2017-10-25 Andrey Skvortsov fix pylint py3k conversion warning: "(no-absolute-import) import missing `from __future__ import absolute_import`"
2017-10-06 Andrey Skvortsov fix pylint warning '(unused-import), Unused import connectors'
2017-09-29 Andrey Skvortsov fix pylint warning '(pointless-string-statement) String statement has no effect'
2017-09-13 Andrey Skvortsov fix LINT and ULINT ranges
2017-09-12 Andrey Skvortsov fix max value for UDINT and ULINT types
2017-08-21 Andrey Skvortsov clean-up: fix PEP8 E265 block comment should start with '# '
2017-08-17 Andrey Skvortsov clean-up: fix PEP8 E731 do not assign a lambda expression, use a def
2017-08-16 Andrey Skvortsov clean-up: fix PEP8 E305 expected 2 blank lines after class or function definition
2017-08-15 Andrey Skvortsov clean-up: fix PEP8 E231 missing whitespace after ':' or ','
2017-08-15 Andrey Skvortsov clean-up: fix PEP8 E203 whitespace before ':' and whitespace before ','
2017-08-14 Andrey Skvortsov clean-up: fix PEP8 E302 expected 2 blank lines, found 1
2017-04-20 Andrey Skvortsov make run Beremiz and PLCOpen Editor, if full path contain non-lating
2017-01-11 Andrey Skvortsov use translatable descriptions for stadard and additional IEC function
2016-05-06 Andrey Skvortsov add copyright notices to python files where there were missing, that
2014-05-30 Edouard Tisserant Added plcopen.definitions.DefaultType, set to INT.
2014-05-28 Edouard Tisserant Fixed POU paste exception
2014-01-28 Edouard Tisserant Tidy PLCopen definitions