authorEdouard Tisserant
Mon, 07 May 2012 19:19:08 +0200
changeset 718 5d4dc150b956
parent 717 1c23952dbde1
child 719 db54ccc96309
--- a/	Mon May 07 18:47:29 2012 +0200
+++ b/	Mon May 07 19:19:08 2012 +0200
@@ -674,7 +674,7 @@
-            return ("confnode", tab.Controler.PlugFullName())
+            return ("confnode", tab.Controler.CTNFullName())
         elif (isinstance(tab, TextViewer) and 
               (tab.Controler is None or isinstance(tab.Controler, MiniTextControler))):
             return ("confnode", None, tab.GetInstancePath())
@@ -852,7 +852,7 @@
         if self.CTR is not None:    
             plcwindow = wx.Panel(self.PLCConfig, -1, size=wx.Size(-1, -1))
-            if self.CTR.PlugTestModified():
+            if self.CTR.CTNTestModified():
                 bkgdclr = CHANGED_TITLE_COLOUR
                 bkgdclr = TITLE_COLOUR
@@ -933,7 +933,7 @@
     def GenerateEnableButton(self, parent, sizer, confnode):
-        enabled = confnode.PlugEnabled()
+        enabled = confnode.CTNEnabled()
         if enabled is not None:
             enablebutton_id = wx.NewId()
             enablebutton = wx.lib.buttons.GenBitmapToggleButton(id=enablebutton_id, bitmap=wx.Bitmap(Bpath( 'images', 'Disabled.png')),
@@ -1046,7 +1046,7 @@
         if self.CTR is not None:
-            for child in self.CTR.IECSortedChilds():
+            for child in self.CTR.IECSortedChildren():
                 if not self.ConfNodeInfos[child]["expanded"]:
@@ -1131,7 +1131,7 @@
     def GenerateTreeBranch(self, confnode):
         leftwindow = wx.Panel(self.PLCConfig, -1, size=wx.Size(-1, -1))
-        if confnode.PlugTestModified():
+        if confnode.CTNTestModified():
@@ -1141,7 +1141,7 @@
         if not self.ConfNodeInfos.has_key(confnode):
             self.ConfNodeInfos[confnode] = {"expanded" : False, "right_visible" : False}
-        self.ConfNodeInfos[confnode]["children"] = confnode.IECSortedChilds()
+        self.ConfNodeInfos[confnode]["children"] = confnode.IECSortedChildren()
         confnode_locations = []
         if len(self.ConfNodeInfos[confnode]["children"]) == 0:
             confnode_locations = confnode.GetVariableLocationTree()["children"]
@@ -1174,7 +1174,7 @@
         #self.GenerateEnableButton(leftwindow, rolesizer, confnode)
         roletext = wx.StaticText(leftwindow, -1)
-        roletext.SetLabel(confnode.PlugHelp)
+        roletext.SetLabel(confnode.CTNHelp)
         rolesizer.AddWindow(roletext, 0, border=5, flag=wx.RIGHT|wx.ALIGN_LEFT)
         confnode_IECChannel = confnode.BaseParams.getIEC_Channel()
@@ -1216,7 +1216,7 @@
         deletebutton.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.GetDeleteButtonFunction(confnode), id=deletebutton_id)
         adddeletesizer.AddWindow(deletebutton, 0, border=5, flag=wx.RIGHT|wx.ALIGN_CENTER)
-        if len(confnode.PlugChildsTypes) > 0:
+        if len(confnode.CTNChildrenTypes) > 0:
             addbutton_id = wx.NewId()
             addbutton = wx.lib.buttons.GenBitmapButton(id=addbutton_id, bitmap=wx.Bitmap(Bpath( 'images', 'Add.png')),
                   name='AddConfNodeButton', parent=leftwindow, pos=wx.Point(0, 0),
@@ -1415,8 +1415,8 @@
     def Gen_AddConfNodeMenu(self, confnode):
         def AddConfNodeMenu(event):
             main_menu = wx.Menu(title='')
-            if len(confnode.PlugChildsTypes) > 0:
-                for name, XSDClass, help in confnode.PlugChildsTypes:
+            if len(confnode.CTNChildrenTypes) > 0:
+                for name, XSDClass, help in confnode.CTNChildrenTypes:
                     new_id = wx.NewId()
                     main_menu.Append(help=help, id=new_id, kind=wx.ITEM_NORMAL, text=_("Append ")+help)
                     self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self._GetAddConfNodeFunction(name, confnode), id=new_id)
@@ -1774,9 +1774,9 @@
     def GetAddButtonFunction(self, confnode, window):
         def AddButtonFunction(event):
-            if confnode and len(confnode.PlugChildsTypes) > 0:
+            if confnode and len(confnode.CTNChildrenTypes) > 0:
                 confnode_menu = wx.Menu(title='')
-                for name, XSDClass, help in confnode.PlugChildsTypes:
+                for name, XSDClass, help in confnode.CTNChildrenTypes:
                     new_id = wx.NewId()
                     confnode_menu.Append(help=help, id=new_id, kind=wx.ITEM_NORMAL, text=name)
                     self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self._GetAddConfNodeFunction(name, confnode), id=new_id)
@@ -1796,7 +1796,7 @@
             dialog = wx.TextEntryDialog(self, _("Please enter a name for confnode:"), _("Add ConfNode"), "", wx.OK|wx.CANCEL)
             if dialog.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK:
                 ConfNodeName = dialog.GetValue()
-                confnode.PlugAddChild(ConfNodeName, ConfNodeType)
+                confnode.CTNAddChild(ConfNodeName, ConfNodeType)
                 self._Refresh(TITLE, FILEMENU)
@@ -1807,7 +1807,7 @@
             dialog = wx.MessageDialog(self, _("Really delete confnode ?"), _("Remove confnode"), wx.YES_NO|wx.NO_DEFAULT)
             if dialog.ShowModal() == wx.ID_YES:
-                confnode.PlugRemove()
+                confnode.CTNRemove()
                 del confnode
                 self._Refresh(TITLE, FILEMENU)
--- a/	Mon May 07 18:47:29 2012 +0200
+++ b/	Mon May 07 19:19:08 2012 +0200
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@
     def __init__(self, filepath):
         self.FilePath = filepath
-    def PlugFullName(self):
+    def CTNFullName(self):
         return ""
     def SetEditedElementText(self, tagname, text):
@@ -96,21 +96,21 @@
     XSD = None
-    PlugChildsTypes = []
-    PlugMaxCount = None
+    CTNChildrenTypes = []
+    CTNMaxCount = None
     ConfNodeMethods = []
     LibraryControler = None
     EditorType = None
     def _AddParamsMembers(self):
-        self.PlugParams = None
+        self.CTNParams = None
         if self.XSD:
             self.Classes = GenerateClassesFromXSDstring(self.XSD)
             Classes = [(name, XSDclass) for name, XSDclass in self.Classes.items() if XSDclass.IsBaseClass]
             if len(Classes) == 1:
                 name, XSDclass = Classes[0]
                 obj = XSDclass()
-                self.PlugParams = (name, obj)
+                self.CTNParams = (name, obj)
                 setattr(self, name, obj)
     def __init__(self):
@@ -118,65 +118,65 @@
         self.BaseParams = _BaseParamsClass()
         self.MandatoryParams = ("BaseParams", self.BaseParams)
-        self.PluggedChilds = {}
+        self.Children = {}
         self._View = None
         # copy ConfNodeMethods so that it can be later customized
         self.ConfNodeMethods = [dic.copy() for dic in self.ConfNodeMethods]
-    def ConfNodeBaseXmlFilePath(self, PlugName=None):
-        return os.path.join(self.PlugPath(PlugName), "baseconfnode.xml")
-    def ConfNodeXmlFilePath(self, PlugName=None):
-        return os.path.join(self.PlugPath(PlugName), "confnode.xml")
+    def ConfNodeBaseXmlFilePath(self, CTNName=None):
+        return os.path.join(self.CTNPath(CTNName), "baseconfnode.xml")
+    def ConfNodeXmlFilePath(self, CTNName=None):
+        return os.path.join(self.CTNPath(CTNName), "confnode.xml")
     def ConfNodeLibraryFilePath(self):
         return os.path.join(self.ConfNodePath(), "pous.xml")
     def ConfNodePath(self):
-        return os.path.join(self.PlugParent.ConfNodePath(), self.PlugType)
-    def PlugPath(self,PlugName=None):
-        if not PlugName:
-            PlugName = self.PlugName()
-        return os.path.join(self.PlugParent.PlugPath(),
-                            PlugName + NameTypeSeparator + self.PlugType)
-    def PlugName(self):
+        return os.path.join(self.CTNParent.ConfNodePath(), self.CTNType)
+    def CTNPath(self,CTNName=None):
+        if not CTNName:
+            CTNName = self.CTNName()
+        return os.path.join(self.CTNParent.CTNPath(),
+                            CTNName + NameTypeSeparator + self.CTNType)
+    def CTNName(self):
         return self.BaseParams.getName()
-    def PlugEnabled(self):
+    def CTNEnabled(self):
         return self.BaseParams.getEnabled()
-    def PlugFullName(self):
-        parent = self.PlugParent.PlugFullName()
+    def CTNFullName(self):
+        parent = self.CTNParent.CTNFullName()
         if parent != "":
-            return parent + "." + self.PlugName()
+            return parent + "." + self.CTNName()
         return self.BaseParams.getName()
     def GetIconPath(self, name):
         return opjimg(name)
-    def PlugTestModified(self):
+    def CTNTestModified(self):
         return self.ChangesToSave
     def ProjectTestModified(self):
         recursively check modified status
-        if self.PlugTestModified():
+        if self.CTNTestModified():
             return True
-        for PlugChild in self.IterChilds():
-            if PlugChild.ProjectTestModified():
+        for CTNChild in self.IterChildren():
+            if CTNChild.ProjectTestModified():
                 return True
         return False
     def RemoteExec(self, script, **kwargs):
-        return self.PlugParent.RemoteExec(script, **kwargs)
-    def OnPlugSave(self):
+        return self.CTNParent.RemoteExec(script, **kwargs)
+    def OnCTNSave(self):
         #Default, do nothing and return success
         return True
@@ -185,14 +185,14 @@
             parts = path.split(".", 1)
             if self.MandatoryParams and parts[0] == self.MandatoryParams[0]:
                 return self.MandatoryParams[1].getElementInfos(parts[0], parts[1])
-            elif self.PlugParams and parts[0] == self.PlugParams[0]:
-                return self.PlugParams[1].getElementInfos(parts[0], parts[1])
+            elif self.CTNParams and parts[0] == self.CTNParams[0]:
+                return self.CTNParams[1].getElementInfos(parts[0], parts[1])
             params = []
             if wx.VERSION < (2, 8, 0) and self.MandatoryParams:
-            if self.PlugParams:
-                params.append(self.PlugParams[1].getElementInfos(self.PlugParams[0]))
+            if self.CTNParams:
+                params.append(self.CTNParams[1].getElementInfos(self.CTNParams[0]))
             return params
     def SetParamsAttribute(self, path, value):
@@ -201,31 +201,31 @@
         if path == "BaseParams.IEC_Channel":
             old_leading = ".".join(map(str, self.GetCurrentLocation()))
             new_value = self.FindNewIEC_Channel(value)
-            new_leading = ".".join(map(str, self.PlugParent.GetCurrentLocation() + (new_value,)))
-            self.GetPlugRoot().UpdateProjectVariableLocation(old_leading, new_leading)
+            new_leading = ".".join(map(str, self.CTNParent.GetCurrentLocation() + (new_value,)))
+            self.GetCTRoot().UpdateProjectVariableLocation(old_leading, new_leading)
             return new_value, True
         elif path == "BaseParams.Name":
             res = self.FindNewName(value)
-            self.PlugRequestSave()
+            self.CTNRequestSave()
             return res, True
         parts = path.split(".", 1)
         if self.MandatoryParams and parts[0] == self.MandatoryParams[0]:
             self.MandatoryParams[1].setElementValue(parts[1], value)
-        elif self.PlugParams and parts[0] == self.PlugParams[0]:
-            self.PlugParams[1].setElementValue(parts[1], value)
+        elif self.CTNParams and parts[0] == self.CTNParams[0]:
+            self.CTNParams[1].setElementValue(parts[1], value)
         return value, False
-    def PlugMakeDir(self):
-        os.mkdir(self.PlugPath())
-    def PlugRequestSave(self):
-        if self.GetPlugRoot().CheckProjectPathPerm(False):
+    def CTNMakeDir(self):
+        os.mkdir(self.CTNPath())
+    def CTNRequestSave(self):
+        if self.GetCTRoot().CheckProjectPathPerm(False):
             # If confnode do not have corresponding directory
-            plugpath = self.PlugPath()
-            if not os.path.isdir(plugpath):
+            ctnpath = self.CTNPath()
+            if not os.path.isdir(ctnpath):
                 # Create it
-                os.mkdir(plugpath)
+                os.mkdir(ctnpath)
             # generate XML for base XML parameters controller of the confnode
             if self.MandatoryParams:
@@ -235,31 +235,31 @@
             # generate XML for XML parameters controller of the confnode
-            if self.PlugParams:
+            if self.CTNParams:
                 XMLFile = open(self.ConfNodeXmlFilePath(),'w')
                 XMLFile.write("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n")
-                XMLFile.write(self.PlugParams[1].generateXMLText(self.PlugParams[0], 0).encode("utf-8"))
+                XMLFile.write(self.CTNParams[1].generateXMLText(self.CTNParams[0], 0).encode("utf-8"))
-            # Call the confnode specific OnPlugSave method
-            result = self.OnPlugSave()
+            # Call the confnode specific OnCTNSave method
+            result = self.OnCTNSave()
             if not result:
-                return _("Error while saving \"%s\"\n")%self.PlugPath()
+                return _("Error while saving \"%s\"\n")%self.CTNPath()
             # mark confnode as saved
             self.ChangesToSave = False
-            # go through all childs and do the same
-            for PlugChild in self.IterChilds():
-                result = PlugChild.PlugRequestSave()
+            # go through all children and do the same
+            for CTNChild in self.IterChildren():
+                result = CTNChild.CTNRequestSave()
                 if result:
                     return result
         return None
-    def PlugImport(self, src_PlugPath):
-        shutil.copytree(src_PlugPath, self.PlugPath)
+    def CTNImport(self, src_CTNPath):
+        shutil.copytree(src_CTNPath, self.CTNPath)
         return True
-    def PlugGenerate_C(self, buildpath, locations):
+    def CTNGenerate_C(self, buildpath, locations):
         Generate C code
         @param locations: List of complete variables locations \
@@ -271,39 +271,39 @@
             }, ...]
         @return: [(C_file_name, CFLAGS),...] , LDFLAGS_TO_APPEND
-        self.GetPlugRoot().logger.write_warning(".".join(map(lambda x:str(x), self.GetCurrentLocation())) + " -> Nothing to do\n")
+        self.GetCTRoot().logger.write_warning(".".join(map(lambda x:str(x), self.GetCurrentLocation())) + " -> Nothing to do\n")
         return [],"",False
     def _Generate_C(self, buildpath, locations):
         # Generate confnodes [(Cfiles, CFLAGS)], LDFLAGS, DoCalls, extra_files
         # extra_files = [(fname,fobject), ...]
-        gen_result = self.PlugGenerate_C(buildpath, locations)
-        PlugCFilesAndCFLAGS, PlugLDFLAGS, DoCalls = gen_result[:3]
+        gen_result = self.CTNGenerate_C(buildpath, locations)
+        CTNCFilesAndCFLAGS, CTNLDFLAGS, DoCalls = gen_result[:3]
         extra_files = gen_result[3:]
         # if some files have been generated put them in the list with their location
-        if PlugCFilesAndCFLAGS:
-            LocationCFilesAndCFLAGS = [(self.GetCurrentLocation(), PlugCFilesAndCFLAGS, DoCalls)]
+        if CTNCFilesAndCFLAGS:
+            LocationCFilesAndCFLAGS = [(self.GetCurrentLocation(), CTNCFilesAndCFLAGS, DoCalls)]
             LocationCFilesAndCFLAGS = []
         # confnode asks for some LDFLAGS
-        if PlugLDFLAGS:
+        if CTNLDFLAGS:
             # LDFLAGS can be either string
-            if type(PlugLDFLAGS)==type(str()):
-                LDFLAGS=[PlugLDFLAGS]
+            if type(CTNLDFLAGS)==type(str()):
+                LDFLAGS=[CTNLDFLAGS]
             #or list of strings
-            elif type(PlugLDFLAGS)==type(list()):
-                LDFLAGS=PlugLDFLAGS[:]
+            elif type(CTNLDFLAGS)==type(list()):
+                LDFLAGS=CTNLDFLAGS[:]
-        # recurse through all childs, and stack their results
-        for PlugChild in self.IECSortedChilds():
-            new_location = PlugChild.GetCurrentLocation()
+        # recurse through all children, and stack their results
+        for CTNChild in self.IECSortedChildren():
+            new_location = CTNChild.GetCurrentLocation()
             # How deep are we in the tree ?
             _LocationCFilesAndCFLAGS, _LDFLAGS, _extra_files = \
-                PlugChild._Generate_C(
+                CTNChild._Generate_C(
                     #keep the same path
                     # filter locations that start with current IEC location
@@ -317,16 +317,16 @@
     def ConfNodeTypesFactory(self):
         if self.LibraryControler is not None:
-            return [{"name" : self.PlugType, "types": self.LibraryControler.Project}]
+            return [{"name" : self.CTNType, "types": self.LibraryControler.Project}]
         return []
     def ParentsTypesFactory(self):
-        return self.PlugParent.ParentsTypesFactory() + self.ConfNodeTypesFactory()
+        return self.CTNParent.ParentsTypesFactory() + self.ConfNodeTypesFactory()
     def ConfNodesTypesFactory(self):
         list = self.ConfNodeTypesFactory()
-        for PlugChild in self.IterChilds():
-            list += PlugChild.ConfNodesTypesFactory()
+        for CTNChild in self.IterChildren():
+            list += CTNChild.ConfNodesTypesFactory()
         return list
     def STLibraryFactory(self):
@@ -337,18 +337,18 @@
     def ConfNodesSTLibraryFactory(self):
         program = self.STLibraryFactory()
-        for PlugChild in self.IECSortedChilds():
-            program += PlugChild.ConfNodesSTLibraryFactory()
+        for CTNChild in self.IECSortedChildren():
+            program += CTNChild.ConfNodesSTLibraryFactory()
         return program
-    def IterChilds(self):
-        for PlugType, PluggedChilds in self.PluggedChilds.items():
-            for PlugInstance in PluggedChilds:
-                yield PlugInstance
-    def IECSortedChilds(self):
-        # reorder childs by IEC_channels
-        ordered = [(chld.BaseParams.getIEC_Channel(),chld) for chld in self.IterChilds()]
+    def IterChildren(self):
+        for CTNType, Children in self.Children.items():
+            for CTNInstance in Children:
+                yield CTNInstance
+    def IECSortedChildren(self):
+        # reorder children by IEC_channels
+        ordered = [(chld.BaseParams.getIEC_Channel(),chld) for chld in self.IterChildren()]
         if ordered:
             return zip(*ordered)[1]
@@ -356,15 +356,15 @@
             return []
     def _GetChildBySomething(self, something, toks):
-        for PlugInstance in self.IterChilds():
+        for CTNInstance in self.IterChildren():
             # if match component of the name
-            if getattr(PlugInstance.BaseParams, something) == toks[0]:
+            if getattr(CTNInstance.BaseParams, something) == toks[0]:
                 # if Name have other components
                 if len(toks) >= 2:
                     # Recurse in order to find the latest object
-                    return PlugInstance._GetChildBySomething( something, toks[1:])
+                    return CTNInstance._GetChildBySomething( something, toks[1:])
                 # No sub name -> found
-                return PlugInstance
+                return CTNInstance
         # Not found
         return None
@@ -385,29 +385,29 @@
         @return:  Tupple containing confnode IEC location of current confnode : %I0.0.4.5 => (0,0,4,5)
-        return self.PlugParent.GetCurrentLocation() + (self.BaseParams.getIEC_Channel(),)
+        return self.CTNParent.GetCurrentLocation() + (self.BaseParams.getIEC_Channel(),)
     def GetCurrentName(self):
         @return:  String "ParentParentName.ParentName.Name"
-        return  self.PlugParent._GetCurrentName() + self.BaseParams.getName()
+        return  self.CTNParent._GetCurrentName() + self.BaseParams.getName()
     def _GetCurrentName(self):
         @return:  String "ParentParentName.ParentName.Name."
-        return  self.PlugParent._GetCurrentName() + self.BaseParams.getName() + "."
-    def GetPlugRoot(self):
-        return self.PlugParent.GetPlugRoot()
+        return  self.CTNParent._GetCurrentName() + self.BaseParams.getName() + "."
+    def GetCTRoot(self):
+        return self.CTNParent.GetCTRoot()
     def GetFullIEC_Channel(self):
         return ".".join([str(i) for i in self.GetCurrentLocation()]) + ".x"
     def GetLocations(self):
         location = self.GetCurrentLocation()
-        return [loc for loc in self.PlugParent.GetLocations() if loc["LOC"][0:len(location)] == location]
+        return [loc for loc in self.CTNParent.GetLocations() if loc["LOC"][0:len(location)] == location]
     def GetVariableLocationTree(self):
@@ -419,7 +419,7 @@
         - location is a string of this variable's location, like "%IX0.0.0"
         children = []
-        for child in self.IECSortedChilds():
+        for child in self.IECSortedChildren():
         return {"name": self.BaseParams.getName(),
                 "type": LOCATION_CONFNODE,
@@ -435,11 +435,11 @@
         CurrentName = self.BaseParams.getName()
         # Do nothing if no change
         #if CurrentName == DesiredName: return CurrentName
-        # Build a list of used Name out of parent's PluggedChilds
+        # Build a list of used Name out of parent's Children
-        for PlugInstance in self.PlugParent.IterChilds():
-            if PlugInstance != self:
-                AllNames.append(PlugInstance.BaseParams.getName())
+        for CTNInstance in self.CTNParent.IterChildren():
+            if CTNInstance != self:
+                AllNames.append(CTNInstance.BaseParams.getName())
         # Find a free name, eventually appending digit
         res = DesiredName
@@ -449,24 +449,24 @@
             suffix += 1
         # Get old path
-        oldname = self.PlugPath()
+        oldname = self.CTNPath()
         # Check previous confnode existance
         dontexist = self.BaseParams.getName() == "__unnamed__"
         # Set the new name
         # Rename confnode dir if exist
         if not dontexist:
-            shutil.move(oldname, self.PlugPath())
+            shutil.move(oldname, self.CTNPath())
         # warn user he has two left hands
         if DesiredName != res:
-            self.GetPlugRoot().logger.write_warning(_("A child names \"%s\" already exist -> \"%s\"\n")%(DesiredName,res))
+            self.GetCTRoot().logger.write_warning(_("A child names \"%s\" already exist -> \"%s\"\n")%(DesiredName,res))
         return res
     def GetAllChannels(self):
-        for PlugInstance in self.PlugParent.IterChilds():
-            if PlugInstance != self:
-                AllChannels.append(PlugInstance.BaseParams.getIEC_Channel())
+        for CTNInstance in self.CTNParent.IterChildren():
+            if CTNInstance != self:
+                AllChannels.append(CTNInstance.BaseParams.getIEC_Channel())
         return AllChannels
@@ -479,7 +479,7 @@
         CurrentChannel = self.BaseParams.getIEC_Channel()
         # Do nothing if no change
         #if CurrentChannel == DesiredChannel: return CurrentChannel
-        # Build a list of used Channels out of parent's PluggedChilds
+        # Build a list of used Channels out of parent's Children
         AllChannels = self.GetAllChannels()
         # Now, try to guess the nearest available channel
@@ -488,7 +488,7 @@
             if res < CurrentChannel: # Want to go down ?
                 res -=  1 # Test for n-1
                 if res < 0 :
-                    self.GetPlugRoot().logger.write_warning(_("Cannot find lower free IEC channel than %d\n")%CurrentChannel)
+                    self.GetCTRoot().logger.write_warning(_("Cannot find lower free IEC channel than %d\n")%CurrentChannel)
                     return CurrentChannel # Can't go bellow 0, do nothing
             else : # Want to go up ?
                 res +=  1 # Test for n-1
@@ -498,11 +498,11 @@
     def _OpenView(self, name=None):
         if self.EditorType is not None and self._View is None:
-            app_frame = self.GetPlugRoot().AppFrame
+            app_frame = self.GetCTRoot().AppFrame
             self._View = self.EditorType(app_frame.TabsOpened, self, app_frame)
-            app_frame.EditProjectElement(self._View, self.PlugName())
+            app_frame.EditProjectElement(self._View, self.CTNName())
             return self._View
         return None
@@ -511,103 +511,103 @@
         if self._View == view:
             self._View = None
-    def OnPlugClose(self):
+    def OnCTNClose(self):
         if self._View is not None:
-            app_frame = self.GetPlugRoot().AppFrame
+            app_frame = self.GetCTRoot().AppFrame
             if app_frame is not None:
         return True
-    def _doRemoveChild(self, PlugInstance):
-        # Remove all childs of child
-        for SubPlugInstance in PlugInstance.IterChilds():
-            PlugInstance._doRemoveChild(SubPlugInstance)
+    def _doRemoveChild(self, CTNInstance):
+        # Remove all children of child
+        for SubCTNInstance in CTNInstance.IterChildren():
+            CTNInstance._doRemoveChild(SubCTNInstance)
         # Call the OnCloseMethod
-        PlugInstance.OnPlugClose()
+        CTNInstance.OnCTNClose()
         # Delete confnode dir
-        shutil.rmtree(PlugInstance.PlugPath())
-        # Remove child of PluggedChilds
-        self.PluggedChilds[PlugInstance.PlugType].remove(PlugInstance)
+        shutil.rmtree(CTNInstance.CTNPath())
+        # Remove child of Children
+        self.Children[CTNInstance.CTNType].remove(CTNInstance)
         # Forget it... (View have to refresh)
-    def PlugRemove(self):
+    def CTNRemove(self):
         # Fetch the confnode
-        #PlugInstance = self.GetChildByName(PlugName)
+        #CTNInstance = self.GetChildByName(CTNName)
         # Ask to his parent to remove it
-        self.PlugParent._doRemoveChild(self)
-    def PlugAddChild(self, PlugName, PlugType, IEC_Channel=0):
+        self.CTNParent._doRemoveChild(self)
+    def CTNAddChild(self, CTNName, CTNType, IEC_Channel=0):
         Create the confnodes that may be added as child to this node self
-        @param PlugType: string desining the confnode class name (get name from PlugChildsTypes)
-        @param PlugName: string for the name of the confnode instance
-        """
-        # reorgabize self.PlugChildsTypes tuples from (name, PlugClass, Help)
-        # to ( name, (PlugClass, Help)), an make a dict
-        transpose = zip(*self.PlugChildsTypes)
-        PlugChildsTypes = dict(zip(transpose[0],zip(transpose[1],transpose[2])))
+        @param CTNType: string desining the confnode class name (get name from CTNChildrenTypes)
+        @param CTNName: string for the name of the confnode instance
+        """
+        # reorgabize self.CTNChildrenTypes tuples from (name, CTNClass, Help)
+        # to ( name, (CTNClass, Help)), an make a dict
+        transpose = zip(*self.CTNChildrenTypes)
+        CTNChildrenTypes = dict(zip(transpose[0],zip(transpose[1],transpose[2])))
         # Check that adding this confnode is allowed
-            PlugClass, PlugHelp = PlugChildsTypes[PlugType]
+            CTNClass, CTNHelp = CTNChildrenTypes[CTNType]
         except KeyError:
-            raise Exception, _("Cannot create child %s of type %s ")%(PlugName, PlugType)
-        # if PlugClass is a class factory, call it. (prevent unneeded imports)
-        if type(PlugClass) == types.FunctionType:
-            PlugClass = PlugClass()
+            raise Exception, _("Cannot create child %s of type %s ")%(CTNName, CTNType)
+        # if CTNClass is a class factory, call it. (prevent unneeded imports)
+        if type(CTNClass) == types.FunctionType:
+            CTNClass = CTNClass()
         # Eventualy Initialize child instance list for this class of confnode
-        PluggedChildsWithSameClass = self.PluggedChilds.setdefault(PlugType, list())
+        ChildrenWithSameClass = self.Children.setdefault(CTNType, list())
         # Check count
-        if getattr(PlugClass, "PlugMaxCount", None) and len(PluggedChildsWithSameClass) >= PlugClass.PlugMaxCount:
-            raise Exception, _("Max count (%d) reached for this confnode of type %s ")%(PlugClass.PlugMaxCount, PlugType)
+        if getattr(CTNClass, "CTNMaxCount", None) and len(ChildrenWithSameClass) >= CTNClass.CTNMaxCount:
+            raise Exception, _("Max count (%d) reached for this confnode of type %s ")%(CTNClass.CTNMaxCount, CTNType)
         # create the final class, derived of provided confnode and template
-        class FinalPlugClass(PlugClass, ConfigTreeNode):
+        class FinalCTNClass(CTNClass, ConfigTreeNode):
-            ConfNode class is derivated into FinalPlugClass before being instanciated
+            ConfNode class is derivated into FinalCTNClass before being instanciated
             This way __init__ is overloaded to ensure ConfigTreeNode.__init__ is called 
-            before PlugClass.__init__, and to do the file related stuff.
+            before CTNClass.__init__, and to do the file related stuff.
             def __init__(_self):
                 # self is the parent
-                _self.PlugParent = self
+                _self.CTNParent = self
                 # Keep track of the confnode type name
-                _self.PlugType = PlugType
+                _self.CTNType = CTNType
                 # remind the help string, for more fancy display
-                _self.PlugHelp = PlugHelp
+                _self.CTNHelp = CTNHelp
                 # Call the base confnode template init - change XSD into class members
                 # check name is unique
-                NewPlugName = _self.FindNewName(PlugName)
+                NewCTNName = _self.FindNewName(CTNName)
                 # If dir have already be made, and file exist
-                if os.path.isdir(_self.PlugPath(NewPlugName)): #and os.path.isfile(_self.ConfNodeXmlFilePath(PlugName)):
+                if os.path.isdir(_self.CTNPath(NewCTNName)): #and os.path.isfile(_self.ConfNodeXmlFilePath(CTNName)):
                     #Load the confnode.xml file into parameters members
-                    _self.LoadXMLParams(NewPlugName)
+                    _self.LoadXMLParams(NewCTNName)
                     # Basic check. Better to fail immediately.
-                    if (_self.BaseParams.getName() != NewPlugName):
-                        raise Exception, _("Project tree layout do not match confnode.xml %s!=%s ")%(NewPlugName, _self.BaseParams.getName())
-                    # Now, self.PlugPath() should be OK
+                    if (_self.BaseParams.getName() != NewCTNName):
+                        raise Exception, _("Project tree layout do not match confnode.xml %s!=%s ")%(NewCTNName, _self.BaseParams.getName())
+                    # Now, self.CTNPath() should be OK
                     # Check that IEC_Channel is not already in use.
                     # Call the confnode real __init__
-                    if getattr(PlugClass, "__init__", None):
-                        PlugClass.__init__(_self)
-                    #Load and init all the childs
-                    _self.LoadChilds()
+                    if getattr(CTNClass, "__init__", None):
+                        CTNClass.__init__(_self)
+                    #Load and init all the children
+                    _self.LoadChildren()
                     #just loaded, nothing to saved
                     _self.ChangesToSave = False
                     # If confnode do not have corresponding file/dirs - they will be created on Save
-                    _self.PlugMakeDir()
+                    _self.CTNMakeDir()
                     # Find an IEC number
                     # Call the confnode real __init__
-                    if getattr(PlugClass, "__init__", None):
-                        PlugClass.__init__(_self)
-                    _self.PlugRequestSave()
+                    if getattr(CTNClass, "__init__", None):
+                        CTNClass.__init__(_self)
+                    _self.CTNRequestSave()
                     #just created, must be saved
                     _self.ChangesToSave = True
@@ -615,16 +615,16 @@
                 return self._getBuildPath()
         # Create the object out of the resulting class
-        newConfNodeOpj = FinalPlugClass()
-        # Store it in PluggedChils
-        PluggedChildsWithSameClass.append(newConfNodeOpj)
+        newConfNodeOpj = FinalCTNClass()
+        # Store it in CTNgedChils
+        ChildrenWithSameClass.append(newConfNodeOpj)
         return newConfNodeOpj
-    def ClearPluggedChilds(self):
-        for child in self.IterChilds():
-            child.ClearPluggedChilds()
-        self.PluggedChilds = {}
+    def ClearChildren(self):
+        for child in self.IterChildren():
+            child.ClearChildren()
+        self.Children = {}
     def LoadSTLibrary(self):
         # Get library blocks if plcopen library exist
@@ -635,44 +635,44 @@
-    def LoadXMLParams(self, PlugName = None):
-        methode_name = os.path.join(self.PlugPath(PlugName), "")
+    def LoadXMLParams(self, CTNName = None):
+        methode_name = os.path.join(self.CTNPath(CTNName), "")
         if os.path.isfile(methode_name):
         # Get the base xml tree
         if self.MandatoryParams:
-                basexmlfile = open(self.ConfNodeBaseXmlFilePath(PlugName), 'r')
+                basexmlfile = open(self.ConfNodeBaseXmlFilePath(CTNName), 'r')
                 basetree = minidom.parse(basexmlfile)
             except Exception, exc:
-                self.GetPlugRoot().logger.write_error(_("Couldn't load confnode base parameters %s :\n %s") % (PlugName, str(exc)))
-                self.GetPlugRoot().logger.write_error(traceback.format_exc())
+                self.GetCTRoot().logger.write_error(_("Couldn't load confnode base parameters %s :\n %s") % (CTNName, str(exc)))
+                self.GetCTRoot().logger.write_error(traceback.format_exc())
         # Get the xml tree
-        if self.PlugParams:
+        if self.CTNParams:
-                xmlfile = open(self.ConfNodeXmlFilePath(PlugName), 'r')
+                xmlfile = open(self.ConfNodeXmlFilePath(CTNName), 'r')
                 tree = minidom.parse(xmlfile)
-                self.PlugParams[1].loadXMLTree(tree.childNodes[0])
+                self.CTNParams[1].loadXMLTree(tree.childNodes[0])
             except Exception, exc:
-                self.GetPlugRoot().logger.write_error(_("Couldn't load confnode parameters %s :\n %s") % (PlugName, str(exc)))
-                self.GetPlugRoot().logger.write_error(traceback.format_exc())
-    def LoadChilds(self):
-        # Iterate over all PlugName@PlugType in confnode directory, and try to open them
-        for PlugDir in os.listdir(self.PlugPath()):
-            if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(self.PlugPath(), PlugDir)) and \
-               PlugDir.count(NameTypeSeparator) == 1:
-                pname, ptype = PlugDir.split(NameTypeSeparator)
+                self.GetCTRoot().logger.write_error(_("Couldn't load confnode parameters %s :\n %s") % (CTNName, str(exc)))
+                self.GetCTRoot().logger.write_error(traceback.format_exc())
+    def LoadChildren(self):
+        # Iterate over all CTNName@CTNType in confnode directory, and try to open them
+        for CTNDir in os.listdir(self.CTNPath()):
+            if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(self.CTNPath(), CTNDir)) and \
+               CTNDir.count(NameTypeSeparator) == 1:
+                pname, ptype = CTNDir.split(NameTypeSeparator)
-                    self.PlugAddChild(pname, ptype)
+                    self.CTNAddChild(pname, ptype)
                 except Exception, exc:
-                    self.GetPlugRoot().logger.write_error(_("Could not add child \"%s\", type %s :\n%s\n")%(pname, ptype, str(exc)))
-                    self.GetPlugRoot().logger.write_error(traceback.format_exc())
+                    self.GetCTRoot().logger.write_error(_("Could not add child \"%s\", type %s :\n%s\n")%(pname, ptype, str(exc)))
+                    self.GetCTRoot().logger.write_error(traceback.format_exc())
     def EnableMethod(self, method, value):
         for d in self.ConfNodeMethods:
@@ -742,13 +742,13 @@
     - Managing project directory
     - Building project
     - Handling PLCOpenEditor controler and view
-    - Loading user confnodes and instanciante them as childs
+    - Loading user confnodes and instanciante them as children
     - ...
-    # For root object, available Childs Types are modules of the confnode packages.
-    PlugChildsTypes = [(name, _GetClassFunction(name), help) for name, help in zip(confnodes.__all__,confnodes.helps)]
+    # For root object, available Children Types are modules of the confnode packages.
+    CTNChildrenTypes = [(name, _GetClassFunction(name), help) for name, help in zip(confnodes.__all__,confnodes.helps)]
     XSD = """<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" ?>
     <xsd:schema xmlns:xsd="">
@@ -790,15 +790,15 @@
         #This method are not called here... but in NewProject and OpenProject
-        #self.PluggedChilds = {}
+        #self.Children = {}
         # In both new or load scenario, no need to save
         self.ChangesToSave = False
         # root have no parent
-        self.PlugParent = None
+        self.CTNParent = None
         # Keep track of the confnode type name
-        self.PlugType = "Beremiz"
-        self.PluggedChilds = {}
+        self.CTNType = "Beremiz"
+        self.Children = {}
         # After __init__ root confnode is not valid
         self.ProjectPath = None
@@ -838,13 +838,13 @@
     def ConfNodeLibraryFilePath(self):
         return os.path.join(os.path.split(__file__)[0], "pous.xml")
-    def PlugTestModified(self):
+    def CTNTestModified(self):
          return self.ChangesToSave or not self.ProjectIsSaved()
-    def PlugFullName(self):
+    def CTNFullName(self):
         return ""
-    def GetPlugRoot(self):
+    def GetCTRoot(self):
         return self
     def GetIECLibPath(self):
@@ -936,7 +936,7 @@
         # Change XSD into class members
-        self.PluggedChilds = {}
+        self.Children = {}
         # Keep track of the root confnode (i.e. project path)
         self.ProjectPath = ProjectPath
@@ -963,18 +963,18 @@
             return result
         # Change XSD into class members
-        self.PluggedChilds = {}
+        self.Children = {}
         # Keep track of the root confnode (i.e. project path)
         self.ProjectPath = ProjectPath
         # If dir have already be made, and file exist
-        if os.path.isdir(self.PlugPath()) and os.path.isfile(self.ConfNodeXmlFilePath()):
+        if os.path.isdir(self.CTNPath()) and os.path.isfile(self.ConfNodeXmlFilePath()):
             #Load the confnode.xml file into parameters members
             result = self.LoadXMLParams()
             if result:
                 return result
-            #Load and init all the childs
-            self.LoadChilds()
+            #Load and init all the children
+            self.LoadChildren()
         if os.path.exists(self._getBuildPath()):
@@ -986,13 +986,13 @@
         return None
     def CloseProject(self):
-        self.ClearPluggedChilds()
+        self.ClearChildren()
     def SaveProject(self):
         if self.CheckProjectPathPerm(False):
             self.SaveXMLFile(os.path.join(self.ProjectPath, 'plc.xml'))
-            result = self.PlugRequestSave()
+            result = self.CTNRequestSave()
             if result:
@@ -1017,7 +1017,7 @@
     # Update PLCOpenEditor ConfNode Block types from loaded confnodes
     def RefreshConfNodesBlockLists(self):
-        if getattr(self, "PluggedChilds", None) is not None:
+        if getattr(self, "Children", None) is not None:
         if self.AppFrame is not None:
@@ -1045,18 +1045,18 @@
         - location is a string of this variable's location, like "%IX0.0.0"
         children = []
-        for child in self.IECSortedChilds():
+        for child in self.IECSortedChildren():
         return children
     def ConfNodePath(self):
         return os.path.join(os.path.split(__file__)[0], "confnodes")
-    def PlugPath(self, PlugName=None):
+    def CTNPath(self, CTNName=None):
         return self.ProjectPath
-    def ConfNodeXmlFilePath(self, PlugName=None):
-        return os.path.join(self.PlugPath(PlugName), "beremiz.xml")
+    def ConfNodeXmlFilePath(self, CTNName=None):
+        return os.path.join(self.CTNPath(CTNName), "beremiz.xml")
     def ParentsTypesFactory(self):
         return self.ConfNodeTypesFactory()
@@ -1102,7 +1102,7 @@
     def _getIECrawcodepath(self):
         # define name for IEC raw code file
-        return os.path.join(self.PlugPath(), "")
+        return os.path.join(self.CTNPath(), "")
     def GetLocations(self):
         locations = []
@@ -1222,7 +1222,7 @@
         self.logger.write(_("Extracting Located Variables...\n"))
         # Keep track of generated located variables for later use by self._Generate_C
         self.PLCGeneratedLocatedVars = self.GetLocations()
-        # Keep track of generated C files for later use by self.PlugGenerate_C
+        # Keep track of generated C files for later use by self.CTNGenerate_C
         self.PLCGeneratedCFiles = C_files
         # compute CFLAGS for plc
         self.plcCFLAGS = "\"-I"+self.ieclib_path+"\""
@@ -1274,7 +1274,7 @@
-    def PlugGenerate_C(self, buildpath, locations):
+    def CTNGenerate_C(self, buildpath, locations):
         Return C code generated by iec2c compiler 
         when _generate_softPLC have been called
--- a/	Mon May 07 18:47:29 2012 +0200
+++ b/	Mon May 07 19:19:08 2012 +0200
@@ -68,7 +68,7 @@
 havecanfestival = False
     from confnodes.canfestival import RootClass as CanOpenRootClass
-    from confnodes.canfestival.canfestival import _SlavePlug, _NodeListPlug, NodeManager
+    from confnodes.canfestival.canfestival import _SlaveCTN, _NodeListCTN, NodeManager
     havecanfestival = True
     havecanfestival = False
@@ -197,7 +197,7 @@
             return self.VariableLocationTree
         raise KeyError, "Only 'children' key is available"
-    def PlugEnabled(self):
+    def CTNEnabled(self):
         return None
     def SetIcon(self, icon):
@@ -207,10 +207,10 @@
         return _GetModuleBySomething({"children" : self.VariableLocationTree}, something, toks)
     def GetBaseTypes(self):
-        return self.GetPlugRoot().GetBaseTypes()
+        return self.GetCTRoot().GetBaseTypes()
     def GetSizeOfType(self, type):
-        return LOCATION_SIZES[self.GetPlugRoot().GetBaseType(type)]
+        return LOCATION_SIZES[self.GetCTRoot().GetBaseType(type)]
     def _GetVariableLocationTree(self, current_location, infos):
         if infos["type"] == LOCATION_MODULE:
@@ -246,13 +246,13 @@
                 "children": [self._GetVariableLocationTree(self.GetCurrentLocation(), child) 
                              for child in self.VariableLocationTree]}
-    def PlugTestModified(self):
+    def CTNTestModified(self):
         return False
-    def PlugMakeDir(self):
+    def CTNMakeDir(self):
-    def PlugRequestSave(self):
+    def CTNRequestSave(self):
         return None
     def ResetUsedLocations(self):
@@ -288,7 +288,7 @@
             return self._CheckLocationConflicts(self.UsedLocations, list(location))
         return False
-    def PlugGenerate_C(self, buildpath, locations):
+    def CTNGenerate_C(self, buildpath, locations):
         Generate C code
         @param current_location: Tupple containing confnode IEC location : %I0.0.4.5 => (0,0,4,5)
@@ -346,7 +346,7 @@
                                  "Publish": variable["publish"],
-        base_types = self.GetPlugRoot().GetBaseTypes()
+        base_types = self.GetCTRoot().GetBaseTypes()
         for var in vars:
             prefix = ""
             if var["Type"] in base_types:
@@ -363,7 +363,7 @@
         module.write(BUS_TEXT % code_str)
-        matiec_flags = '"-I%s"'%os.path.abspath(self.GetPlugRoot().GetIECLibPath())
+        matiec_flags = '"-I%s"'%os.path.abspath(self.GetCTRoot().GetIECLibPath())
         return [(Gen_Module_path, matiec_flags)],"",True
@@ -378,7 +378,7 @@
         "Master_NodeId": 1,
-    class LPCCanOpenSlave(_SlavePlug):
+    class LPCCanOpenSlave(_SlaveCTN):
         XSD = """<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" ?>
         <xsd:schema xmlns:xsd="">
           <xsd:element name="CanFestivalSlaveNode">
@@ -414,12 +414,12 @@
                                    "", # prfile filepath
                                    "heartbeat",  # NMT
                                    [])           # options
-                self.OnPlugSave()
+                self.OnCTNSave()
         def GetCanDevice(self):
             return str(self.BaseParams.getIEC_Channel())
-    class LPCCanOpenMaster(_NodeListPlug):
+    class LPCCanOpenMaster(_NodeListCTN):
         XSD = """<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" ?>
         <xsd:schema xmlns:xsd="">
           <xsd:element name="CanFestivalNode">
@@ -437,21 +437,21 @@
     class LPCCanOpen(CanOpenRootClass):
         XSD = None
-        PlugChildsTypes = [("CanOpenNode",LPCCanOpenMaster, "CanOpen Master"),
+        CTNChildrenTypes = [("CanOpenNode",LPCCanOpenMaster, "CanOpen Master"),
                            ("CanOpenSlave",LPCCanOpenSlave, "CanOpen Slave")]
         def GetCanDriver(self):
             return ""
-        def LoadChilds(self):
-            ConfigTreeNode.LoadChilds(self)
+        def LoadChildren(self):
+            ConfigTreeNode.LoadChildren(self)
             if self.GetChildByName("Master") is None:
-                master = self.PlugAddChild("Master", "CanOpenNode", 0)
+                master = self.CTNAddChild("Master", "CanOpenNode", 0)
             if self.GetChildByName("Slave") is None:
-                slave = self.PlugAddChild("Slave", "CanOpenSlave", 1)
+                slave = self.CTNAddChild("Slave", "CanOpenSlave", 1)
@@ -513,10 +513,10 @@
         ConfigTreeRoot.__init__(self, frame, logger)
         if havecanfestival:
-            self.PlugChildsTypes += [("LPCBus", LPCBus, "LPC bus"), ("CanOpen", LPCCanOpen, "CanOpen bus")]
+            self.CTNChildrenTypes += [("LPCBus", LPCBus, "LPC bus"), ("CanOpen", LPCCanOpen, "CanOpen bus")]
-            self.PlugChildsTypes += [("LPCBus", LPCBus, "LPC bus")]
-        self.PlugType = "LPC"
+            self.CTNChildrenTypes += [("LPCBus", LPCBus, "LPC bus")]
+        self.CTNType = "LPC"
         self.OnlineMode = "OFF"
         self.LPCConnector = None
@@ -676,7 +676,7 @@
         # Change XSD into class members
-        self.PluggedChilds = {}
+        self.Children = {}
         # Keep track of the root confnode (i.e. project path)
         self.ProjectPath = ProjectPath
@@ -686,20 +686,20 @@
             mycopytree(self.OrigBuildPath, self.BuildPath)
         # If dir have already be made, and file exist
-        if os.path.isdir(self.PlugPath()) and os.path.isfile(self.ConfNodeXmlFilePath()):
+        if os.path.isdir(self.CTNPath()) and os.path.isfile(self.ConfNodeXmlFilePath()):
             #Load the confnode.xml file into parameters members
             result = self.LoadXMLParams()
             if result:
                 return result
-            #Load and init all the childs
-            self.LoadChilds()
+            #Load and init all the children
+            self.LoadChildren()
         if havecanfestival and self.GetChildByName("CanOpen") is None:
-            canopen = self.PlugAddChild("CanOpen", "CanOpen", 0)
+            canopen = self.CTNAddChild("CanOpen", "CanOpen", 0)
-            canopen.LoadChilds()
-        if self.PlugTestModified():
+            canopen.LoadChildren()
+        if self.CTNTestModified():
         if wx.GetApp() is None:
@@ -881,22 +881,22 @@
         # CSV file generated by IEC2C compiler.
-        gen_result = self.PlugGenerate_C(buildpath, self.PLCGeneratedLocatedVars)
-        PlugCFilesAndCFLAGS, PlugLDFLAGS, DoCalls = gen_result[:3]
+        gen_result = self.CTNGenerate_C(buildpath, self.PLCGeneratedLocatedVars)
+        CTNCFilesAndCFLAGS, CTNLDFLAGS, DoCalls = gen_result[:3]
         # if some files have been generated put them in the list with their location
-        if PlugCFilesAndCFLAGS:
-            self.LocationCFilesAndCFLAGS = [(self.GetCurrentLocation(), PlugCFilesAndCFLAGS, DoCalls)]
+        if CTNCFilesAndCFLAGS:
+            self.LocationCFilesAndCFLAGS = [(self.GetCurrentLocation(), CTNCFilesAndCFLAGS, DoCalls)]
             self.LocationCFilesAndCFLAGS = []
         # confnode asks for some LDFLAGS
-        if PlugLDFLAGS:
+        if CTNLDFLAGS:
             # LDFLAGS can be either string
-            if type(PlugLDFLAGS)==type(str()):
-                self.LDFLAGS=[PlugLDFLAGS]
+            if type(CTNLDFLAGS)==type(str()):
+                self.LDFLAGS=[CTNLDFLAGS]
             #or list of strings
-            elif type(PlugLDFLAGS)==type(list()):
-                self.LDFLAGS=PlugLDFLAGS[:]
+            elif type(CTNLDFLAGS)==type(list()):
+                self.LDFLAGS=CTNLDFLAGS[:]
@@ -1183,7 +1183,7 @@
         if self.CTR is not None:    
             plcwindow = wx.Panel(self.PLCConfig, -1, size=wx.Size(-1, -1))
-            if self.CTR.PlugTestModified():
+            if self.CTR.CTNTestModified():
                 bkgdclr = CHANGED_TITLE_COLOUR
                 bkgdclr = TITLE_COLOUR
@@ -1218,7 +1218,7 @@
     def GenerateTreeBranch(self, confnode):
         leftwindow = wx.Panel(self.PLCConfig, -1, size=wx.Size(-1, -1))
-        if confnode.PlugTestModified():
+        if confnode.CTNTestModified():
@@ -1228,7 +1228,7 @@
         if confnode not in self.ConfNodeInfos:
             self.ConfNodeInfos[confnode] = {"expanded" : False, "left_visible" : False, "right_visible" : False}
-        self.ConfNodeInfos[confnode]["children"] = confnode.IECSortedChilds()
+        self.ConfNodeInfos[confnode]["children"] = confnode.IECSortedChildren()
         confnode_infos = confnode.GetVariableLocationTree()
         confnode_locations = []
         if len(self.ConfNodeInfos[confnode]["children"]) == 0:
@@ -1477,12 +1477,12 @@
         def AddBus(self, iec_channel, name, icon=None):
-            for child in self.CTR.IterChilds():
+            for child in self.CTR.IterChildren():
                 if child.BaseParams.getName() == name:
                     return "Error: A bus named %s already exists\n" % name
                 elif child.BaseParams.getIEC_Channel() == iec_channel:
                     return "Error: A bus with IEC_channel %d already exists\n" % iec_channel
-            bus = self.CTR.PlugAddChild(name, "LPCBus", iec_channel)
+            bus = self.CTR.CTNAddChild(name, "LPCBus", iec_channel)
             if bus is None:
                 return "Error: Unable to create bus\n"
@@ -1492,7 +1492,7 @@
             bus = self.CTR.GetChildByIECLocation((iec_channel,))
             if bus is None:
                 return "Error: No bus found\n"
-            for child in self.CTR.IterChilds():
+            for child in self.CTR.IterChildren():
                 if child != bus and child.BaseParams.getName() == name:
                     return "Error: A bus named %s already exists\n" % name
@@ -1502,7 +1502,7 @@
             bus = self.CTR.GetChildByIECLocation((old_iec_channel,))
             if bus is None:
                 return "Error: No bus found\n"
-            for child in self.CTR.IterChilds():
+            for child in self.CTR.IterChildren():
                 if child != bus and child.BaseParams.getIEC_Channel() == new_iec_channel:
                     return "Error: A bus with IEC_channel %d already exists\n" % new_iec_channel
             if wx.GetApp() is None:
@@ -1520,7 +1520,7 @@
             if bus is None:
                 return "Error: No bus found\n"
-            self.CTR.PluggedChilds["LPCBus"].remove(bus)
+            self.CTR.Children["LPCBus"].remove(bus)
         def AddModule(self, parent, iec_channel, name, icode, icon=None):
--- a/confnodes/c_ext/	Mon May 07 18:47:29 2012 +0200
+++ b/confnodes/c_ext/	Mon May 07 19:19:08 2012 +0200
@@ -887,7 +887,7 @@
     def GetTitle(self):
-        fullname = self.Controler.PlugFullName()
+        fullname = self.Controler.CTNFullName()
         if not self.Controler.CFileIsSaved():
             return "~%s~" % fullname
         return fullname
--- a/confnodes/c_ext/	Mon May 07 18:47:29 2012 +0200
+++ b/confnodes/c_ext/	Mon May 07 19:19:08 2012 +0200
@@ -43,19 +43,19 @@
-            self.OnPlugSave()
+            self.OnCTNSave()
     def CFileName(self):
-        return os.path.join(self.PlugPath(), "cfile.xml")
+        return os.path.join(self.CTNPath(), "cfile.xml")
     def GetBaseTypes(self):
-        return self.GetPlugRoot().GetBaseTypes()
+        return self.GetCTRoot().GetBaseTypes()
     def GetDataTypes(self, basetypes = False, only_locatables = False):
-        return self.GetPlugRoot().GetDataTypes(basetypes=basetypes, only_locatables=only_locatables)
+        return self.GetCTRoot().GetDataTypes(basetypes=basetypes, only_locatables=only_locatables)
     def GetSizeOfType(self, type):
-        return TYPECONVERSION.get(self.GetPlugRoot().GetBaseType(type), None)
+        return TYPECONVERSION.get(self.GetCTRoot().GetBaseType(type), None)
     def SetVariables(self, variables):
@@ -147,10 +147,10 @@
          "method" : "_OpenView"},
-    def PlugTestModified(self):
+    def CTNTestModified(self):
         return self.ChangesToSave or not self.CFileIsSaved()    
-    def OnPlugSave(self):
+    def OnCTNSave(self):
         filepath = self.CFileName()
         text = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\" standalone=\"no\"?>\n"
@@ -166,7 +166,7 @@
         return True
-    def PlugGenerate_C(self, buildpath, locations):
+    def CTNGenerate_C(self, buildpath, locations):
         Generate C code
         @param current_location: Tupple containing confnode IEC location : %I0.0.4.5 => (0,0,4,5)
@@ -215,7 +215,7 @@
                 outputs += 1
         text += "/* Beremiz c_ext confnode user variables definition */\n"
-        base_types = self.GetPlugRoot().GetBaseTypes()
+        base_types = self.GetCTRoot().GetBaseTypes()
         for var in vars:
             if var["Type"] in base_types:
                 prefix = "IEC_"
@@ -256,7 +256,7 @@
-        matiec_flags = '"-I%s"'%os.path.abspath(self.GetPlugRoot().GetIECLibPath())
+        matiec_flags = '"-I%s"'%os.path.abspath(self.GetCTRoot().GetIECLibPath())
         return [(Gen_Cfile_path, str(self.CExtension.getCFLAGS() + matiec_flags))],str(self.CExtension.getLDFLAGS()),True
@@ -307,9 +307,9 @@
 class RootClass:
-    PlugChildsTypes = [("C_File",_Cfile, "C file")]
-    def PlugGenerate_C(self, buildpath, locations):
+    CTNChildrenTypes = [("C_File",_Cfile, "C file")]
+    def CTNGenerate_C(self, buildpath, locations):
         return [],"",False
--- a/confnodes/canfestival/	Mon May 07 18:47:29 2012 +0200
+++ b/confnodes/canfestival/	Mon May 07 19:19:08 2012 +0200
@@ -101,7 +101,7 @@
         confnode_menu.Enable(ID_NETWORKEDITORCONFNODEMENUMASTER, self.NetworkNodes.GetSelection() == 0)
     def GetTitle(self):
-        fullname = self.Controler.PlugFullName()
+        fullname = self.Controler.CTNFullName()
         if not self.Manager.CurrentIsSaved():
             return "~%s~" % fullname
         return fullname
--- a/confnodes/canfestival/	Mon May 07 18:47:29 2012 +0200
+++ b/confnodes/canfestival/	Mon May 07 19:19:08 2012 +0200
@@ -64,7 +64,7 @@
     def GetTitle(self):
-        fullname = self.Controler.PlugFullName()
+        fullname = self.Controler.CTNFullName()
         if not self.Controler.CurrentIsSaved():
             return "~%s~" % fullname
         return fullname
--- a/confnodes/canfestival/	Mon May 07 18:47:29 2012 +0200
+++ b/confnodes/canfestival/	Mon May 07 19:19:08 2012 +0200
@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@
 #                    SLAVE
-class _SlavePlug(NodeManager):
+class _SlaveCTN(NodeManager):
     XSD = """<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" ?>
     <xsd:schema xmlns:xsd="">
       <xsd:element name="CanFestivalSlaveNode">
@@ -99,10 +99,10 @@
                                    "heartbeat",  # NMT
                                    [])           # options
-            self.OnPlugSave()
+            self.OnCTNSave()
     def GetSlaveODPath(self):
-        return os.path.join(self.PlugPath(), 'slave.od')
+        return os.path.join(self.CTNPath(), 'slave.od')
     def GetCanDevice(self):
         return self.CanFestivalSlaveNode.getCan_Device()
@@ -119,14 +119,14 @@
          "method" : "_OpenView"},
-    def OnPlugClose(self):
+    def OnCTNClose(self):
         if self._View:
-    def PlugTestModified(self):
+    def CTNTestModified(self):
         return self.ChangesToSave or self.OneFileHasChanged()
-    def OnPlugSave(self):
+    def OnCTNSave(self):
         return self.SaveCurrentInFile(self.GetSlaveODPath())
     def SetParamsAttribute(self, path, value):
@@ -138,7 +138,7 @@
         return result
-    def PlugGenerate_C(self, buildpath, locations):
+    def CTNGenerate_C(self, buildpath, locations):
         Generate C code
         @param current_location: Tupple containing confnode IEC location : %I0.0.4.5 => (0,0,4,5)
@@ -194,13 +194,13 @@
     def OnCloseEditor(self, view):
-    def PlugFullName(self):
+    def CTNFullName(self):
         return self.Fullname
     def GetBufferState(self):
         return self.GetCurrentBufferState()
-class _NodeListPlug(NodeList):
+class _NodeListCTN(NodeList):
     XSD = """<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" ?>
     <xsd:schema xmlns:xsd="">
       <xsd:element name="CanFestivalNode">
@@ -219,7 +219,7 @@
     def __init__(self):
         manager = NodeManager()
         NodeList.__init__(self, manager)
-        self.LoadProject(self.PlugPath())
+        self.LoadProject(self.CTNPath())
     def GetCanDevice(self):
@@ -247,24 +247,24 @@
             buildpath = self._getBuildPath()
             # Eventually create build dir
             if not os.path.exists(buildpath):
-                self.GetPlugRoot().logger.write_error(_("Error: No PLC built\n"))
+                self.GetCTRoot().logger.write_error(_("Error: No PLC built\n"))
             masterpath = os.path.join(buildpath, "MasterGenerated.od")
             if not os.path.exists(masterpath):
-                self.GetPlugRoot().logger.write_error(_("Error: No Master generated\n"))
+                self.GetCTRoot().logger.write_error(_("Error: No Master generated\n"))
-            app_frame = self.GetPlugRoot().AppFrame
-            manager = MiniNodeManager(self, masterpath, self.PlugFullName() + ".generated_master")
+            app_frame = self.GetCTRoot().AppFrame
+            manager = MiniNodeManager(self, masterpath, self.CTNFullName() + ".generated_master")
             self._GeneratedView = SlaveEditor(app_frame.TabsOpened, manager, app_frame, False)
             app_frame.EditProjectElement(self._GeneratedView, "MasterGenerated")
     def _CloseGenerateView(self):
         if self._GeneratedView is not None:
-            app_frame = self.GetPlugRoot().AppFrame
+            app_frame = self.GetCTRoot().AppFrame
             if app_frame is not None:
@@ -284,19 +284,19 @@
         if self._GeneratedView == view:
             self._GeneratedView = None
-    def OnPlugClose(self):
-        ConfigTreeNode.OnPlugClose(self)
+    def OnCTNClose(self):
+        ConfigTreeNode.OnCTNClose(self)
         return True
-    def PlugTestModified(self):
+    def CTNTestModified(self):
         return self.ChangesToSave or self.HasChanged()
-    def OnPlugSave(self):
-        self.SetRoot(self.PlugPath())
+    def OnCTNSave(self):
+        self.SetRoot(self.CTNPath())
         return self.SaveProject() is None
-    def PlugGenerate_C(self, buildpath, locations):
+    def CTNGenerate_C(self, buildpath, locations):
         Generate C code
         @param current_location: Tupple containing confnode IEC location : %I0.0.4.5 => (0,0,4,5)
@@ -351,8 +351,8 @@
-    PlugChildsTypes = [("CanOpenNode",_NodeListPlug, "CanOpen Master"),
-                       ("CanOpenSlave",_SlavePlug, "CanOpen Slave")]
+    CTNChildrenTypes = [("CanOpenNode",_NodeListCTN, "CanOpen Master"),
+                       ("CanOpenSlave",_SlaveCTN, "CanOpen Slave")]
     def GetParamsAttributes(self, path = None):
         infos = ConfigTreeNode.GetParamsAttributes(self, path = None)
         for element in infos:
@@ -373,7 +373,7 @@
                 can_driver += '.dll'
         return can_driver
-    def PlugGenerate_C(self, buildpath, locations):
+    def CTNGenerate_C(self, buildpath, locations):
         format_dict = {"locstr" : "_".join(map(str,self.GetCurrentLocation())),
                        "candriver" : self.GetCanDriver(),
@@ -390,7 +390,7 @@
                        "post_sync" : "",
                        "post_sync_register" : "",
-        for child in self.IECSortedChilds():
+        for child in self.IECSortedChildren():
             childlocstr = "_".join(map(str,child.GetCurrentLocation()))
             nodename = "OD_%s" % childlocstr
--- a/confnodes/python/	Mon May 07 18:47:29 2012 +0200
+++ b/confnodes/python/	Mon May 07 19:19:08 2012 +0200
@@ -241,7 +241,7 @@
     def GetTitle(self):
-        fullname = self.Controler.PlugFullName()
+        fullname = self.Controler.CTNFullName()
         if not self.Controler.PythonIsSaved():
             return "~%s~" % fullname
         return fullname
--- a/confnodes/python/modules/svgui/	Mon May 07 18:47:29 2012 +0200
+++ b/confnodes/python/modules/svgui/	Mon May 07 19:19:08 2012 +0200
@@ -22,16 +22,16 @@
     def ConfNodePath(self):
-        return os.path.join(self.PlugParent.ConfNodePath(), "modules", self.PlugType)
+        return os.path.join(self.CTNParent.ConfNodePath(), "modules", self.CTNType)
     def _getSVGpath(self):
         # define name for IEC raw code file
-        return os.path.join(self.PlugPath(), "gui.svg")
+        return os.path.join(self.CTNPath(), "gui.svg")
     def _getSVGUIserverpath(self):
         return os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "")
-    def PlugGenerate_C(self, buildpath, locations):
+    def CTNGenerate_C(self, buildpath, locations):
         Return C code generated by iec2c compiler 
         when _generate_softPLC have been called
@@ -87,20 +87,20 @@
         return res
     def _ImportSVG(self):
-        dialog = wx.FileDialog(self.GetPlugRoot().AppFrame, _("Choose a SVG file"), os.getcwd(), "",  _("SVG files (*.svg)|*.svg|All files|*.*"), wx.OPEN)
+        dialog = wx.FileDialog(self.GetCTRoot().AppFrame, _("Choose a SVG file"), os.getcwd(), "",  _("SVG files (*.svg)|*.svg|All files|*.*"), wx.OPEN)
         if dialog.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK:
             svgpath = dialog.GetPath()
             if os.path.isfile(svgpath):
                 shutil.copy(svgpath, self._getSVGpath())
-                self.GetPlugRoot().logger.write_error(_("No such SVG file: %s\n")%svgpath)
+                self.GetCTRoot().logger.write_error(_("No such SVG file: %s\n")%svgpath)
     def _StartInkscape(self):
         svgfile = self._getSVGpath()
         open_inkscape = True
-        if not self.GetPlugRoot().CheckProjectPathPerm():
-            dialog = wx.MessageDialog(self.GetPlugRoot().AppFrame,
+        if not self.GetCTRoot().CheckProjectPathPerm():
+            dialog = wx.MessageDialog(self.GetCTRoot().AppFrame,
                                       _("You don't have write permissions.\nOpen Inkscape anyway ?"),
                                       _("Open Inkscape"),
--- a/confnodes/python/modules/wxglade_hmi/	Mon May 07 18:47:29 2012 +0200
+++ b/confnodes/python/modules/wxglade_hmi/	Mon May 07 19:19:08 2012 +0200
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
     def _getWXGLADEpath(self):
         # define name for IEC raw code file
-        return os.path.join(self.PlugPath(), "hmi.wxg")
+        return os.path.join(self.CTNPath(), "hmi.wxg")
     def launch_wxglade(self, options, wait=False):
         from wxglade import __file__ as fileName
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@
         os.spawnv(mode, sys.executable, ["\"%s\""%sys.executable] + [glade] + options)
-    def PlugGenerate_C(self, buildpath, locations):
+    def CTNGenerate_C(self, buildpath, locations):
         Return C code generated by iec2c compiler 
         when _generate_softPLC have been called
@@ -101,8 +101,8 @@
     def _editWXGLADE(self):
         wxg_filename = self._getWXGLADEpath()
         open_wxglade = True
-        if not self.GetPlugRoot().CheckProjectPathPerm():
-            dialog = wx.MessageDialog(self.GetPlugRoot().AppFrame,
+        if not self.GetCTRoot().CheckProjectPathPerm():
+            dialog = wx.MessageDialog(self.GetCTRoot().AppFrame,
                                       _("You don't have write permissions.\nOpen wxGlade anyway ?"),
                                       _("Open wxGlade"),
--- a/confnodes/python/	Mon May 07 18:47:29 2012 +0200
+++ b/confnodes/python/	Mon May 07 19:19:08 2012 +0200
@@ -38,13 +38,13 @@
-            self.OnPlugSave()
+            self.OnCTNSave()
     def ConfNodePath(self):
-        return os.path.join(self.PlugParent.ConfNodePath(), "modules", self.PlugType)
+        return os.path.join(self.CTNParent.ConfNodePath(), "modules", self.CTNType)
     def PythonFileName(self):
-        return os.path.join(self.PlugPath(), "python.xml")
+        return os.path.join(self.CTNPath(), "python.xml")
     def GetFilename(self):
         if self.PythonBuffer.IsCurrentSaved():
@@ -58,10 +58,10 @@
     def GetPythonCode(self):
         return self.PythonCode.gettext()
-    def PlugTestModified(self):
+    def CTNTestModified(self):
         return self.ChangesToSave or not self.PythonIsSaved()
-    def OnPlugSave(self):
+    def OnCTNSave(self):
         filepath = self.PythonFileName()
         text = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\" standalone=\"no\"?>\n"
@@ -129,13 +129,13 @@
 class RootClass(PythonCodeTemplate):
-    # For root object, available Childs Types are modules of the modules packages.
-    PlugChildsTypes = [(name, _GetClassFunction(name), help) for name, help in zip(modules.__all__,modules.helps)]
+    # For root object, available Children Types are modules of the modules packages.
+    CTNChildrenTypes = [(name, _GetClassFunction(name), help) for name, help in zip(modules.__all__,modules.helps)]
     def ConfNodePath(self):
-        return os.path.join(self.PlugParent.ConfNodePath(), self.PlugType)
+        return os.path.join(self.CTNParent.ConfNodePath(), self.CTNType)
-    def PlugGenerate_C(self, buildpath, locations):
+    def CTNGenerate_C(self, buildpath, locations):
         Generate C code
         @param current_location: Tupple containing confnode IEC location : %I0.0.4.5 => (0,0,4,5)
@@ -152,7 +152,7 @@
         # define a unique name for the generated C file
         location_str = "_".join(map(lambda x:str(x), current_location))
-        ctr = self.GetPlugRoot()
+        ctr = self.GetCTRoot()
         plc_python_filepath = os.path.join(os.path.split(__file__)[0], "plc_python.c")
@@ -180,6 +180,6 @@
-        matiec_flags = '"-I%s"'%os.path.abspath(self.GetPlugRoot().GetIECLibPath())
+        matiec_flags = '"-I%s"'%os.path.abspath(self.GetCTRoot().GetIECLibPath())
         return [(Gen_Pythonfile_path, matiec_flags)], "", True, (""%location_str, file(runtimefile_path,"rb"))