2022-10-28 GP Orcullo automated conversion using 2to3-3.9 tool python3
2020-07-13 Edouard Tisserant Python Runtime: order of execution of extension's init() and cleanup() now reflects order of appearance of extensions in configuration tree.
2019-11-25 Edouard Tisserant Etherlab : Merged 2014-2018 changes from jblee and others
2019-11-20 Edouard Tisserant EtherCat master plugin : commit changes recovered from KOSMOS 2018 installer, unkown author(s). ethercat_from_kosmos
2018-10-03 Andrey Skvortsov cleanup etherlab: pylint, W0602 (global-variable-not-assigned) Using global for 'X' but no assignment is done
2018-09-29 Andrey Skvortsov clean etherlab: pylint, C0330 # (bad-continuation) Wrong hanging indentation before block
2018-09-29 Andrey Skvortsov clean etherlab: pylint, W1618 # (no-absolute-import) import missing `from __future__ import absolute_import`
2018-09-29 Andrey Skvortsov clean etherlab: pylint,E0602 # (undefined-variable) Undefined variable 'X'
2018-09-29 Andrey Skvortsov clean etherlab: pylint, E0611 # (no-name-in-module) No name 'X' in module 'Y'
2018-09-29 Andrey Skvortsov clean etherlab: pylint, W0611 # (unused-import) Unused import X
2018-09-29 Andrey Skvortsov clean etherlab: pylint, W0404 # reimported module
2018-09-29 Andrey Skvortsov clean etherlab: pep8, E203 whitespace before ','
2018-09-29 Andrey Skvortsov clean etherlab: pep8, E741 ambiguous variable name 'l'
2018-09-28 Andrey Skvortsov cleanup etherlab: pep8, E305 expected 2 blank lines after class or function definition, found X
2018-09-28 Andrey Skvortsov cleanup etherlab: pep8, E251 unexpected spaces around keyword / parameter equals
2018-09-28 Andrey Skvortsov cleanup etherlab: pep8, E225 missing whitespace around operator
2018-09-28 Andrey Skvortsov cleanup etherlab: pep8, E231 missing whitespace after ','
2018-09-28 Andrey Skvortsov cleanup etherlab: pep8, E302 expected 2 blank lines, found 1
2018-09-28 Andrey Skvortsov cleanup etherlab: pep8, E228 missing whitespace around modulo operator
2018-09-28 Andrey Skvortsov cleanup etherlab: pep8, E401 multiple imports on one line
2018-09-28 Andrey Skvortsov cleanup etherlab: pep8, W291 trailing whitespace
2018-09-28 Andrey Skvortsov cleanup etherlab: pep8, E722 do not use bare except
2013-04-22 Laurent Bessard Added support for stopping SDOThreadProc when stopping PLC
2013-04-05 Edouard Tisserant Better logging, saffer failure at init (allows restart)
2013-04-05 Edouard Tisserant Added error logging when SDO FB fails
2013-04-04 Edouard Tisserant Added logging based on collecting Kernel logs
2012-10-25 Laurent Bessard Adding block library for SDO download and SDO upload