author Andrey Skvortsov <>
Wed, 13 Mar 2019 11:47:03 +0300
changeset 2537 eb4a4cc41914
parent 2536 2747d6e72eb8
child 2543 2befed4d6ca8
permissions -rw-r--r--
Fix various pylint and pep8 errors

Check basic code-style problems for PEP-8
pep8 version: 2.4.0
./connectors/PYRO/ E261 at least two spaces before inline comment
./connectors/ E128 continuation line under-indented for visual indent
./controls/ E127 continuation line over-indented for visual indent
./controls/ E127 continuation line over-indented for visual indent

Check for problems using pylint ...
No config file found, using default configuration
pylint 1.9.4,
astroid 1.6.5
Python 2.7.16rc1 (default, Feb 18 2019, 11:05:09)
[GCC 8.2.0]
Use multiple threads for pylint
Using config file /home/developer/WorkData/PLC/beremiz/beremiz/.pylint
************* Module connectors.PYRO_dialog
connectors/ [W0611(unused-import), ] Unused import wx
************* Module connectors
connectors/ [W1652(deprecated-types-field), ] Accessing a deprecated fields on the types module
connectors/ [C0411(wrong-import-order), ] standard import "from types import ClassType" should be placed before "from connectors.ConnectorBase import ConnectorBase"
************* Module connectors.PYRO.PSK_Adapter
connectors/PYRO/ [C0411(wrong-import-order), ] standard import "import ssl" should be placed before "import sslpsk"
************* Module connectors.SchemeEditor
connectors/ [C0330(bad-continuation), ] Wrong continued indentation (add 1 space).
connectors/ [W0631(undefined-loop-variable), SchemeEditor.__init__] Using possibly undefined loop variable 'tag'
************* Module runtime.WampClient
runtime/ [W1612(unicode-builtin), WampSession.onJoin] unicode built-in referenced
runtime/ [W1612(unicode-builtin), WampSession.publishWithOwnID] unicode built-in referenced
runtime/ [W1612(unicode-builtin), PublishEvent] unicode built-in referenced
runtime/ [W1612(unicode-builtin), PublishEventWithOwnID] unicode built-in referenced
runtime/ [W0611(unused-import), ] Unused str imported from builtins as text
************* Module runtime.PLCObject
runtime/ [W1648(bad-python3-import), ] Module moved in Python 3
runtime/ [C0411(wrong-import-order), ] standard import "import md5" should be placed before "from six.moves import xrange"
runtime/ [C0411(wrong-import-order), ] standard import "from tempfile import mkstemp" should be placed before "from six.moves import xrange"
runtime/ [C0411(wrong-import-order), ] standard import "import shutil" should be placed before "from six.moves import xrange"
runtime/ [C0411(wrong-import-order), ] standard import "from functools import wraps, partial" should be placed before "from six.moves import xrange"
************* Module runtime.Worker
runtime/ [W1648(bad-python3-import), ] Module moved in Python 3
************* Module runtime.spawn_subprocess
runtime/ [C0325(superfluous-parens), ] Unnecessary parens after 'print' keyword
runtime/ [C0325(superfluous-parens), ] Unnecessary parens after 'print' keyword
runtime/ [E1601(print-statement), ] print statement used
runtime/ [E1601(print-statement), ] print statement used
************* Module controls.IDBrowser
controls/ [C0330(bad-continuation), ] Wrong continued indentation (remove 5 spaces).
if self.isManager
| ^
controls/ [C0330(bad-continuation), ] Wrong continued indentation (remove 5 spaces).
| ^
************* Module Beremiz_service [W0611(unused-import), ] Unused import __builtin__
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import print_function

import socket
import re
import ssl
import sslpsk
import Pyro
from Pyro.core import PyroURI
from Pyro.protocol import _connect_socket, TCPConnection, PYROAdapter
from Pyro.errors import ConnectionDeniedError, ProtocolError
from Pyro.util import Log

# The TLS-PSK adapter that handles SSL connections instead of regular sockets,
# but using Pre Shared Keys instead of Certificates
class PYROPSKAdapter(PYROAdapter):
    # This is essentialy the same as in Pyro/
    # only raw_sock wrapping into sock through sslpsk.wrap_socket was added
    # Pyro unfortunately doesn't allow cleaner customization
    def bindToURI(self, URI):
        with self.lock:   # only 1 thread at a time can bind the URI
                self.URI = URI

                # This are the statements that differ from Pyro/
                raw_sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
                _connect_socket(raw_sock, URI.address, URI.port, self.timeout)
                sock = sslpsk.wrap_socket(
                    raw_sock, psk=Pyro.config.PYROPSK, server_side=False,
                    ciphers="PSK-AES256-CBC-SHA",  # available in openssl 1.0.2
                # all the rest is the same as in Pyro/

                conn = TCPConnection(sock, sock.getpeername())
                # receive the authentication challenge string, and use that to build the actual identification string.
                    authChallenge = self.recvAuthChallenge(conn)
                except ProtocolError as x:
                    # check if we were denied
                    if hasattr(x, "partialMsg") and x.partialMsg[:len(self.denyMSG)] == self.denyMSG:
                        raise ConnectionDeniedError(Pyro.constants.deniedReasons[int(x.partialMsg[-1])])
                # reply with our ident token, generated from the ident passphrase and the challenge
                msg = self._sendConnect(sock, self.newConnValidator.createAuthToken(self.ident, authChallenge, conn.addr, self.URI, None))
                if msg == self.acceptMSG:
                    self.conn = conn
                    self.conn.connected = 1
                    Log.msg('PYROAdapter', 'connected to', str(URI))
                    if URI.protocol == 'PYROLOCPSK':
                        self.resolvePYROLOC_URI("PYROPSK")  # updates self.URI
                elif msg[:len(self.denyMSG)] == self.denyMSG:
                        raise ConnectionDeniedError(Pyro.constants.deniedReasons[int(msg[-1])])
                    except (KeyError, ValueError):
                        raise ConnectionDeniedError('invalid response')
            except socket.error:
                Log.msg('PYROAdapter', 'connection failed to URI', str(URI))
                raise ProtocolError('connection failed')

_getProtocolAdapter = Pyro.protocol.getProtocolAdapter

def getProtocolAdapter(protocol):
    if protocol in ('PYROPSK', 'PYROLOCPSK'):
        return PYROPSKAdapter()
    return _getProtocolAdapter(protocol)

Pyro.protocol.getProtocolAdapter = getProtocolAdapter

_processStringURI = Pyro.core.processStringURI

def processStringURI(URI):
    x = re.match(r'(?P<protocol>PYROLOCPSK)://(?P<hostname>[^\s:]+):?(?P<port>\d+)?/(?P<name>\S*)', URI)
    if x:
        protocol ='protocol')
        hostname ='hostname')
        port ='port')
        if port:
            port = int(port)
            port = 0
        name ='name')
        return PyroURI(hostname, name, port, protocol)
    return _processStringURI(URI)

Pyro.core.processStringURI = processStringURI