clean-up: fix PEP8 W602 deprecated form of raising exception
authorAndrey Skvortsov <>
Thu, 17 Aug 2017 16:26:32 +0300 (2017-08-17)
changeset 1765 ccf59c1f0b45
parent 1764 d5df428640ff
child 1766 c1e5b9f19483
clean-up: fix PEP8 W602 deprecated form of raising exception
--- a/	Thu Aug 17 15:43:25 2017 +0300
+++ b/	Thu Aug 17 16:26:32 2017 +0300
@@ -529,7 +529,8 @@
             CTNClass, CTNHelp = CTNChildrenTypes[CTNType]
         except KeyError:
-            raise Exception, _("Cannot create child {a1} of type {a2} ").format(a1=CTNName, a2=CTNType)
+            raise Exception(_("Cannot create child {a1} of type {a2} ").
+                             format(a1=CTNName, a2=CTNType))
         # if CTNClass is a class factory, call it. (prevent unneeded imports)
         if type(CTNClass) == types.FunctionType:
@@ -539,8 +540,9 @@
         ChildrenWithSameClass = self.Children.setdefault(CTNType, list())
         # Check count
         if getattr(CTNClass, "CTNMaxCount", None) and len(ChildrenWithSameClass) >= CTNClass.CTNMaxCount:
-            msg = _("Max count ({a1}) reached for this confnode of type {a2} ").format(a1=CTNClass.CTNMaxCount, a2=CTNType)
-            raise Exception, msg
+            raise Exception(
+                _("Max count ({a1}) reached for this confnode of type {a2} ").
+                format(a1=CTNClass.CTNMaxCount, a2=CTNType))
         # create the final class, derived of provided confnode and template
         class FinalCTNClass(CTNClass, ConfigTreeNode):
@@ -566,9 +568,9 @@
                     # Basic check. Better to fail immediately.
                     if (_self.BaseParams.getName() != NewCTNName):
-                        msg = _("Project tree layout do not match confnode.xml {a1}!={a2} ").\
-                              format(a1=NewCTNName, a2=_self.BaseParams.getName())
-                        raise Exception, msg
+                        raise Exception(
+                            _("Project tree layout do not match confnode.xml {a1}!={a2} ").
+                            format(a1=NewCTNName, a2=_self.BaseParams.getName()))
                     # Now, self.CTNPath() should be OK
--- a/	Thu Aug 17 15:43:25 2017 +0300
+++ b/	Thu Aug 17 16:26:32 2017 +0300
@@ -296,7 +296,7 @@
     split = None
     for idx, tab in enumerate(tabs):
         if len(tab["pages"]) == 0:
-            raise ValueError, "Not possible"
+            raise ValueError("Not possible")
         if tab["size"][0] == rect.width:
             if tab["pos"][1] == rect.y:
                 split = (wx.TOP, float(tab["size"][1]) / float(rect.height))
@@ -820,7 +820,7 @@
         if isinstance(tabs, ListType):
             if len(tabs) == 0:
-            raise ValueError, "Not supported"
+            raise ValueError("Not supported")
         if "split" in tabs:
             self.LoadTabLayout(notebook, tabs["others"])
--- a/	Thu Aug 17 15:43:25 2017 +0300
+++ b/	Thu Aug 17 16:26:32 2017 +0300
@@ -254,7 +254,7 @@
                 program = pou_program.GenerateProgram(pou)
                 self.Program += program
-                raise PLCGenException, _("Undefined pou type \"%s\"") % pou_type
+                raise PLCGenException(_("Undefined pou type \"%s\"") % pou_type)
     # Generate a POU defined and used in text
     def GeneratePouProgramInText(self, text):
@@ -397,9 +397,9 @@
             # Single argument if exists
             if single is not None:
                 if len(single) == 0:
-                    msg = _("Source signal has to be defined for single task '{a1}' in resource '{a2}.{a3}'.").\
-                          format(a1=task.getname(), a2=config_name, a3=resource.getname())
-                    raise PLCGenException, msg
+                    raise PLCGenException(
+                        _("Source signal has to be defined for single task '{a1}' in resource '{a2}.{a3}'.").
+                        format(a1=task.getname(), a2=config_name, a3=resource.getname()))
                 if single[0] == '[' and single[-1] == ']':
                     SNGLKW = "MULTI"
@@ -775,7 +775,9 @@
                         self.ConnectionTypes[content["value"]] = "BOOL"
                         connections = content["value"].getconnections()
                         if not connections:
-                            raise PLCGenException, _("SFC transition in POU \"%s\" must be connected.") % self.Name
+                            raise PLCGenException(
+                                _("SFC transition in POU \"%s\" must be connected.") % self.Name)
                         for link in connections:
                             connected = self.GetLinkedConnector(link, body)
                             if connected is not None and not connected in self.ConnectionTypes:
@@ -788,8 +790,9 @@
                     for element in body.getcontentInstances():
                         if isinstance(element, ConnectorClass) and element.getname() == name:
                             if connector is not None:
-                                msg = _("More than one connector found corresponding to \"{a1}\" continuation in \"{a2}\" POU").format(a1=name, a2=self.Name)
-                                raise PLCGenException, msg
+                                raise PLCGenException(
+                                    _("More than one connector found corresponding to \"{a1}\" continuation in \"{a2}\" POU").
+                                    format(a1=name, a2=self.Name))
                             connector = element
                     if connector is not None:
                         undefined = [instance.connectionPointOut, connector.connectionPointIn]
@@ -808,8 +811,10 @@
                             for connection in related:
                                 self.ConnectionTypes[connection] = var_type
-                        msg = _("No connector found corresponding to \"{a1}\" continuation in \"{a2}\" POU").format(a1=name, a2=self.Name)
-                        raise PLCGenException, msg
+                        raise PLCGenException(
+                            _("No connector found corresponding to \"{a1}\" continuation in \"{a2}\" POU").
+                            format(a1=name, a2=self.Name))
                 elif isinstance(instance, BlockClass):
                     block_infos = self.GetBlockType(instance.gettypeName(), "undefined")
                     if block_infos is not None:
@@ -831,7 +836,8 @@
                 if block_infos is not None:
                     self.ComputeBlockInputTypes(instance, block_infos, body)
-                    raise PLCGenException, _("No informations found for \"%s\" block") % (instance.gettypeName())
+                    raise PLCGenException(
+                        _("No informations found for \"%s\" block") % (instance.gettypeName()))
             if body_type == "SFC":
                 previous_tagname = self.TagName
                 for action in pou.getactionList():
@@ -963,11 +969,13 @@
                     if block_infos is None:
                         block_infos = self.GetBlockType(block_type)
                     if block_infos is None:
-                        raise PLCGenException, _("Undefined block type \"{a1}\" in \"{a2}\" POU").format(a1=block_type, a2=self.Name)
+                        raise PLCGenException(
+                            _("Undefined block type \"{a1}\" in \"{a2}\" POU").
+                            format(a1=block_type, a2=self.Name))
                         self.GenerateBlock(instance, block_infos, body, None)
                     except ValueError, e:
-                        raise PLCGenException, e.message
+                        raise PLCGenException(e.message)
                 elif isinstance(instance, ConnectorClass):
                     connector = instance.getname()
                     if self.ComputedConnectors.get(connector, None):
@@ -1196,9 +1204,9 @@
                 blockname = "{a1}({a2})".format(a1=name, a2=type)
                 blockname = type
-            msg = _("No output {a1} variable found in block {a2} in POU {a3}. Connection must be broken").\
-                              format(a1=output_parameter, a2=blockname, a3=self.Name)
-            raise ValueError, msg
+            raise ValueError(
+                _("No output {a1} variable found in block {a2} in POU {a3}. Connection must be broken").
+                format(a1=output_parameter, a2=blockname, a3=self.Name))
     def GeneratePaths(self, connections, body, order=False, to_inout=False):
         paths = []
@@ -1216,12 +1224,13 @@
                 if block_infos is None:
                     block_infos = self.GetBlockType(block_type)
                 if block_infos is None:
-                    msg = _("Undefined block type \"{a1}\" in \"{a2}\" POU").format(a1=block_type, a2=self.Name)
-                    raise PLCGenException, msg
+                    raise PLCGenException(
+                        _("Undefined block type \"{a1}\" in \"{a2}\" POU").
+                        format(a1=block_type, a2=self.Name))
                     paths.append(str(self.GenerateBlock(next, block_infos, body, connection, order, to_inout)))
                 except ValueError, e:
-                    raise PLCGenException, e.message
+                    raise PLCGenException(e.message)
             elif isinstance(next, ContinuationClass):
                 name = next.getname()
                 computed_value = self.ComputedConnectors.get(name, None)
@@ -1232,8 +1241,9 @@
                     for instance in body.getcontentInstances():
                         if isinstance(instance, ConnectorClass) and instance.getname() == name:
                             if connector is not None:
-                                msg = _("More than one connector found corresponding to \"{a1}\" continuation in \"{a2}\" POU").format(a1=name, a2=self.Name)
-                                raise PLCGenException, msg
+                                raise PLCGenException(
+                                    _("More than one connector found corresponding to \"{a1}\" continuation in \"{a2}\" POU").
+                                    format(a1=name, a2=self.Name))
                             connector = instance
                     if connector is not None:
                         connections = connector.connectionPointIn.getconnections()
@@ -1243,8 +1253,9 @@
                                 self.ComputedConnectors[name] = expression
-                        msg = _("No connector found corresponding to \"{a1}\" continuation in \"{a2}\" POU").format(a1=name, a2=self.Name)
-                        raise PLCGenException, msg
+                        raise PLCGenException(
+                            _("No connector found corresponding to \"{a1}\" continuation in \"{a2}\" POU").
+                            format(a1=name, a2=self.Name))
             elif isinstance(next, ContactClass):
                 contact_info = (self.TagName, "contact", next.getlocalId())
                 variable = str(self.ExtractModifier(next, [(next.getvariable(), contact_info + ("reference",))], contact_info))
@@ -1394,8 +1405,10 @@
         jump_target = jump.gettargetName()
         if not pou.hasstep(jump_target):
             pname = pou.getname()
-            msg = _("SFC jump in pou \"{a1}\" refers to non-existent SFC step \"{a2}\"").format(a1=pname, a2=jump_target)
-            raise PLCGenException, msg
+            raise PLCGenException(
+                _("SFC jump in pou \"{a1}\" refers to non-existent SFC step \"{a2}\"").
+                format(a1=pname, a2=jump_target))
         if jump.connectionPointIn is not None:
             instances = []
             connections = jump.connectionPointIn.getconnections()
@@ -1520,7 +1533,9 @@
                                     self.SFCComputedBlocks += self.Program
                                     self.Program = []
                     if not "content" in transition_infos:
-                        raise PLCGenException, _("Transition \"%s\" body must contain an output variable or coil referring to its name") % transitionValues["value"]
+                        raise PLCGenException(
+                            _("Transition \"%s\" body must contain an output variable or coil referring to its name")
+                            % transitionValues["value"])
                 self.TagName = previous_tagname
             elif transitionValues["type"] == "connection":
                 body = pou.getbody()
@@ -1600,9 +1615,9 @@
             elif len(transition_infos["from"]) == 1:
                 self.Program += transition_infos["from"][0]
-                msg = _("Transition with content \"{a1}\" not connected to a previous step in \"{a2}\" POU").\
-                      format(a1=transition_infos["content"], a2=self.Name)
-                raise PLCGenException, msg
+                raise PLCGenException(
+                    _("Transition with content \"{a1}\" not connected to a previous step in \"{a2}\" POU").
+                    format(a1=transition_infos["content"], a2=self.Name))
             self.Program += [(" TO ", ())]
             if len(transition_infos["to"]) > 1:
                 self.Program += [("(", ())]
@@ -1611,9 +1626,9 @@
             elif len(transition_infos["to"]) == 1:
                 self.Program += transition_infos["to"][0]
-                msg = _("Transition with content \"{a1}\" not connected to a next step in \"{a2}\" POU").\
-                      format(a1=transition_infos["content"], a2=self.Name)
-                raise PLCGenException, msg
+                raise PLCGenException(
+                    _("Transition with content \"{a1}\" not connected to a next step in \"{a2}\" POU").
+                    format(a1=transition_infos["content"], a2=self.Name))
             self.Program += transition_infos["content"]
             self.Program += [("%sEND_TRANSITION\n\n" % self.CurrentIndent, ())]
             for [(step_name, step_infos)] in transition_infos["to"]:
@@ -1631,9 +1646,9 @@
                         (self.ReturnType, (self.TagName, "return"))]
         program += [("\n", ())]
         if len(self.Interface) == 0:
-            raise PLCGenException, _("No variable defined in \"%s\" POU") % self.Name
+            raise PLCGenException(_("No variable defined in \"%s\" POU") % self.Name)
         if len(self.Program) == 0:
-            raise PLCGenException, _("No body defined in \"%s\" POU") % self.Name
+            raise PLCGenException(_("No body defined in \"%s\" POU") % self.Name)
         var_number = 0
         for list_type, option, located, variables in self.Interface:
             variable_type = errorVarTypes.get(list_type, "var_local")
--- a/canfestival/	Thu Aug 17 15:43:25 2017 +0300
+++ b/canfestival/	Thu Aug 17 16:26:32 2017 +0300
@@ -231,10 +231,10 @@
         pointers = config_utils.LocalODPointers(locations, current_location, slave)
         res = gen_cfile.GenerateFile(Gen_OD_path, slave, pointers)
         if res:
-            raise Exception, res
+            raise Exception(res)
         res = eds_utils.GenerateEDSFile(os.path.join(buildpath, "Slave_%s.eds" % prefix), slave)
         if res:
-            raise Exception, res
+            raise Exception(res)
         return [(Gen_OD_path, local_canfestival_config.getCFLAGS(CanFestivalPath))], "", False
     def LoadPrevious(self):
@@ -448,11 +448,11 @@
             master, pointers = config_utils.GenerateConciseDCF(locations, current_location, self, self.CanFestivalNode.getSync_TPDOs(), "OD_%s" % prefix)
         except config_utils.PDOmappingException, e:
-            raise Exception, e.message
+            raise Exception(e.message)
         # Do generate C file.
         res = gen_cfile.GenerateFile(Gen_OD_path, master, pointers)
         if res:
-            raise Exception, res
+            raise Exception(res)
         file = open(os.path.join(buildpath, "MasterGenerated.od"), "w")
         dump(master, file)
--- a/canfestival/	Thu Aug 17 15:43:25 2017 +0300
+++ b/canfestival/	Thu Aug 17 16:26:32 2017 +0300
@@ -348,13 +348,13 @@
             name = location["NAME"]
             if name in self.IECLocations:
                 if self.IECLocations[name]["type"] != COlocationtype:
-                    raise PDOmappingException, _("Type conflict for location \"%s\"") % name
+                    raise PDOmappingException(_("Type conflict for location \"%s\"") % name)
                 # Get only the part of the location that concern this node
                 loc = location["LOC"][len(current_location):]
                 # loc correspond to (ID, INDEX, SUBINDEX [,BIT])
                 if len(loc) not in (2, 3, 4):
-                    raise PDOmappingException, _("Bad location size : %s") % str(loc)
+                    raise PDOmappingException(_("Bad location size : %s") % str(loc))
                 elif len(loc) == 2:
@@ -367,7 +367,9 @@
                 # Check Id is in slave node list
                 if nodeid not in self.NodeList.SlaveNodes.keys():
-                    raise PDOmappingException, _("Non existing node ID : {a1} (variable {a2})").format(a1=nodeid, a2=name)
+                    raise PDOmappingException(
+                        _("Non existing node ID : {a1} (variable {a2})").
+                        format(a1=nodeid, a2=name))
                 # Get the model for this node (made from EDS)
                 node = self.NodeList.SlaveNodes[nodeid]["Node"]
@@ -376,7 +378,7 @@
                 if not node.IsEntry(index, subindex):
                     msg = _("No such index/subindex ({a1},{a2}) in ID : {a3} (variable {a4})").\
                           format(a1="%x" % index, a2="%x" % subindex, a3=nodeid, a4=name)
-                    raise PDOmappingException, msg
+                    raise PDOmappingException(msg)
                 # Get the entry info
                 subentry_infos = node.GetSubentryInfos(index, subindex)
@@ -386,15 +388,19 @@
                     if sizelocation == "X" and len(loc) > 3:
                         numbit = loc[3]
                     elif sizelocation != "X" and len(loc) > 3:
-                        msg = _("Cannot set bit offset for non bool '{a1}' variable (ID:{a2},Idx:{a3},sIdx:{a4}))").\
-                              format(a1=name, a2=nodeid, a3="%x" % index, a4="%x" % subindex)
-                        raise PDOmappingException, msg
+                        raise PDOmappingException(
+                            _("Cannot set bit offset for non bool '{a1}' variable (ID:{a2},Idx:{a3},sIdx:{a4}))").
+                            format(a1=name, a2=nodeid, a3="%x" % index, a4="%x" % subindex))
                         numbit = None
                     if location["IEC_TYPE"] != "BOOL" and subentry_infos["type"] != COlocationtype:
-                        raise PDOmappingException, _("Invalid type \"{a1}\"-> {a2} != {a3}  for location \"{a4}\"").\
-                            format(a1=location["IEC_TYPE"], a2=COlocationtype, a3=subentry_infos["type"], a4=name)
+                        raise PDOmappingException(
+                            _("Invalid type \"{a1}\"-> {a2} != {a3}  for location \"{a4}\"").
+                            format(a1=location["IEC_TYPE"],
+                                   a2=COlocationtype,
+                                   a3=subentry_infos["type"],
+                                   a4=name))
                     typeinfos = node.GetEntryInfos(COlocationtype)
                     self.IECLocations[name] = {
@@ -408,8 +414,9 @@
                         "sizelocation": sizelocation
-                    raise PDOmappingException, _("Not PDO mappable variable : '{a1}' (ID:{a2},Idx:{a3},sIdx:{a4}))").\
-                        format(a1=name, a2=nodeid, a3="%x" % index, a4="%x" % subindex)
+                    raise PDOmappingException(
+                        _("Not PDO mappable variable : '{a1}' (ID:{a2},Idx:{a3},sIdx:{a4}))").
+                        format(a1=name, a2=nodeid, a3="%x" % index, a4="%x" % subindex))
         #                         Search for locations already mapped
@@ -481,7 +488,8 @@
                     pdomapping = []
                     result = self.GetEmptyPDO(nodeid, pdotype)
                     if result is None:
-                        raise PDOmappingException, _("Unable to define PDO mapping for node %02x") % nodeid
+                        raise PDOmappingException(
+                            _("Unable to define PDO mapping for node %02x") % nodeid)
                     pdoindex, pdocobid, pdonbparams = result
                     for name, loc_infos in locations[pdotype]:
                         pdosize += loc_infos["size"]
@@ -495,7 +503,8 @@
                             pdomapping = [(name, loc_infos)]
                             result = self.GetEmptyPDO(nodeid, pdotype, pdoindex + 1)
                             if result is None:
-                                raise PDOmappingException, _("Unable to define PDO mapping for node %02x") % nodeid
+                                raise PDOmappingException(
+                                    _("Unable to define PDO mapping for node %02x") % nodeid)
                             pdoindex, pdocobid, pdonbparams = result
                             pdomapping.append((name, loc_infos))
@@ -645,13 +654,13 @@
         name = location["NAME"]
         if name in IECLocations:
             if IECLocations[name] != COlocationtype:
-                raise PDOmappingException, _("Type conflict for location \"%s\"") % name
+                raise PDOmappingException(_("Type conflict for location \"%s\"") % name)
             # Get only the part of the location that concern this node
             loc = location["LOC"][len(current_location):]
             # loc correspond to (ID, INDEX, SUBINDEX [,BIT])
             if len(loc) not in (2, 3, 4):
-                raise PDOmappingException, _("Bad location size : %s") % str(loc)
+                raise PDOmappingException(_("Bad location size : %s") % str(loc))
             elif len(loc) != 2:
@@ -660,14 +669,19 @@
             # Extract and check index and subindex
             if not slave.IsEntry(index, subindex):
-                raise PDOmappingException, _("No such index/subindex ({a1},{a2}) (variable {a3})").\
-                    format(a1="%x" % index, a2="%x" % subindex, a3=name)
+                raise PDOmappingException(
+                    _("No such index/subindex ({a1},{a2}) (variable {a3})").
+                    format(a1="%x" % index, a2="%x" % subindex, a3=name))
             # Get the entry info
             subentry_infos = slave.GetSubentryInfos(index, subindex)
             if subentry_infos["type"] != COlocationtype:
-                raise PDOmappingException, _("Invalid type \"{a1}\"-> {a2} != {a3} for location \"{a4}\"").\
-                    format(a1=location["IEC_TYPE"], a2=COlocationtype, a3=subentry_infos["type"], a4=name)
+                raise PDOmappingException(
+                    _("Invalid type \"{a1}\"-> {a2} != {a3} for location \"{a4}\"").
+                    format(a1=location["IEC_TYPE"],
+                           a2=COlocationtype,
+                           a3=subentry_infos["type"],
+                           a4=name))
             IECLocations[name] = COlocationtype
             pointers[(index, subindex)] = name
--- a/connectors/WAMP/	Thu Aug 17 15:43:25 2017 +0300
+++ b/connectors/WAMP/	Thu Aug 17 16:26:32 2017 +0300
@@ -137,7 +137,7 @@
                     reactor, RegisterWampClient)
             if not _WampSessionEvent.wait(5):
                 _WampConnection = stopConnecting()
-                raise Exception, _("WAMP connection timeout")
+                raise Exception(_("WAMP connection timeout"))
         def __del__(self):
             global _WampConnection
--- a/editors/	Thu Aug 17 15:43:25 2017 +0300
+++ b/editors/	Thu Aug 17 16:26:32 2017 +0300
@@ -215,7 +215,10 @@
                         if rung not in rungs:
                 if len(rungs) > 1:
-                    raise ValueError, _("Ladder element with id %d is on more than one rung.") % instance["id"]
+                    raise ValueError(
+                        _("Ladder element with id %d is on more than one rung.")
+                        % instance["id"])
                 element = self.FindElementById(instance["id"])
                 element_connectors = element.GetConnectors()
@@ -231,7 +234,10 @@
                     if rung not in rungs:
                 if len(rungs) > 1:
-                    raise ValueError, _("Ladder element with id %d is on more than one rung.") % instance["id"]
+                    raise ValueError(
+                        _("Ladder element with id %d is on more than one rung.")
+                        % instance["id"])
                 element = self.FindElementById(instance["id"])
                 element_connectors = element.GetConnectors()
--- a/plcopen/	Thu Aug 17 15:43:25 2017 +0300
+++ b/plcopen/	Thu Aug 17 16:26:32 2017 +0300
@@ -450,7 +450,7 @@
     def appenddataType(self, name):
         if self.getdataType(name) is not None:
-            raise ValueError, "\"%s\" Data Type already exists !!!" % name
+            raise ValueError("\"%s\" Data Type already exists !!!" % name)
     setattr(cls, "appenddataType", appenddataType)
@@ -505,7 +505,7 @@
     def addconfiguration(self, name):
         if self.getconfiguration(name) is not None:
-            raise ValueError, _("\"%s\" configuration already exists !!!") % name
+            raise ValueError(_("\"%s\" configuration already exists !!!") % name)
         new_configuration = PLCOpenParser.CreateElement("configuration", "configurations")
@@ -514,7 +514,7 @@
     def removeconfiguration(self, name):
         configuration = self.getconfiguration(name)
         if configuration is None:
-            raise ValueError, ("\"%s\" configuration doesn't exist !!!") % name
+            raise ValueError(_("\"%s\" configuration doesn't exist !!!") % name)
     setattr(cls, "removeconfiguration", removeconfiguration)
@@ -530,8 +530,10 @@
     def addconfigurationResource(self, config_name, name):
         if self.getconfigurationResource(config_name, name) is not None:
-            msg = _("\"{a1}\" resource already exists in \"{a2}\" configuration !!!").format(a1=name, a2=config_name)
-            raise ValueError, msg
+            raise ValueError(
+                _("\"{a1}\" resource already exists in \"{a2}\" configuration !!!").
+                format(a1=name, a2=config_name))
         configuration = self.getconfiguration(config_name)
         if configuration is not None:
             new_resource = PLCOpenParser.CreateElement("resource", "configuration")
@@ -548,8 +550,10 @@
                 found = True
         if not found:
-            msg = _("\"{a1}\" resource doesn't exist in \"{a2}\" configuration !!!").format(a1=name, a2=config_name)
-            raise ValueError, msg
+            raise ValueError(
+                _("\"{a1}\" resource doesn't exist in \"{a2}\" configuration !!!").
+                format(a1=name, a2=config_name))
     setattr(cls, "removeconfigurationResource", removeconfigurationResource)
     def updateElementName(self, old_name, new_name):
@@ -928,7 +932,7 @@
                 found = True
         if not found:
-            raise ValueError, _("\"%s\" Data Type doesn't exist !!!") % name
+            raise ValueError(_("\"%s\" Data Type doesn't exist !!!") % name)
     setattr(cls, "removedataTypeElement", removedataTypeElement)
     def getpouElements(self):
@@ -946,7 +950,7 @@
     def appendpouElement(self, name, pou_type, body_type):
         for element in self.pous.getpou():
             if TextMatched(element.getname(), name):
-                raise ValueError, _("\"%s\" POU already exists !!!") % name
+                raise ValueError(_("\"%s\" POU already exists !!!") % name)
         new_pou = PLCOpenParser.CreateElement("pou", "pous")
@@ -967,7 +971,7 @@
                 found = True
         if not found:
-            raise ValueError, _("\"%s\" POU doesn't exist !!!") % name
+            raise ValueError(_("\"%s\" POU doesn't exist !!!") % name)
     setattr(cls, "removepouElement", removepouElement)
     def Search(self, criteria, parent_infos=[]):
@@ -1153,7 +1157,7 @@
             if body_type in ["IL", "ST", "LD", "FBD", "SFC"]:
                 self.body[0].setcontent(PLCOpenParser.CreateElement(body_type, "body"))
-                raise ValueError, "%s isn't a valid body type!" % type
+                raise ValueError("%s isn't a valid body type!" % type)
     setattr(cls, "setbodyType", setbodyType)
     def getbodyType(self):
@@ -1373,7 +1377,7 @@
                     removed = True
             if not removed:
-                raise ValueError, _("Transition with name %s doesn't exist!") % name
+                raise ValueError(_("Transition with name %s doesn't exist!") % name)
     setattr(cls, "removetransition", removetransition)
     def addaction(self, name, body_type):
@@ -1414,7 +1418,7 @@
                     removed = True
             if not removed:
-                raise ValueError, _("Action with name %s doesn't exist!") % name
+                raise ValueError(_("Action with name %s doesn't exist!") % name)
     setattr(cls, "removeaction", removeaction)
     def updateElementName(self, old_name, new_name):
@@ -1507,7 +1511,7 @@
     if body_type in ["IL", "ST", "LD", "FBD", "SFC"]:
         self.body.setcontent(PLCOpenParser.CreateElement(body_type, "body"))
-        raise ValueError, "%s isn't a valid body type!" % type
+        raise ValueError("%s isn't a valid body type!" % type)
 def getbodyType(self):
@@ -1656,7 +1660,7 @@
-            raise TypeError, _("Can only generate execution order on FBD networks!")
+            raise TypeError(_("Can only generate execution order on FBD networks!"))
     setattr(cls, "resetexecutionOrder", resetexecutionOrder)
     def compileexecutionOrder(self):
@@ -1670,7 +1674,7 @@
-            raise TypeError, _("Can only generate execution order on FBD networks!")
+            raise TypeError(_("Can only generate execution order on FBD networks!"))
     setattr(cls, "compileexecutionOrder", compileexecutionOrder)
     def compileelementExecutionOrder(self, link):
@@ -1694,7 +1698,7 @@
                         if connections and len(connections) == 1:
-            raise TypeError, _("Can only generate execution order on FBD networks!")
+            raise TypeError(_("Can only generate execution order on FBD networks!"))
     setattr(cls, "compileelementExecutionOrder", compileelementExecutionOrder)
     def setelementExecutionOrder(self, instance, new_executionOrder):
@@ -1710,21 +1714,21 @@
                             element.setexecutionOrderId(element_executionOrder + 1)
-            raise TypeError, _("Can only generate execution order on FBD networks!")
+            raise TypeError(_("Can only generate execution order on FBD networks!"))
     setattr(cls, "setelementExecutionOrder", setelementExecutionOrder)
     def appendcontentInstance(self, instance):
         if self.content.getLocalTag() in ["LD", "FBD", "SFC"]:
-            raise TypeError, _("%s body don't have instances!") % self.content.getLocalTag()
+            raise TypeError(_("%s body don't have instances!") % self.content.getLocalTag())
     setattr(cls, "appendcontentInstance", appendcontentInstance)
     def getcontentInstances(self):
         if self.content.getLocalTag() in ["LD", "FBD", "SFC"]:
             return self.content.getcontent()
-            raise TypeError, _("%s body don't have instances!") % self.content.getLocalTag()
+            raise TypeError(_("%s body don't have instances!") % self.content.getLocalTag())
     setattr(cls, "getcontentInstances", getcontentInstances)
     instance_by_id_xpath = PLCOpen_XPath("*[@localId=$localId]")
@@ -1737,7 +1741,7 @@
                 return instance[0]
             return None
-            raise TypeError, _("%s body don't have instances!") % self.content.getLocalTag()
+            raise TypeError(_("%s body don't have instances!") % self.content.getLocalTag())
     setattr(cls, "getcontentInstance", getcontentInstance)
     def getcontentInstancesIds(self):
@@ -1745,7 +1749,7 @@
             return OrderedDict([(instance.getlocalId(), True)
                                 for instance in self.content])
-            raise TypeError, _("%s body don't have instances!") % self.content.getLocalTag()
+            raise TypeError(_("%s body don't have instances!") % self.content.getLocalTag())
     setattr(cls, "getcontentInstancesIds", getcontentInstancesIds)
     def getcontentInstanceByName(self, name):
@@ -1755,7 +1759,7 @@
                 return instance[0]
             return None
-            raise TypeError, _("%s body don't have instances!") % self.content.getLocalTag()
+            raise TypeError(_("%s body don't have instances!") % self.content.getLocalTag())
     setattr(cls, "getcontentInstanceByName", getcontentInstanceByName)
     def removecontentInstance(self, local_id):
@@ -1764,30 +1768,30 @@
             if len(instance) > 0:
-                raise ValueError, _("Instance with id %d doesn't exist!") % id
+                raise ValueError(_("Instance with id %d doesn't exist!") % id)
-            raise TypeError, "%s body don't have instances!" % self.content.getLocalTag()
+            raise TypeError(_("%s body don't have instances!") % self.content.getLocalTag())
     setattr(cls, "removecontentInstance", removecontentInstance)
     def settext(self, text):
         if self.content.getLocalTag() in ["IL", "ST"]:
-            raise TypeError, _("%s body don't have text!") % self.content.getLocalTag()
+            raise TypeError(_("%s body don't have text!") % self.content.getLocalTag())
     setattr(cls, "settext", settext)
     def gettext(self):
         if self.content.getLocalTag() in ["IL", "ST"]:
             return self.content.getanyText()
-            raise TypeError, _("%s body don't have text!") % self.content.getLocalTag()
+            raise TypeError(_("%s body don't have text!") % self.content.getLocalTag())
     setattr(cls, "gettext", gettext)
     def hasblock(self, block_type):
         if self.content.getLocalTag() in ["IL", "ST"]:
             return self.content.hasblock(block_type)
-            raise TypeError, _("%s body don't have text!") % self.content.getLocalTag()
+            raise TypeError(_("%s body don't have text!") % self.content.getLocalTag())
     setattr(cls, "hasblock", hasblock)
     def updateElementName(self, old_name, new_name):
@@ -2521,7 +2525,7 @@
         elif opened == closed:
             i += 1
-            raise ValueError, _("\"%s\" is an invalid value!") % value
+            raise ValueError(_("\"%s\" is an invalid value!") % value)
     return items
--- a/svgui/pyjs/jsonrpc/django/	Thu Aug 17 15:43:25 2017 +0300
+++ b/svgui/pyjs/jsonrpc/django/	Thu Aug 17 16:26:32 2017 +0300
@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@
             service.add_method(func.__name__, func)
             emsg = 'Service "%s" not found' % str(service.__name__)
-            raise NotImplementedError, emsg
+            raise NotImplementedError(emsg)
         return func
     return remotify
--- a/xmlclass/	Thu Aug 17 15:43:25 2017 +0300
+++ b/xmlclass/	Thu Aug 17 16:26:32 2017 +0300
@@ -1826,7 +1826,7 @@
             if class_idx is not None and class_idx < len(element_class):
                 new_element = element_class[class_idx]()
-                raise ValueError, "No corresponding class found!"
+                raise ValueError("No corresponding class found!")
             new_element = element_class()
         DefaultElementClass.__setattr__(new_element, "tag", self.DefaultNamespaceFormat % element_tag)
--- a/xmlclass/	Thu Aug 17 15:43:25 2017 +0300
+++ b/xmlclass/	Thu Aug 17 16:26:32 2017 +0300
@@ -396,7 +396,7 @@
         # Check that item type is a simple type
         if itemtypeinfos["type"] != SIMPLETYPE:
-            raise ValueError, "Item type given isn't a simpleType!"
+            raise ValueError("Item type given isn't a simpleType!")
         simpleType["basename"] = "list"