Add "Generate Program" to toolbar in PLCOpenEditor standalone mode.
Currently you can find the "Generate Program" action only in the file menu,
but this action is very often used in standalone mode, so I added toolbuffon.
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import print_function
import socket
import re
import sslpsk
import ssl
import Pyro
from Pyro.core import PyroURI
from Pyro.protocol import _connect_socket, TCPConnection, PYROAdapter
from Pyro.errors import ConnectionDeniedError, ProtocolError
from Pyro.util import Log
# The TLS-PSK adapter that handles SSL connections instead of regular sockets,
# but using Pre Shared Keys instead of Certificates
class PYROPSKAdapter(PYROAdapter):
# This is essentialy the same as in Pyro/
# only raw_sock wrapping into sock through sslpsk.wrap_socket was added
# Pyro unfortunately doesn't allow cleaner customization
def bindToURI(self, URI):
with self.lock: # only 1 thread at a time can bind the URI
self.URI = URI
# This are the statements that differ from Pyro/
raw_sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
_connect_socket(raw_sock, URI.address, URI.port, self.timeout)
sock = sslpsk.wrap_socket(
raw_sock, psk=Pyro.config.PYROPSK, server_side=False,
ciphers="PSK-AES256-CBC-SHA", # available in openssl 1.0.2
# all the rest is the same as in Pyro/
conn = TCPConnection(sock, sock.getpeername())
# receive the authentication challenge string, and use that to build the actual identification string.
authChallenge = self.recvAuthChallenge(conn)
except ProtocolError, x:
# check if we were denied
if hasattr(x, "partialMsg") and x.partialMsg[:len(self.denyMSG)] == self.denyMSG:
raise ConnectionDeniedError(Pyro.constants.deniedReasons[int(x.partialMsg[-1])])
# reply with our ident token, generated from the ident passphrase and the challenge
msg = self._sendConnect(sock, self.newConnValidator.createAuthToken(self.ident, authChallenge, conn.addr, self.URI, None))
if msg == self.acceptMSG:
self.conn = conn
self.conn.connected = 1
Log.msg('PYROAdapter', 'connected to', str(URI))
if URI.protocol == 'PYROLOCPSK':
self.resolvePYROLOC_URI("PYROPSK") # updates self.URI
elif msg[:len(self.denyMSG)] == self.denyMSG:
raise ConnectionDeniedError(Pyro.constants.deniedReasons[int(msg[-1])])
except (KeyError, ValueError):
raise ConnectionDeniedError('invalid response')
except socket.error:
Log.msg('PYROAdapter', 'connection failed to URI', str(URI))
raise ProtocolError('connection failed')
_getProtocolAdapter = Pyro.protocol.getProtocolAdapter
def getProtocolAdapter(protocol):
if protocol in ('PYROPSK', 'PYROLOCPSK'):
return PYROPSKAdapter()
return _getProtocolAdapter(protocol)
Pyro.protocol.getProtocolAdapter = getProtocolAdapter
_processStringURI = Pyro.core.processStringURI
def processStringURI(URI):
x = re.match(r'(?P<protocol>PYROLOCPSK)://(?P<hostname>[^\s:]+):?(?P<port>\d+)?/(?P<name>\S*)', URI)
if x:
protocol ='protocol')
hostname ='hostname')
port ='port')
if port:
port = int(port)
port = 0
name ='name')
return PyroURI(hostname, name, port, protocol)
return _processStringURI(URI)
Pyro.core.processStringURI = processStringURI