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    59 <H1><A NAME="SECTION00080000000000000000">
    60 Motorola HCS12</A>
    61 </H1>
    62 The examples have been tested on a MC9S12DG255 mounted on a
    63 Elektronikladen HCS12 T-board.
    65 <P>
    66 Beware that there are a few differences in the MSCAN module of the
    67 68HC12 and HCS12 microcontroller. For a HC12, you must adapt the driver
    68 that we provide for HCS12.
    70 <P>
    71 For the difference MSCAN HC12/HCS12, see the Motorola application note
    72 AN2011/D.
    74 <P>
    75 Configure switch:
    77 <P>
    78 <TT> -target=hcs12</TT>
    80 <P>
    81 To do a CANopen node running on a microncontroller Motorola MC9S12DP256,
    82 you need :
    84 <P>
    86 <OL>
    87 <LI>The compiler GNU gcc for HC11, HC12, HCS12 : m6811-elf. <BR>
    88 Download the <SPAN  CLASS="textbf">release 3.1</SPAN> at :
    90 <BR>
    91 href
    93 <P>
    94 </LI>
    95 <LI>A board with this chip. We are using the T-board from
    96 Electronikladden. 
    97 </LI>
    98 <LI>At least about 40 kBytes of program memory.
    99 </LI>
   100 <LI>A tool to flash the memory. (We are using the hight cost
   101 Lauterbach debugger).
   102 </LI>
   103 </OL>
   104 <BR><HR>
   105 <!--Table of Child-Links-->
   106 <A NAME="CHILD_LINKS"><STRONG>Subsections</STRONG></A>
   108 <UL CLASS="ChildLinks">
   109 <LI><A NAME="tex2html712"
   110   HREF="node45.html">Running a HCS12 node</A>
   111 <UL>
   112 <LI><A NAME="tex2html713"
   113   HREF="node46.html">Compiling Canfestival:</A>
   114 <LI><A NAME="tex2html714"
   115   HREF="node47.html">Compiling and building an example</A>
   116 <LI><A NAME="tex2html715"
   117   HREF="node48.html">Flashing the memory :</A>
   118 <LI><A NAME="tex2html716"
   119   HREF="node49.html">Connecting to a serial RS232 console :</A>
   120 <LI><A NAME="tex2html717"
   121   HREF="node50.html">Connecting to the CAN network :</A>
   122 <LI><A NAME="tex2html718"
   123   HREF="node51.html">starting the node :</A>
   124 </UL></UL>
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   126 <BR><HR>
   127 <ADDRESS>
   128 epimerde
   129 2007-06-05
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