author Andrey Skvortsov <>
Sun, 06 Jan 2019 03:11:39 +0300
changeset 2501 eba2bbb2dd9a
parent 2499 68f4f2d4516b
child 2634 4de945ddc223
permissions -rw-r--r--
Make online debug optional

It could be useful for very small targets like Atmega (Arduino) and
for target bring-up there developer want to have running PLC program,
but has not implemented runtime communication yet.

TARGET_DEBUG_AND_RETAIN_DISABLE - completely disable debug and retain
functionality. Previously named TARGET_DEBUG_DISABLE.

TARGET_ONLINE_DEBUG_DISABLE - can be used to enable retain
functionality (no define TARGET_DEBUG_AND_RETAIN_DISABLE is used), but disable
online debug with corresponding RAM/FLASH overhead.

TARGET_LOGGING_DISABLE - disables logging functionality from runtime and PLC program

TARGET_EXT_SYNC_DISABLE - disables PLC program synchronization with
external events. For example, it could be used to synchronize several
PLCs that control motors for different axes.

By default all these options are off.

To test generate program for Generic target, put following files in
project files directory and run after generating PLC program.
This is very easy to integrate into makefile (Generic target).

[------------- --------------------------]
files=$(find $PWD/../build -iname '*.c' | grep -v POUS.c)
arm-none-eabi-gcc \
-flto -ffunction-sections -fdata-sections -I../../../../matiec/lib/C \
$files \
main.c \
-Wl,--Map=./,--cref \
-nodefaultlibs --specs=nano.specs -Wl,--static -Wl,--gc-section -Wl,--start-group -lc -lm -lnosys -lgcc -Wl,--end-group

[------------- main.c --------------------------]
void Retain(void){}
void InValidateRetainBuffer(void){}
void ValidateRetainBuffer(void){}

extern void __run(void);
int main(void)
for(;;) {
// sleep common_ticktime__ ns
// add common_ticktime__ ns to __CURRENT_TIME
return 0;
  This file is part of Beremiz, a Integrated Development Environment for
  programming IEC 61131-3 automates supporting plcopen standard and CanFestival.

  See COPYING.runtime

  Copyright (C) 2018: Sergey Surkov <>
  Copyright (C) 2018: Andrey Skvortsov <>


#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include "iec_types.h"

int GetRetainSize(void);

/* Retain buffer.  */
FILE *retain_buffer;
const char rb_file[]      = "retain_buffer_file";
const char rb_file_bckp[] = "retain_buffer_file.bak";

/* Retain header struct.  */
struct retain_info_t {
	uint32_t retain_size;
	uint32_t hash_size;
	uint8_t* hash;
	uint32_t header_offset;
	uint32_t header_crc;

/* Init retain info structure.  */
struct retain_info_t retain_info;

/* CRC lookup table and initial state.  */
static const uint32_t crc32_table[256] = {
	0x00000000, 0x77073096, 0xEE0E612C, 0x990951BA, 0x076DC419, 0x706AF48F, 0xE963A535, 0x9E6495A3,
	0x0EDB8832, 0x79DCB8A4, 0xE0D5E91E, 0x97D2D988, 0x09B64C2B, 0x7EB17CBD, 0xE7B82D07, 0x90BF1D91,
	0x1DB71064, 0x6AB020F2, 0xF3B97148, 0x84BE41DE, 0x1ADAD47D, 0x6DDDE4EB, 0xF4D4B551, 0x83D385C7,
	0x136C9856, 0x646BA8C0, 0xFD62F97A, 0x8A65C9EC, 0x14015C4F, 0x63066CD9, 0xFA0F3D63, 0x8D080DF5,
	0x3B6E20C8, 0x4C69105E, 0xD56041E4, 0xA2677172, 0x3C03E4D1, 0x4B04D447, 0xD20D85FD, 0xA50AB56B,
	0x35B5A8FA, 0x42B2986C, 0xDBBBC9D6, 0xACBCF940, 0x32D86CE3, 0x45DF5C75, 0xDCD60DCF, 0xABD13D59,
	0x26D930AC, 0x51DE003A, 0xC8D75180, 0xBFD06116, 0x21B4F4B5, 0x56B3C423, 0xCFBA9599, 0xB8BDA50F,
	0x2802B89E, 0x5F058808, 0xC60CD9B2, 0xB10BE924, 0x2F6F7C87, 0x58684C11, 0xC1611DAB, 0xB6662D3D,
	0x76DC4190, 0x01DB7106, 0x98D220BC, 0xEFD5102A, 0x71B18589, 0x06B6B51F, 0x9FBFE4A5, 0xE8B8D433,
	0x7807C9A2, 0x0F00F934, 0x9609A88E, 0xE10E9818, 0x7F6A0DBB, 0x086D3D2D, 0x91646C97, 0xE6635C01,
	0x6B6B51F4, 0x1C6C6162, 0x856530D8, 0xF262004E, 0x6C0695ED, 0x1B01A57B, 0x8208F4C1, 0xF50FC457,
	0x65B0D9C6, 0x12B7E950, 0x8BBEB8EA, 0xFCB9887C, 0x62DD1DDF, 0x15DA2D49, 0x8CD37CF3, 0xFBD44C65,
	0x4DB26158, 0x3AB551CE, 0xA3BC0074, 0xD4BB30E2, 0x4ADFA541, 0x3DD895D7, 0xA4D1C46D, 0xD3D6F4FB,
	0x4369E96A, 0x346ED9FC, 0xAD678846, 0xDA60B8D0, 0x44042D73, 0x33031DE5, 0xAA0A4C5F, 0xDD0D7CC9,
	0x5005713C, 0x270241AA, 0xBE0B1010, 0xC90C2086, 0x5768B525, 0x206F85B3, 0xB966D409, 0xCE61E49F,
	0x5EDEF90E, 0x29D9C998, 0xB0D09822, 0xC7D7A8B4, 0x59B33D17, 0x2EB40D81, 0xB7BD5C3B, 0xC0BA6CAD,
	0xEDB88320, 0x9ABFB3B6, 0x03B6E20C, 0x74B1D29A, 0xEAD54739, 0x9DD277AF, 0x04DB2615, 0x73DC1683,
	0xE3630B12, 0x94643B84, 0x0D6D6A3E, 0x7A6A5AA8, 0xE40ECF0B, 0x9309FF9D, 0x0A00AE27, 0x7D079EB1,
	0xF00F9344, 0x8708A3D2, 0x1E01F268, 0x6906C2FE, 0xF762575D, 0x806567CB, 0x196C3671, 0x6E6B06E7,
	0xFED41B76, 0x89D32BE0, 0x10DA7A5A, 0x67DD4ACC, 0xF9B9DF6F, 0x8EBEEFF9, 0x17B7BE43, 0x60B08ED5,
	0xD6D6A3E8, 0xA1D1937E, 0x38D8C2C4, 0x4FDFF252, 0xD1BB67F1, 0xA6BC5767, 0x3FB506DD, 0x48B2364B,
	0xD80D2BDA, 0xAF0A1B4C, 0x36034AF6, 0x41047A60, 0xDF60EFC3, 0xA867DF55, 0x316E8EEF, 0x4669BE79,
	0xCB61B38C, 0xBC66831A, 0x256FD2A0, 0x5268E236, 0xCC0C7795, 0xBB0B4703, 0x220216B9, 0x5505262F,
	0xC5BA3BBE, 0xB2BD0B28, 0x2BB45A92, 0x5CB36A04, 0xC2D7FFA7, 0xB5D0CF31, 0x2CD99E8B, 0x5BDEAE1D,
	0x9B64C2B0, 0xEC63F226, 0x756AA39C, 0x026D930A, 0x9C0906A9, 0xEB0E363F, 0x72076785, 0x05005713,
	0x95BF4A82, 0xE2B87A14, 0x7BB12BAE, 0x0CB61B38, 0x92D28E9B, 0xE5D5BE0D, 0x7CDCEFB7, 0x0BDBDF21,
	0x86D3D2D4, 0xF1D4E242, 0x68DDB3F8, 0x1FDA836E, 0x81BE16CD, 0xF6B9265B, 0x6FB077E1, 0x18B74777,
	0x88085AE6, 0xFF0F6A70, 0x66063BCA, 0x11010B5C, 0x8F659EFF, 0xF862AE69, 0x616BFFD3, 0x166CCF45,
	0xA00AE278, 0xD70DD2EE, 0x4E048354, 0x3903B3C2, 0xA7672661, 0xD06016F7, 0x4969474D, 0x3E6E77DB,
	0xAED16A4A, 0xD9D65ADC, 0x40DF0B66, 0x37D83BF0, 0xA9BCAE53, 0xDEBB9EC5, 0x47B2CF7F, 0x30B5FFE9,
	0xBDBDF21C, 0xCABAC28A, 0x53B39330, 0x24B4A3A6, 0xBAD03605, 0xCDD70693, 0x54DE5729, 0x23D967BF,
	0xB3667A2E, 0xC4614AB8, 0x5D681B02, 0x2A6F2B94, 0xB40BBE37, 0xC30C8EA1, 0x5A05DF1B, 0x2D02EF8D,
uint32_t retain_crc;

/* Calculate CRC32 for len bytes from pointer buf with init starting value.  */
uint32_t GenerateCRC32Sum(const void* buf, unsigned int len, uint32_t init)
	uint32_t crc = ~init;
	unsigned char* current = (unsigned char*) buf;
	while (len--)
		crc = crc32_table[(crc ^ *current++) & 0xFF] ^ (crc >> 8);
	return ~crc;

/* Calc CRC32 for retain file byte by byte.  */
int CheckFileCRC(FILE* file_buffer)
	/* Set the magic constant for one-pass CRC calc according to ZIP CRC32.  */
	const uint32_t magic_number = 0x2144df1c;

	/* CRC initial state.  */
	uint32_t calc_crc32 = 0;
	char data_block = 0;

		if (fread(&data_block, sizeof(data_block), 1, file_buffer))
			calc_crc32 = GenerateCRC32Sum(&data_block, sizeof(char), calc_crc32);

	/* Compare crc result with a magic number.  */
	return (calc_crc32 == magic_number) ? 1 : 0;

/* Compare current hash with hash from file byte by byte.  */
int CheckFilehash(void)
	int k;
	int offset = sizeof(retain_info.retain_size);

	fseek(retain_buffer, offset , SEEK_SET);

	uint32_t size;
	fread(&size, sizeof(size), 1, retain_buffer);
	if (size != retain_info.hash_size)
		return 0;

	for(k = 0; k < retain_info.hash_size; k++){
		uint8_t file_digit;
		fread(&file_digit, sizeof(char), 1, retain_buffer);
		if (file_digit != *(retain_info.hash+k))
			return 0;

	return 1;

void InitRetain(void)
	int i;

	/* Get retain size in bytes */
	retain_info.retain_size = GetRetainSize();

	/* Hash stored in retain file as array of char in hex digits
	   (that's why we divide strlen in two).  */
	retain_info.hash_size = PLC_ID ? strlen(PLC_ID)/2 : 0;
	//retain_info.hash_size = 0;
	retain_info.hash = malloc(retain_info.hash_size);

	/* Transform hash string into byte sequence.  */
	for (i = 0; i < retain_info.hash_size; i++) {
		int byte = 0;
		sscanf((PLC_ID + i*2), "%02X", &byte);
		retain_info.hash[i] = byte;

	/* Calc header offset.  */
	retain_info.header_offset = sizeof(retain_info.retain_size) + \
		sizeof(retain_info.hash_size) + \

	/*  Set header CRC initial state.  */
	retain_info.header_crc = 0;

	/* Calc crc for header.  */
	retain_info.header_crc = GenerateCRC32Sum(

	retain_info.header_crc = GenerateCRC32Sum(

	retain_info.header_crc = GenerateCRC32Sum(

void CleanupRetain(void)
	/* Free hash memory.  */

int CheckRetainFile(const char * file)
	retain_buffer = fopen(file, "rb");
	if (retain_buffer) {
		/* Check CRC32 and hash.  */
		if (CheckFileCRC(retain_buffer))
			if (CheckFilehash())
				return 1;
		retain_buffer = NULL;
	return 0;

int CheckRetainBuffer(void)
	retain_buffer = NULL;
	if (!retain_info.retain_size)
		return 1;

	/* Check latest retain file.  */
	if (CheckRetainFile(rb_file))
		return 1;

	/* Check if we have backup.  */
	if (CheckRetainFile(rb_file_bckp))
		return 1;

	/* We don't have any valid retain buffer - nothing to remind.  */
	return 0;


static double CalcDiffSeconds(IEC_TIME* t1, IEC_TIME *t2)
	IEC_TIME dt ={
		t1->tv_sec  - t2->tv_sec,
		t1->tv_nsec - t2->tv_nsec

	if ((dt.tv_nsec < -1000000000) || ((dt.tv_sec > 0) && (dt.tv_nsec < 0))){
		dt.tv_nsec += 1000000000;
	if ((dt.tv_nsec > +1000000000) || ((dt.tv_sec < 0) && (dt.tv_nsec > 0))){
		dt.tv_nsec -= 1000000000;
	return dt.tv_sec + 1e-9*dt.tv_nsec;

int RetainSaveNeeded(void)
	int ret = 0;
	static IEC_TIME last_save;
	IEC_TIME now;
	double diff_s;

	/* no retain */
	if (!retain_info.retain_size)
		return 0;

	/* periodic retain flush to avoid high I/O load */

	diff_s = CalcDiffSeconds(&now, &last_save);

	if ((diff_s > FILE_RETAIN_SAVE_PERIOD_S) || ForceSaveRetainReq()) {
		ret = 1;
		last_save = now;
	return ret;

void ValidateRetainBuffer(void)
	if (!retain_buffer)

	/* Add retain data CRC to the end of buffer file.  */
	fseek(retain_buffer, 0, SEEK_END);
	fwrite(&retain_crc, sizeof(uint32_t), 1, retain_buffer);

	/* Sync file buffer and close file.  */
#ifdef __WIN32

	retain_buffer = NULL;

void InValidateRetainBuffer(void)
	if (!RetainSaveNeeded())

	/* Rename old retain file into *.bak if it exists.  */
	rename(rb_file, rb_file_bckp);

	/* Set file CRC initial value.  */
	retain_crc = retain_info.header_crc;

	/* Create new retain file.  */
	retain_buffer = fopen(rb_file, "wb+");
	if (!retain_buffer) {
		fprintf(stderr, "Failed to create retain file : %s\n", rb_file);

	/* Write header to the new file.  */
		sizeof(retain_info.retain_size), 1, retain_buffer);
		sizeof(retain_info.hash_size),   1, retain_buffer);
	fwrite(retain_info.hash ,
		sizeof(char), retain_info.hash_size, retain_buffer);

void Retain(unsigned int offset, unsigned int count, void *p)
	if (!retain_buffer)

	/* Generate CRC 32 for each data block.  */
	retain_crc = GenerateCRC32Sum(p, count, retain_crc);

	/* Save current var in file.  */
	fseek(retain_buffer, retain_info.header_offset+offset, SEEK_SET);
	fwrite(p, count, 1, retain_buffer);

void Remind(unsigned int offset, unsigned int count, void *p)
	/* Remind variable from file.  */
	fseek(retain_buffer, retain_info.header_offset+offset, SEEK_SET);
	fread((void *)p, count, 1, retain_buffer);
#endif // !HAVE_RETAIN