author Edouard Tisserant <>
Tue, 02 Mar 2021 09:42:50 +0100
changeset 3173 f85ecfa0916c
parent 1950 752ec68da94d
permissions -rw-r--r--
IDE: Process Logging : Add annotation in log so that user can see build is still alive and how long external process takes.
include yslt_noindent.yml2
istylesheet xmlns:ppx=""
            exclude-result-prefixes="ns" {
    param "instance_path";
    variable "project", "ns:GetProject()";
    variable "stdlib", "ns:GetStdLibs()";

    variable "extensions", "ns:GetExtensions()";

    variable "all_types", "($project | $stdlib | $extensions)/ppx:types";
    function "element_name" {
        param "path";
        choose {
            when "contains($path,'.')" > «substring-before($path,'.')»
            otherwise > «$path»
    function "next_path" {
        param "path";
        choose {
            when "contains($path,'.')" > «substring-after($path,'.')»
    template "ppx:project" {
        variable "config_name" {
            call "element_name" {
                with "path", "$instance_path";
        apply "ppx:instances/ppx:configurations/ppx:configuration[@name=$config_name]" {
            with "element_path" {
                call "next_path" {
                    with "path", "$instance_path";
    template "ppx:configuration" {
        param "element_path";
        choose {
            when "$element_path!=''" {
                variable "child_name" {
                    call "element_name" {
                        with "path", "$element_path";
                apply "ppx:resource[@name=$child_name] | ppx:globalVars/ppx:variable[@name=$child_name]/ppx:type/*[self::ppx:derived or self::ppx:struct or self::ppx:array]" {
                    with "element_path" {
                        call "next_path" {
                            with "path", "$element_path";
            otherwise {
                value "ns:ConfigTagName(@name)";
    template "ppx:resource" {
        param "element_path";
        choose {
            when "$element_path!=''" {
                variable "child_name" {
                    call "element_name" {
                        with "path" > «$element_path»
                apply "ppx:pouInstance[@name=$child_name] | ppx:task/ppx:pouInstance[@name=$child_name] | ppx:globalVars/ppx:variable[@name=$child_name]/ppx:type/*[self::ppx:derived or self::ppx:struct or self::ppx:array]" {
                    with "element_path" {
                        call "next_path" {
                            with "path", "$element_path";
            otherwise {
                value "ns:ResourceTagName(ancestor::ppx:configuration/@name, @name)";
    template "ppx:pouInstance" {
        param "element_path";
        variable "type_name" > «@typeName»
        apply """$all_types/ppx:pous/ppx:pou[@name=$type_name] | \
                 $all_types/ppx:dataTypes/ppx:dataType[@name=$type_name]""" {
            with "element_path", "$element_path";
    template "ppx:pou" {
        param "element_path";
        choose {
            when "$element_path!=''" {
                variable "child_name" {
                    call "element_name" {
                        with "path", "$element_path";
                apply "ppx:interface/*/ppx:variable[@name=$child_name]/ppx:type/*[self::ppx:derived or self::ppx:struct or self::ppx:array]" {
                    with "element_path" {
                        call "next_path" {
                            with "path", "$element_path";
                apply "ppx:actions/ppx:action[@name=$child_name] | ppx:transitions/ppx:transition[@name=$child_name]";
            otherwise {
                variable "name" > «@name»
                value "ns:PouTagName($name)";
    template "ppx:action" {
        value "ns:ActionTagName(ancestor::ppx:pou/@name, @name)";
    template "ppx:transition" {
        value "ns:TransitionTagName(ancestor::ppx:pou/@name, @name)";
    template "ppx:dataType" {
        param "element_path";
        apply "ppx:baseType/*[self::ppx:derived or self::ppx:struct or self::ppx:array]" {
            with "element_path", "$element_path";
    template "ppx:derived" {
        param "element_path";
        variable "type_name" > «@name»
        apply """$all_types/ppx:pous/ppx:pou[@name=$type_name] | \
                 $all_types/ppx:dataTypes/ppx:dataType[@name=$type_name]""" {
            with "element_path", "$element_path";
    template "ppx:array" {
        param "element_path";
        apply "ppx:baseType/*[self::ppx:derived or self::ppx:struct or self::ppx:array]" {
            with "element_path", "$element_path";
    template "ppx:struct" {
        param "element_path";
        variable "child_name" {
            call "element_name" {
                with "path", "$element_path";
        apply "ppx:variable[@name=$child_name]/ppx:type/*[self::ppx:derived or self::ppx:struct or self::ppx:array]" {
            with "element_path" {
                call "next_path" {
                    with "path", "$element_path";