3 months ago Edouard Tisserant IDE: more wxPython4 related fixes. AUI Update crash on exit + PLCOpenEditor Save exception.
3 months ago Edouard Tisserant PLCOpen editor: fix exception when using file open dialog
3 months ago Edouard Tisserant IDE: Fix PLCOpenEditor (wxPython4 menus) and drop broken PDF doc support.
12 months ago Edouard Tisserant IDE: display contents of revisions.txt (put there by installer builder script) in About Dialog.
23 months ago Edouard Tisserant IDE: fixed/remove checks wxPython versions python3
2022-10-28 GP Orcullo Update to wx.NewIdRef() python3
2022-10-28 GP Orcullo automated conversion using 2to3-3.9 tool python3
2022-07-29 Edouard Tisserant IDE: fix About dialog not showing (wxPython4 sequel), update copyright section. wxPython4
2021-05-24 Edouard Tisserant Finished fixing Wx IDs abuse. There was still some wasted IDs because of wx.NewId calls in many places where it wasn't needed, and those IDs were not re-used. As a consequence Beremiz was making exception crashing after a few hours of intensive use.
2019-03-15 Schlumpf Create a "Generate Program As..." menu to make the "Generate Program" toolbutton even more useful. generate-button
2019-03-15 Schlumpf Add "Generate Program" to toolbar in PLCOpenEditor standalone mode. generate-button
2019-01-07 Schlumpf Fix an exception on wx-3.0-gtk3 in PLCOpenEditor when generating ST files. wx3-fix
2018-06-07 Andrey Skvortsov Drop support for wxPython 2.6 and below
2017-10-25 Andrey Skvortsov fix pylint py3k conversion warning: "(no-absolute-import) import missing `from __future__ import absolute_import`"
2017-10-16 Andrey Skvortsov fix pylint error "(undefined-variable) Undefined variable 'X'"
2017-10-06 Andrey Skvortsov fix pylint warning '(unused-import), Unused import connectors'
2017-10-05 Andrey Skvortsov explicitly mark unused variables found by pylint with _ or dummy
2017-09-28 Andrey Skvortsov fix ungrouped imports from package X
2017-09-28 Andrey Skvortsov fix wrong-import-order. first standard modules are imported, then others
2017-09-22 Andrey Skvortsov fix usage of python2-only print statement
2017-09-16 Andrey Skvortsov add application name for PLCOpenEditor
2017-09-15 Andrey Skvortsov rewrite PLCOpenEditor. Add PLCOpenEditorApp class for easier customizations.
2017-08-25 Andrey Skvortsov unify exception handling of Beremiz and PLCOpenEditor
2017-08-25 Andrey Skvortsov fix problem running PLCOpenEditor
2017-08-21 Andrey Skvortsov clean-up: fix PEP8 E402 module level import not at top of file
2017-08-21 Andrey Skvortsov clean-up: fix PEP8 E265 block comment should start with '# '
2017-08-19 Andrey Skvortsov clean-up: fix PEP8 E266 too many leading '#' for block comment
2017-08-18 Andrey Skvortsov clean-up: fix PEP8 E124 closing bracket does not match visual indentation
2017-08-18 Andrey Skvortsov clean-up: fix PEP8 E128 continuation line under-indented for visual indent
2017-08-17 Andrey Skvortsov clean-up: fix PEP8 E731 do not assign a lambda expression, use a def
2017-08-17 Andrey Skvortsov clean-up: fix PEP8 E262 inline comment should start with '# '
2017-08-16 Andrey Skvortsov clean-up: fix PEP8 E305 expected 2 blank lines after class or function definition
2017-08-16 Andrey Skvortsov clean-up: fix PEP8 E227 missing whitespace around bitwise or shift operator
2017-08-15 Andrey Skvortsov clean-up: fix PEP8 E251 unexpected spaces around keyword / parameter equals
2017-08-15 Andrey Skvortsov clean-up: fix PEP8 E225 missing whitespace around operator
2017-08-15 Andrey Skvortsov clean-up: fix PEP8 E303 too many blank lines
2017-08-15 Andrey Skvortsov clean-up: fix PEP8 E231 missing whitespace after ':' or ','
2017-08-15 Andrey Skvortsov clean-up: fix PEP8 E203 whitespace before ':' and whitespace before ','
2017-08-14 Andrey Skvortsov clean-up: fix PEP8 E261 at least two spaces before inline comment
2017-08-14 Andrey Skvortsov clean-up: fix PEP8 E302 expected 2 blank lines, found 1
2017-08-14 Andrey Skvortsov clean-up: fix some PEP8 E228 missing whitespace around modulo operator
2017-08-14 Andrey Skvortsov clean-up: fix PEP8 E401 multiple imports on one line
2017-08-14 Andrey Skvortsov clean-up for PEP8: fix W291 trailing whitespace
2017-07-14 Andrey Skvortsov change structure of filename for bug reports in Beremiz and
2017-06-06 Andrey Skvortsov add information about community support channel to Beremiz and PLCOpenEditor
2017-04-20 Andrey Skvortsov make run Beremiz and PLCOpen Editor, if full path contain non-lating
2016-11-28 Andrey Skvortsov fix translation strings with multiple parameters
2016-11-28 Andrey Skvortsov change bug report address for PLCOpenEditor to
2016-11-18 Andrey Skvortsov fix license notices in source files and license files under GPLv2+
2016-11-17 Andrey Skvortsov make about dialog boxes use standard wx about dialogs
2016-11-01 Andrey Skvortsov add version with commit hash to 'About' dialogs for Beremiz IDE and PLCOpenEditor
2016-09-13 Andrey Skvortsov fix issues in PLCOpenEditor with moving from wxWidgets 2.8 to 3.0
2016-04-21 Andrey Skvortsov add translation into Russian for dialog window "About PLCOpen Editor"
2015-02-25 Edouard Tisserant Added Ronan Bignaux (genesis) patch to use wxversion. Fixed side effects with sys.path. Other cosmetic fixes about path included.
2014-01-26 Edouard Tisserant Factorized bitmap and i18n resources loading in between PLCopenEditor and Beremiz. Now in utils/
2013-09-27 Laurent Bessard Added support for loading XML file even if not following XSD schema (but still following XML syntax), warning user of errors in XML file
2013-09-10 Laurent Bessard Fixed bug when printing program generating errors and warnings in PLCOpenEditor
2013-08-29 Laurent Bessard Fixed bug no contextual menu displayed in left panel tree when creating new project
2013-04-14 Laurent Bessard Fix bug when creating New project in PLCOpenEditor
2013-03-14 Laurent Bessard Completely removed restore perspective and project layout process