Tests: Add time emulation feature for tests with BEREMIZ_TEST_CYCLES CFLAG. wxPython4
authorEdouard Tisserant <edouard.tisserant@gmail.com>
Mon, 27 Mar 2023 10:12:20 +0200 (24 months ago)
changeset 3748 a811e1ff718a
parent 3747 1db10e9df882
child 3749 fda6c1a37662
Tests: Add time emulation feature for tests with BEREMIZ_TEST_CYCLES CFLAG.

Adding BEREMIZ_TEST_CYCLES=1000 in a project's CFLAGS will:
- run 1000 cycles with no pause
- emulate time flowing normaly for PLC code
- exit PLC thread

This allows:
- testing standard library blocks that deal with time without having to wait
- unit testing and code coverage with POUs that uses time
--- a/targets/Linux/plc_Linux_main.c	Sun Mar 12 00:55:19 2023 +0100
+++ b/targets/Linux/plc_Linux_main.c	Mon Mar 27 10:12:20 2023 +0200
@@ -117,6 +117,11 @@
         struct timespec plc_start_time;
+// BEREMIZ_TEST_CYCLES is defined in tests that need to emulate time:
+// - all BEREMIZ_TEST_CYCLES cycles are executed in a row with no pause
+// - __CURRENT_TIME is incremented each cycle according to emulated cycle period
         // Sleep until next PLC run
         res = clock_nanosleep(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, TIMER_ABSTIME, &next_cycle_time, NULL);
@@ -126,6 +131,7 @@
             _LogError("PLC thread timer returned error %d \n", res);
         // timer overrun detection
@@ -137,12 +143,30 @@
+#define xstr(s) str(s)
+#define str(arg) #arg
+        // fake current time
+        __CURRENT_TIME.tv_sec = next_cycle_time.tv_sec;
+        __CURRENT_TIME.tv_nsec = next_cycle_time.tv_nsec;
+        // exit loop when enough cycles
+        if(__tick >= BEREMIZ_TEST_CYCLES) {
+            _LogWarning("TEST PLC thread ended after "xstr(BEREMIZ_TEST_CYCLES)" cycles.\n");
+            // After pre-defined test cycles count, PLC thread exits.
+            // Remaining PLC runtime is expected to be cleaned-up/killed by test script
+            return;
+        }
         // ensure next PLC cycle occurence is in the future
         clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &plc_end_time);
-        while(timespec_gt(plc_end_time, next_cycle_time)){
+        while(timespec_gt(plc_end_time, next_cycle_time))
+        {
             periods += 1;
             inc_timespec(&next_cycle_time, period_ns);