2011-11-28 Edouard Tisserant Avoid starting Zeroconf if ip unspecified or set to localhost. Pick one interface address when given IP is
2011-04-26 Edouard Tisserant Print binary size only in LPCBeremiz
2011-02-17 edouard Debug switch (file in CWD). LPC : better MD5 handling, Run button in boot mode, handling data feedback in boot protocol
2010-06-02 Lolitech Overloaded GetBinaryCode in LPC connector returns ready to send over serial binary
2010-06-02 edouard Moved LPC specific code from toolchain_makefile into LPC target, added FROM_BEREMIZ variable to tell LPC's makefile it is invoked from here.
2009-12-11 edouard Revamped LPC connector and toolchain
2009-12-09 laurent Name error in LPC target fixed
2009-12-08 laurent Replacing target_Makefile by target_LPC