2012-08-09 laurent Fix bug segmentation fault while cleanup extensions
2012-07-29 laurent Fix bug debugger unable to restart after stopping PLC
2012-05-20 Edouard Tisserant Moved LPC sources to a separate project
2012-05-07 Edouard Tisserant refactoring
2012-03-11 laurent Adding support for executing python scripts on remote runtime
2012-02-16 Edouard Tisserant Added a semaphore when starting runtime's python thread to make sure startPLC doesn't return before PLC is really initialized.
2011-09-22 Edouard Tisserant added return type to suspendDebug
2011-04-01 edouard fixed typo in latest debugger changes
2011-03-31 Edouard Tisserant Initial TIME support in debugger
2009-12-11 edouard Fixed debug again, did some code tidying
2009-12-09 edouard fixed greg's crap in win32, enhanced debug stability, implemented preliminary retain
2009-12-08 laurent Bug on RegisterDebugVariable when no PLC running fixed
2009-12-07 Edouard TISSERANT Arbitrary variable forcing
2009-12-07 Edouard TISSERANT Fixed typo PLCobject C fallback interface
2009-12-06 Edouard TISSERANT Fixes in debug + reconnect to running PLC
2009-12-06 Edouard TISSERANT Now debug is not a button anymore
2009-12-06 Edouard TISSERANT Safer debug
2009-12-06 Edouard TISSERANT Safer debug unpack result checking, more verbose error message, slower retry when waiting PLC startup
2009-12-06 Edouard TISSERANT Fix debug crash
2009-12-06 ed Refactoring in PLCobject, for PLC that do not use python plugin
2009-12-02 Edouard TISSERANT Preliminary accessor support for debug
2009-12-01 ed Some cleanup in PLC status - removed that \"Starting\" state ...
2009-10-08 laurent Bug on Debug trying to start (and stop) before PLC started fixed.
2009-09-24 laurent Bug on return debug tick test fixed
2009-09-21 'Laurent Bessard Changes merged
2009-09-16 laurent Remove dirtylibs test while freeing plc libs in
2009-09-18 greg fix filename case to avoid problem on multi-platform
2009-08-10 laurent Adding support for twisted website HMI
2009-07-29 laurent Move python evaluator to create a python plugin containing any related python module
2009-07-29 laurent Bug extra_files deletion in working directory fixed
2009-07-29 laurent Bug extra_files deletion in working directory fixed
2009-07-28 laurent Adding support for internationalization
2009-05-30 greg Adding Lock around C code called by Debug thread
2009-05-28 greg fixed bug : Lock _FreePLC until _stopPLC finish
2009-05-28 greg - now call load, start, free PLC from the python Thread
2009-05-18 greg Wait the debug thread has terminated before freeing PLC to avoid random segmentation fault.
2009-05-04 greg Adding support for updating PLC status when stopping
2009-04-10 greg Fixed bug : Segmentation fault or locks when stop PLC if no CAN network.
2009-04-04 greg add utf-8 and save shortcut support in PythonST
2009-03-31 greg remove print messages
2009-03-31 greg add autostart plc feature for beremiz_service (bug fixed)
2009-03-30 greg add autostart plc feature for beremiz_service
2009-03-24 lbessard Register the current watched variable in Debug Window before starting
2009-03-23 lbessard Make '' and '' executed independantly
2009-03-06 etisserant Fixed non-wx runtime python evaluation stuff.
2009-01-19 etisserant Enhanced wxGlade GUI creation.
2009-01-17 etisserant Added support for wxglade GUIs.
2009-01-16 etisserant Enhanced the way "" is executed,
2009-01-14 etisserant Added systematic stdout.flush runtime side, so that results appear in log window
2009-01-14 etisserant Local Runtime (LOCAL://) now launched "on demand"
2009-01-04 etisserant Minor changes to get better cleanup of debug and python_eval threads, accross multiple debug sessions and PLC runs.
2008-12-30 etisserant Added "", a file that is executed in python thread in runtime, before handling python_eval FBs requests. Added small python editor taken from wxPython demo, and appropriate icon and button to launch it.
2008-12-23 etisserant Added native (not a plugin) asynchronous python eval function block - Beta. Code cleanup in C code templates.
2008-11-04 greg add a TaskBarIcon to configure beremiz_service and display plc states (started, stopped)
2008-09-05 etisserant Fixed bad IPC choice for debugger/PLC/control thread collaboration
2008-09-04 etisserant Debugger now reports BOOL as booleans
2008-09-04 etisserant Some scenario may block debugger.
2008-09-03 etisserant Improved debug data feedback.
2008-08-28 greg add tests for win32
2008-08-28 etisserant - Some improovements in debug data feedback data