changeset 17 1b5aea4d5147
parent 15 72d95aa70c1d
child 19 a51289e6cb2d
--- a/drivers/ec_master.c	Fri Nov 18 09:35:04 2005 +0000
+++ b/drivers/ec_master.c	Fri Nov 18 09:51:50 2005 +0000
@@ -34,8 +34,6 @@
 int EtherCAT_master_init(EtherCAT_master_t *master,
                          EtherCAT_device_t *dev)
-  unsigned int i;
   if (!dev)
     EC_DBG(KERN_ERR "EtherCAT: Master init without device!\n");
@@ -44,24 +42,13 @@
   master->slaves = NULL;
   master->slave_count = 0;
-  //master->first_command = NULL;
-  //master->process_data_command = NULL;
   master->dev = dev;
   master->command_index = 0x00;
   master->tx_data_length = 0;
   master->process_data = NULL;
   master->process_data_length = 0;
-  //master->cmd_ring_index = 0;
   master->debug_level = 0;
-#if 0
-  for (i = 0; i < ECAT_COMMAND_RING_SIZE; i++)
-  {
-    EtherCAT_command_init(&master->cmd_ring[i]);
-    master->cmd_reserved[i] = 0;
-  }
   return 0;
@@ -78,14 +65,6 @@
 void EtherCAT_master_clear(EtherCAT_master_t *master)
-#if 0
-  // Remove all pending commands
-  while (master->first_command)
-  {
-    EtherCAT_remove_command(master, master->first_command);
-  }
   // Remove all slaves
@@ -101,648 +80,6 @@
-   Überprüft die angeschlossenen Slaves.
-   Vergleicht die an den Bus angeschlossenen Slaves mit
-   den im statischen-Slave-Array vorgegebenen Konfigurationen.
-   Stimmen Anzahl oder Typen nicht überein, gibt diese
-   Methode einen Fehler aus.
-   @param master Der EtherCAT-Master
-   @param slaves Zeiger auf ein statisches Slave-Array
-   @param slave_count Anzahl der Slaves im Array
-   @return 0 bei Erfolg, sonst < 0
-int EtherCAT_check_slaves(EtherCAT_master_t *master,
-                          EtherCAT_slave_t *slaves,
-                          unsigned int slave_count)
-  EtherCAT_command_t cmd;
-  EtherCAT_slave_t *cur;
-  unsigned int i, j, found, length, pos;
-  unsigned char data[2];
-  // EtherCAT_clear_slaves() must be called before!
-  if (master->slaves || master->slave_count)
-  {
-    EC_DBG(KERN_ERR "EtherCAT duplicate slave check!");
-    return -1;
-  }
-  // No slaves.
-  if (slave_count == 0)
-  {
-    EC_DBG(KERN_ERR "EtherCAT: No slaves in list!");
-    return -1;
-  }
-  // Determine number of slaves on bus
-  EtherCAT_command_broadcast_read(&cmd, 0x0000, 4);
-  if (EtherCAT_simple_send_receive(master, &cmd) < 0) return -1;
-  if (cmd.working_counter != slave_count)
-  {
-    EC_DBG(KERN_ERR "EtherCAT: Wrong number of slaves on bus: %i / %i\n",
-           cmd.working_counter, slave_count);
-    return -1;
-  }
-  else
-  {
-    EC_DBG("EtherCAT: Found all %i slaves.\n", slave_count);
-  }
-  // For every slave in the list
-  for (i = 0; i < slave_count; i++)
-  {
-    cur = &slaves[i];
-    if (!cur->desc)
-    {
-      EC_DBG(KERN_ERR "EtherCAT: Slave %i has no description.\n", i);
-      return -1;
-    }
-    // Set ring position
-    cur->ring_position = -i;
-    cur->station_address = i + 1;
-    // Write station address
-    data[0] = cur->station_address & 0x00FF;
-    data[1] = (cur->station_address & 0xFF00) >> 8;
-    EtherCAT_command_position_write(&cmd, cur->ring_position, 0x0010, 2, data);
-    if (EtherCAT_simple_send_receive(master, &cmd) < 0) return -1;
-    if (cmd.working_counter != 1)
-    {
-      EC_DBG(KERN_ERR "EtherCAT: Slave %i did not repond while writing station address!\n", i);
-      return -1;
-    }
-    // Read base data
-    EtherCAT_command_read(&cmd, cur->station_address, 0x0000, 4);
-    if (EtherCAT_simple_send_receive(master, &cmd) < 0) return -1;
-    if (cmd.working_counter != 1)
-    {
-      EC_DBG(KERN_ERR "EtherCAT: Slave %i did not respond while reading base data!\n", i);
-      return -1;
-    }
-    // Get base data
-    cur->type =[0];
-    cur->revision =[1];
-    cur->build =[2] | ([3] << 8);
-    // Read identification from "Slave Information Interface" (SII)
-    if (EtherCAT_read_slave_information(master, cur->station_address,
-                                        0x0008, &cur->vendor_id) != 0)
-    {
-      EC_DBG(KERN_ERR "EtherCAT: Could not read SII vendor id!\n");
-      return -1;
-    }
-    if (EtherCAT_read_slave_information(master, cur->station_address,
-                                        0x000A, &cur->product_code) != 0)
-    {
-      EC_DBG(KERN_ERR "EtherCAT: Could not read SII product code!\n");
-      return -1;
-    }
-    if (EtherCAT_read_slave_information(master, cur->station_address,
-                                        0x000C, &cur->revision_number) != 0)
-    {
-      EC_DBG(KERN_ERR "EtherCAT: Could not read SII revision number!\n");
-      return -1;
-    }
-    if (EtherCAT_read_slave_information(master, cur->station_address,
-                                        0x000E, &cur->serial_number) != 0)
-    {
-      EC_DBG(KERN_ERR "EtherCAT: Could not read SII serial number!\n");
-      return -1;
-    }
-    // Search for identification in "database"
-    found = 0;
-    for (j = 0; j < slave_idents_count; j++)
-    {
-      if (slave_idents[j].vendor_id == cur->vendor_id
-          && slave_idents[j].product_code == cur->product_code)
-      {
-        found = 1;
-        if (cur->desc != slave_idents[j].desc)
-        {
-          EC_DBG(KERN_ERR "EtherCAT: Unexpected slave device \"%s %s\""
-                 " at position %i. Expected: \"%s %s\"\n",
-                 slave_idents[j].desc->vendor_name,
-                 slave_idents[j].desc->product_name, i,
-                 cur->desc->vendor_name, cur->desc->product_name);
-          return -1;
-        }
-        break;
-      }
-    }
-    if (!found)
-    {
-      EC_DBG(KERN_ERR "EtherCAT: Unknown slave device"
-             " (vendor %X, code %X) at position %i.\n",
-             i, cur->vendor_id, cur->product_code);
-      return -1;
-    }
-  }
-  length = 0;
-  for (i = 0; i < slave_count; i++)
-  {
-    length += slaves[i].desc->data_length;
-  }
-  if ((master->process_data = (unsigned char *)
-       kmalloc(sizeof(unsigned char) * length, GFP_KERNEL)) == NULL)
-  {
-    EC_DBG(KERN_ERR "EtherCAT: Could not allocate %i bytes for process data.\n", length);
-    return -1;
-  }
-  master->process_data_length = length;
-  memset(master->process_data, 0x00, length);
-  pos = 0;
-  for (i = 0; i < slave_count; i++)
-  {
-    slaves[i].process_data = master->process_data + pos;
-    slaves[i].logical_address0 = pos;
-    EC_DBG(KERN_DEBUG "EtherCAT: Slave %i - Address 0x%X, \"%s %s\", s/n %u\n",
-           i, pos, slaves[i].desc->vendor_name, slaves[i].desc->product_name,
-           slaves[i].serial_number);
-    pos += slaves[i].desc->data_length;
-  }
-  master->slaves = slaves;
-  master->slave_count = slave_count;
-  return 0;
-   Entfernt den Zeiger auf das Slave-Array.
-   @param master EtherCAT-Master
-void EtherCAT_clear_slaves(EtherCAT_master_t *master)
-  master->slaves = NULL;
-  master->slave_count = 0;
-   Liest Daten aus dem Slave-Information-Interface
-   eines EtherCAT-Slaves.
-   @param master EtherCAT-Master
-   @param node_address Knotenadresse des Slaves
-   @param offset Adresse des zu lesenden SII-Registers
-   @param target Zeiger auf einen 4 Byte großen Speicher
-   zum Ablegen der Daten
-   @return 0 bei Erfolg, sonst < 0
-int EtherCAT_read_slave_information(EtherCAT_master_t *master,
-                                    unsigned short int node_address,
-                                    unsigned short int offset,
-                                    unsigned int *target)
-  EtherCAT_command_t cmd;
-  unsigned char data[10];
-  unsigned int tries_left;
-  // Initiate read operation
-  data[0] = 0x00;
-  data[1] = 0x01;
-  data[2] = offset & 0xFF;
-  data[3] = (offset & 0xFF00) >> 8;
-  data[4] = 0x00;
-  data[5] = 0x00;
-  EtherCAT_command_write(&cmd, node_address, 0x502, 6, data);
-  if (EtherCAT_simple_send_receive(master, &cmd) < 0) return -3;
-  if (cmd.working_counter != 1)
-  {
-    EC_DBG(KERN_ERR "EtherCAT: SII-read - Slave %04X did not respond!\n",
-           node_address);
-    return -4;
-  }
-  // Der Slave legt die Informationen des Slave-Information-Interface
-  // in das Datenregister und löscht daraufhin ein Busy-Bit. Solange
-  // den Status auslesen, bis das Bit weg ist.
-  tries_left = 100;
-  while (tries_left)
-  {
-    udelay(10);
-    EtherCAT_command_read(&cmd, node_address, 0x502, 10);
-    if (EtherCAT_simple_send_receive(master, &cmd) != 0) return -3;
-    if (cmd.working_counter != 1)
-    {
-      EC_DBG(KERN_ERR "EtherCAT: SII-read status - Slave %04X did not respond!\n",
-             node_address);
-      return -4;
-    }
-    if (([1] & 0x81) == 0)
-    {
-      memcpy(target, + 6, 4);
-      break;
-    }
-    tries_left--;
-  }
-  if (!tries_left)
-  {
-    EC_DBG(KERN_WARNING "EtherCAT: SSI-read. Slave %04X timed out!\n",
-           node_address);
-    return -1;
-  }
-  return 0;
-#if 0
-   Führt ein asynchrones Senden und Empfangen aus.
-   Sendet alle wartenden Kommandos und wartet auf die
-   entsprechenden Antworten.
-   @param master EtherCAT-Master
-   @return 0 bei Erfolg, sonst < 0
-int EtherCAT_async_send_receive(EtherCAT_master_t *master)
-  unsigned int wait_cycles;
-  int i;
-  // Send all commands
-  for (i = 0; i < ECAT_NUM_RETRIES; i++)
-  {
-    if (EtherCAT_send(master) < 0)
-    {
-      return -1;
-    }
-    // Wait until something is received or an error has occurred
-    wait_cycles = 10;
-    EtherCAT_device_call_isr(master->dev);
-    while (master->dev->state == ECAT_DS_SENT && wait_cycles)
-    {
-      udelay(1000);
-      wait_cycles--;
-      EtherCAT_device_call_isr(master->dev);
-    }
-    //EC_DBG("Master async send: tries %d",tries_left);
-    if (!wait_cycles)
-    {
-      EC_DBG(KERN_ERR "EtherCAT: Asynchronous receive timeout.\n");
-      continue;
-    }
-    if (master->dev->state != ECAT_DS_RECEIVED)
-    {
-      EC_DBG(KERN_ERR "EtherCAT: Asyncronous send error. State %i\n", master->dev->state);
-      continue;
-    }
-    // Receive all commands
-    if (EtherCAT_receive(master) < 0)
-    {
-      // Noch mal versuchen
-      master->dev->state = ECAT_DS_READY;
-      EC_DBG("Retry Asynchronous send/recieve: %d", i);
-      continue;
-    }
-    return 0; // Erfolgreich
-  }
-  return -1;
-   Sendet alle wartenden Kommandos.
-   Errechnet erst die benötigte Gesamt-Rahmenlänge, und erstellt
-   dann alle Kommando-Bytefolgen im statischen Sendespeicher.
-   Danach wird die Sendefunktion des EtherCAT-Gerätes aufgerufen.
-   @param master EtherCAT-Master
-   @return 0 bei Erfolg, sonst < 0
-int EtherCAT_send(EtherCAT_master_t *master)
-  unsigned int i, length, framelength, pos;
-  EtherCAT_command_t *cmd;
-  int cmdcnt = 0;
-  if (master->debug_level > 0)
-  {
-    EC_DBG(KERN_DEBUG "EtherCAT_send, first_command = %X\n", (int) master->first_command);
-  }
-  length = 0;
-  for (cmd = master->first_command; cmd != NULL; cmd = cmd->next)
-  {
-    if (cmd->state != ECAT_CS_READY) continue;
-    length += cmd->data_length + 12;
-    cmdcnt++;
-  }
-  if (master->debug_level > 0)
-  {
-    EC_DBG(KERN_DEBUG "%i commands to send.\n", cmdcnt);
-  }
-  if (length == 0)
-  {
-    EC_DBG(KERN_WARNING "EtherCAT: Nothing to send...\n");
-    return 0;
-  }
-  framelength = length + 2;
-  if (framelength < 46) framelength = 46;
-  if (master->debug_level > 0)
-  {
-    EC_DBG(KERN_DEBUG "framelength: %i\n", framelength);
-  }
-  master->tx_data[0] = length & 0xFF;
-  master->tx_data[1] = ((length & 0x700) >> 8) | 0x10;
-  pos = 2;
-  for (cmd = master->first_command; cmd != NULL; cmd = cmd->next)
-  {
-    if (cmd->state != ECAT_CS_READY) continue;
-    cmd->index = master->command_index;
-    master->command_index = (master->command_index + 1) % 0x0100;
-    if (master->debug_level > 0)
-    {
-      EC_DBG(KERN_DEBUG "Sending command index %i\n", cmd->index);
-    }
-    cmd->state = ECAT_CS_SENT;
-    master->tx_data[pos + 0] = cmd->type;
-    master->tx_data[pos + 1] = cmd->index;
-    master->tx_data[pos + 2] = cmd->address.raw[0];
-    master->tx_data[pos + 3] = cmd->address.raw[1];
-    master->tx_data[pos + 4] = cmd->address.raw[2];
-    master->tx_data[pos + 5] = cmd->address.raw[3];
-    master->tx_data[pos + 6] = cmd->data_length & 0xFF;
-    master->tx_data[pos + 7] = (cmd->data_length & 0x700) >> 8;
-    if (cmd->next) master->tx_data[pos + 7] |= 0x80;
-    master->tx_data[pos + 8] = 0x00;
-    master->tx_data[pos + 9] = 0x00;
-    if (cmd->type == ECAT_CMD_APWR
-        || cmd->type == ECAT_CMD_NPWR
-        || cmd->type == ECAT_CMD_BWR
-        || cmd->type == ECAT_CMD_LRW) // Write
-    {
-      for (i = 0; i < cmd->data_length; i++) master->tx_data[pos + 10 + i] = cmd->data[i];
-    }
-    else // Read
-    {
-      for (i = 0; i < cmd->data_length; i++) master->tx_data[pos + 10 + i] = 0x00;
-    }
-    master->tx_data[pos + 10 + cmd->data_length] = 0x00;
-    master->tx_data[pos + 11 + cmd->data_length] = 0x00;
-    pos += 12 + cmd->data_length;
-  }
-  // Pad with zeros
-  while (pos < 46) master->tx_data[pos++] = 0x00;
-  master->tx_data_length = framelength;
-  EC_DBG(KERN_DEBUG ">>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>\n");
-  for (i = 0; i < framelength; i++)
-  {
-    EC_DBG("%02X ", master->tx_data[i]);
-    if ((i + 1) % 16 == 0) EC_DBG("\n" KERN_DEBUG);
-  }
-  EC_DBG("\n");
-  EC_DBG(KERN_DEBUG "-----------------------------------------------\n");
-  if (master->debug_level > 0)
-  {
-    EC_DBG(KERN_DEBUG "device send...\n");
-  }
-  // Send frame
-  if (EtherCAT_device_send(master->dev, master->tx_data, framelength) != 0)
-  {
-    EC_DBG(KERN_ERR "EtherCAT: Could not send!\n");
-    EC_DBG(KERN_DEBUG "EtherCAT: tx_data content:\n");
-    output_debug_data(master->tx_data, framelength);
-    return -1;
-  }
-  if (master->debug_level > 0)
-  {
-    EC_DBG(KERN_DEBUG "EtherCAT_send done.\n");
-  }
-  return 0;
-   Holt alle empfangenen Kommandos vom EtherCAT-Gerät.
-   Kopiert einen empfangenen Rahmen vom EtherCAT-Gerät
-   in den Statischen Empfangsspeicher und ordnet dann
-   allen gesendeten Kommandos ihre Antworten zu.
-   @param master EtherCAT-Master
-   @return 0 bei Erfolg, sonst < 0
-int EtherCAT_receive(EtherCAT_master_t *master)
-  EtherCAT_command_t *cmd;
-  unsigned int length, pos, found, rx_data_length;
-  unsigned int command_follows, command_type, command_index;
-  // Copy received data into master buffer (with locking)
-  rx_data_length = EtherCAT_device_receive(master->dev, master->rx_data,
-                                           ECAT_FRAME_BUFFER_SIZE);
-  for (i = 0; i < rx_data_length; i++)
-  {
-    if (master->rx_data[i] == master->tx_data[i]) EC_DBG("   ");
-    else EC_DBG("%02X ", master->rx_data[i]);
-    if ((i + 1) % 16 == 0) EC_DBG("\n" KERN_DEBUG);
-  }
-  EC_DBG("\n");
-  EC_DBG(KERN_DEBUG "<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<\n");
-  if (rx_data_length < 2)
-  {
-    EC_DBG(KERN_ERR "EtherCAT: Received corrupted frame (illegal length)!\n");
-    EC_DBG(KERN_DEBUG "EtherCAT: tx_data content:\n");
-    output_debug_data(master->tx_data, master->tx_data_length);
-    EC_DBG(KERN_DEBUG "EtherCAT: rx_data content:\n");
-    output_debug_data(master->rx_data, rx_data_length);
-    return -1;
-  }
-  // Länge des gesamten Frames prüfen
-  length = ((master->rx_data[1] & 0x07) << 8) | (master->rx_data[0] & 0xFF);
-  if (length > rx_data_length)
-  {
-    EC_DBG(KERN_ERR "EtherCAT: Received corrupted frame (length does not match)!\n");
-    EC_DBG(KERN_DEBUG "EtherCAT: tx_data content:\n");
-    output_debug_data(master->tx_data, master->tx_data_length);
-    EC_DBG(KERN_DEBUG "EtherCAT: rx_data content:\n");
-    output_debug_data(master->rx_data, rx_data_length);
-    return -1;
-  }
-  pos = 2; // LibPCAP: 16
-  command_follows = 1;
-  while (command_follows)
-  {
-    if (pos + 10 > rx_data_length)
-    {
-      EC_DBG(KERN_ERR "EtherCAT: Received frame with incomplete command header!\n");
-      EC_DBG(KERN_DEBUG "EtherCAT: tx_data content:\n");
-      output_debug_data(master->tx_data, master->tx_data_length);
-      EC_DBG(KERN_DEBUG "EtherCAT: rx_data content:\n");
-      output_debug_data(master->rx_data, rx_data_length);
-      return -1;
-    }
-    command_type = master->rx_data[pos];
-    command_index = master->rx_data[pos + 1];
-    length = (master->rx_data[pos + 6] & 0xFF)
-      | ((master->rx_data[pos + 7] & 0x07) << 8);
-    command_follows = master->rx_data[pos + 7] & 0x80;
-    if (pos + length + 12 > rx_data_length)
-    {
-      EC_DBG(KERN_ERR "EtherCAT: Received frame with incomplete command data!\n");
-      EC_DBG(KERN_DEBUG "EtherCAT: tx_data content:\n");
-      output_debug_data(master->tx_data, master->tx_data_length);
-      EC_DBG(KERN_DEBUG "EtherCAT: rx_data content:\n");
-      output_debug_data(master->rx_data, rx_data_length);
-      return -1;
-    }
-    found = 0;
-    for (cmd = master->first_command; cmd != NULL; cmd = cmd->next)
-    {
-      if (cmd->state == ECAT_CS_SENT
-          && cmd->type == command_type
-          && cmd->index == command_index
-          && cmd->data_length == length)
-      {
-        found = 1;
-        cmd->state = ECAT_CS_RECEIVED;
-        // Empfangene Daten in Kommandodatenspeicher kopieren
-        memcpy(cmd->data, master->rx_data + pos + 10, length);
-        // Working-Counter setzen
-        cmd->working_counter = (master->rx_data[pos + length + 10] & 0xFF)
-          | ((master->rx_data[pos + length + 11] & 0xFF) << 8);
-      }
-    }
-    if (!found)
-    {
-      EC_DBG(KERN_WARNING "EtherCAT: WARNING - Command not assigned!\n");
-    }
-    pos += length + 12;
-  }
-  for (cmd = master->first_command; cmd != NULL; cmd = cmd->next)
-  {
-    if (cmd->state == ECAT_CS_SENT)
-    {
-      EC_DBG(KERN_WARNING "EtherCAT: WARNING - One command received no response!\n");
-    }
-  }
-  master->dev->state = ECAT_DS_READY;
-  return 0;
    Sendet ein einzelnes Kommando in einem Frame und
    wartet auf dessen Empfang.
@@ -959,378 +296,299 @@
-#if 0
-  EtherCAT_command_t *cmd; \
-  if ((cmd = alloc_cmd(master)) == NULL) \
-  { \
-    EC_DBG(KERN_ERR "EtherCAT: Out of memory while creating command!\n"); \
-    return NULL; \
-  } \
-  EtherCAT_command_init(cmd)
-  cmd->data_length = length; \
-  memcpy(cmd->data, data, length); \
-  if (add_command(master, cmd) < 0) return NULL; \
-  return cmd
-  cmd->data_length = length; \
-  if (add_command(master, cmd) < 0) return NULL; \
-  return cmd
-   Erstellt ein EtherCAT-NPRD-Kommando.
-   Alloziert ein "node-adressed physical read"-Kommando
-   und fügt es in die Liste des Masters ein.
-   @param master EtherCAT-Master
-   @param node_address Adresse des Knotens (Slaves)
-   @param offset Physikalische Speicheradresse im Slave
-   @param length Länge der zu lesenden Daten
-   @return Adresse des Kommandos bei Erfolg, sonst NULL
-EtherCAT_command_t *EtherCAT_read(EtherCAT_master_t *master,
-                                  unsigned short node_address,
-                                  unsigned short offset,
-                                  unsigned int length)
-  if (node_address == 0x0000)
-    EC_DBG(KERN_WARNING "EtherCAT: Using node address 0x0000!\n");
-  cmd->type = ECAT_CMD_NPRD;
-  cmd-> = node_address;
-  cmd->address.phy.mem = offset;
-   Erstellt ein EtherCAT-NPWR-Kommando.
-   Alloziert ein "node-adressed physical write"-Kommando
-   und fügt es in die Liste des Masters ein.
-   @param master EtherCAT-Master
-   @param node_address Adresse des Knotens (Slaves)
-   @param offset Physikalische Speicheradresse im Slave
-   @param length Länge der zu schreibenden Daten
-   @param data Zeiger auf Speicher mit zu schreibenden Daten
-   @return Adresse des Kommandos bei Erfolg, sonst NULL
-EtherCAT_command_t *EtherCAT_write(EtherCAT_master_t *master,
-                                   unsigned short node_address,
-                                   unsigned short offset,
-                                   unsigned int length,
-                                   const unsigned char *data)
-  if (node_address == 0x0000)
-    EC_DBG(KERN_WARNING "WARNING: Using node address 0x0000!\n");
-  cmd->type = ECAT_CMD_NPWR;
-  cmd-> = node_address;
-  cmd->address.phy.mem = offset;
-   Erstellt ein EtherCAT-APRD-Kommando.
-   Alloziert ein "autoincerement physical read"-Kommando
-   und fügt es in die Liste des Masters ein.
-   @param master EtherCAT-Master
-   @param ring_position (Negative) Position des Slaves im Bus
-   @param offset Physikalische Speicheradresse im Slave
-   @param length Länge der zu lesenden Daten
-   @return Adresse des Kommandos bei Erfolg, sonst NULL
-EtherCAT_command_t *EtherCAT_position_read(EtherCAT_master_t *master,
-                                           short ring_position,
-                                           unsigned short offset,
-                                           unsigned int length)
-  cmd->type = ECAT_CMD_APRD;
-  cmd-> = ring_position;
-  cmd->address.phy.mem = offset;
-   Erstellt ein EtherCAT-APWR-Kommando.
-   Alloziert ein "autoincrement physical write"-Kommando
-   und fügt es in die Liste des Masters ein.
-   @param master EtherCAT-Master
-   @param ring_position (Negative) Position des Slaves im Bus
-   @param offset Physikalische Speicheradresse im Slave
-   @param length Länge der zu schreibenden Daten
-   @param data Zeiger auf Speicher mit zu schreibenden Daten
-   @return Adresse des Kommandos bei Erfolg, sonst NULL
-EtherCAT_command_t *EtherCAT_position_write(EtherCAT_master_t *master,
-                                            short ring_position,
-                                            unsigned short offset,
-                                            unsigned int length,
-                                            const unsigned char *data)
-  cmd->type = ECAT_CMD_APWR;
-  cmd-> = ring_position;
-  cmd->address.phy.mem = offset;
-   Erstellt ein EtherCAT-BRD-Kommando.
-   Alloziert ein "broadcast read"-Kommando
-   und fügt es in die Liste des Masters ein.
-   @param master EtherCAT-Master
-   @param offset Physikalische Speicheradresse im Slave
-   @param length Länge der zu lesenden Daten
-   @return Adresse des Kommandos bei Erfolg, sonst NULL
-EtherCAT_command_t *EtherCAT_broadcast_read(EtherCAT_master_t *master,
-                                            unsigned short offset,
-                                            unsigned int length)
-  cmd->type = ECAT_CMD_BRD;
-  cmd-> = 0x0000;
-  cmd->address.phy.mem = offset;
-   Erstellt ein EtherCAT-BWR-Kommando.
-   Alloziert ein "broadcast write"-Kommando
-   und fügt es in die Liste des Masters ein.
-   @param master EtherCAT-Master
-   @param offset Physikalische Speicheradresse im Slave
-   @param length Länge der zu schreibenden Daten
-   @param data Zeiger auf Speicher mit zu schreibenden Daten
-   @return Adresse des Kommandos bei Erfolg, sonst NULL
-EtherCAT_command_t *EtherCAT_broadcast_write(EtherCAT_master_t *master,
-                                             unsigned short offset,
-                                             unsigned int length,
-                                             const unsigned char *data)
-  cmd->type = ECAT_CMD_BWR;
-  cmd-> = 0x0000;
-  cmd->address.phy.mem = offset;
-   Erstellt ein EtherCAT-LRW-Kommando.
-   Alloziert ein "logical read write"-Kommando
-   und fügt es in die Liste des Masters ein.
-   @param master EtherCAT-Master
-   @param offset Logische Speicheradresse
-   @param length Länge der zu lesenden/schreibenden Daten
-   @param data Zeiger auf Speicher mit zu lesenden/schreibenden Daten
-   @return Adresse des Kommandos bei Erfolg, sonst NULL
-EtherCAT_command_t *EtherCAT_logical_read_write(EtherCAT_master_t *master,
-                                                unsigned int offset,
-                                                unsigned int length,
-                                                unsigned char *data)
-  cmd->type = ECAT_CMD_LRW;
-  cmd->address.logical = offset;
-   Alloziert ein neues Kommando aus dem Kommandoring.
-   Durchsucht den Kommandoring nach einem freien Kommando,
-   reserviert es und gibt dessen Adresse zurück.
-   @param master EtherCAT-Master
-   @return Adresse des Kommandos bei Erfolg, sonst NULL
-EtherCAT_command_t *alloc_cmd(EtherCAT_master_t *master)
-  int j;
-  for (j = 0; j < ECAT_COMMAND_RING_SIZE; j++) // Einmal rum suchen
-  {
-    // Solange suchen, bis freies Kommando gefunden
-    if (master->cmd_reserved[master->cmd_ring_index] == 0)
-    {
-      master->cmd_reserved[master->cmd_ring_index] = 1; // Belegen
-      if (master->debug_level)
+   Überprüft die angeschlossenen Slaves.
+   Vergleicht die an den Bus angeschlossenen Slaves mit
+   den im statischen-Slave-Array vorgegebenen Konfigurationen.
+   Stimmen Anzahl oder Typen nicht überein, gibt diese
+   Methode einen Fehler aus.
+   @param master Der EtherCAT-Master
+   @param slaves Zeiger auf ein statisches Slave-Array
+   @param slave_count Anzahl der Slaves im Array
+   @return 0 bei Erfolg, sonst < 0
+int EtherCAT_check_slaves(EtherCAT_master_t *master,
+                          EtherCAT_slave_t *slaves,
+                          unsigned int slave_count)
+  EtherCAT_command_t cmd;
+  EtherCAT_slave_t *cur;
+  unsigned int i, j, found, length, pos;
+  unsigned char data[2];
+  // EtherCAT_clear_slaves() must be called before!
+  if (master->slaves || master->slave_count)
+  {
+    EC_DBG(KERN_ERR "EtherCAT duplicate slave check!");
+    return -1;
+  }
+  // No slaves.
+  if (slave_count == 0)
+  {
+    EC_DBG(KERN_ERR "EtherCAT: No slaves in list!");
+    return -1;
+  }
+  // Determine number of slaves on bus
+  EtherCAT_command_broadcast_read(&cmd, 0x0000, 4);
+  if (EtherCAT_simple_send_receive(master, &cmd) < 0) return -1;
+  if (cmd.working_counter != slave_count)
+  {
+    EC_DBG(KERN_ERR "EtherCAT: Wrong number of slaves on bus: %i / %i\n",
+           cmd.working_counter, slave_count);
+    return -1;
+  }
+  else
+  {
+    EC_DBG("EtherCAT: Found all %i slaves.\n", slave_count);
+  }
+  // For every slave in the list
+  for (i = 0; i < slave_count; i++)
+  {
+    cur = &slaves[i];
+    if (!cur->desc)
+    {
+      EC_DBG(KERN_ERR "EtherCAT: Slave %i has no description.\n", i);
+      return -1;
+    }
+    // Set ring position
+    cur->ring_position = -i;
+    cur->station_address = i + 1;
+    // Write station address
+    data[0] = cur->station_address & 0x00FF;
+    data[1] = (cur->station_address & 0xFF00) >> 8;
+    EtherCAT_command_position_write(&cmd, cur->ring_position, 0x0010, 2, data);
+    if (EtherCAT_simple_send_receive(master, &cmd) < 0) return -1;
+    if (cmd.working_counter != 1)
+    {
+      EC_DBG(KERN_ERR "EtherCAT: Slave %i did not repond while writing station address!\n", i);
+      return -1;
+    }
+    // Read base data
+    EtherCAT_command_read(&cmd, cur->station_address, 0x0000, 4);
+    if (EtherCAT_simple_send_receive(master, &cmd) < 0) return -1;
+    if (cmd.working_counter != 1)
+    {
+      EC_DBG(KERN_ERR "EtherCAT: Slave %i did not respond while reading base data!\n", i);
+      return -1;
+    }
+    // Get base data
+    cur->type =[0];
+    cur->revision =[1];
+    cur->build =[2] | ([3] << 8);
+    // Read identification from "Slave Information Interface" (SII)
+    if (EtherCAT_read_slave_information(master, cur->station_address,
+                                        0x0008, &cur->vendor_id) != 0)
+    {
+      EC_DBG(KERN_ERR "EtherCAT: Could not read SII vendor id!\n");
+      return -1;
+    }
+    if (EtherCAT_read_slave_information(master, cur->station_address,
+                                        0x000A, &cur->product_code) != 0)
+    {
+      EC_DBG(KERN_ERR "EtherCAT: Could not read SII product code!\n");
+      return -1;
+    }
+    if (EtherCAT_read_slave_information(master, cur->station_address,
+                                        0x000C, &cur->revision_number) != 0)
+    {
+      EC_DBG(KERN_ERR "EtherCAT: Could not read SII revision number!\n");
+      return -1;
+    }
+    if (EtherCAT_read_slave_information(master, cur->station_address,
+                                        0x000E, &cur->serial_number) != 0)
+    {
+      EC_DBG(KERN_ERR "EtherCAT: Could not read SII serial number!\n");
+      return -1;
+    }
+    // Search for identification in "database"
+    found = 0;
+    for (j = 0; j < slave_idents_count; j++)
+    {
+      if (slave_idents[j].vendor_id == cur->vendor_id
+          && slave_idents[j].product_code == cur->product_code)
-        EC_DBG(KERN_DEBUG "Allocating command %i (addr %X).\n",
-               master->cmd_ring_index,
-               (int) &master->cmd_ring[master->cmd_ring_index]);
+        found = 1;
+        if (cur->desc != slave_idents[j].desc)
+        {
+          EC_DBG(KERN_ERR "EtherCAT: Unexpected slave device \"%s %s\""
+                 " at position %i. Expected: \"%s %s\"\n",
+                 slave_idents[j].desc->vendor_name,
+                 slave_idents[j].desc->product_name, i,
+                 cur->desc->vendor_name, cur->desc->product_name);
+          return -1;
+        }
+        break;
-      return &master->cmd_ring[master->cmd_ring_index];
-    }
-    if (master->debug_level)
-    {
-      EC_DBG(KERN_DEBUG "Command %i (addr %X) is reserved...\n",
-             master->cmd_ring_index,
-             (int) &master->cmd_ring[master->cmd_ring_index]);
-    }
-    master->cmd_ring_index++;
-    master->cmd_ring_index %= ECAT_COMMAND_RING_SIZE;
-  }
-  EC_DBG(KERN_WARNING "EtherCAT: Command ring full!\n");
-  return NULL; // Nix gefunden
-   Fügt ein Kommando in die Liste des Masters ein.
-   @param master EtherCAT-Master
-   @param cmd Zeiger auf das einzufügende Kommando
-int add_command(EtherCAT_master_t *master,
-                EtherCAT_command_t *new_cmd)
-  EtherCAT_command_t *cmd, **last_cmd;
-  for (cmd = master->first_command; cmd != NULL; cmd = cmd->next)
-  {
-    if (cmd == new_cmd)
-    {
-      EC_DBG(KERN_WARNING "EtherCAT: Trying to add a command"
-             " that is already in the list!\n");
+    }
+    if (!found)
+    {
+      EC_DBG(KERN_ERR "EtherCAT: Unknown slave device"
+             " (vendor %X, code %X) at position %i.\n",
+             i, cur->vendor_id, cur->product_code);
       return -1;
-  // Find the address of the last pointer in the list
-  last_cmd = &(master->first_command);
-  while (*last_cmd) last_cmd = &(*last_cmd)->next;
-  // Let this pointer point to the new command
-  *last_cmd = new_cmd;
-  return 0;
-   Entfernt ein Kommando aus der Liste und gibt es frei.
-   Prüft erst, ob das Kommando in der Liste des Masters
-   ist. Wenn ja, wird es entfernt und die Reservierung wird
-   aufgehoben.
-   @param master EtherCAT-Master
-   @param rem_cmd Zeiger auf das zu entfernende Kommando
-   @return 0 bei Erfolg, sonst < 0
-void EtherCAT_remove_command(EtherCAT_master_t *master,
-                             EtherCAT_command_t *rem_cmd)
-  EtherCAT_command_t **last_cmd;
-  int i;
-  last_cmd = &master->first_command;
-  while (*last_cmd)
-  {
-    if (*last_cmd == rem_cmd)
-    {
-      *last_cmd = rem_cmd->next;
-      EtherCAT_command_clear(rem_cmd);
-      // Reservierung des Kommandos aufheben
-      for (i = 0; i < ECAT_COMMAND_RING_SIZE; i++)
-      {
-        if (&master->cmd_ring[i] == rem_cmd)
-        {
-          master->cmd_reserved[i] = 0;
-          return;
-        }
-      }
-      EC_DBG(KERN_WARNING "EtherCAT: Could not remove command reservation!\n");
-      return;
-    }
-    last_cmd = &(*last_cmd)->next;
-  }
-  EC_DBG(KERN_WARNING "EtherCAT: Trying to remove non-existent command!\n");
+  length = 0;
+  for (i = 0; i < slave_count; i++)
+  {
+    length += slaves[i].desc->data_length;
+  }
+  if ((master->process_data = (unsigned char *)
+       kmalloc(sizeof(unsigned char) * length, GFP_KERNEL)) == NULL)
+  {
+    EC_DBG(KERN_ERR "EtherCAT: Could not allocate %i bytes for process data.\n", length);
+    return -1;
+  }
+  master->process_data_length = length;
+  memset(master->process_data, 0x00, length);
+  pos = 0;
+  for (i = 0; i < slave_count; i++)
+  {
+    slaves[i].process_data = master->process_data + pos;
+    slaves[i].logical_address0 = pos;
+    EC_DBG(KERN_DEBUG "EtherCAT: Slave %i - Address 0x%X, \"%s %s\", s/n %u\n",
+           i, pos, slaves[i].desc->vendor_name, slaves[i].desc->product_name,
+           slaves[i].serial_number);
+    pos += slaves[i].desc->data_length;
+  }
+  master->slaves = slaves;
+  master->slave_count = slave_count;
+  return 0;
+   Entfernt den Zeiger auf das Slave-Array.
+   @param master EtherCAT-Master
+void EtherCAT_clear_slaves(EtherCAT_master_t *master)
+  master->slaves = NULL;
+  master->slave_count = 0;
+   Liest Daten aus dem Slave-Information-Interface
+   eines EtherCAT-Slaves.
+   @param master EtherCAT-Master
+   @param node_address Knotenadresse des Slaves
+   @param offset Adresse des zu lesenden SII-Registers
+   @param target Zeiger auf einen 4 Byte großen Speicher
+   zum Ablegen der Daten
+   @return 0 bei Erfolg, sonst < 0
+int EtherCAT_read_slave_information(EtherCAT_master_t *master,
+                                    unsigned short int node_address,
+                                    unsigned short int offset,
+                                    unsigned int *target)
+  EtherCAT_command_t cmd;
+  unsigned char data[10];
+  unsigned int tries_left;
+  // Initiate read operation
+  data[0] = 0x00;
+  data[1] = 0x01;
+  data[2] = offset & 0xFF;
+  data[3] = (offset & 0xFF00) >> 8;
+  data[4] = 0x00;
+  data[5] = 0x00;
+  EtherCAT_command_write(&cmd, node_address, 0x502, 6, data);
+  if (EtherCAT_simple_send_receive(master, &cmd) < 0) return -3;
+  if (cmd.working_counter != 1)
+  {
+    EC_DBG(KERN_ERR "EtherCAT: SII-read - Slave %04X did not respond!\n",
+           node_address);
+    return -4;
+  }
+  // Der Slave legt die Informationen des Slave-Information-Interface
+  // in das Datenregister und löscht daraufhin ein Busy-Bit. Solange
+  // den Status auslesen, bis das Bit weg ist.
+  tries_left = 100;
+  while (tries_left)
+  {
+    udelay(10);
+    EtherCAT_command_read(&cmd, node_address, 0x502, 10);
+    if (EtherCAT_simple_send_receive(master, &cmd) != 0) return -3;
+    if (cmd.working_counter != 1)
+    {
+      EC_DBG(KERN_ERR "EtherCAT: SII-read status - Slave %04X did not respond!\n",
+             node_address);
+      return -4;
+    }
+    if (([1] & 0x81) == 0)
+    {
+      memcpy(target, + 6, 4);
+      break;
+    }
+    tries_left--;
+  }
+  if (!tries_left)
+  {
+    EC_DBG(KERN_WARNING "EtherCAT: SSI-read. Slave %04X timed out!\n",
+           node_address);
+    return -1;
+  }
+  return 0;