2009-12-01 ed Some cleanup in PLC status - removed that \"Starting\" state ...
2009-10-22 greg Fix some warnings during compilation
2009-09-21 laurent Adding support for forcing tick count to return to zero as the same time than all tasks firing are synchronized
2009-09-02 laurent Applying patch from Iztok for old gcc versions
2009-07-29 laurent Move python evaluator to create a python plugin containing any related python module
2009-04-04 greg add utf-8 and save shortcut support in PythonST
2009-01-09 lbessard Bug on __DEBUG no present fixed
2009-01-04 etisserant Minor changes to get better cleanup of debug and python_eval threads, accross multiple debug sessions and PLC runs.
2008-12-23 etisserant Added native (not a plugin) asynchronous python eval function block - Beta. Code cleanup in C code templates.
2008-09-07 etisserant Added __DEBUG global var to eventually change PLC code execution gehavior
2008-09-05 etisserant Fixed bad IPC choice for debugger/PLC/control thread collaboration
2008-09-04 etisserant Now debug all ticks, not only odd ones :-)
2008-09-03 etisserant Improved debug data feedback.
2008-08-21 etisserant Moved template C code to targets dir. Cleaned up some forgotten print.