Added PurgePLC() method to PLCObject, to be invoked when PLC Status is broken. It clears PLC shared object an extra files and force status to Empty. Added correponding Repair button to toolbar, visible only when PLC status is broken.
# the platform name (PyV8, smjs, Mozilla, IE6, Opera, Safari etc.)
platform = '' # to be updated by app, on compile
# a dictionary of module override names (platform-specific)
overrides = {} # to be updated by app, on compile
# the remote path for loading modules
loadpath = None
stacktrace = None
appname = None
def setloadpath(lp):
global loadpath
loadpath = lp
def setappname(an):
global appname
appname = an
def getloadpath():
return loadpath
def addoverride(module_name, path):
overrides[module_name] = path
def addstack(linedebug):
if (pyjslib.bool((sys.stacktrace === null))) {
sys.stacktrace = new pyjslib.List([]);
def popstack():
def printstack():
var res = '';
var __l = sys.stacktrace.__iter__();
try {
while (true) {
var l =;
res += ( l + '\\n' ) ;
} catch (e) {
if (e != pyjslib.StopIteration) {
throw e;
return res;