2013-03-15 Edouard Tisserant Re-organized C code templates for plc_main. Moved logging out of plc_debug. Factorized redundant _common_ticktime external declaration
2013-03-04 Edouard Tisserant Made logging compatible with windows API
2012-03-31 laurent Fixing bug in debugger sending wrong tick with values
2012-02-15 Edouard Tisserant Fixed Win32 timer up to 1ms
2012-02-14 Edouard Tisserant commented out noisy printf in Win32 target
2011-09-22 Edouard Tisserant added return type to suspendDebug
2011-03-16 edouard More robust retain buffer validity management
2011-02-01 edouard Moved locales out of platform agnostic C template
2009-12-15 edouard LPC transfer tested, added PLCInfo along MD5 checksum while invoking makefile
2009-12-15 edouard Fixed confusion about __common_ticktime type, redesigned LPC PLC timer support
2009-12-09 Lolitech Fixed freeze on debug suspend.
2009-12-09 edouard fixed greg's crap in win32, enhanced debug stability, implemented preliminary retain
2009-12-07 edouard Propagated new runtime changes to win32 target
2009-12-01 ed Some cleanup in PLC status - removed that \"Starting\" state ...
2009-09-21 laurent Adding support for forcing tick count to return to zero as the same time than all tasks firing are synchronized
2009-03-30 greg add autostart plc feature for beremiz_service
2009-01-14 etisserant Local Runtime (LOCAL://) now launched "on demand"
2008-12-23 etisserant Added native (not a plugin) asynchronous python eval function block - Beta. Code cleanup in C code templates.
2008-12-15 greg fixed : MAX_SEM_COUNT to 1 instead of 10
2008-09-07 greg add __DEBUG variable
2008-09-07 greg fixed : bug in debugthreadproc (
2008-08-28 greg add tests for win32
2008-08-20 greg move specific target runtimes to their targets directory