First step of moving to command list.
authorFlorian Pose <>
Mon, 21 Jul 2008 22:20:23 +0000 (2008-07-21)
changeset 1122 ee305a780a02
parent 1121 52a005ffd011
child 1123 17bef224061d
First step of moving to command list.
--- a/tool/	Mon Jul 21 22:06:33 2008 +0000
+++ b/tool/	Mon Jul 21 22:20:23 2008 +0000
@@ -34,7 +34,9 @@
 bin_PROGRAMS = ethercat
 ethercat_SOURCES = \
-    Master.cpp Master.h \
+    MasterDevice.cpp MasterDevice.h \
+    cmd_alias.cpp \
+    cmd_config.cpp \
 ethercat_CXXFLAGS = -I../master -Wall
--- a/tool/Master.cpp	Mon Jul 21 22:06:33 2008 +0000
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,2175 +0,0 @@
- *
- * $Id$
- *
- ****************************************************************************/
-#include <sys/types.h>
-#include <sys/stat.h>
-#include <fcntl.h>
-#include <errno.h>
-#include <sys/ioctl.h>
-#include <iostream>
-#include <iomanip>
-#include <sstream>
-#include <fstream>
-#include <cctype> // toupper()
-#include <list>
-using namespace std;
-#include "Master.h"
-#define swap16(x) \
-        ((uint16_t)( \
-        (((uint16_t)(x) & 0x00ffU) << 8) | \
-        (((uint16_t)(x) & 0xff00U) >> 8) ))
-#define swap32(x) \
-        ((uint32_t)( \
-        (((uint32_t)(x) & 0x000000ffUL) << 24) | \
-        (((uint32_t)(x) & 0x0000ff00UL) <<  8) | \
-        (((uint32_t)(x) & 0x00ff0000UL) >>  8) | \
-        (((uint32_t)(x) & 0xff000000UL) >> 24) ))
-#define le16tocpu(x) x
-#define le32tocpu(x) x
-#define cputole16(x) x
-#define cputole32(x) x
-#define le16tocpu(x) swap16(x)
-#define le32tocpu(x) swap32(x)
-#define cputole16(x) swap16(x)
-#define cputole32(x) swap32(x)
-struct CoEDataType {
-    const char *name;
-    uint16_t coeCode;
-    unsigned int byteSize;
-static const CoEDataType dataTypes[] = {
-    {"int8",   0x0002, 1},
-    {"int16",  0x0003, 2},
-    {"int32",  0x0004, 4},
-    {"uint8",  0x0005, 1},
-    {"uint16", 0x0006, 2},
-    {"uint32", 0x0007, 4},
-    {"string", 0x0009, 0},
-    {"raw",    0xffff, 0},
-    {}
-const CoEDataType *findDataType(const string &str)
-    const CoEDataType *d;
-    for (d = dataTypes; d->name; d++)
-        if (str == d->name)
-            return d;
-    return NULL;
-const CoEDataType *findDataType(uint16_t code)
-    const CoEDataType *d;
-    for (d = dataTypes; d->name; d++)
-        if (code == d->coeCode)
-            return d;
-    return NULL;
-    index = 0;
-    verbosity = Normal;
-    fd = -1;
-    close();
-void Master::setIndex(unsigned int i)
-    index = i;
-void Master::setVerbosity(Verbosity v)
-    verbosity = v;
- * Writes the Secondary slave address (alias) to the slave's SII.
- */
-void Master::writeAlias(
-        int slavePosition,
-        bool force,
-        const vector<string> &commandArgs
-        )
-    uint16_t alias;
-    stringstream err, strAlias;
-    int number;
-    if (commandArgs.size() != 1) {
-        stringstream err;
-        err << "'alias' takes exactly one argument!";
-        throw MasterException(err.str());
-    }
-    strAlias << commandArgs[0];
-    strAlias
-        >> resetiosflags(ios::basefield) // guess base from prefix
-        >> number;
-    if ( || number < 0x0000 || number > 0xffff) {
-        err << "Invalid alias '" << commandArgs[0] << "'!";
-        throw MasterException(err.str());
-    }
-    alias = number;
-    if (slavePosition == -1) {
-        unsigned int numSlaves, i;
-        if (!force) {
-            err << "This will write the alias addresses of all slaves to "
-                << alias << "! Please specify --force to proceed.";
-            throw MasterException(err.str());
-        }
-        open(ReadWrite);
-        numSlaves = slaveCount();
-        for (i = 0; i < numSlaves; i++) {
-            writeSlaveAlias(i, alias);
-        }
-    } else {
-        open(ReadWrite);
-        writeSlaveAlias(slavePosition, alias);
-    }
-bool operator<(const ec_ioctl_config_t &a, const ec_ioctl_config_t &b)
-    return a.alias < b.alias
-        || (a.alias == b.alias && a.position < b.position);
-/** Lists the bus configuration.
- */
-void Master::showConfigs()
-    ec_ioctl_master_t master;
-    unsigned int i;
-    ec_ioctl_config_t config;
-    ConfigList configList;
-    open(Read);
-    getMaster(&master);
-    for (i = 0; i < master.config_count; i++) {
-        getConfig(&config, i);
-        configList.push_back(config);
-    }
-    configList.sort();
-    if (verbosity == Verbose) {
-        showDetailedConfigs(configList);
-    } else {
-        listConfigs(configList);
-    }
-void Master::outputData(int domainIndex)
-    open(Read);
-    if (domainIndex == -1) {
-        unsigned int i;
-        ec_ioctl_master_t master;
-        getMaster(&master);
-        for (i = 0; i < master.domain_count; i++) {
-            outputDomainData(i);
-        }
-    } else {
-        outputDomainData(domainIndex);
-    }
-void Master::setDebug(const vector<string> &commandArgs)
-    stringstream str;
-    int debugLevel;
-    if (commandArgs.size() != 1) {
-        stringstream err;
-        err << "'debug' takes exactly one argument!";
-        throw MasterException(err.str());
-    }
-    str << commandArgs[0];
-    str >> resetiosflags(ios::basefield) // guess base from prefix
-        >> debugLevel;
-    if ( {
-        stringstream err;
-        err << "Invalid debug level '" << commandArgs[0] << "'!";
-        throw MasterException(err.str());
-    }
-    open(ReadWrite);
-    if (ioctl(fd, EC_IOCTL_MASTER_DEBUG, debugLevel) < 0) {
-        stringstream err;
-        err << "Failed to set debug level: " << strerror(errno);
-        throw MasterException(err.str());
-    }
-void Master::showDomains(int domainIndex)
-    open(Read);
-    if (domainIndex == -1) {
-        unsigned int i;
-        ec_ioctl_master_t master;
-        getMaster(&master);
-        for (i = 0; i < master.domain_count; i++) {
-            showDomain(i);
-        }
-    } else {
-        showDomain(domainIndex);
-    }
-void Master::showMaster()
-    ec_ioctl_master_t data;
-    stringstream err;
-    unsigned int i;
-    open(Read);
-    getMaster(&data);
-    cout
-        << "Master" << index << endl
-        << "  Phase: ";
-    switch (data.phase) {
-        case 0: cout << "Waiting for device..."; break;
-        case 1: cout << "Idle"; break;
-        case 2: cout << "Operation"; break;
-        default:
-                err << "Invalid master phase " << data.phase;
-                throw MasterException(err.str());
-    }
-    cout << endl
-        << "  Slaves: " << data.slave_count << endl;
-    for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
-        cout << "  Device" << i << ": ";
-        if (data.devices[i].address[0] == 0x00
-                && data.devices[i].address[1] == 0x00
-                && data.devices[i].address[2] == 0x00
-                && data.devices[i].address[3] == 0x00
-                && data.devices[i].address[4] == 0x00
-                && data.devices[i].address[5] == 0x00) {
-            cout << "None.";
-        } else {
-            cout << hex << setfill('0')
-                << setw(2) << (unsigned int) data.devices[i].address[0] << ":"
-                << setw(2) << (unsigned int) data.devices[i].address[1] << ":"
-                << setw(2) << (unsigned int) data.devices[i].address[2] << ":"
-                << setw(2) << (unsigned int) data.devices[i].address[3] << ":"
-                << setw(2) << (unsigned int) data.devices[i].address[4] << ":"
-                << setw(2) << (unsigned int) data.devices[i].address[5] << " ("
-                << (data.devices[i].attached ? "attached" : "waiting...")
-                << ")" << endl << dec
-                << "    Tx count: " << data.devices[i].tx_count << endl
-                << "    Rx count: " << data.devices[i].rx_count;
-        }
-        cout << endl;
-    }
-void Master::listPdos(int slavePosition)
-    open(Read);
-    if (slavePosition == -1) {
-        unsigned int numSlaves = slaveCount(), i;
-        for (i = 0; i < numSlaves; i++) {
-            listSlavePdos(i, true);
-        }
-    } else {
-        listSlavePdos(slavePosition, false);
-    }
-void Master::listSdos(int slavePosition)
-    open(Read);
-    if (slavePosition == -1) {
-        unsigned int numSlaves = slaveCount(), i;
-        for (i = 0; i < numSlaves; i++) {
-            listSlaveSdos(i, true);
-        }
-    } else {
-        listSlaveSdos(slavePosition, false);
-    }
-void Master::sdoDownload(
-        int slavePosition,
-        const string &dataTypeStr,
-        const vector<string> &commandArgs
-        )
-    stringstream strIndex, strSubIndex, strValue, err;
-    ec_ioctl_slave_sdo_download_t data;
-    unsigned int number;
-    const CoEDataType *dataType = NULL;
-    if (slavePosition < 0) {
-        err << "'sdo_download' requires a slave! Please specify --slave.";
-        throw MasterException(err.str());
-    }
-    data.slave_position = slavePosition;
-    if (commandArgs.size() != 3) {
-        err << "'sdo_download' takes 3 arguments!";
-        throw MasterException(err.str());
-    }
-    strIndex << commandArgs[0];
-    strIndex
-        >> resetiosflags(ios::basefield) // guess base from prefix
-        >> data.sdo_index;
-    if ( {
-        err << "Invalid Sdo index '" << commandArgs[0] << "'!";
-        throw MasterException(err.str());
-    }
-    strSubIndex << commandArgs[1];
-    strSubIndex
-        >> resetiosflags(ios::basefield) // guess base from prefix
-        >> number;
-    if ( || number > 0xff) {
-        err << "Invalid Sdo subindex '" << commandArgs[1] << "'!";
-        throw MasterException(err.str());
-    }
-    data.sdo_entry_subindex = number;
-    if (dataTypeStr != "") { // data type specified
-        if (!(dataType = findDataType(dataTypeStr))) {
-            err << "Invalid data type '" << dataTypeStr << "'!";
-            throw MasterException(err.str());
-        }
-    } else { // no data type specified: fetch from dictionary
-        ec_ioctl_slave_sdo_entry_t entry;
-        open(ReadWrite);
-        try {
-            getSdoEntry(&entry, slavePosition,
-                    data.sdo_index, data.sdo_entry_subindex);
-        } catch (MasterException &e) {
-            err << "Failed to determine Sdo entry data type. "
-                << "Please specify --type.";
-            throw MasterException(err.str());
-        }
-        if (!(dataType = findDataType(entry.data_type))) {
-            err << "Pdo entry has unknown data type 0x"
-                << hex << setfill('0') << setw(4) << entry.data_type << "!"
-                << " Please specify --type.";
-            throw MasterException(err.str());
-        }
-    }
-    if (dataType->byteSize) {
-        data.data_size = dataType->byteSize;
-    } else {
-        data.data_size = DefaultBufferSize;
-    }
- = new uint8_t[data.data_size + 1];
-    strValue << commandArgs[2];
-    strValue >> resetiosflags(ios::basefield); // guess base from prefix
-    strValue.exceptions(ios::failbit);
-    try {
-        switch (dataType->coeCode) {
-            case 0x0002: // int8
-                {
-                    int16_t val; // uint8_t is interpreted as char
-                    strValue >> val;
-                    if (val > 127 || val < -128)
-                        throw ios::failure("Value out of range");
-                    * = val;
-                    break;
-                }
-            case 0x0003: // int16
-                {
-                    int16_t val;
-                    strValue >> val;
-                    *(int16_t *) = cputole16(val);
-                    break;
-                }
-            case 0x0004: // int32
-                {
-                    int32_t val;
-                    strValue >> val;
-                    *(int32_t *) = cputole32(val);
-                    break;
-                }
-            case 0x0005: // uint8
-                {
-                    uint16_t val; // uint8_t is interpreted as char
-                    strValue >> val;
-                    if (val > 0xff)
-                        throw ios::failure("Value out of range");
-                    * = val;
-                    break;
-                }
-            case 0x0006: // uint16
-                {
-                    uint16_t val;
-                    strValue >> val;
-                    *(uint16_t *) = cputole16(val);
-                    break;
-                }
-            case 0x0007: // uint32
-                {
-                    uint32_t val;
-                    strValue >> val;
-                    *(uint32_t *) = cputole32(val);
-                    break;
-                }
-            case 0x0009: // string
-                if (strValue.str().size() >= data.data_size) {
-                    err << "String too large";
-                    throw MasterException(err.str());
-                }
-                data.data_size = strValue.str().size();
-                strValue >> (char *);
-                break;
-            default:
-                delete [];
-                err << "Unknown data type 0x" << hex << dataType->coeCode;
-                throw MasterException(err.str());
-        }
-    } catch (ios::failure &e) {
-        delete [];
-        err << "Invalid value argument '" << commandArgs[2]
-            << "' for type '" << dataType->name << "'!";
-        throw MasterException(err.str());
-    }
-    open(ReadWrite);
-    if (ioctl(fd, EC_IOCTL_SLAVE_SDO_DOWNLOAD, &data) < 0) {
-        stringstream err;
-        err << "Failed to download Sdo: ";
-        if (errno == EIO && data.abort_code) {
-            err << "Abort code 0x" << hex << setfill('0')
-                << setw(8) << data.abort_code;
-        } else {
-            err << strerror(errno);
-        }
-        delete [];
-        throw MasterException(err.str());
-    }
-    delete [];
-void Master::sdoUpload(
-        int slavePosition,
-        const string &dataTypeStr,
-        const vector<string> &commandArgs
-        )
-    stringstream strIndex, strSubIndex;
-    int sval;
-    ec_ioctl_slave_sdo_upload_t data;
-    unsigned int uval;
-    const CoEDataType *dataType = NULL;
-    if (slavePosition < 0) {
-        stringstream err;
-        err << "'sdo_upload' requires a slave! Please specify --slave.";
-        throw MasterException(err.str());
-    }
-    data.slave_position = slavePosition;
-    if (commandArgs.size() != 2) {
-        stringstream err;
-        err << "'sdo_upload' takes two arguments!";
-        throw MasterException(err.str());
-    }
-    strIndex << commandArgs[0];
-    strIndex
-        >> resetiosflags(ios::basefield) // guess base from prefix
-        >> data.sdo_index;
-    if ( {
-        stringstream err;
-        err << "Invalid Sdo index '" << commandArgs[0] << "'!";
-        throw MasterException(err.str());
-    }
-    strSubIndex << commandArgs[1];
-    strSubIndex
-        >> resetiosflags(ios::basefield) // guess base from prefix
-        >> uval;
-    if ( || uval > 0xff) {
-        stringstream err;
-        err << "Invalid Sdo subindex '" << commandArgs[1] << "'!";
-        throw MasterException(err.str());
-    }
-    data.sdo_entry_subindex = uval;
-    if (dataTypeStr != "") { // data type specified
-        if (!(dataType = findDataType(dataTypeStr))) {
-            stringstream err;
-            err << "Invalid data type '" << dataTypeStr << "'!";
-            throw MasterException(err.str());
-        }
-    } else { // no data type specified: fetch from dictionary
-        ec_ioctl_slave_sdo_entry_t entry;
-        open(Read);
-        try {
-            getSdoEntry(&entry, slavePosition,
-                    data.sdo_index, data.sdo_entry_subindex);
-        } catch (MasterException &e) {
-            stringstream err;
-            err << "Failed to determine Sdo entry data type. "
-                << "Please specify --type.";
-            throw MasterException(err.str());
-        }
-        if (!(dataType = findDataType(entry.data_type))) {
-            stringstream err;
-            err << "Pdo entry has unknown data type 0x"
-                << hex << setfill('0') << setw(4) << entry.data_type << "!"
-                << " Please specify --type.";
-            throw MasterException(err.str());
-        }
-    }
-    if (dataType->byteSize) {
-        data.target_size = dataType->byteSize;
-    } else {
-        data.target_size = DefaultBufferSize;
-    }
- = new uint8_t[data.target_size + 1];
-    open(Read);
-    if (ioctl(fd, EC_IOCTL_SLAVE_SDO_UPLOAD, &data) < 0) {
-        stringstream err;
-        err << "Failed to upload Sdo: ";
-        if (errno == EIO && data.abort_code) {
-            err << "Abort code 0x" << hex << setfill('0')
-                << setw(8) << data.abort_code;
-        } else {
-            err << strerror(errno);
-        }
-        delete [];
-        close();
-        throw MasterException(err.str());
-    }
-    close();
-    if (dataType->byteSize && data.data_size != dataType->byteSize) {
-        stringstream err;
-        err << "Data type mismatch. Expected " << dataType->name
-            << " with " << dataType->byteSize << " byte, but got "
-            << data.data_size << " byte.";
-        throw MasterException(err.str());
-    }
-    cout << setfill('0');
-    switch (dataType->coeCode) {
-        case 0x0002: // int8
-            sval = *(int8_t *);
-            cout << sval << " 0x" << hex << setw(2) << sval << endl;
-            break;
-        case 0x0003: // int16
-            sval = le16tocpu(*(int16_t *);
-            cout << sval << " 0x" << hex << setw(4) << sval << endl;
-            break;
-        case 0x0004: // int32
-            sval = le32tocpu(*(int32_t *);
-            cout << sval << " 0x" << hex << setw(8) << sval << endl;
-            break;
-        case 0x0005: // uint8
-            uval = (unsigned int) *(uint8_t *);
-            cout << uval << " 0x" << hex << setw(2) << uval << endl;
-            break;
-        case 0x0006: // uint16
-            uval = le16tocpu(*(uint16_t *);
-            cout << uval << " 0x" << hex << setw(4) << uval << endl;
-            break;
-        case 0x0007: // uint32
-            uval = le32tocpu(*(uint32_t *);
-            cout << uval << " 0x" << hex << setw(8) << uval << endl;
-            break;
-        case 0x0009: // string
-            cout << string((const char *), data.data_size)
-                << endl;
-            break;
-        default:
-            printRawData(, data.data_size);
-            break;
-    }
-    delete [];
-void Master::showSlaves(int slavePosition)
-    open(Read);
-    if (verbosity == Verbose) {
-        if (slavePosition == -1) {
-            unsigned int numSlaves = slaveCount(), i;
-            for (i = 0; i < numSlaves; i++) {
-                showSlave(i);
-            }
-        } else {
-            showSlave(slavePosition);
-        }
-    } else {
-        listSlaves(slavePosition);
-    }
-struct CategoryName {
-    uint16_t type;
-    const char *name;
-static const CategoryName categoryNames[] = {
-    {0x000a, "STRINGS"},
-    {0x0014, "DataTypes"},
-    {0x001e, "General"},
-    {0x0028, "FMMU"},
-    {0x0029, "SyncM"},
-    {0x0032, "TXPDO"},
-    {0x0033, "RXPDO"},
-    {0x003c, "DC"},
-    {}
-const char *getCategoryName(uint16_t type)
-    const CategoryName *cn = categoryNames;
-    while (cn->type) {
-        if (cn->type == type) {
-            return cn->name;
-        }
-        cn++;
-    }
-    return "unknown";
-void Master::siiRead(int slavePosition)
-    ec_ioctl_slave_sii_t data;
-    ec_ioctl_slave_t slave;
-    unsigned int i;
-    const uint16_t *categoryHeader;
-    uint16_t categoryType, categorySize;
-    stringstream err;
-    if (slavePosition < 0) {
-        stringstream err;
-        err << "'sii_read' requires a slave! Please specify --slave.";
-        throw MasterException(err.str());
-    }
-    data.slave_position = slavePosition;
-    open(Read);
-    getSlave(&slave, slavePosition);
-    if (!slave.sii_nwords)
-        return;
-    data.offset = 0;
-    data.nwords = slave.sii_nwords;
-    data.words = new uint16_t[data.nwords];
-    if (ioctl(fd, EC_IOCTL_SLAVE_SII_READ, &data) < 0) {
-        stringstream err;
-        delete [] data.words;
-        err << "Failed to read SII: " << strerror(errno);
-        throw MasterException(err.str());
-    }
-    if (verbosity == Verbose) {
-        cout << "SII Area:" << hex << setfill('0');
-        for (i = 0; i < min(data.nwords, 0x0040U) * 2; i++) {
-            if (i % BreakAfterBytes) {
-                cout << " ";
-            } else {
-                cout << endl << "  ";
-            }
-            cout << setw(2) << (unsigned int) *((uint8_t *) data.words + i);
-        }
-        cout << endl;
-        if (data.nwords > 0x0040U) {
-            // cycle through categories
-            categoryHeader = data.words + 0x0040U;
-            categoryType = le16tocpu(*categoryHeader);
-            while (categoryType != 0xffff) {
-                cout << "SII Category 0x" << hex
-                    << setw(4) << categoryType
-                    << " (" << getCategoryName(categoryType) << ")" << flush;
-                if (categoryHeader + 1 > data.words + data.nwords) {
-                    err << "SII data seem to be corrupted!";
-                    throw MasterException(err.str());
-                }
-                categorySize = le16tocpu(*(categoryHeader + 1));
-                cout << ", " << dec << categorySize << " words" << flush;
-                if (categoryHeader + 2 + categorySize
-                        > data.words + data.nwords) {
-                    err << "SII data seem to be corrupted!";
-                    throw MasterException(err.str());
-                }
-                cout << hex;
-                for (i = 0; i < categorySize * 2U; i++) {
-                    if (i % BreakAfterBytes) {
-                        cout << " ";
-                    } else {
-                        cout << endl << "  ";
-                    }
-                    cout << setw(2) << (unsigned int)
-                        *((uint8_t *) (categoryHeader + 2) + i);
-                }
-                cout << endl;
-                if (categoryHeader + 2 + categorySize + 1
-                        > data.words + data.nwords) {
-                    err << "SII data seem to be corrupted!"; 
-                    throw MasterException(err.str());
-                }
-                categoryHeader += 2 + categorySize;
-                categoryType = le16tocpu(*categoryHeader);
-            }
-        }
-    } else {
-        for (i = 0; i < data.nwords; i++) {
-            uint16_t *w = data.words + i;
-            cout << *(uint8_t *) w << *((uint8_t *) w + 1);
-        }
-    }
-    delete [] data.words;
-void Master::siiWrite(
-        int slavePosition,
-        bool force,
-        const vector<string> &commandArgs
-        )
-    stringstream err;
-    ec_ioctl_slave_sii_t data;
-    ifstream file;
-    unsigned int byte_size;
-    const uint16_t *categoryHeader;
-    uint16_t categoryType, categorySize;
-    uint8_t crc;
-    if (slavePosition < 0) {
-        err << "'sii_write' requires a slave! Please specify --slave.";
-        throw MasterException(err.str());
-    }
-    data.slave_position = slavePosition;
-    if (commandArgs.size() != 1) {
-        err << "'ssi_write' takes exactly one argument!";
-        throw MasterException(err.str());
-    }
-[0].c_str(), ifstream::in | ifstream::binary);
-    if ( {
-        err << "Failed to open '" << commandArgs[0] << "'!";
-        throw MasterException(err.str());
-    }
-    // get length of file
-    file.seekg(0, ios::end);
-    byte_size = file.tellg();
-    file.seekg(0, ios::beg);
-    if (!byte_size || byte_size % 2) {
-        stringstream err;
-        err << "Invalid file size! Must be non-zero and even.";
-        throw MasterException(err.str());
-    }
-    data.nwords = byte_size / 2;
-    if (data.nwords < 0x0041 && !force) {
-        err << "SII data too short (" << data.nwords << " words)! Mimimum is"
-                " 40 fixed words + 1 delimiter. Use --force to write anyway.";
-        throw MasterException(err.str());
-    }
-    // allocate buffer and read file into buffer
-    data.words = new uint16_t[data.nwords];
- *) data.words, byte_size);
-    file.close();
-    if (!force) {
-        // calculate checksum over words 0 to 6
-        crc = calcSiiCrc((const uint8_t *) data.words, 14);
-        if (crc != ((const uint8_t *) data.words)[14]) {
-            err << "CRC incorrect. Must be 0x"
-                << hex << setfill('0') << setw(2) << (unsigned int) crc
-                << ". Use --force to write anyway.";
-            throw MasterException(err.str());
-        }
-        // cycle through categories to detect corruption
-        categoryHeader = data.words + 0x0040U;
-        categoryType = le16tocpu(*categoryHeader);
-        while (categoryType != 0xffff) {
-            if (categoryHeader + 1 > data.words + data.nwords) {
-                err << "SII data seem to be corrupted! "
-                    << "Use --force to write anyway.";
-                throw MasterException(err.str());
-            }
-            categorySize = le16tocpu(*(categoryHeader + 1));
-            if (categoryHeader + 2 + categorySize + 1
-                    > data.words + data.nwords) {
-                err << "SII data seem to be corrupted! "
-                    "Use --force to write anyway.";
-                throw MasterException(err.str());
-            }
-            categoryHeader += 2 + categorySize;
-            categoryType = le16tocpu(*categoryHeader);
-        }
-    }
-    // send data to master
-    open(ReadWrite);
-    data.offset = 0;
-    if (ioctl(fd, EC_IOCTL_SLAVE_SII_WRITE, &data) < 0) {
-        stringstream err;
-        err << "Failed to write SII: " << strerror(errno);
-        throw MasterException(err.str());
-    }
-void Master::requestStates(
-        int slavePosition,
-        const vector<string> &commandArgs
-        )
-    string stateStr;
-    uint8_t state;
-    if (commandArgs.size() != 1) {
-        stringstream err;
-        err << "'state' takes exactly one argument!";
-        throw MasterException(err.str());
-    }
-    stateStr = commandArgs[0];
-    transform(stateStr.begin(), stateStr.end(),
-            stateStr.begin(), (int (*) (int)) std::toupper);
-    if (stateStr == "INIT") {
-        state = 0x01;
-    } else if (stateStr == "PREOP") {
-        state = 0x02;
-    } else if (stateStr == "SAFEOP") {
-        state = 0x04;
-    } else if (stateStr == "OP") {
-        state = 0x08;
-    } else {
-        stringstream err;
-        err << "Invalid state '" << commandArgs[0] << "'!";
-        throw MasterException(err.str());
-    }
-    open(ReadWrite);
-    if (slavePosition == -1) {
-        unsigned int i, numSlaves = slaveCount();
-        for (i = 0; i < numSlaves; i++)
-            requestState(i, state);
-    } else {
-        requestState(slavePosition, state);
-    }
-void Master::generateXml(int slavePosition)
-    open(Read);
-    if (slavePosition == -1) {
-        unsigned int numSlaves = slaveCount(), i;
-        for (i = 0; i < numSlaves; i++) {
-            generateSlaveXml(i);
-        }
-    } else {
-        generateSlaveXml(slavePosition);
-    }
-void Master::open(Permissions perm)
-    stringstream deviceName;
-    if (fd != -1) { // already open
-        return;
-    }
-    deviceName << "/dev/EtherCAT" << index;
-    if ((fd = ::open(deviceName.str().c_str(),
-                    perm == ReadWrite ? O_RDWR : O_RDONLY)) == -1) {
-        stringstream err;
-        err << "Failed to open master device " << deviceName.str() << ": "
-            << strerror(errno);
-        throw MasterException(err.str());
-    }
-void Master::close()
-    if (fd == -1)
-        return;
-    ::close(fd);
-    fd = -1;
- * Writes the Secondary slave address (alias) to the slave's SII.
- */
-void Master::writeSlaveAlias(
-        uint16_t slavePosition,
-        uint16_t alias
-        )
-    ec_ioctl_slave_sii_t data;
-    ec_ioctl_slave_t slave;
-    stringstream err;
-    uint8_t crc;
-    open(ReadWrite);
-    getSlave(&slave, slavePosition);
-    if (slave.sii_nwords < 8) {
-        err << "Current SII contents are too small to set an alias "
-            << "(" << slave.sii_nwords << " words)!";
-        throw MasterException(err.str());
-    }
-    data.slave_position = slavePosition;
-    data.offset = 0;
-    data.nwords = 8;
-    data.words = new uint16_t[data.nwords];
-    // read first 8 SII words
-    if (ioctl(fd, EC_IOCTL_SLAVE_SII_READ, &data) < 0) {
-        delete [] data.words;
-        err << "Failed to read SII: " << strerror(errno);
-        throw MasterException(err.str());
-    }
-    // write new alias address in word 4
-    data.words[4] = cputole16(alias);
-    // calculate checksum over words 0 to 6
-    crc = calcSiiCrc((const uint8_t *) data.words, 14);
-    // write new checksum into first byte of word 7
-    *(uint8_t *) (data.words + 7) = crc;
-    // write first 8 words with new alias and checksum
-    if (ioctl(fd, EC_IOCTL_SLAVE_SII_WRITE, &data) < 0) {
-        delete [] data.words;
-        err << "Failed to write SII: " << strerror(errno);
-        throw MasterException(err.str());
-    }
-    delete [] data.words;
-/** Lists the complete bus configuration.
- */
-void Master::showDetailedConfigs(const ConfigList &configList)
-    ConfigList::const_iterator configIter;
-    unsigned int j, k, l;
-    ec_ioctl_config_pdo_t pdo;
-    ec_ioctl_config_pdo_entry_t entry;
-    ec_ioctl_config_sdo_t sdo;
-    for (configIter = configList.begin();
-            configIter != configList.end();
-            configIter++) {
-        cout << "Alias: "
-            << dec << configIter->alias << endl
-            << "Position: " << configIter->position << endl
-            << "Vendor Id: 0x"
-            << hex << setfill('0')
-            << setw(8) << configIter->vendor_id << endl
-            << "Product code: 0x"
-            << setw(8) << configIter->product_code << endl
-            << "Attached: " << (configIter->attached ? "yes" : "no") << endl
-            << "Operational: " << (configIter->operational ? "yes" : "no") << endl;
-        for (j = 0; j < EC_MAX_SYNC_MANAGERS; j++) {
-            if (configIter->syncs[j].pdo_count) {
-                cout << "SM" << dec << j << " ("
-                    << (configIter->syncs[j].dir == EC_DIR_INPUT
-                            ? "Input" : "Output") << ")" << endl;
-                for (k = 0; k < configIter->syncs[j].pdo_count; k++) {
-                    getConfigPdo(&pdo, configIter->config_index, j, k);
-                    cout << "  Pdo 0x" << hex
-                        << setw(4) << pdo.index
-                        << " \"" << << "\"" << endl;
-                    for (l = 0; l < pdo.entry_count; l++) {
-                        getConfigPdoEntry(&entry, configIter->config_index, j, k, l);
-                        cout << "    Pdo entry 0x" << hex
-                            << setw(4) << entry.index << ":"
-                            << setw(2) << (unsigned int) entry.subindex
-                            << ", " << dec << (unsigned int) entry.bit_length
-                            << " bit, \"" << << "\"" << endl;
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-        }
-        cout << "Sdo configuration:" << endl;
-        if (configIter->sdo_count) {
-            for (j = 0; j < configIter->sdo_count; j++) {
-                getConfigSdo(&sdo, configIter->config_index, j);
-                cout << "  0x"
-                    << hex << setfill('0')
-                    << setw(4) << sdo.index << ":"
-                    << setw(2) << (unsigned int) sdo.subindex
-                    << ", " << dec << sdo.size << " byte: " << hex;
-                switch (sdo.size) {
-                    case 1:
-                        cout << "0x" << setw(2)
-                            << (unsigned int) *(uint8_t *) &;
-                        break;
-                    case 2:
-                        cout << "0x" << setw(4)
-                            << le16tocpu(*(uint16_t *) &;
-                        break;
-                    case 4:
-                        cout << "0x" << setw(8)
-                            << le32tocpu(*(uint32_t *) &;
-                        break;
-                    default:
-                        cout << "???";
-                }
-                cout << endl;
-            }
-        } else {
-            cout << "  None." << endl;
-        }
-        cout << endl;
-    }
-struct ConfigInfo {
-    string alias;
-    string pos;
-    string ident;
-    string att;
-    string op;
-/** Lists the bus configuration.
- */
-void Master::listConfigs(const ConfigList &configList)
-    ConfigList::const_iterator configIter;
-    stringstream str;
-    ConfigInfo info;
-    typedef list<ConfigInfo> ConfigInfoList;
-    ConfigInfoList list;
-    ConfigInfoList::const_iterator iter;
-    unsigned int maxAliasWidth = 0, maxPosWidth = 0,
-                 maxAttWidth = 0, maxOpWidth = 0;
-    for (configIter = configList.begin();
-            configIter != configList.end();
-            configIter++) {
-        str << dec << configIter->alias;
-        info.alias = str.str();
-        str.clear();
-        str.str("");
-        str << configIter->position;
-        info.pos = str.str();
-        str.clear();
-        str.str("");
-        str << hex << setfill('0')
-            << "0x" << setw(8) << configIter->vendor_id
-            << "/0x" << setw(8) << configIter->product_code;
-        info.ident = str.str();
-        str.clear();
-        str.str("");
-        str << (configIter->attached ? "attached" : "-");
-        info.att = str.str();
-        str.clear();
-        str.str("");
-        str << (configIter->operational ? "operational" : "-");
-        info.op = str.str();
-        str.clear();
-        str.str("");
-        list.push_back(info);
-        if (info.alias.length() > maxAliasWidth)
-            maxAliasWidth = info.alias.length();
-        if (info.pos.length() > maxPosWidth)
-            maxPosWidth = info.pos.length();
-        if (info.att.length() > maxAttWidth)
-            maxAttWidth = info.att.length();
-        if (info.op.length() > maxOpWidth)
-            maxOpWidth = info.op.length();
-    }
-    for (iter = list.begin(); iter != list.end(); iter++) {
-        cout << setfill(' ') << right
-            << setw(maxAliasWidth) << iter->alias
-            << ":" << left
-            << setw(maxPosWidth) << iter->pos
-            << "  "
-            << iter->ident
-            << "  "
-            << setw(maxAttWidth) << iter->att << "  "
-            << setw(maxOpWidth) << iter->op << "  "
-            << endl;
-    }
-void Master::outputDomainData(unsigned int domainIndex)
-    ec_ioctl_domain_t domain;
-    ec_ioctl_domain_data_t data;
-    unsigned char *processData;
-    unsigned int i;
-    getDomain(&domain, domainIndex);
-    if (!domain.data_size)
-        return;
-    processData = new unsigned char[domain.data_size];
-    try {
-        getData(&data, domainIndex, domain.data_size, processData);
-    } catch (MasterException &e) {
-        delete [] processData;
-        throw e;
-    }
-    for (i = 0; i < data.data_size; i++)
-        cout << processData[i];
-    cout.flush();
-    delete [] processData;
-void Master::showDomain(unsigned int domainIndex)
-    ec_ioctl_domain_t domain;
-    unsigned char *processData;
-    ec_ioctl_domain_data_t data;
-    unsigned int i, j;
-    ec_ioctl_domain_fmmu_t fmmu;
-    unsigned int dataOffset;
-    getDomain(&domain, domainIndex);
-	cout << "Domain" << dec << domainIndex << ":"
-		<< " LogBaseAddr 0x"
-		<< hex << setfill('0')
-        << setw(8) << domain.logical_base_address
-		<< ", Size " << dec << setfill(' ')
-        << setw(3) << domain.data_size
-		<< ", WorkingCounter "
-		<< domain.working_counter << "/"
-        << domain.expected_working_counter << endl;
-    if (!domain.data_size || verbosity != Verbose)
-        return;
-    processData = new unsigned char[domain.data_size];
-    try {
-        getData(&data, domainIndex, domain.data_size, processData);
-    } catch (MasterException &e) {
-        delete [] processData;
-        throw e;
-    }
-    for (i = 0; i < domain.fmmu_count; i++) {
-        getFmmu(&fmmu, domainIndex, i);
-        cout << "  SlaveConfig "
-            << dec << fmmu.slave_config_alias
-            << ":" << fmmu.slave_config_position
-            << ", SM" << (unsigned int) fmmu.sync_index << " ("
-            << setfill(' ') << setw(6)
-            << (fmmu.dir == EC_DIR_INPUT ? "Input" : "Output")
-            << "), LogAddr 0x"
-            << hex << setfill('0')
-            << setw(8) << fmmu.logical_address
-            << ", Size " << dec << fmmu.data_size << endl;
-        dataOffset = fmmu.logical_address - domain.logical_base_address;
-        if (dataOffset + fmmu.data_size > domain.data_size) {
-            stringstream err;
-            err << "Fmmu information corrupted!";
-            delete [] processData;
-            throw MasterException(err.str());
-        }
-        cout << "    " << hex << setfill('0');
-        for (j = 0; j < fmmu.data_size; j++) {
-            if (j && !(j % BreakAfterBytes))
-                cout << endl << "    ";
-            cout << setw(2)
-                << (unsigned int) *(processData + dataOffset + j) << " ";
-        }
-        cout << endl;
-    }
-    delete [] processData;
-void Master::listSlavePdos(
-        uint16_t slavePosition,
-        bool withHeader
-        )
-    ec_ioctl_slave_t slave;
-    ec_ioctl_slave_sync_t sync;
-    ec_ioctl_slave_sync_pdo_t pdo;
-    ec_ioctl_slave_sync_pdo_entry_t entry;
-    unsigned int i, j, k;
-    getSlave(&slave, slavePosition);
-    if (withHeader)
-        cout << "=== Slave " << slavePosition << " ===" << endl;
-    for (i = 0; i < slave.sync_count; i++) {
-        getSync(&sync, slavePosition, i);
-        cout << "SM" << i << ":"
-            << " PhysAddr 0x"
-            << hex << setfill('0')
-            << setw(4) << sync.physical_start_address
-            << ", DefaultSize "
-            << dec << setfill(' ') << setw(4) << sync.default_size
-            << ", ControlRegister 0x"
-            << hex << setfill('0') << setw(2)
-            << (unsigned int) sync.control_register
-            << ", Enable " << dec << (unsigned int) sync.enable
-            << endl;
-        for (j = 0; j < sync.pdo_count; j++) {
-            getPdo(&pdo, slavePosition, i, j);
-            cout << "  " << (sync.control_register & 0x04 ? "R" : "T")
-                << "xPdo 0x"
-                << hex << setfill('0')
-                << setw(4) << pdo.index
-                << " \"" << << "\"" << endl;
-            if (verbosity == Quiet)
-                continue;
-            for (k = 0; k < pdo.entry_count; k++) {
-                getPdoEntry(&entry, slavePosition, i, j, k);
-                cout << "    Pdo entry 0x"
-                    << hex << setfill('0')
-                    << setw(4) << entry.index
-                    << ":" << setw(2) << (unsigned int) entry.subindex
-                    << ", " << dec << (unsigned int) entry.bit_length
-                    << " bit, \"" << << "\"" << endl;
-            }
-        }
-    }
-void Master::listSlaveSdos(
-        uint16_t slavePosition,
-        bool withHeader
-        )
-    ec_ioctl_slave_t slave;
-    ec_ioctl_slave_sdo_t sdo;
-    ec_ioctl_slave_sdo_entry_t entry;
-    unsigned int i, j;
-    const CoEDataType *d;
-    getSlave(&slave, slavePosition);
-    if (withHeader)
-        cout << "=== Slave " << slavePosition << " ===" << endl;
-    for (i = 0; i < slave.sdo_count; i++) {
-        getSdo(&sdo, slavePosition, i);
-        cout << "Sdo 0x"
-            << hex << setfill('0')
-            << setw(4) << sdo.sdo_index
-            << ", \"" << << "\"" << endl;
-        if (verbosity == Quiet)
-            continue;
-        for (j = 0; j <= sdo.max_subindex; j++) {
-            getSdoEntry(&entry, slavePosition, -i, j);
-            cout << "  0x" << hex << setfill('0')
-                << setw(4) << sdo.sdo_index << ":"
-                << setw(2) << (unsigned int) entry.sdo_entry_subindex
-                << ", ";
-            if ((d = findDataType(entry.data_type))) {
-                cout << d->name;
-            } else {
-                cout << "type " << setw(4) << entry.data_type;
-            }
-            cout << ", " << dec << entry.bit_length << " bit, \""
-                << entry.description << "\"" << endl;
-        }
-    }
-struct SlaveInfo {
-    string pos;
-    string alias;
-    string relPos;
-    string state;
-    string flag;
-    string name;
-void Master::listSlaves(int slavePosition)
-    unsigned int numSlaves, i;
-    ec_ioctl_slave_t slave;
-    uint16_t lastAlias, aliasIndex;
-    SlaveInfo slaveInfo;
-    typedef list<SlaveInfo> SlaveInfoList;
-    SlaveInfoList slaveInfoList;
-    SlaveInfoList::const_iterator iter;
-    stringstream str;
-    unsigned int maxPosWidth = 0, maxAliasWidth = 0,
-                 maxRelPosWidth = 0, maxStateWidth = 0;
-    open(Read);
-    numSlaves = slaveCount();
-    lastAlias = 0;
-    aliasIndex = 0;
-    for (i = 0; i < numSlaves; i++) {
-        getSlave(&slave, i);
-        if (slave.alias) {
-            lastAlias = slave.alias;
-            aliasIndex = 0;
-        }
-        if (slavePosition == -1 || i == (unsigned int) slavePosition) {
-            str << dec << i;
-            slaveInfo.pos = str.str();
-            str.clear();
-            str.str("");
-            str << lastAlias;
-            slaveInfo.alias = str.str();
-            str.str("");
-            str << aliasIndex;
-            slaveInfo.relPos = str.str();
-            str.str("");
-            slaveInfo.state = slaveState(slave.state);
-            slaveInfo.flag = (slave.error_flag ? 'E' : '+');
-            if (strlen( {
-       =;
-            } else {
-                str << "0x" << hex << setfill('0')
-                    << setw(8) << slave.vendor_id << ":0x"
-                    << setw(8) << slave.product_code;
-       = str.str();
-                str.str("");
-            }
-            slaveInfoList.push_back(slaveInfo);
-            if (slaveInfo.pos.length() > maxPosWidth)
-                maxPosWidth = slaveInfo.pos.length();
-            if (slaveInfo.alias.length() > maxAliasWidth)
-                maxAliasWidth = slaveInfo.alias.length();
-            if (slaveInfo.relPos.length() > maxRelPosWidth)
-                maxRelPosWidth = slaveInfo.relPos.length();
-            if (slaveInfo.state.length() > maxStateWidth)
-                maxStateWidth = slaveInfo.state.length();
-        }
-        aliasIndex++;
-    }
-    for (iter = slaveInfoList.begin(); iter != slaveInfoList.end(); iter++) {
-        cout << setfill(' ') << right
-            << setw(maxPosWidth) << iter->pos << "  "
-            << setw(maxAliasWidth) << iter->alias
-            << ":" << left
-            << setw(maxRelPosWidth) << iter->relPos << "  "
-            << setw(maxStateWidth) << iter->state << "  "
-            << iter->flag << "  "
-            << iter->name << endl;
-    }
-void Master::showSlave(uint16_t slavePosition)
-    ec_ioctl_slave_t slave;
-    list<string> protoList;
-    list<string>::const_iterator protoIter;
-    getSlave(&slave, slavePosition);
-    cout << "=== Slave " << dec << slavePosition << " ===" << endl;
-    if (slave.alias)
-        cout << "Alias: " << slave.alias << endl;
-    cout
-        << "State: " << slaveState(slave.state) << endl
-        << "Flag: " << (slave.error_flag ? 'E' : '+') << endl
-        << "Identity:" << endl
-        << "  Vendor Id:       0x"
-        << hex << setfill('0')
-        << setw(8) << slave.vendor_id << endl
-        << "  Product code:    0x"
-        << setw(8) << slave.product_code << endl
-        << "  Revision number: 0x"
-        << setw(8) << slave.revision_number << endl
-        << "  Serial number:   0x"
-        << setw(8) << slave.serial_number << endl;
-    if (slave.mailbox_protocols) {
-        cout << "Mailboxes:" << endl
-        << "  RX: 0x"
-        << hex << setw(4) << slave.rx_mailbox_offset << "/"
-        << dec << slave.rx_mailbox_size
-        << ", TX: 0x"
-        << hex << setw(4) << slave.tx_mailbox_offset << "/"
-        << dec << slave.tx_mailbox_size << endl
-        << "  Supported protocols: ";
-        if (slave.mailbox_protocols & EC_MBOX_AOE) {
-            protoList.push_back("AoE");
-        }
-        if (slave.mailbox_protocols & EC_MBOX_EOE) {
-            protoList.push_back("EoE");
-        }
-        if (slave.mailbox_protocols & EC_MBOX_COE) {
-            protoList.push_back("CoE");
-        }
-        if (slave.mailbox_protocols & EC_MBOX_FOE) {
-            protoList.push_back("FoE");
-        }
-        if (slave.mailbox_protocols & EC_MBOX_SOE) {
-            protoList.push_back("SoE");
-        }
-        if (slave.mailbox_protocols & EC_MBOX_VOE) {
-            protoList.push_back("VoE");
-        }
-        for (protoIter = protoList.begin(); protoIter != protoList.end();
-                protoIter++) {
-            if (protoIter != protoList.begin())
-                cout << ", ";
-            cout << *protoIter;
-        }
-        cout << endl;
-    }
-    if (slave.has_general_category) {
-        cout << "General:" << endl
-            << "  Group: " << << endl
-            << "  Image name: " << slave.image << endl
-            << "  Order number: " << slave.order << endl
-            << "  Device name: " << << endl;
-        if (slave.mailbox_protocols & EC_MBOX_COE) {
-            cout << "  CoE details:" << endl
-                << "    Enable Sdo: "
-                << (slave.coe_details.enable_sdo ? "yes" : "no") << endl
-                << "    Enable Sdo Info: "
-                << (slave.coe_details.enable_sdo_info ? "yes" : "no") << endl
-                << "    Enable Pdo Assign: "
-                << (slave.coe_details.enable_pdo_assign
-                        ? "yes" : "no") << endl
-                << "    Enable Pdo Configuration: "
-                << (slave.coe_details.enable_pdo_configuration
-                        ? "yes" : "no") << endl
-                << "    Enable Upload at startup: "
-                << (slave.coe_details.enable_upload_at_startup
-                        ? "yes" : "no") << endl
-                << "    Enable Sdo complete access: "
-                << (slave.coe_details.enable_sdo_complete_access
-                        ? "yes" : "no") << endl;
-        }
-        cout << "  Flags:" << endl
-            << "    Enable SafeOp: "
-            << (slave.general_flags.enable_safeop ? "yes" : "no") << endl
-            << "    Enable notLRW: "
-            << (slave.general_flags.enable_not_lrw ? "yes" : "no") << endl
-            << "  Current consumption: "
-            << dec << slave.current_on_ebus << " mA" << endl;
-    }
-void Master::generateSlaveXml(uint16_t slavePosition)
-    ec_ioctl_slave_t slave;
-    ec_ioctl_slave_sync_t sync;
-    ec_ioctl_slave_sync_pdo_t pdo;
-    string pdoType;
-    ec_ioctl_slave_sync_pdo_entry_t entry;
-    unsigned int i, j, k;
-    getSlave(&slave, slavePosition);
-    cout
-        << "<?xml version=\"1.0\" ?>" << endl
-        << "  <EtherCATInfo>" << endl
-        << "    <!-- Slave " << slave.position << " -->" << endl
-        << "    <Vendor>" << endl
-        << "      <Id>" << slave.vendor_id << "</Id>" << endl
-        << "    </Vendor>" << endl
-        << "    <Descriptions>" << endl
-        << "      <Devices>" << endl
-        << "        <Device>" << endl
-        << "          <Type ProductCode=\"#x"
-        << hex << setfill('0') << setw(8) << slave.product_code
-        << "\" RevisionNo=\"#x"
-        << hex << setfill('0') << setw(8) << slave.revision_number
-        << "\">" << slave.order << "</Type>" << endl;
-    if (strlen( {
-        cout
-            << "          <Name><![CDATA["
-            <<
-            << "]]></Name>" << endl;
-    }
-    for (i = 0; i < slave.sync_count; i++) {
-        getSync(&sync, slavePosition, i);
-        cout
-            << "          <Sm Enable=\"" << dec << (unsigned int) sync.enable
-            << "\" StartAddress=\"" << sync.physical_start_address
-            << "\" ControlByte=\"" << (unsigned int) sync.control_register
-            << "\" DefaultSize=\"" << sync.default_size
-            << "\" />" << endl;
-    }
-    for (i = 0; i < slave.sync_count; i++) {
-        getSync(&sync, slavePosition, i);
-        for (j = 0; j < sync.pdo_count; j++) {
-            getPdo(&pdo, slavePosition, i, j);
-            pdoType = (sync.control_register & 0x04 ? "R" : "T");
-            pdoType += "xPdo";
-            cout
-                << "          <" << pdoType
-                << " Sm=\"" << i << "\" Fixed=\"1\" Mandatory=\"1\">" << endl
-                << "            <Index>#x"
-                << hex << setfill('0') << setw(4) << pdo.index
-                << "</Index>" << endl
-                << "            <Name>" << << "</Name>" << endl;
-            for (k = 0; k < pdo.entry_count; k++) {
-                getPdoEntry(&entry, slavePosition, i, j, k);
-                cout
-                    << "            <Entry>" << endl
-                    << "              <Index>#x"
-                    << hex << setfill('0') << setw(4) << entry.index
-                    << "</Index>" << endl;
-                if (entry.index)
-                    cout
-                        << "              <SubIndex>"
-                        << dec << (unsigned int) entry.subindex
-                        << "</SubIndex>" << endl;
-                cout
-                    << "              <BitLen>"
-                    << dec << (unsigned int) entry.bit_length
-                    << "</BitLen>" << endl;
-                if (entry.index) {
-                    cout
-                        << "              <Name>" <<
-                        << "</Name>" << endl
-                        << "              <DataType>";
-                    if (entry.bit_length == 1) {
-                        cout << "BOOL";
-                    } else if (!(entry.bit_length % 8)) {
-                        if (entry.bit_length <= 64)
-                            cout << "UINT" << (unsigned int) entry.bit_length;
-                        else
-                            cout << "STRING("
-                                << (unsigned int) (entry.bit_length / 8)
-                                << ")";
-                    } else {
-                        cerr << "Invalid bit length "
-                            << (unsigned int) entry.bit_length << endl;
-                    }
-                        cout << "</DataType>" << endl;
-                }
-                cout << "            </Entry>" << endl;
-            }
-            cout
-                << "          </" << pdoType << ">" << endl;
-        }
-    }
-    cout
-        << "        </Device>" << endl
-        << "     </Devices>" << endl
-        << "  </Descriptions>" << endl
-        << "</EtherCATInfo>" << endl;
-unsigned int Master::slaveCount()
-    ec_ioctl_master_t data;
-    getMaster(&data);
-    return data.slave_count;
-void Master::getMaster(ec_ioctl_master_t *data)
-    if (ioctl(fd, EC_IOCTL_MASTER, data) < 0) {
-        stringstream err;
-        err << "Failed to get master information: " << strerror(errno);
-        throw MasterException(err.str());
-    }
-void Master::getConfig(ec_ioctl_config_t *data, unsigned int index)
-    data->config_index = index;
-    if (ioctl(fd, EC_IOCTL_CONFIG, data) < 0) {
-        stringstream err;
-        err << "Failed to get slave configuration: " << strerror(errno);
-        throw MasterException(err.str());
-    }
-void Master::getConfigPdo(
-        ec_ioctl_config_pdo_t *data,
-        unsigned int index,
-        uint8_t sync_index,
-        uint16_t pdo_pos
-        )
-    data->config_index = index;
-    data->sync_index = sync_index;
-    data->pdo_pos = pdo_pos;
-    if (ioctl(fd, EC_IOCTL_CONFIG_PDO, data) < 0) {
-        stringstream err;
-        err << "Failed to get slave config Pdo: " << strerror(errno);
-        throw MasterException(err.str());
-    }
-void Master::getConfigPdoEntry(
-        ec_ioctl_config_pdo_entry_t *data,
-        unsigned int index,
-        uint8_t sync_index,
-        uint16_t pdo_pos,
-        uint8_t entry_pos
-        )
-    data->config_index = index;
-    data->sync_index = sync_index;
-    data->pdo_pos = pdo_pos;
-    data->entry_pos = entry_pos;
-    if (ioctl(fd, EC_IOCTL_CONFIG_PDO_ENTRY, data) < 0) {
-        stringstream err;
-        err << "Failed to get slave config Pdo entry: " << strerror(errno);
-        throw MasterException(err.str());
-    }
-void Master::getConfigSdo(
-        ec_ioctl_config_sdo_t *data,
-        unsigned int index,
-        unsigned int sdo_pos
-        )
-    data->config_index = index;
-    data->sdo_pos = sdo_pos;
-    if (ioctl(fd, EC_IOCTL_CONFIG_SDO, data) < 0) {
-        stringstream err;
-        err << "Failed to get slave config Sdo: " << strerror(errno);
-        throw MasterException(err.str());
-    }
-void Master::getDomain(ec_ioctl_domain_t *data, unsigned int index)
-    data->index = index;
-    if (ioctl(fd, EC_IOCTL_DOMAIN, data)) {
-        stringstream err;
-        err << "Failed to get domain: ";
-        if (errno == EINVAL)
-            err << "Domain " << index << " does not exist!";
-        else
-            err << strerror(errno);
-        throw MasterException(err.str());
-    }
-void Master::getData(ec_ioctl_domain_data_t *data, unsigned int domainIndex,
-        unsigned int dataSize, unsigned char *mem)
-    data->domain_index = domainIndex;
-    data->data_size = dataSize;
-    data->target = mem;
-    if (ioctl(fd, EC_IOCTL_DOMAIN_DATA, data) < 0) {
-        stringstream err;
-        err << "Failed to get domain data: " << strerror(errno);
-        throw MasterException(err.str());
-    }
-void Master::getSlave(ec_ioctl_slave_t *slave, uint16_t slaveIndex)
-    slave->position = slaveIndex;
-    if (ioctl(fd, EC_IOCTL_SLAVE, slave)) {
-        stringstream err;
-        err << "Failed to get slave: ";
-        if (errno == EINVAL)
-            err << "Slave " << slaveIndex << " does not exist!";
-        else
-            err << strerror(errno);
-        throw MasterException(err.str());
-    }
-void Master::getFmmu(
-        ec_ioctl_domain_fmmu_t *fmmu,
-        unsigned int domainIndex,
-        unsigned int fmmuIndex
-        )
-    fmmu->domain_index = domainIndex;
-    fmmu->fmmu_index = fmmuIndex;
-    if (ioctl(fd, EC_IOCTL_DOMAIN_FMMU, fmmu)) {
-        stringstream err;
-        err << "Failed to get domain FMMU: ";
-        if (errno == EINVAL)
-            err << "Either domain " << domainIndex << " does not exist, "
-                << "or it contains less than " << (unsigned int) fmmuIndex + 1
-                << " FMMus!";
-        else
-            err << strerror(errno);
-        throw MasterException(err.str());
-    }
-void Master::getSync(
-        ec_ioctl_slave_sync_t *sync,
-        uint16_t slaveIndex,
-        uint8_t syncIndex
-        )
-    sync->slave_position = slaveIndex;
-    sync->sync_index = syncIndex;
-    if (ioctl(fd, EC_IOCTL_SLAVE_SYNC, sync)) {
-        stringstream err;
-        err << "Failed to get sync manager: ";
-        if (errno == EINVAL)
-            err << "Either slave " << slaveIndex << " does not exist, "
-                << "or it contains less than " << (unsigned int) syncIndex + 1
-                << " sync managers!";
-        else
-            err << strerror(errno);
-        throw MasterException(err.str());
-    }
-void Master::getPdo(
-        ec_ioctl_slave_sync_pdo_t *pdo,
-        uint16_t slaveIndex,
-        uint8_t syncIndex,
-        uint8_t pdoPos
-        )
-    pdo->slave_position = slaveIndex;
-    pdo->sync_index = syncIndex;
-    pdo->pdo_pos = pdoPos;
-    if (ioctl(fd, EC_IOCTL_SLAVE_SYNC_PDO, pdo)) {
-        stringstream err;
-        err << "Failed to get Pdo: ";
-        if (errno == EINVAL)
-            err << "Either slave " << slaveIndex << " does not exist, "
-                << "or it contains less than " << (unsigned int) syncIndex + 1
-                << " sync managers, or sync manager "
-                << (unsigned int) syncIndex << " contains less than "
-                << pdoPos + 1 << " Pdos!" << endl;
-        else
-            err << strerror(errno);
-        throw MasterException(err.str());
-    }
-void Master::getPdoEntry(
-        ec_ioctl_slave_sync_pdo_entry_t *entry,
-        uint16_t slaveIndex,
-        uint8_t syncIndex,
-        uint8_t pdoPos,
-        uint8_t entryPos
-        )
-    entry->slave_position = slaveIndex;
-    entry->sync_index = syncIndex;
-    entry->pdo_pos = pdoPos;
-    entry->entry_pos = entryPos;
-    if (ioctl(fd, EC_IOCTL_SLAVE_SYNC_PDO_ENTRY, entry)) {
-        stringstream err;
-        err << "Failed to get Pdo entry: ";
-        if (errno == EINVAL)
-            err << "Either slave " << slaveIndex << " does not exist, "
-                << "or it contains less than " << (unsigned int) syncIndex + 1
-                << " sync managers, or sync manager "
-                << (unsigned int) syncIndex << " contains less than "
-                << pdoPos + 1 << " Pdos, or the Pdo at position " << pdoPos
-                << " contains less than " << (unsigned int) entryPos + 1
-                << " entries!" << endl;
-        else
-            err << strerror(errno);
-        throw MasterException(err.str());
-    }
-void Master::getSdo(
-        ec_ioctl_slave_sdo_t *sdo,
-        uint16_t slaveIndex,
-        uint16_t sdoPosition
-        )
-    sdo->slave_position = slaveIndex;
-    sdo->sdo_position = sdoPosition;
-    if (ioctl(fd, EC_IOCTL_SLAVE_SDO, sdo)) {
-        stringstream err;
-        err << "Failed to get Sdo: ";
-        if (errno == EINVAL)
-            err << "Either slave " << slaveIndex << " does not exist, "
-                << "or it contains less than " << sdoPosition + 1 << " Sdos!"
-                << endl;
-        else
-            err << strerror(errno);
-        throw MasterException(err.str());
-    }
-void Master::getSdoEntry(
-        ec_ioctl_slave_sdo_entry_t *entry,
-        uint16_t slaveIndex,
-        int sdoSpec,
-        uint8_t entrySubindex
-        )
-    entry->slave_position = slaveIndex;
-    entry->sdo_spec = sdoSpec;
-    entry->sdo_entry_subindex = entrySubindex;
-    if (ioctl(fd, EC_IOCTL_SLAVE_SDO_ENTRY, entry)) {
-        stringstream err;
-        err << "Failed to get Sdo entry: ";
-        err << strerror(errno);
-        throw MasterException(err.str());
-    }
-void Master::requestState(
-        uint16_t slavePosition,
-        uint8_t state
-        )
-    ec_ioctl_slave_state_t data;
-    data.slave_position = slavePosition;
-    data.requested_state = state;
-    if (ioctl(fd, EC_IOCTL_SLAVE_STATE, &data)) {
-        stringstream err;
-        err << "Failed to request slave state: ";
-        if (errno == EINVAL)
-            err << "Slave " << slavePosition << " does not exist!";
-        else
-            err << strerror(errno);
-        throw MasterException(err.str());
-    }
-string Master::slaveState(uint8_t state)
-    switch (state) {
-        case 1: return "INIT";
-        case 2: return "PREOP";
-        case 4: return "SAFEOP";
-        case 8: return "OP";
-        default: return "???";
-    }
-void Master::printRawData(
-        const uint8_t *data,
-        unsigned int size)
-    cout << hex << setfill('0');
-    while (size--) {
-        cout << "0x" << setw(2) << (unsigned int) *data++;
-        if (size)
-            cout << " ";
-    }
-    cout << endl;
- * Calculates the SII checksum field.
- *
- * The checksum is generated with the polynom x^8+x^2+x+1 (0x07) and an
- * initial value of 0xff (see IEC 61158-6-12 ch. 5.4).
- *
- * The below code was originally generated with PYCRC
- *
- *
- * ./ --width=8 --poly=0x07 --reflect-in=0 --xor-in=0xff
- *   --reflect-out=0 --xor-out=0 --generate c --algorithm=bit-by-bit
- *
- * \return CRC8
- */
-uint8_t Master::calcSiiCrc(
-        const uint8_t *data, /**< pointer to data */
-        size_t length /**< number of bytes in \a data */
-        )
-    unsigned int i;
-    uint8_t bit, byte, crc = 0x48;
-    while (length--) {
-        byte = *data++;
-        for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
-            bit = crc & 0x80;
-            crc = (crc << 1) | ((byte >> (7 - i)) & 0x01);
-            if (bit) crc ^= 0x07;
-        }
-    }
-    for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
-        bit = crc & 0x80;
-        crc <<= 1;
-        if (bit) crc ^= 0x07;
-    }
-    return crc;
--- a/tool/Master.h	Mon Jul 21 22:06:33 2008 +0000
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,121 +0,0 @@
- *
- * $Id$
- *
- ****************************************************************************/
-#ifndef __EC_MASTER_H__
-#define __EC_MASTER_H__
-#include <stdexcept>
-#include <string>
-#include <vector>
-#include <list>
-using namespace std;
-#include "../include/ecrt.h"
-#include "../master/ioctl.h"
-class MasterException:
-    public runtime_error
-    public:
-        /** Constructor with std::string parameter. */
-        MasterException(
-                const string &s /**< Message. */
-                ): runtime_error(s) {}
-        /** Constructor with const char pointer parameter. */
-        MasterException(
-                const char *s /**< Message. */
-                ): runtime_error(s) {}
-class Master
-    public:
-        Master();
-        ~Master();
-        void setIndex(unsigned int);
-        enum Verbosity {
-            Quiet,
-            Normal,
-            Verbose
-        };
-        void setVerbosity(Verbosity);
-        void writeAlias(int, bool, const vector<string> &);
-        void showConfigs();
-        void outputData(int);
-        void setDebug(const vector<string> &);
-        void showDomains(int);
-        void showMaster();
-        void listPdos(int);
-        void listSdos(int);
-        void sdoDownload(int, const string &, const vector<string> &);
-        void sdoUpload(int, const string &, const vector<string> &);
-        void showSlaves(int);
-        void siiRead(int);
-        void siiWrite(int, bool, const vector<string> &);
-        void requestStates(int, const vector<string> &);
-        void generateXml(int);
-    protected:
-        enum Permissions {Read, ReadWrite};
-        void open(Permissions);
-        void close();
-        void writeSlaveAlias(uint16_t, uint16_t);
-        typedef list<ec_ioctl_config_t> ConfigList;
-        void showDetailedConfigs(const ConfigList &);
-        void listConfigs(const ConfigList &);
-        void outputDomainData(unsigned int);
-        enum {BreakAfterBytes = 16};
-        void showDomain(unsigned int);
-        void listSlavePdos(uint16_t, bool = false);
-        void listSlaveSdos(uint16_t, bool = false);
-        void listSlaves(int);
-        void showSlave(uint16_t);
-        void generateSlaveXml(uint16_t);
-        unsigned int slaveCount();
-        void getMaster(ec_ioctl_master_t *);
-        void getConfig(ec_ioctl_config_t *, unsigned int);
-        void getConfigPdo(ec_ioctl_config_pdo_t *, unsigned int, uint8_t,
-                uint16_t);
-        void getConfigPdoEntry(ec_ioctl_config_pdo_entry_t *, unsigned int,
-                uint8_t, uint16_t, uint8_t);
-        void getConfigSdo(ec_ioctl_config_sdo_t *, unsigned int, unsigned int);
-        void getDomain(ec_ioctl_domain_t *, unsigned int);
-        void getFmmu(ec_ioctl_domain_fmmu_t *, unsigned int, unsigned int);
-        void getData(ec_ioctl_domain_data_t *, unsigned int, unsigned int,
-                unsigned char *);
-        void getSlave(ec_ioctl_slave_t *, uint16_t);
-        void getSync(ec_ioctl_slave_sync_t *, uint16_t, uint8_t);
-        void getPdo(ec_ioctl_slave_sync_pdo_t *, uint16_t, uint8_t, uint8_t);
-        void getPdoEntry(ec_ioctl_slave_sync_pdo_entry_t *, uint16_t, uint8_t,
-                uint8_t, uint8_t);
-        void getSdo(ec_ioctl_slave_sdo_t *, uint16_t, uint16_t);
-        void getSdoEntry(ec_ioctl_slave_sdo_entry_t *, uint16_t, int, uint8_t);
-        void requestState(uint16_t, uint8_t);
-        static string slaveState(uint8_t);
-        static void printRawData(const uint8_t *, unsigned int);
-        static uint8_t calcSiiCrc(const uint8_t *, unsigned int);
-    private:
-        enum {DefaultBufferSize = 1024};
-        unsigned int index;
-        Verbosity verbosity;
-        int fd;
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/tool/MasterDevice.cpp	Mon Jul 21 22:20:23 2008 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,2021 @@
+ *
+ * $Id$
+ *
+ ****************************************************************************/
+#include <sys/stat.h>
+#include <fcntl.h>
+#include <errno.h>
+#include <sys/ioctl.h>
+#include <sstream>
+using namespace std;
+#if 0
+#include <iostream>
+#include <fstream>
+#include <cctype> // toupper()
+#include <list>
+#include "MasterDevice.h"
+struct CoEDataType {
+    const char *name;
+    uint16_t coeCode;
+    unsigned int byteSize;
+static const CoEDataType dataTypes[] = {
+    {"int8",   0x0002, 1},
+    {"int16",  0x0003, 2},
+    {"int32",  0x0004, 4},
+    {"uint8",  0x0005, 1},
+    {"uint16", 0x0006, 2},
+    {"uint32", 0x0007, 4},
+    {"string", 0x0009, 0},
+    {"raw",    0xffff, 0},
+    {}
+const CoEDataType *findDataType(const string &str)
+    const CoEDataType *d;
+    for (d = dataTypes; d->name; d++)
+        if (str == d->name)
+            return d;
+    return NULL;
+const CoEDataType *findDataType(uint16_t code)
+    const CoEDataType *d;
+    for (d = dataTypes; d->name; d++)
+        if (code == d->coeCode)
+            return d;
+    return NULL;
+    index = 0;
+    fd = -1;
+    close();
+void MasterDevice::setIndex(unsigned int i)
+    index = i;
+#if 0
+bool operator<(const ec_ioctl_config_t &a, const ec_ioctl_config_t &b)
+    return a.alias < b.alias
+        || (a.alias == b.alias && a.position < b.position);
+/** Lists the bus configuration.
+ */
+void Master::showConfigs()
+    ec_ioctl_master_t master;
+    unsigned int i;
+    ec_ioctl_config_t config;
+    ConfigList configList;
+    open(Read);
+    getMaster(&master);
+    for (i = 0; i < master.config_count; i++) {
+        getConfig(&config, i);
+        configList.push_back(config);
+    }
+    configList.sort();
+    if (verbosity == Verbose) {
+        showDetailedConfigs(configList);
+    } else {
+        listConfigs(configList);
+    }
+void Master::outputData(int domainIndex)
+    open(Read);
+    if (domainIndex == -1) {
+        unsigned int i;
+        ec_ioctl_master_t master;
+        getMaster(&master);
+        for (i = 0; i < master.domain_count; i++) {
+            outputDomainData(i);
+        }
+    } else {
+        outputDomainData(domainIndex);
+    }
+void Master::setDebug(const vector<string> &commandArgs)
+    stringstream str;
+    int debugLevel;
+    if (commandArgs.size() != 1) {
+        stringstream err;
+        err << "'debug' takes exactly one argument!";
+        throw MasterDeviceException(err.str());
+    }
+    str << commandArgs[0];
+    str >> resetiosflags(ios::basefield) // guess base from prefix
+        >> debugLevel;
+    if ( {
+        stringstream err;
+        err << "Invalid debug level '" << commandArgs[0] << "'!";
+        throw MasterDeviceException(err.str());
+    }
+    open(ReadWrite);
+    if (ioctl(fd, EC_IOCTL_MASTER_DEBUG, debugLevel) < 0) {
+        stringstream err;
+        err << "Failed to set debug level: " << strerror(errno);
+        throw MasterDeviceException(err.str());
+    }
+void Master::showDomains(int domainIndex)
+    open(Read);
+    if (domainIndex == -1) {
+        unsigned int i;
+        ec_ioctl_master_t master;
+        getMaster(&master);
+        for (i = 0; i < master.domain_count; i++) {
+            showDomain(i);
+        }
+    } else {
+        showDomain(domainIndex);
+    }
+void Master::showMaster()
+    ec_ioctl_master_t data;
+    stringstream err;
+    unsigned int i;
+    open(Read);
+    getMaster(&data);
+    cout
+        << "Master" << index << endl
+        << "  Phase: ";
+    switch (data.phase) {
+        case 0: cout << "Waiting for device..."; break;
+        case 1: cout << "Idle"; break;
+        case 2: cout << "Operation"; break;
+        default:
+                err << "Invalid master phase " << data.phase;
+                throw MasterDeviceException(err.str());
+    }
+    cout << endl
+        << "  Slaves: " << data.slave_count << endl;
+    for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
+        cout << "  Device" << i << ": ";
+        if (data.devices[i].address[0] == 0x00
+                && data.devices[i].address[1] == 0x00
+                && data.devices[i].address[2] == 0x00
+                && data.devices[i].address[3] == 0x00
+                && data.devices[i].address[4] == 0x00
+                && data.devices[i].address[5] == 0x00) {
+            cout << "None.";
+        } else {
+            cout << hex << setfill('0')
+                << setw(2) << (unsigned int) data.devices[i].address[0] << ":"
+                << setw(2) << (unsigned int) data.devices[i].address[1] << ":"
+                << setw(2) << (unsigned int) data.devices[i].address[2] << ":"
+                << setw(2) << (unsigned int) data.devices[i].address[3] << ":"
+                << setw(2) << (unsigned int) data.devices[i].address[4] << ":"
+                << setw(2) << (unsigned int) data.devices[i].address[5] << " ("
+                << (data.devices[i].attached ? "attached" : "waiting...")
+                << ")" << endl << dec
+                << "    Tx count: " << data.devices[i].tx_count << endl
+                << "    Rx count: " << data.devices[i].rx_count;
+        }
+        cout << endl;
+    }
+void Master::listPdos(int slavePosition)
+    open(Read);
+    if (slavePosition == -1) {
+        unsigned int numSlaves = slaveCount(), i;
+        for (i = 0; i < numSlaves; i++) {
+            listSlavePdos(i, true);
+        }
+    } else {
+        listSlavePdos(slavePosition, false);
+    }
+void Master::listSdos(int slavePosition)
+    open(Read);
+    if (slavePosition == -1) {
+        unsigned int numSlaves = slaveCount(), i;
+        for (i = 0; i < numSlaves; i++) {
+            listSlaveSdos(i, true);
+        }
+    } else {
+        listSlaveSdos(slavePosition, false);
+    }
+void Master::sdoDownload(
+        int slavePosition,
+        const string &dataTypeStr,
+        const vector<string> &commandArgs
+        )
+    stringstream strIndex, strSubIndex, strValue, err;
+    ec_ioctl_slave_sdo_download_t data;
+    unsigned int number;
+    const CoEDataType *dataType = NULL;
+    if (slavePosition < 0) {
+        err << "'sdo_download' requires a slave! Please specify --slave.";
+        throw MasterDeviceException(err.str());
+    }
+    data.slave_position = slavePosition;
+    if (commandArgs.size() != 3) {
+        err << "'sdo_download' takes 3 arguments!";
+        throw MasterDeviceException(err.str());
+    }
+    strIndex << commandArgs[0];
+    strIndex
+        >> resetiosflags(ios::basefield) // guess base from prefix
+        >> data.sdo_index;
+    if ( {
+        err << "Invalid Sdo index '" << commandArgs[0] << "'!";
+        throw MasterDeviceException(err.str());
+    }
+    strSubIndex << commandArgs[1];
+    strSubIndex
+        >> resetiosflags(ios::basefield) // guess base from prefix
+        >> number;
+    if ( || number > 0xff) {
+        err << "Invalid Sdo subindex '" << commandArgs[1] << "'!";
+        throw MasterDeviceException(err.str());
+    }
+    data.sdo_entry_subindex = number;
+    if (dataTypeStr != "") { // data type specified
+        if (!(dataType = findDataType(dataTypeStr))) {
+            err << "Invalid data type '" << dataTypeStr << "'!";
+            throw MasterDeviceException(err.str());
+        }
+    } else { // no data type specified: fetch from dictionary
+        ec_ioctl_slave_sdo_entry_t entry;
+        open(ReadWrite);
+        try {
+            getSdoEntry(&entry, slavePosition,
+                    data.sdo_index, data.sdo_entry_subindex);
+        } catch (MasterDeviceException &e) {
+            err << "Failed to determine Sdo entry data type. "
+                << "Please specify --type.";
+            throw MasterDeviceException(err.str());
+        }
+        if (!(dataType = findDataType(entry.data_type))) {
+            err << "Pdo entry has unknown data type 0x"
+                << hex << setfill('0') << setw(4) << entry.data_type << "!"
+                << " Please specify --type.";
+            throw MasterDeviceException(err.str());
+        }
+    }
+    if (dataType->byteSize) {
+        data.data_size = dataType->byteSize;
+    } else {
+        data.data_size = DefaultBufferSize;
+    }
+ = new uint8_t[data.data_size + 1];
+    strValue << commandArgs[2];
+    strValue >> resetiosflags(ios::basefield); // guess base from prefix
+    strValue.exceptions(ios::failbit);
+    try {
+        switch (dataType->coeCode) {
+            case 0x0002: // int8
+                {
+                    int16_t val; // uint8_t is interpreted as char
+                    strValue >> val;
+                    if (val > 127 || val < -128)
+                        throw ios::failure("Value out of range");
+                    * = val;
+                    break;
+                }
+            case 0x0003: // int16
+                {
+                    int16_t val;
+                    strValue >> val;
+                    *(int16_t *) = cputole16(val);
+                    break;
+                }
+            case 0x0004: // int32
+                {
+                    int32_t val;
+                    strValue >> val;
+                    *(int32_t *) = cputole32(val);
+                    break;
+                }
+            case 0x0005: // uint8
+                {
+                    uint16_t val; // uint8_t is interpreted as char
+                    strValue >> val;
+                    if (val > 0xff)
+                        throw ios::failure("Value out of range");
+                    * = val;
+                    break;
+                }
+            case 0x0006: // uint16
+                {
+                    uint16_t val;
+                    strValue >> val;
+                    *(uint16_t *) = cputole16(val);
+                    break;
+                }
+            case 0x0007: // uint32
+                {
+                    uint32_t val;
+                    strValue >> val;
+                    *(uint32_t *) = cputole32(val);
+                    break;
+                }
+            case 0x0009: // string
+                if (strValue.str().size() >= data.data_size) {
+                    err << "String too large";
+                    throw MasterDeviceException(err.str());
+                }
+                data.data_size = strValue.str().size();
+                strValue >> (char *);
+                break;
+            default:
+                delete [];
+                err << "Unknown data type 0x" << hex << dataType->coeCode;
+                throw MasterDeviceException(err.str());
+        }
+    } catch (ios::failure &e) {
+        delete [];
+        err << "Invalid value argument '" << commandArgs[2]
+            << "' for type '" << dataType->name << "'!";
+        throw MasterDeviceException(err.str());
+    }
+    open(ReadWrite);
+    if (ioctl(fd, EC_IOCTL_SLAVE_SDO_DOWNLOAD, &data) < 0) {
+        stringstream err;
+        err << "Failed to download Sdo: ";
+        if (errno == EIO && data.abort_code) {
+            err << "Abort code 0x" << hex << setfill('0')
+                << setw(8) << data.abort_code;
+        } else {
+            err << strerror(errno);
+        }
+        delete [];
+        throw MasterDeviceException(err.str());
+    }
+    delete [];
+void Master::sdoUpload(
+        int slavePosition,
+        const string &dataTypeStr,
+        const vector<string> &commandArgs
+        )
+    stringstream strIndex, strSubIndex;
+    int sval;
+    ec_ioctl_slave_sdo_upload_t data;
+    unsigned int uval;
+    const CoEDataType *dataType = NULL;
+    if (slavePosition < 0) {
+        stringstream err;
+        err << "'sdo_upload' requires a slave! Please specify --slave.";
+        throw MasterDeviceException(err.str());
+    }
+    data.slave_position = slavePosition;
+    if (commandArgs.size() != 2) {
+        stringstream err;
+        err << "'sdo_upload' takes two arguments!";
+        throw MasterDeviceException(err.str());
+    }
+    strIndex << commandArgs[0];
+    strIndex
+        >> resetiosflags(ios::basefield) // guess base from prefix
+        >> data.sdo_index;
+    if ( {
+        stringstream err;
+        err << "Invalid Sdo index '" << commandArgs[0] << "'!";
+        throw MasterDeviceException(err.str());
+    }
+    strSubIndex << commandArgs[1];
+    strSubIndex
+        >> resetiosflags(ios::basefield) // guess base from prefix
+        >> uval;
+    if ( || uval > 0xff) {
+        stringstream err;
+        err << "Invalid Sdo subindex '" << commandArgs[1] << "'!";
+        throw MasterDeviceException(err.str());
+    }
+    data.sdo_entry_subindex = uval;
+    if (dataTypeStr != "") { // data type specified
+        if (!(dataType = findDataType(dataTypeStr))) {
+            stringstream err;
+            err << "Invalid data type '" << dataTypeStr << "'!";
+            throw MasterDeviceException(err.str());
+        }
+    } else { // no data type specified: fetch from dictionary
+        ec_ioctl_slave_sdo_entry_t entry;
+        open(Read);
+        try {
+            getSdoEntry(&entry, slavePosition,
+                    data.sdo_index, data.sdo_entry_subindex);
+        } catch (MasterDeviceException &e) {
+            stringstream err;
+            err << "Failed to determine Sdo entry data type. "
+                << "Please specify --type.";
+            throw MasterDeviceException(err.str());
+        }
+        if (!(dataType = findDataType(entry.data_type))) {
+            stringstream err;
+            err << "Pdo entry has unknown data type 0x"
+                << hex << setfill('0') << setw(4) << entry.data_type << "!"
+                << " Please specify --type.";
+            throw MasterDeviceException(err.str());
+        }
+    }
+    if (dataType->byteSize) {
+        data.target_size = dataType->byteSize;
+    } else {
+        data.target_size = DefaultBufferSize;
+    }
+ = new uint8_t[data.target_size + 1];
+    open(Read);
+    if (ioctl(fd, EC_IOCTL_SLAVE_SDO_UPLOAD, &data) < 0) {
+        stringstream err;
+        err << "Failed to upload Sdo: ";
+        if (errno == EIO && data.abort_code) {
+            err << "Abort code 0x" << hex << setfill('0')
+                << setw(8) << data.abort_code;
+        } else {
+            err << strerror(errno);
+        }
+        delete [];
+        close();
+        throw MasterDeviceException(err.str());
+    }
+    close();
+    if (dataType->byteSize && data.data_size != dataType->byteSize) {
+        stringstream err;
+        err << "Data type mismatch. Expected " << dataType->name
+            << " with " << dataType->byteSize << " byte, but got "
+            << data.data_size << " byte.";
+        throw MasterDeviceException(err.str());
+    }
+    cout << setfill('0');
+    switch (dataType->coeCode) {
+        case 0x0002: // int8
+            sval = *(int8_t *);
+            cout << sval << " 0x" << hex << setw(2) << sval << endl;
+            break;
+        case 0x0003: // int16
+            sval = le16tocpu(*(int16_t *);
+            cout << sval << " 0x" << hex << setw(4) << sval << endl;
+            break;
+        case 0x0004: // int32
+            sval = le32tocpu(*(int32_t *);
+            cout << sval << " 0x" << hex << setw(8) << sval << endl;
+            break;
+        case 0x0005: // uint8
+            uval = (unsigned int) *(uint8_t *);
+            cout << uval << " 0x" << hex << setw(2) << uval << endl;
+            break;
+        case 0x0006: // uint16
+            uval = le16tocpu(*(uint16_t *);
+            cout << uval << " 0x" << hex << setw(4) << uval << endl;
+            break;
+        case 0x0007: // uint32
+            uval = le32tocpu(*(uint32_t *);
+            cout << uval << " 0x" << hex << setw(8) << uval << endl;
+            break;
+        case 0x0009: // string
+            cout << string((const char *), data.data_size)
+                << endl;
+            break;
+        default:
+            printRawData(, data.data_size);
+            break;
+    }
+    delete [];
+void Master::showSlaves(int slavePosition)
+    open(Read);
+    if (verbosity == Verbose) {
+        if (slavePosition == -1) {
+            unsigned int numSlaves = slaveCount(), i;
+            for (i = 0; i < numSlaves; i++) {
+                showSlave(i);
+            }
+        } else {
+            showSlave(slavePosition);
+        }
+    } else {
+        listSlaves(slavePosition);
+    }
+struct CategoryName {
+    uint16_t type;
+    const char *name;
+static const CategoryName categoryNames[] = {
+    {0x000a, "STRINGS"},
+    {0x0014, "DataTypes"},
+    {0x001e, "General"},
+    {0x0028, "FMMU"},
+    {0x0029, "SyncM"},
+    {0x0032, "TXPDO"},
+    {0x0033, "RXPDO"},
+    {0x003c, "DC"},
+    {}
+const char *getCategoryName(uint16_t type)
+    const CategoryName *cn = categoryNames;
+    while (cn->type) {
+        if (cn->type == type) {
+            return cn->name;
+        }
+        cn++;
+    }
+    return "unknown";
+void Master::siiRead(int slavePosition)
+    ec_ioctl_slave_sii_t data;
+    ec_ioctl_slave_t slave;
+    unsigned int i;
+    const uint16_t *categoryHeader;
+    uint16_t categoryType, categorySize;
+    stringstream err;
+    if (slavePosition < 0) {
+        stringstream err;
+        err << "'sii_read' requires a slave! Please specify --slave.";
+        throw MasterDeviceException(err.str());
+    }
+    data.slave_position = slavePosition;
+    open(Read);
+    getSlave(&slave, slavePosition);
+    if (!slave.sii_nwords)
+        return;
+    data.offset = 0;
+    data.nwords = slave.sii_nwords;
+    data.words = new uint16_t[data.nwords];
+    if (ioctl(fd, EC_IOCTL_SLAVE_SII_READ, &data) < 0) {
+        stringstream err;
+        delete [] data.words;
+        err << "Failed to read SII: " << strerror(errno);
+        throw MasterDeviceException(err.str());
+    }
+    if (verbosity == Verbose) {
+        cout << "SII Area:" << hex << setfill('0');
+        for (i = 0; i < min(data.nwords, 0x0040U) * 2; i++) {
+            if (i % BreakAfterBytes) {
+                cout << " ";
+            } else {
+                cout << endl << "  ";
+            }
+            cout << setw(2) << (unsigned int) *((uint8_t *) data.words + i);
+        }
+        cout << endl;
+        if (data.nwords > 0x0040U) {
+            // cycle through categories
+            categoryHeader = data.words + 0x0040U;
+            categoryType = le16tocpu(*categoryHeader);
+            while (categoryType != 0xffff) {
+                cout << "SII Category 0x" << hex
+                    << setw(4) << categoryType
+                    << " (" << getCategoryName(categoryType) << ")" << flush;
+                if (categoryHeader + 1 > data.words + data.nwords) {
+                    err << "SII data seem to be corrupted!";
+                    throw MasterDeviceException(err.str());
+                }
+                categorySize = le16tocpu(*(categoryHeader + 1));
+                cout << ", " << dec << categorySize << " words" << flush;
+                if (categoryHeader + 2 + categorySize
+                        > data.words + data.nwords) {
+                    err << "SII data seem to be corrupted!";
+                    throw MasterDeviceException(err.str());
+                }
+                cout << hex;
+                for (i = 0; i < categorySize * 2U; i++) {
+                    if (i % BreakAfterBytes) {
+                        cout << " ";
+                    } else {
+                        cout << endl << "  ";
+                    }
+                    cout << setw(2) << (unsigned int)
+                        *((uint8_t *) (categoryHeader + 2) + i);
+                }
+                cout << endl;
+                if (categoryHeader + 2 + categorySize + 1
+                        > data.words + data.nwords) {
+                    err << "SII data seem to be corrupted!"; 
+                    throw MasterDeviceException(err.str());
+                }
+                categoryHeader += 2 + categorySize;
+                categoryType = le16tocpu(*categoryHeader);
+            }
+        }
+    } else {
+        for (i = 0; i < data.nwords; i++) {
+            uint16_t *w = data.words + i;
+            cout << *(uint8_t *) w << *((uint8_t *) w + 1);
+        }
+    }
+    delete [] data.words;
+void Master::siiWrite(
+        int slavePosition,
+        bool force,
+        const vector<string> &commandArgs
+        )
+    stringstream err;
+    ec_ioctl_slave_sii_t data;
+    ifstream file;
+    unsigned int byte_size;
+    const uint16_t *categoryHeader;
+    uint16_t categoryType, categorySize;
+    uint8_t crc;
+    if (slavePosition < 0) {
+        err << "'sii_write' requires a slave! Please specify --slave.";
+        throw MasterDeviceException(err.str());
+    }
+    data.slave_position = slavePosition;
+    if (commandArgs.size() != 1) {
+        err << "'ssi_write' takes exactly one argument!";
+        throw MasterDeviceException(err.str());
+    }
+[0].c_str(), ifstream::in | ifstream::binary);
+    if ( {
+        err << "Failed to open '" << commandArgs[0] << "'!";
+        throw MasterDeviceException(err.str());
+    }
+    // get length of file
+    file.seekg(0, ios::end);
+    byte_size = file.tellg();
+    file.seekg(0, ios::beg);
+    if (!byte_size || byte_size % 2) {
+        stringstream err;
+        err << "Invalid file size! Must be non-zero and even.";
+        throw MasterDeviceException(err.str());
+    }
+    data.nwords = byte_size / 2;
+    if (data.nwords < 0x0041 && !force) {
+        err << "SII data too short (" << data.nwords << " words)! Mimimum is"
+                " 40 fixed words + 1 delimiter. Use --force to write anyway.";
+        throw MasterDeviceException(err.str());
+    }
+    // allocate buffer and read file into buffer
+    data.words = new uint16_t[data.nwords];
+ *) data.words, byte_size);
+    file.close();
+    if (!force) {
+        // calculate checksum over words 0 to 6
+        crc = calcSiiCrc((const uint8_t *) data.words, 14);
+        if (crc != ((const uint8_t *) data.words)[14]) {
+            err << "CRC incorrect. Must be 0x"
+                << hex << setfill('0') << setw(2) << (unsigned int) crc
+                << ". Use --force to write anyway.";
+            throw MasterDeviceException(err.str());
+        }
+        // cycle through categories to detect corruption
+        categoryHeader = data.words + 0x0040U;
+        categoryType = le16tocpu(*categoryHeader);
+        while (categoryType != 0xffff) {
+            if (categoryHeader + 1 > data.words + data.nwords) {
+                err << "SII data seem to be corrupted! "
+                    << "Use --force to write anyway.";
+                throw MasterDeviceException(err.str());
+            }
+            categorySize = le16tocpu(*(categoryHeader + 1));
+            if (categoryHeader + 2 + categorySize + 1
+                    > data.words + data.nwords) {
+                err << "SII data seem to be corrupted! "
+                    "Use --force to write anyway.";
+                throw MasterDeviceException(err.str());
+            }
+            categoryHeader += 2 + categorySize;
+            categoryType = le16tocpu(*categoryHeader);
+        }
+    }
+    // send data to master
+    open(ReadWrite);
+    data.offset = 0;
+    if (ioctl(fd, EC_IOCTL_SLAVE_SII_WRITE, &data) < 0) {
+        stringstream err;
+        err << "Failed to write SII: " << strerror(errno);
+        throw MasterDeviceException(err.str());
+    }
+void Master::requestStates(
+        int slavePosition,
+        const vector<string> &commandArgs
+        )
+    string stateStr;
+    uint8_t state;
+    if (commandArgs.size() != 1) {
+        stringstream err;
+        err << "'state' takes exactly one argument!";
+        throw MasterDeviceException(err.str());
+    }
+    stateStr = commandArgs[0];
+    transform(stateStr.begin(), stateStr.end(),
+            stateStr.begin(), (int (*) (int)) std::toupper);
+    if (stateStr == "INIT") {
+        state = 0x01;
+    } else if (stateStr == "PREOP") {
+        state = 0x02;
+    } else if (stateStr == "SAFEOP") {
+        state = 0x04;
+    } else if (stateStr == "OP") {
+        state = 0x08;
+    } else {
+        stringstream err;
+        err << "Invalid state '" << commandArgs[0] << "'!";
+        throw MasterDeviceException(err.str());
+    }
+    open(ReadWrite);
+    if (slavePosition == -1) {
+        unsigned int i, numSlaves = slaveCount();
+        for (i = 0; i < numSlaves; i++)
+            requestState(i, state);
+    } else {
+        requestState(slavePosition, state);
+    }
+void Master::generateXml(int slavePosition)
+    open(Read);
+    if (slavePosition == -1) {
+        unsigned int numSlaves = slaveCount(), i;
+        for (i = 0; i < numSlaves; i++) {
+            generateSlaveXml(i);
+        }
+    } else {
+        generateSlaveXml(slavePosition);
+    }
+void MasterDevice::open(Permissions perm)
+    stringstream deviceName;
+    if (fd != -1) { // already open
+        return;
+    }
+    deviceName << "/dev/EtherCAT" << index;
+    if ((fd = ::open(deviceName.str().c_str(),
+                    perm == ReadWrite ? O_RDWR : O_RDONLY)) == -1) {
+        stringstream err;
+        err << "Failed to open master device " << deviceName.str() << ": "
+            << strerror(errno);
+        throw MasterDeviceException(err.str());
+    }
+void MasterDevice::close()
+    if (fd == -1)
+        return;
+    ::close(fd);
+    fd = -1;
+#if 0
+/** Lists the complete bus configuration.
+ */
+void Master::showDetailedConfigs(const ConfigList &configList)
+    ConfigList::const_iterator configIter;
+    unsigned int j, k, l;
+    ec_ioctl_config_pdo_t pdo;
+    ec_ioctl_config_pdo_entry_t entry;
+    ec_ioctl_config_sdo_t sdo;
+    for (configIter = configList.begin();
+            configIter != configList.end();
+            configIter++) {
+        cout << "Alias: "
+            << dec << configIter->alias << endl
+            << "Position: " << configIter->position << endl
+            << "Vendor Id: 0x"
+            << hex << setfill('0')
+            << setw(8) << configIter->vendor_id << endl
+            << "Product code: 0x"
+            << setw(8) << configIter->product_code << endl
+            << "Attached: " << (configIter->attached ? "yes" : "no") << endl
+            << "Operational: " << (configIter->operational ? "yes" : "no") << endl;
+        for (j = 0; j < EC_MAX_SYNC_MANAGERS; j++) {
+            if (configIter->syncs[j].pdo_count) {
+                cout << "SM" << dec << j << " ("
+                    << (configIter->syncs[j].dir == EC_DIR_INPUT
+                            ? "Input" : "Output") << ")" << endl;
+                for (k = 0; k < configIter->syncs[j].pdo_count; k++) {
+                    getConfigPdo(&pdo, configIter->config_index, j, k);
+                    cout << "  Pdo 0x" << hex
+                        << setw(4) << pdo.index
+                        << " \"" << << "\"" << endl;
+                    for (l = 0; l < pdo.entry_count; l++) {
+                        getConfigPdoEntry(&entry, configIter->config_index, j, k, l);
+                        cout << "    Pdo entry 0x" << hex
+                            << setw(4) << entry.index << ":"
+                            << setw(2) << (unsigned int) entry.subindex
+                            << ", " << dec << (unsigned int) entry.bit_length
+                            << " bit, \"" << << "\"" << endl;
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        cout << "Sdo configuration:" << endl;
+        if (configIter->sdo_count) {
+            for (j = 0; j < configIter->sdo_count; j++) {
+                getConfigSdo(&sdo, configIter->config_index, j);
+                cout << "  0x"
+                    << hex << setfill('0')
+                    << setw(4) << sdo.index << ":"
+                    << setw(2) << (unsigned int) sdo.subindex
+                    << ", " << dec << sdo.size << " byte: " << hex;
+                switch (sdo.size) {
+                    case 1:
+                        cout << "0x" << setw(2)
+                            << (unsigned int) *(uint8_t *) &;
+                        break;
+                    case 2:
+                        cout << "0x" << setw(4)
+                            << le16tocpu(*(uint16_t *) &;
+                        break;
+                    case 4:
+                        cout << "0x" << setw(8)
+                            << le32tocpu(*(uint32_t *) &;
+                        break;
+                    default:
+                        cout << "???";
+                }
+                cout << endl;
+            }
+        } else {
+            cout << "  None." << endl;
+        }
+        cout << endl;
+    }
+struct ConfigInfo {
+    string alias;
+    string pos;
+    string ident;
+    string att;
+    string op;
+/** Lists the bus configuration.
+ */
+void Master::listConfigs(const ConfigList &configList)
+    ConfigList::const_iterator configIter;
+    stringstream str;
+    ConfigInfo info;
+    typedef list<ConfigInfo> ConfigInfoList;
+    ConfigInfoList list;
+    ConfigInfoList::const_iterator iter;
+    unsigned int maxAliasWidth = 0, maxPosWidth = 0,
+                 maxAttWidth = 0, maxOpWidth = 0;
+    for (configIter = configList.begin();
+            configIter != configList.end();
+            configIter++) {
+        str << dec << configIter->alias;
+        info.alias = str.str();
+        str.clear();
+        str.str("");
+        str << configIter->position;
+        info.pos = str.str();
+        str.clear();
+        str.str("");
+        str << hex << setfill('0')
+            << "0x" << setw(8) << configIter->vendor_id
+            << "/0x" << setw(8) << configIter->product_code;
+        info.ident = str.str();
+        str.clear();
+        str.str("");
+        str << (configIter->attached ? "attached" : "-");
+        info.att = str.str();
+        str.clear();
+        str.str("");
+        str << (configIter->operational ? "operational" : "-");
+        info.op = str.str();
+        str.clear();
+        str.str("");
+        list.push_back(info);
+        if (info.alias.length() > maxAliasWidth)
+            maxAliasWidth = info.alias.length();
+        if (info.pos.length() > maxPosWidth)
+            maxPosWidth = info.pos.length();
+        if (info.att.length() > maxAttWidth)
+            maxAttWidth = info.att.length();
+        if (info.op.length() > maxOpWidth)
+            maxOpWidth = info.op.length();
+    }
+    for (iter = list.begin(); iter != list.end(); iter++) {
+        cout << setfill(' ') << right
+            << setw(maxAliasWidth) << iter->alias
+            << ":" << left
+            << setw(maxPosWidth) << iter->pos
+            << "  "
+            << iter->ident
+            << "  "
+            << setw(maxAttWidth) << iter->att << "  "
+            << setw(maxOpWidth) << iter->op << "  "
+            << endl;
+    }
+void Master::outputDomainData(unsigned int domainIndex)
+    ec_ioctl_domain_t domain;
+    ec_ioctl_domain_data_t data;
+    unsigned char *processData;
+    unsigned int i;
+    getDomain(&domain, domainIndex);
+    if (!domain.data_size)
+        return;
+    processData = new unsigned char[domain.data_size];
+    try {
+        getData(&data, domainIndex, domain.data_size, processData);
+    } catch (MasterDeviceException &e) {
+        delete [] processData;
+        throw e;
+    }
+    for (i = 0; i < data.data_size; i++)
+        cout << processData[i];
+    cout.flush();
+    delete [] processData;
+void Master::showDomain(unsigned int domainIndex)
+    ec_ioctl_domain_t domain;
+    unsigned char *processData;
+    ec_ioctl_domain_data_t data;
+    unsigned int i, j;
+    ec_ioctl_domain_fmmu_t fmmu;
+    unsigned int dataOffset;
+    getDomain(&domain, domainIndex);
+	cout << "Domain" << dec << domainIndex << ":"
+		<< " LogBaseAddr 0x"
+		<< hex << setfill('0')
+        << setw(8) << domain.logical_base_address
+		<< ", Size " << dec << setfill(' ')
+        << setw(3) << domain.data_size
+		<< ", WorkingCounter "
+		<< domain.working_counter << "/"
+        << domain.expected_working_counter << endl;
+    if (!domain.data_size || verbosity != Verbose)
+        return;
+    processData = new unsigned char[domain.data_size];
+    try {
+        getData(&data, domainIndex, domain.data_size, processData);
+    } catch (MasterDeviceException &e) {
+        delete [] processData;
+        throw e;
+    }
+    for (i = 0; i < domain.fmmu_count; i++) {
+        getFmmu(&fmmu, domainIndex, i);
+        cout << "  SlaveConfig "
+            << dec << fmmu.slave_config_alias
+            << ":" << fmmu.slave_config_position
+            << ", SM" << (unsigned int) fmmu.sync_index << " ("
+            << setfill(' ') << setw(6)
+            << (fmmu.dir == EC_DIR_INPUT ? "Input" : "Output")
+            << "), LogAddr 0x"
+            << hex << setfill('0')
+            << setw(8) << fmmu.logical_address
+            << ", Size " << dec << fmmu.data_size << endl;
+        dataOffset = fmmu.logical_address - domain.logical_base_address;
+        if (dataOffset + fmmu.data_size > domain.data_size) {
+            stringstream err;
+            err << "Fmmu information corrupted!";
+            delete [] processData;
+            throw MasterDeviceException(err.str());
+        }
+        cout << "    " << hex << setfill('0');
+        for (j = 0; j < fmmu.data_size; j++) {
+            if (j && !(j % BreakAfterBytes))
+                cout << endl << "    ";
+            cout << setw(2)
+                << (unsigned int) *(processData + dataOffset + j) << " ";
+        }
+        cout << endl;
+    }
+    delete [] processData;
+void Master::listSlavePdos(
+        uint16_t slavePosition,
+        bool withHeader
+        )
+    ec_ioctl_slave_t slave;
+    ec_ioctl_slave_sync_t sync;
+    ec_ioctl_slave_sync_pdo_t pdo;
+    ec_ioctl_slave_sync_pdo_entry_t entry;
+    unsigned int i, j, k;
+    getSlave(&slave, slavePosition);
+    if (withHeader)
+        cout << "=== Slave " << slavePosition << " ===" << endl;
+    for (i = 0; i < slave.sync_count; i++) {
+        getSync(&sync, slavePosition, i);
+        cout << "SM" << i << ":"
+            << " PhysAddr 0x"
+            << hex << setfill('0')
+            << setw(4) << sync.physical_start_address
+            << ", DefaultSize "
+            << dec << setfill(' ') << setw(4) << sync.default_size
+            << ", ControlRegister 0x"
+            << hex << setfill('0') << setw(2)
+            << (unsigned int) sync.control_register
+            << ", Enable " << dec << (unsigned int) sync.enable
+            << endl;
+        for (j = 0; j < sync.pdo_count; j++) {
+            getPdo(&pdo, slavePosition, i, j);
+            cout << "  " << (sync.control_register & 0x04 ? "R" : "T")
+                << "xPdo 0x"
+                << hex << setfill('0')
+                << setw(4) << pdo.index
+                << " \"" << << "\"" << endl;
+            if (verbosity == Quiet)
+                continue;
+            for (k = 0; k < pdo.entry_count; k++) {
+                getPdoEntry(&entry, slavePosition, i, j, k);
+                cout << "    Pdo entry 0x"
+                    << hex << setfill('0')
+                    << setw(4) << entry.index
+                    << ":" << setw(2) << (unsigned int) entry.subindex
+                    << ", " << dec << (unsigned int) entry.bit_length
+                    << " bit, \"" << << "\"" << endl;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+void Master::listSlaveSdos(
+        uint16_t slavePosition,
+        bool withHeader
+        )
+    ec_ioctl_slave_t slave;
+    ec_ioctl_slave_sdo_t sdo;
+    ec_ioctl_slave_sdo_entry_t entry;
+    unsigned int i, j;
+    const CoEDataType *d;
+    getSlave(&slave, slavePosition);
+    if (withHeader)
+        cout << "=== Slave " << slavePosition << " ===" << endl;
+    for (i = 0; i < slave.sdo_count; i++) {
+        getSdo(&sdo, slavePosition, i);
+        cout << "Sdo 0x"
+            << hex << setfill('0')
+            << setw(4) << sdo.sdo_index
+            << ", \"" << << "\"" << endl;
+        if (verbosity == Quiet)
+            continue;
+        for (j = 0; j <= sdo.max_subindex; j++) {
+            getSdoEntry(&entry, slavePosition, -i, j);
+            cout << "  0x" << hex << setfill('0')
+                << setw(4) << sdo.sdo_index << ":"
+                << setw(2) << (unsigned int) entry.sdo_entry_subindex
+                << ", ";
+            if ((d = findDataType(entry.data_type))) {
+                cout << d->name;
+            } else {
+                cout << "type " << setw(4) << entry.data_type;
+            }
+            cout << ", " << dec << entry.bit_length << " bit, \""
+                << entry.description << "\"" << endl;
+        }
+    }
+struct SlaveInfo {
+    string pos;
+    string alias;
+    string relPos;
+    string state;
+    string flag;
+    string name;
+void Master::listSlaves(int slavePosition)
+    unsigned int numSlaves, i;
+    ec_ioctl_slave_t slave;
+    uint16_t lastAlias, aliasIndex;
+    SlaveInfo slaveInfo;
+    typedef list<SlaveInfo> SlaveInfoList;
+    SlaveInfoList slaveInfoList;
+    SlaveInfoList::const_iterator iter;
+    stringstream str;
+    unsigned int maxPosWidth = 0, maxAliasWidth = 0,
+                 maxRelPosWidth = 0, maxStateWidth = 0;
+    open(Read);
+    numSlaves = slaveCount();
+    lastAlias = 0;
+    aliasIndex = 0;
+    for (i = 0; i < numSlaves; i++) {
+        getSlave(&slave, i);
+        if (slave.alias) {
+            lastAlias = slave.alias;
+            aliasIndex = 0;
+        }
+        if (slavePosition == -1 || i == (unsigned int) slavePosition) {
+            str << dec << i;
+            slaveInfo.pos = str.str();
+            str.clear();
+            str.str("");
+            str << lastAlias;
+            slaveInfo.alias = str.str();
+            str.str("");
+            str << aliasIndex;
+            slaveInfo.relPos = str.str();
+            str.str("");
+            slaveInfo.state = slaveState(slave.state);
+            slaveInfo.flag = (slave.error_flag ? 'E' : '+');
+            if (strlen( {
+       =;
+            } else {
+                str << "0x" << hex << setfill('0')
+                    << setw(8) << slave.vendor_id << ":0x"
+                    << setw(8) << slave.product_code;
+       = str.str();
+                str.str("");
+            }
+            slaveInfoList.push_back(slaveInfo);
+            if (slaveInfo.pos.length() > maxPosWidth)
+                maxPosWidth = slaveInfo.pos.length();
+            if (slaveInfo.alias.length() > maxAliasWidth)
+                maxAliasWidth = slaveInfo.alias.length();
+            if (slaveInfo.relPos.length() > maxRelPosWidth)
+                maxRelPosWidth = slaveInfo.relPos.length();
+            if (slaveInfo.state.length() > maxStateWidth)
+                maxStateWidth = slaveInfo.state.length();
+        }
+        aliasIndex++;
+    }
+    for (iter = slaveInfoList.begin(); iter != slaveInfoList.end(); iter++) {
+        cout << setfill(' ') << right
+            << setw(maxPosWidth) << iter->pos << "  "
+            << setw(maxAliasWidth) << iter->alias
+            << ":" << left
+            << setw(maxRelPosWidth) << iter->relPos << "  "
+            << setw(maxStateWidth) << iter->state << "  "
+            << iter->flag << "  "
+            << iter->name << endl;
+    }
+void Master::showSlave(uint16_t slavePosition)
+    ec_ioctl_slave_t slave;
+    list<string> protoList;
+    list<string>::const_iterator protoIter;
+    getSlave(&slave, slavePosition);
+    cout << "=== Slave " << dec << slavePosition << " ===" << endl;
+    if (slave.alias)
+        cout << "Alias: " << slave.alias << endl;
+    cout
+        << "State: " << slaveState(slave.state) << endl
+        << "Flag: " << (slave.error_flag ? 'E' : '+') << endl
+        << "Identity:" << endl
+        << "  Vendor Id:       0x"
+        << hex << setfill('0')
+        << setw(8) << slave.vendor_id << endl
+        << "  Product code:    0x"
+        << setw(8) << slave.product_code << endl
+        << "  Revision number: 0x"
+        << setw(8) << slave.revision_number << endl
+        << "  Serial number:   0x"
+        << setw(8) << slave.serial_number << endl;
+    if (slave.mailbox_protocols) {
+        cout << "Mailboxes:" << endl
+        << "  RX: 0x"
+        << hex << setw(4) << slave.rx_mailbox_offset << "/"
+        << dec << slave.rx_mailbox_size
+        << ", TX: 0x"
+        << hex << setw(4) << slave.tx_mailbox_offset << "/"
+        << dec << slave.tx_mailbox_size << endl
+        << "  Supported protocols: ";
+        if (slave.mailbox_protocols & EC_MBOX_AOE) {
+            protoList.push_back("AoE");
+        }
+        if (slave.mailbox_protocols & EC_MBOX_EOE) {
+            protoList.push_back("EoE");
+        }
+        if (slave.mailbox_protocols & EC_MBOX_COE) {
+            protoList.push_back("CoE");
+        }
+        if (slave.mailbox_protocols & EC_MBOX_FOE) {
+            protoList.push_back("FoE");
+        }
+        if (slave.mailbox_protocols & EC_MBOX_SOE) {
+            protoList.push_back("SoE");
+        }
+        if (slave.mailbox_protocols & EC_MBOX_VOE) {
+            protoList.push_back("VoE");
+        }
+        for (protoIter = protoList.begin(); protoIter != protoList.end();
+                protoIter++) {
+            if (protoIter != protoList.begin())
+                cout << ", ";
+            cout << *protoIter;
+        }
+        cout << endl;
+    }
+    if (slave.has_general_category) {
+        cout << "General:" << endl
+            << "  Group: " << << endl
+            << "  Image name: " << slave.image << endl
+            << "  Order number: " << slave.order << endl
+            << "  Device name: " << << endl;
+        if (slave.mailbox_protocols & EC_MBOX_COE) {
+            cout << "  CoE details:" << endl
+                << "    Enable Sdo: "
+                << (slave.coe_details.enable_sdo ? "yes" : "no") << endl
+                << "    Enable Sdo Info: "
+                << (slave.coe_details.enable_sdo_info ? "yes" : "no") << endl
+                << "    Enable Pdo Assign: "
+                << (slave.coe_details.enable_pdo_assign
+                        ? "yes" : "no") << endl
+                << "    Enable Pdo Configuration: "
+                << (slave.coe_details.enable_pdo_configuration
+                        ? "yes" : "no") << endl
+                << "    Enable Upload at startup: "
+                << (slave.coe_details.enable_upload_at_startup
+                        ? "yes" : "no") << endl
+                << "    Enable Sdo complete access: "
+                << (slave.coe_details.enable_sdo_complete_access
+                        ? "yes" : "no") << endl;
+        }
+        cout << "  Flags:" << endl
+            << "    Enable SafeOp: "
+            << (slave.general_flags.enable_safeop ? "yes" : "no") << endl
+            << "    Enable notLRW: "
+            << (slave.general_flags.enable_not_lrw ? "yes" : "no") << endl
+            << "  Current consumption: "
+            << dec << slave.current_on_ebus << " mA" << endl;
+    }
+void Master::generateSlaveXml(uint16_t slavePosition)
+    ec_ioctl_slave_t slave;
+    ec_ioctl_slave_sync_t sync;
+    ec_ioctl_slave_sync_pdo_t pdo;
+    string pdoType;
+    ec_ioctl_slave_sync_pdo_entry_t entry;
+    unsigned int i, j, k;
+    getSlave(&slave, slavePosition);
+    cout
+        << "<?xml version=\"1.0\" ?>" << endl
+        << "  <EtherCATInfo>" << endl
+        << "    <!-- Slave " << slave.position << " -->" << endl
+        << "    <Vendor>" << endl
+        << "      <Id>" << slave.vendor_id << "</Id>" << endl
+        << "    </Vendor>" << endl
+        << "    <Descriptions>" << endl
+        << "      <Devices>" << endl
+        << "        <Device>" << endl
+        << "          <Type ProductCode=\"#x"
+        << hex << setfill('0') << setw(8) << slave.product_code
+        << "\" RevisionNo=\"#x"
+        << hex << setfill('0') << setw(8) << slave.revision_number
+        << "\">" << slave.order << "</Type>" << endl;
+    if (strlen( {
+        cout
+            << "          <Name><![CDATA["
+            <<
+            << "]]></Name>" << endl;
+    }
+    for (i = 0; i < slave.sync_count; i++) {
+        getSync(&sync, slavePosition, i);
+        cout
+            << "          <Sm Enable=\"" << dec << (unsigned int) sync.enable
+            << "\" StartAddress=\"" << sync.physical_start_address
+            << "\" ControlByte=\"" << (unsigned int) sync.control_register
+            << "\" DefaultSize=\"" << sync.default_size
+            << "\" />" << endl;
+    }
+    for (i = 0; i < slave.sync_count; i++) {
+        getSync(&sync, slavePosition, i);
+        for (j = 0; j < sync.pdo_count; j++) {
+            getPdo(&pdo, slavePosition, i, j);
+            pdoType = (sync.control_register & 0x04 ? "R" : "T");
+            pdoType += "xPdo";
+            cout
+                << "          <" << pdoType
+                << " Sm=\"" << i << "\" Fixed=\"1\" Mandatory=\"1\">" << endl
+                << "            <Index>#x"
+                << hex << setfill('0') << setw(4) << pdo.index
+                << "</Index>" << endl
+                << "            <Name>" << << "</Name>" << endl;
+            for (k = 0; k < pdo.entry_count; k++) {
+                getPdoEntry(&entry, slavePosition, i, j, k);
+                cout
+                    << "            <Entry>" << endl
+                    << "              <Index>#x"
+                    << hex << setfill('0') << setw(4) << entry.index
+                    << "</Index>" << endl;
+                if (entry.index)
+                    cout
+                        << "              <SubIndex>"
+                        << dec << (unsigned int) entry.subindex
+                        << "</SubIndex>" << endl;
+                cout
+                    << "              <BitLen>"
+                    << dec << (unsigned int) entry.bit_length
+                    << "</BitLen>" << endl;
+                if (entry.index) {
+                    cout
+                        << "              <Name>" <<
+                        << "</Name>" << endl
+                        << "              <DataType>";
+                    if (entry.bit_length == 1) {
+                        cout << "BOOL";
+                    } else if (!(entry.bit_length % 8)) {
+                        if (entry.bit_length <= 64)
+                            cout << "UINT" << (unsigned int) entry.bit_length;
+                        else
+                            cout << "STRING("
+                                << (unsigned int) (entry.bit_length / 8)
+                                << ")";
+                    } else {
+                        cerr << "Invalid bit length "
+                            << (unsigned int) entry.bit_length << endl;
+                    }
+                        cout << "</DataType>" << endl;
+                }
+                cout << "            </Entry>" << endl;
+            }
+            cout
+                << "          </" << pdoType << ">" << endl;
+        }
+    }
+    cout
+        << "        </Device>" << endl
+        << "     </Devices>" << endl
+        << "  </Descriptions>" << endl
+        << "</EtherCATInfo>" << endl;
+unsigned int MasterDevice::slaveCount()
+    ec_ioctl_master_t data;
+    getMaster(&data);
+    return data.slave_count;
+void MasterDevice::getMaster(ec_ioctl_master_t *data)
+    if (ioctl(fd, EC_IOCTL_MASTER, data) < 0) {
+        stringstream err;
+        err << "Failed to get master information: " << strerror(errno);
+        throw MasterDeviceException(err.str());
+    }
+void MasterDevice::getConfig(ec_ioctl_config_t *data, unsigned int index)
+    data->config_index = index;
+    if (ioctl(fd, EC_IOCTL_CONFIG, data) < 0) {
+        stringstream err;
+        err << "Failed to get slave configuration: " << strerror(errno);
+        throw MasterDeviceException(err.str());
+    }
+void MasterDevice::getConfigPdo(
+        ec_ioctl_config_pdo_t *data,
+        unsigned int index,
+        uint8_t sync_index,
+        uint16_t pdo_pos
+        )
+    data->config_index = index;
+    data->sync_index = sync_index;
+    data->pdo_pos = pdo_pos;
+    if (ioctl(fd, EC_IOCTL_CONFIG_PDO, data) < 0) {
+        stringstream err;
+        err << "Failed to get slave config Pdo: " << strerror(errno);
+        throw MasterDeviceException(err.str());
+    }
+void MasterDevice::getConfigPdoEntry(
+        ec_ioctl_config_pdo_entry_t *data,
+        unsigned int index,
+        uint8_t sync_index,
+        uint16_t pdo_pos,
+        uint8_t entry_pos
+        )
+    data->config_index = index;
+    data->sync_index = sync_index;
+    data->pdo_pos = pdo_pos;
+    data->entry_pos = entry_pos;
+    if (ioctl(fd, EC_IOCTL_CONFIG_PDO_ENTRY, data) < 0) {
+        stringstream err;
+        err << "Failed to get slave config Pdo entry: " << strerror(errno);
+        throw MasterDeviceException(err.str());
+    }
+void MasterDevice::getConfigSdo(
+        ec_ioctl_config_sdo_t *data,
+        unsigned int index,
+        unsigned int sdo_pos
+        )
+    data->config_index = index;
+    data->sdo_pos = sdo_pos;
+    if (ioctl(fd, EC_IOCTL_CONFIG_SDO, data) < 0) {
+        stringstream err;
+        err << "Failed to get slave config Sdo: " << strerror(errno);
+        throw MasterDeviceException(err.str());
+    }
+void MasterDevice::getDomain(ec_ioctl_domain_t *data, unsigned int index)
+    data->index = index;
+    if (ioctl(fd, EC_IOCTL_DOMAIN, data)) {
+        stringstream err;
+        err << "Failed to get domain: ";
+        if (errno == EINVAL)
+            err << "Domain " << index << " does not exist!";
+        else
+            err << strerror(errno);
+        throw MasterDeviceException(err.str());
+    }
+void MasterDevice::getData(ec_ioctl_domain_data_t *data, unsigned int domainIndex,
+        unsigned int dataSize, unsigned char *mem)
+    data->domain_index = domainIndex;
+    data->data_size = dataSize;
+    data->target = mem;
+    if (ioctl(fd, EC_IOCTL_DOMAIN_DATA, data) < 0) {
+        stringstream err;
+        err << "Failed to get domain data: " << strerror(errno);
+        throw MasterDeviceException(err.str());
+    }
+void MasterDevice::getSlave(ec_ioctl_slave_t *slave, uint16_t slaveIndex)
+    slave->position = slaveIndex;
+    if (ioctl(fd, EC_IOCTL_SLAVE, slave)) {
+        stringstream err;
+        err << "Failed to get slave: ";
+        if (errno == EINVAL)
+            err << "Slave " << slaveIndex << " does not exist!";
+        else
+            err << strerror(errno);
+        throw MasterDeviceException(err.str());
+    }
+void MasterDevice::getFmmu(
+        ec_ioctl_domain_fmmu_t *fmmu,
+        unsigned int domainIndex,
+        unsigned int fmmuIndex
+        )
+    fmmu->domain_index = domainIndex;
+    fmmu->fmmu_index = fmmuIndex;
+    if (ioctl(fd, EC_IOCTL_DOMAIN_FMMU, fmmu)) {
+        stringstream err;
+        err << "Failed to get domain FMMU: ";
+        if (errno == EINVAL)
+            err << "Either domain " << domainIndex << " does not exist, "
+                << "or it contains less than " << (unsigned int) fmmuIndex + 1
+                << " FMMus!";
+        else
+            err << strerror(errno);
+        throw MasterDeviceException(err.str());
+    }
+void MasterDevice::getSync(
+        ec_ioctl_slave_sync_t *sync,
+        uint16_t slaveIndex,
+        uint8_t syncIndex
+        )
+    sync->slave_position = slaveIndex;
+    sync->sync_index = syncIndex;
+    if (ioctl(fd, EC_IOCTL_SLAVE_SYNC, sync)) {
+        stringstream err;
+        err << "Failed to get sync manager: ";
+        if (errno == EINVAL)
+            err << "Either slave " << slaveIndex << " does not exist, "
+                << "or it contains less than " << (unsigned int) syncIndex + 1
+                << " sync managers!";
+        else
+            err << strerror(errno);
+        throw MasterDeviceException(err.str());
+    }
+void MasterDevice::getPdo(
+        ec_ioctl_slave_sync_pdo_t *pdo,
+        uint16_t slaveIndex,
+        uint8_t syncIndex,
+        uint8_t pdoPos
+        )
+    pdo->slave_position = slaveIndex;
+    pdo->sync_index = syncIndex;
+    pdo->pdo_pos = pdoPos;
+    if (ioctl(fd, EC_IOCTL_SLAVE_SYNC_PDO, pdo)) {
+        stringstream err;
+        err << "Failed to get Pdo: ";
+        if (errno == EINVAL)
+            err << "Either slave " << slaveIndex << " does not exist, "
+                << "or it contains less than " << (unsigned int) syncIndex + 1
+                << " sync managers, or sync manager "
+                << (unsigned int) syncIndex << " contains less than "
+                << pdoPos + 1 << " Pdos!" << endl;
+        else
+            err << strerror(errno);
+        throw MasterDeviceException(err.str());
+    }
+void MasterDevice::getPdoEntry(
+        ec_ioctl_slave_sync_pdo_entry_t *entry,
+        uint16_t slaveIndex,
+        uint8_t syncIndex,
+        uint8_t pdoPos,
+        uint8_t entryPos
+        )
+    entry->slave_position = slaveIndex;
+    entry->sync_index = syncIndex;
+    entry->pdo_pos = pdoPos;
+    entry->entry_pos = entryPos;
+    if (ioctl(fd, EC_IOCTL_SLAVE_SYNC_PDO_ENTRY, entry)) {
+        stringstream err;
+        err << "Failed to get Pdo entry: ";
+        if (errno == EINVAL)
+            err << "Either slave " << slaveIndex << " does not exist, "
+                << "or it contains less than " << (unsigned int) syncIndex + 1
+                << " sync managers, or sync manager "
+                << (unsigned int) syncIndex << " contains less than "
+                << pdoPos + 1 << " Pdos, or the Pdo at position " << pdoPos
+                << " contains less than " << (unsigned int) entryPos + 1
+                << " entries!" << endl;
+        else
+            err << strerror(errno);
+        throw MasterDeviceException(err.str());
+    }
+void MasterDevice::getSdo(
+        ec_ioctl_slave_sdo_t *sdo,
+        uint16_t slaveIndex,
+        uint16_t sdoPosition
+        )
+    sdo->slave_position = slaveIndex;
+    sdo->sdo_position = sdoPosition;
+    if (ioctl(fd, EC_IOCTL_SLAVE_SDO, sdo)) {
+        stringstream err;
+        err << "Failed to get Sdo: ";
+        if (errno == EINVAL)
+            err << "Either slave " << slaveIndex << " does not exist, "
+                << "or it contains less than " << sdoPosition + 1 << " Sdos!"
+                << endl;
+        else
+            err << strerror(errno);
+        throw MasterDeviceException(err.str());
+    }
+void MasterDevice::getSdoEntry(
+        ec_ioctl_slave_sdo_entry_t *entry,
+        uint16_t slaveIndex,
+        int sdoSpec,
+        uint8_t entrySubindex
+        )
+    entry->slave_position = slaveIndex;
+    entry->sdo_spec = sdoSpec;
+    entry->sdo_entry_subindex = entrySubindex;
+    if (ioctl(fd, EC_IOCTL_SLAVE_SDO_ENTRY, entry)) {
+        stringstream err;
+        err << "Failed to get Sdo entry: ";
+        err << strerror(errno);
+        throw MasterDeviceException(err.str());
+    }
+void MasterDevice::readSii(
+        ec_ioctl_slave_sii_t *data
+        )
+    if (ioctl(fd, EC_IOCTL_SLAVE_SII_READ, data) < 0) {
+        stringstream err;
+        err << "Failed to read SII: " << strerror(errno);
+        throw MasterDeviceException(err.str());
+    }
+void MasterDevice::writeSii(
+        ec_ioctl_slave_sii_t *data
+        )
+    if (ioctl(fd, EC_IOCTL_SLAVE_SII_WRITE, data) < 0) {
+        stringstream err;
+        err << "Failed to write SII: " << strerror(errno);
+        throw MasterDeviceException(err.str());
+    }
+#if 0
+void MasterDevice::requestState(
+        uint16_t slavePosition,
+        uint8_t state
+        )
+    ec_ioctl_slave_state_t data;
+    data.slave_position = slavePosition;
+    data.requested_state = state;
+    if (ioctl(fd, EC_IOCTL_SLAVE_STATE, &data)) {
+        stringstream err;
+        err << "Failed to request slave state: ";
+        if (errno == EINVAL)
+            err << "Slave " << slavePosition << " does not exist!";
+        else
+            err << strerror(errno);
+        throw MasterDeviceException(err.str());
+    }
+string Master::slaveState(uint8_t state)
+    switch (state) {
+        case 1: return "INIT";
+        case 2: return "PREOP";
+        case 4: return "SAFEOP";
+        case 8: return "OP";
+        default: return "???";
+    }
+void Master::printRawData(
+        const uint8_t *data,
+        unsigned int size)
+    cout << hex << setfill('0');
+    while (size--) {
+        cout << "0x" << setw(2) << (unsigned int) *data++;
+        if (size)
+            cout << " ";
+    }
+    cout << endl;
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/tool/MasterDevice.h	Mon Jul 21 22:20:23 2008 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
+ *
+ * $Id$
+ *
+ ****************************************************************************/
+#ifndef __EC_MASTER_H__
+#define __EC_MASTER_H__
+#include <stdexcept>
+#include <string>
+#include <vector>
+#include <list>
+using namespace std;
+#include "../include/ecrt.h"
+#include "../master/ioctl.h"
+class MasterDeviceException:
+    public runtime_error
+    public:
+        /** Constructor with std::string parameter. */
+        MasterDeviceException(
+                const string &s /**< Message. */
+                ): runtime_error(s) {}
+class MasterDevice
+    public:
+        MasterDevice();
+        ~MasterDevice();
+        void setIndex(unsigned int);
+        enum Permissions {Read, ReadWrite};
+        void open(Permissions);
+        void close();
+        unsigned int slaveCount();
+        void getMaster(ec_ioctl_master_t *);
+        void getConfig(ec_ioctl_config_t *, unsigned int);
+        void getConfigPdo(ec_ioctl_config_pdo_t *, unsigned int, uint8_t,
+                uint16_t);
+        void getConfigPdoEntry(ec_ioctl_config_pdo_entry_t *, unsigned int,
+                uint8_t, uint16_t, uint8_t);
+        void getConfigSdo(ec_ioctl_config_sdo_t *, unsigned int, unsigned int);
+        void getDomain(ec_ioctl_domain_t *, unsigned int);
+        void getFmmu(ec_ioctl_domain_fmmu_t *, unsigned int, unsigned int);
+        void getData(ec_ioctl_domain_data_t *, unsigned int, unsigned int,
+                unsigned char *);
+        void getSlave(ec_ioctl_slave_t *, uint16_t);
+        void getSync(ec_ioctl_slave_sync_t *, uint16_t, uint8_t);
+        void getPdo(ec_ioctl_slave_sync_pdo_t *, uint16_t, uint8_t, uint8_t);
+        void getPdoEntry(ec_ioctl_slave_sync_pdo_entry_t *, uint16_t, uint8_t,
+                uint8_t, uint8_t);
+        void getSdo(ec_ioctl_slave_sdo_t *, uint16_t, uint16_t);
+        void getSdoEntry(ec_ioctl_slave_sdo_entry_t *, uint16_t, int, uint8_t);
+        void readSii(ec_ioctl_slave_sii_t *);
+        void writeSii(ec_ioctl_slave_sii_t *);
+    protected:
+#if 0
+        void outputDomainData(unsigned int);
+        enum {BreakAfterBytes = 16};
+        void showDomain(unsigned int);
+        void listSlavePdos(uint16_t, bool = false);
+        void listSlaveSdos(uint16_t, bool = false);
+        void listSlaves(int);
+        void showSlave(uint16_t);
+        void generateSlaveXml(uint16_t);
+        void requestState(uint16_t, uint8_t);
+        static string slaveState(uint8_t);
+        static void printRawData(const uint8_t *, unsigned int);
+        static uint8_t calcSiiCrc(const uint8_t *, unsigned int);
+    private:
+        //enum {DefaultBufferSize = 1024};
+        unsigned int index;
+        int fd;
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/tool/cmd_alias.cpp	Mon Jul 21 22:20:23 2008 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,181 @@
+ *
+ * $Id$
+ *
+ ****************************************************************************/
+#include <iostream>
+#include <iomanip>
+#include <sstream>
+using namespace std;
+#include "globals.h"
+const char *help_alias =
+    "[OPTIONS] <ALIAS>\n"
+    "\n"
+    "Write the secondary slave address (alias) for either\n"
+    "one or for multiple slaves.\n"
+    "\n"
+    "Arguments:\n"
+    "  ALIAS must be a 16 bit unsigned integer, specified\n"
+    "        either in decimal (no prefix), octal (prefix '0')\n"
+    "        or hexadecimal (prefix '0x').\n"
+    "\n"
+    "Command-specific options:\n"
+    "  -s <SLAVE>  Write the alias of the slave with the given\n"
+    "              ring position. If this option is not\n"
+    "              specified, the alias of all slaves is set.\n"
+    "              The --force option is required in this\n"
+    "              case.\n";
+void writeSlaveAlias(uint16_t, uint16_t);
+/** Writes the Secondary slave address (alias) to the slave's SII.
+ */
+void command_alias(void)
+    uint16_t alias;
+    stringstream err, strAlias;
+    int number;
+    unsigned int numSlaves, i;
+    if (commandArgs.size() != 1) {
+        err << "'" << command << "' takes exactly one argument!";
+        throw InvalidUsageException(err);
+    }
+    strAlias << commandArgs[0];
+    strAlias
+        >> resetiosflags(ios::basefield) // guess base from prefix
+        >> number;
+    if ( || number < 0x0000 || number > 0xffff) {
+        err << "Invalid alias '" << commandArgs[0] << "'!";
+        throw InvalidUsageException(err);
+    }
+    alias = number;
+    if (slavePosition == -1) {
+        if (!force) {
+            err << "This will write the alias addresses of all slaves to "
+                << alias << "! Please specify --force to proceed.";
+            throw ExecutionFailureException(err);
+        }
+        numSlaves = masterDev.slaveCount();
+        for (i = 0; i < numSlaves; i++) {
+            writeSlaveAlias(i, alias);
+        }
+    } else {
+        writeSlaveAlias(slavePosition, alias);
+    }
+/** Calculates the SII checksum field.
+ *
+ * The checksum is generated with the polynom x^8+x^2+x+1 (0x07) and an
+ * initial value of 0xff (see IEC 61158-6-12 ch. 5.4).
+ *
+ * The below code was originally generated with PYCRC
+ *
+ *
+ * ./ --width=8 --poly=0x07 --reflect-in=0 --xor-in=0xff
+ *   --reflect-out=0 --xor-out=0 --generate c --algorithm=bit-by-bit
+ *
+ * \return CRC8
+ */
+uint8_t calcSiiCrc(
+        const uint8_t *data, /**< pointer to data */
+        size_t length /**< number of bytes in \a data */
+        )
+    unsigned int i;
+    uint8_t bit, byte, crc = 0x48;
+    while (length--) {
+        byte = *data++;
+        for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
+            bit = crc & 0x80;
+            crc = (crc << 1) | ((byte >> (7 - i)) & 0x01);
+            if (bit) crc ^= 0x07;
+        }
+    }
+    for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
+        bit = crc & 0x80;
+        crc <<= 1;
+        if (bit) crc ^= 0x07;
+    }
+    return crc;
+/** Writes the Secondary slave address (alias) to the slave's SII.
+ */
+void writeSlaveAlias(
+        uint16_t slavePosition,
+        uint16_t alias
+        )
+    ec_ioctl_slave_sii_t data;
+    ec_ioctl_slave_t slave;
+    stringstream err;
+    uint8_t crc;
+    masterDev.getSlave(&slave, slavePosition);
+    if (slave.sii_nwords < 8) {
+        err << "Current SII contents are too small to set an alias "
+            << "(" << slave.sii_nwords << " words)!";
+        throw ExecutionFailureException(err);
+    }
+    // read first 8 SII words
+    data.slave_position = slavePosition;
+    data.offset = 0;
+    data.nwords = 8;
+    data.words = new uint16_t[data.nwords];
+    try {
+        masterDev.readSii(&data);
+    } catch (MasterDeviceException &e) {
+        delete [] data.words;
+        err << "Failed to read SII: " << e.what();
+        throw ExecutionFailureException(err);
+    }
+    // write new alias address in word 4
+    data.words[4] = cputole16(alias);
+    // calculate checksum over words 0 to 6
+    crc = calcSiiCrc((const uint8_t *) data.words, 14);
+    // write new checksum into first byte of word 7
+    *(uint8_t *) (data.words + 7) = crc;
+    // write first 8 words with new alias and checksum
+    try {
+        masterDev.writeSii(&data);
+    } catch (MasterDeviceException &e) {
+        delete [] data.words;
+        err << "Failed to read SII: " << e.what();
+        throw ExecutionFailureException(err);
+    }
+    delete [] data.words;
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/tool/cmd_config.cpp	Mon Jul 21 22:20:23 2008 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,237 @@
+ *
+ * $Id$
+ *
+ ****************************************************************************/
+#include <list>
+#include <iostream>
+#include <iomanip>
+#include <sstream>
+using namespace std;
+#include "globals.h"
+const char *help_config =
+    "[OPTIONS]\n"
+    "\n"
+    "\n"
+    "Command-specific options:\n";
+struct ConfigInfo {
+    string alias;
+    string pos;
+    string ident;
+    string att;
+    string op;
+typedef list<ec_ioctl_config_t> ConfigList;
+void showDetailedConfigs(const ConfigList &configList);
+void listConfigs(const ConfigList &configList);
+bool operator<(const ec_ioctl_config_t &a, const ec_ioctl_config_t &b)
+    return a.alias < b.alias
+        || (a.alias == b.alias && a.position < b.position);
+/** Lists the bus configuration.
+ */
+void command_config(void)
+    ec_ioctl_master_t master;
+    unsigned int i;
+    ec_ioctl_config_t config;
+    ConfigList configList;
+    masterDev.getMaster(&master);
+    for (i = 0; i < master.config_count; i++) {
+        masterDev.getConfig(&config, i);
+        configList.push_back(config);
+    }
+    configList.sort();
+    if (verbosity == Verbose) {
+        showDetailedConfigs(configList);
+    } else {
+        listConfigs(configList);
+    }
+/** Lists the complete bus configuration.
+ */
+void showDetailedConfigs(const ConfigList &configList)
+    ConfigList::const_iterator configIter;
+    unsigned int j, k, l;
+    ec_ioctl_config_pdo_t pdo;
+    ec_ioctl_config_pdo_entry_t entry;
+    ec_ioctl_config_sdo_t sdo;
+    for (configIter = configList.begin();
+            configIter != configList.end();
+            configIter++) {
+        cout << "Alias: "
+            << dec << configIter->alias << endl
+            << "Position: " << configIter->position << endl
+            << "Vendor Id: 0x"
+            << hex << setfill('0')
+            << setw(8) << configIter->vendor_id << endl
+            << "Product code: 0x"
+            << setw(8) << configIter->product_code << endl
+            << "Attached: " << (configIter->attached ? "yes" : "no") << endl
+            << "Operational: " << (configIter->operational ? "yes" : "no") << endl;
+        for (j = 0; j < EC_MAX_SYNC_MANAGERS; j++) {
+            if (configIter->syncs[j].pdo_count) {
+                cout << "SM" << dec << j << " ("
+                    << (configIter->syncs[j].dir == EC_DIR_INPUT
+                            ? "Input" : "Output") << ")" << endl;
+                for (k = 0; k < configIter->syncs[j].pdo_count; k++) {
+                    masterDev.getConfigPdo(&pdo, configIter->config_index, j, k);
+                    cout << "  Pdo 0x" << hex
+                        << setw(4) << pdo.index
+                        << " \"" << << "\"" << endl;
+                    for (l = 0; l < pdo.entry_count; l++) {
+                        masterDev.getConfigPdoEntry(&entry,
+                                configIter->config_index, j, k, l);
+                        cout << "    Pdo entry 0x" << hex
+                            << setw(4) << entry.index << ":"
+                            << setw(2) << (unsigned int) entry.subindex
+                            << ", " << dec << (unsigned int) entry.bit_length
+                            << " bit, \"" << << "\"" << endl;
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        cout << "Sdo configuration:" << endl;
+        if (configIter->sdo_count) {
+            for (j = 0; j < configIter->sdo_count; j++) {
+                masterDev.getConfigSdo(&sdo, configIter->config_index, j);
+                cout << "  0x"
+                    << hex << setfill('0')
+                    << setw(4) << sdo.index << ":"
+                    << setw(2) << (unsigned int) sdo.subindex
+                    << ", " << dec << sdo.size << " byte: " << hex;
+                switch (sdo.size) {
+                    case 1:
+                        cout << "0x" << setw(2)
+                            << (unsigned int) *(uint8_t *) &;
+                        break;
+                    case 2:
+                        cout << "0x" << setw(4)
+                            << le16tocpu(*(uint16_t *) &;
+                        break;
+                    case 4:
+                        cout << "0x" << setw(8)
+                            << le32tocpu(*(uint32_t *) &;
+                        break;
+                    default:
+                        cout << "???";
+                }
+                cout << endl;
+            }
+        } else {
+            cout << "  None." << endl;
+        }
+        cout << endl;
+    }
+/** Lists the bus configuration.
+ */
+void listConfigs(const ConfigList &configList)
+    ConfigList::const_iterator configIter;
+    stringstream str;
+    ConfigInfo info;
+    typedef list<ConfigInfo> ConfigInfoList;
+    ConfigInfoList list;
+    ConfigInfoList::const_iterator iter;
+    unsigned int maxAliasWidth = 0, maxPosWidth = 0,
+                 maxAttWidth = 0, maxOpWidth = 0;
+    for (configIter = configList.begin();
+            configIter != configList.end();
+            configIter++) {
+        str << dec << configIter->alias;
+        info.alias = str.str();
+        str.clear();
+        str.str("");
+        str << configIter->position;
+        info.pos = str.str();
+        str.clear();
+        str.str("");
+        str << hex << setfill('0')
+            << "0x" << setw(8) << configIter->vendor_id
+            << "/0x" << setw(8) << configIter->product_code;
+        info.ident = str.str();
+        str.clear();
+        str.str("");
+        str << (configIter->attached ? "attached" : "-");
+        info.att = str.str();
+        str.clear();
+        str.str("");
+        str << (configIter->operational ? "operational" : "-");
+        info.op = str.str();
+        str.clear();
+        str.str("");
+        list.push_back(info);
+        if (info.alias.length() > maxAliasWidth)
+            maxAliasWidth = info.alias.length();
+        if (info.pos.length() > maxPosWidth)
+            maxPosWidth = info.pos.length();
+        if (info.att.length() > maxAttWidth)
+            maxAttWidth = info.att.length();
+        if (info.op.length() > maxOpWidth)
+            maxOpWidth = info.op.length();
+    }
+    for (iter = list.begin(); iter != list.end(); iter++) {
+        cout << setfill(' ') << right
+            << setw(maxAliasWidth) << iter->alias
+            << ":" << left
+            << setw(maxPosWidth) << iter->pos
+            << "  "
+            << iter->ident
+            << "  "
+            << setw(maxAttWidth) << iter->att << "  "
+            << setw(maxOpWidth) << iter->op << "  "
+            << endl;
+    }
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/tool/globals.h	Mon Jul 21 22:20:23 2008 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
+ *
+ * $Id$
+ *
+ ****************************************************************************/
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <string>
+#include <sstream>
+#include <vector>
+using namespace std;
+#include "MasterDevice.h"
+enum Verbosity {
+    Quiet,
+    Normal,
+    Verbose
+extern string command;
+extern int slavePosition;
+extern int domainIndex;
+extern vector<string> commandArgs;
+extern Verbosity verbosity;
+extern string dataTypeStr;
+extern bool force;
+extern MasterDevice masterDev;
+class InvalidUsageException:
+    public runtime_error
+    public:
+        /** Constructor with std::string parameter. */
+        InvalidUsageException(
+                const stringstream &s /**< Message. */
+                ): runtime_error(s.str()) {}
+class ExecutionFailureException:
+    public runtime_error
+    public:
+        /** Constructor with std::string parameter. */
+        ExecutionFailureException(
+                const stringstream &s /**< Message. */
+                ): runtime_error(s.str()) {}
+#define swap16(x) \
+        ((uint16_t)( \
+        (((uint16_t)(x) & 0x00ffU) << 8) | \
+        (((uint16_t)(x) & 0xff00U) >> 8) ))
+#define swap32(x) \
+        ((uint32_t)( \
+        (((uint32_t)(x) & 0x000000ffUL) << 24) | \
+        (((uint32_t)(x) & 0x0000ff00UL) <<  8) | \
+        (((uint32_t)(x) & 0x00ff0000UL) >>  8) | \
+        (((uint32_t)(x) & 0xff000000UL) >> 24) ))
+#define le16tocpu(x) x
+#define le32tocpu(x) x
+#define cputole16(x) x
+#define cputole32(x) x
+#define le16tocpu(x) swap16(x)
+#define le32tocpu(x) swap32(x)
+#define cputole16(x) swap16(x)
+#define cputole32(x) swap32(x)
--- a/tool/main.cpp	Mon Jul 21 22:06:33 2008 +0000
+++ b/tool/main.cpp	Mon Jul 21 22:20:23 2008 +0000
@@ -12,194 +12,58 @@
 #include <vector>
 using namespace std;
-#include "Master.h"
-static string cmdName;
-static unsigned int masterIndex = DEFAULT_MASTER;
-static int slavePosition = -1;
-static int domainIndex = -1;
-static string command;
+#include "globals.h"
+string binaryBaseName;
+unsigned int masterIndex = 0;
+int slavePosition = -1;
+int domainIndex = -1;
+string command;
 vector<string> commandArgs;
-static Master::Verbosity verbosity = Master::Normal;
+Verbosity verbosity = Normal;
 string dataTypeStr;
 bool force = false;
 bool helpRequested = false;
-void printUsage()
-    cerr
-        << "Usage: " << cmdName << " <COMMAND> [OPTIONS]" << endl
-		<< "Commands:" << endl
-        << "  alias         Write alias addresses." << endl
-        << "  config        Show bus configuration." << endl
-        << "  data          Output binary domain process data." << endl
-        << "  debug         Set the master's debug level." << endl
-        << "  domain        Show domain information." << endl
-        << "  master        Show master information." << endl
-        << "  pdos          List Pdo assignment/mapping." << endl
-        << "  sdo_download  Write an Sdo entry." << endl
-        << "  sdos          List Sdo dictionaries." << endl
-        << "  sdo_upload    Read an Sdo entry." << endl
-        << "  sii_read      Output a slave's SII contents." << endl
-        << "  sii_write     Write slave's SII contents." << endl
-        << "  slaves        Show slaves." << endl
-        << "  state         Request slave states." << endl
-        << "  xml           Generate slave information xmls." << endl
-		<< "Global options:" << endl
-        << "  --master  -m <master>  Index of the master to use. Default: "
-		<< DEFAULT_MASTER << endl
-        << "  --slave   -s <index>   Positive numerical ring position,"
-        << endl
-        << "                         or 'all' for all slaves (default)."
-        << endl
-        << "  --domain  -d <index>   Positive numerical index,"
-        << endl
-        << "                         or 'all' for all domains (default)."
-        << endl
-        << "  --type    -t <type>    Forced Sdo data type." << endl
-        << "  --force   -f           Force action." << endl
-        << "  --quiet   -q           Output less information." << endl
-        << "  --verbose -v           Output more information." << endl
-        << "  --help    -h           Show this help." << endl
-        << "Call '" << cmdName << " <COMMAND> --help' for command-specific "
-        << "help." << endl
-        << "Send bug reports to " << PACKAGE_BUGREPORT << "." << endl;
-void getOptions(int argc, char **argv)
-    int c, argCount, optionIndex, number;
-	char *remainder;
-    static struct option longOptions[] = {
-        //name,     has_arg,           flag, val
-        {"master",  required_argument, NULL, 'm'},
-        {"slave",   required_argument, NULL, 's'},
-        {"domain",  required_argument, NULL, 'd'},
-        {"type",    required_argument, NULL, 't'},
-        {"force",   no_argument,       NULL, 'f'},
-        {"quiet",   no_argument,       NULL, 'q'},
-        {"verbose", no_argument,       NULL, 'v'},
-        {"help",    no_argument,       NULL, 'h'},
-        {}
-    };
-    do {
-        c = getopt_long(argc, argv, "m:s:d:t:fqvh", longOptions, &optionIndex);
-        switch (c) {
-            case 'm':
-                number = strtoul(optarg, &remainder, 0);
-                if (remainder == optarg || *remainder || number < 0) {
-                    cerr << "Invalid master number " << optarg << "!" << endl;
-                    printUsage();
-                    exit(1);
-                }
-				masterIndex = number;
-                break;
-            case 's':
-                if (!strcmp(optarg, "all")) {
-                    slavePosition = -1;
-                } else {
-                    number = strtoul(optarg, &remainder, 0);
-                    if (remainder == optarg || *remainder
-                            || number < 0 || number > 0xFFFF) {
-                        cerr << "Invalid slave position "
-                            << optarg << "!" << endl;
-                        printUsage();
-                        exit(1);
-                    }
-                    slavePosition = number;
-                }
-                break;
-            case 'd':
-                if (!strcmp(optarg, "all")) {
-                    domainIndex = -1;
-                } else {
-                    number = strtoul(optarg, &remainder, 0);
-                    if (remainder == optarg || *remainder || number < 0) {
-                        cerr << "Invalid domain index "
-							<< optarg << "!" << endl;
-                        printUsage();
-                        exit(1);
-                    }
-                    domainIndex = number;
-                }
-                break;
-            case 't':
-                dataTypeStr = optarg;
-                break;
-            case 'f':
-                force = true;
-                break;
-            case 'q':
-                verbosity = Master::Quiet;
-                break;
-            case 'v':
-                verbosity = Master::Verbose;
-                break;
-            case 'h':
-                helpRequested = true;
-                break;
-            case '?':
-                printUsage();
-                exit(1);
-            default:
-                break;
-        }
-    }
-    while (c != -1);
-	argCount = argc - optind;
-    if (!argCount) {
-        if (!helpRequested) {
-            cerr << "Please specify a command!" << endl;
-        }
-        printUsage();
-        exit(!helpRequested);
-	}
-    command = argv[optind];
-    while (++optind < argc)
-        commandArgs.push_back(string(argv[optind]));
-int main(int argc, char **argv)
-    Master master;
-    cmdName = basename(argv[0]);
-	getOptions(argc, argv);
-    master.setIndex(masterIndex);
-    master.setVerbosity(verbosity);
-    try {
-        if (command == "alias") {
-            master.writeAlias(slavePosition, force, commandArgs);
-        } else if (command == "config") {
-            master.showConfigs();
+MasterDevice masterDev;
+struct Command {
+    void (*func)(void);
+    const char *helpString;
+    int execute(void) const;
+    void displayHelp(void) const;
+struct CommandAlias {
+    const char *name;
+    const Command *command;
+#define COMMAND(name) \
+    void command_##name(void); \
+    extern const char *help_##name; \
+    const Command cmd_##name = {command_##name, help_##name};
+const CommandAlias commandAliases[] = {
+    {"alias",  &cmd_alias},
+    {"config", &cmd_config},
+    {"conf",   &cmd_config},
+    {"cf",     &cmd_config},
+#if 0
         } else if (command == "data") {
         } else if (command == "debug") {
@@ -227,17 +91,221 @@
             master.requestStates(slavePosition, commandArgs);
         } else if (command == "xml") {
+void printUsage()
+    cerr
+        << "Usage: " << binaryBaseName << " <COMMAND> [OPTIONS]" << endl
+		<< "Commands:" << endl
+        << "  alias         Write alias addresses." << endl
+        << "  config        Show bus configuration." << endl
+        << "  data          Output binary domain process data." << endl
+        << "  debug         Set the master's debug level." << endl
+        << "  domain        Show domain information." << endl
+        << "  master        Show master information." << endl
+        << "  pdos          List Pdo assignment/mapping." << endl
+        << "  sdo_download  Write an Sdo entry." << endl
+        << "  sdos          List Sdo dictionaries." << endl
+        << "  sdo_upload    Read an Sdo entry." << endl
+        << "  sii_read      Output a slave's SII contents." << endl
+        << "  sii_write     Write slave's SII contents." << endl
+        << "  slaves        Show slaves." << endl
+        << "  state         Request slave states." << endl
+        << "  xml           Generate slave information xmls." << endl
+		<< "Global options:" << endl
+        << "  --master  -m <master>  Index of the master to use. Default: 0"
+		<< endl
+        << "  --slave   -s <index>   Positive numerical ring position,"
+        << endl
+        << "                         or 'all' for all slaves (default)."
+        << endl
+        << "  --domain  -d <index>   Positive numerical index,"
+        << endl
+        << "                         or 'all' for all domains (default)."
+        << endl
+        << "  --type    -t <type>    Forced Sdo data type." << endl
+        << "  --force   -f           Force action." << endl
+        << "  --quiet   -q           Output less information." << endl
+        << "  --verbose -v           Output more information." << endl
+        << "  --help    -h           Show this help." << endl
+        << "Call '" << binaryBaseName
+        << " <COMMAND> --help' for command-specific help." << endl
+        << "Send bug reports to " << PACKAGE_BUGREPORT << "." << endl;
+void getOptions(int argc, char **argv)
+    int c, argCount, optionIndex, number;
+	char *remainder;
+    static struct option longOptions[] = {
+        //name,     has_arg,           flag, val
+        {"master",  required_argument, NULL, 'm'},
+        {"slave",   required_argument, NULL, 's'},
+        {"domain",  required_argument, NULL, 'd'},
+        {"type",    required_argument, NULL, 't'},
+        {"force",   no_argument,       NULL, 'f'},
+        {"quiet",   no_argument,       NULL, 'q'},
+        {"verbose", no_argument,       NULL, 'v'},
+        {"help",    no_argument,       NULL, 'h'},
+        {}
+    };
+    do {
+        c = getopt_long(argc, argv, "m:s:d:t:fqvh", longOptions, &optionIndex);
+        switch (c) {
+            case 'm':
+                number = strtoul(optarg, &remainder, 0);
+                if (remainder == optarg || *remainder || number < 0) {
+                    cerr << "Invalid master number " << optarg << "!" << endl;
+                    printUsage();
+                    exit(1);
+                }
+				masterIndex = number;
+                break;
+            case 's':
+                if (!strcmp(optarg, "all")) {
+                    slavePosition = -1;
+                } else {
+                    number = strtoul(optarg, &remainder, 0);
+                    if (remainder == optarg || *remainder
+                            || number < 0 || number > 0xFFFF) {
+                        cerr << "Invalid slave position "
+                            << optarg << "!" << endl;
+                        printUsage();
+                        exit(1);
+                    }
+                    slavePosition = number;
+                }
+                break;
+            case 'd':
+                if (!strcmp(optarg, "all")) {
+                    domainIndex = -1;
+                } else {
+                    number = strtoul(optarg, &remainder, 0);
+                    if (remainder == optarg || *remainder || number < 0) {
+                        cerr << "Invalid domain index "
+							<< optarg << "!" << endl;
+                        printUsage();
+                        exit(1);
+                    }
+                    domainIndex = number;
+                }
+                break;
+            case 't':
+                dataTypeStr = optarg;
+                break;
+            case 'f':
+                force = true;
+                break;
+            case 'q':
+                verbosity = Quiet;
+                break;
+            case 'v':
+                verbosity = Verbose;
+                break;
+            case 'h':
+                helpRequested = true;
+                break;
+            case '?':
+                printUsage();
+                exit(1);
+            default:
+                break;
+        }
+    }
+    while (c != -1);
+	argCount = argc - optind;
+    if (!argCount) {
+        if (!helpRequested) {
+            cerr << "Please specify a command!" << endl;
+        }
+        printUsage();
+        exit(!helpRequested);
+	}
+    command = argv[optind];
+    while (++optind < argc)
+        commandArgs.push_back(string(argv[optind]));
+int Command::execute() const
+    try {
+        func();
+    } catch (InvalidUsageException &e) {
+        cerr << e.what() << endl << endl;
+        displayHelp();
+        return 1;
+    } catch (ExecutionFailureException &e) {
+        cerr << e.what() << endl;
+        return 1;
+    } catch (MasterDeviceException &e) {
+        cerr << e.what() << endl;
+        return 1;
+    }
+    return 0;
+void Command::displayHelp() const
+    cerr << binaryBaseName << " " << command << " " << helpString;
+int main(int argc, char **argv)
+    int retval = 0;
+    const CommandAlias *alias;
+    const CommandAlias *endAlias =
+        commandAliases + sizeof(commandAliases) / sizeof(CommandAlias);
+    binaryBaseName = basename(argv[0]);
+	getOptions(argc, argv);
+    // search command alias in alias map
+    for (alias = commandAliases; alias < endAlias; alias++) {
+        if (command == alias->name)
+            break;
+    }
+    if (alias < endAlias) { // command alias found
+        if (!helpRequested) {
+            masterDev.setIndex(masterIndex);
+            retval = alias->command->execute();
         } else {
-            cerr << "Unknown command " << command << "!" << endl;
-            printUsage();
-            exit(1);
+            alias->command->displayHelp();
-    } catch (MasterException &e) {
-        cerr << e.what() << endl;
-        exit(1);
+    } else { // command not found
+        cerr << "Unknown command " << command << "!" << endl << endl;
+        printUsage();
+        retval = 1;
-	return 0;
+	return retval;