2012-02-29 laurent Fix bug when trying to drag'n drop variable from slave variables grid
2012-02-23 laurent Adding support for setting TargetPosition only if PositionSetPoint value from MCL is valid
2012-02-23 laurent Fix bug with PowerFeedback value
2012-02-22 laurent Adding support for MCL
2012-02-16 Edouard Tisserant Added test directory
2012-02-14 laurent Adding support for DS402 node subplugin (only simple state transition implemented)
2012-02-07 laurent Fix some issues regarding arbitrary variable mapping
2012-01-31 laurent Moving Add and Remove button to Plugin menu items
2012-01-17 laurent Adding support for displaying slave sync managers and profile object dictionary and for arbitrarily mapping variable through variable location
2012-01-10 laurent Merge with Donggu modifications
2012-01-10 laurent Merge with Donggu modifications
2012-01-08 laurent Adding support for drag'n dropping located variables from topology panel to configurations and resources variable panel for declaring global located variables
2011-12-22 Donggu Kang Master relase code added
2011-12-22 Donggu Kang Master release code added
2011-12-20 laurent Adding support for not configuring pdos when not mandatory and not needed by locations defined in PLC program. Adding support for displaying locations tree in Topology panel and BrowseLocationsDialog. Merging pdos grid and variables grid into one single grid in slave infos panel.
2011-12-18 laurent First working implementation of Beremiz plugin for etherlab
2018-06-11 Edouard Tisserant merge
2018-06-08 Edouard Tisserant Add BACnet extension from Mario de Sousa <msousa@fe.up.pt>
2018-06-08 Edouard Tisserant Make Modbus extension license compatible with the rest of Beremiz IDE python code : GPLv2.
2018-06-04 Edouard Tisserant Commented out safety check to prevent deadlock in wxEvaluator, since wx Mainloop is not anymore in main thread. That safety check actually leads to having wx code running outside of MainLoop
2018-05-23 Edouard Tisserant Merge
2018-05-23 Andrey Skvortsov Print version information about software used for tests
2018-05-23 Andrey Skvortsov Fix codestyle
2018-05-23 Andrey Skvortsov Fix typos introduced by 9fa2f8e "Fixed random segfault happening when loading new PLC in runtime, when using Xenonai."
2018-05-22 Andrey Skvortsov merged changes in README.md
2018-03-12 Sergey Surkov add python-cycler dependence in readme
2018-05-23 Edouard Tisserant Make Modbus mutexes non blocking for PLC. If data related to some modbus request is alredy locked when PLC wants to access it, then data isn't copied to/from PLC
2018-05-17 Edouard Tisserant Merged #2476, URI dialog fixes
2018-05-17 Edouard Tisserant close branch #2476 - URI dialog fixed #2476
2018-05-14 dporopat #2476 Changes to the comment. #2476