Added PLC tick alignement on external synchronization source feature.
Fri, 27 Jun 2008 16:21:22 +0200 (2008-06-27)
changeset 178 2390b409eb93
parent 177 8b3faaf3715e
child 179 66a4dc7f534a
Added PLC tick alignement on external synchronization source feature.
--- a/	Fri Jun 27 09:38:16 2008 +0200
+++ b/	Fri Jun 27 16:21:22 2008 +0200
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
 Base definitions for beremiz plugins
-import os,sys
+import os,sys,traceback
 import plugins
 import types
 import shutil
@@ -666,6 +666,14 @@
           <xsd:attribute name="CFLAGS" type="xsd:string" use="required"/>
           <xsd:attribute name="Linker" type="xsd:string" use="optional" default="ld"/>
           <xsd:attribute name="LDFLAGS" type="xsd:string" use="required"/>
+          <xsd:attribute name="Sync_Align_Ratio" use="optional" default="50">
+            <xsd:simpleType>
+                <xsd:restriction base="xsd:integer">
+                    <xsd:minInclusive value="1"/>
+                    <xsd:maxInclusive value="99"/>
+                </xsd:restriction>
+            </xsd:simpleType>
+          </xsd:attribute>
@@ -955,9 +963,9 @@
-        except Exception, msg:
+        except Exception, exc:
             logger.write_error("Plugins code generation Failed !\n")
-            logger.write_error(str(msg))
+            logger.write_error(traceback.format_exc())
             return False
@@ -976,7 +984,8 @@
             "retrieve_calls":"\n    ".join(["__retrieve_%(s)s();"%{'s':locstr} for locstr in locstrs]),
             "publish_calls":"\n    ".join(["__publish_%(s)s();"%{'s':locstr} for locstr in locstrs]),
             "init_calls":"\n    ".join(["init_level++; if(res = __init_%(s)s(argc,argv)) return res;"%{'s':locstr} for locstr in locstrs]),
-            "cleanup_calls":"\n    ".join(["if(init_level-- > 0) __cleanup_%(s)s();"%{'s':locstr} for locstr in locstrs])}
+            "cleanup_calls":"\n    ".join(["if(init_level-- > 0) __cleanup_%(s)s();"%{'s':locstr} for locstr in locstrs]),
+            "sync_align_ratio":self.BeremizRoot.getSync_Align_Ratio()}
         target_name = self.BeremizRoot.TargetType.content["name"]
         plc_main += runtime.code("plc_%s_main"%target_name)
--- a/plugins/canfestival/	Fri Jun 27 09:38:16 2008 +0200
+++ b/plugins/canfestival/	Fri Jun 27 16:21:22 2008 +0200
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
 from nodelist import NodeList
 from nodemanager import NodeManager
-import config_utils, gen_cfile
+import config_utils, gen_cfile, eds_utils
 from networkedit import networkedit
 from objdictedit import objdictedit
 import canfestival_config
@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@
           <xsd:attribute name="CAN_Device" type="xsd:string" use="required"/>
           <xsd:attribute name="CAN_Baudrate" type="xsd:string" use="required"/>
           <xsd:attribute name="NodeId" type="xsd:string" use="required"/>
+          <xsd:attribute name="Sync_Align" type="xsd:integer" use="optional" default="0"/>
@@ -269,14 +270,16 @@
                        "candriver" : self.CanFestivalInstance.getCAN_Driver(),
                        "nodes_includes" : "",
                        "board_decls" : "",
-                       "nodes_declare" : "",
                        "nodes_init" : "",
                        "nodes_open" : "",
                        "nodes_close" : "",
                        "nodes_send_sync" : "",
                        "nodes_proceed_sync" : "",
                        "slavebootups" : "",
-                       "slavebootup_register" : ""}
+                       "slavebootup_register" : "",
+                       "post_sync" : "",
+                       "post_sync_register" : "",
+                       }
         for child in self.IECSortedChilds():
             childlocstr = "_".join(map(str,child.GetCurrentLocation()))
             nodename = "OD_%s" % childlocstr
@@ -287,52 +290,68 @@
                 # Not a slave -> master
                 child_data = getattr(child, "CanFestivalNode")
                 # Apply sync setting
+                format_dict["nodes_init"] += 'NODE_MASTER_INIT(%s, %s)\n    '%(
+                       nodename,
+                       child_data.getNodeId())
                 if child_data.getSync_TPDOs():
                     format_dict["nodes_send_sync"] += 'NODE_SEND_SYNC(%s)\n    '%(nodename)
                     format_dict["nodes_proceed_sync"] += 'NODE_PROCEED_SYNC(%s)\n    '%(nodename)
-                # initialize and declare node table for post_SlaveBootup lookup
+                # initialize and declare node boot status variables for post_SlaveBootup lookup
                 SlaveIDs = child.GetSlaveIDs()
                 for id in SlaveIDs:
-                    format_dict["slavebootups"] += """
-int %s_slave_%d_booted = 0;
-"""%(nodename, id)
-                format_dict["slavebootups"] += """
-static void %s_post_SlaveBootup(CO_Data* d, UNS8 nodeId){
-    switch(nodeId){
+                    format_dict["slavebootups"] += (
+                    "int %s_slave_%d_booted = 0;\n"%(nodename, id))
+                # define post_SlaveBootup lookup functions
+                format_dict["slavebootups"] += (
+                    "static void %s_post_SlaveBootup(CO_Data* d, UNS8 nodeId){\n"%(nodename)+
+                    "    switch(nodeId){\n")
+                # one case per declared node, mark node as booted
                 for id in SlaveIDs:
-                    format_dict["slavebootups"] += """
-        case %d:
-            %s_slave_%d_booted = 1;
-            break;
-"""%(id, nodename, id)
-                format_dict["slavebootups"] += """
-        default:
-            break;
-    }
-    if( """
+                    format_dict["slavebootups"] += (
+                    "        case %d:\n"%(id)+
+                    "            %s_slave_%d_booted = 1;\n"%(nodename, id)+
+                    "            break;\n")
+                format_dict["slavebootups"] += (
+                    "        default:\n"+
+                    "            break;\n"+
+                    "    }\n"+
+                    "    if( ")
+                # expression to test if all declared nodes booted
                 format_dict["slavebootups"] += " && ".join(["%s_slave_%d_booted"%(nodename, id) for id in SlaveIDs])
-                format_dict["slavebootups"] += """ )
-        Master_post_SlaveBootup(d,nodeId);
-                format_dict["slavebootup_register"] += """
-%s_Data.post_SlaveBootup = %s_post_SlaveBootup;
+                format_dict["slavebootups"] += " )\n" + (
+                    "        Master_post_SlaveBootup(d,nodeId);\n"+
+                    "}\n")
+                # register previously declared func as post_SlaveBootup callback for that node
+                format_dict["slavebootup_register"] += (
+                    "%s_Data.post_SlaveBootup = %s_post_SlaveBootup;\n"%(nodename,nodename))
+            else:
+                # Slave node
+                align = child_data.getSync_Align()
+                if align > 0:
+                    format_dict["post_sync"] += (
+                        "static int %s_CalCount = 0;\n"%(nodename)+
+                        "static void %s_post_sync(CO_Data* d){\n"%(nodename)+
+                        "    if(%s_CalCount < %d){\n"%(nodename, align)+
+                        "        %s_CalCount++;\n"%(nodename)+
+                        "        align_tick(1);\n"+
+                        "    }else{\n"+
+                        "        align_tick(0);\n"+
+                        "    }\n"+
+                        "}\n")
+                    format_dict["post_sync_register"] += (
+                        "%s_Data.post_sync = %s_post_sync;\n"%(nodename,nodename))
+                format_dict["nodes_init"] += 'NODE_SLAVE_INIT(%s, %s)\n    '%(
+                       nodename,
+                       child_data.getNodeId())
+            # Include generated OD headers
             format_dict["nodes_includes"] += '#include "%s.h"\n'%(nodename)
+            # Declare CAN channels according user filled config
             format_dict["board_decls"] += 'BOARD_DECL(%s, "%s", "%s")\n'%(
-            format_dict["nodes_declare"] += 'NODE_DECLARE(%s, %s)\n    '%(
-                   nodename,
-                   child_data.getNodeId())
-            format_dict["nodes_init"] += 'NODE_INIT(%s, %s)\n    '%(
-                   nodename,
-                   child_data.getNodeId())
             format_dict["nodes_open"] += 'NODE_OPEN(%s)\n    '%(nodename)
             format_dict["nodes_close"] += 'NODE_CLOSE(%s)\n    '%(nodename)
--- a/plugins/canfestival/cf_runtime.c	Fri Jun 27 09:38:16 2008 +0200
+++ b/plugins/canfestival/cf_runtime.c	Fri Jun 27 16:21:22 2008 +0200
@@ -1,16 +1,21 @@
 #include "canfestival.h"
+/* CanFestival nodes generated OD headers*/
 #define BOARD_DECL(nodename, busname, baudrate)\
     s_BOARD nodename##Board = {busname, baudrate};
+/* CAN channels declaration */
+/* Keep track of init level to cleanup correctly */
 static int init_level=0;
+/* Retrieve PLC cycle time */
 extern int common_ticktime__;
+/* Called once all NetworkEdit declares slaves have booted*/
 static void Master_post_SlaveBootup(CO_Data* d, UNS8 nodeId)
     /* Put the master in operational mode */
@@ -20,23 +25,40 @@
     masterSendNMTstateChange (d, 0, NMT_Start_Node);
+/* Per master node slavebootup callbacks. Checks that
+ * every node have booted before calling Master_post_SlaveBootup */
-#define NODE_INIT(nodename, nodeid) \
+/* One slave node post_sync callback.
+ * Used to align PLC tick-time on CANopen SYNC 
+ */
+#define NODE_FORCE_SYNC(nodename) \
     /* Artificially force sync state to 1 so that it is not started */\
     nodename##_Data.CurrentCommunicationState.csSYNC = -1;\
     /* Force sync period to common_ticktime__ so that other node can read it*/\
     *nodename##_Data.COB_ID_Sync = 0x40000080;\
-    *nodename##_Data.Sync_Cycle_Period = common_ticktime__ * 1000;\
+    *nodename##_Data.Sync_Cycle_Period = common_ticktime__ * 1000;
+#define NODE_INIT(nodename, nodeid) \
     /* Defining the node Id */\
     setNodeId(&nodename##_Data, nodeid);\
     /* init */\
     setState(&nodename##_Data, Initialisation);
+#define NODE_MASTER_INIT(nodename, nodeid) \
+	NODE_FORCE_SYNC(nodename) \
+	NODE_INIT(nodename, nodeid)
+#define NODE_SLAVE_INIT(nodename, nodeid) \
+	NODE_INIT(nodename, nodeid)
 void InitNodes(CO_Data* d, UNS32 id)
+	%(slavebootup_register)s
+	%(post_sync_register)s
-	%(slavebootup_register)s
 void Exit(CO_Data* d, UNS32 id)
@@ -103,7 +125,7 @@
      * TODO : implement buffers to avoid such a big lock  
      *  */
-    /*Send Sync */
+    /* Send Sync */
@@ -112,7 +134,7 @@
 void __publish_%(locstr)s()
-    /*Call SendPDOEvent */
+    /* Process sync event */
--- a/runtime/plc_Linux_main.c	Fri Jun 27 09:38:16 2008 +0200
+++ b/runtime/plc_Linux_main.c	Fri Jun 27 16:21:22 2008 +0200
@@ -2,14 +2,46 @@
 #include <string.h>
 #include <time.h>
 #include <signal.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+    clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, CURRENT_TIME);
 void PLC_timer_notify(sigval_t val)
-    clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &__CURRENT_TIME);
+    PLC_GetTime(&__CURRENT_TIME);
+timer_t PLC_timer;
+void PLC_SetTimer(long long next, long long period)
+    struct itimerspec timerValues;
+	/*
+	printf("SetTimer(%lld,%lld)\n",next, period);
+	*/
+    memset (&timerValues, 0, sizeof (struct itimerspec));
+	{
+#ifdef __lldiv_t_defined
+		lldiv_t nxt_div = lldiv(next, 1000000000);
+		lldiv_t period_div = lldiv(period, 1000000000);
+	    timerValues.it_value.tv_sec = nxt_div.quot;
+	    timerValues.it_value.tv_nsec = nxt_div.rem;
+	    timerValues.it_interval.tv_sec = period_div.quot;
+	    timerValues.it_interval.tv_nsec = period_div.rem;
+	    timerValues.it_value.tv_sec = next / 1000000000;
+	    timerValues.it_value.tv_nsec = next % 1000000000;
+	    timerValues.it_interval.tv_sec = period / 1000000000;
+	    timerValues.it_interval.tv_nsec = period % 1000000000;
+	}	
+    timer_settime (PLC_timer, 0, &timerValues, NULL);
 void catch_signal(int sig)
   signal(SIGTERM, catch_signal);
@@ -19,36 +51,30 @@
 int main(int argc,char **argv)
-    timer_t timer;
     struct sigevent sigev;
-    long tv_nsec = 1000000 * (maxval(common_ticktime__,1)%1000);
-    time_t tv_sec = common_ticktime__/1000;
-    struct itimerspec timerValues;
+    /* Translate PLC's microseconds to Ttick nanoseconds */
+    Ttick = 1000000 * maxval(common_ticktime__,1);
     memset (&sigev, 0, sizeof (struct sigevent));
-    memset (&timerValues, 0, sizeof (struct itimerspec));
     sigev.sigev_value.sival_int = 0;
     sigev.sigev_notify = SIGEV_THREAD;
     sigev.sigev_notify_attributes = NULL;
     sigev.sigev_notify_function = PLC_timer_notify;
-    timerValues.it_value.tv_sec = tv_sec;
-    timerValues.it_value.tv_nsec = tv_nsec;
-    timerValues.it_interval.tv_sec = tv_sec;
-    timerValues.it_interval.tv_nsec = tv_nsec;
+    timer_create (CLOCK_REALTIME, &sigev, &PLC_timer);
     if(  __init(argc,argv) == 0 ){
-        timer_create (CLOCK_REALTIME, &sigev, &timer);
-        timer_settime (timer, 0, &timerValues, NULL);
+        PLC_SetTimer(Ttick,Ttick);
         /* install signal handler for manual break */
         signal(SIGTERM, catch_signal);
         signal(SIGINT, catch_signal);
+        /* Wait some signal */
-        timer_delete (timer);
+        /* Stop the PLC */
+        PLC_SetTimer(0,0);
+    timer_delete (PLC_timer);
     return 0;
--- a/runtime/plc_common_main.c	Fri Jun 27 09:38:16 2008 +0200
+++ b/runtime/plc_common_main.c	Fri Jun 27 16:21:22 2008 +0200
@@ -1,3 +1,9 @@
+ * Prototypes for function provided by arch-specific code (main)
+ * concatained after this template
+ ** /
  * Functions and variables provied by generated C softPLC
@@ -39,6 +45,9 @@
+	/*
+	printf("run tick = %%d\n", tick + 1);
+	*/
@@ -63,3 +72,88 @@
+void PLC_SetTimer(long long next, long long period);
+#define CALIBRATED -2
+#define NOT_CALIBRATED -1
+static int calibration_count = NOT_CALIBRATED;
+static IEC_TIME cal_begin;
+static long long Tsync = 0;
+static long long FreqCorr = 0;
+static int Nticks = 0;
+static int  last_tick = 0;
+static long long Ttick = 0;
+#define mod %%
+ * Call this on each external sync, 
+ **/
+void align_tick(int calibrate)
+	/*
+	printf("align_tick(%%d)\n", calibrate);
+	*/
+	if(calibrate){
+		if(calibration_count == CALIBRATED)
+			/* Re-calibration*/
+			calibration_count = NOT_CALIBRATED;
+		if(calibration_count == NOT_CALIBRATED)
+			/* Calibration start, get time*/
+			PLC_GetTime(&cal_begin);
+		calibration_count++;
+	}else{
+		if(calibration_count >= 0){
+			/* End of calibration */
+			/* Get final time */
+			IEC_TIME cal_end;
+			PLC_GetTime(&cal_end);
+			/*adjust calibration_count*/
+			calibration_count++;
+			/* compute mean of Tsync, over calibration period */	
+			Tsync = ((long long)(cal_end.tv_sec - cal_begin.tv_sec) * (long long)1000000000 +
+					(cal_end.tv_nsec - cal_begin.tv_nsec)) / calibration_count;
+			if( (Nticks = (Tsync / Ttick)) > 0){
+				FreqCorr = (Tsync mod Ttick); /* to be divided by Nticks */
+			}else{
+				FreqCorr = Tsync - (Ttick mod Tsync);
+			}
+			/*
+			printf("Tsync = %%ld\n", Tsync);
+			printf("calibration_count = %%d\n", calibration_count);
+			printf("Nticks = %%d\n", Nticks);
+			*/
+			calibration_count = CALIBRATED;
+		}
+		if(calibration_count == CALIBRATED){
+			/* Get Elapsed time since last PLC tick (__CURRENT_TIME) */
+			IEC_TIME now;
+			long long elapsed;
+			long long Tcorr;
+			long long PhaseCorr;
+			long long PeriodicTcorr;
+			PLC_GetTime(&now);
+			elapsed = (now.tv_sec - __CURRENT_TIME.tv_sec) * 1000000000 + now.tv_nsec - __CURRENT_TIME.tv_nsec;
+			if(Nticks > 0){
+				PhaseCorr = elapsed - (Ttick + FreqCorr/Nticks)*%(sync_align_ratio)d/100; /* to be divided by Nticks */
+				Tcorr = Ttick + (PhaseCorr + FreqCorr) / Nticks;
+				if(Nticks < 2){
+					/* When Sync source period is near Tick time */
+					/* PhaseCorr may not be applied to Periodic time given to timer */
+					PeriodicTcorr = Ttick + FreqCorr / Nticks;
+				}else{
+					PeriodicTcorr = Tcorr; 
+				}
+			}else if(tick > last_tick){
+				last_tick = tick;
+				PhaseCorr = elapsed - (Tsync*%(sync_align_ratio)d/100);
+				PeriodicTcorr = Tcorr = Ttick + PhaseCorr + FreqCorr;
+			}else{
+				/*PLC did not run meanwhile. Nothing to do*/
+				return;
+			}
+			PLC_SetTimer(Tcorr - elapsed, PeriodicTcorr);
+		}
+	}
--- a/tests/linux/test_master/plc.xml	Fri Jun 27 09:38:16 2008 +0200
+++ b/tests/linux/test_master/plc.xml	Fri Jun 27 16:21:22 2008 +0200
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
               creationDateTime="2008-06-24 18:44:00"/>
   <contentHeader name="test_slave"
-                 modificationDateTime="2008-06-25 16:42:30"
+                 modificationDateTime="2008-06-27 15:41:26"
@@ -113,7 +113,7 @@
       <configuration name="conf">
         <resource name="res">
-          <task name="tache" interval="00:00:00.100000" priority="0">
+          <task name="tache" interval="00:00:00.050000" priority="0">
             <pouInstance name="toto" type="test_main"/>
--- a/tests/linux/test_slave/canopen@canfestival/slave@CanOpenSlave/baseplugin.xml	Fri Jun 27 09:38:16 2008 +0200
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<BaseParams Name="slave" IEC_Channel="0"/>
--- a/tests/linux/test_slave/canopen@canfestival/slave@CanOpenSlave/plugin.xml	Fri Jun 27 09:38:16 2008 +0200
+++ b/tests/linux/test_slave/canopen@canfestival/slave@CanOpenSlave/plugin.xml	Fri Jun 27 16:21:22 2008 +0200
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<CanFestivalSlaveNode CAN_Device="vcan0" CAN_Baudrate="125K" NodeId="3"/>
+<CanFestivalSlaveNode CAN_Device="vcan0" CAN_Baudrate="125K" NodeId="3" Sync_Align="100"/>