <xsl:text>var current_page;
4a81cec5f786 SVGHMI - prepare page with cached data when switching. This prevents values that do not change and that was already subscribed in previous page from keeping undefined.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2810
diff changeset
4a81cec5f786 SVGHMI - prepare page with cached data when switching. This prevents values that do not change and that was already subscribed in previous page from keeping undefined.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2810
diff changeset
4a81cec5f786 SVGHMI - prepare page with cached data when switching. This prevents values that do not change and that was already subscribed in previous page from keeping undefined.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2810
diff changeset
4a81cec5f786 SVGHMI - prepare page with cached data when switching. This prevents values that do not change and that was already subscribed in previous page from keeping undefined.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2810
diff changeset
    <xsl:text>function switch_page(page_name) {
4a81cec5f786 SVGHMI - prepare page with cached data when switching. This prevents values that do not change and that was already subscribed in previous page from keeping undefined.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2810
diff changeset
4a81cec5f786 SVGHMI - prepare page with cached data when switching. This prevents values that do not change and that was already subscribed in previous page from keeping undefined.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2810
diff changeset
    <xsl:text>    let old_desc = page_desc[current_page];
4a81cec5f786 SVGHMI - prepare page with cached data when switching. This prevents values that do not change and that was already subscribed in previous page from keeping undefined.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2810
diff changeset
4a81cec5f786 SVGHMI - prepare page with cached data when switching. This prevents values that do not change and that was already subscribed in previous page from keeping undefined.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2810
diff changeset
    <xsl:text>    let new_desc = page_desc[page_name];
4a81cec5f786 SVGHMI - prepare page with cached data when switching. This prevents values that do not change and that was already subscribed in previous page from keeping undefined.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2810
diff changeset
4a81cec5f786 SVGHMI - prepare page with cached data when switching. This prevents values that do not change and that was already subscribed in previous page from keeping undefined.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2810
diff changeset
    <xsl:text>    /* TODO hide / show widgets */
4a81cec5f786 SVGHMI - prepare page with cached data when switching. This prevents values that do not change and that was already subscribed in previous page from keeping undefined.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2810
diff changeset
4a81cec5f786 SVGHMI - prepare page with cached data when switching. This prevents values that do not change and that was already subscribed in previous page from keeping undefined.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2810
diff changeset
4a81cec5f786 SVGHMI - prepare page with cached data when switching. This prevents values that do not change and that was already subscribed in previous page from keeping undefined.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2810
diff changeset
4a81cec5f786 SVGHMI - prepare page with cached data when switching. This prevents values that do not change and that was already subscribed in previous page from keeping undefined.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2810
diff changeset
    <xsl:text>    /* remove subsribers of previous page if any */
4a81cec5f786 SVGHMI - prepare page with cached data when switching. This prevents values that do not change and that was already subscribed in previous page from keeping undefined.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2810
diff changeset
4a81cec5f786 SVGHMI - prepare page with cached data when switching. This prevents values that do not change and that was already subscribed in previous page from keeping undefined.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2810
diff changeset
    <xsl:text>    if(old_desc) for(let widget of old_desc.widgets){
4a81cec5f786 SVGHMI - prepare page with cached data when switching. This prevents values that do not change and that was already subscribed in previous page from keeping undefined.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2810
diff changeset
4a81cec5f786 SVGHMI - prepare page with cached data when switching. This prevents values that do not change and that was already subscribed in previous page from keeping undefined.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2810
diff changeset
    <xsl:text>        for(let index of widget.indexes){
4a81cec5f786 SVGHMI - prepare page with cached data when switching. This prevents values that do not change and that was already subscribed in previous page from keeping undefined.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2810
diff changeset
4a81cec5f786 SVGHMI - prepare page with cached data when switching. This prevents values that do not change and that was already subscribed in previous page from keeping undefined.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2810
diff changeset
    <xsl:text>            subscribers[index].delete(widget);
f48121cf31b6 SVGHMI: Added relative changes of HMI value from widgets.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2802
diff changeset
f48121cf31b6 SVGHMI: Added relative changes of HMI value from widgets.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2802
diff changeset
    <xsl:text>        }
f48121cf31b6 SVGHMI: Added relative changes of HMI value from widgets.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2802
diff changeset
4a81cec5f786 SVGHMI - prepare page with cached data when switching. This prevents values that do not change and that was already subscribed in previous page from keeping undefined.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2810
diff changeset
    <xsl:text>    }
4a81cec5f786 SVGHMI - prepare page with cached data when switching. This prevents values that do not change and that was already subscribed in previous page from keeping undefined.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2810
diff changeset
4a81cec5f786 SVGHMI - prepare page with cached data when switching. This prevents values that do not change and that was already subscribed in previous page from keeping undefined.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2810
diff changeset
4a81cec5f786 SVGHMI - prepare page with cached data when switching. This prevents values that do not change and that was already subscribed in previous page from keeping undefined.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2810
diff changeset
4a81cec5f786 SVGHMI - prepare page with cached data when switching. This prevents values that do not change and that was already subscribed in previous page from keeping undefined.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2810
diff changeset
    <xsl:text>    if(new_desc) {
4a81cec5f786 SVGHMI - prepare page with cached data when switching. This prevents values that do not change and that was already subscribed in previous page from keeping undefined.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2810
diff changeset
4a81cec5f786 SVGHMI - prepare page with cached data when switching. This prevents values that do not change and that was already subscribed in previous page from keeping undefined.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2810
diff changeset
    <xsl:text>        /* add new subsribers if any */
4a81cec5f786 SVGHMI - prepare page with cached data when switching. This prevents values that do not change and that was already subscribed in previous page from keeping undefined.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2810
diff changeset
4a81cec5f786 SVGHMI - prepare page with cached data when switching. This prevents values that do not change and that was already subscribed in previous page from keeping undefined.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2810
diff changeset
    <xsl:text>        for(let widget of new_desc.widgets){
4a81cec5f786 SVGHMI - prepare page with cached data when switching. This prevents values that do not change and that was already subscribed in previous page from keeping undefined.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2810
diff changeset
4a81cec5f786 SVGHMI - prepare page with cached data when switching. This prevents values that do not change and that was already subscribed in previous page from keeping undefined.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2810
diff changeset
    <xsl:text>            for(let index of widget.indexes){
4a81cec5f786 SVGHMI - prepare page with cached data when switching. This prevents values that do not change and that was already subscribed in previous page from keeping undefined.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2810
diff changeset
4a81cec5f786 SVGHMI - prepare page with cached data when switching. This prevents values that do not change and that was already subscribed in previous page from keeping undefined.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2810
diff changeset
    <xsl:text>                subscribers[index].add(widget);
4a81cec5f786 SVGHMI - prepare page with cached data when switching. This prevents values that do not change and that was already subscribed in previous page from keeping undefined.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2810
diff changeset
4a81cec5f786 SVGHMI - prepare page with cached data when switching. This prevents values that do not change and that was already subscribed in previous page from keeping undefined.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2810
diff changeset
    <xsl:text>                let cached_val = cache[index];
4a81cec5f786 SVGHMI - prepare page with cached data when switching. This prevents values that do not change and that was already subscribed in previous page from keeping undefined.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2810
diff changeset
4a81cec5f786 SVGHMI - prepare page with cached data when switching. This prevents values that do not change and that was already subscribed in previous page from keeping undefined.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2810
diff changeset
    <xsl:text>                if(cached_val != undefined)
4a81cec5f786 SVGHMI - prepare page with cached data when switching. This prevents values that do not change and that was already subscribed in previous page from keeping undefined.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2810
diff changeset
4a81cec5f786 SVGHMI - prepare page with cached data when switching. This prevents values that do not change and that was already subscribed in previous page from keeping undefined.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2810
diff changeset
    <xsl:text>                    dispatch_value_to_widget(widget, index, cached_val, cached_val);
4a81cec5f786 SVGHMI - prepare page with cached data when switching. This prevents values that do not change and that was already subscribed in previous page from keeping undefined.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2810
diff changeset
68cee1366b9c SVGHMI: dispatching data to minimalist "Display" text widget.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2799
diff changeset
    <xsl:text>            }
68cee1366b9c SVGHMI: dispatching data to minimalist "Display" text widget.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2799
diff changeset
68cee1366b9c SVGHMI: dispatching data to minimalist "Display" text widget.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2799
diff changeset
    <xsl:text>        }
68cee1366b9c SVGHMI: dispatching data to minimalist "Display" text widget.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2799
diff changeset
dc78ffa5253d SVGHMI: SVG viewport now defined so that HMI take scales and fit to the view. Implemented page switch through viewport change, no hiding of widget for now.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2807
diff changeset
    <xsl:text>        svg_root.setAttribute('viewBox',new_desc.bbox.join(" "));
dc78ffa5253d SVGHMI: SVG viewport now defined so that HMI take scales and fit to the view. Implemented page switch through viewport change, no hiding of widget for now.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2807
diff changeset
4a81cec5f786 SVGHMI - prepare page with cached data when switching. This prevents values that do not change and that was already subscribed in previous page from keeping undefined.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2810
diff changeset
    <xsl:text>        // TODO dispatch current cache in newly opened page
4a81cec5f786 SVGHMI - prepare page with cached data when switching. This prevents values that do not change and that was already subscribed in previous page from keeping undefined.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2810
diff changeset
ddb2c4668a6b SVGHMI : many details about communication implemented in JS, with side effects.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2797
diff changeset
    <xsl:text>    }
ddb2c4668a6b SVGHMI : many details about communication implemented in JS, with side effects.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2797
diff changeset
ddb2c4668a6b SVGHMI : many details about communication implemented in JS, with side effects.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2797
diff changeset
    <xsl:text>    current_page = page_name;
ddb2c4668a6b SVGHMI : many details about communication implemented in JS, with side effects.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2797
diff changeset
ddb2c4668a6b SVGHMI : many details about communication implemented in JS, with side effects.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2797
diff changeset
ddb2c4668a6b SVGHMI : many details about communication implemented in JS, with side effects.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2797
diff changeset
ddb2c4668a6b SVGHMI : many details about communication implemented in JS, with side effects.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2797
diff changeset
    <xsl:text>    update_subscriptions();
ddb2c4668a6b SVGHMI : many details about communication implemented in JS, with side effects.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2797
diff changeset
ddb2c4668a6b SVGHMI : many details about communication implemented in JS, with side effects.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2797
diff changeset
ddb2c4668a6b SVGHMI : many details about communication implemented in JS, with side effects.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2797
diff changeset
ddb2c4668a6b SVGHMI : many details about communication implemented in JS, with side effects.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2797
diff changeset
ddb2c4668a6b SVGHMI : many details about communication implemented in JS, with side effects.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2797
diff changeset
ddb2c4668a6b SVGHMI : many details about communication implemented in JS, with side effects.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2797
diff changeset
ddb2c4668a6b SVGHMI : many details about communication implemented in JS, with side effects.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2797
diff changeset
ddb2c4668a6b SVGHMI : many details about communication implemented in JS, with side effects.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2797
diff changeset
    <xsl:text>// Once connection established
ddb2c4668a6b SVGHMI : many details about communication implemented in JS, with side effects.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2797
diff changeset
ddb2c4668a6b SVGHMI : many details about communication implemented in JS, with side effects.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2797
diff changeset
    <xsl:text>ws.onopen = function (evt) {
ddb2c4668a6b SVGHMI : many details about communication implemented in JS, with side effects.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2797
diff changeset
390acff12755 SVGHMI: Added init call to all widgets at startup to bind events. More features in Input widget : Edit and Change buttons. WIP HMI->PLC value update, incoherent data detected in C part on update.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2800
diff changeset
    <xsl:text>    init_widgets();
390acff12755 SVGHMI: Added init call to all widgets at startup to bind events. More features in Input widget : Edit and Change buttons. WIP HMI->PLC value update, incoherent data detected in C part on update.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2800
diff changeset
ddb2c4668a6b SVGHMI : many details about communication implemented in JS, with side effects.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2797
diff changeset
    <xsl:text>    send_reset();
ddb2c4668a6b SVGHMI : many details about communication implemented in JS, with side effects.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2797
diff changeset
ddb2c4668a6b SVGHMI : many details about communication implemented in JS, with side effects.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2797
diff changeset
    <xsl:text>    // show main page
ddb2c4668a6b SVGHMI : many details about communication implemented in JS, with side effects.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2797
diff changeset
ddb2c4668a6b SVGHMI : many details about communication implemented in JS, with side effects.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2797
diff changeset
    <xsl:text>    switch_page(default_page);
ddb2c4668a6b SVGHMI : many details about communication implemented in JS, with side effects.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2797
diff changeset
f5da343b9b63 SVGHMI: Many fixes. Subscriptions to HMItree seems to be working, and dispatch function is called in JS with good data. Bidirectional communication now really working.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2798
diff changeset
f5da343b9b63 SVGHMI: Many fixes. Subscriptions to HMItree seems to be working, and dispatch function is called in JS with good data. Bidirectional communication now really working.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2798
diff changeset
f5da343b9b63 SVGHMI: Many fixes. Subscriptions to HMItree seems to be working, and dispatch function is called in JS with good data. Bidirectional communication now really working.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2798
diff changeset
f5da343b9b63 SVGHMI: Many fixes. Subscriptions to HMItree seems to be working, and dispatch function is called in JS with good data. Bidirectional communication now really working.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2798
diff changeset
f5da343b9b63 SVGHMI: Many fixes. Subscriptions to HMItree seems to be working, and dispatch function is called in JS with good data. Bidirectional communication now really working.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2798
diff changeset
    <xsl:text>ws.onclose = function (evt) {
f5da343b9b63 SVGHMI: Many fixes. Subscriptions to HMItree seems to be working, and dispatch function is called in JS with good data. Bidirectional communication now really working.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2798
diff changeset
f5da343b9b63 SVGHMI: Many fixes. Subscriptions to HMItree seems to be working, and dispatch function is called in JS with good data. Bidirectional communication now really working.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2798
diff changeset
    <xsl:text>    // TODO : add visible notification while waiting for reload
f5da343b9b63 SVGHMI: Many fixes. Subscriptions to HMItree seems to be working, and dispatch function is called in JS with good data. Bidirectional communication now really working.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2798
diff changeset
f5da343b9b63 SVGHMI: Many fixes. Subscriptions to HMItree seems to be working, and dispatch function is called in JS with good data. Bidirectional communication now really working.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2798
diff changeset
    <xsl:text>    console.log("Connection closed. code:"+evt.code+" reason:"+evt.reason+" wasClean:"+evt.wasClean+" Reload in 10s.");
f5da343b9b63 SVGHMI: Many fixes. Subscriptions to HMItree seems to be working, and dispatch function is called in JS with good data. Bidirectional communication now really working.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2798
diff changeset
f5da343b9b63 SVGHMI: Many fixes. Subscriptions to HMItree seems to be working, and dispatch function is called in JS with good data. Bidirectional communication now really working.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2798
diff changeset
    <xsl:text>    // TODO : re-enable auto reload when not in debug
f5da343b9b63 SVGHMI: Many fixes. Subscriptions to HMItree seems to be working, and dispatch function is called in JS with good data. Bidirectional communication now really working.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2798
diff changeset
f5da343b9b63 SVGHMI: Many fixes. Subscriptions to HMItree seems to be working, and dispatch function is called in JS with good data. Bidirectional communication now really working.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2798
diff changeset
    <xsl:text>    //window.setTimeout(() =&gt; location.reload(true), 10000);
f5da343b9b63 SVGHMI: Many fixes. Subscriptions to HMItree seems to be working, and dispatch function is called in JS with good data. Bidirectional communication now really working.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2798
diff changeset
f5da343b9b63 SVGHMI: Many fixes. Subscriptions to HMItree seems to be working, and dispatch function is called in JS with good data. Bidirectional communication now really working.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2798
diff changeset
    <xsl:text>    alert("Connection closed. code:"+evt.code+" reason:"+evt.reason+" wasClean:"+evt.wasClean+".");
f5da343b9b63 SVGHMI: Many fixes. Subscriptions to HMItree seems to be working, and dispatch function is called in JS with good data. Bidirectional communication now really working.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2798
diff changeset
f5da343b9b63 SVGHMI: Many fixes. Subscriptions to HMItree seems to be working, and dispatch function is called in JS with good data. Bidirectional communication now really working.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2798
diff changeset
f5da343b9b63 SVGHMI: Many fixes. Subscriptions to HMItree seems to be working, and dispatch function is called in JS with good data. Bidirectional communication now really working.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2798
diff changeset
f5da343b9b63 SVGHMI: Many fixes. Subscriptions to HMItree seems to be working, and dispatch function is called in JS with good data. Bidirectional communication now really working.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2798
diff changeset
f5da343b9b63 SVGHMI: Many fixes. Subscriptions to HMItree seems to be working, and dispatch function is called in JS with good data. Bidirectional communication now really working.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2798
diff changeset
f5da343b9b63 SVGHMI: Many fixes. Subscriptions to HMItree seems to be working, and dispatch function is called in JS with good data. Bidirectional communication now really working.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2798
diff changeset
2a97688c94c5 SVGHMI: use func:function for parsing labels so that it can be used in predicates
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2792
diff changeset
0c0d3895b036 SVGHMI: moved/fixed some templates, avoided namespace problems, added parsing of HMI:* inkscape labels
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2791
diff changeset
2cabc4773885 SVGHMI: HMI_LABEL and HMI_CLASS become HMI_NODE.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2811
diff changeset
  <xsl:template mode="testgeo" match="bbox">
2cabc4773885 SVGHMI: HMI_LABEL and HMI_CLASS become HMI_NODE.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2811
diff changeset
    <xsl:text>ID: </xsl:text>
2cabc4773885 SVGHMI: HMI_LABEL and HMI_CLASS become HMI_NODE.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2811
diff changeset
    <xsl:value-of select="@Id"/>
2cabc4773885 SVGHMI: HMI_LABEL and HMI_CLASS become HMI_NODE.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2811
diff changeset
    <xsl:text> x: </xsl:text>
2cabc4773885 SVGHMI: HMI_LABEL and HMI_CLASS become HMI_NODE.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2811
diff changeset
    <xsl:value-of select="@x"/>
2cabc4773885 SVGHMI: HMI_LABEL and HMI_CLASS become HMI_NODE.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2811
diff changeset
    <xsl:text> y: </xsl:text>
2cabc4773885 SVGHMI: HMI_LABEL and HMI_CLASS become HMI_NODE.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2811
diff changeset
    <xsl:value-of select="@y"/>
2cabc4773885 SVGHMI: HMI_LABEL and HMI_CLASS become HMI_NODE.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2811
diff changeset
    <xsl:text> w: </xsl:text>
2cabc4773885 SVGHMI: HMI_LABEL and HMI_CLASS become HMI_NODE.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2811
diff changeset
    <xsl:value-of select="@w"/>
2cabc4773885 SVGHMI: HMI_LABEL and HMI_CLASS become HMI_NODE.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2811
diff changeset
    <xsl:text> h: </xsl:text>
2cabc4773885 SVGHMI: HMI_LABEL and HMI_CLASS become HMI_NODE.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2811
diff changeset
    <xsl:value-of select="@h"/>
2cabc4773885 SVGHMI: HMI_LABEL and HMI_CLASS become HMI_NODE.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2811
diff changeset
2cabc4773885 SVGHMI: HMI_LABEL and HMI_CLASS become HMI_NODE.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2811
diff changeset
2cabc4773885 SVGHMI: HMI_LABEL and HMI_CLASS become HMI_NODE.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2811
diff changeset
2cabc4773885 SVGHMI: HMI_LABEL and HMI_CLASS become HMI_NODE.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2811
diff changeset
  <xsl:template mode="testtree" match="*">
2cabc4773885 SVGHMI: HMI_LABEL and HMI_CLASS become HMI_NODE.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2811
diff changeset
    <xsl:param name="indent" select="''"/>
2cabc4773885 SVGHMI: HMI_LABEL and HMI_CLASS become HMI_NODE.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2811
diff changeset
    <xsl:value-of select="$indent"/>
2cabc4773885 SVGHMI: HMI_LABEL and HMI_CLASS become HMI_NODE.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2811
diff changeset
    <xsl:text> </xsl:text>
2cabc4773885 SVGHMI: HMI_LABEL and HMI_CLASS become HMI_NODE.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2811
diff changeset
    <xsl:value-of select="local-name()"/>
2cabc4773885 SVGHMI: HMI_LABEL and HMI_CLASS become HMI_NODE.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2811
diff changeset
    <xsl:text> </xsl:text>
2cabc4773885 SVGHMI: HMI_LABEL and HMI_CLASS become HMI_NODE.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2811
diff changeset
    <xsl:for-each select="@*">
2cabc4773885 SVGHMI: HMI_LABEL and HMI_CLASS become HMI_NODE.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2811
diff changeset
      <xsl:value-of select="local-name()"/>
2cabc4773885 SVGHMI: HMI_LABEL and HMI_CLASS become HMI_NODE.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2811
diff changeset
2cabc4773885 SVGHMI: HMI_LABEL and HMI_CLASS become HMI_NODE.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2811
diff changeset
      <xsl:value-of select="."/>
2cabc4773885 SVGHMI: HMI_LABEL and HMI_CLASS become HMI_NODE.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2811
diff changeset
      <xsl:text> </xsl:text>
2cabc4773885 SVGHMI: HMI_LABEL and HMI_CLASS become HMI_NODE.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2811
diff changeset
2cabc4773885 SVGHMI: HMI_LABEL and HMI_CLASS become HMI_NODE.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2811
diff changeset
2cabc4773885 SVGHMI: HMI_LABEL and HMI_CLASS become HMI_NODE.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2811
diff changeset
2cabc4773885 SVGHMI: HMI_LABEL and HMI_CLASS become HMI_NODE.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2811
diff changeset
    <xsl:apply-templates mode="testtree" select="*">
2cabc4773885 SVGHMI: HMI_LABEL and HMI_CLASS become HMI_NODE.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2811
diff changeset
      <xsl:with-param name="indent">
2cabc4773885 SVGHMI: HMI_LABEL and HMI_CLASS become HMI_NODE.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2811
diff changeset
        <xsl:value-of select="concat($indent,'&gt;')"/>
2cabc4773885 SVGHMI: HMI_LABEL and HMI_CLASS become HMI_NODE.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2811
diff changeset
2cabc4773885 SVGHMI: HMI_LABEL and HMI_CLASS become HMI_NODE.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2811
diff changeset
2cabc4773885 SVGHMI: HMI_LABEL and HMI_CLASS become HMI_NODE.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2811
diff changeset
dc78ffa5253d SVGHMI: SVG viewport now defined so that HMI take scales and fit to the view. Implemented page switch through viewport change, no hiding of widget for now.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2807
diff changeset
  <xsl:template name="defs_by_labels">
dc78ffa5253d SVGHMI: SVG viewport now defined so that HMI take scales and fit to the view. Implemented page switch through viewport change, no hiding of widget for now.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2807
diff changeset
    <xsl:param name="labels" select="''"/>
dc78ffa5253d SVGHMI: SVG viewport now defined so that HMI take scales and fit to the view. Implemented page switch through viewport change, no hiding of widget for now.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2807
diff changeset
    <xsl:param name="mandatory" select="'yes'"/>
68cee1366b9c SVGHMI: dispatching data to minimalist "Display" text widget.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2799
diff changeset
    <xsl:param name="hmi_element"/>
dc78ffa5253d SVGHMI: SVG viewport now defined so that HMI take scales and fit to the view. Implemented page switch through viewport change, no hiding of widget for now.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2807
diff changeset
    <xsl:for-each select="str:split($labels)">
7fa21b3b5f9f SVGHMI - added simple Meter widget.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2806
diff changeset
      <xsl:variable name="name" select="."/>
7fa21b3b5f9f SVGHMI - added simple Meter widget.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2806
diff changeset
      <xsl:variable name="elt_id" select="$hmi_element//*[@inkscape:label=$name][1]/@id"/>
dc78ffa5253d SVGHMI: SVG viewport now defined so that HMI take scales and fit to the view. Implemented page switch through viewport change, no hiding of widget for now.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2807
diff changeset
      <xsl:if test="$mandatory='yes' and not($elt_id)">
7fa21b3b5f9f SVGHMI - added simple Meter widget.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2806
diff changeset
        <xsl:message terminate="yes">
7fa21b3b5f9f SVGHMI - added simple Meter widget.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2806
diff changeset
          <xsl:text>Meter widget must have a </xsl:text>
7fa21b3b5f9f SVGHMI - added simple Meter widget.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2806
diff changeset
          <xsl:value-of select="$name"/>
7fa21b3b5f9f SVGHMI - added simple Meter widget.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2806
diff changeset
          <xsl:text> element</xsl:text>
7fa21b3b5f9f SVGHMI - added simple Meter widget.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2806
diff changeset
7fa21b3b5f9f SVGHMI - added simple Meter widget.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2806
diff changeset
7fa21b3b5f9f SVGHMI - added simple Meter widget.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2806
diff changeset
      <xsl:value-of select="$name"/>
7fa21b3b5f9f SVGHMI - added simple Meter widget.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2806
diff changeset
      <xsl:text>_elt: document.getElementById("</xsl:text>
7fa21b3b5f9f SVGHMI - added simple Meter widget.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2806
diff changeset
      <xsl:value-of select="$elt_id"/>
7fa21b3b5f9f SVGHMI - added simple Meter widget.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2806
diff changeset
7fa21b3b5f9f SVGHMI - added simple Meter widget.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2806
diff changeset
7fa21b3b5f9f SVGHMI - added simple Meter widget.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2806
diff changeset
dc78ffa5253d SVGHMI: SVG viewport now defined so that HMI take scales and fit to the view. Implemented page switch through viewport change, no hiding of widget for now.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2807
diff changeset
dc78ffa5253d SVGHMI: SVG viewport now defined so that HMI take scales and fit to the view. Implemented page switch through viewport change, no hiding of widget for now.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2807
diff changeset
  <xsl:template mode="widget_defs" match="widget[@type='Display']">
dc78ffa5253d SVGHMI: SVG viewport now defined so that HMI take scales and fit to the view. Implemented page switch through viewport change, no hiding of widget for now.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2807
diff changeset
    <xsl:param name="hmi_element"/>
dc78ffa5253d SVGHMI: SVG viewport now defined so that HMI take scales and fit to the view. Implemented page switch through viewport change, no hiding of widget for now.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2807
diff changeset
    <xsl:text>frequency: 5,
dc78ffa5253d SVGHMI: SVG viewport now defined so that HMI take scales and fit to the view. Implemented page switch through viewport change, no hiding of widget for now.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2807
diff changeset
dc78ffa5253d SVGHMI: SVG viewport now defined so that HMI take scales and fit to the view. Implemented page switch through viewport change, no hiding of widget for now.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2807
diff changeset
    <xsl:text>dispatch: function(value) {
dc78ffa5253d SVGHMI: SVG viewport now defined so that HMI take scales and fit to the view. Implemented page switch through viewport change, no hiding of widget for now.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2807
diff changeset
dc78ffa5253d SVGHMI: SVG viewport now defined so that HMI take scales and fit to the view. Implemented page switch through viewport change, no hiding of widget for now.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2807
diff changeset
dc78ffa5253d SVGHMI: SVG viewport now defined so that HMI take scales and fit to the view. Implemented page switch through viewport change, no hiding of widget for now.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2807
diff changeset
      <xsl:when test="$hmi_element[self::svg:text]">
dc78ffa5253d SVGHMI: SVG viewport now defined so that HMI take scales and fit to the view. Implemented page switch through viewport change, no hiding of widget for now.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2807
diff changeset
        <xsl:text>  this.element.textContent = String(value);
dc78ffa5253d SVGHMI: SVG viewport now defined so that HMI take scales and fit to the view. Implemented page switch through viewport change, no hiding of widget for now.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2807
diff changeset
dc78ffa5253d SVGHMI: SVG viewport now defined so that HMI take scales and fit to the view. Implemented page switch through viewport change, no hiding of widget for now.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2807
diff changeset
dc78ffa5253d SVGHMI: SVG viewport now defined so that HMI take scales and fit to the view. Implemented page switch through viewport change, no hiding of widget for now.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2807
diff changeset
dc78ffa5253d SVGHMI: SVG viewport now defined so that HMI take scales and fit to the view. Implemented page switch through viewport change, no hiding of widget for now.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2807
diff changeset
        <xsl:message terminate="yes">
dc78ffa5253d SVGHMI: SVG viewport now defined so that HMI take scales and fit to the view. Implemented page switch through viewport change, no hiding of widget for now.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2807
diff changeset
          <xsl:text>Display widget as a group not implemented</xsl:text>
dc78ffa5253d SVGHMI: SVG viewport now defined so that HMI take scales and fit to the view. Implemented page switch through viewport change, no hiding of widget for now.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2807
diff changeset
dc78ffa5253d SVGHMI: SVG viewport now defined so that HMI take scales and fit to the view. Implemented page switch through viewport change, no hiding of widget for now.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2807
diff changeset
dc78ffa5253d SVGHMI: SVG viewport now defined so that HMI take scales and fit to the view. Implemented page switch through viewport change, no hiding of widget for now.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2807
diff changeset
dc78ffa5253d SVGHMI: SVG viewport now defined so that HMI take scales and fit to the view. Implemented page switch through viewport change, no hiding of widget for now.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2807
diff changeset
dc78ffa5253d SVGHMI: SVG viewport now defined so that HMI take scales and fit to the view. Implemented page switch through viewport change, no hiding of widget for now.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2807
diff changeset
dc78ffa5253d SVGHMI: SVG viewport now defined so that HMI take scales and fit to the view. Implemented page switch through viewport change, no hiding of widget for now.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2807
diff changeset
dc78ffa5253d SVGHMI: SVG viewport now defined so that HMI take scales and fit to the view. Implemented page switch through viewport change, no hiding of widget for now.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2807
diff changeset
  <xsl:template mode="widget_defs" match="widget[@type='Meter']">
dc78ffa5253d SVGHMI: SVG viewport now defined so that HMI take scales and fit to the view. Implemented page switch through viewport change, no hiding of widget for now.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2807
diff changeset
    <xsl:param name="hmi_element"/>
dc78ffa5253d SVGHMI: SVG viewport now defined so that HMI take scales and fit to the view. Implemented page switch through viewport change, no hiding of widget for now.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2807
diff changeset
    <xsl:text>frequency: 10,
dc78ffa5253d SVGHMI: SVG viewport now defined so that HMI take scales and fit to the view. Implemented page switch through viewport change, no hiding of widget for now.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2807
diff changeset
dc78ffa5253d SVGHMI: SVG viewport now defined so that HMI take scales and fit to the view. Implemented page switch through viewport change, no hiding of widget for now.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2807
diff changeset
    <xsl:call-template name="defs_by_labels">
dc78ffa5253d SVGHMI: SVG viewport now defined so that HMI take scales and fit to the view. Implemented page switch through viewport change, no hiding of widget for now.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2807
diff changeset
      <xsl:with-param name="hmi_element" select="$hmi_element"/>
dc78ffa5253d SVGHMI: SVG viewport now defined so that HMI take scales and fit to the view. Implemented page switch through viewport change, no hiding of widget for now.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2807
diff changeset
      <xsl:with-param name="labels">
63b9a37b73c7 SVGHMI: various insignificant code moves, commenting and typos fixes.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2808
diff changeset
        <xsl:text>value min max needle range</xsl:text>
dc78ffa5253d SVGHMI: SVG viewport now defined so that HMI take scales and fit to the view. Implemented page switch through viewport change, no hiding of widget for now.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2807
diff changeset
dc78ffa5253d SVGHMI: SVG viewport now defined so that HMI take scales and fit to the view. Implemented page switch through viewport change, no hiding of widget for now.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2807
diff changeset
7fa21b3b5f9f SVGHMI - added simple Meter widget.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2806
diff changeset
    <xsl:text>dispatch: function(value) {
7fa21b3b5f9f SVGHMI - added simple Meter widget.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2806
diff changeset
7fa21b3b5f9f SVGHMI - added simple Meter widget.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2806
diff changeset
    <xsl:text>    this.value_elt.textContent = String(value);
7fa21b3b5f9f SVGHMI - added simple Meter widget.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2806
diff changeset
7fa21b3b5f9f SVGHMI - added simple Meter widget.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2806
diff changeset
    <xsl:text>    let [min,max,totallength] = this.range;
7fa21b3b5f9f SVGHMI - added simple Meter widget.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2806
diff changeset
7fa21b3b5f9f SVGHMI - added simple Meter widget.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2806
diff changeset
    <xsl:text>    let length = Math.max(0,Math.min(totallength,(Number(value)-min)*totallength/(max-min)));
7fa21b3b5f9f SVGHMI - added simple Meter widget.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2806
diff changeset
7fa21b3b5f9f SVGHMI - added simple Meter widget.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2806
diff changeset
    <xsl:text>    let tip = this.range_elt.getPointAtLength(length);
7fa21b3b5f9f SVGHMI - added simple Meter widget.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2806
diff changeset
7fa21b3b5f9f SVGHMI - added simple Meter widget.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2806
diff changeset
    <xsl:text>    this.needle_elt.setAttribute('d', "M "+this.origin.x+","+this.origin.y+" "+tip.x+","+tip.y);
7fa21b3b5f9f SVGHMI - added simple Meter widget.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2806
diff changeset
7fa21b3b5f9f SVGHMI - added simple Meter widget.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2806
diff changeset
7fa21b3b5f9f SVGHMI - added simple Meter widget.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2806
diff changeset
7fa21b3b5f9f SVGHMI - added simple Meter widget.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2806
diff changeset
    <xsl:text>origin: undefined,
7fa21b3b5f9f SVGHMI - added simple Meter widget.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2806
diff changeset
7fa21b3b5f9f SVGHMI - added simple Meter widget.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2806
diff changeset
    <xsl:text>range: undefined,
7fa21b3b5f9f SVGHMI - added simple Meter widget.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2806
diff changeset
7fa21b3b5f9f SVGHMI - added simple Meter widget.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2806
diff changeset
    <xsl:text>init: function() {
7fa21b3b5f9f SVGHMI - added simple Meter widget.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2806
diff changeset
7fa21b3b5f9f SVGHMI - added simple Meter widget.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2806
diff changeset
    <xsl:text>    this.range = [Number(this.min_elt.textContent), Number(this.max_elt.textContent), this.range_elt.getTotalLength()]
7fa21b3b5f9f SVGHMI - added simple Meter widget.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2806
diff changeset
7fa21b3b5f9f SVGHMI - added simple Meter widget.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2806
diff changeset
    <xsl:text>    this.origin = this.needle_elt.getPointAtLength(0);
7fa21b3b5f9f SVGHMI - added simple Meter widget.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2806
diff changeset
7fa21b3b5f9f SVGHMI - added simple Meter widget.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2806
diff changeset
7fa21b3b5f9f SVGHMI - added simple Meter widget.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2806
diff changeset
68cee1366b9c SVGHMI: dispatching data to minimalist "Display" text widget.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2799
diff changeset
4c2c50f60730 SVGHMI : HMI_STRING now also supported from HMI to PLC
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2828
diff changeset
  <func:function name="func:escape_quotes">
4c2c50f60730 SVGHMI : HMI_STRING now also supported from HMI to PLC
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2828
diff changeset
    <xsl:param name="txt"/>
4c2c50f60730 SVGHMI : HMI_STRING now also supported from HMI to PLC
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2828
diff changeset
    <xsl:variable name="frst" select="substring-before($txt,'&quot;')"/>
4c2c50f60730 SVGHMI : HMI_STRING now also supported from HMI to PLC
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2828
diff changeset
    <xsl:variable name="frstln" select="string-length($frst)"/>
4c2c50f60730 SVGHMI : HMI_STRING now also supported from HMI to PLC
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2828
diff changeset
4c2c50f60730 SVGHMI : HMI_STRING now also supported from HMI to PLC
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2828
diff changeset
      <xsl:when test="$frstln &gt; 0 and string-length($txt) &gt; $frstln">
4c2c50f60730 SVGHMI : HMI_STRING now also supported from HMI to PLC
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2828
diff changeset
        <func:result select="concat($frst,'\&quot;',func:escape_quotes(substring-after($txt,'&quot;')))"/>
4c2c50f60730 SVGHMI : HMI_STRING now also supported from HMI to PLC
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2828
diff changeset
4c2c50f60730 SVGHMI : HMI_STRING now also supported from HMI to PLC
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2828
diff changeset
4c2c50f60730 SVGHMI : HMI_STRING now also supported from HMI to PLC
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2828
diff changeset
        <func:result select="$txt"/>
4c2c50f60730 SVGHMI : HMI_STRING now also supported from HMI to PLC
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2828
diff changeset
4c2c50f60730 SVGHMI : HMI_STRING now also supported from HMI to PLC
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2828
diff changeset
4c2c50f60730 SVGHMI : HMI_STRING now also supported from HMI to PLC
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2828
diff changeset
68cee1366b9c SVGHMI: dispatching data to minimalist "Display" text widget.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2799
diff changeset
  <xsl:template mode="widget_defs" match="widget[@type='Input']">
390acff12755 SVGHMI: Added init call to all widgets at startup to bind events. More features in Input widget : Edit and Change buttons. WIP HMI->PLC value update, incoherent data detected in C part on update.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2800
diff changeset
    <xsl:param name="hmi_element"/>
390acff12755 SVGHMI: Added init call to all widgets at startup to bind events. More features in Input widget : Edit and Change buttons. WIP HMI->PLC value update, incoherent data detected in C part on update.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2800
diff changeset
    <xsl:text>frequency: 5,
390acff12755 SVGHMI: Added init call to all widgets at startup to bind events. More features in Input widget : Edit and Change buttons. WIP HMI->PLC value update, incoherent data detected in C part on update.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2800
diff changeset
dc78ffa5253d SVGHMI: SVG viewport now defined so that HMI take scales and fit to the view. Implemented page switch through viewport change, no hiding of widget for now.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2807
diff changeset
    <xsl:call-template name="defs_by_labels">
dc78ffa5253d SVGHMI: SVG viewport now defined so that HMI take scales and fit to the view. Implemented page switch through viewport change, no hiding of widget for now.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2807
diff changeset
      <xsl:with-param name="hmi_element" select="$hmi_element"/>
dc78ffa5253d SVGHMI: SVG viewport now defined so that HMI take scales and fit to the view. Implemented page switch through viewport change, no hiding of widget for now.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2807
diff changeset
      <xsl:with-param name="labels">
63b9a37b73c7 SVGHMI: various insignificant code moves, commenting and typos fixes.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2808
diff changeset
dc78ffa5253d SVGHMI: SVG viewport now defined so that HMI take scales and fit to the view. Implemented page switch through viewport change, no hiding of widget for now.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2807
diff changeset
dc78ffa5253d SVGHMI: SVG viewport now defined so that HMI take scales and fit to the view. Implemented page switch through viewport change, no hiding of widget for now.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2807
diff changeset
390acff12755 SVGHMI: Added init call to all widgets at startup to bind events. More features in Input widget : Edit and Change buttons. WIP HMI->PLC value update, incoherent data detected in C part on update.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2800
diff changeset
    <xsl:text>dispatch: function(value) {
390acff12755 SVGHMI: Added init call to all widgets at startup to bind events. More features in Input widget : Edit and Change buttons. WIP HMI->PLC value update, incoherent data detected in C part on update.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2800
diff changeset
390acff12755 SVGHMI: Added init call to all widgets at startup to bind events. More features in Input widget : Edit and Change buttons. WIP HMI->PLC value update, incoherent data detected in C part on update.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2800
diff changeset
    <xsl:text>    this.value_elt.textContent = String(value);
390acff12755 SVGHMI: Added init call to all widgets at startup to bind events. More features in Input widget : Edit and Change buttons. WIP HMI->PLC value update, incoherent data detected in C part on update.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2800
diff changeset
390acff12755 SVGHMI: Added init call to all widgets at startup to bind events. More features in Input widget : Edit and Change buttons. WIP HMI->PLC value update, incoherent data detected in C part on update.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2800
diff changeset
390acff12755 SVGHMI: Added init call to all widgets at startup to bind events. More features in Input widget : Edit and Change buttons. WIP HMI->PLC value update, incoherent data detected in C part on update.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2800
diff changeset
390acff12755 SVGHMI: Added init call to all widgets at startup to bind events. More features in Input widget : Edit and Change buttons. WIP HMI->PLC value update, incoherent data detected in C part on update.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2800
diff changeset
    <xsl:variable name="edit_elt_id" select="$hmi_element/*[@inkscape:label='edit'][1]/@id"/>
390acff12755 SVGHMI: Added init call to all widgets at startup to bind events. More features in Input widget : Edit and Change buttons. WIP HMI->PLC value update, incoherent data detected in C part on update.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2800
diff changeset
    <xsl:text>init: function() {
390acff12755 SVGHMI: Added init call to all widgets at startup to bind events. More features in Input widget : Edit and Change buttons. WIP HMI->PLC value update, incoherent data detected in C part on update.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2800
diff changeset
390acff12755 SVGHMI: Added init call to all widgets at startup to bind events. More features in Input widget : Edit and Change buttons. WIP HMI->PLC value update, incoherent data detected in C part on update.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2800
diff changeset
    <xsl:if test="$edit_elt_id">
390acff12755 SVGHMI: Added init call to all widgets at startup to bind events. More features in Input widget : Edit and Change buttons. WIP HMI->PLC value update, incoherent data detected in C part on update.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2800
diff changeset
      <xsl:text>    document.getElementById("</xsl:text>
390acff12755 SVGHMI: Added init call to all widgets at startup to bind events. More features in Input widget : Edit and Change buttons. WIP HMI->PLC value update, incoherent data detected in C part on update.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2800
diff changeset
      <xsl:value-of select="$edit_elt_id"/>
390acff12755 SVGHMI: Added init call to all widgets at startup to bind events. More features in Input widget : Edit and Change buttons. WIP HMI->PLC value update, incoherent data detected in C part on update.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2800
diff changeset
390acff12755 SVGHMI: Added init call to all widgets at startup to bind events. More features in Input widget : Edit and Change buttons. WIP HMI->PLC value update, incoherent data detected in C part on update.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2800
diff changeset
390acff12755 SVGHMI: Added init call to all widgets at startup to bind events. More features in Input widget : Edit and Change buttons. WIP HMI->PLC value update, incoherent data detected in C part on update.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2800
diff changeset
      <xsl:text>        "click", 
390acff12755 SVGHMI: Added init call to all widgets at startup to bind events. More features in Input widget : Edit and Change buttons. WIP HMI->PLC value update, incoherent data detected in C part on update.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2800
diff changeset
390acff12755 SVGHMI: Added init call to all widgets at startup to bind events. More features in Input widget : Edit and Change buttons. WIP HMI->PLC value update, incoherent data detected in C part on update.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2800
diff changeset
      <xsl:text>        evt =&gt; alert('XXX TODO : Edit value'));
390acff12755 SVGHMI: Added init call to all widgets at startup to bind events. More features in Input widget : Edit and Change buttons. WIP HMI->PLC value update, incoherent data detected in C part on update.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2800
diff changeset
390acff12755 SVGHMI: Added init call to all widgets at startup to bind events. More features in Input widget : Edit and Change buttons. WIP HMI->PLC value update, incoherent data detected in C part on update.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2800
diff changeset
4c2c50f60730 SVGHMI : HMI_STRING now also supported from HMI to PLC
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2828
diff changeset
    <xsl:for-each select="$hmi_element/*[regexp:test(@inkscape:label,'^[=+\-].+')]">
390acff12755 SVGHMI: Added init call to all widgets at startup to bind events. More features in Input widget : Edit and Change buttons. WIP HMI->PLC value update, incoherent data detected in C part on update.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2800
diff changeset
      <xsl:text>    document.getElementById("</xsl:text>
390acff12755 SVGHMI: Added init call to all widgets at startup to bind events. More features in Input widget : Edit and Change buttons. WIP HMI->PLC value update, incoherent data detected in C part on update.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2800
diff changeset
      <xsl:value-of select="@id"/>
390acff12755 SVGHMI: Added init call to all widgets at startup to bind events. More features in Input widget : Edit and Change buttons. WIP HMI->PLC value update, incoherent data detected in C part on update.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2800
diff changeset
390acff12755 SVGHMI: Added init call to all widgets at startup to bind events. More features in Input widget : Edit and Change buttons. WIP HMI->PLC value update, incoherent data detected in C part on update.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2800
diff changeset
390acff12755 SVGHMI: Added init call to all widgets at startup to bind events. More features in Input widget : Edit and Change buttons. WIP HMI->PLC value update, incoherent data detected in C part on update.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2800
diff changeset
      <xsl:text>        "click", 
390acff12755 SVGHMI: Added init call to all widgets at startup to bind events. More features in Input widget : Edit and Change buttons. WIP HMI->PLC value update, incoherent data detected in C part on update.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2800
diff changeset
7d0e81cdedb0 SVGHMI: Quicker update path for input widget when pressing on buttons, do not wait until data comes back, and simply update value text of the pressed widget. Updated PLC prog for more amimated value to display
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2805
diff changeset
      <xsl:text>        evt =&gt; {let new_val = change_hmi_value(this.indexes[0], "</xsl:text>
4c2c50f60730 SVGHMI : HMI_STRING now also supported from HMI to PLC
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2828
diff changeset
      <xsl:value-of select="func:escape_quotes(@inkscape:label)"/>
7d0e81cdedb0 SVGHMI: Quicker update path for input widget when pressing on buttons, do not wait until data comes back, and simply update value text of the pressed widget. Updated PLC prog for more amimated value to display
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2805
diff changeset
7d0e81cdedb0 SVGHMI: Quicker update path for input widget when pressing on buttons, do not wait until data comes back, and simply update value text of the pressed widget. Updated PLC prog for more amimated value to display
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2805
diff changeset
7d0e81cdedb0 SVGHMI: Quicker update path for input widget when pressing on buttons, do not wait until data comes back, and simply update value text of the pressed widget. Updated PLC prog for more amimated value to display
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2805
diff changeset
      <xsl:text>                this.value_elt.textContent = String(new_val);});
390acff12755 SVGHMI: Added init call to all widgets at startup to bind events. More features in Input widget : Edit and Change buttons. WIP HMI->PLC value update, incoherent data detected in C part on update.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2800
diff changeset
390acff12755 SVGHMI: Added init call to all widgets at startup to bind events. More features in Input widget : Edit and Change buttons. WIP HMI->PLC value update, incoherent data detected in C part on update.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2800
diff changeset
390acff12755 SVGHMI: Added init call to all widgets at startup to bind events. More features in Input widget : Edit and Change buttons. WIP HMI->PLC value update, incoherent data detected in C part on update.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2800
diff changeset
390acff12755 SVGHMI: Added init call to all widgets at startup to bind events. More features in Input widget : Edit and Change buttons. WIP HMI->PLC value update, incoherent data detected in C part on update.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2800
diff changeset
390acff12755 SVGHMI: Added init call to all widgets at startup to bind events. More features in Input widget : Edit and Change buttons. WIP HMI->PLC value update, incoherent data detected in C part on update.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2800
diff changeset
390acff12755 SVGHMI: Added init call to all widgets at startup to bind events. More features in Input widget : Edit and Change buttons. WIP HMI->PLC value update, incoherent data detected in C part on update.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2800
diff changeset
  <xsl:template mode="widget_defs" match="widget[@type='Button']"/>
390acff12755 SVGHMI: Added init call to all widgets at startup to bind events. More features in Input widget : Edit and Change buttons. WIP HMI->PLC value update, incoherent data detected in C part on update.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2800
diff changeset
  <xsl:template mode="widget_defs" match="widget[@type='Toggle']">
68cee1366b9c SVGHMI: dispatching data to minimalist "Display" text widget.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2799
diff changeset
    <xsl:text>    frequency: 5,
68cee1366b9c SVGHMI: dispatching data to minimalist "Display" text widget.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2799
diff changeset
c5ba1e77f054 SVGHMI: added a widgets description object, accessed by id. Added frequency to widgets, as separate template to allow future customization. Excluded non svg elements (i.e inkscape Sets) with HMI: labels from widgets.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2796
diff changeset
390acff12755 SVGHMI: Added init call to all widgets at startup to bind events. More features in Input widget : Edit and Change buttons. WIP HMI->PLC value update, incoherent data detected in C part on update.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2800
diff changeset
  <xsl:template mode="widget_defs" match="widget[@type='Change']">
390acff12755 SVGHMI: Added init call to all widgets at startup to bind events. More features in Input widget : Edit and Change buttons. WIP HMI->PLC value update, incoherent data detected in C part on update.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2800
diff changeset
    <xsl:text>    frequency: 5,
390acff12755 SVGHMI: Added init call to all widgets at startup to bind events. More features in Input widget : Edit and Change buttons. WIP HMI->PLC value update, incoherent data detected in C part on update.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2800
diff changeset
390acff12755 SVGHMI: Added init call to all widgets at startup to bind events. More features in Input widget : Edit and Change buttons. WIP HMI->PLC value update, incoherent data detected in C part on update.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2800
diff changeset
dc78ffa5253d SVGHMI: SVG viewport now defined so that HMI take scales and fit to the view. Implemented page switch through viewport change, no hiding of widget for now.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2807
diff changeset
  <xsl:template mode="widget_defs" match="widget[@type='Jump']">
dc78ffa5253d SVGHMI: SVG viewport now defined so that HMI take scales and fit to the view. Implemented page switch through viewport change, no hiding of widget for now.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2807
diff changeset
    <xsl:text>init: function() {
dc78ffa5253d SVGHMI: SVG viewport now defined so that HMI take scales and fit to the view. Implemented page switch through viewport change, no hiding of widget for now.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2807
diff changeset
dc78ffa5253d SVGHMI: SVG viewport now defined so that HMI take scales and fit to the view. Implemented page switch through viewport change, no hiding of widget for now.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2807
diff changeset
    <xsl:text>    this.element.addEventListener(
dc78ffa5253d SVGHMI: SVG viewport now defined so that HMI take scales and fit to the view. Implemented page switch through viewport change, no hiding of widget for now.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2807
diff changeset
dc78ffa5253d SVGHMI: SVG viewport now defined so that HMI take scales and fit to the view. Implemented page switch through viewport change, no hiding of widget for now.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2807
diff changeset
    <xsl:text>        "click", 
dc78ffa5253d SVGHMI: SVG viewport now defined so that HMI take scales and fit to the view. Implemented page switch through viewport change, no hiding of widget for now.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2807
diff changeset
dc78ffa5253d SVGHMI: SVG viewport now defined so that HMI take scales and fit to the view. Implemented page switch through viewport change, no hiding of widget for now.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2807
diff changeset
    <xsl:text>        evt =&gt; switch_page(this.args[0]));
dc78ffa5253d SVGHMI: SVG viewport now defined so that HMI take scales and fit to the view. Implemented page switch through viewport change, no hiding of widget for now.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2807
diff changeset
dc78ffa5253d SVGHMI: SVG viewport now defined so that HMI take scales and fit to the view. Implemented page switch through viewport change, no hiding of widget for now.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2807
diff changeset
dc78ffa5253d SVGHMI: SVG viewport now defined so that HMI take scales and fit to the view. Implemented page switch through viewport change, no hiding of widget for now.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2807
diff changeset
dc78ffa5253d SVGHMI: SVG viewport now defined so that HMI take scales and fit to the view. Implemented page switch through viewport change, no hiding of widget for now.
Edouard Tisserant
parents: 2807
diff changeset
9a7e12e96399 SVGHMI: Added XSLT transformation, Makefile to get XSLT from ysl2 (copy of plcopen/Makefile) and a minimal stylesheet to start with.
Edouard Tisserant
diff changeset