#2486 Reconnect funtion in SaveWampClientConf function. #2486
authordporopat <denis.poropat@smarteh.si>
Mon, 14 May 2018 08:45:44 +0200 (2018-05-14)
changeset 2204 25dafeb98b55
parent 2203 c8a32ad27c0a
child 2205 4c74218b42e1
#2486 Reconnect funtion in SaveWampClientConf function.
--- a/Beremiz_service.py	Wed May 09 09:59:53 2018 +0200
+++ b/Beremiz_service.py	Mon May 14 08:45:44 2018 +0200
@@ -618,9 +618,9 @@
     if wampconf is not None:
-            _wampconf = WC.LoadWampClientConf(wampconf)
+            WC.SetServer(pyroserver, wampconf, wampsecret)
+            _wampconf = WC.LoadWampClientConf()
             if _wampconf:
-                WC.SetServer(pyroserver, wampconf, wampsecret)
                 if _wampconf.get("url", False) and _wampconf.get("active", False):  # TODO : test more ?
--- a/runtime/WampClient.py	Wed May 09 09:59:53 2018 +0200
+++ b/runtime/WampClient.py	Mon May 14 08:45:44 2018 +0200
@@ -177,34 +177,43 @@
             del connector
-def LoadWampClientConf(wampconf):
+def LoadWampClientConf(items=None):
-        WSClientConf = json.load(open(wampconf))
+        WSClientConf = json.load(open(_WampConf))
+        if items and isinstance(items, list):
+            WSClientConfItems = {}
+            for item in items:
+                wampconf_value = WSClientConf.get(item, None)
+                if wampconf_value is not None:
+                    WSClientConfItems[item] = wampconf_value
+            if WSClientConfItems:
+                return WSClientConfItems
         return WSClientConf
     except ValueError, ve:
         print(_("WAMP load error: "), ve)
         return None
-    except Exception:
-        return None
-def SaveWampClientConf(wampconf, url, active):
+    except Exception, e:
+        print(_("WAMP load error: "), e)
+        return None
+def SaveWampClientConf(items):
-        WSClientConf = LoadWampClientConf(wampconf)
-        change = False
-        if url:
-            oldUrl = WSClientConf.get('url', None)
-            if oldUrl != url:
-                WSClientConf['url'] = url
-                change = True
-        oldActive = WSClientConf.get('active', False)
-        if oldActive != active:
-            WSClientConf['active'] = active
-            change = True
-        if change:
-            with open(os.path.realpath(wampconf), 'w') as f:
-                json.dump(WSClientConf, f)
+        WSClientConf = LoadWampClientConf()
+        saveChanges = False
+        if items:
+            for itemKey in items.keys():
+                wampconf_value = WSClientConf.get(itemKey, None)
+                if (wampconf_value is not None) and (items[itemKey] is not None) and (wampconf_value != items[itemKey]):
+                    WSClientConf[itemKey] = items[itemKey]
+                    saveChanges = True
+        if saveChanges:
+            with open(os.path.realpath(_WampConf), 'w') as f:
+                json.dump(WSClientConf, f, sort_keys=True, indent=4)
+            if 'active' in WSClientConf and WSClientConf['active']:
+                StartReconnectWampClient()
+            else:
+                StopReconnectWampClient()
         return WSClientConf
     except ValueError, ve:
@@ -232,11 +241,13 @@
         return False
-def RegisterWampClient(wampconf = None, secretfname = None):
+def RegisterWampClient(wampconf=None, secretfname=None):
+    global _WampConf
     if wampconf:
-        WSClientConf = LoadWampClientConf(wampconf)
-    else:
-        WSClientConf = LoadWampClientConf(_WampConf)
+        _WampConf = wampconf
+        WSClientConf = LoadWampClientConf()
+    else:
+        WSClientConf = LoadWampClientConf()
     if not WSClientConf:
         print(_("WAMP client connection not established!"))
@@ -272,43 +283,34 @@
     # start the client from a Twisted endpoint
     conn = connectWS(transport_factory)
     print(_("WAMP client connecting to :"), WSClientConf["url"])
-    return True # conn
+    return True
 def StopReconnectWampClient():
     return _WampSession.leave()
 def StartReconnectWampClient():
     if _WampSession:
         # do reconnect
         return True
-    elif not _WampSession:
+    else:
         # do connect
         return True
-def ReconnectionWampClient(active, url):
-    """ReconnectionWampClient function used for reconnecting to Crossbar router.
-    Args:
-        active (bool): Value in wampconf.json file. True: using Wamp connection. False: not using Wamp connection.
-        url (str): Value in wampconf.json file. Url of Crossbar router.
-    """
-    SaveWampClientConf(_WampConf, url, active)
-    if active:
-        StartReconnectWampClient()
-    elif not active and _WampSession:
-        StopReconnectWampClient()
 def GetSession():
     return _WampSession
 def StatusWampClient():
     return _WampSession and _WampSession.is_attached()
-def SetServer(pysrv, wampconf = None, wampsecret = None):
+def SetServer(pysrv, wampconf=None, wampsecret=None):
     global _PySrv, _WampConf, _WampSecret
     _PySrv = pysrv
     _WampConf = wampconf
--- a/tests/wamp/project_files/wampconf.json	Wed May 09 09:59:53 2018 +0200
+++ b/tests/wamp/project_files/wampconf.json	Mon May 14 08:45:44 2018 +0200
@@ -1,10 +1,17 @@
-    "active": true,
-    "url":"ws://",
-    "realm":"Automation",
-    "ID":"wamptest",
-    "password":"1234567890",
-    "key":"ABCDEFGHIJ",
-    "protocolOptions":{"autoPingTimeout":20, "autoPingInterval":60},
-    "registerOptions":{"match":"exact", "invoke":"last", "concurrency": 2}
+    "ID": "wamptest", 
+    "active": true, 
+    "key": "ABCDEFGHIJ", 
+    "password": "1234567890", 
+    "protocolOptions": {
+        "autoPingInterval": 60, 
+        "autoPingTimeout": 20
+    }, 
+    "realm": "Automation", 
+    "registerOptions": {
+        "concurrency": 2, 
+        "invoke": "last", 
+        "match": "exact"
+    }, 
+    "url": "ws://"