2021-07-26 Edouard Tisserant IDE: On windows, align better "reset to default" button in CTN config panel. svghmi
2021-07-23 Edouard Tisserant IDE: Add a "undo" button for each field in CTN config panel to reset to default value. svghmi
2020-04-04 Edouard Tisserant Fix unmatched "Courier" font for monospace fonts on latest ubuntu 20.04. Selected "FreeMono" instead, present since at least 18.04
2018-11-23 Edouard Tisserant Merged. Some changes that should already have been incuded during previous merge (mostly about PlcStatus) have been included this time.
2018-10-11 Andrey Skvortsov python3 support: pylint, W1652 # (deprecated-types-field) Accessing a deprecated fields on the types module
2018-10-05 Andrey Skvortsov python3 support: pylint, W1619 #(old-division) division w/o __future__ statement
2018-11-14 Edouard Tisserant Added early implementation of IDManager.py. For now only used to select ID in URIEditor
2018-11-08 Edouard Tisserant URI Editor Dialog : moved it to /dialog, and fixed naming.
2018-06-09 Andrey Skvortsov Fix linter errors
2018-04-20 dporopat #2476 Added uri location editor, getting connectors from list in Beremiz. #2476
2018-04-19 dporopat #2476 Fix for saving text in URI edit text box. No need to click out of URI edit text box to save edited text. #2476
2017-10-09 Andrey Skvortsov fix pylint warning "(relative-import) Relative import 'Y', should be 'X.Y'"
2017-10-06 Andrey Skvortsov fix pylint warning '(unused-import), Unused import connectors'
2017-10-05 Andrey Skvortsov explicitly mark unused variables found by pylint with _ or dummy
2017-10-03 Andrey Skvortsov remove unused variables found by pylint
2017-08-18 Andrey Skvortsov clean-up: fix PEP8 E128 continuation line under-indented for visual indent
2017-08-17 Andrey Skvortsov clean-up: fix PEP8 E222 multiple spaces after operator
2017-08-16 Andrey Skvortsov clean-up: fix most PEP8 E221 multiple spaces before operator
2017-08-16 Andrey Skvortsov clean-up: fix PEP8 E306 expected 1 blank line before a nested definition, found X
2017-08-16 Andrey Skvortsov clean-up: fix PEP8 W391 blank line at end of file
2017-08-16 Andrey Skvortsov clean-up: fix PEP8 E201 whitespace after '{'
2017-08-16 Andrey Skvortsov clean-up: fix PEP8 E227 missing whitespace around bitwise or shift operator
2017-08-15 Andrey Skvortsov clean-up: fix PEP8 E251 unexpected spaces around keyword / parameter equals
2017-08-15 Andrey Skvortsov clean-up: fix PEP8 E711 comparison to None should be 'if cond is not None:'
2017-08-15 Andrey Skvortsov clean-up: fix PEP8 E225 missing whitespace around operator
2017-08-15 Andrey Skvortsov clean-up: fix PEP8 E303 too many blank lines
2017-08-15 Andrey Skvortsov clean-up: fix PEP8 E231 missing whitespace after ':' or ','
2017-08-15 Andrey Skvortsov clean-up: fix PEP8 E203 whitespace before ':' and whitespace before ','
2017-08-14 Andrey Skvortsov clean-up: fix PEP8 E261 at least two spaces before inline comment
2017-08-14 Andrey Skvortsov clean-up: fix PEP8 E302 expected 2 blank lines, found 1
2017-08-14 Andrey Skvortsov clean-up: fix some PEP8 E228 missing whitespace around modulo operator
2017-08-14 Andrey Skvortsov clean-up: fix some PEP8 E265 block comment should start with '# '
2017-07-04 Surkov Sergey Backout changeset 92537edeb2052d53ba5cad8b6da8463dbc660bb1
2017-06-26 Surkov Sergey fix i18n string selection for combobox generated from XSD
2017-06-19 Andrey Skvortsov make all dialog have non-fixed size
2016-11-02 Sergey Surkov fix borders of pull-down choice list box in Config tab, in Project Properties
2016-05-06 Andrey Skvortsov add copyright notices to python files where there were missing, that
2015-02-25 Edouard Tisserant Added Ronan Bignaux (genesis) patch to use wxversion. Fixed side effects with sys.path. Other cosmetic fixes about path included.
2013-09-11 Laurent Bessard Fixed Beremiz for working with new xmlclass support using lxml
2013-08-01 laurent Added support for left panel add menu with multiple levels
2013-08-01 Edouard Tisserant Various cleanup and optimization
2013-05-28 Laurent Bessard Fixed bugs with TextCtrlAutoComplete
2013-05-28 Laurent Bessard Fixed inconsistency in value display when setting integer value for float parameter
2013-05-16 Laurent Bessard Fixed ConfTreeNodeEditor background colour
2013-05-10 Laurent Bessard Fixed bug when changing IEC_Channel of node without params
2013-05-09 Laurent Bessard Fixed bug when modifying ConfTreeNode IEC Channel
2013-04-24 Laurent Bessard Fixed new ConfTreeNodeEditor layout on Windows
2013-04-23 Laurent Bessard Fixed ConfTreeNodeEditor layout
2013-01-30 Laurent Bessard Replaced SplitterWindow in ConfTreeNodeEditor by Notebook
2012-10-04 laurent Fix ConfTreeNodeEditor parameters controls size on Windows
2012-10-01 laurent Fixing bug when spinctrl new value is changed by ConfTreeNode
2012-09-23 Laurent Bessard Fix scroll bug in ConfNode params panel when changing tab selection on Windows
2012-09-07 Laurent Bessard Integration of PLCOpenEditor into Beremiz