Add OPC-UA simple synchronous client extension.
This extension uses python-opcua to growse server nodes, and generates runtime C code that use open62541.
- python-opcua must be available in python path (i.e. "import opcua" must succeed). Can be installed from pypi with "python2 -m pip install opcua --user" .
- at build time, open62541 is expected to be build in "open62541" directory, aside "beremiz" directory.
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# See COPYING file for copyrights details.
from __future__ import absolute_import
from itertools import repeat, islice, chain
from connectors.SchemeEditor import SchemeEditor
Schemes = ["WAMP", "WAMPS"]
model = [('host', _("Host:")),
('path', _("Path:")),
('port', _("Port:")),
('realm', _("Realm:"))]
class WAMP_dialog(SchemeEditor):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
self.model = model
self.EnableIDSelector = True
SchemeEditor.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
# pylint: disable=unused-variable
def SetLoc(self, loc):
hostportpath, realm, ID = list(islice(chain(loc.split("#"), repeat("")), 3))
hostport, path = list(islice(chain(hostportpath.split("/"), repeat("")), 2))
host, port = list(islice(chain(hostport.split(":"), repeat("")), 2))
def GetLoc(self):
fields = self.GetFields()
# TODO : input validation test
template = "{host}" + \
(":{port}" if fields['port'] else '') +\
("/{path}" if fields['path'] else '') +\
return template.format(**fields)