Fix problem with decreasing size of StatusToolBar when tools are removed from toolbar.
StatusToolBar - toolbar with tool to build, clear, connect, ...
This problem appears only in python-wxgtk3.0. In python-wxgtk2.8 there
was not such problem.
If call StatusToolBar.SetMinSize(wx.DefaultSize), all is working, but
following warning message appears:
( Gtk-WARNING **: 18:42:24.115: Negative content
width -6 (allocation 1, extents 4x3) while allocating gadget (node
toolbar, owner GtkToolbar)
To avoid that StatusToolBar.GetToolBitmapSize() is used instead of wx.DefaultSize
IEC 61131-3
IEC-61131 is a normative document provided by the standards organization IEC
(International Electrotechnical Commission) and describing a standard for
implementing programmable controllers.
The part 3 of this document (commonly named IEC 61131-3) specifies syntax and
semantics for programming language for programmable controllers. Beremiz
implements all the languages described in this document.
PLCopen TC6
PLCopen is a vendor- and product-independent worldwide association defining
international standards for various topics related to control programming.
For this purpose, PLCopen has 6 technical committees.
The goal of the sixth committee (TC6) is to define a standard file format,
based on XML, for exchanging programmables controllers programmed using
IEC 61131-3 languages. Beremiz uses this file format for saving the PLC
programs of projects.