2016-12-01 Sergey Surkov remove clear and reset execution order buttons in popup menu in SFC and LD viewers.
2016-12-01 Sergey Surkov make only correct blocks(by IEC 61131-3 standard) available in wire popup menu in SFC Viewer
2016-11-28 Andrey Skvortsov fix translation strings with multiple parameters
2016-11-24 Andrey Skvortsov add localization to time strings in DebugVariablePanel and to dialog shown after variable drag'n'drop
2016-11-18 Andrey Skvortsov fix license notices in source files and license files under GPLv2+
2016-11-17 Sergey Surkov now only correct chart can be created in SFC Viewer
2016-10-28 Sergey Surkov fix major bugs in Find and Search in Project functionality.
2016-10-18 Sergey Surkov Fix bug with two or more wires connected to one input. Now only one wire can be connected to one input, except BOOLean signals in LD and SFC. If user trying to connect wire with already connected input, wire highlight will become red.
2016-04-21 Andrey Skvortsov fix deprecation warnings about accessing properties m_x, m_y of wxKeyEvent
2016-04-18 Andrey Skvortsov fix issue, then it wasn't possible to view FBD programs
2015-01-18 Edouard Tisserant more minor cleanup
2014-06-11 Edouard Tisserant Added a variable name text entry dialog to allow name change on drag'n'drops
2014-05-12 Edouard Tisserant Added 'NamedConstant' drag'n'drop in programs. It does create a simple variable with initial value and is usefull for drag'n'drop constants from extensions while keeping a name associated with constant
2013-12-05 Laurent Bessard Fixed bug with edge and storage parameters in contact and coil not loaded in file saved with older version
2013-11-20 Laurent Bessard Fixed bug when debugging wire connected to output connector with modifiers even if connector/continuation is used to replace long wires
2013-10-14 Laurent Bessard Fixed refresh speed so that interface is not blocked when debugging
2013-10-14 Laurent Bessard Added new debug process separating non-wx thread extracting debug values from connector and 10 Hz wx timer refreshing Beremiz debug Viewers and communicating throw double-buffering, to avoid segmentation faults and optimize CPU usage
2013-10-09 Laurent Bessard Fixed pou variables information loading stylesheet
2013-10-03 Laurent Bessard Fixed various latency issues removing unnecessary calls
2013-10-01 Laurent Bessard Replaced old graphic viewer blocks loading process by xslt stylesheet
2013-09-29 Laurent Bessard Fixed bug when loading graphic pou connection between blocks and no points for drawing wire are defined
2013-09-27 Laurent Bessard Added support for speed-up loading of graphic POU tabs
2013-08-28 Laurent Bessard Fixed diagram editing in xmlclass refactoring
2013-08-28 Laurent Bessard Fixed bug when adding a block in Viewer
2013-07-04 Laurent Bessard Fix refresh bug when scrolling Viewer while dragging graphic element or rubberband
2013-06-17 Laurent Bessard Added support for replacing a wire by two connections
2013-06-14 Laurent Bessard Fixed bug when adding block into Viewer and added wire validity after adding block with wire drop support
2013-06-14 Laurent Bessard Added support for adding graphic element when dropping wire in midair
2013-06-12 Laurent Bessard Rewrite SFCTransitionDialog
2013-06-12 Laurent Bessard Rewrite SFCDivergenceDialog
2013-06-12 Laurent Bessard Rewrite SFCStepDialog and factorize code for creating common dialog sizers
2013-06-12 Laurent Bessard Rewrite LDPowerRailDialog
2013-06-11 Laurent Bessard Fixed bug FBD variable execution not set when newly created
2013-06-11 Laurent Bessard Fixed bug in newly rewritten dialogs
2013-06-11 Laurent Bessard Rewrite LDElementDialog
2013-06-11 Laurent Bessard Rewrite ConnectionDialog
2013-06-11 Laurent Bessard Rewrite FBDVariableDialog
2013-06-09 Laurent Bessard Added support for default function block name in FBDBlockDialog
2013-06-06 Laurent Bessard Fixed bugs in refresh of PouInstanceVariablesPanel
2013-06-05 Laurent Bessard Fixed typo in Viewer
2013-06-05 Laurent Bessard Fixed ToolTip in Viewer
2013-06-05 Laurent Bessard Fixed lag when selecting all elements using CTRL+A or after paste a lot of blocks
2013-06-05 Laurent Bessard Fixed removing display of wire point in debug Viewer
2013-06-05 Laurent Bessard Fixed lag when moving mouse over Viewer
2013-06-02 Laurent Bessard Fixed support for drawing instance path at a fixed position in Viewer debug mode on Windows
2013-05-31 Laurent Bessard Fixed bug Viewer not refreshed when debugging
2013-05-31 Laurent Bessard Fixed support for drawing instance path at a fixed position in Viewer debug mode on Windows
2013-05-31 Laurent Bessard Added support for drawing instance path at a fixed position in Viewer debug mode
2013-05-31 Laurent Bessard Fixed bug Viewer not refreshed when debugging
2013-05-27 Laurent Bessard Moved and rewrote DebugViewer and DebusDataConsumer classes
2013-05-23 Laurent Bessard Added support for displaying ToolTip, starting drag'n drop and Double click on Block connectors when debugging
2013-05-17 Laurent Bessard Added support for displaying value of unconnected block connectors in debug
2013-05-14 Laurent Bessard Fixed bug connection disappear when removing variable from interface of an already used POU
2013-05-14 Laurent Bessard Added support for updating model when broken connection is detected in Viewer
2013-05-14 Laurent Bessard Fixed bug in loading block in Viewer when block interface has changed
2013-05-13 Laurent Bessard Fixed loading of Blocks in Viewer when block interface have changed
2013-05-12 Laurent Bessard Fixed bug on biggest Viewer zoom factor preventing them to be used on Windows
2013-05-12 Laurent Bessard Adding support for using current selected variable for generate newly added variable informations in VariablePanel
2013-05-02 Laurent Bessard Fixed bug when transferring program and a output located variable is forced
2013-04-25 Laurent Bessard Fixed refresh bugs when drag'n dropping of group of elements