17 months ago Edouard Tisserant Merge python3
19 months ago Edouard Tisserant SVGHMI: add support of all IEC61131 interger types.
21 months ago Edouard Tisserant Fix Py3 problems with basic SVGHMI build and run.
2022-10-28 GP Orcullo automated conversion using 2to3-3.9 tool python3
2021-11-04 Edouard Tisserant SVGHMI: add CURRENT_PAGE_{location} global variable to reflect currently visible page. If PLC wites some valid page reference in that variable, it triggers page switch. Additionally, fixed /HEARTBEAT being subscribed systematically by JS code even when wtchdog is not enabled.
2021-04-06 Edouard Tisserant SVGHMI: Widget transform before DnD now have HMI path as a parameter svghmi
2021-04-06 Edouard Tisserant SVGHMI: Widget transform before DnD now should have HMI path as a parameter, but this path isn't computed for some reason... WIP. svghmi
2021-03-24 Edouard Tisserant SVGHMI: split into + svghmi