2014-06-06 mjsousa merge
2014-05-26 mjsousa Update __SET_VAR() macros to reflect changes made to matiec
2014-05-28 Edouard Tisserant Propagated changes made in matiec/lib/accessor.h _SET_VAR macro (Mario's matiec changes merged at 39086e324665) to py_ext library, and other (not compiled in) XML standard FB definitions.
2013-09-26 Edouard Tisserant Fixed two typos in py_ext : FBID was not current but previous py_eval block FBID, and compiled AST cache was filled buy never used.
2012-10-15 Edouard Tisserant Added FBID variable to PY_EVAL evaluation context. FBID does identify uniquely py_eval block instance triggering execution
2012-05-12 Edouard Tisserant refactoring - library support is not anymore attached to configtree nodes, but handles by project controller
2012-05-08 Edouard Tisserant refactoring