SVGHMI: detachable and discardable elements sets, Reworked geometric intersection, toward more accurate page content detection.
Moved page's widget/element dependency crawling functions so that it is possible to compute a global detachable and discardable elements sets.
Reworked geometric intersection detection logic to distinguish ovelapping and inclusion.
Goal is to include englobing and overlapping graphical elements, but not groups (would then include everything around...). Intermediate commit, to be continued.
#ifndef _BEREMIZ_H_
#define _BEREMIZ_H_
/* Beremiz' header file for use by extensions */
#include "iec_types.h"
#define LOG_LEVELS 4
#define LOG_CRITICAL 0
#define LOG_WARNING 1
#define LOG_INFO 2
#define LOG_DEBUG 3
extern unsigned long long common_ticktime__;
static inline int LogMessage(uint8_t level, char* buf, uint32_t size)
return 0;
int LogMessage(uint8_t level, char* buf, uint32_t size);
long AtomicCompareExchange(long* atomicvar,long compared, long exchange);