3 months ago Edouard Tisserant IDE: more wxPython4 related fixes. AUI Update crash on exit + PLCOpenEditor Save exception.
7 months ago Edouard Tisserant IDE: Fix printing
20 months ago Edouard Tisserant IDE: fix py3/wxpy4 related deprecation warnings
23 months ago Edouard Tisserant IDE: fixed/remove checks wxPython versions python3
23 months ago Edouard Tisserant Fixes for wxPython-4.0.7 (ubuntu22) compatible with wxPython-4.1.x python3
2023-02-20 GP Orcullo fix wxPyDeprecationWarnings python3
2022-10-31 GP Orcullo fixed missing import python3
2022-10-28 GP Orcullo Update to wx.NewIdRef() python3
2022-10-28 GP Orcullo fix for gc errors on shutdown python3
2022-10-28 GP Orcullo Fix: wx._core.wxAssertionError: C++ assertion "CanBeToggled()" failed python3
2022-10-28 GP Orcullo convert sort and cmp functions to Python3 python3
2022-10-28 GP Orcullo switch to pickle from cPickle python3
2022-10-28 GP Orcullo fix string encoding python3
2022-10-28 GP Orcullo removed Python2 modules python3
2022-10-28 GP Orcullo automated conversion using 2to3-3.9 tool python3
2023-01-15 Edouard Tisserant IDE: fix exception when showing project's context menu in case of empty clipboard (wxpython4). wxPython4
2022-08-23 Edouard Tisserant IDE: Fix tooltip not being shown anymore on any toolbars since switch to wxPython4. wxPython4
2022-03-22 Edouard Tisserant Merged default's changes in wxPython4 branch wxPython4
2022-02-15 Edouard Tisserant IDE: removed one (last ?) wx.NewId() that was called on each opening of project tree popup menu
2022-02-28 Edouard Tisserant Fix sequel of wxPython 4 port : double click on tab wasn't maximizing and was showing exception. wxPython4
2021-10-29 Edouard Tisserant merged wxPython4
2021-09-13 Edouard Tisserant WxPython 3.x -> 4.x : removed exception on stdout when closing at IDE frame
2021-09-13 Edouard Tisserant WxPython 3.x -> 4.x : removed exception on stdout when closing at IDE frame wxPython4
2021-09-09 Edouard Tisserant Workaround missing "IsMaximized" attribute for AuiPaneInfo in wxPython 4.1.0 wxPython4
2021-09-02 Edouard Tisserant Preliminary support for WxPython 4.1.0. Needs more testing. Grid selection/focus seems broken, and probably many other bugs hidden in dialogs and editors. wxPython4
2021-05-24 Edouard Tisserant Finished fixing Wx IDs abuse. There was still some wasted IDs because of wx.NewId calls in many places where it wasn't needed, and those IDs were not re-used. As a consequence Beremiz was making exception crashing after a few hours of intensive use.
2019-06-13 Edouard Tisserant 'Change POU Type To' becomes 'Duplicate as...', avoiding side effects of type change when POU is already instanciated. Also remove leftover returType tag in ex-function POUs, triggering exceptions at build time.
2019-03-22 Edouard Tisserant Finished adding search in python and C files. Stripped debug code and useless comments. Close branch search_in_CTN
2019-03-21 Edouard Tisserant WIP adding searching capabilities in python files. was done : search_in_CTN
2019-03-20 Edouard Tisserant WIP adding searching capabilities in python files. was done : search_in_CTN
2018-10-12 Andrey Skvortsov python3 support: pylint, W1633 # (round-builtin) round built-in referenced
2018-10-11 Andrey Skvortsov python3 support: pylint, W1652 # (deprecated-types-field) Accessing a deprecated fields on the types module
2018-10-05 Andrey Skvortsov python3 support: pylint, W1619 #(old-division) division w/o __future__ statement
2018-10-04 Andrey Skvortsov python3 support: pylint, W1612 # (unicode-builtin) unicode built-in referenced
2018-10-04 Andrey Skvortsov python3 support: pylint, W1613 # (xrange-builtin) xrange built-in referenced
2018-10-04 Andrey Skvortsov python3 support: pylint, W1648 # (bad-python3-import) Module moved in Python 3
2018-09-25 Andrey Skvortsov Fix black background in preview window
2018-08-29 Andrey Skvortsov Fix non-usable toolbar on wxPython with GTK3+ in PLCOpenEditor
2018-08-29 Andrey Skvortsov Avoid usage of localized strings before initialization during import in many modules
2018-07-30 Andrey Skvortsov Fix non-usable toolbar on wxPython with GTK3+
2018-07-04 Andrey Skvortsov remove useless code
2018-07-04 Andrey Skvortsov Add full screen mode (menu and title are hidden)
2018-06-27 Andrey Skvortsov Catch 'clipboard already open' errors in editors
2018-06-07 Andrey Skvortsov Drop support for wxPython 2.6 and below
2018-05-25 Andrey Skvortsov fix type introduced by f33942053466 (fix pylint warning "(undefined-loop-variable) Using possibly undefined loop variable 'X'")
2018-05-25 Andrey Skvortsov fix hangs on mouse selection in case if wxPython uses wxWidgets with GTK3+ support
2018-05-25 Andrey Skvortsov make clipboard open minimal time as wxPython documentation recommends
2018-04-10 dporopat #2579 On showing search result, text color of tree item is set to white. We need to change back color to show the result.
2018-02-19 Edouard Tisserant Moved some definitions away from controller class, and adaped references them through all code.
2017-12-05 Surkov Sergey fix missing root in empty search results panel
2017-10-25 Andrey Skvortsov fix pylint py3k conversion warning: "(no-absolute-import) import missing `from __future__ import absolute_import`"
2017-10-19 Andrey Skvortsov fix pylint warning '(bad-continuation) Wrong hanging indentation before block'
2017-10-10 Andrey Skvortsov fix pylint warning "(undefined-loop-variable) Using possibly undefined loop variable 'X'"
2017-10-06 Andrey Skvortsov fix pylint warning '(unused-import), Unused import connectors'
2017-10-05 Andrey Skvortsov explicitly mark unused variables found by pylint with _ or dummy
2017-10-03 Andrey Skvortsov remove unused variables found by pylint
2017-09-29 Andrey Skvortsov fix error __init__ method from base class is not called
2017-08-21 Andrey Skvortsov clean-up: fix PEP8 E402 module level import not at top of file
2017-08-21 Andrey Skvortsov clean-up: fix PEP8 E265 block comment should start with '# '
2017-08-19 Andrey Skvortsov clean-up: fix PEP8 E266 too many leading '#' for block comment