23 months ago Edouard Tisserant IDE: fixed/remove checks wxPython versions python3
2022-10-28 GP Orcullo removed Python2 modules python3
2022-10-28 GP Orcullo automated conversion using 2to3-3.9 tool python3
2022-03-29 Edouard Tisserant IDE: in case of unhandled exception, write bug report to given log file, so that test report can have it. wxPython4
2022-02-13 Edouard Tisserant IDE: Add -l or --log command line parameter to give a file where all content witten to console window will be appended. File can be /dev/stdout. wxPython4
2019-03-28 Edouard Tisserant Merged wx.NewID_abuse_fix branch
2019-03-28 Edouard Tisserant More wx.NewID abuse removal. This time was cleaned. wx.NewID_abuse_fix
2019-03-26 Edouard Tisserant Intermediate merge of wx.NewID_abuse_fix branch but kept debug code in the branch. This is still work in progress, banch is NOT closed.
2019-03-26 Edouard Tisserant Instrument IDE code to find code abusing wx.NewId. wx.NewID_abuse_fix
2018-10-10 Andrey Skvortsov python3 support: pylint, W1606 # (execfile-builtin) execfile built-in referenced
2018-03-29 Edouard Tisserant PEP-8...
2018-03-29 Edouard Tisserant Fixed bug that was creating many frames at starup on Windows
2018-03-01 Edouard Tisserant Prevent catching exception if exception handling was not enabled (or disabled by test test app).
2018-02-20 Edouard Tisserant PEP8 and PyLint conformance: whitespaces and stuff
2018-02-19 Edouard Tisserant Hook Beremiz Launcher AppStart to AdvancedSplash OnPaint event in order to ensure image is beeing displayed before loading.
2018-02-16 Edouard Tisserant Fixed Exception dialog disapearing after a view second when exception occurs during app startup.
2018-02-16 Edouard Tisserant Prevent compiling XSLT on each call of GetInstanceList. To be continued. More optimization needed here. 100x would be fine...
2018-02-05 Edouard Tisserant Launcher : add a debug attribute, instead of BMZ_DBG, so that customization can use it.
2018-02-02 Edouard Tisserant More changes in Launcher. Modules to be loaded in the background are given in a list, and assigned as object attributes. Also splitted CreateUI into CloseSplashScreen and CreatueUI.
2018-02-02 Edouard Tisserant Launcher: ShowUI call moves from preStart to start. ShowUI() split into CreateUI() and ShowUI(). Start()'s arguments are passed to CreateUI()
2018-02-02 Edouard Tisserant Launcher: allows customizations to specify what globals passed to extensions
2018-01-31 Edouard Tisserant Better have globals passed to python extensions (-e) than locals.
2018-01-31 Edouard Tisserant launcher : move call to ShowSplashScreen and BackgroundInitialization to PreStart()
2017-10-25 Andrey Skvortsov fix pylint py3k conversion warning: "(no-absolute-import) import missing `from __future__ import absolute_import`"
2017-10-17 Andrey Skvortsov fix displaying result of update check during Beremiz startup
2017-10-16 Andrey Skvortsov fix pylint error "(undefined-variable) Undefined variable 'X'"
2017-10-05 Andrey Skvortsov explicitly mark unused variables found by pylint with _ or dummy
2017-09-28 Andrey Skvortsov fix (old-style-class) Old-style class defined error for most parts of
2017-09-22 Andrey Skvortsov fix usage of python2-only print statement
2017-09-15 Andrey Skvortsov remove builtin BMZ_DBG. It's not used.
2017-09-12 Andrey Skvortsov add couple Beremiz application tests
2017-08-25 Andrey Skvortsov unify exception handling of Beremiz and PLCOpenEditor
2017-08-25 Andrey Skvortsov don't check any particular wx version
2017-08-19 Andrey Skvortsov clean-up: fix PEP8 E722 do not use bare except'
2017-08-16 Andrey Skvortsov clean-up: fix PEP8 E703 statement ends with a semicolon
2017-08-16 Andrey Skvortsov clean-up: fix PEP8 E305 expected 2 blank lines after class or function definition
2017-08-15 Andrey Skvortsov clean-up: fix PEP8 E303 too many blank lines
2017-08-15 Andrey Skvortsov clean-up: fix PEP8 E231 missing whitespace after ':' or ','
2017-08-15 Andrey Skvortsov clean-up: fix PEP8 E203 whitespace before ':' and whitespace before ','
2017-08-14 Andrey Skvortsov clean-up: fix PEP8 E302 expected 2 blank lines, found 1
2017-08-14 Andrey Skvortsov clean-up: fix some PEP8 E228 missing whitespace around modulo operator
2017-08-14 Andrey Skvortsov clean-up: fix PEP8 E401 multiple imports on one line
2017-08-14 Andrey Skvortsov clean-up for PEP8: fix W291 trailing whitespace
2017-04-20 Andrey Skvortsov make run Beremiz and PLCOpen Editor, if full path contain non-lating
2017-03-27 Andrey Skvortsov make command line help message for Beremiz more verbose
2017-03-10 Andrey Skvortsov rename to
2017-03-10 Andrey Skvortsov wrap Beremiz startup code into separate launcher class
2017-03-09 Andrey Skvortsov add hotkeys to open recent projects
2017-01-27 Surkov Sergey fix exception handling
2017-01-27 Surkov Sergey change directory for saving Beremiz bug reports from current working directory to TEMP directory.
2017-01-16 Edouard Tisserant 7BB06627 fix a side effect of 95ecb26fdc4e
2017-01-11 Surkov Sergey clean search result panel after open another project
2016-12-13 Sergey Surkov fix bug with recent projects menu, remove path to the project from menu, if project directory doesn't exist
2016-12-13 Sergey Surkov fix bug with empty directories in recent projects menu
2016-12-12 Sergey Surkov fix list of recent projects in File menu, add path to current project after Save As
2016-12-07 Andrey Skvortsov add internatialization support for
2016-11-29 Andrey Skvortsov add internatialization support to startup messages during checking software updates
2016-11-28 Andrey Skvortsov change bug report address for PLCOpenEditor to
2016-11-22 Andrey Skvortsov add progress bar to status bar
2016-11-19 ctbenergy fix inconsistent whitespace